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planurile anatomice

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  • 8/13/2019 planurile anatomice


    Anatomical Language Integumentary System Skeletal Tissue Appendicular Skeleton Axial Skeleton Joints MuscularSystem: Structure Muscular System: Axial Muscles Muscular System: Appendicular Muscles Nervous System:

    Tissue Nervous System: Central Nervous System Nervous System: Peripheral Nervous System Nervous System: SpecialSenses Cardiovascular System: Blood Cardiovascular System: Heart Cardiovascular System: Circulation LymphaticSystem Respiratory System Urinary System Digestive System Male Reproductive System Female ReproductiveSystem Endocrine System


    Anatomical position

    In order to avoid confusion when describing the body, it is always described in the anatomical position. In the anatomicalposition, a person stands erect, legs together and arms by their sides, with their head, eyes, toes and palms of the handsfacing forward. It is important to remember that the palms face forward as their relaxed position is generally facing inwards.

    The anatomical position allows us to describe the position of structures in relation to their surroundings, e.g. the heart liesabove the diaphragm. The anatomical position avoids confusion as to whether the body islying down or standing up.

    You should also bear in mind that when looking at a person in the anatomical position, their right side will be on your left.The structures will always be described as they are to the subject rather than as they appear to you.

    Anatomical planes and directions


    There are three major anatomical planes; axial, coronal, and sagittal.

    If the body is cut in the sagittal plane, exactly along the middle of the body, it is known as the median sagittal line/plane.


    Study Guide

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    When you have completed this chapter you should be able to:

    Describe the standard anatomical position.

    Know the difference between the anatomical planes.

    Describe the location of a structure using direction terms. Identify the quadrants and regions of the body.

    Anatomical Position Description

    Axial(also know as thetransverse


    This plane cuts the body horizontally, into superior (upper) and inferior (lower)

    portions.Coronal(also known as thefrontal

    plane)This plane cuts the body vertically, into anterior (front) and posterior (back)portions.

    Sagittal This plane cuts the body vertically, into left and right portions.

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    Click here to view the thorax in the axial, coronaland sagittalplanes.


    Direction is used, when the body is in the anatomical position to explain the location of a structure relative to the structuressurrounding it.

    Direction Description Example

    Anterior (or ventral) Towards the front of the body (in front of). The sternum lies anterior to the heart.

    Posterior (or dorsal) Towards the back of the body (behind). The heart lies posterior the sternum.

    Superior (or cranial) Above (on top of). The heart lies superior to the diaphragm.

    Inferior (or caudal) Below (underneath). The diaphragm lies inferior to the heart.

    Lateral Away from the mid line of the body (towards the sides). The lungs lie lateral to the heart.

    Medial Towards the mid line of the body (towards the middle). The heart lies medial to the lungs.

    Deep Away from the body surface (towards the inner body). The heart is deep to the sternum.Superficial Towards the external surface of the body. The sternum is superficial to the heart.

    Proximal Nearer to the trunk of the body. The shoulder is proximal to the elbow.

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    Body cavities

    There are two main cavities within the body, the ventraland thedorsalcavities.

    The dorsal body cavity is at the back of the body and is the smaller of the two cavities. It can be further divided into theupper and lower portions, the cranial cavity and the vertebral canal respectively.

    The ventral body cavity is at the front of the body and is the larger of the two cavities. It can be further divided into threecavities, the thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. The thoracic and abdominal cavities are divided by the

    diaphragm and the abdominal and pelvic cavities are continuous with each other.

    Patellar Front of the knee

    Popliteal Back of the knee

    Crural Leg

    Tarsal Ankle

    Calcaneal Heel

    Pedal Foot

    Plantar Sole of the foot


    Complete the following questions before you go onto the next section:

    Name 8 regions used to describe the axial body. List the regions of the upper limb and describe what they pertain to.

    List the regions of the lower limb and describe what they pertain to.

    Name Description Boundaries Contain

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    Quadrants and regions of the abdomen

    The abdomen can be divided by two lines into 4 quadrants or by 4 lines into 9 regions.

    The two lines that divide the abdomen into quadrants form a cross, the centre of which is positioned over the umbilicus(belly button). These quadrants are often used to indicate the location of pain.


    Dorsal cavitySmall cavity at the

    back of the body.


    Upper portion. Bounded by the skull. Brain and meninges.


    Lower portion.Bounded by the vertebral column, intervertebraldiscs and surrounding ligaments.

    Spinal cord, spinal nerve roots.



    Large cavity at the

    front of the body.


    Large cavity abovethe diaphragm.

    It is bound laterally by the ribs (covered by costalpleura) and the diaphragm inferiorly (covered bydiaphragmatic pleura)

    Heart, lungs, trachea,oesophagus, large blood vesselsand nerves.


    Large cavity belowthe diaphragm.

    It is bound superiorly by the diaphragm, laterallyby the body wall, and inferiorly by the pelviccavity.

    Gastrointestinal tract, spleen,kidneys and adrenal glands.

    Pelvic cavitySmall cavity belowthe brim of the pelvis.

    It is bounded superiorly by the abdominal cavity,posteriorly by the sacrum, and laterally by thepelvis

    Urinary bladder, genitals,sigmoid colon and rectum.


    Complete the following questions before you go onto the next section:

    How are the dorsal and ventral cavities subdivided? Describe the boundaries of the abdominal cavity.

    List the contents of the thoracic cavity.

    Quadrant Name Contains

    Right upperquadrant

    Liver, gallbladder, right kidney, duodenum, a portion of the ascending and transverse colons and thesmall intestine.

    Left upperquadrant

    Stomach, spleen, left kidney, pancreas, a portion of the descending and transverse colons and thesmall intestine.

    Right lowerquadrant

    Appendix, caecum, a potion of the ascending colon and the small intestine.

    Left lower quadrant A portion of the descending and transverse colons and the small intestine.

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    There are two vertical lines and two horizontal lines that divide the abdomen into a grid. The vertical lines also known aslateral lines are positioned using the middle of each clavicle as a reference. The upper horizontal line (also known as thetranspyloric or subcostal line) is positioned at the level of the pylorus of the stomachclose to the subcostal margin of theribs. The lower horizontal line (also known as transtubercular line) is positioned at the level of the anterior superior iliacspines of the coxal (hip) bone.


    Region Name

    Right hypochondriac region

    Left hypochondriac region

    Epigastric region

    Right lateral region

    Left lateral region

    Umbilical region

    Right inguinal region

    Hypogastric (pubic) region

    Left inguinal region

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    Complete the following questions before you go onto the next section:

    List the four quadrants of the abdomen.

    List the nine regions of the abdominal cavity.

    Describe where the transpyloric line is positioned.

    Test your understanding of this chapter with the Interactive Quizzesand MCQs

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