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Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” “Skills...

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Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” “Skills ecosystems” for innovation, regional development, and social cohesion Week of Innovative Regions in Europe Education for innovation Iasi, Romania, 27 of June 2019 Joao SANTOS Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit E3 - Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning [email protected] linkedin.com/in/JoaoSantosEU @JoaoSantosEU
Page 1: Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” “Skills ...wire2019.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1.-Joao-Santos.pdfApproach to Vocational Excellence 12 Competence Centers are

Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence”

“Skills ecosystems” for innovation, regional development, and social cohesion

Week of Innovative Regions in Europe

Education for innovation

Iasi, Romania, 27 of June 2019


Deputy Head of Unit

European Commission,

Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Unit E3 - Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning

[email protected] linkedin.com/in/JoaoSantosEU @JoaoSantosEU

Page 2: Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” “Skills ...wire2019.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1.-Joao-Santos.pdfApproach to Vocational Excellence 12 Competence Centers are

1) Understanding change We live in interesting times…

2) Seizing the opportunity – Vocational Excellence We are the master of our destiny…

3) Addressing complexity through trans-national cooperation We rise by lifting others…


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Understanding change

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Generational paradigm shifts over lifetime

@Heather McGowan, and World Economic Forum

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Moving from being “educated”, to lifelong learning “engagement”

@Heather McGowan

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Seizing the opportunity Vocational Excellence

“The skills issue is strategic. People will not be afraid of the digital era if they are skilled. You need digitally skilled people to have companies that can flourish, pay good salaries and ensure real growth. It will not be simply about having the right skills, nor is it just about a particular digital profession: It is in fact a mindset”

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Major dimensions of VET Transformation

Adapted from UNESCO/UNEVOC

• Vocational Excellence; Competitiveness; Entrepreneurship; At all levels of E&T

Innovative VET

• Open to, and for ALL; Contributing to cohesive societies

Inclusive VET

• Responsive to LM & Social needs; Flexible; modular; Focus on learning outcomes; QA

Quality VET

• Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals; Skills for green jobs

Sustainable VET

• Providing flexible opportunities for lifelong learning and managing job/life transitions

Lifelong VET

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Bringing together:

Policy makers



VET institutions

Universities of applied science

Research centres

Employment services/agencies

Regional development agencies

Professional or sector associations

Centres of Vocational Excellence Fostering local “Skills ecosystems”

Inspired on concept of “Skills ecosystems” proposed by David Finegold (1999) ‘Creating self-sustaining, high-skill ecosystems’, Oxford Review of Economics

Companies See comparative

advantage to address skill development and business performance

for generating innovation and growth

Policy setting VET, employment and economic development policies support high

skills strategy

Vocational Education and Training

Responsive delivery at all levels, that is valued by

individuals and employers

Individuals Invest in skills because

of rewarding jobs and career


Skills eco-


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The UNESCO/UNEVOC model “Innovation Hubs ”

Skills hubs represent a systemic approach through which the TVET institution consolidates its contribution to skills for innovation and the innovation of skills

A key component of the initiative will be the development of guidelines, tools and Notable among these outputs will be:

• An overall guideline for Innovating TVET in TVET institutions;

• A balanced scorecard together with indicators to help TVET institutions assess their performance and identify opportunities for improvement;

• A compendium of innovative practice and learning;

• A global platform for peer support

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Vocational Education and

training (including Higher VET)

Research and Development

Business/ Industry

VET fostering Entrepreneurial attitudes and STEAM skills

VET skills as a key input for Business innovation and competitiveness

Knowledge of market needs push for relevant VET curricula and qualifications

VET pro-active in the “Knowledge triangle”

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Anchored into frameworks of regional development, innovation and smart specialisation - allows for the identification of synergies between policies and amongst stakeholders, avoiding ad-hoc actions

Integration of activities - CoVEs achieve more than sum of the parts

Strong and enduring partnerships - between the VET community, businesses and universities in which interactions are reciprocal and mutually beneficial

CoVE mapping exercise: Key success factors

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BELGIUM (FR) Approach to Vocational Excellence


Competence Centers are places of vocational expertise and training responsible for :

Vocational training

Skills recognition

Orientation and information on jobs and labour market,

Technological observatory,

Educational activities.

Up-to-date and state of the art equipment and infrastructure.

More than 600 professional trainers.

For job seekers, workers, students and teachers, Kids and Teens

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FRANCE Campus des métiers et qualifications

Approach to Vocational Excellence


Coverage of the 124 French innovation territories identified by the regions and the 43 existing campuses linked to heavy industry

Focus on the Aeronautical campus of the southern region

Its mission is part of public policies concerning employment and training defined at :

• European level - Sectoral alliances for skills

• National level - Industry territories, Campus of Excellence or Campus for trades and qualifications, Alliance for Industry of the Future, French Fab

• Regional level - Initiative of Regional Interest, Mediterranean Industries, The Regional Bank of Employment and Learning, Observatory of trades

• Infra-regional level - TEAM Henri - Fabre

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NETHERLANDS Approach to Vocational Excellence


Critical success factors for the establishment of new PPP’s

Partnerships and cooperation: Involvement of regional/local governments, businesses and education

Alignment of policies: Avoid contradicting existing national education regulation (i.e. curricula, oversight, quality checks)

Sustainability and support: Give it time, provide expertise, focus on improving and monitoring (it takes > 5 years to build a self-sustainable ppp)

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SPAIN (Basque country) Approach to Vocational Excellence



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Addressing complexity through cooperation

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Foster Vocational Excellence at two levels


Through Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE)

Operating in a given local context, embedding them closely in the local innovation and skills ecosystems, working with businesses, chambers, tertiary education, research institutions, public authorities, etc.

Through Platforms of CoVE's to establish world-class reference points for VET by bringing together partners that share a common interest in: Specific sectors/trades - such as

aeronautics, e-mobility, green technologies, healthcare, textiles…

Societal challenges - such as integration of migrants, Digitalisation, AI, SDG, upskilling and reskilling…

Centres of Vocational Excellence The initiative

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Activities clustered in three groups:

1) Teaching and learning

2) Cooperation and partnerships

3) Governance and funding

CoVE’s key activities clustered in three groups

Page 19: Platforms of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” “Skills ...wire2019.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1.-Joao-Santos.pdfApproach to Vocational Excellence 12 Competence Centers are

Vocational Excellence

Partnerships for: Skills anticipation, Apprenticeships, T&T exchanges…

Governance (social partners, national and local governments

VET providers, development agencies…)

Providing both Initial and continuing VET at all EQF Levels

Incubators supporting

entrepreneurial initiatives

Innovative curricula, & Teaching & training

methodologies (PBL, Interdisciplinary...)

Technology diffusion and

Innovation Hubs

Validation and Guidance

Higher VET, and Flexible pathways with Schools and


Quality assurance feedback loop, learner tracking

Cost-sharing, sustainable funding, and effective use of

EU funding

Regional development, Smart Specialisation, Knowledge triangle

Typical activities of CoVE's Pro-active partner in local development

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Erasmus+ projects to pilot the CoVE initiative


Erasmus+ KA2 Sector Skills Alliances

call for pilot projects on CoVE


Erasmus+ KA3 call for Platforms of

Vocational Excellence (full pilot)


Erasmus and ERDF, ESF+, InvestEU,

Horizon Europe supporting CoVE

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