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Playbook for Life

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The Playbook for Life is the axiological coaching model that will help you become your professional and personal best.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS for the Playbook for Life

Dr. David Mefford Introduction: Page 2-3

Mike Hartman Introduction: Page 4

Beckie Saupé Introduction: Page 5

Playbook for Life Instructional Guide Page 6

Section 1 – Autobiography: Pages 7-13

Section 2 – Choosing Yourself: Pages 14-20

Section 3 – Self Description: Pages 21-25

Section 4 – Interpersonal Rapport: Pages 26-30

Section 5 – Interpersonal Harmony: Pages 31-35

Section 6 – Interpersonal Conflict: Pages 36-40

Section 7 – Understanding Practical Life & Team Functions: Pages 41-45

Section 8 – Life Intelligence: Pages 46-49

Section 9 – Attitude Toward Success: Pages 50-54

Section 10 – Understanding Your Self Worth: Pages 55-58

Section 11 – Understanding Others: Pages 59-62

Section 12 – Mentoring Others: Pages 63-66

Become Your Personal Best ~ 100 Ways Pages 67-71

For questions based on plans, rituals or goals,

Please visit our website at www.betterlifetraining.com

And enroll in the Better Life Training Academy.

We can also be reached at 1-888-223-1450

Copyright © 2009 Better Life Training All rights reserved.

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Playbook for Life:

Robert S. Hartman & Dr. David Mefford

Robert S. Hartman was the creator of the foundations of a new science of value, formal

axiology, as published in his book, The Structure of Value, 1967. Dr. Hartman was the first

research professor (now called the Chair of Excellence) in the College of Liberal Arts at the

University of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville has a Special Collection of

his published and unpublished works and papers in the Special Collections section of the


Dr. David Mefford, Ph.D. was Robert S. Hartman’s

chosen teaching assistant at the University of Tennessee

from 1968 to 1971. Dr. Mefford was Hartman’s

representative in Europe from 1971 to 1973 working as

his agent and teacher of the Hartman Value Profile

(HVP), the first axiometric assessment measuring the

quality of a person’s evaluative judgment.

Dr. David Mefford formed the Robert S. Hartman Institute

together with Professor John Davis in 1976 and held the

first meeting in the spring of 1977.

Dr. David Mefford learned the HVP, attending Hartman’s own seminar on the HVP in 1969

and received a license to interpret the HVP from Hartman directly, becoming his HVP agent

for Europe and was licensed to teach Dr. Evert Schildt, M.D. (former Surgeon General) on

the HVP in Sweden. Dr. Mefford processed by hand and interpreted the HVP for the Siebert

Institute in Munich, Germany for seminars in Garmish-Partenkirschen for such companies as

Siemens and VW. Dave and Vera, over 4 decades, worked as axiological business

consultants, executive coaches, developers of new axiological applications and conducted

advanced axiological workshops. In 2002, together with Dr. Rem Edwards, they created the

Christian Value Profile in 2002, the first completely different parallel form of the Hartman

Value Profile.

This led Dr. Mefford and Vera Mefford to establish The Value Source Group, LLC together

with Greg Woods, long time axiological associate and friend. Greg serves as CEO of The

Value Source Group and is based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Greg is also our chief IT

officer and profile report designer. The Value Source Group was formed to research,

develop, market, and train SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in the Pro-Sports Profile™ and

other assessment versions designed for special interest groups.

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Playbook for Life: Dr. David Mefford

The Pro-Sports Profile™ was created after Greg Woods brought in several of his sports

experts and associates: Mike Hartman, (former hockey pro), NASM and Lifestyle Fitness

Coach, who owns Better Life Training, and has trained athletes in all sports for over 17 years

was a contributor and one of the first to pilot the profile. After months of research and

contributions, Greg and his team finished development of the Sports Value Profile and many

other sports-related Targeted Axiological Profiles (TAPS™), including golf and tennis. Greg

also made significant contributions to the development of the Life, Business, Financial, Sales

and Ethics Profiles, among others, and was instrumental as TVSG’s Chief Technology

Officer. These axiological assessments converge to validate the underlying axiological norm,

Hartman’s binary value hierarchy of 18 logically-defined, progressive meaning levels.

All axiological assessments have three distinct differences from all other assessments:

1. The norm is logic-based and the results are deductive from axiological science.

2. The assessment items are related to each specific special interest group which

provides the highest face validity.

3. The respondent makes his or her decisions in real-time by ranking the items from best

to worst. Therefore it does not rely on the respondent’s opinion, but rather on his or

her actual decision-making process when ranking the items on each assessment.

This new axiological technology has generated the need for a coaching system to answer the

question, What next? The Playbook for Life – Coaching for Becoming Your Personal and

Professional Best, driven by the Axiological Dialectic, was developed by Dr. Dave Mefford

after being asked by former NFL Players to create a series of lessons for helping ex-pro

players to form a new social and professional identity. The Playbook has proven to be very

successful in helping people to understand how self-identity is formed and how to

intentionally change it to reach higher levels of value and success in life.

David Mefford, Ph.D.

The Value Source Group does hereby give permission to Mike Hartman to utilize the format

and content of its scorecards (copyrights, all rights reserved, held by Dr. Dave Mefford, Vera

Mefford and Gregory Woods) to develop a framework for his own training and coaching

system for fitness, athletics, sales, business and other applications.

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Playbook for Life: Mike Hartman

The Playbook for Life should begin after you have taken your Profile. We encourage you to

take a profile every six months so you can keep improving on your strengths and blind spots.

Please take your time and refer to the Playbook every day so you can be your personal best

in all areas of your life.

Mike Hartman Creator of Better Life Training

Mike played 16 years of professional hockey. During his career, he played with the Buffalo

Sabres, Winnipeg Jets, Tampa Bay Lightning, Stanley Cup Champion New York Rangers,

Team USA, European Leagues and the Minors.

As a professional hockey player, he was a dedicated player who had to mentally focus on the

little things and details to stay competitive. This was all through plans, rituals, goals and


He is a Certified Axiological Practitioner Coach. He has coached everyone from professional

Athletes, Corporate executives, Franchises, Major Banks and entrepreneurs for more than 17


Everyone needs a coach! My coach and mentor is Dr. Dave

Mefford, a world-leading Axiologist. His mentor was Dr. Robert S.

Hartman, creator of the Hartman Value Profile and nominee of a

Nobel Prize.


dedicated to Dr. David Mefford the original author and creator of

the Playbook for Life “Coaching by the Axiological Dialectic”.

Dr. Dave is my friend, teacher, mentor and coach! It was Dr.

Dave Mefford who introduced me to Axiology (The study of

Values) and coached me to become my personal best.

Dr. David Mefford's goal was to educate and certify me in Axiology so I can pass this program

down to you so you can be your personal best.

Mike Hartman

Axiological Practitioner and Coach

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Playbook for Life: Beckie Saupé

Beckie Saupé resides in Charlotte, NC where she is a Lifestyle Coach with Better Life Training.com and offers individual and group Lifestyle Coaching Sessions. She received her Undergraduate and Bachelors Degrees in Psychology and Human Development from Empire State College in Upstate NY and her Fitness Training in Charlotte, NC.

Beckie became educated in Fitness after struggling with her weight and an eating disorder for years. She understands feeling “uncomfortable in the skin that you’re in” and has empathy for others as she shares her knowledge, passion and personal testimony about health and fitness. Through working on her own self- improvement and recovery, she realized that “you can best help others when you have traveled in their shoes.”

She has educated, mentored, trained and coached numerous individuals over the years; for personal and professional development as it relates to lifestyle, personal, business, health and fitness. She has taught seminars on how to become your personal best and getting back to the basics while taking control of your life, health, business and self confidence.

Her experience includes working with young school age children, teenagers and adults, as well as those with Special Needs and Developmental Disabilities. The common denominator with all of her clients has been the desire to get better, to become their personal best, and improve their self confidence, professional skills, health and overall lifestyle. Beckie believes that we are all shaped by our experiences; that the journey we have traveled is just a road leading to our destination. Her motto is “You cannot lead where you have not gone and you cannot teach what you do not know.”

Beckie’s Exercise DVD, BURN FAT BUILD MUSCLE “Back To Basics” focuses on basic techniques and is good for all ages and exercise abilities for individuals wanting to trim, tone, firm, get into shape and lose weight. It includes a 5 minute warm up and cool down with stretching and 15 minute Increments of ABS, Cardio and Strength Training. To Order this DVD, go to www.betterlifetraining.com, Click on Products and scroll to the bottom of the page and Click to Order.

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Playbook for Life: Instructional Guide

PLAYBOOK FOR LIFE Instructional Guide on how to “Become

Your Personal Best” This Course should be completed in 30 days.

The PLAYBOOK FOR LIFE Course is designed for you to complete on your own.

a. Log on to www.betterlifetraining.com

b. Click on the Better Life Training Academy

c. Click on Learn More

d. Join the Better Life Training Academy

e. Entering your Name, Email, Password and Agree to the terms to join.

f. Once you are registered with the Playbook Academy, you will have

access to email, post your questions on the message board, webinars,

podcasts, seminars, conference calls and weekly newsletters.

g. If you have any questions, we will get back to you within 24 hours,

excluding weekends.

h. To access the Members area of www.betterlifetraining.com

i. the user name is blt_members

j. and the password is personalbest

If you are interested in Additional Coaching,

please email us from the Academy or call 1‐888‐223‐1450

Once the PLAYBOOK is completed, we would like to invite you into our Advanced Coaching Program. Please contact us through email or phone.

“Be The Game”

Mike Hartman

Axiological Practitioner Coach

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Playbook for Life: Section 1

Congratulations on your decision to: STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

The Playbook for Life is the axiological

coaching model that will help you become your

professional and personal best.

We look forward to coaching you from this

effective system. This coaching method will

help you realize more of your potential by

focusing on the "little things and details" to

attain your goals.

The Playbook for Life has helped everyone from world-class athletes, top executives, stay-

at-home moms and dads reach more of their potential. Each section, starting with section 1,

you will receive a new coaching assignment, task, concept or podcast from us.

Let's get started:

Your starting point or baseline assignment for section 1 involves three parts.

Ready... Set... Go! Make sure you know how to effectively use plans, rituals and goals to build and strengthen

your foundation for success. Let's write them down.

Do you currently have a plan(s)? YES NO

If YES – what are some of them:

Do you have rituals that you follow every day? YES NO

If YES – what are some of them:

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Playbook for Life: Section 1

What are you short term (today) and long term (3 months from now) goals?

Write an Autobiography about yourself.

Your autobiography may be as short or as long as you’d like. Record the "story of you" in the

space below. Feel free to use the Daily Journal Pages from Section 1 if you need to.

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Playbook for Life: Section 1

Your story, progress and results may help someone else. Measurable success can result

quicker from a team effort or community effort through leverage of each other’s experience.

The final part of your assignment is to focus on your strengths and identify your growth areas

by answering the following five questions. To develop a deeper sense of self knowledge and

self awareness, please answer them as honestly as you can. This will work as a great

reference point and help provide direction on your path to personal and professional

improvement. Here are the five questions:

1. What gives the most meaning to your life?

2. Describe the most important, peak experiences in your life.

3. Describe the ideal life situation for you.

4. What are your primary strengths and what are you doing to further develop them?

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Playbook for Life: Section 1

5. What are your growth areas? What are you doing to overcome them?

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

Notes from what I learned from section 1 of the Playbook for Life:

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Playbook for Life: Section 1 Daily Notes

Use these pages for daily notes through your two week period for each section. Be sure to

reference back to these pages for reminders of what you have written down.

Section 1 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 1 Daily Notes

Section 1 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 1 Daily Notes

Section 1 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 2

Section 2 is about Choosing Yourself.

We have a game plan and purpose for each play in order to "be the game." In our case, you

have to practice the fundamentals over and over to get it right.

Let's start "practice" with a few thoughts and concepts:

You learn to accept yourself as the unique individual that you are. You learn to love your own

self as your greatest treasure. Many of the "properties" within you have potential to be

uncovered and developed. When you choose yourself, you are dealing with both your "actual

being" and "potential being". It is your potential that you draw out to become your best. Life

is like the block of marble that can become a sculpture. The block of marble is your raw

material that you have to work with and you learn to see infinite possibilities within your "raw


So, here is your section 2 assignment:

Please write in the space below for the following exercises.

Knowing WHO you are.

Practice defining yourself with a minimum number of words and concepts.

What language do you use in talking about yourself?

Are you guaranteeing failure or success with the words you use to describe yourself?

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Playbook for Life: Section 2

Write down 5 things how you see in yourself and the person you are.

Know WHERE you are going.

Where do you see yourself today?

In 5 years?

In 10 years?

Practice defining yourself as you see yourself and as you want to BE in the future.

(Remember "Be the Game")

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Playbook for Life: Section 2

Know HOW you are going to get there (If you are driving from NY to NC, you have a route

that you need to follow with stops along the way; this is your map. What is your map so that

you know where you are going and how you will arrive there?)

Do you have a PLAN from the results of your Profile?

Write down 5 action plans to get there.






I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to use your Playbook on a daily basis. Write

all of your thoughts down so you can refer back to your notes.

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Playbook for Life: Section 2

Remember, as we mentioned, your plans, rituals and goals are your foundation for success!

Please list your rituals and goals for this section to continue to be your personal best!

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve, to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

Notes from what I learned from section 2 of the Playbook for Life:

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Section 2 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 2 Daily Notes

Section 2 Daily Notes:

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Section 2 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 3

This coaching process is designed to help you understand your own value and realize more

of it as you move closer to your "ideal self". Remember, we have a game plan and purpose

for each play in order to "Be the Game."

We practice the fundamentals over and over to get it right.

Let's continue the "block of marble" example from section 2, similar to Michelangelo's

creation of the sculpture "David". You will learn to see more of the possible curved lines in

the marble and chip away the un-needed pieces in order to expose the beautiful core of your

true self.

Then you will continue to work with your raw material to create and re-create yourself;

reaching and surpassing your personal best. You practice (there is that word again) different

ways and means of making your potential actual and learn to fully utilize your own potential in

everyday life.

Section 3 assignment:

Do you remember the systemic dimension from your ValueScan Scorecard? We always

begin with the systemic because it captures the minimum number of properties through

description, definition and language. Review this with your coach if needed.

Short assignment for section 3:

Write just one sentence on how are you going to get the best out of yourself over the next 2-4

weeks? (If you are feeling really ambitious, you could answer this daily)

Let's refer back to section 1 on plans, rituals and goals. We are going to use this

foundational concept for creating yourself.

Do you have a plan to get the best out of yourself?

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Playbook for Life: Section 3

What are you going to do on a daily basis to improve?

What are your rituals?

I want to create myself, or more of myself, by accomplishing... fill in your SHORT TERM


Again, it is important to use your journal on a daily basis. Please write it down somewhere so

you can refer back to your notes.

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Section 3 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 4

In this section we will work on Interpersonal Rapport

Remember in each segment - Your plans, rituals and goals are your foundation for your

success and putting you ahead of the game.

Interpersonal Rapport

A positive person is actively engaged and will go the extra mile for others. However, you also

may desire to have support from others, to validate your effort.

A negative person will indicate varying degrees of independence or emotional distance from

others. They will have passive engagement and a potential lack of spirit (a person who is

more of a maverick), manipulators and in some cases, fear, reluctance or resistance to

working closely with others.

How well do you get along with others?

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Playbook for Life: Section 4

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals on how you can go the extra mile for others

so that you can be your personal best.

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Playbook for Life: Section 4 Daily Notes

Section 4 Daily Notes:

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Section 4 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 5

Interpersonal Harmony:

In this section we will capitalize in the work you did in the previous sections to create your self.

This is a measure of your attitude toward effective, harmonious relations with other people. It shows your attitude and feeling toward the positive aspects of interacting with other people and the benefit others can bring to your daily effort.

A positive attitude shows you tend to overestimate the ability of other people, you may have

elevated expectations of other people’s performance and you may allow others to take

advantage of you. If you are an actively engaged person, this will indicate that you highly

value cooperative relationships. You are eager and ready to engage with other people,

maintain a good relationship with others. This also means you usually admire and respect

other people who have excelled in their position. It’s important for us to be direct and honest

with others.

What are your realistic expectations of your teammates, co-workers, family, friends, trainer,

boss, people and coach?

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Playbook for Life: Section 5 Assignment:

List your plans, rituals and goals of how you will be "DIRECT" and "HONEST" with others.

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Playbook for Life: Section 5 Daily Notes

Section 5 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 6

Interpersonal Conflict:

This will measure your attitude toward interpersonal conflict and discord with other people. It

shows your attitude toward the negative aspects of interacting with other people. People can

and often do, cause potential harm.

A positive attitude will allow you to magnify deficiencies and faults in others. It allows you to

take a different approach when faced with conflict. Rather than going in with a weapon, you

are going in with a shield.

A neutral or balanced attitude shows objectivity toward people. Individuals with this score

see and judge others' faults and shortcomings realistically and clearly.

A negative attitude shows you are passively engaged with other people. You ignore or

overlook the potential faults and shortcomings in other people; justifying others' mistakes and

faults so they don’t seem as bad as they really are (e.g. "it's OK to cheat for personal gain").

Individuals, who have a negative attitude, already know how they are going to respond when

communicating with someone, because they already have their mind made up. They speak

before listening.

Assignment: When you are relying on others, (e.g. your teammates, co-workers, family,

friends, trainer, boss, people and coach), how well could you handle their short comings?

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Playbook for Life: Section 6

Assignment continued: When you are relying on others, (e.g. your teammates, co-workers,

family, friends, trainer, boss, people and coach), how well could you handle their short


Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Section 6 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 7

Understanding Practical Life Functions:

This dimension reveals your mental grasp of tangible and observable realities; such as:

actions, sudden breaks or mistakes, routines. It’s how they all fit together in time and space

in a given situation.

We can’t rush through life. Although we only have one chance, we have to make it the best

that we can in the time that we have. A person needs to have a strong understanding of what

to do and when to do it. Structure is an integral piece of the puzzle; it must be part of the

equation for us to finish the task at hand. If there is stress, unresolved issues or unfinished

tasks, we aren’t able to function and fatigue will be the end result.

How clearly do you understand the value of cause and effect and how it relates to all aspects

of your life?

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Playbook for Life: Section 7

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals about how you can be the most structured

with your life, family, work and all of the responsibilities that you have, even when things don't

work out as planned.

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Section 7 Daily Notes:

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Section 7 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 8

Life Intelligence

This is a general measure of your ability to identify and judge what values you have in your


Make a list of 10 positive things that you can do each day so you can be your personal best!











Remember in each segment - Your plans, rituals and goals are your foundation for your

success and putting you ahead of the game.

What are your plans, rituals and goals to implement these 10 items so you can achieve them

on a short & long term basis? (e.g. If exercising is one of your items, the plan would be to

have a schedule to workout, the ritual would be to stretch and then you drink your shake, the

short term goal is to complete the workout in a desired time and the long term goal is to

increase your weights/repetitions in the next few months, or drop a pant size).

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Playbook for Life: Section 8 Daily Notes

Section 8 Daily Notes:

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Section 8 Daily Notes:

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Section 8 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 9

Attitude toward success:

This reflects your attitude and degree of engagement towards the benefits of success. It

shows how you relate to the good, successful aspects of everything you do.

If you don’t have a vision, you will never see yourself accomplishing your goal. If your mind

can conceive it, you will believe it, and then you can achieve it. If you have a positive attitude,

it shows that you have sensitivity to others, that you demonstrate spirit, value fair play and

good values.

How well do you thrive to succeed?

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Playbook for Life: Section 9

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals on ways you will thrive to succeed to be your

personal best. (E.g. create a vision board; this is a board that displays goals, material

accomplishments, like a boat, Lake House, car, shopping for outfits, achieve the position of

Regional Vice President, to have more time on your hands, etc…)

Great Job! You did it!

I know with each section of the Playbook for Life Action Plan, you will develop good habits

and improve to help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Be the Game,

Mike Hartman

Certified Axiological Practitioner

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Section 9 Daily Notes:

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Section 9 Daily Notes:

Playbook for Life: Section 9 Daily Notes

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Playbook for Life: Section 9 Daily Notes

Section 9 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 10

Understanding Self Worth

How clearly do you understand the linkage between being, doing and thinking to make you

Stand out from the Crowd?

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals how you will stay NORTH or FULL SPEED

AHEAD and not go SIDEWAYS. If you don’t feel good about yourself and believe in yourself,

no one else will. This all begins with your own self-confidence. We need to head north; full

speed ahead and you have your blinders on like a horse in a race. When you are going

sideways, or east and west, you are stuck. If you’re going south, you are headed in the

wrong direction and you are like an airplane flying in the sky without a pilot. THINK through

this one!

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Section 10 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 11

Understanding others

Remember in each segment - Your plans, rituals and goals are your foundation for your

success and putting you ahead of the game.

Development: Life is about the relationships that we build with others. Everything we do

involves relationships. Businesses are built on relationships to developing a closer

relationship with teammates, co-workers, family, friends, trainer and boss. Relationships

allow us to foster more compassion in your every day life.

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals on how you will take the time to LISTEN to

others to develop stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Please list your plans, rituals and goals for this section.

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Section 11 Daily Notes:

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Playbook for Life: Section 12

Mentoring others

Remember in each segment - Your plans, rituals and goals are your foundation for your

success and putting you ahead of the game.

Here you extend the "sharing of self" to working with others as a leader or mentor. To help

them develop in the same ways as you developed your self on the road to becoming your

personal best.

The leader or mentoring process is not a one way street but a two-way learning experience.

The interactive process will also help you (as the leader or mentor) to grow and further

develop your own self. A leader is only as good as their team. If you are leading and you

turn around and no one is following you, then you are only taking a walk. Remember, the

speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. Many people look at leaders, as managers

because they are just talking the talk, not walking the walk. They are telling others what to do

and managing their behavior. A true leader is someone that has also walked in others shoes

and is able to lead by example and experience so that they are able to share their story and

life lessons.

Assignment: List your plans, rituals and goals on how you will take the time to LEAD or

MENTOR others; this may be your children, your coworkers or teammates, friends, etc…

(E.g. if you are personal trainer and you are eating healthy, drinking water and displaying a

wellness lifestyle, then others will look at you as walking the walk and talking the talk and be

more apt to follow you. However, if you are constantly eating fast food and desserts in front

of others, because you know that you will just work it off in the gym, you are not leading by


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Playbook for Life: 100 Ways

“Become Your Personal Best” 100 Ways

1. Autobiography about yourself on how you can become your Personal BEST.

2. Choosing Yourself. Choose to make the right choices by doing the right things from your heart.

3. Self Description. You want to find a way to get the BEST out of yourself for the day, even when your

back is against the wall.

4. Interpersonal Rapport. It’s very important that you will go the extra mile for people in your life.

5. Interpersonal Harmony. Getting along with people and building relationships is the key to open the

door to success.

6. Interpersonal Conflict. People that engage in conflict will waste energy in your life. Engaging with

them will prevent you from completing daily tasks because the energy will wear you out.

7. Understanding Life Functions. It’s very important that you understand what to do and when to do in

certain circumstances. Think before you speak, because what you say can never go away and could be

more damaging than just having the thought.

8. Life Intelligence. It’s very important that you make a list of 10 good choices that you are going to

make daily in your life. One bad choice can set you back in the wrong direction.

9. Attitude Towards Success. It’s very important that you see yourself living out your dreams and goals.

10. You Have To Understand Your Self Worth. You have to be very clear of who you are and be able to

manage yourself before managing others.

11. Understanding Others. Life is about building relationships. Gaining more personal relationships with

people will help you build character for you to become your Personal Best.

12. Mentoring Others. It’s very important to share the knowledge and experience that you have gained

through the years, by passing this on, it will help others to become their Personal Best.

13. Vision. I want you to see yourself living your dreams. You have to see it to believe it. If you believe it

than you can achieve it.

14. Write Down Positive Things About Yourself Daily. This will help you keep the vision of your goals


15. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Do something different each day, to help you get closer to your goals.

16. Read Self Help Books. Continuously try to educate yourself to get better by feeding your mind with

positive thoughts. Regardless of where you are, you can always improve.

17. Without A Plan, You Can’t Have a Goal. Without a Goal, you can’t have a Plan.

18. Shoot To Score Every time. It’s important to stay on target and do your best each and every time so

you are continuously improving and growing as a person.

19. Rituals. Everyone should have them. A Ritual is Habitual! When you have something that becomes

the “norm” for you, it becomes a habit.

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Playbook for Life: 100 Ways

20. The GOLD Paint Theory. Imagine that you have gold paint from head to toe on your body. Your skin

cannot breathe and in some cases, they say you could die. When you are having a stressful day, I’d like

for you to close your eyes and think about all of the gold paint slowly coming off of your body and all

of the negative thoughts as well. When the gold paint is completely off your body, you are ready to be

the game!

21. Nutrition. It’s very important that you take care of your body. Your body is a machine and if not

properly taken care of, then it will break down.

22. Moving North. Our goal in coaching is for you to continue moving north. If you are moving south, you

are heading in the wrong direction. If you are going east and west, then you are stuck and going

sideways. It’s important to move full speed ahead because the shortest distance between two points

is a straight line.

23. Be Real. Accept your strengths and your growth areas. I don’t want you to wear a mask and hide

behind someone that you are not. The real you, will be revealed.

24. Feel Good About You. I want you to be genuine to who you are and not who you think others want

you to be.

25. Set Daily Tasks and Goals. If you don’t achieve them that day, at least make the effort to stay on track

to achieve them.

26. Have An Attitude Of Gratitude. Look At What You Have, Not What You Don’t Have.

27. Don’t Go Fast Just To Finish. Otherwise, you will have to repeat it again if you don’t do it correctly.

28. You Become Like Those, Who You Surround Yourself With. Be selective and careful with people you

associate yourself with.

29. KISS. Keep it sensibly simple. The best coaches I have ever had have worked with simplicity and


30. Act, Don’t React. As an athlete, if you are acting, then you are in control. If you are reacting, you

don’t even know the game is being played.

31. It’s Okay To Dream. You know yourself better than anybody else. If you don’t see your dreams, then

no one else will. If you shoot for the moon and you miss, at least you’ll land among the stars.

32. FAILED. It’s okay to fail, if you get right back up and do your personal best. If you don’t, then you will

feel like a failure.

33. Don’t Get Too High. Stay neutral. As soon as it gets good, it can get bad, just as quick in life. So if you

stay neutral, you are able to weather the storm.

34. Know Where You Are Going In Life!

35. Know How You Are Going To Get There. Plug yourself into a GPS or a Road Map and get coached.

36. FOCUS. Focus in on the present. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why

we call it the present.

37. LEADER. Follow, lead or get out of the way. The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. If you

are leading and no one is following, you are only taking a walk.

38. WILL POWER. Everyone has will power; you have to find it within yourself. If the will is strong enough,

the power is within you.

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Playbook for Life: 100 Ways

39. SELF DIRECTION. Find what motivates you, so you can continue driving north. You are in the driver

seat, I am your copilot. The pilot already knows where the plane is going; the copilot is just directing

your path.

40. Positive Thoughts. Your words to yourself are more powerful than you can imagine. The negative

thought towards you is just as powerful and much more difficult to reverse. The only thing you can

control is you.

41. 40,000 Times. We can have the same bad thoughts 40,000 times in our head. In order to break those

bad habits, you need to replace them with good positive thoughts.

42. Eye Contact and Listen. When communicating with others, listen. When in their presence, look at

them and make eye contact. Make them feel special by showing that you care about their words. You

have two ears, two eyes and one mouth.

43. Helping Others. You help others because you want you, not expecting something in return.

44. Write Down. Write down what you have completed and what needs to be completed.

45. Rest. Sleep is so important, without it, you cannot function well and you are not presently in the


46. Enjoy What You Do. Otherwise, you are forcing a square peg in a round hole.

47. Passion. Without passion, life will pass you by.

48. Fitness. The definition of fitness is the ability to recover. Without recovery, you will not have any


49. Purpose. You need to have a purpose for everything that you do.

50. Goals, Goals and Goals. Your goals should be followed through with an action plan.

51. Short Term Goals. Short term goals are action plans that are completed today.

52. Long Term Goals. Long term goals are three months out from now.

53. Vision Goals. Vision goals are your ultimate goal that you would like to achieve or accomplish.

54. Complete Tasks. It’s important that you finish all tasks, small or large. An unfinished task, leads to

chaos and fatigue.

55. Don’t Hide Behind Your Problems. We all have problems in life, we don’t need to wear them on our

sleeve, but sharing them and dealing with them is humbling and allows us to move on. What’s

important is the manner in which we address them and that we actually do.

56. Focus On Today. Procrastination will set us back in every direction. Do what you can, the best you

can, when you can, for today. Focus on today because tomorrow may never come.

57. If you believe you’re going To Fail, You Will.

58. WAKE UP CALL. Continuously write down your goals to remind yourself.

59. Keep Believing To Stay Motivated…. If you see it, you’ll believe it.

60. Be Consistent. Stick with your schedule and your routine.

61. Things Will Work Out. Stay the course.

62. Quiet Time. Take at least an hour a month for yourself, to reflect on where you are in your life and

where you want to be. These thoughts will propel you towards your goals.

63. Negative To Positive. Take the negative energy that is given to you from someone else and turn it into

positive energy for your benefit.

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64. Just Breathe. Take deep breathes. Slowly inhale any negative, to exhale the positive.

65. Exercise. Just move!

66. Plan Ahead. Have your day planned out the night before.

67. Keep Your Home Clean. Cluttered home results in a cluttered mind.

68. Keep Up Your Rituals. Remember, your rituals will give you that peace of mind when needed most.

69. It’s never too late. Go watch the movie “The Rookie”

70. Keep All Promises. Be a man or woman of your word.

71. Don’t Break Commitments. When you do that, you are going to lose credibility.

72. Get Coached. Everyone needs a mentor; even coaches need a coach to be successful.

73. Play To Win. Play with integrity and honesty; what goes around comes around.

74. You Don’t Always Have To Say Yes. If you over commit yourself, something is going to have to give.

75. Positive Self Talk. The Mirror Technique. In front of the mirror, repeat thoughts that you say to

yourself as if you were directing it towards someone else. If you spoke that way to another person,

would they turn their cheek and walk away, or would they support you and stay? Think about that.

What we say to ourselves, about ourselves is powerful. The mind only knows what we feed it.

76. Don’t Lose Sight Of Your Vision. Picture yourself in the “moment”.

77. Lead By Example. Some of the best leaders are the ones who walked the walk and talked the talk,

they didn’t just preach.

78. Don’t Try To Change Others. As much as we wish we could change the thoughts, behaviors and

actions of others, we can’t. Stay in control of yourself, not someone else.

79. Integrity. Have integrity with whatever role you are playing, regardless of where you are in life.

80. Be Direct. Don’t waste your time or someone else’s. Say what you want and say what you mean;

thinking before you speak, of course.

81. Let Go Of Your Need To Control. The only one that you can control is yourself.

82. Understand Others. Treat others the way that you would want to be treated.

83. Do The Right Things. Your heart will lead you down the right path, go with your instinct.

84. Be Thoughtful. Use the Golden Rule Philosophy “Do unto others as you would have them do unto


85. Challenge Yourself. Always stretch yourself beyond what you believe you can do.

86. Write Your Strengths and Growth Areas. As soon as you understand what your strengths are and

where you have room for improvement, you will grow as a person.

87. Never Be Late. When you have a commitment with someone else and you are late, you are sending a

message to them that you disrespect them and their time; do not be late, if you are, make up for it.

88. Send Out Love And Harmony. What you send into the lives of others will come back into your own.

89. Life Is Not A Marathon. It’s Many Short Sprints.

90. Put Your Heart Into Everything You Do. When you do this, it will come back to you ten fold.

91. Honor Your Priorities. Know what they are and understand them.

92. Stay Focused On Your Goals. Keep your eye on the prize.

93. Avoid Conflict. This type of confrontation will drain the energy right out of you and exhaust you.

94. A Winner Never Quits And A Quitter Never Wins. Don’t Quit!

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Playbook for Life: 100 Ways

95. Put Your Ego Aside. If Greed takes Over, You’ve lost.

96. Validation Comes From Within. If you know that you are doing the best that you can, that is what

matters; whether or not someone else recognizes it.

97. Setting Up For Failure. Just let the chips fall where they may. If you tell a child not to spill the milk,

they will spill the milk because that is what they hear and you have already set them up for failure.

98. If it’s To Be, It’s Up To Me. If you are going to be successful, you are the only one you can count on to

make that happen.

99. Get To The Point. When sharing information with others, don’t exhaust yourself or someone else by

sharing too much information, just get to the point, don’t add extra “fluff”.

100. BE THE GAME! You know what to do.

Congratulations on taking steps to stand out from the crowd. The Playbook for Life was designed for you to

focus in on all the little things and details, so you could be your personal best. From this day forward, it’s

important that you continue to use all of the tools that were given to you from this self help book. The power

is within you to become your personal best, never forget that!


Mike Hartman

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