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Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015

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Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad email: [email protected] [email protected] Platinum Gazette Platinum Gazette Tel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147 23 January 2015 Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business Park ark ark ark ark Shop where South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 © Platinum Gazette Look De Hoop Dam (currently still waiting to be renamed) is fast moving to the 100 percent full mark, the first time since construction of the wall has been completed last year. The adjacent graphic is a screenshot of the Department of Water and Sanitation’s website that indicates the water level on 19 January 2015. The photograph was taken on Sunday, 18 January. Meanwhile construction of the reticulation network is still underway. Throughout the past festive season residents of villages near the dam in the vicinity of Steel Bridge has in the mean-time taken up angling as a new sport, although formal recreation facilities have not yet been established.
Page 1: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

23 January 2015

Burgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business ParkarkarkarkarkShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227

© P





LookDe Hoop Dam (currently still waiting to be renamed) is fast moving to the 100percent full mark, the first time since construction of the wall has been completedlast year. The adjacent graphic is a screenshot of the Department of Water andSanitation’s website that indicates the water level on 19 January 2015. Thephotograph was taken on Sunday, 18 January. Meanwhile construction of thereticulation network is still underway. Throughout the past festive seasonresidents of villages near the dam in the vicinity of Steel Bridge has in themean-time taken up angling as a new sport, although formal recreation facilitieshave not yet been established.

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015

2 NEWS 23 JANUARY 2015

Tel: 013-231 8481/2/3 or Loffie, 082 853 7417E-mail: [email protected]

PPPPPrrrrrotea Totea Totea Totea Totea Towing Serowing Serowing Serowing Serowing Servicesvicesvicesvicesvices

Member of:

Towing with a pick-up or either a 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback.Approved by all major insurance companies.

Voorspoed vir 2015 en dankie aan al ons kliënte virhul ondersteuning deur 2014!

A prosperous 2015 and thank you to all our clients fortheir loyal support during 2014!

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion,kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievancesyou may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues puton love, which binds them all together in perfect unity”.Colossians 3:12-14 (NIV)

The photograph above was taken from a viewpoint overlooking Burgersfort. It was taken last week asthunder clouds started gathering after a sweltering few days.

Home(s)with aview

Residents of Buffelshoek had to relocate dueto construction of the De Hoop Dam.Lengthy negotiations originally stalled someof the construction work of the dam. Thiscoupled with striking workers delayed theoriginal completion date.The new homes are nearing completion andwill provide them with an excellent view ofthe dam. They are just some of the hopefulresidents close to the dam hoping to benefitfrom tourism and other spin-offs from thedam.The houses can be seen from the R555when travelling to Roossenekal.

Hawkers growingimpatient

The hawker stalls under construction in Praktiseer.

Hawkers in Greater Tubatse are eager for their new hawker stalls tobe completed. Construction is underway in Burgersfort andPraktiseer.On 10 June 2014 the Red Ants removed all the hawkers’ illegalstructures to make way for construction of new stalls. Theconstruction of the stalls were expected to be completed within 3 to 6months. It is however progressing much slower. “They told us thatMay 2015 is the new date they will finish,” one hawker told thenewspaper this week. “We hope so, but we’ll have to wait and see”.

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Progress and decayGood news first. Dirk Winterbach Street is getting amake-over with new sidewalks currently beingconstructed near the taxi rank and opposite BurgersfortMall.

The bad news? Despite millions being spend on fixing potholesand painting new road markings in Burgersfort, some roads arelooking like this. Residents complain that regular passengervehicles can barely negotiate these obstacles.

Roads like the cross at ElandStreet and Dirk WinterbachStreet was fixed in Decemberbut are already littered withpotholes again. Thissignificantly impacts on thetraffic flow through town - notto mention the traffic lightsthat are still out of order.

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4 NEWS 23 JANUARY 2015

Hey, you needto stop!

Construction on the R555 throughSteelpoort is well underway. This has alsoresulted in an alternative route next to theoriginal road that is currently being re-constructed. The alternative route is now

sporting some new signage - a stop street.At the turn-off towards Winterveld and RibaCross there is now a four way stop.Motorists are asked to be aware of this andobey the new rules for everyone’s safety.

Sport centre progressingConstruction of the sport centrein Ohrigstad has resumed andthe area is a hive of activity.This centre will not bededicated to Ohrigstad only butserve a s base from whichlarge events can be staged inthe future. It will featurefacilities for various sportingcodes such as soccer, rugbyand netball. The developmentof this facility is part of the longterm development plans ofGreater Tubatse Municipality.

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After numerous enquiries during the past week, PlatinumGazette must state that the newspaper’s Beánnla Celliers diddrive the Opel Adam last week as stated in the publishedadvertorial (photograph not posed).Praises have a limit, so the editor cut her contribution to thearticle very short. After driving from Glencore/Merafe’s Lionsmelters, she declared that it was a fantastic little car, withvery sharp and precise steering (not to talk of the brakes) afterdodging the potholes between the Eerstegeluk/Lannex crossand the Samancor Chrome Tubatse smelter.She said “I prefer the company’s small Japanese 4 x 4 in thisarea as a daily commute because of the sometimeschallenging terrain and the places I must go for my work. Butin a city, the Adam will be a strong contender (in blue).”Contact Westvaal Steelpoort if you are interested. Tel: 013230 9230.(The editor took the photograph while she was driving. Hereally felt safe, it is an excellent car and she is a first classdriver)

Eve did JoshuaGeneration’sfirst timers

At both the Steelpoort and Burgersfort campuses of JoshuaGeneration learners started school for the first time last week.They were not afraid of this new journey and were all smiles asthey started their twelve year journey for basic education.(Information & photographs: Joshua Generation).

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6 NEWS 23 JANUARY 2015

This year the ANC celebrated their 103rd

birthday with a big bash in Cape Town. ANCsupporters painted Cape Town stadiumyellow, black and green in celebration.Journalists and important people form mediahouses were also there to witness thehappenings. Karima Brown, GroupExecutive Editor of Independent NewspaperGroup even posted a picture posing withveteran journalist and Group Editor ofOpinion and Analysis, Vukani Mde alldressed up in ANC regalia on social media.The two were not at the event to report onthe proceedings.This sparked wide controversy both in themedia industry and outside. Last year theIndependent Newspaper Group firedDonwald Pressly for seeking political officewith the Democratic Alliance. He was ajournalist working for Business Report. Thegroup sited “a breach of IndependentNewspapers’ editorial code of conduct andcode of ethics and a breach of trust thatthose readers place in our titles and thewriters who put them together” as thereason. Although many noted that there is abig difference between seeking politicaloffice and wearing political attire, many feelthat journalists should try to remain onneutral ground to keep the credibility of theirpublications above board. “Journalists arehuman and by nature gravitate towardsspecific ideologies and ways of thinkingshaped by a myriad of influences andfactors. We are not blank slates. Ultimately,however, our job is to monitor and to holdpower to account – whatever its colours,”Marianne Thamm, an opinion writer for theDaily Maverick said. The IndependentNewspaper Group owned by Iqbal Survé’sSekunjalo Consortium has been viewed bymany as particularly vocal in its support forthe ANC. The question was raised whetherthe management of IndependentNewspapers would be fine with a journalistattending an EFF event or DA gathering inthose parties’ regalia?Platinum Gazette asked readers what theythink about this.

Mnr. Ryno en Me. Christa de Jager sê: “Hulle het vir hulself ‘n gat gegrawe. Nou gaan ‘nmens twee keer dink om te glo wat hulle skryf. Hulle moet onpartydig bly”.

Mr Joel Ngwane, Mr Sylvester Mahlake, Mr Sipho Molobela and Mr Norman Mnisi said: “It istheir freedom of choice what to wear, but we won’t trust what they write”.

Mr Walter Nzimande said: “They mustexpress where they stand politically. Thenwe will know how to view it when they writeabout that party”.

Mr Richard Agim said: “Journalists arehuman. They as South Africans have rights.They have political affiliations. It is hypocrisyto think that they should not wear political T-shirts. There is nobody who doesn’t belongto a political party. Journalists write the truthand they can only do that if they are honestabout what party they belong to. It doesinfluence the way they write, but when weknow their political affiliation and theydeclare it we know how biased it will be”.

Links: Me JoyceKomane en MeThandi Moriri sê:“Nee, nee! Hullemoenie wys watterparty hulleondersteun nie. Dansal ons nie glo wathulle skryf nie.Mense in die mediamoet altyd gewoonaantrek”.

Left: Mr ArabiaMohlala and MrEnos Makwana said:“They will be fair nomatter what they arewearing. Journalistsare professionalpeople and theyshould be allowed towear political partyT-shirts if they wantto”.

Ms Lucy Nkosi, Ms Anna Serage and Ms Anna Mashego said:“Journalists should always wear the clothes of the party whoseevent they are attending. The party whose function it is must givethe journalists their T-shirts to wear”.

Mr Killian Sibanda said: “They must stopwearing political clothes. The reason is theirown safety. People can be offended if theysee you belong to a specific party while youshould be neutral”. With him is Tshepo.

Left: Mr SiphoMakola and MrJacob Mohlalasaid: “The mediashould be close tothe ANC becausewe need to knowwhat is happeningon the inside.Journalists andthe media shouldbe neutral. Don’twear politicalattire anywhere orwe won’t trustyou”.

Does it really matter what

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015


Mr Trinity Magabe and Ms Damaris Magabe said: “It is totally wrong.Not acceptable at all. Maybe they are being bribed? They are thenjournalists and media that is one with the ANC. This means thateven if the ANC is doing wrong, they will not fully expose or criticiseit”. With them is Success.

Mr Tsietsi Lehloo said: “They should be ableto wear anything. They were celebrating theANC’s birthday. Straight and forward”.

Ms Kully Ntsong and Ms Lindiwe Shai said: “They should be neutral.They should wear normal clothes. They will not be fair if they areabsorbed by wearing political clothes”.

Mr Speed Kgwetianesaid: “They must notwear political T-shirts, even if theybelong to the party.People will thinkthey take sideswhen reporting. It islike soccer referees.The referee likessoccer, but cannottake sides – he mustbe fair not matterwhat team hesecretly supports.People will not trustwhat you write andsay you are not fairif you wear politicalattire. It will benegative for thenewspaper becausepeople not belongingto the party will loseinterest in it”.

Ms Lettie Lesele said: “Journalists shouldwear neutral clothes when they are at workand in the public eye. At home they canwear what they want”.

Mr Johannes Phiri said: “During workinghours media houses should give theirpeople uniforms to wear. After work they canwear political clothing”.

Mr Goodman Goloda said: “It’s worryingbecause the media must be neutral. Theymust control themselves and not be overexcited at such events. They have aresponsibility to society and the people mustbe able to believe what their publicationswrite”.

Mr Dumisa Madalane said: “I’m not surewhat exactly transpired in Cape Town.South Africa is a democratic country andanyone can do what they want withoutprejudice. Journalists have the same fullrights like everyone. When they are on dutythey should be neutral, but when away fromwork they can wear what they want. HelenZille was a journalist before she became apolitician. She displayed her interestsoutside her job. She was a political partymember, but did not publicise it”.

Mr Jeremiah Maalakano said: “They shouldbe neutral. If they give information they willbe influenced by the party whose clothesthey wear. They will favour those parties”.

Mr Jerry Mnisi andMr FrederickLesinya said:“They should notbe allowed to wearpolitical clothing.They should beidentifiable asmedia people. Wewon’t trust them ifthey are in politicalattire”.

Right: Ms JaneMokoena, MsLebogang Mothomi,Mr Mahlake Ngoatleand Ms MammitjieMaphakge said: “No,it’s not ok for peoplefrom the media towear political clothes.Journalists shouldnever favour politicalparties. They mustbe impartial andremember thatinformation andpolitics are not onlyabout the ANC”.

Mr Lucky Mzimba said: “Journalists mustwear clothes that show who they areworking for. It shows they are professional.They should not ever wear political T-shirts”.

Mr Vincent Sekgobela said: “They must beneutral. They work with all the differentpolitical parties. They should not show theirinterest in specific political parties. If theywear political attire the people will know themedia house or journalists are not from theirparty and see what they write that way”.

a journalist is wearing?

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8 NEWS 23 JANAURY 2015





Notice is given, interms of Sections 22and 39 of the Mineral

and PetroleumResources

Development Act (Act28 of 2002) and

regulations 48, 49 end50 of the Mineral andPetroleum Resources

Developmentregulations publishedin Government Notice

No R.527 underSection 107(1 )(f) of

the said Act, as well asthe EIA regulations

published inGovernment Notice NoR.385 under Section24(5) of the National

EnvironmentalManagement Act (Act

No 107 of 1998), of theintent to carry out a fullEnvironmental Impact

Assessment for thefollowing activity:

Description:Establishment of anopen pit mine and

associatedinfrastructure. The

minerals to be minedare Iron, Titanium and

Vanadium.Project Location:

Portions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,& REMAINING

EXTENT of the farm

STEELPOORTDRIFT365 KT, MagisterialDistrict of Tubatse in

the Limpopo Province.The farm Steelpoort

365 KT is located some30 km south-west of

the town of Steelpoort.A tarred road runs

more or less parallel tothe western boundaryof the farm, and to the

south the farm isseparated from the

R555 main road fromSteelpoort to

Middelburg by theSteelpoort River. TheDr Eiselen dam on theShakwaneng River is

immediately north-westof the project area.Size of the site:

2456.5752 hectares.The area to be affectedby mining activities and

associatedinfrastructure willexceed 20ha. The

annual production isestimated to be360 000 tons.

In order to ensure thatyou are identified as

interested and/oraffected party, please

submit your name,contact details and

interest in the matter, inwriting, to the

consultant contactperson provided belowwithin 30 days of the

publication of thisnotice.

DMR Ref No: LP 30/5/1/2/2/10095 MR

Proponent: VanadiumResources (Pty) LtdRegistration number:






SELETE SA TUBATSEGo fiwa tsebiso gobenganaga ba o baangwago/badudi ba

semolao/bengnaga babaagisane/batho

bangwe bao ban ago lekgahlego go ba

angwagokamaikemisetso amananeo a go agamayini o mo mpsadipolaseng tseo diboletswego ka mo

tlase. Dikgopelo ga yaKarolo 22 ya Molao waTlhabollo ya Methopo

ya Diminerale lePetrole (MPRDA) 2002go dira mananeo a go

bula molete/myne.Jomela Consulting

(Pty) Ltd e thwetše goba Ditsibi tse ditla

thuša Hlago go diradinyakišišo tše ditla

thušago go tšwewa gasephetho ke ba kgonoya tša Diminerale (go

ya ka MPRDA).Dinyakišišo di tla dinaoka di karolo tše pedi:Scoping Report, le gokaretšwa ga batho balefelo ka dinyakišišo

yeo e bitšwago PublicParticipation Process.

Public ParticipationProcess e direlwa gothwala ga batho bao

ban ago le kgahlego le

goba leloko godirwengga dinyakišišo.

Thlalošo: Kgo bulwakga molete/myne le

meago e sepidesanangle pulo ya mayne.

Diminerala ke: Iron,Titanium andVanadium.

Lefelo la Projeke:Portions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,


365 KT, Selete saTubatse, Limpopo

Province.Tekanyo ya Projeke:2456.5752 hectares.Molete le meoago yakgona di tlo feta 20

hectares ka teknayo.Molete o tlo etsa360 000 tons ka

ngwaga.Ge orate go ingwadisa

bjalo ka motho yo anago le kgahlego gobaa angwago goba a na

le ditshwayotshwayo kadikgopelo tše tšamananeo a, hle

fetišetša taba ya gagole ditlabakelo tša

ditlemagano ka gongwala go Mothusi

(Consultant) ateresengyeo e filwego ka mo

fase pele ga matšatšeya 30 ya tsebišo.

DMR Ref No: LP 30/5/1/2/2/10095 MR

Mokgopedi(Proponent): Vanadium

Resources (Pty) LtdRegistration number:

2006/029756/07Mothuši (Consultant):

Jomela Consulting(Pty) Ltd

Ditlabakelo tšaDitlemagano (Contact

Details):Address: P.O. Box

415, Celtis Ridge, 0130E-mail:

[email protected]:(+27) 12 772 2350Mobile: (+27) 79 885

9666Fax: (+27) 86 626 4839






is like

winking at

a girl in

the dark.

You know

what you

are doing,



else does”

- Stuart


Get the newspaper at thesedistribution spots:


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One Stop MotorSpares

SteelpoortVyfster Slaghuis


KleuterskoolSasol SteelpoortDepartment of

Education Circuitoffice Burgersfort


Dilokong MineModikwa Mine

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SAPSLeboeng SAPSOhrigstad SAPS


HandelshuisTotal Garage

OhrigstadOasis Kafee

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OK MInimarkBurgersfort

Education CircuitOffice

Municipal officesMadeleen Willers

AttorneysDie Boma Pub

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015


Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, LydenburgTel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054

E-mail: [email protected]

Registered Debt Counsellor &Administrator

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William ZwartTel: 083 271 9151E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

Website: www.platinumgazette.com

Printers:Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, CityDeep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / orother material contained in the Platinum Gazette areexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the CopyrightAct (98 of 1978).



Beánnla Celliers will see toit that your advertisementin Platinum Gazette meetsthe highest standards with

regard to design andreproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 [email protected]



1.Sport Klubs /Sport




4. Oornag




5. Troeteldiere/Pets

6. Persoonlik/


7. Allerlei/


8. Finansies/


9. Te Huur/To Rent

10. Te Koop/For sale


Khadima’s Lodge nowopen. 171 Nyala

Street, Ext. 5,Burgersfort. Opposite

Department ofLabour.

Contact:076 666 1100/013

231 8609

4. OornagAkkommodasie/


9. Te Huur/For Rent

Lang en kort termynverblyf beskikbaar op

plaas 10km buiteBurgersfort op

Lydenburg pad.Kontak Miena op082-960-3689 of(013) 231-7899.

Twee slaapkamerwoonstel te huur inBurgersfort nabyTubatse Crossing

Mall.Skakel: 082 357

1954 / 083 244 6005

Platinum Gazette

‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig wordof gefaks word na: 086 597 9792 of e-pos na [email protected] complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxedto: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to [email protected]

Sluitingsdatum/Closing date: 10 Februarie 2015/10 February 2015

Indien jy binne 21 dae nie van die maatskappy gehoor het nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol. If youhave not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that yourapplication was unsuccessful.


Vakante betrekking/Vacancy:Verkoopsman/Salesman - Vereistes/Requirements:

• Moet matriek hê/Must have matric • Moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê./Must be inpossession of a valid drivers license • Vorige verkoopsondervinding sal in die persoon se guns tel/Previous sales experience will be an advantage • Moet rekenaargeletterd wees/Must be computerliterate • Moet goeie kommunikasievaardighede hê en as deel van ‘n span, maar ook op eieinisiatief kan werk/Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have theability to work on own initiative • Moet verkoopsdoelwitte kan bereik en die ekstra myl gaan/Mustbe able to reach sales targets while being willing to go the extra mile.


Owners of Ford FigoCDC 531 L

(MAJ1XXMRJ1AP40728);Ford Fiesta FLW 081


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Page 10: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015

10 NEWS 23 JANUARY 2015

Medal competitionat Chrome Golf ClubLast week Saturday players participated in amedal competition at Tubatse Chrome GolfClub. The winner of the day was Martin vanRooyen (72 net score); Second was AlbertMoropane (74 net score) and third wasPierre van Staden (77 net score). The netscores are after the handicap was subtractedfrom the shots played as it was a medal

competition. This weekend three of theClub’s league teams will be playing away.The Club would like to wish them all the bestfor their games. Locally players are welcometo come and enjoy a round of social golf atthe Club or book their space for the ActionCricket Golf Day on 31 January 2015.(Information: Willem Montgomery)

Tubatse Masterstriumph over

Mareseleng FCOn Sunday 18 January Tubatse Masters FC visited thecommunity of Mareseleng for a friendly game againstMareseleng FC.Mareseleng FCimpressed in thefirst half,creating manyopportunities butfailing to put theball in the backof the net. In thisregard Masters’goalkeeperSipho Makabatewas at his bestand half timearrived withoutanyone havingscored a goal.In the secondhalf both teamsput in renewedeffort. In the65th minute AllyMaimela finallyscored for theMasters. Thisclinched the winfor Masters.

(Information:Mokibelo ShinePholoane;Photographs:LollypopMotswiane andMokibelo ShinePholoane).

Page 11: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015


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Above: The Masters played a game beforethe final took place.

Large crowd for finalA community soccer tournament drew a large crowd nearTwickenham Mine on Sunday afternoon.The teams played in good spirit with spectators encouraging theirdifferent teams.Brazil FC played in yellow and Maruping Swallows played in maroon.The final was won by Brazil FC.Get the whole story and more photographs on page 12.

Brazil F.C. vs Maruping Swallows

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 23 January 2015

12 23 JANUARY 2015

Platinum GazetteIt is child’s play to read yourPlatinum Gazette online

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For Sale

Above: Ford Ranger being stripped





Local soccer teams clash head-on in finalA community soccer tournament came to anend in a thrilling final at Dithabaneng Villagesportsground near Twickenham Mine onSunday 18 January 2015.The tournament started with 32 teams on 23December 2014 and in the end it wasMaruping Swallows and Brazil FC who facedoff in the final. Both teams are fromMashabela Village. (Maruping Swallowsplayed in Maroon and Brazil in the Yellowand Blue).The teams competed for more than just atitle. The winners walked away with R5600, atrophy and medals while the runners-up wonR3600 and received medals. This wassponsored by Mr Mampa.The teams both tried various attack anddefense tactics, but in the end it was Brazilwho managed to score while theirgoalkeepers kept entrance to the goal boxvery safe. The final score was 3-0 in favourof Brazil FC. Their goalkeeper, Mashabelawas also named the Player of theTournament. Sipho Mashao was thetournament’s leading goal scorer with 6 goalsto his name.Spectators came in large numbers to supportthe teams. The organisers and sponsor ofthe event thanked everyone for theirparticipation and support.

Right: Sipho Mashaoscored the mostgoals for thetournament.Below: The teamsbefore the game.
