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Player Guide Version 3.1 – March 2013

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Player Guide

Version 3.1 – March 2013

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CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTIOn ........................................................................................................................................ 7

1.1 The Basics ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.1 Player vs. Character ................................................................................................................................. 7

1.1.2 In Game and Out of Game ....................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.3 Player Character (PC) ............................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.4 Non-Player Character (NPC) .................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.5 Character Concepts and Motivations: The Basics ......................................................................................... 7

1.1.6 Logistics periods ......................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1.7 Game Skills ................................................................................................................................................ 8

1.1.8 Physical Representations (Phys Rep) ........................................................................................................... 8

1.1.9 Tags .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1.10 Coin ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1.11 Player Knowledge and Metagaming ....................................................................................................... 9

1.2 The Most Important Part ............................................................................................................................. 9

1.2.1 The Four Most Important Rules ............................................................................................................... 9

1.2.2 The Honour System ............................................................................................................................... 10

1.2.3 3 Counts ................................................................................................................................................. 10

2.0 Race & Class .......................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Class Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Starting Body .............................................................................................................................................. 11

2.3 Body Progression........................................................................................................................................ 12

2.4 Racial Adjustments ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2.5 Racial Resists .............................................................................................................................................. 13

2.6 Race Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 13

3.0 Build & Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 22

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3.1 Racial Skills ................................................................................................................................................. 22

3.2 Weapon Skills ............................................................................................................................................. 22

3.3 Professional Skills ....................................................................................................................................... 23

3.4 Survival Skill ................................................................................................................................................ 23

3.5 Craft Skills ................................................................................................................................................... 23

3.6 Combat Skills .............................................................................................................................................. 24

3.7 Magical Skills .............................................................................................................................................. 24

3.8 Stealth Skills ............................................................................................................................................... 26

3.9 Combat & Stealth Skill ................................................................................................................................ 26

3.10 Primary vs. Secondary School of Magic ..................................................................................................... 27

3.11 Spell Slots ................................................................................................................................................... 27

3.12 Spell Pyramid Rules .................................................................................................................................... 27

3.13 Formal Magic.............................................................................................................................................. 28

3.13.1 Formal Power .................................................................................................................................... 28

3.14 Skill Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 29

4.0 Magic .......................................................................................................................................................... 39

4.1 Spells Classifications ................................................................................................................................... 39

4.1.1 Damage and Healing Spells .................................................................................................................... 39

4.1.2 Chaos & Power ....................................................................................................................................... 39

4.1.3 Reversible Spells .................................................................................................................................... 39

4.1.4 Dumb Defenses ...................................................................................................................................... 39

4.2 Celestial Spells ............................................................................................................................................ 40

4.3 Earth Spells ................................................................................................................................................. 41

4.4 Focus & Mastery ........................................................................................................................................ 43

4.4.1 Elemental (Celestial Only) ...................................................................................................................... 43

4.4.2 Confining (Both) ..................................................................................................................................... 44

4.4.3 Healing (Earth) ....................................................................................................................................... 44

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4.4.4 Protective (Both) .................................................................................................................................... 44

4.4.5 Cursing (Earth) ....................................................................................................................................... 45

5.0 Game Mechanics ................................................................................................................................... 45

5.1 Combat Basics ............................................................................................................................................ 45

5.2 Combat Damage ......................................................................................................................................... 46

5.2.1 Combat Communications ...................................................................................................................... 46

5.2.2 Valid Prefixes <PREFIX>.......................................................................................................................... 47

5.2.3 Number <NUMBER> .............................................................................................................................. 47

5.2.4 Valid Types <TYPE> ................................................................................................................................ 48

5.2.5 Valid Effects <EFFECT> ........................................................................................................................... 49

5.2.6 Valid Suffixes <SUFFIX> .......................................................................................................................... 49

5.3 Combat Defenses ....................................................................................................................................... 49

5.3.1 Dumb Defenses ...................................................................................................................................... 49

5.3.2 Smart Defenses ...................................................................................................................................... 49

5.3.3 Passive Defenses .................................................................................................................................... 50

5.4 Flesh and Spirit Energy ................................................................................................................................. 50

5.4.1 Hit Points ................................................................................................................................................ 51

5.4.2 Alive, Unconscious, Bleeding, Dying and Dead ...................................................................................... 51

5.5 Anatomy of a Character ............................................................................................................................. 51

5.5.1 Killing Blow ............................................................................................................................................. 51

5.5.2 Resurrection & Revive ........................................................................................................................... 52

5.5.3 Final Death ............................................................................................................................................. 52

5.5.4 The Different Stages .............................................................................................................................. 52

6.0 Production .............................................................................................................................................. 54

6.1 Manufacturing Production ......................................................................................................................... 54

6.2 Blacksmithing ............................................................................................................................................. 54

6.2.1 Production Costs .................................................................................................................................... 54

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6.2.2 Additional Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 55

6.3 Scroll Making .............................................................................................................................................. 55

6.3.1 Production Costs .................................................................................................................................... 56

6.3.2 Additional Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 56

6.4 Potion Making ............................................................................................................................................ 56

6.4.1 Production Costs .................................................................................................................................... 56

6.4.2 Additional Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 57

6.5 Alchemy ...................................................................................................................................................... 57

6.5.1 Additional Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 58

6.6 Tinkering..................................................................................................................................................... 58

6.6.1 Additional Skills ...................................................................................................................................... 59

7.0 Armour & Weapons ............................................................................................................................. 60

7.1 Armour ....................................................................................................................................................... 60

7.1.1 True Armour .......................................................................................................................................... 60

7.1.2 Bonus Armour: ....................................................................................................................................... 60

7.2 Armour Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 62

7.2.1 Base Values ............................................................................................................................................ 62

7.2.2 Armour Modifiers .................................................................................................................................. 62

7.3 Weapons .................................................................................................................................................... 64

7.3.1 Weapon Type Guidelines.......................................................................................................................... 64

7.3.2 Weapon Types ....................................................................................................................................... 65

7.3.3 Blade Head ............................................................................................................................................. 66

7.3.4 Weapon Guideline Chart ....................................................................................................................... 66

7.3.5 Key Considerations ................................................................................................................................ 67

7.3.6 Construction Materials ............................................................................................................................ 67

8.0 Effects ...................................................................................................................................................... 69

8.1 Mechanics .................................................................................................................................................. 69

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8.1.1 Duration ................................................................................................................................................. 69

8.1.2 Reservoir ................................................................................................................................................ 69

8.1.3 Removal & DEtection of Effects ............................................................................................................. 69

8.2 Effects List .................................................................................................................................................. 70

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This rulebook is designed to give you all of the information you need to immerse yourself in the Nero Canada


Unlike playing a table top game or video game when you play Nero you are actually the character. You will swing

your sword, cast spells and in all likelihood be eaten by a monster or two. At the same time you will have the

opportunity to immerse yourself in an imaginary persona with fantastical abilities and interact with the world and

the people in it.



Throughout this volume we will refer to players and characters. Whenever we are speaking of the player we mean

the person who is paying to play the game. The term player is used frequently when we speak about rules of

conduct. The character refers to whatever role the player is currently assuming. The character may be a one time

quick role or may be the player’s main role throughout the event.


After game has started players can exist in two modes. The first is In Game, IG, and this means they have a role and

should be treated as their character would be treated. All speech and mannerisms should be done within the game

and game rules. This player is active in the game. Sometimes during play a player needs to take a break. This is

considered going Out Of Game, OOG. Going OOG should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. When a player is

OOG they should be treated fairly and with respect and dignity even if the character the person may sometimes

assume is not worthy of this kind of treatment. One can assume that a player is IG unless they have their hand or a

weapon on their head or are wearing a white head band


A Player Character or PC is a character whose background and motivations are chosen by a player. A player then

pays to play NERO and assumes the role of their PC for the entire event and the only restrictions they have on

behavior are those imposed by the rules and that of the in game society. A PC gains experience as the player comes

to events and may also gather IG wealth, power and influence. A PC is considered to be owned by its player.


A Non-Player Character, NPC, is a character whose background and motivations are chosen for a player by the

volunteer staff know as the plot team. The plot team decides what the abilities and stats of the NPC are, why it

exists and what it’s motivation is


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The heart of a live action role playing game is taking on a role that is different than you and interacting with other

people doing the same thing. There are some things to keep in mind when doing so. First define what your

character’s concept is. Is she a murderer for hire or a damsel in distress? The second easiest step is to have

motivations or a purposeful lack thereof. Motivations simply guide your actions. Once you have these basics you

can start understanding what your character would be thinking and feeling. When NPCing the concept and

motivation is provided for you by the staff. There are a couple of tools to help you with this. By wearing a costume

and adopting an accent or a limp or some sort of physical mannerism that you don’t normally have you can keep

yourself in character. Some people write down their character’s motivations in a journal and read it before playing

again. Other people have mood music that helps to get them into the mood. The purpose of all of these exercises is

to try and remain the character for as long as possible. The more you are able to do this the more fulfilling the

game will be.


The game is divided into artificial chunks of time called Logistics Periods. The beginning of a Logistics period signals

that all per day abilities and spell memorization may be refreshed. The character also heals to full body every

logistics period. Normally every module and adventure day have 1 logistics period assumed to start right when the

event begins. Every weekend is assumed to have 2 logistics periods, one that starts with the game and ends

Saturday at 6pm and the second that starts Saturday at 6pm and ends with the game. Longer events will have

more logistics periods, typically one per day. In special cases an event will have more logistics periods. This will be

announced in advance of the beginning of the event. Production skills and other game items rely on logistics

periods so we will be making reference to these artificial blocks of time within the rules below. Please note that

there is a 2 hour window at the beginning of logistics within which all spells must be memorized and per day

abilities refreshed. This takes 10 minutes of in game time where your character rests and refreshes their abilities. If

the player is on a module and the marshal allows it this 2 hour window may be extended. Should a player miss the

2 hour window they may not use any Game Skills until they refresh their abilities.


Characters have skills and abilities. They govern a series of actions in the game. For example in order to be able to

swing a sword in the game you need to buy the skill “One Handed Edged.” Because this act is governed by a skill

then you must have it on your character card or you cannot do it. Other actions are not governed by skills or

abilities, such as opening a door. There are of course effects that can prevent you from being able to open a door,

such as web, but that has nothing to do with game skills. Taint, Plague and Disease are the only game effects that

simply rob you of all game skills temporarily. This means that any action that is governed by a game skill, any ability

your character possesses except for passive defenses is turned off, as well as players lose all the skills they have on

their character card.


A physical representation is a prop or other object that represents some sort of in game object. This can range

from a large foam pillar that is meant to be a stone obelisk to a boffer sword that is meant to be a magical broad

sword. Phys. Reps. are the property of the players and should be treated with respect. It is important to note that

certain Phys. Reps. represent many items of a similar nature. For example a Phys Rep for a sword may be an orc’s

broadsword, a farmers rusty rapier and a hardened silver long sword over the course of a day. There are two ways

to specify what a Phys Rep is. If the Phys Rep is being used by a Player Character it should have a Tag. If the Phys

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Rep is being used by an NPC then their role may include items and they do not need Tags unless the item is going

to become treasure at some point. Certain Phys. Reps. are one very specific item in game. The same Phys Rep must

always be used for that item and even if that Phys Rep is destroyed a new one must be built that is identical.

Magical items and weapons require this type of specific representation so they are recognizable every time.

Therefore if a player has a magical item and provides a Phys Rep for that item it becomes the property of NERO

Canada until said item expires. This rule exists just in case the item is stolen IG. NERO Canada must have the

flexibility to use the Phys Rep as dictated by IG actions for the duration of the item. When the magical properties

of the item expire the Phys Rep will be returned to the player.

1.1.9 TAGS

Tags are used to signify that a Phys Rep is an actual IG item. Just like a player cannot simply assume the role of the

King on a whim nor can they simply construct a fantastic looking magical sword Phys Rep and use it. Tags are proof

that the item you are using is valid in game. Tags are issued and signed off by the Plot Team and the Logistics Team.

1.1.10 COIN

NERO Canada prints its own coin in three denominations; Gold, Silver and Copper. 10 Copper equals 1 Silver and 10

Silver equals 1 Gold. This is the only valid currency in the game. Bartering is of course allowed but players may not

print forge their own coin or invent new forms of currency, such as gems.


Once you have entered the mentality of you character it is important to keep track of what your character knows

and does not know. To put it simply players will know more than their character about the game. As you play NPCs

you will learn things about the game world that your character should have no idea about. Using this knowledge as

your character is called Metagaming. This is against the rules and considered one of the biggest taboos. Sometimes

it can be hard to keep track of what you know and don’t know. It helps to keep notes on what your character

knows to avoid confusion.



The Hold Rule: If you ever hear anyone say the word “Hold” at any time you must stop what you are doing, drop to

one knee and look at the ground in front of you. Holds are used for three major reasons. The first is a Medical

Hold. This means that someone may be injured. We require you to go to one knee so we can see of your heads and

the First Aiders can see where they may be needed. The second is the Rules Hold. Some sort of rule or effect that

has a drastic impact on the outcome of the encounter requires clarification. Since the rule has drastic impact the

game needs to be paused while we clarify to avoid larger issues later. It is very important to note that only rules

clarifications that effect the entire outcome of an encounter or affect more than 20 people or everyone in the

scene should warrant a Rules Hold. Minor clarifications can easily be made by speaking OOG quickly and discreetly.

The last kind of Hold is the Descriptive Hold. This is when the staff of the game need to communicate something to

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the players before they continue playing. Often as a courtesy the players do not need to take a knee for a

Descriptive Hold.

No Drugs, Tobacco or Alcohol: NERO Canada is a drug free, tobacco free and alcohol free environment. If you have

any drugs that are not over the counter then you must make the corporate staff on site aware of them. Certain

drugs have an impairing effect that may cause dangerous game situations. It is up to the discretion of NERO

Canada to deny a player the right to play at any time. Tobacco may be smoked in a designated smoking area.

Rogue Rule: Players pay NERO Canada for their cabin space during the event. Therefore breaking into that cabin on

a IG level may not be done unless an OOG marshal is with the player. This is to ensure that other player’s property

is safe guarded from theft. If a resident of the cabin is in the cabin while the player breaking and entering then this

rule is negated.

No Body Contact: You are never allowed to come into physical contact with another player unless given explicit

permission to do so. All of the mechanics of the game are designed to be delivered through safe “boffer” weapons

or safe bird seed “spell packets”. To add to this one is never allowed to engage in hand to hand combat at any time

even if the players express permission. This rule also extends to the property of NERO Canada and its players. It is

therefore against the rules to strike a phys. rep at any time, including kicking disarmed weapons to or away from



There will be no one following you around counting your spells and abilities or making sure you can do what you

are doing. The game relies on the honour system in order to work. Players who are caught cheating will be

subject to disciplinary action and may be asked not to come back. Please don’t put us in that position.

1.2.3 3 COUNTS

Many actions that cannot realistically or safely be portrayed in game are instead represented by 3 counted actions.

This can be something as simple as picking someone up or running a dying orc through with your sword. So picking

up your injured friend would be done by saying “1 I pick you up, 2 I pick you up, 3 I pick you up.” A 3 count is

automatically interrupted if the character performing the 3 count is forced to call an active defense. A 3 count

being performed on another character can be resisted by that character if they are conscious and mobile (i.e. not

affected by sleep, web, paralysis or confine).

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Class Warrior Rogue Adept Scholar

Description The Warrior is the bulwark in a battle. The typical warrior is good at being on the front line and placing themselves in harm’s way.

The Rogue is best described as an opportunist. They have access to powerful offensive skills that just get better if they can get behind their opponent.

The Adept is a Jack of all Trades. Good with magic weapons and armour but without a focus.

The scholar is single-mindedly focused on Earth or Celestial magic (or both if very powerful) They must choose one of the schools to be their primary.

Strengths Very high body total, good combat and weapon skills.

Very good combat skills, moderate defensive skills.

High body points, decent magic, combat and defensive skills

Very good magic skills.

Weakness Magic is Expensive

Magic is expensive

Progresses slower than focused classes at specific skills

Low body, expensive combat skills

Max Armour 20 points 14 points 14 points 10 points

There are 4 Classes to choose from in Nero Canada Each has their strengths and weaknesses. The class you select

dictates what skills are easiest to learn, how sturdy you are and how much armour you can wear. In addition, your

class may make it harder or easier for you to attain certain positions within the in-game world.


Build Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar

75 20 20 20 15

85 22 21 21 16

95 24 22 21 16

105 26 23 22 17

115 28 24 23 17

125 30 25 23 18

135 32 26 24 18

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145 34 27 25 19

155 36 28 25 19

165 38 29 26 20

175 40 30 27 20

185 42 31 27 21

195 44 32 28 21

205 46 33 29 22

215 48 34 29 22

225 50 35 30 23

235 52 36 31 23

245 54 37 31 24

255 56 38 32 24

265 58 39 33 25

275 60 40 33 25

285 62 41 34 26

295 64 42 35 26

305 66 43 35 27

315 68 44 36 27

325 70 45 37 28

335 72 46 37 28

345 74 47 38 29

355 76 48 39 29


Class Starting Progression

Warrior 20 2 body per level

Adept 20 1 body per level

Rogue 20 2 body per 3 levels

Scholar 15 1 body per 2 levels


A Character’s starting Body has a 1 time adjustment for their Race

Hearty Races start with +5 Body

Delicate Races start with –5 Body

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Each race is resistant to a particular form of attack and may purchase a 1x/day Resist versus that attack type. The

only exceptions are Humans and Gypsies, who are able to choose which ever resist type they like when they

purchase the resist. A Racial Resist may only be purchased once and costs 5 build regardless of race. The valid

racial resist types are Poison, Elemental and Magic.



Description Since pre-history the Barbarian clans have claimed the wilds as their home. Once, long ago most of what is Taleria and Ellisel were considered Barbarian lands. The connection between the Barbarians and their lands is a spiritual one. The Shamookah, or wise men and women, of the Clans speak to the spirits of the land and of the air. They tell stories of the Barbarians born from the rocks and trees before any of the other sentient races existed. Elven scholars agree that they predate their coming over 10 millennia ago. Most Barbarians for the most part have a traditional distrust for Celestial Magic, but will tolerate it. Barbarians are split into Clans with the most predominant ones being: The Deer Clan are foremost warriors among the Barbarian people. Before their defeat, and submission to the King, they used Necromancy as a warrior’s tool. The Hawk Clan are the most spiritual of the Clans. They have a great connection to the spirits of the air and sky. They are foremost among the Clans for their knowledge of terrain. When a Barbarian seeks a specific location or person a Hawk Clan tracker is often the best bet. The Rock Clan are the closest that Barbarians come to an agricultural base. While not farmers by any classic definition, the Rock Clan have cultivated crop rotations on their lands and travel between them. The Rock Clan, due to their stable environs have been able to develop the most comprehensive oral history with many epics. The Rock Clan are also foremost in magical achievement among the Barbarians. The Wolf Clan are legendary hunters and survivalists. The Clan is broken into packs, much like the animals from which they take their name. These packs, sometimes as small as 3 members, travel their lands hunting and foraging. During key times of the year, such as the Celestial or Earthen Solstice, the Clan holds meetings and the packs come to take life mates, leave children with the elders and trade. The Thunderbird Clan is relearning its traditions. The foremost peculiarity is that this is the only clan that openly uses Celestial Magic. The Thunderbird Clan is still on the fringes of Barbarian society because of their use of Celestial Magic.

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Expected Role-Play Barbarians are a superstitious people and can be expected to offer mythic explanations even for well understood natural occurrences. Celestial magic is distrusted and thought to harm one’s connection with their ancestors. Barbarians who do practice celestial magic are only represented in one clan and when amongst other Barbarian clans are kept on the fringe. A necessary evil kept around, as someone must control the storms. Barbarians should strive to offer the shortest explanations, even for the most complex of ideas. Past wars with Barbarian clans have made the Races of Man suspicious of the current peace with the barbarian clans. Barbarian’s ignorance and dismissal of the rules of civility does not help dissuade this distrust.

Make-Up/Costume Barbarians should have tribal attire that borrows heavily from Native North American influences. Bones, feathers and fake animal pelts are highly encouraged. Some Barbarians also use make up, fake scarring (to symbolize ritual scarring they may have undergone) and many other alternative make up and costuming ideas. The only real concern is that the Barbarian character does not too closely resemble a monster type. For example, painting a skull on your face is not acceptable because that is what Plot does when an NPC is playing a skull faced monster, like a skeleton.

Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Elemental

Abilities Rage, Poultice

Role Play Power Ancestral Wisdom

Advantages & Disadvantages

Read Magic costs +4 build


Description The Biata are a race of bird-like humanoids who have their origins in the high mountain reaches of Aieland and claim their ancestry from the magical Gryphons. Known for their wisdom, they are deeply ordered and hierarchical. Along with the Stone Elves, they are renowned for their powers of the mind and it is not beyond their capacity to enter an individual’s mind to alter their psyche; for good or ill. Much like the Barbarians, the Biata share a deep connection with Tyrra. When the Thunderbird Clan re-emerged, the change that was experienced by the Barbarians was also experienced by the Biata. Until that time, the Biata had a deep aversion to Celestial Magic. When the Thunderbird awoke, something changed within the Race, and they found that they could stomach the touch of Celestial Magic, and some of them have even taken to learning to casting it.

Expected Role-Play Biata are always searching for a cause to promote. When they find one that they support, they get behind it with a drive and fanaticism that few others can match. Most Biata will display a physical discomfort to the touch of Celestial Magic.

Make-Up/Costume Biata are somehow linked to birds. Characters are encouraged to pick one particular kind of bird. The player, at a minimum, must then cover their eyebrows with feathers held on by liquid latex. It is not uncommon to see Biata with feathers growing in their hair. Some even have small talons.

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Elemental

Abilities Mental Freedom, Celestial Damper

Role Play Power Mind Meld

Advantages & Disadvantages

Read Magic costs +4 build The first time you purchase Resuscitate it costs 4 less build.

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Description The honour bound Drae seek to bring honour to the surface dwellers. Kin of the Elven races, the Drae are a dark-skinned race of mysterious Elves that live underground, shunning sunlight They have Jet-black skin, pointed ears and white or silver hair. Drae society is very House oriented much like a fantasy version of Feudal Japan, complete with Shoguns.

Expected Role-Play Drae are expected to strictly follow an articulated code of honor and send themselves to resurrection should they fail to do so. Any Race of Man aware of a Drae character’s specific code will trust that Drae without question in regards to that code or when that Drae specifically swears upon their honor.

Make-Up/Costume All of your skin must be covered or made to be pure black via make-up. A sealant of some sort must be used to ensure the make-up does not run or become gray. You must also wear prosthetic Elf ears. Drae have white or very light blonde hair. Drae wear clothing that is best described as Feudal Japanese attire mixed with fantasy anime.

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Magic

Abilities Cover of Darkness, Self Control

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

-5 Body between 6am and 6pm. +5 Body between 6pm and 6am.


Description The Dwarves, strong, stalwart and stubborn. Dwarves are sturdy individuals who tend to dwell in mountainous regions. Dwarves in NERO Canada are not necessarily short (Remember that all characters and monsters in NERO Canada are the same size as the persons playing them). They all have beards, including females, and their Race enjoys and appreciates excellent craftsmanship.

Expected Role-Play Dwarf are often surly. They have a deep love for all things mechanical, especially those things that allow for more efficient mining.

Make-Up/Costume A Dwarf must wear a full sized prosthetic beard. The best beards, are ones that are held on by an elastic band that goes behind the wearer’s head. This make-up modifier can be quite annoying, and itchy, to maintain. We do not accept full real life beards as a substitute. It is also unacceptable as a PC to simply use make-up to signify a beard without the full prosthetic.

Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Poison

Abilities Iron Body, Steady as a Mountain

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

Read Magic costs +4 build


Description The Gypsy are vagabonds full of life; a Race of clan-based nomads. They love to dance and sing and especially love to fool non-Gypsy (called Gaje.) To be a Gypsy is to be boisterous, fiery and revel in dance and song. As a generally ‘outcast’ race of people, Gypsy are fiercely

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loyal to those of their clan. Even other Gypsy are treated as ‘family’ and ‘cousins’.

Expected Role-Play Gypsies are generally a bright and festive people celebrating the splendor of life and freedom to the fullest. The occasional offsetting melancholia is not unknown to a Gypsy, however those times are usually well hidden from view of Non-Gypsies. Gypsies are constantly “Moving On”, never putting down permanent roots in any one location. As Gypsy are always thought to be “Passing through” other Races of Man are quick to assume that they are thieves and should thefts occur Gypsies are the first to be accused. Gypsies can expect an automatic camaraderie and trust from other Gypsies.

Make-Up/Costume Gypsies should sport an outrageous accent, typically modeled after Eastern European accents. They should also wear bright and colourful outlandish clothing.

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Any

Abilities Gypsy Curse, Spiritual Rebirth

Role Play Power See Spirits

Advantages & Disadvantages


Half Orc

Description Half Orcs, warriors to the core, ready to face any challenge. Their own race with their own culture, they are a horde- based society, holding prowess in combat to be the most important thing in life. Half Orcs have a pack mentality, choosing thetoughest to lead them and following until they find someone tougher. Generally viewed as warlike and crude, many are believed to have difficulty understanding complicated subjects.

Expected Role-Play Half-Orcs have a double edged “Horde mentality”. Half-Orcs are expected to create a “horde” of at least two people. A horde almost entirely consists of other Half-Orcs, however it is not unknown for a horde to include other Races of Man. Half-Orcs are expected to fanatically follow the rules of “No man left behind” in regards to their Horde Mates. In return Half-Orcs can count on the fanatical assistance from other Half-Orcs from within their hoard.

Make-Up/Costume Half Orcs have green skin. If possible they should have outlandish ear and hair jewelry.

Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Elemental

Abilities For the Horde, Superior Strength

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

Read Magic costs +4 build

High Elf

Description High Elves, are an ancient and proud people who have walked the face of Tyrra since time was recorded. The High Elves have suffered greatly at the hands of wars and marauding Races who, over time, have eroded High Elven presence on Tyrra. In the modern era, only one place could truly be called the High Elven homeland, the now Duchy of Ellisel. High Elves have a rich and intricate society which is based upon a caste system. Unlike other caste societies, Elves believe that all castes fill a vital role in society and therefore one is not superior to another.

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High Elves actively believe, and often make a point of showing, that they are the first and most superior Race. Along with this superior attitude comes a great love of luxury and fine surroundings, and an appreciation for beautiful things, be they natural or crafted. High Elves are often elegant and beautiful in both manner and dress, but never to the point of impracticality. In addition to this haughtiness, High Elves honour, protect, and revere nature and the living world.

Expected Role-Play High-Elves are the embodiment of civility. Races of Man will often assume High-Elf of any status is in a position of authority (even if they wouldn’t necessarily respect that authority). High-Elves are used to this assumption and believe it is good and right that they wield this authority. High-Elves endeavour to appear cultured in dress and manner, as befits their position in the world. Regardless of how arrogant and aloof a High Elf actually behaves Races of Man will often hear disdain in the words of a High Elf.

Make-Up/Costume High Elves must wear prosthetic ears and should consider wearing fancy costuming to fit in with their high culture.

Body Type Delicate

Racial Resist Magic

Abilities Dignity, Fae Blood

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

First Aid and Healing Arts each cost 2 less build.


Description Hoblings are generally carefree and full of life. They tend to be quick-witted and cheerful, and make good storytellers, using their charisma to advantage. They do not always confine their “stories” to the inns and taverns, however, which can frequently cause them trouble with the law. Hoblings have furry feet and hands, and must have bushy eyebrows and sideburns; even the women.

Expected Role-Play Hobling’s are light hearted and have a great love for mundane comforts, such as pie and a warm hearth. Hobling must speak in a High-Pitched Voice. The other Races, when first meeting a Hobling, will often dismiss the capabilities and power of that Hobling. A clever Hobling can often use this dismissiveness to take a foe unawares, socially or on the battlefield.

Make-Up/Costume Hoblings must have prosthetic sideburns and are encouraged to have bushy eyebrows as well.

Body Type Delicate

Racial Resist Poison

Abilities Fast Food, Nimble

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

Legerdemain costs 4 less build.


Description Humans are the predominant Race on Tyrra, outnumbering all of the other Races combined. They are found everywhere, from the King’s Advisors to the meanest beggar in the outer Baronies.

Expected Role-Play Humans are known to be a diverse lot. Humans are by far the most common race in the

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Kingdom, and as such, they are treated with a certain amount of familiarity by most of the population. People feel comfortable with human culture, and as such, they are generally quite willing to interact with them. Humans, therefore, aren't viewed with as much natural suspicion by the general populace as some of the less populated races and generally have an easier time getting about than the other races.

Make-Up/Costume None

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Any

Abilities Tyrran Bond, Versatile

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages


Mystic Wood Elf

Description Mystic Wood Elves, are believed to be closely tied to both the Elves and the Fae. Mystic Wood Elves are rumoured to be the offspring of Wild Elves and Forest Nymphs and Satyrs, but they will not speak to outsiders of their origins. They are among the strangest of the Elven groups, and have the most difficulty with non-Elven customs. They cannot tolerate the suppression of freedoms and tend to fight to protect them. They have pointed ears and are the only Elves to have horns, so the rumours of their lineage may have some truth to them.

Expected Role-Play Slavery is the most heinous act, to a Mystic Wood Elf. Mystic Wood Elf refuse to be bound or shackled growing uncomfortable in enclosed environments where they do not have easy access out. Keeping track of Ward Keys is a primary concern for a Mystic Wood Elf. Mystic Wood Elves are suspicious of all binding magics and are wary of those who use them. Mystic Wood Elves only trust other Mystic Wood Elves to use binding magics, and only if the binding magic using Mystic Wood Elf shows reluctance in its use. Mystic Wood Elf also disdain coin. They understand its use, but feel that the skills, services, and stories of an individual hold more value and would prefer to trade services & goods rather than use coin. Mystic Wood Elf believe a reliance on coin to measure value is arbitrary, unduly authoritative, and unimaginative. The freedom to love who they choose and go where they choose is of the utmost importance to a Mystic Wood Elf. The inability to pin down the flights of fancy of a Mystic Wood Elf has made the other races view them as capricious.

Make-Up/Costume Mystic Wood Elves must wear prosthetic horns on their forehead and prosthetic Elf ears.

Body Type Delicate

Racial Resist Magic

Abilities Fae Blood, True Freedom

Role Play Power Grove Guardians

Advantages & Disadvantages

The first time you purchase Resuscitate it costs 4 less build.


Description Ogrim are solitary and territorial, holding honour in combat to be the most important thing in life. Ogrim’s challenge any other Ogrim they meet to their own version of an ‘Honour Duel’ (known as “Skoree”). Generally viewed as aggressive and crude, many are believed to have difficulty understanding complicated subjects. Ogrim have yellow skin and protruding lower fangs.

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Expected Role-Play Ogrim are a highly militant culture. The heart of their culture is the Skoree. Ogrim will do battle with another Ogrim the first time they meet. The rules of the battle are simple. You must use a weapon, you may not heal and you may not use magic. Both Ogrim are also duty bound to report the battle to the local authority and not press charges. If either Ogrim has a very powerful magical weapon they may use it. The winner of the Skoree is called the Koree. The loser is called the Kor. A Kor is expected to obey any orders given by the Koree for the next 3 events you attend at which time they may Skoree again. The Koree must defend the Kor from harm and never leave them behind in battle. The Koree will not flee a fight the Kor is part of until the Kor is rescued or dissipates. Ogrim have an unusual method of declaring someone a true friend. They essentially extend the benefits of the Kor to their friends and refuse to leave them behind in battle. Ogrim do not extend this friendship lightly. It is important to note that if they extend this protection to a friend they are not claiming to be superior in battle to them as with a inter-Ogrim Koree / Kor relationship.

Make-Up/Costume Ogrim must have yellow skin. They often also have boney protrusions from their forehead and


Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Elemental

Abilities Superior Strength, Survivor

Role Play Power None

Advantages & Disadvantages

Read Magic cost +4 build.


Description Sarr are a race of intelligent and fierce bipedal hunting cats. There are several different clans of Sarr each of which has a different cat form including; Tiger, Leopard, Jaguar, Lynx, Lion, etc. Sarr prefer to use edged weapons as they draw blood from the target and avoid the use of blunt weapons if possible.

Expected Role-Play Sarr have the deadly calm and the unexpected ferocity of one of the Big Cats (i.e. Lion, Tiger, Cougar.. etc). Sarr prefer to use bladed weapons over blunt so that they may toy with their enemies and cause them to bleed, rather than finishing them quickly. Sarr may associate with whomever they choose, but are most often seen as lone hunters or part of a matriarchal pride.

Make-Up/Costume Sarr must have full face make-up and prosthetics to appear as half predatory cat and half human.

Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Poison

Abilities Claw, Blood Frenzy

Role Play Power Blood Scent

Advantages & Disadvantages

Archery costs +4 build.


Description Scavengers are savage animal-people, as diverse as the animals of the realm. Scavenger is a generic term used for any type of Race not covered - they are humanoids with animal-like characteristics (limited to mammals only - rat, badger, skunk, dog, etc.) They can come as

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hybrid groups or individuals, and Players are free to use their imagination in creating a Scavenger as long as appropriate makeup is worn and it is obvious that the character is not of another playable Race.

Expected Role-Play Scavengers are considered to be outcasts from society. It is extremely rare to see one in a position of authority. This has only once occurred in recorded history. Scavengers are expected to display the mannerisms of the mammal that makes up half their nature.

Make-Up/Costume You must chose one standard mammal and wear make-up so you appear to be half human, half mammal. The make-up must be full face and usually involves prosthetics such as a snout, ears, tail, etc

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Poison

Abilities Claw, Hide

Role Play Power Animal Speech OR Blood Scent

Advantages & Disadvantages


Stone Elf

Description Stone Elves are biologically and culturally distinct from the other types of Elves. They are identical to High Elves in appearance except for their pure white skin, and rather than elaborate formal wear, Stone Elves prefer practical, simple clothing. Their culture isolates itself in a vast city built beneath mountains, a city almost no one else has seen. The Stone Elves, as a culture, place immense value on knowledge, and it is said that their Great Library is a repository of all there is to know. This Race prides itself on mental discipline, and never displays emotion of any kind - any lapse in control and the Elf will meditate until it is regained. Like the Biata, Stone Elves are capable of manipulating a subject’s mind. Usually this service is sought after to cure phobias and such, but true masters of this discipline are said to be capable of great feats.

Expected Role-Play Stone Elves view emotion as a disease, a weakness and something to be avoided at all cost. Logic and reason guide the life of a Stone Elf. Stone Elves do not deny that they are occasionally subject to emotion, but seek to repress it. When a Stone Elf accidentally falls prey to an emotion they must take 10 minutes to meditate, as soon as possible, to cleanse their mind and regain their composure. Stone Elves place great value on knowledge. Due to their calm appearance and logical approach Stone Elves are often sought out to deal with disputes or internal conflicts.

Make-Up/Costume As a Stone Elf all of your skin must be covered or made to be pure white via make up. You must also wear prosthetic Elf ears.

Body Type Normal

Racial Resist Magic

Abilities Control Anatomy, Self-Control

Role Play Power Mind Meld

Advantages & Disadvantages


Wild Elf

Description If the High Elves are considered refined, their Wild Elf cousins can be described as savage. With a close bond to nature, Wild Elves are marked with tribal paints and wear furs and leathers. Wild Elves can be territorial, most in Thrush Peake are from the Akanazi (or Horse)

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Tribe. Other major Tribes are Dolphin, Fox, Panther, Rooster, Sea Horse, and Stag.

Expected Role-Play Wild Elves are the embodiment and caretakers of the Wild’s of Tyrra. The prosperity and growth of the Wild’s are in direct proportion with Wild Elves fortunes. All Wild Elves are expected to be a members of a Tribe. There are many existing Tribes to choose from, but if a player wishes to create a new Tribe they must have the approval of plot. Wild Elves dress in accordance with their Tribe. Due to the importance Wild Elves place upon the natural world they have little regard for the rules of civility.

Make-Up/Costume Wild Elves must wear prosthetic Elf ears and wear costuming according to their Tribe.

Body Type Delicate

Racial Resist Magic

Abilities Poultice, Wood Walk

Role Play Power Animal Speech

Advantages & Disadvantages

The first time you purchase Resuscitate it costs 4 less build.


Description The Xantusa were created through alterations on other Races with powerful magic. This Race is not currently recognized by the Kingdom as a Race of Man. Closely tied to the Lizardmen, these ‘lizard folk’ have a distinctive reptile connection, but are as unique in appearance as Scavengers.

Expected Role-Play Xantusa are as diverse in manner as Humans. As common lore has them appearing upon Tyrra in recent history they are not considered a Race of Man and are therefore not afforded the same rights and protections as a member of the Kingdom of Haylem. Xantusa are often mistaken as monsters by peasants and other ignorant folk. Xantusa have an otherworldly presence that distinguishes them from the common Lizard Men. While a distinct race from Lizard Men, they are closely related and are therefore afforded a degree of respect from the Lizard Men living throughout the kingdom.

Make-Up/Costume The Xantusa must have full face make-up and prosthetics that makes them appear to be half human, half lizard. They should use gold, green and browns, for the most part.

Body Type Hearty

Racial Resist Poison

Abilities Toxins, Star Blooded

Role Play Power Ancestral Dreams

Advantages & Disadvantages

The Suppress effect damages a Xantusa 100 body, in addition to its normal effect.

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Race Resist Cost 1st

Racial Cost 2nd

Racial Cost

Barbarian Element 5 Rage 10 Poultice 5

Biata Element 5 Mental Freedom 10 Celestial Damper 5

Dark Elf Magic 5 Cover of Darkness 7 Self-Control 3

Dwarf Poison 5 Iron Body 7 Steady as a Mountain 3

Gypsy Any 5 Gypsy Curse 10 Spiritual Rebirth 5

Half-Orc Element 5 For the Horde 7 Superior Strength 3

High Elf Magic 5 Dignity 10 Fae Blood 5

Hobling Poison 5 Nimble 10 Fast Food 5

Human Any 5 Versatility 10 Tyrran Bond 5

Mystic Wood Elf Magic 5 True Freedom 10 Fae Blood 5

Ogrim Element 5 Survivor 7 Superior Strength 3

Sarr Poison 5 Blood Frenzy 7 Claw 3

Scavenger Poison 5 Hide 7 Claw 3

Stone Elf Magic 5 Control Anatomy 7 Self-Control 3

Wild Elf Magic 5 Wood Walk 10 Poultice 5

Xantusa Poison 5 Star Blooded 7 Toxins 3


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Archery 6 12 10 15 None

One Handed Blunt 4 6 4 8 None

One Handed Edged 5 7 5 10 None

Polearm 8 10 10 12 None

Shield 5 7 10 15 None

Staff 4 4 4 4 None

Thrown Weapon 4 4 4 4 None

Two-handed Sword 8 12 12 16 None

Two-handed Blunt 6 8 8 12 None

Style Master 12 15 12 20 A Weapon Skill

Weapon Master 15 18 18 20 None

One Handed Weapon Master

8 10 8 14 None

Two Handed Weapon Master

12 14 14 18 None

Dual Wield 10 10 5 15 A Weapon Skill

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Mastery 10 10 10 10 A Weapon Skill


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

First Aid 3 3 3 3 None

Healing Arts 9 3 8 3 First Aid

Resuscitate 5 5 5 5 First Aid

Read Magic 12 6 11 6 None

Merchant 2 2 2 2 None

Herbal Lore 3 3 3 3 None

Legerdemain 8 8 4 8 None


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Thick Blooded 7 7 7 7 None

Early to Rise 3 3 3 3 None

Hearty Constitution 7 9 11 11 None

Stubborn Spirit 5 5 5 5 Thick Blooded

Fast Healing 2 2 2 2 None

Fortitude 2 3 3 5 None

Stamina 2 3 4 4 None

Wear Extra Armour +2 N/A 2 2 2 None

Armour Optimization 3 4 4 6 None


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Craftsman <Type> (1-5) 1 1 1 1 Merchant

Craftsman <Type> (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Craftsman <Type> 5

Craftsman <Type> (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Craftsman <Type> 10

Blacksmithing (1-5) 1 1 1 1 None

Blacksmithing (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Blacksmithing 5

Blacksmithing (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Blacksmithing 10

Scroll Making (1-5) 1 1 1 1 Celestial Spell Slot

Scroll Making (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Scroll Making 5

Scroll Making (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Scroll Making 10

Potion Making (1-5) 1 1 1 1 Earth Spell Slot

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Potion Making (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Potion Making 5

Potion Making (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Potion Making 10

Alchemy (1-5) 1 1 1 1 Herbal Lore

Alchemy (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Alchemy 5

Alchemy (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Alchemy 10

Tinkering (1-5) 1 1 1 1 Legerdemain

Tinkering (6-10) 2 2 2 2 Tinkering 5

Tinkering (11-20) 3 3 3 3 Tinkering 10


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Critical Attack Set #1-4 2 2 2 6 A Weapon Skill

Proficiency #1-4 (+1 to


2 2 2 6 See notes

Critical Attack Set #5-8 3 4 4 8 See notes

Proficiency #5-8 (+5 to


3 4 4 8 See notes

Critical Attack Set #9-12 5 6 6 10 See notes

Proficiency #9-12 (+9 to


5 6 6 10 See notes

Critical Attack Set #13 + 6 7 7 12 See notes

Proficiency #13+ (+13


6 7 7 12 See notes

Resist Disarm 2 2 2 4 1 Proficiency Per Skill

Reduce Damage 2 2 4 4 1 Proficiency Per Skill

Slay 4 5 6 8 2 Proficiency Per Skill

Physical Parry 4 6 8 8 2 Proficiency Per Skill

Resist Shatter/Destroy 5 7 8 10 3 Proficiency Per Skill

Fast Refit 5 7 8 10 3 Proficiency Per Skill

Unwavering 7 10 12 14 4 Proficiency Per Skill


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Primary School Level 1 2 1 1 1 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 2 2 1 2 1 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 3 4 2 3 2 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 4 4 3 4 2 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 5 5 3 4 3 See Spell Pyramid Rules

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Primary School Level 6 6 4 5 3 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 7 7 5 6 4 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 8 7 5 6 4 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary School Level 9 8 6 7 5 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 1 4 2 2 1 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 2 4 2 4 2 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 3 8 4 6 3 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 4 8 6 8 4 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 5 10 6 8 5 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 6 12 8 10 6 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 7 14 10 12 7 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 8 14 10 12 8 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Secondary School Level 9 16 12 14 9 See Spell Pyramid Rules

Primary Formal Magic (1-


4 2 4 2 9th Level Spell in Primary

Primary Formal Magic (6-


6 3 6 3 5 Formal Levels in Primary

Primary Formal Magic


8 4 8 4 10 Formal Levels in Primary

Secondary Formal Magic


8 4 8 4 9th Level Spell in


Secondary Formal Magic


12 6 12 6 5 Formal Levels in


Secondary Formal Magic


16 8 16 8 10 Formal Levels in


Elemental Focus 40 24 31 20 1x 9th Level Celestial Spell

Elemental Mastery 25 15 19 13 Elemental Focus

Protective Focus 22 12 16 11 1x 9th Level Spell Slot

Protective Mastery 10 6 8 5 Protective Focus

Healing Focus 40 24 31 20 1x 9th Level Earth Spell Slot

Healing Mastery 25 15 19 13 Healing Focus

Confining Focus 18 11 15 9 1x 9th Level Spell Slot

Confining Mastery 10 6 8 5 Confining Focus

Cursing Focus 26 14 18 13 1x 9th Level Earth Spell Slot

Cursing Mastery 13 9 11 8 Cursing Focus

Combat Wizardry 10 4 10 5 4x 9th Level Spell

Elemental Chameleon 10 6 8 5 6th Level Celestial Spell Slot

Accuracy (1-2) 4 3 3 2 1st Level Spell

Accuracy (3-5) 6 4 5 3 2x Accuracy

Accuracy (6+) 8 5 7 4 5 Accuracy

Harvest (1-2) 6 4 4 3 5th Level Spell

Harvest (3-5) 8 5 6 4 2 Harvest

Harvest (6+) 10 6 8 5 5 Harvest

Spell Ricochet (1) 10 7 10 5 2x 9th Level Spell

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Spell Ricochet (2) 20 12 15 10 1x Spell Ricochet, 4 x 9th

Level Spell

Spell Ricochet (3+) 30 17 20 15 2x Spell Ricochet, 6 x 9th

Level Spell (2 per)


Skill Name Warrior Adept Rogue Scholar Prerequisites

Back Attack Set #1-4 3 3 2 6 A Weapon Skill

Back Stab #1-4 (+2 to +8) 3 3 2 6 See notes

Back Attack Set #5-8 4 5 3 6 See notes

Back Stab #5-8 (+10 to


4 5 3 6 See notes

Back Attack Set #9-12 6 6 5 10 See notes

Back Stab #9-12 (+18 to


6 6 5 10 See notes

Back Attack Set # 13+ 7 7 6 12 See notes

Back Stab #13+ (+26


7 7 6 12 See notes

Disarm Opponent 4 4 2 4 1 Back Stab Per Skill

Frontal Assault 4 4 2 4 1 Back Stab Per Skill

Assassinate 8 8 4 8 2 Back Stab Per Skill

Dodge 10 10 4 10 2 Back Stab Per Skill

Destroy Armour 8 8 5 10 3 Back Stab Per Skill

Deadly Blow 8 8 5 10 3 Back Stab Per Skill

Escape 12 12 7 14 4 Back Stab Per Skill

Waylay 10 10 5 10 A Weapon Skill


See the example below for the progression of Critical Attacks and Proficiencies. The progression is the same for

Back Stabs and Back Attacks except each Back Attacks add +2– and Back Stabs +2.

NOTE: Back Attacks, Back Stabs, Assassinate and Deadly Blow can only be used when a player, including their

weapon is behind the lateral line (as defined by the line made by the shoulders of the target) of the intended

target with both feet. (A player cannot stand behind the target and hit them in the front with their weapon.) The

player may deliver strikes to the arm, leg or any other valid hit location so long as the blow hits behind the lateral


Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #1 Spend 2 Build Character swings 2 with a long sword and 1x per day can swing for 12

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Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #2 Spend 2 Build Character swings 2 with a long sword and 2x per day can swing for 12

Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #3 Spend 2 Build Character swings 2 with a long sword and 3x per day can swing for 12

Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #4 Spend 2 Build Character swings 2 with a long sword and 4x per day can swing for 12

Buy Proficiency #1 Spend 2 Build Character swings 3 (+1) with long sword but no longer has the 4 + 10


Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #1 Spend 2 Build Character swings 3 (+1) with a long sword and 1x per day can swing for 13

Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #2 Spend 2 Build Character swings 3 (+1) with a long sword and 2x per day can swing for 13

Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #3 Spend 2 Build Character swings 3 (+1) with a long sword and 3x per day can swing for 13

Buy Set 1—Critical Attack #4 Spend 2 Build Character swings 3 with a long sword and 4x per day can swing for 13

Buy Proficiency #2 Spend 2 Build Character swings 4 (+2) with long sword but no longer has the 4 + 10


Buy Mastery Spend 10 Build Character swings 4 with any weapon


When a character purchases their first magical spell slot, either Celestial or Earth, that becomes their Primary

school. The Primary school is the favoured school for the character until they receive a Spirit Forge or other life

altering event. Primary School spells are cheaper than Secondary School spells to purchase. A character must

always have more spells in the Primary school than the Secondary.


Purchasing a spell slot allows a character to memorize a spell of that level in the slot. The character may then at

any time throughout the next day use the spell they have memorized by incanting and throwing the spell. Each slot

may only be filled with one spell of the appropriate level and may only be thrown once per day unless another skill

alters this.


There are several rules when purchasing spells. The rules are:

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You must always have a greater number of lower level spells slots than higher level spell slots until you have four

slots of one level. Once you have four slots at one level you must always have an equal or greater number of lower

level spell slots to higher level spell slots

The difference in the number of spell slots you have between two levels must never be more than two.

Bonus spells derived from the Focus skills do not count for or against the spell limitations/requirements per level

In order to learn a Celestial Spell slot you must first have the skill Read Magic and in order to learn an Earth Spell

slot you must first have the skill Healing Arts.

Spell Pyramid Examples:


The signature skill of a Wizard. Formal Magic allows you to complete mystical rituals in order to create powerful

items and put strange enchantments on people. Purchasing 1 level of Formal Magic allows you to read a Formal

Scroll of the appropriate school and identify what it does. You can purchase up to 15 levels of formals.


Instead of using Formal power in a ritual, a player can opt to convert it to spells of the appropriate school

as follows:

Level 1-3 Spell - 1 Formal Power

Level 4-6 Spell - 2 Formal Power

Level 7-9 Spell - 3 Formal Power

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Accuracy When the caster misses with a thrown spell (not strike) they may say “accuracy” and try again to hit their target once per day with some conditions. The spell must have missed any valid target whatsoever (this includes inanimate objects for the spell shatter). The caster must be able to properly begin the incant and throw the packet within 2 seconds of using the skill. Should the character be unable to cast the spell because they lack packets or they are under a game effect that prevents casting then the skill is consumed and wasted. Note that if a target has used a defense, dumb, smart or passive, the spell hit but was countered. Accuracy may not be used in this case to throw again. This skill may be bought three times.

Alchemy See "6.0 Production Rules"

Ancestral Wisdom After performing a 5 minute ritual, of the player’s own devising, a Barbarian may deliver one written question to NPC camp. Plot may have an OOG NPC come and whisper an answer to the question. Answers will often be cryptic. Receiving an answer is not guaranteed. Neither is the veracity of the answer. This may be used once per event.

Animal Speech Similar to mind meld, but only works with creatures/spirits with “Animal Intelligence”. Mundane animals (i.e. dogs, mice, bears, hawks, snakes) are considered to have Animal intelligence. Monsters may be considered “Animal Intelligence” at the discretion of plot (i.e. A dire wolf may be considered close enough to a wolf to have “Animal Intelligence”). To initiate Animal Speech the player may start a 3 count of “I talk to the animals”. If the animal wishes to communicate it may join in on the 3 count at any point. Animals are not obligated to communicate in this manner. Wild Elves tend to have better success with animals similar to their totem (I.e. The Akanazi tribe have better luck speaking with equines) and Scavengers tend to have better success with animals closer to their animal half (i.e. Devlin Dale, the chipmunk scavenger, has better luck communicating with rodents.).

Archery Allows the character to use a bow. The base damage is 2 for a short bow, 3 for a regular bow and 4 for a long bow. A long-bow is considered a 2-handed weapon.

Armour Optimization Each time this skill is purchased the character receives 2 extra armour points above any other armour they are wearing. The skill can be bought a maximum of 10 times. This skill stacks with the Hobling racial skill Nimble. You must have a valid armour tag and rep to use this skill.

Assassinate Once a day for each time this skill is purchased a character may deliver a mighty blow equal with Damage equal to 30 + 10x the number of Back Stabs the character has (Example: a character with 4 Back Stabs (swinging +8 from behind) would assassinate for 70, a character with 9 (+18 from behind) would assassinate for 120). This blow can be delivered using any weapon with which the character has skill and is not limited to one hand or the other. To use this skill the player must make the strike and say “<number><damage type> Assassinate”.

Back Attack With each Back Attack that a character has they may once a day add +20 to a single swing on a chosen weapon type. The weapon type must be identified at time of purchase. (Example: A character who has 3 Back Attacks using a regular long sword would swing for28: Base Damage 2 + 6 due to Back Attacks +20). Back Attacks are bought in sets of 4. When the corresponding Back Stab is purchased the Back Attacks

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are lost and the character may start buying the next set.

Back Stab With each Back Stab that a character has they may add +2 to all damage calls on a chosen hand and weapon type. When a character has 4 Back Attacks a player may choose to trade them in and pay the build cost for the corresponding Back Stab. The Weapon Type must be the same as was identified for the Back Attack being traded in.

Blacksmithing See "6.0 Production Rules"

Blood Frenzy Once per day the character may enter a blood frenzy. They must 3-count “I enter a blood-frenzy” and choose a target that they wish to kill. The blood-frenzy lasts until the target is dead, the character has entered their dying count or if the target has successfully escaped the field (eg. 20 minute escape count). During the blood frenzy, the character may only take offensive actions against their target (defensive actions are still fine). They also gain unlimited Physical Strike Slows versus their chosen target. The character will do their utmost to killing blow the target if at all possible while this effect lasts. While under the effects of Blood Frenzy the character takes reduced from all sources except their chosen target.

Blood Scent If a NPC escapes an encounter, a Sarr or Scavenger may contact plot to ascertain their general whereabouts. The Player must be able to describe the NPC to the satisfaction of plot and maybe then given a lead (to a further module or encounter) involving that NPC, at Plot’s discretion at a time of their choosing. This may be used once per event.

Celestial Damper Once per logistics period the character may call “No Effect” to a Celestial damage spell. Immediately after the character must call “Personal Agony” and gain the effects of Agony. For the remaining Hour or Battle (whichever is longer) the character may continue to call “No Effect” to Celestial Damage spells, as long as they remain under the effects of Agony.

Claw Scavengers and Sarr are part animal and as such, they have claws and when this skill is purchased they are able to use them effectively against their opponents. This is represented by their ability to buy a single short sword sized claw. The claw deals 2 points of damage. The claw may never be silvered, master crafted or be given a damage aura or similar effect. If the character gains a claw from another effect, Formal Augments/Totems being the most likely example, then their claw is more vicious than normal dealing 1 extra point of damage per swing. This skill only allows 1 claw. If the character wishes to use this claw with another weapon, say a Normal Long Sword and their Claw in the off hand then they must buy the appropriate skills to wield 2 weapons. All skills that apply to a short sword also apply to the claw, such as Weapon Proficiency +1.

Combat Wizardry The character may continue casting spells even while taking body damage. Taking body damage no longer interrupts spells with the duration Concentration. If you are ever challenged by another player who might ask why you are continuing to cast while taking body damage you merely need to respond “Combat Wizardry” and continue. This skill may only be bought once.

Control Anatomy The duration of all 10 minute duration Mind Affecting effects are reduced to 1 minute.

Cover of Darkness Gain the Nimble and Hide skills, but only between the hours of 6pm and 6am.

Craftsman <Type> For each time you purchase this skill you get 2 silver pieces per logistics period. You must

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specify some kind of trade

Critical Attack With each critical attack that a character has they may once a day add +10 to a single swing on a chosen weapon type. The weapon type must be identified at time of purchase. (Example: A character who has 3 profs using a regular long sword would swing for 15: Base Damage 2 + 3 Profs +10). Critical Attacks are bought in sets of 4. When the corresponding proficiency is purchased the Critical Attacks are lost and the character may start buying the next set.

Deadly Blow Once per day a character can Channel "Death" on a single boffer delivered attack for each time the skill is purchased.

Destroy Armour Once per day a character can use a Physical Strike Destroy Armour for each time the skill is purchased.

Dignity Three times per logistics period the character may resist Feeblemind, Berserk or Fear. In addition the RP portion of Feeblemind, Fear and Intoxicant effects may be ignored by the character, leaving them free to act in any manner they choose. The game mechanic portion of an effect still occurs. Examples - If a High-Elf was struck by “Feeble Mind” they would not be able to communicate properly or use game skills, but they would not act like they had lost their faculties (i.e. they wouldn’t act like a gibbering idiot). If a character was “Feared” they would still attempt to remove themselves from battle as quickly as possible, but they would not have to yell or scream.

Disarm Opponent Once per day a character can use a Physical Strike Disarm for each time the skill is purchased

Dodge Once a day for each time this skill is purchased a character may choose to avoid any packet delivered or boffer delivered attack that has already struck. To use this skill the player must loudly and clearly state “Dodge” within 2 seconds of becoming aware of the attack.

Dual Wield This Skill allows a character to fight with two weapons, one of which must be long sized (44 inches) or smaller. This skill also allows you to use any Stealth or Combat skills that you have with one of your hands with the other hand as well (although the number of times per day that you can use a specific skill remain unchanged).

Early to Rise This character’s unconsciousness count (to move from 0 to 1 body) takes 5 minutes, not 10.

Elemental Chameleon The character continues to memorize their damage spells at every level as a specific element. They may change that element on the fly at the time of casting the spell an unlimited number of times per day. This skill may only be bought once. If the character ever gains Elemental Mastery then they are refunded for this skill.

Escape Once per day for each time the skill is bought a character can escape from one of the following effects: Pin, Bind, Web, Root, Tangle, Entwine on a 3 count. The player must say one I escape, two I escape, three I escape and they are no longer under the effect. The character must be conscious. If the three count is interrupted, the skill is lost.

Fae Blood The character may use either a 1x/day Resist Mind Affecting or 1x/day Magic Sleep.

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Fast Food 1x/day Resist Confining or Engulf.

Fast Healing For each time the character buys this skill, once per day they can spend 5 minutes concentrating to bring their body total back to full.

Fast Refit Once per day for each time the skill is bought a character can refit their armour on a 10 second count. The player must drop to one knee and concentrate. The only difference between this and a regular refit count is the duration.

First Aid First Aid allows a character to stabilize a dying character, bringing a character to zero True Body Points from -1 (their Bleeding-Out Count) after one minute of uninterrupted contact. To perform this Skill you must place a hand onto the torso on the person being First Aided and repeatedly announce "First Aid" (this skill is visible). This stops the 60 second Dying Count if the target can be healed. If you are interrupted (which includes being struck, taking damage, etc.) while giving First Aid, then the one minute Dying Count "timer" starts again where it left off when the First Aid was started. Once at zero True Body Points, the person will regain consciousness in 10 minutes with one True Body Point. If the victim is not at -1 True Body Points when the First Aid is applied the victim must narrate "No Effect". For the purposes of special game Effects, and the spell Misery, First Aid is considered healing. In situations where the First Aid would not successfully heal the target from -1 to 0 because of a game effect or situation then it does not delay the Dying Count in any way, the target should narrate "No Effect" right away. The only other game skill that can be used is Healing Arts, which may only be used to ask questions of the target First Aid is being used on, which allows a character to ask questions between utterances of "First Aid". This Skill only works with human-like physiology's (some creatures are so alien that First Aid will not work on them - if attempted they will narrate "Alien Metabolism").

For The Horde The Half-Orc is energized and inspired while fighting alongside his fellow horde-mates. He gains 1x Resist Disarm and 1x Resist Fear once per day (each) while in combat with at least one of his horde brethren. If one of his horde-mates appears to be dead or dying, or is being carried from the field, the Half-Orc enters a rage, and becomes immune to fear and disarm while that character remains in peril (dead, dying or taken). The Half-Orc cannot stop pursuit of their companion for any reason until they are saved or the Half-Orc resurrects.

Fortitude Once per day, when a numerical attack (weapon strike, spell, elemental packet etc.) would reduce your body count to 0 or –1 you may call “Fortitude” to stay at 1 body. You still take all other effects associated with the attack (ex. Carrier attacks). Fortitude cannot be used to defend against massive.

Frontal Assault Once per day for each time the skill is bought a character can make a single swing that would normally have to come from the back, from the front. The blow gets all of the same bonuses the character would normally have from behind. This cannot be used in conjunction with an Assassinate.

Grove Guardians Mystic Wood elves are traditionally the keepers of the spaces where the fae realms intersect with the mortal realms. At the discretion of plot, Mystic Wood elves may have some controls over how these areas function. For example a Mystic Wood elf may be able to close/open a portal contained in a grove, have intrinsic knowledge of a grove’s

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magical rules, or be able to communicate with fae who are not present in the mortal realms.

Gypsy Curse 1x/day the Gypsy may use "Magic <curse>" where <curse> is Weakness, Paralysis, Destruction or Misery. In addition, any number of times per day a Gypsy may remove a Weakness, Paralysis, Destruction or Misery effect on a 60 second count. The Gypsy must remain in contact with the target for the duration, must maintain concentration and should say “visibly concentrating” to anyone that asks what they see.

Harvest This skill allows the user to immediately reuse a spell which an opponent defended against using a dumb or passive defense. In order to use this skill the player must say “Harvest” within 2 seconds of the defense being called and then has another 2 seconds to recast the spell against any target.

Healing Arts This skill, which represents a characters basic medical knowledge, is required to learn any Earth spells. A character with Healing Arts can determine if someone is diseased, sleeping, paralyzed, dead, dying, unconscious, or merely faking injury upon examining them. The exact extent of injuries can be determined as well. A person with Healing Arts examining a hurt body can determine the following: How many body points the target is down How long until the target bleeds out (goes from –1 to dead)? How long until the target resurrects? Whether the target is asleep, unconscious or dead? Is the target Alive, Dying, victim of a Waylay, Agony, Disease, Feeblemind, Intoxicant, Plague, Taint, Misery, Berserk, Sleep or if they are Reviving? Does the target have a Metabolism? How much time until the <Effect> ends / target wakes up / becomes conscious? In order to use this skill, the person must touch the subject on the torso and role-play an examination, asking questions beginning with “Healing Arts…”. The amount of time it takes to perform the examination is determined by the length of the questions being asked. Can be used at the same time as First Aid. A target is aware that Healing Arts is being used on them if they are conscious. Healing Arts will let you know if a liquid is a potion on a three count. Further identification takes one full minute - the player should spend the 60 seconds scrutinizing the bottle, holding it up to the light, shaking the contents, and otherwise role-playing investigating the mysterious liquid.”

Hearty Constitution When this character is in a dying state and his struck by a Life spell they rise to half body instead of 1 body.

Herbal Lore This skill is a prerequisite to creating any alchemical substances. This skill also allows a character to detect and identify alchemical substances present in a bottle or otherwise used accordingly (such as mixed in food or affixed as a contact gel) on a 3 count. After 60 seconds of investigation the exact nature of the alchemical substance can be determined. This process must be role-played accordingly. This skill is also required in order to drink or feed any alchemical elixir. This is a passive skill.

Hide The character can escape from game on a 1 minute count instead of 20 minutes. They must be unobserved for the minute then in a normal voice say “1 I hide, 2 I hide, 3 I hide, does anyone pursue?” If no one answers in 2 seconds the character is now out of game. Any objects with the character travel with them. The character can never bring others no

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matter their current state. The character may remain out of game in this location for 24 hours. If the player actually remains in the location with a headband on they may listen and watch the comings and goings near them. If the player leaves they give up all knowledge of what happens in said location. While out of game the player is immune to all game effects except for very rare and special plot effects that might bring them out of hiding (such as the location they are hiding being propelled into space, into another dimension or perhaps being disintegrated.) Although a player is immune to game effects once they have escaped they are not cured of any effects. If any effect drops them to 0, unconscious, -1 or their 5 minute count, they 3 count emerge from their hiding spot. While in hiding you may not use any game items or skills. Constant effects remain in effect for their normal duration.

Iron Body Some say that the bones of Dwarves are infused with Iron. Perhaps that is why they are poor swimmers. It is known that Dwarves may concentrate for a moment by 3-counting “I gain Iron Body”. They then gain immunity from Taint, Plague and Disease for 1 hour or 1 battle, whichever is longer. Taint robs the victim of their game skills, therefore the Dwarf could not activate this ability while under said effect but they are protected from the effect if Iron Body is already active. If the Dwarf is struck by a Taint, Plague and Disease effect while Iron Body is active the proper defensive call is “No Effect.”

Legerdemain This skill allows the character to attempt to arm a trap, disarm a trap, or pick a lock. It does not guarantee success. You must have this skill to even attempt to set a trap, disarm a trap, or pick a lock.

Mastery By purchasing this skill, a character can use his or her Critical Attacks, Back Attacks, Proficiencies and Back Stabs with any weapon.

Mental Freedom Biata are feared and respected for their control of the mind. They are able to free others from the grips of any effect that is cured by Awaken. When someone is under said effect the Biata merely needs to call out “Mental Freedom” followed by the name of the character. That character can then accept the call and ignore any effects that are cured by Awaken and move to the Biata. The Biata may immediately touch cast an Arcane Awaken on the target. This may be used twice per day. When the Biata uses this ability they must maintain concentration. As per other concentration effects if the Biata takes true body damage the effect ends and the Mental Freedom fails. The target of this ability may ignore any effect that is cured by Awaken, must not use any skills or abilities or magical items and may move as quickly as they want to the Biata. Effects that are not cured by Awaken, such as Pin, may prevent the character from reaching the Biata and thus potentially causing the Mental Freedom to fail and the use for the day wasted. Newly applied effects that are cured by Awaken, such as a new Fear or new Sleep effect, that strike the target while they move towards the Biata may also be ignored.

Merchant This skill will allow a character to put an accurate value on in-game items. It will not identify if they are magical but only how much they might fetch on the open market.

Mind Meld This is a telepathic ability to communicate and explore the thoughts of a willing participant. The Mind Melder and the target(s) should remain close enough to whisper to each other to enter a Mind Meld. To enter the Mind Meld the participants should 3 count together “We enter a Mind Meld”. The participants are then free to communicate whatever thoughts, feelings, memories, and visions they feel is appropriate. The information communicated is solely at the discretion of the players, being as revealing or accurate as they would like. A Mind Meld with a NPC may provide useful information not

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easily gathered by simple talking. The thoughts and feelings of a Mind Meld are overwhelming to the Mind Melder and it can be assumed the Mind Melder is saying out loud (in a whisper) everything being communicated. For this reason anyone overhearing a Mind Meld has IG knowledge of what is spoken and described between the participants. Speaking above a whisper or moving away from the other participants breaks a Mind Meld, no call required.

Nimble Any source of armour worn by a Hobling is considered to have 5 extra points. These 5 points mimic all of the properties of the armour. Should the Hobling be reduced to zero armour then they lose this ability until they can refit their armor (1 minute count)

One Handed Edged Allows the use of any one-handed blunt weapon. The base damage for this weapon is 2.

One Handed Blunt Allows the use of any one-handed blunt weapon. The base damage for this weapon is 2. A blunt weapon provides a +1 bonus on a waylay attack.

One Handed Weapon Master

Allows a character to use any one-handed weapon.

Physical Parry Once a day for each time this skill is purchased a character may defend against any boffer, packet arrow or any attack with the Prefix Physical. A parry may be used to defend the character using the skill or any other character within weapons reach. This defense can use any weapon with which the character has skill and is not limited to one hand or the other. If a weapon delivered attack has any other prefix than “Physical” the Parry can be used but the Warrior takes the effect.

Polearm Allows the character the character to use a polearm. The base damage is 3

Potion Making See "6.0 Production Rules"

Poultice 3-count “I apply the poultice.” while in nature. The target is stabilized as if a First Aid count was just completed. Any effect that would prevent a successful use of First Aid would also prevent the use of Poultice.

Proficiency With each Proficiency that a character has they may add +1 to all damage calls and weapon type. (+2 for even number Proficiencies for Bows & 2-Handed Weapons) When a character has 4 Critical attacks a player may choose to trade them in and pay the build cost for the corresponding Weapon Proficiency. The Weapon Type must be the same as was identified for the Critical Attacks being traded in.

Rage Once per day the character can enter a Rage. The character may 3-Count “I enter a rage”. At the conclusion of the 3-Count the character is immune to Fear for 1 hour or 1 battle, whichever is longer and gains an additional 50 body which may not be healed back. If struck by a Fear Effect the correct response is “No Effect” during the Rage.

Read Magic This skill is required for a character to learn celestial magic spells or cast magic scrolls. It does not allow you to read Ritual Magic scrolls. With this skill, a character can use magic scrolls up to the character’s highest level of celestial spell ability plus four.

Reduce Damage Once per day for each time the skill is purchased a character can call Reduce for a single number damage call.

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Resist Disarm Once per day for each time the skill is bought the character can resist a Disarm effect.

Resist Element Once a day a character can resist an attack with the Prefix "Elemental". The player has 2 seconds after being hit with the attack to say "Resist". This skill can only be bought once.

Resist Magic Once a day a character can resist a spell or an attack with the Prefix "Magic". The player has 2 seconds after being hit with the attack to say "Resist". This skill can only be bought once.

Resist Poison Once a day a character can resist an attack with the Prefix "Poison". The player has 2 seconds after being hit with the attack to say "Resist". This skill can only be bought once.

Resist Shatter Once per day for each time the skill is bought the character can resist a Shatter or Destroy effect.

Resuscitate To use this ability a player must touch the target and say “resuscitate”. If the target is not in the Dead (5-minute count) state, they immediately say “no effect” and the skill is not used up. If the target is Dead, you may then maintain contact for 5 minutes. While you are performing this action, the target’s 5-minute count in the Dead state is paused. At the end of the count, assuming the target is still Dead, this skill delivers the effect “Life”. This skill may be used once per day per purchase.

Scroll Making See "6.0 Production Rules"

See Spirits Allows the Gypsy to see wandering spirits and those who are on their way to resurrect. They can sometimes communicate with wandering spirits.

Self-Control The character gains 1x/day Resist Mind Affecting. Once per Logistics period, the character may instead ignore Vocal Control from one source, calling “No Effect” when the command is issued.

Shield Allows the player to use a shield to block attacks. A player may not use a shield to attack; a shield may be moved back and forth on a lateral line only.

Slay Once a day for each time this skill is purchased a character may deliver a mighty blow equal with Damage equal to 30 + 5x the number of Weapon Proficiencies the character has (Example: a character with 4 weapon proficiencies would slay for 50, a character with 9 would slay for 75). This blow can be delivered using any weapon with which the character has skill and is not limited to one hand or the other. To use this skill the player must say “Prepare to Die” loudly and clearly before delivering the blow. The slay is considered active until it is countered by a defense, it lands on a target or 5-minutes have passed. A player must say “Active” slay every time they encounter a new target or approximately 30 seconds passes.

Spell Ricochet Once per day for each time the skill is bought the player gains Ricochet Magic. See Ricochet under the effects list for details on page 85 for details on the Ricochet effect.

Spiritual Rebirth 1x/day The Gypsy may touch a non-finally dead spirit as it walks towards the circle to resurrect. They may begin resurrection on the spot instead of requiring an Earth Circle. The targeted spirit may refuse, in which case the ability is used for the day. Each character may only be targeted by this ability once per logistics period. Death stones should be pulled immediately after the battle/module. 1x/day the Gypsy may touch a

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creature who is in their dying (5 minute) count and 3-count "I strengthen your spirit" in order to reset that count back to 5 minutes.

Staff Allows the character to use a staff. The base damage is 2

Stamina This character has 2 extra true body for each Stamina skill purchased to a maximum of 10 extra true body. Skill may be purchased 5 times.

Star Blooded The character may 3x/day Magic Dispel Effect and then immediately lose 5 body.

Steady as a Mountain 1x/day the Dwarf may plant their feet and call minimal from all damage effects. The Dwarf is no effect to all healing and refit armour effects. This effect ends when they move their feet or fall unconscious.

Strong Arm Half Orcs deal 1 extra point of damage with any one handed melee weapon. This must be a one handed melee weapon and does not apply to one handed ranged weapons.

Stubborn Spirit This character’s dying count lasts 6 minutes instead of 5.

Style Master Allows a character to use Duel Wield and Shield.

Superior Strength The character may rip from all tangle effects, may use superior strength roleplay effects and may run while carrying another character.

Survivor The first time each logistics period that a character would go from their bleeding (1 minute) count to their dying (5 minute) count, they instead go to 0 body.

Thick Blooded This character’s bleed out count takes 2 minutes, not 1.

Thrown Weapon Allows the character to use a thrown weapon. The base damage is 1

Tinkering See "6.0 Production Rules"

Toxins Once per day, the character may change one of their attacks into a Poison attack. They may convert a Weapon attack into “Poison Strike <numerical damage> <carriers>” or convert a spell from memory into “Poison <spell name>”. A Spell converted in this manner may still be harvested and be subject to the Accuracy skill.

True Freedom 1x/day “Personal Release” or “Personal Awaken”.

Tyrran Bond 1x/day the character may 3-count “I draw strength” and for the next Hour, Battle or Encounter (whichever is longer) they take ½ damage from numerical Chaos effects.

Two Handed Weapon Master

Allows a character to use any two-handed weapon except bow.

Two-handed Blunt Allows the character to use a 2 Handed Blunt Weapon. The base damage is 3

Two-handed Sword Allows the character to use a 2 Handed Sword. The base damage is 3

<Type> Focus You may only ever purchase one Focus Skill.

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This skill grants the character a bonus Spell Slot that must be used to memorize a spell of the type chosen at every appropriate level. This extra spell slot does not follow the pyramid rules. Not all spell types have a spell at every level. In this situation extra slots are only granted at the appropriate levels. This skill may be bought for your primary or your secondary column and may only be bought once. This skill only affects one pyramid. See section “5.0 Magic” for specifics. Example: Confining Focus grants you an extra Pin spell at level 2, an extra Bind spell at level 4, an extra Web spell at level 5 and an extra Confine spell at level 8. It does nothing for you at level 1, 3, 6, 7 and 9.

<Type> Mastery At every level where the character has a bonus spell slot from the <type> Focus skill the character may convert any spell of that level in memory into a spell of the Mastery <type> at any time. This in effect voids the character’s need to memorize spells of the Mastery <type> because they can spontaneously convert any remaining spells of the same level in memory to that <type> spell on the fly. <type> Mastery must be purchased for the same column as the <type> Focus and only affects that column. See section “5.0 Magic” for specifics. Example: If a character chooses to purchase Confining Master (and has Confining Focus as the prerequisite) for their primary 6 column of Celestial magic they may not convert any 2nd, 4th, 5th or 8th level Earth spells into confining spells as they could for Celestials.

Unwavering Once per day for each time the skill is bought the character can reduce the damage from a single number of attack to 1 point by stating "Minimal". This negates any other effects of the attack.

Versatile Once per logistics period the character may use an additional per day skill that they have already purchased or have the prerequisite for.

Waylay This skill allows a character to attempt to knock a victim into a non-resistible Sleep effect. Waylay must be delivered using a 1-handed boffer weapon rep with which the player is skilled. To deliver a Waylay the character must strike the opponent on either shoulder blade. The attack must be done from surprise. Whether or not the opponent is surprised is at the sole discretion of the player or NPC playing that opponent. The only defense against a Waylay is a Physical Shield. A players base Waylay is 0 +1 for each back stab he or she has. The character gets an additional +1 for using a blunt weapon.

Weapon Master Allows a character to use any weapon excluding Bow.

Wear Extra Armour +2 The character can wear 2 points of extra armour each time this is purchased to bring them to a total maximum of 20 points (Scholars can buy 5 times, Adepts, 3 times and Rogues, 4 times.)

Wood Walk Once per logistics period, the character may Meld with Nature. They must emerge exactly 10 minutes later (no sooner or later). While merged, they are slow and may only travel in surroundings designated by plot as “Nature” (i.e. they may not enter a building or a desolate cave). Nature, at minimum, is never a man made structure or contained within a man made structure. (i.e. A tree is “Nature”, but a potted tree is not.)

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There are two schools of magic that are popular among the civilized races. They are Celestial magic, or the magic

of the stars, and Earth Magic, or the magic of Tyrra. While many theories exist as to the origins of magic it is widely

regarded. That either elves or dragons taught the other races for one reason or another millennia ago. Each race

has its own outlook on the merit or inherent evil of each school of magic.



Celestial and Earth magic have access to damage or healing spells at every level.

Celestial Magic comes in 5 types: Flame, Stone, Lightning, Ice or Power

Earth Magic comes in 2 types: Earth or Chaos. Undead take double from Earth and when living creatures take

Chaos damage it bypasses their armour and goes straight to their body.

Both spell schools follow the same mechanic. At each level they have a spell that deals or heals (Level x 5) damage

which may be used with any of the available elemental suffix (for Celestial) or the straight to body types (for


Example: At level 3 an Earth Scholar may memorize a 15 Earth healing spell and at level 7 a Celestial Scholar may

memorize a 35 Stone damage spell.

Note: Living creatures heal straight to body from Earth and take damage straight to body from Chaos. Undead are

the reverse.


In the Nero Canada game setting, Chaos & Power are regarded as evil and are illegal by Kingdom law; typically the

caster will receive a punishment of death or worse. Power is unique in the no creature is immune to it, however

some do heal from it.


All Earth Magic damage dealing or healing spells are reversible. When a character memorizes a 4th level spell that

can heal 20 Earth, they automatically have the ability to reverse it and use a 20 Chaos spell. Other spells such as

Weakness /Remove Weakness are also reversible and the caster can choose which version to use at time of



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There are 2 types of Dumb Defenses: Shields and Reflects. They are called dumb because they go off the first time

a character is hit with an attack of that type automatically. Shields and Reflects come in 4 types: Elemental,

Physical, Poison or Magic. A character can only have one Dumb Defense of each type at a time.


Level 1 Disarm Is summon a force to Disarm your <right or left hand>.

5pt <Element> I call forth 5 <element>.

Light I grant you the power of a Light.

Level 2 Lesser Shield I grant you the power of a <Physical Shield/Elemental Shield>

Pin With mystic force I Pin you.

Repel With mystic force I Repel you.

10pt <Element> I call forth 10 <element>.

Detect Magical Nature I call forth mystic power to Detect Magical Nature.

Level 3 Refit Armour I summon a force to Refit Armour.

Slow With mystic force I Slow you.

15pt <Element> I call forth 15 <element>.

Harm Elemental I summon a force to Harm Elemental

Shatter I summon a force to Shatter <item name>.

Level 4 Awaken I command you to Awaken

Bind With mystic force I Bind you.

20pt <Element> I call forth 20 <element>.

Magic 5 Reservoir I call forth a Magic 5 Reservoir, Magic 5

Eldritch Surge I grant you the power of an Eldritch Surge.

Shun I command you to Shun me.

Level 5 Greater Shield I grant you the power of a <Magic Shield or Poison Shield>.

Release With mystic force I Release you.

Web With mystic force I Web you.

25pt <Element> I call forth 25 <element>.

Level 6 Destroy I summon a force to Destroy <item name>.

Enchanted Blade I grant you the power of an Enchanted Blade.

30pt <Element> I call forth 30 <element>.

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Magic 10 Reservoir I call forth a Magic 10 Reservoir, Magic 10

Sleep I command you to Sleep.

Level 7 Fear I command you to Fear me.

Silence With mystic force I Silence you.

35pt <Element> I call forth 35 <element>

Wall of Force With eldritch Force I build a Wall.

Destroy Element I summon a Force to Destroy Elemental

Level 8 Reflect With mystic force I Confine you.

Confine I call forth mystic power to Dispel you.

Dispel I call forth 40 <element>.

40pt <Element> With eldritch force I build a Wizard’s Lock.

Wizard’s Lock

Level 9 45pt <Element> I call forth 45 <element>.

Imprison With eldritch force I build a Prison.

Circle of Power With eldritch force I build a <Protection or Ritual> Circle.

Ward With eldritch force I build a Ward...Ward up.

Duplicate Ward Key With eldritch force I build a Duplicate Ward Key.

Suppress I call forth mystic power to Suppress you.

Magic 15 Reservoir I call forth a Magic 15 Reservoir, Magic 15


Level 1 Disarm I summon a force to Disarm your <right hand or left hand>.

5pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 5 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 5


Light I grant you the power of a Light.

Trap Undead/Free Undead I call upon the earth to Trap Undead. /I call upon chaos to Free Undead.

Level 2 Lesser Shield I grant you the power of a <Physical Shield or Elemental Shield>

Pin With mystic force I Pin you.

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Repel With mystic force I Repel you.

10pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 10 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 10


Turn/Control Undead I call upon the earth to Turn Undead. /I call upon chaos to Control Undead.

Level 3 Weakness/Remove Weakness I curse you with Weakness./I rid you of Weakness.

Slow With mystic force I Slow you.

15pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 15 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 15


Shatter I summon a force to Shatter <item name>.

Harm /Help Undead I call upon the earth to Harm Undead 20. /I call upon chaos to Help Undead


Level 4 Awaken I command you to Awaken

Bind With mystic for I Bind you.

20pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 20 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 20


Sanctuary /Desecrate I call upon the earth to grant you Sanctuary./I call upon chaos to Desecrate


Shun I command you to Shun me.

Level 5 Greater Shield I grant you the power of a <Magic Shield or Poison Shield>.

Release With mystic force I Release you.

Web With mystic force I Web you.

25pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 25 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 25


Purify/Taint I call upon the earth to Purify you. /I call upon chaos to Taint you.

Level 6 Destroy I summon a force to Destroy <item name>.

Earth /Chaos Blade I grant you the power of an <Earth/Chaos> Blade.

30pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 30 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 30


Sleep I command you to Sleep.

Level 7 Fear I command you to Fear me.

Silence With mystic force I Silence you.

35pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 35 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 35


Bestow Healing /Ruin I call upon the earth to Bestow Healing. /I call upon chaos to Bestow Ruin.

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Restore /Wither Limb I call upon the earth to Restore Limb. /I call upon chaos to Wither Limb.

Destruction /Remove


I curse you with Destruction. /I rid you of Destruction.

Destroy /Create Undead I call upon the earth to Destroy Undead 70. /I call upon chaos to Create


Level 8 Reflect I grant you the power of a <prefix> Reflect.

Confine With mystic force I Confine you.

Dispel I call forth mystic power to Dispel you.

40pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 40 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 40


Paralysis /Remove Paralysis I curse you with Paralysis. /I rid you of Paralysis.

Level 9 45pt <Earth/Chaos> I call upon the Earth to heal 45 Wounds./I call upon Chaos to inflict 45


Life /Death I grant you the gift of <Life /Death>.

Circle of Power With eldritch force I build a <Protection or Ritual> Circle.

Misery /Remove Curse I curse you with Misery./I rid you of your Curse.

Banish With mystic force I Banish you.

Harm /Help Undead


I call upon the <earth/chaos> to grant you a <Harm/Help> undead reservoir.

Magic <Harm/Help> Undead 20.


Each Focus & Mastery type has a set list of included spells that are included in the skill:


Level 1—5 pt <Element>

Level 2—10 pt <Element>

Level 3—15 pt <Element>

Level 4—20 pt <Element>

Level 5—25 pt <Element>

Level 6—30 pt <Element>

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Level 7—35 pt <Element>

Level 8—40 pt <Element>

Level 9—45 pt <Element>


Level 2— Pin

Level 4— Bind

Level 5—Web

Level 8—Confine


Level 1—5 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 2—10 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 3—15 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 4—20 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 5—25 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 6—30 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 7—35 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 7—Bestow Healing/Ruin

Level 8—40 pt <Earth/Chaos>

Level 9—45 pt <Earth/Chaos>


Level 2—Lesser Shield

Level 4—Eldrige Surge

Level 5—Greater Shield

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Level 6—Enchanted Blade or Earth/Chaos Blade

Level 8—Reflect

Level 9—Supress or Banish


Level 3—Weakness/Remove Weakness

Level 7—Destruction/Remove Destruction

Level 8—Paralysis/Remove Paralysis

Level 9—Misery/Remove Misery



One Second Rule: All effects and weapon damage utilized by a player are limited to one per second. This allows

incants and damage to be understood. Even if a player is using 2 methods of attack, only one can be used per


Miscant: If a player makes a mistake when incanting an effect the intended victim should say “Miscant”. The

player has 2 seconds to try the effect again with the correct incant. A player has an unlimited number of attempts

to get an incant correct provided the world around him or her allows them to continue. If the player who miscants

does not try again within 2 seconds the spell or effect is lost.

Casters Call: When a packet is thrown it is the decision of the player throwing whether it hit or not. A marshal can

override this call if they feel it is being abused.

Weapon Target Call: It is up to the target to determine whether a boffer weapon attack is too light, blocked by a

defender’s weapon, is too hard to be safe or strikes an invalid hit location. A marshal can override this call.

Two Second Defense Rule: When a player is struck by a boffer weapon or packet delivered attack they have 2

seconds after becoming aware of the attack to clearly indicate their defense to the attacker. A player hit by

multiple attacks has 2 seconds to use the first defense and 2 seconds after that to call the second and so on.

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Free Hand Rule: In order to wield a weapon or cast a spell you must have a free hand. You may not have 2

weapons in the same hand and block or strike with one of them. The same applies for other objects such scrolls

and potions. This includes items tucked under the arm restricting movement.

Charging: If a player can reach out directly in front of them without leaning or stretching and touch their target

with their hand, the target is too close. The player may call charging and the target must take a step back. When

running away from a target, if you stop forcing them to run into you, you cannot call charging.

Invalid Strikes: Boffer weapon attacks that hit the head, neck, hands or groin of a target are invalid. If you are hit

with an invalid strike you must call out the body part that was hit. An opponent does not have to take a strike that

is too light or too hard. You may not strike blindly or around corners.

Packet Attacks & Strikes: The packet must be in a free hand and cannot be thrown until the incant. The caster

must throw within 2 seconds of saying the incant. For packet delivered projectile weapon attacks and strikes the

damage call is only made after a hit.

Touch Casting: To touch cast you merely touch the packet to the target at the conclusion of the incant instead of

throwing it. The spell or effect bypasses dumb defenses. The risk is that the target can refuse the casting without

using any defenses.

Spell Packets: Spell Packets are constructed with bird seed and white fabric. The birdseed is placed within the

center of an approximately 6 inch square piece of fabric. The fabric is gathered around it and bound shut. You

must never use so much material or seed that the resulting packet cannot fit within a 35 mm film canister.

What do I see?: If any player is asked this OOG question then they must announce their Visual Description they are

portraying. When asking "What do I see" of someone previously unaware of your presence you are making them

aware of you OOG. It is considered bad form to directly react to the person who asked "What do I see?" Note that

you must actually ‘see’ any part of the Player to call “What do I See?”,you may not go about calling it into the dark

to avoid surprises. Individuals may not hide what they are. Any visual Game effects on your Spirit must be

included in your Visual Description. Visible Game Effects are narrated, if asked, as "visible>" (see “9.0 effects”)



When combat is occurring and damage is being dealt, it is the responsibility of the person dealing the damage to

clearly communicate what is occurring by calling it out in a clear loud voice. The damage call takes the following



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Magic Effects that have the word magic ahead of them are considered to be the result of the characters ability to

manipulate spirit and eldritch energy.

Poison Effects that have the word poison ahead of them are considered to be the result of some biological function

the character has such as a poison stringer or spittle.

Elemental Effects that have the word elemental ahead of them are considered to be the result of manipulating the basic

building blocks of the universe; flame, stone, lighting, ice, creation, void, entropy, order and power.

Physical Effects that have the word physical ahead of them are considered to be the result of physics or physical


Arcane Effects that have the word arcane ahead of them are considered to be the result of some otherworldly to

which there is no defense.

Personal Effects that have the word personal ahead of them always target the caster. They overcome the need to be

alive, have free will or game skills

None Regular weapon attacks have no Prefix

If an attack is delivered by a Boffer or Projectile weapon the word strike should immediately follow the prefix.

Strikes can not be used in conjunction with the “Personal” prefix.


The number is determined by the base weapon damage along with any special character abilities that increase the

number such as combat & stealth skills purchased, magical enchantments (temporary and permanent), exceptional

workmanship by a craftsman, strength

Some number attacks are not from a weapon. The number from these attacks is dictated by the ability being used.

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Weapon Name Category Base Damage

Short Sword 1-H Short 2

Long Sword / Bastard Sword 1-H Long 2

2-H Sword 2-H 3

Short Blunt / Mace / Hammer 1-H Short 2

Long Blunt / Mace / Hammer 1-H Long 2

2-H Blunt / Mace / Hammer 2-H 3

Short Spear 1-H Short 2

Long Spear 1-H Long 2

Polearm Polearm 3

Shortbow / Short Crossbow Projectile Short 2

Bow / Crossbow Projectile Medium 3

Longbow / Crossbow Projectile Long 4

Note: Certain skills and abilities are limited or enhanced by the Damage type a weapon does. Healing Arts will tell

you whether a characters or NPCs wounds were caused by Slashing, Piercing or Crushing Damage


Normal Any non-magical, non-silver weapon.

Silver Any weapon “silvered” by a Blacksmith

Aura Weapons that have been enchanted

Massive A special attack that has no defense. A Massive attack has never has a Prefix, Effect or Type associated with

it. It is only <NUMBER> Massive

Body An attack that goes straight to body, bypassing your armour. No Effect or Suffix can be used with Body

Earth/Chaos An attack that heals all living creatures for the <NUMBER> and damages undead. Chaos is the reverse. No

Effect or Suffix can be used with Earth or Chaos.

Padded Used for mock combat and does no damage

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See Section 9 for a complete list of effects. While some of them may not seem to make sense they are still valid



There are two types of Suffixes:

Element: Any of Flame, Stone, Lightning, Ice, Void, Creation, Entropy, Order or Power. Some creatures take

double damage or are not effected by certain elements. Creatures can also heal from certain elements. No

creature or player can heal from an attack with a Physical prefix including. Regular weapon damage is considered

to have a Physical prefix.

Description: A description of a valid target for the attack. If the suffix “humans” is used, only humans are affected

by the attack.


A character has a variety of defenses during combat in order to ensure survival. There are three main types of

defenses: Dumb Defenses, Smart Defenses and Passive Defenses.


A dumb defense goes off against the first valid attack of a specific Prefix. There are 2 types of Dumb defenses.

Shields: Negates an attack of the corresponding Prefix: Magic, Physical, Poison or Elemental. There is no shield

against Arcane. Spells are considered to be Magic and weapon attacks are considered Physical. A Shield is used by

saying <Prefix> Shield

Reflects: Reflects an attack of the corresponding Prefix back on the original caster. A Reflect is used by saying

<Prefix> Reflect


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Smart defenses can be used whenever the player chooses to play them. A player can opt to take the attack rather

than use a Smart Defense. Except for Resist, Smart Defenses can be used even when the character has a dumb

defense to prevent the attack. Smart Defenses include

Resists: This allows a character to resist the attack of a certain prefix. A character says “Resist” after an attack to

indicate that it has been defended against. Dumb defenses must be used before resists.

Cloak: A Cloak negates an attack that contains a certain word in the incant or call. A character says “Cloak” after

an attack to indicate that it has been defended against.

Bane: A Bane reflects an attack that contains a certain word in the incant or call back at the caster. A character

says “Bane” after an attack to indicate that it has been defended against.

Parry or Dodge: As per the skills

Ricochet: Allows a character to negate the attack and immediately recast it against a target of his own choosing

Absorb: The attack is negated and something else has happened instead

Phase: Same as a dodge except it can be used without freedom of movement.


Some defenses do not have to be actively used:

Heal From: The target heals from the number portion of the attack

No Effect: The character negates the attack

Reduced: The target takes half damage

Minimal: The target only takes one point of damage


There is more to every character than their flesh. In NERO Canada every character has a spirit and spirit energy. A

magical spell has the same affect when it strikes a character in the chest as it does when it strikes the character’s

boot lace. The first thing to remember about spirit energy is that it extends only into objects carried and worn.

Merely touching or holding an item that is not enough. The more complicated interaction is when a character is

carrying another character. The distinction must be made whether the character being carried is alive and

conscious or not. If they are alive and conscious then all effects that strike them affect them. If they are not

conscious then all effects that strike them affect the character carrying them. One unusual side effect is that if an

enemy has picked up your unconscious, bleeding friend you must disarm them before you can heal your friend.

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Any healing that strikes your unconscious, bleeding friend while they are being carried actually affects the carrier,

who could be an enemy.


All character in the game have hit points. They are a measure of how tough a character is. Hit points are divided

into Body and Armour.

Armour points are always affected first by numeric damage unless an attack that bypasses armour is used. When

your character loses Body points they require healing to regain them. When your character loses Armour points

they may take one knee and tap their chest for a minute to Refit the Armour points to full value.

The order which you lose points is Bonus Armour, True Armour, Body.


All characters are in one of these 5 states at any point in time:

Alive: A character has a positive body point total.

Unconscious: The character has exactly 0 Body points. A character remains in this state for 10 minutes at which

they naturally heal to 1 Body point. This is not the same as being asleep

Bleeding: The character has taken enough damage to be reduced to –1 body (a character can never go lower) A

character remains in this state for 1 minute, at which point they haven’t received first aid or healing they move

into a dying state. A character healed from this state is not cleansed of any other effects on spirit

Dying: A character’s flesh has died but the spirit has not left the body. The spirit lingers for 5 minutes. If the spirit

does not get a life spell they move into a Dead state. A character can enter the dying state by receiving a killing

blow, a death effect or by bleeding out. Almost all spirit effects are removed when a character hits the dying stage.

Dead: A character’s body crumbles leaving behind all their possessions and their spirit heads to the nearest earth

circle to resurrect.

NOTE: Certain skills may modify how many minutes it takes you to move in between the different stages.


5.5.1 Killing Blow

A killing blow will immediately move a player from an unconscious or immobile state (web, sleep, paralysis etc) to

Dead. A killing blow is executed by touching a hand or weapon to the player’s torso or shoulder and 3 counting

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“Physical Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3 <type><effect><suffix>“ Another player may stop the killing

blow by hitting the target player or the attacker with a valid attack. If a concious player is struck with a killing blow

they must call "resist" within 2 seconds of completion of the 3 count or they move into a dead state. A player who

is already in a dead state must call "no effect" upon the completion of the 3 count. No weapon is required for a

killing blow. A Killing Blow is stopped by Physical Shield and Physical Reflect, but the reflected Killing Blow has no



After a character has completed their 5 minute dying count, their body dissipates and the player travels to the

nearest Earth Circle to attempt resurrection. Earth Circles are magical circles that are created by powerful Earth

Formal Magic . When the player arrives at the Earth Circle they allowed to assess the location for about 5 minutes

before deciding if the Earth Circle is hostile. If it is hostile the spirit may move on. What is considered hostile is

purely subjective to the player. A character invested in the Earth Circle needs to perform the resurrection. A

character resurrects on a 3 count but has no game skills for 5 minutes. A character may opt not to go direct to the

Earth circle but should a character not resurrect for 28 days their spirit is lost and they finally die.

A character’s spirit is only strong enough to resurrect a limited number of times. This is represented by a bag of

marbles. The first 2 times you die the bag contains 10 white marbles. Upon your character’s third death one of

the white stones is replaced by a black one. Drawing a black stone does not mean you immediately die. What it

means is that from that point forward when you resurrect, the bag of marbles will have 10 black stones; the next

time you die will be your last.

At any given point in time a character can choose not to draw from the bag by sacrificing 10% of their build total

instead of drawing. If the character makes this sacrifice, their death count will not increment.

There may other in-game and out of game options to avoid drawing from the bag.

A player who has a revive effect can choose to come back to life on the field on a 3 count. Revive forces the

character to return to life at full body points either on the first or last second of their 5 minute dying count.

Creatures that do not have a 5 minute dying count will revive immediately upon dying. Since the character is

technically dead until the conclusion of the 3 count they are immune to all game effects that are not specifically

useful on a dying character. Anytime the character is under an effect that does not allow them to Revive at the

conclusion of their dying count they must wait until that effect ends before Reviving.

When a player resurrects or revives they will exchange they must exchange their life tag for a resurrection tag.


When a character finally dies, their body reforms in the spot where they resurrected and the player can no longer

play that character. The player will be able to use 75% of their build total at the time they died to make a new



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Minute Unconscious Bleeding Out Dying

1 Any Healing Healing or First Aid Life Spell

2 Life Spell




6 Dead - See Resurrection

7 Dead - See Resurrection




11 Rise with One Body

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To create game items such as potions, scrolls, elixirs, weapons, traps, bombs and armor, a character must first buy

the appropriate skills After you have purchased ten levels of any skill, you are considered a Journeyman, and after

twenty levels, you are a Master. You will get extra skills when you become a Journeyman or Master. The skills are cumulative; at the

Master level you can use both the Journeyman or Master abilities. There is no limit to the amount of a production skill you can buy.


Production is manufactured during logistics at the beginning of each event. For each level of production skill a character has they can create

one level of production for each batch they make. The costs to produce each batch are as follows:

Batch #1 is 1/2 silver piece per levell

Batch #2 is 1 silver piece per levell

Batch #3 is 2 silver pieces per level

Batch #4 is 3 silver pieces per level

Each consecutive batch costs 1 silver per level more than the last

The duration for all production is as follows:

Items made January – June expire June 30th of the following year

Items made July – December expire December 31st of the following year


Characters with the Blacksmithing skill can make Weapons and Armour. Both must be represented by a physical

representation (see Section “8.0” Weapons and Armour”)


Level 2 Shield, +5 Armour Patch

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Level 3 Repair Kit

Level 4 1-Handed Weapon, Staff

Level 5 +10 Armour Patch, Weapon Shard +10

Level 6 2-Handed Weapon, Bow, Polearm

Level 8 Disarm resistant grip, Weapon Shard +20

Creating regular armour provides suits of 2 pts per level of Blacksmithing used to create armour

Silvering any weapon costs 1 level of production—5 additional silver pieces must be spent per level of the weapon

Armour patches stack on top of regular armour and last until the suit is refit normally, using an ability or an effect.

Armour patches do not stack with other armour bonuses. Armour patches must be applied on a 3 count.

A Disarm resistant grip gives 1/ever resist disarm

A Weapon Shard can be used to increase the next swing of 1 weapon by +5 or +10

A Repair Kit will make a shattered or destroyed weapon usable until the end of the logistics period at which time

the tag should be destroyed. A player using a repair kit should drop to one knee for 60 seconds while holding the



A Journeyman Blacksmith gets +5 to the normal bonus for Armour Patches and +10 to the normal bonus for Shards

when used on themselves

A Master Blacksmith can refit their own armour in 30 seconds instead of the normal 60 seconds


Characters with the Scroll Making skill can make scrolls. Scrolls are a one-time use Celestial spell up to 8th level. A

Scroll must be represented by a 3” x 8” minimum piece of paper with the spell incant written on it. A single scroll

rep can be used for up to 3 tags; all tags must be affixed to the rep. For spells with multiple options, the option

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must be chosen at the time the scroll is created. The scroll tag must be attached to the rep. In order to use the

scroll a character must have enough light to read the scroll, he or she must touch a packet to the scroll, read the

incant and throw the packet. The skill read magic can be used to cast any skill up to 4th level. A character that can

cast Celestial Magic, can cast scrolls up to 4 levels higher than the highest level spell slot the character has.

In order to utilize glow in the dark ink on scroll reps one liquid light must be expended per logistics period for each

scroll rep.


Creating scrolls costs 1 level of production per level of scroll.


A Journeyman Scroll Maker can change the element on an elemental damage scroll as per Elemental Chameleon

A Master Scroll Maker can cast scrolls from a pouch without the need to actually read the scroll rep. This allows

them to cast scrolls in the dark. A packet much be touched to the scroll pouch before thrown. All scrolls in the

pouch must have a rep.


The name written on a potion tag indicates what game effect it delivers when drunk. A potion must have a phys-

rep that is a container that could hold at least 2 fluid ounces of liquid – a plastic film canister is the standard size.

Multiple potions may be held in one larger container with each dose taking up 2 fluid ounces of space, but only if

all of the potions are exactly the same type. Mixing different potions or mixing potions with other liquids or food

renders them useless. Drinking a potion, or feeding a potion to someone else, is a 3-counted action requiring light

focus. Like all counted actions performed on another player, you may only feed a potion to another player if they

are either unable to move at all, or willing. Potions take instant effect upon entering the mouth; swallowing is not

required. Potions deliver their stated effect with an implied prefix of Arcane. Dumb defenses are not triggered by

drinking a potion but smart defenses may be used. Identifying a potion is a 3-counted action requiring the skill

Healing Arts.


Creating potions costs 1 level of production per level of potion

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A Journeyman Potion Maker can, once per day Remedy on a 60 second count while concentrating at the end of

which they are affected with a Dispel Effect and a Life spell. (must have a 9th level Earth spell) A character without

game skills or a free hand can use this ability. At the end of the 60 second count the Potion Maker must incant

“Personal Life, Personal Dispel Effect”

A Master Potion Maker gains an ability where their First Aid skill count is reduced to 30 seconds and brings the

target from -1 to 1 body instead of from -1 to 0. At the end of the First Aid count the potion maker must incant

“First Aid Complete, Arcane 1 Earth”


Characters with the Alchemy skill can make Alchemical Elixirs and Poison Gases.

Elixirs follow the same rules as potions when it comes to physical representations and how they are administered.

Elixirs have an implied prefix of “Poison” and can be identified on a 60 second count with Herbal Lore. An

Alchemist can administer Elixirs up to Level 4 with Herbal Lore and up to 4 Levels higher than their level of Alchemy

Skill. Unlike potions Elixirs can be mixed with food or drink on a 60 second count with the first person eating or

drinking the food or drink being affected. A character with Herbal Lore can detect an Elixir in food and drink on a 3-

count. Elixirs must be delivered with the stated prefix of Poison. Dumb defenses are not triggered by ingesting

Elixirs but smart defenses may be used.

Gas alchemy must be stored in a phys rep holding 2 ounces. Any number of the same type of gas can be stored in

a single container. If multiple types of gas are put in the same container, everything in the container is destroyed.

Alchemical gas is used by incanting “Poison <effect>“ and throwing an orange packet at the target. This requires

that the character’s hands are free but does not require the ability to speak. Alchemy packets must be orange.


Level 1 5 Earth (or Body), Intoxicant Liquid Light (Not Thrown)

Level 2 Slow, Cure Disease, Hallucinoid 5 Body

Level 3 Weakness./Remove Weakness, Agony, Feeblemind


Level 4 Poison Shield, 20 Body, Awaken, Sleep 10 Body

Level 5 Purify Blood, Release, Silence Slow

Level 6 30 Body, Remove Paralysis Silence, 20 Body

Level 7 Berserk, Paralysis Feeblemind, Sleep

Level 8 40 Body Berserk, Paralysis, Fear

Level 9 Death, Love 30 Body

Level 10 Forget n/a

Level 15 Forget-It-Well, Euphoria, Euphoria Antidote, Love 9


Level 20 Enslavement Antidote n/a

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A Journeyman Alchemist gets the ability to identify Alchemical Elixirs on a 3 count

A Master Alchemist gets the ability, once, per day, to use any alchemical elixir as a Gas


A character who has the tinkering skill can make a variety of mechanical devices.

Level 1 Lock picks (can be used once to pick a lock in the normal amount of time—requires


Alarm Trap (a trap that sets of a loud alarm)

Level 2 30 Second Lock (a lock that can be picked in 30 seconds)

Level 3 Physical 10 Bomb

Spare Key (allows the creation of another key for a lock

Level 4 60 Second Lock (a lock that can be picked in 60 seconds)

Physical Tangle Foot Bomb

Level 5 Physical 20 Bomb

Gas Trap (a trap that distributes the effect of an alchemical gas as “Poison <Effect>—

alchemical gas tag is required)

Level 6 Quality Lock picks (can be used once to pick a lock in half the time)

Physical Tangle Arms Bomb

Level 7 2 Minute Lock (a lock that can be picked in 2 minutes)

Physical 40 Explosive Trap (a trap that explodes for 40 points of damage and hits all items

with a shatter effect)

Level 8 Physical 30 Bomb

Level 9 Physical Tangle Body Bomb

Level 10 5 Minute Lock (a lock that can be picked in 5 minutes)

Level 15 Physical 80 Explosive Trap (a trap that explodes for 80 points of damage and hits all items

with a shatter effect)

Trapped Lock (a lock that injects the person picking it with an exlixir doing “Poison <effect>

- elixir tag is required.

Level 20 Indestructible Lock (a lock that is not affected by Shatters and Destroys and takes 10

minutes to pick

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Traps: No Game Skills are required to identify what Trap the Trap Tag represents. Traps must be mounted on a

fixed object like to a door, wall or inside a large chest to be effective. You may never attach a Trap on moveable

objects or bodies. A trap moving more than 5 feet after being armed will go off. All traps must be represented by

a container of approximately the size of a pop can with the tag attached to it (Alchemy tag as well for Gas Traps).

A 5 foot piece of string must be attached to the rep to measure the area of effect. A trap must have a real physical

trigger which must be affixed to the Trap Phys Rep and it must be possible to disarm the trap even if it’s only with

tools, a light and a small mirror. Traps take a minimum of 60 seconds to set. Disarming traps take as long as it

takes to disarm the trigger in game. Traps must be set and disarmed by someone with the skill Legerdemain. No

physical barrier stops a trap including a Wall of Force. A fully enclosed magical barrier like a Ward or Circle will

stop the effect. Once disarmed, a trap is no longer usable. Gas traps and alarm traps that go off, may be reused.

Explosive traps are destroyed upon use.

If a Player sets a Trap that other Players may be the victim of then a Rules or Plot Marshal must be present when

the trap is set. NPC's do not require Marshals to set Traps, nor do Players setting Traps against NPC's. If a Trap is

triggered when there is no Marshal present, it is at the discretion of the target of a trap whether they are affected

including, whether the trap was set up correctly, whether they were in 5 feet etc.

Bombs: A bomb must have a 3” x 3” Phys Rep made of foam and covered in duct tape or cloth. In order to use a

bomb, a character must have the Tinkering skill of the same level as the bomb. Before a bomb can be thrown in

combat, a character must 3-count, “arm the bomb”. Once armed a bomb follows the same rules as a thrown


Locks: A lock can be attached to a door or a container to secure items. The phys rep for the lock and a numbered

lock tag must be attached to the item being locked. Once attached a lock cannot be moved to another location. A

lock may be affected by Shatter effects other than type “Physical” unless it is “Indestructible”. Each lock is created

with one key that has a tag with a matching number. If a “Spare Key” is made, the lock that it is associated with

must be identified at the time the key is made. Lock Picks can only be used once. To pick a lock a player must

concentrate for the length of time required to pick the lock while touching the “lock” rep.


A Journeyman Tinker can reuse disarmed traps and lock picks

A Master Tinker can pick any lock on a 3 count. (Lock Picks are still required)

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Armour represents the protective covering that individuals wear. Armour comprises the first portion of your Hit

Points that damage is subtracted from. This includes weapon damage, trap damage and spell damage. It is also a

characters protection against Carrier Attacks. Armour points can be divided into 2 categories:


Represented by a single Armour Tag which may be obtained from an Armoursmith or Logistics. Armour tags must

always match or be less than the Physical Representation being worn. An armour tag lasts only 5 days and must be

initialed at Logistics or by a plot/rules marshal to be valid. At any point in time, True armour can be refit by

dropping to 1 knee and concentrating for 60 seconds without interruption. Upon completion of a refit, armour will

return to it’s full tagged value. Armour hit with a Destroy spell needs to be replaced and cannot be refit. If you

remove components of your Armour rep, you must ensure that your tag is decreased to reflect your new rep. True

Armour includes Arcane Armour or Natural Armour

7.1.2 Bonus Armour:

Any additional armour granted by spell, augmentation, racial ability or other effect

The amount of armour a character can wear is limited by their class

Scholars are limited to 10 points

Rogues are limited to 14 points

Adepts are limited to 14 points

Warriors are limited to 20 points

Wear Extra Armour can be bought to bring a characters maximum armour up to 20. You must have a Armour rep

that warrants the extra armour. Armour Optimization can be bought to further increase the value to a maximum

of 40.

Armour can sometimes be of a specific Type or Modifier. For example Flame Armour protects only against Flame

damage. Only one type of <Type><Modifier> Armour can be worn at a time.

61 | P a g e

If staff deems that wearing armour is a safety hazard courtesy armour rules go into effect. Individuals may only

use armour up to the amount of the tag that they had initialed prior to courtesy armour being called. Individuals

must clearly wear a white cloth tied to their arm to symbolize they are wearing armour.

62 | P a g e


Armour is defined as a suit that is meant to protect the wearer from harm that could be described as medieval or

common looking fantasy armour. For our game materials do not necessarily have to be authentic but it is

evaluated at how it looks at 6 feet away. Costume is different than armour and only counts as armour if it looks

like armour. Players are encouraged to work their armour into their costume. Armour appraisal involves

evaluating the coverage and weight of the armour.

Armour is broken down into 3 categories:

Not in Period. Armour looks like modern day items that have been modified. When evaluated from all sides at a

range of 6 feet there are 3 or more flaws making it look unauthentic.. (Example: zippers, plastic, cardboard)

In Period: to an average person from 6 feet your armour has no more than 1-2 flaws when it comes to looking like

period armour.

Masterful: Your armour is of exceptional quality and looks like you’ve stepped out of a Fantasy movie. Only about

20% of suits in game get this bonus.


Armour is evaluated based on Location and Category:

Location Description Points


The head is the most important place to cover. In order to meet mini-

mum coverage you must cover all of the areas where an average

adult grows hair on their scalp. A baseball cap would fall short of

being mini- mum because it does nothing for the back of the head

just above the neck.

Not In Period: 3

In Period: 5

Masterful: 7


The torso is the second most important place to cover. Minimum

cover- age is front of the torso, top of shoulders and back of the torso

down to the belt line.

Not In Period: 3

In Period: 5

Masterful: 7


Minimum coverage is half of the upper arm and half of the forearm.

You could also cover the entire forearm and part of the elbow and

none of the upper arm or vice versa.

Not In Period: 1

In Period: 2

Masterful: 3


Minimum coverage is half of the upper leg and half of the lower leg.

You could also cover the entire lower leg and part of the knee and

none of the upper leg or vice versa.

Not In Period: 1

In Period: 2

Masterful: 3


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Each of these factors may be applied once to each slot. Always check coverage first. COVERAGE

If the armour only covers 25% of the slot then you take a -1 penalty and may not apply any other bonuses to that


If the armour has minimum coverage then you apply no modifier.

If the armour covers 25% more than the minimum coverage then you apply a +1 to the slot. MATERIAL

If the armour is made of non-period material then you apply no bonus.

If the armour is made of leather or a material indistinguishable from leather, +1

If the armour is made of metal, +2. For the purposes of this bonus any modern day alloys will count as metal. We

do not make a distinction between aluminum and steel. See weight for that.

NOTE: If armour is made of a composite of metal and leather or leather and fabric we will use the better material

for the armour bonus unless that material is less than 25% of the surface area of the armour. FLEXIBILITY

If the armour is composed of a flexible material with the same give as a wool sweater (easily folds over on itself)

then no modifier.

If the armour is stiff, folding it over on itself requires effort, +1.

If the armour is rigid, cannot be flexed or folded easily, +2. WEIGHT

If the armour is light, no modifier. Wearing this armour is as difficult as wearing normal clothing.

If the armour has some noticeable weight to it when worn, +1. Wearing this armour is cumbersome akin to

wearing a winter jacket and snow pants. Some motion is restricted or more difficult due to weight.

If the armour is really heavy, difficult to hold up with one hand, +2. Wearing this armour is more difficult and tiring

than anything one would wear normally. Going up and down a flight of stairs in this armour is noticeably more


Clearly not period footwear, -1

Footwear that doesn’t appear out of period from 6’, no modifier

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In period footwear/spats, +1 HANDS

In period leather gauntlets (metal gauntlets are not allowed) +1 HEAD

A character with metal head covering that is also “In Period” or better is immune to Waylay


NERO Canada weapons are always constructed with safety being the first and foremost concern. Although some

atmosphere is lost from the realistic weapons, the weapons used by NERO Canada are very safe.

The NERO Canada combat system allows a very wide selection of weapon types to simulate a medieval fantasy

setting. To ensure ultimate safety, no hooked or curved weapons are permitted, as well as any weapon that is

designed to be very flexible, such as morningstars or nunchakus.

If an Individual wishes to expand beyond the designs of conventional weapons at NERO Canada they should

approach a Weapons Marshal before construction, and it may be disqualified at a later time.


Curved Weapons: On all weapons that may strike opponents, Cores must be straight. Bending and curving Cores

tends to weaken them, and with the stress of combat they will break down faster. Weapons that have curves, such

as Bows, may never be used to strike opponents because of this concern.

Flexible Weapons: Flails, Morning Stars, Nunchaku, Whips or any other Flexible Weapons that have parts attached

with rope, wire or chain are not permitted.

Thrusting Tips: Thrusting Tip is the end of the striking surface of the weapon. The Thrusting Tip must be

constructed of Open-Cell Foam, and must be sufficient enough so as that under a reasonable force the weapons

Core will not be felt. The Thrusting Tip itself should collapse to about 50% of its length under pressure, and when

pressure is released it must return to its normal length. The Weapon Details Chart gives Thrusting Tip lengths;

however, on very narrow weapons the Thrusting Tip should not exceed the weapons diameter in length. Blade-

Head weapons often have the Blade-Head extend beyond the Core such that they act as a Thrusting Tip. If the

Blade-Head does not act as a Thrusting Tip, one must still be added to the weapon.

Waylay Tips: Waylay Tips refer to an Open-Cell Thrusting Tip attached below the Grip that is not the striking

surface of the weapon. NERO Canada does not allow anyone to use this portion of the weapon in combat.

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However we encourage but do not require a thrusting tip on this end of the weapon. A closed cell foam cover

extending at least half an inch beyond the pipe at the end is still required.

Spears: Spears can never be thrown. The same applies for any weapon with a core. Spears cannot be used to



Blunt Weapons: If any of these weapons have Blade-Head dimensions of over 1 cubic foot (1728 cubic inches) then

they are classified as ‘monstrous’ and require 2 hands to be on them to inflict damage, however they then gain a

+1 Dam-age Bonus. If the Blade-Head is big enough to warrant the required 2 hands, its overall length must still

met the requirements. You cannot thrust with a blunt weapon.

Shields: Shields in NERO Canada are actually weapons designed only to block blows. They can be made of most

materials such as plastic, foam, wood, aluminium, etc. – Safety is the prime consideration. All edges of the shield

must be padded with 5/8 inch Closed-Cell Foam. Even on Ultra-Light Foam shields, as this protects weapons that

strike the shield from breaking-down faster. Sharp bolts & fasteners should be covered so as not to injure anyone

who may use the Shield. NERO Canada combat rules greatly benefit the shield (much more then reality would

dictate), so the following restrictions apply: The longest dimension of a Shield may not exceed 30 inches. The

minimum dimension of a shield may not be less than 6 inches. Shield my not be used as offensive weapons (no

shield bashing). Shields are strictly for defense. Shields may not be used with 2-Handed weapons, nor can you

wield a weapon in the Shield arm.

Arrows: Although the term Arrow is used, it represents Arrows, Bolts and their like. Arrows are crafted as per spell

packets but they must be YELLOW and have a yellow ribbon or streamer attached to stream out behind it in flight.

Yellow Packets may be up to double the volume of Spell Packets - see Spell Packets. With an attached streamer, the

Arrow should be 10-12 inches in length.

Bows / Crossbows: Real Bows / Crossbows from hunting-supply houses are too powerful and would damage Reps

when used defensively. You can never attack with a Bow or Crossbow Phys-Rep, although you may Killing-Blow

with one. Bows must be padded much like a sword. Bows must be curved to be easily recognizable as such. They

should have a minimum of 15º of curve. These may be used by those proficient in the weapon to block and Parry.

When you Parry with a Bow it is within range of the Bow rep, not how far you can throw an Arrow Packet. After a

block or Parry with a Bow it is con- sidered Unstrung and unable to be used offensively. To be able to launch arrows

again, the Bow must be Restrung on a 3 Count. NERO Canada Crossbows use a design fashioned after a medieval

arbalest. The design consists of a track for placing Bolt Packets driven by bungee cables. Note that most Crossbow

designs can not be used to block weapon blows or Parry as they are not padded. Crossbow Reps may be made

similar to Bow construction with padding covering all exposed pipe. Crossbows that are sufficiently padded may be

used to block and Parry, following the same guidelines as Bows.

Quivers: Quivers are containers into which Arrow / Bolt Reps may be carried. Individuals may carry only 2 Quivers

at any time. Quivers contain only 20 Arrow / Bolts. Each Quiver needs to be at least 12 inches in length.

Staff: Staves must be handled with both hands in the middle is the weapon.

66 | P a g e

Blade Head Weapons: Some weapons have a built-up section that is used as the striking surface. These weapons

must be padded to a greater extent thea a sword, with the Blade-Head made of foam such that it is noticeable

thicker. Axes, One Handed Blunts ( Clubs / Hammers / Maces ), Polearms, Spears, Two Handed Blunts all require a

Blade-Head for their striking surface. If an Individual is struck by any part of a weapon other then the Blade-Head

on a weapon that has one, then no Damage is inflicted length.



Blade Head (D)

Minimum Maximum

Axe - Long 12” 18”

Axe - Short 8” 12”

Blunt - Long 12” 12”

Blunt - Short 8” 8”

Polearm 18” 24”

Spear 8” 8”

Two-Handed Blunt 18” 24”


Weapon Handle Min Handle Max Overall Min Overall Max Thrusting Tip

1-H Long 4” 18” 37” 44” 2”

1-H Short 4” 16” 24” 36” 2”

Spear 18” 24” 48” 58” 2.5”

2-H 14” 24” 44” 62” 2”

Projectile Short 4” 16” 24” 36” n/a

Projectile Medium 4” 20” 37” 44” n/a

Projectile Long 4” 24” 46” 72” n/a

Staff 18” 33” 60” 72” 2”

Polearm 24” 38” 60” 72” 3”


67 | P a g e

A - The Blade Head of 1-H Blunt weapons must be under dimensions of 1 cubic foot (1728 cubic inches). 2-H Blunt

weapons may have a larger Blade Head.

B- 1-H Long Weapons, including Long Edged Weapons (Longswords, Axes etc) and Long Blunt Weapons (Clubs,

Maces, Hammers etc). These weapons require closed cell foam over the majority of their length, even if they have

a Blade Head.

C- 1-H Short Weapons including Short Edged Weapons (Shortswords, Axes etc) and Short Blunt Weapons (Short

Clubs, Maces, Hammers etc). These weapons require closed cell foam over the majority of their length, even if they

have a Blade Head.

D– Thrusting tip length is addition to the Blade Head


Although dimensions are listed there is a large amount of variation in weapon construction that can be utilized.

The weapons grip is essentially the non-Closed-Cell Foam section of the Core, if the weapon has been designed

such that this grip is the majority of the blocking surface of the weapon then it will be considered unsafe even if it

falls in the listed measurements. This is because the Core when used to block another weapon will cause the other

weapon to break down faster then if it were coated in Closed-Cell Foam. It should be very apparent to all as to an

unsafe weapon, nonetheless a Weapons Marshal can make the final call.

No Weapon guards or hilts may traverse the majority of the weapon such that it gives an unfair blocking surface or

be made to trap other weapons. Weapons designed specifically to have too much of an advantage may be


Weapon Whippy-ness refers to weapons which bend too much when swung in combat. Weapon tips should not

bend more then 6 inches from true when a moderate mass is applies to the tip and the grip is held level. If the

weapon is too flexible a larger Core should be used

All weapons will break down over time and with use. Changes in temperature can affect the glues in the tapes

used, and the Foam can become compressed. Common construction problems include forcing Foam over a Core of

too large a di- ameter, wrapping the Foam too tightly in tape, Foam of too large a diameter such that the Core

rattles and it compresses the Foam, Thrusting Tips wearing out. These will cause the weapon to hit harder and it

will fail a weapons check until it can be repaired or rebuilt.

When using unusual materials or techniques, first approach a Weapon Marshal and they will readily help you with

their ex- perience and many of the designs and ideas that have been tried in the past, perhaps even help you in

building the Rep. Some of the more advanced weapon building practices include using mixed core sizes, different

glues, special tapes, special hard to find pre-cut foams, and even cloth sleeves rather than tape on the outside

striking surface.


68 | P a g e

Closed-Cell Foam is used to cover all the Core of the Striking Surface or Blocking Surface of every weapon. The

Closed-Cell Foam used by NERO Canada is 5/8 inch pipe insulation, commonly referred to as US Pipe Insulation.

The black Canadian pipe insulation from most hardware stores will compress too much under pressure and may

not be used. If the Foam does not fit snugly to the Core, it may be necessary to insert or remove a lengthwise

section. The core should not rattle inside the foam.

Open-Cell Foam is used for all Thrusting Tips and Blade-Head construction. Open-Cell Foam is soft compressible

foam often used in mattress or couch cushions.

Cores are the inner structural support of the weapon. All weapons must be rigid enough so as not to act like a whip

when swung quickly, yet have some give to them when contact is made.

Cores are constructed with pipe. The materials for weapon Cores are CPVP, PVC, and Graphite.

PVC is slightly heavy and can often be of smaller diameter—½ inch for short & long weapons, ¾ inch for 2-Handed


CPVC is readily available, and easy to cut, and the best to bend for Bows. Diameters recommended – ½ inch for

short weapons, ¾ inch for long weapons, 1 inch for 2-Handed weapons

Graphite is the lightest, allowing ‘ultra-light’ weapons. This core is hard to build with. ½ inch and larger can only be

specially ordered

Golf Clubs & Ski Poles can be easily converted for Short & Long weapons

Fishing Poles are not to be used as they are too small & flexible

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All effects have a duration of 10 minutes unless they are by nature instant.

Some effects and spells have a duration of Concentration. Concentration duration effects can be maintained

indefinitely as long as a few rules are maintained:

- The character must maintain consciousness.

- The character must not take any damage into body.

- The character may not use any skills, items or abilities other than those granted by the concentration

duration effect.


An effect can be delivered as part of a reservoir. Upon planting their feet and reciting the appropriate incant for a

reservoir a player gains the ability to deliver any number of “<prefix> <number> <effect> <suffix>” attacks limited

only by the number of packets that they have on hand. This effect requires that the caster not move their feet

from the original position they were in when the spell was cast or the spell is interrupted. Being forced to move

your feet, say by a Shun or Repel, ends the effect early. If the player takes any otheraction or uses an active

defense the reservoir is broken. A player who takes body damage may only continue if they have Combat



Each Category of effect can be removed by a specific spell or restorative. Where an effect is listed as <Category> -

Exceptional, the criteria for removing the effect is part of the description. All effects are removed by Dispel or

Resurrection unless otherwise indicated. All effects are always removed by their Remove <Effect> opposite

“Visible” indicates how you can tell if someone is under a specific duration effect. Yes means that it can be seen by

the naked eye. HA means that it can be detected by the Healing Arts skill. N/A indicates that the effect is

instantaneous and therefore visibility does not apply.

Category Removed By

Biological Purify

Chaos None

Confining Release

70 | P a g e

Curse Remove Curse

Earth None

Eldritch None

Mind-Affecting Awaken

Mystic Force None

Primal None

Protection None


Effect Category Visible Description

Agony Biological HA Target feels extreme pain (RP Only).

Disease Biological HA Target loses the ability to use all game skills. If not cured before

the 10 minute duration expires, the target of this effect drops to

-1 Body.

Feeblemind Biological HA The target loses all game skills for the duration of the effect.

They become exceptionally stupid, capable of only the most

basic reasoning and thought.

Infection Biological -





This is a catch all Effect that is used by Plot to infect the target

with all manner of vicious Effects such. The details of the

infection are often mysterious. The Plot Marshal will inform you

what the Duration, Effects and cure (if known) are for the

infection. This Effect sometimes lasts through Resurrection and

is sometimes so potent that it can cause Permanent Death for a


Intoxicant Biological HA The target is thoroughly intoxicated. RP Only.

Plague Biological -


HA Target loses the ability to use all game skills. If not cured before

the 10 minute duration expires, the target immediately enters

their 5 minute Death count. This effect is only removed by Life.

Purify Biological N/A Cures all Biological effects.

Taint Biological HA The target loses the ability to use all game skills for 10 minutes

and is slow

71 | P a g e

Bestow Ruin Chaos No Bestow Ruin has No Effect on creatures that do not heal from

Chaos. The victim of this Effect may take a knee and concentrate

for 1 minute, which is disrupted if they take damage to body. At

the end of the Count they heal 100 Body.

Chaos Blade Chaos No The target of this spell is able to convert the damage type to

Chaos for 3 consecutive weapon damage attacks that hit. The

entire weapon attack is modified to a «number» Chaos format.

This spell occupies the single enhancement slot available to each

character. Lasts until used.

Control Undead Chaos No Target Lesser Undead must now follow all commands issued by

the caster and will not attack the caster. The caster must say

"Vocal Control" before issuing the command.

Create Undead Chaos No If the target is a dead (either Permanently Dead or in their 5

minute count) living creature, the can be targeted by this spell. If

they are in their 5 minute count, their count continues while

Created. The target become an undead with the description of

"Corpse of <living description)". They are Vocally Controlled by

whomever created them and that person must say "Vocal

Control" before issuing commands. The animated form makes

them into a Lesser Undead with 40 body. They can use any

weapon or claws that they had in life, and swing for the base

weapon damage, +4.

Desecrate Chaos Yes The target must immediately cross their arms across their chest

once affected by this spell, which denotes concentration. This

spell will last as long as they concentrate. While this spell is

active, the target is immune to all <number> <type> and Earth

attacks that are delivered by living creatures. As per all

concentration, the caster may not use skills and the effect is lost

if they take body damage (unless they have combat wizardry).

Free Undead Chaos N/A Delivers the "Remove Trap Undead" effect.

Help Undead Chaos N/A If the target is undead they gain 40 body.

Wither Limb Chaos Yes The caster should choose a limb when casting the spell ("I call

upon chaos to wither your right arm."). If no limb is specified,

then the target chooses. The target may not use the affected

limb. If the limb is an arm they must drop everything in their

hand and put their arm behind their back. If the target is a leg,

then they must either stand on one foot or fall to the ground.

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Bind Confining Yes The target is forced to place their arms and hands at their sides

and may not use weapons or Claws to attack or block. Any hits

versus their weapons in this state constitute a valid hit. The

target is not considered to have a free hand in this state. Rip

from damage: 10.

Confine Confining Yes Immobilized from the neck down. May look around, but may

not rotate body or use weapons or spells. Impossible for most

creatures to escape from it. Rip from damage: 30.

Pin Confining Yes The target's right foot is stuck to the ground. They can pivot on

that foor, but may not move it. Rip from damage: 5.

Release Confining N/A Removes Confining effects.

Slow Confining Yes The target may not move at more than a slow walk.

Tangle Arms Confining Yes The target is forced to place their arms and hands at their sides

and may not use weapons or Claws to attack or block. Any hits

versus their weapons in this state constitute a valid hit. The

target is not considered to have a free hand in this state. The

target may rip out on a 3 count if they use 1 charge of Eldritch

Surge or if they have any amount of exceptional strength (PC

build skills do not count). Anyone may cut out the target on a 3-

count. If they rip or are cut out, they take 2 damage.

Tangle Foot Confining Yes The target's right foot is stuck to the ground. They can pivot on

that foor, but may not move it. The target may rip out on a 3

count if they use 1 charge of Eldritch Surge or if they have any

amount of exceptional strength (PC build skills do not count).

Anyone may cut out the target on a 3-count. If they rip or are cut

out, they take 2 damage.

Tangle Form Confining Yes Immobilized from the neck down. May look around, but may

not rotate body or use weapons or spells. The target may rip out

on a 3 count if they use 1 charge of Eldritch Surge or if they have

any amount of exceptional strength (PC build skills do not

count). Anyone may cut out the target on a 3-count. If they rip or

are cut out, they take 2 damage.

Web Confining Yes Immobilized from the neck down. May look around, but may

not rotate body or use weapons or spells. Rip from damage: 20

Destruction Curse No The target takes double damage from all sources. Healing is


73 | P a g e

Misery Curse HA The target's body total cannot go up by any means, including

Regenerate, healing effects and chaos effects on undead. If the

target is reduced to 0 body and finish their 10 minute

unconciousness count they remain unconcious until this effect


Paralysis Curse Yes The target is paralyzed and cannot move or communicate in any

way. If they are reduced to -1 body while under this effect they

fall to the ground, but remain paralyzed even if they are healed.

Remove Curse Curse N/A Removes Curse effects.

Remove Weakness Curse N/A Delivers a Remove Weakness effect.

Weakness Curse No The target's weapon damage is reduced by 4. This will often also

reduce which effects a creature can rip from.

Remove Destruction Curse N/A Removes Destruction effects.

Bestow Healing Earth No Bestow Ruin has No Effect on creatures that do not heal from

Earth. The victim of this Effect may take a knee and concentrate

for 1 minute, which is disrupted if they take damage to body. At

the end of the Count they heal 100 Body.

Destroy Undead Earth N/A If the target is Lesser Undead they are instantly killed. If the

target is Greater Undead (or better) they take 80 points of


Earthen Blade Earth No The target of this spell is able to convert the damage type to

Earth for 3 consecutive weapon damage attacks that hit. The

entire weapon attack is modified to a «number» Earth format.

This spell occupies the single enhancement slot available to each


Harm Undead Earth N/A Does 40 points of damage if the target is Undead.

Restore Limb Earth N/A Delivers a "Remove Wither Limb" effect.

Sanctuary Earth Yes The target must immediately clench their hands above their

head once affected by this spell, which denotes concentration.

This spell will last as long as they concentrate. While this spell is

active, the target is immune to all <number> <type> and Chaos

attacks that are delivered by Undead. As per all concentration,

the caster may not use skills and the effect is lost if they take

body damage (unless they have combat wizardry).

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Stabilize Earth N/A If the target is at -1 Body they are returned to 0 body, otherwise

it has no effect.

Trap Undead Earth Yes Target Lesser Undead's right foot is stuck to the ground. They

can pivot on that foor, but may not move it. They may not rip

from this effect.

Turn Undead Earth No Target Lesser Undead must flee from the caster. They must run

away from the caster and attempt to break Line of Sight. They

may not use skills while fleeing. Once they break Line of Sight,

they may not use skills for another 10 seconds. If the caster

resumes Line of Sight with the target, the target must resume


Destroy Elemental Eldritch N/A If the target is a Lesser Elemental they are instantly killed. If the

target is a Greater Elemental (or better) they take 80 points of


Detect Magical


Eldritch N/A The target (which can be a creature, item, Circle or Ward/Wizard

Lock) must answer Celestial, Earth, Both, None or

Unrecognizable, depending on what active spells and Formal

Magic effects they have on their spirit, the type of circle or any

magical effects on the item. If the spell hits a Ward or Wizard

Lock, then a Marshal or caster of the circle should indicate how

much time is remaining on the effect.

Duplicate Ward Key Eldritch -


No Target Ward Key is duplicated. The caster must provide a similar

rep to the original. The spell must be touch-cast. The new Ward

Key acts and appears as the original for all intents and purposes.

The Duiplicated Ward Key must be approved by a Marshal if the

key is not to the caster's cabin. The Duplicate Ward Key

disappears if the corresponding Ward is destroyed. The

Duplicate Ward Key cannot be destroyed except for Formal-

Magic level effects.

Enchanted Blade Eldritch No The target of this spell is able to convert the damage type to

Aura for 3 consecutive weapon damage attacks that hit. This

spell occupies the single enhancement slot available to each

character. Lasts until used.

Harm Elemental Eldritch N/A Does 40 points of damage if the target is an Elemental.

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Imprison Eldritch Yes The target is wrapped in a form-fitting wall of force. They are

immune to all types of effects and damage (except Massive). Any

effects except for Dispel are completely ineffective. Dispel will

drop the imprison, but not affect the target otherwise. Shield

and Reflect spells that are on the Target's spirit are ineffective

while the Imprison is up. If the target is the caster then the

duration is Concentration, otherwise it is 10 minutes. The caster

may drop an imprison by simply touching the target and saying

"Imprison Down". The caster may deliver a Killing Blow through

the Imprison by delivering their Killing Blow 3-count normally,

and then immediately saying "Imprison Down". If the Killing

Blow is started and is disrupted or mis-canted, the Imprison

drops anyways.

Refit Eldritch N/A The target's armour (whether a suit, natural armour or any other

type or refit-able armour) is restored to full, as if the target had

done a 1 minute Refit count.

Suppress Eldritch No Any meta-items that are carried by the target may not be used

for the duration. Aura weapons swing for Normal. Meta-item

armour acts as a normal suit of armour (losing any bonuses to

the numeric total along with any other effects). Any items that

were previously immune to Shatter or Destroy remain so. When

used against some magical creatures it will act as a Fear effect

which is not Mind Affecting and cannot be removed by Awaken.

Wall of Force Eldritch Yes The caster may seal a portal or hallway that is no more than 15

feet wide with an invisible, frictionless wall. Clean air may pass

through normally, but nothing else can. Anyone caught in the

portal when the spell is cast must choose which side to go to,

even if unconcious. A Wall of Force may be used to seal a spiked

Ward or Wizard Lock, forcing the creature spiking the Ward or

Wizard Lock to choose a side. The caster may drop the Wall at

any time by touching the Wall and saying "Wall Down". Lasts 5


76 | P a g e

Ward Eldritch -


Yes This spell must be touch-cast and takes 5 minutes to cast and

must be cast on an unmovable structure (tents and trailers are

acceptable, but they cannot be moved for the duration). During

that time, the caster must concentrate and cannot use other

skills or take damage to body. The caster must have a phys-rep

for a key and a lock that fit together as a unit (which must be

attached to the structure within 6 inches of the portal). The

caster must put the key in the lock for the duration of the 5

minute cast, and at the end of the cast time, they must remove

the key and say "Ward Up". Once cast, the ward makes all walls,

windows and portals impassable for everything but clean air.

Only portals to which a key and lock have been attached may be

used, even when the Ward is down. When the Ward is dropped,

the barrier disappears at that portal (and only that portal).

Anyone inside the structure that is being warded is immediately

aware when a Ward is being cast, and this awareness is enough

to wake them from any non-magical sleep. If a Ward is being

threatened (if someone is trying to destroy it) everyone inside

the Ward is immediately aware of that fact, and this awareness

is enough to wake them from any non-magical sleep. Whenever

someone puts a key into a lock they must declare "Ward Down",

as it is obvious to everyone nearby. Whenever someone

removes a key from a lock, they must declare "Ward Up". A

portal cannot be sealed if there is a creature with a Spirit

obstructing the portal, this is called Spiking. If someone puts the

ward up while it is spiked, the creature spiking the ward must

declare "Spiked", and the Ward does not go up. Permanently

Dead creatures and items without a spirit cannot spike a ward,

instead they are pushed to one side or another (at the discretion

of the closest creature). Once per Logistics Period, the caster of

the Ward may place their hand on any portal of the Ward and

decalre "Ward Exit". As long as the caster remains in position,

anyone inside the Ward may exit (this does not allow creatures

to enter the Ward) and the Ward is not considered Spiked.

Wards are indestructible except for Formal Magic level effects

and they last 5 days.

Wizard's Lock Eldritch Yes Acts as per Ward, except it can be removed by Dispel.

Eldritch Surge Eldritch No Allows the target to use one of the following effects once: Rip

from Root, Tangle or Entwine. Add 4 to their Weapon Damage

for 3 consecutive swings. Add Flame/Stone/Power/Lightning or

Ice to 3 consecutive swings. This takes up the 1 enhancement

slot on the target. Lasts until used.

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Awaken Mind-


N/A Removes Mind-Affecting effects.

Berserk Mind-


HA The target loses control and enters a frothing rage. They must

try to the best of their ability (using all skills, powers and magic

items at their disposal) to kill the closest creature (whether

friend of foe) until they are bleeing or dying. They will ignore

anyone who is prone or stationary, unless they are obviously

possuming or concious. Once they kill the closest target, they

will immediately move onto the next target.

Dominate Mind-


No The target is immediately Vocally Controlled by the caster. The

caster does not have to say Vocal Control to issue commands. If

the target is unaware who the caster is, then they must be

informed Out of Game before they follow commands, or the

caster must use "Vocal Control" to issue their first command.

The target may not communicate in anyway the fact that they

are Dominated.

Enslavement Mind-

Affecting -


No The target is immediately Vocally Controlled by the first creature

that they see once the effect is administered. The controller

does not have to say Vocal Control to issue commands. The

target may not communicate in anyway the fact that they are

Enslaved. This is only cured by Enslavement Antidote and

resurrection. The target will do their best (be it through trickery,

violence or avoidance) to avoid having this effect removed. Lasts

until cured.





N/A Delivers the "Remove Enslavement" effect.

Euphoria Mind-

Affecting -


No The target is affected by a highly addictive substance. The

substance grants an hour of blissful feeling, however, its

addictive nature means that the character must have a dose

every logistics period in order to avoid negative effects.

Whenever a character misses a dose, they lose 1 from their total

true body. The only way to restore this body is to get another

dose of Euphoria. Each dose of Euphoria will restore 1 missing

point of body. All missing True Body is immediately restored

when this effect is removed. This effect and the addiction can

only be removed by Remove Euphoria or resurrection. Lasts until


Euphoria Antidote Mind-


N/A Delivers the "Remove Euphoria" effect.

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Fear Mind-


No Target loses all game skills and must immediately run directly

away from the caster for at least 15 seconds. If the target is in a

group of people they should move through them safely,

roleplaying the fact that they are feared and raising their hands

over their heads. The target must roleplay being feared for the

duration. Other players may not grab or restrain the Feared

player. Fear cannot force the target to run off a cliff or any other

suicidal action.

Forget Mind-


No The target forgets everything that happened in the last 10

minutes. If not cured (by Awaken, Remove Forget or

resurrection) then the memory loss is permanent and cannot be

restored by any means.

Forget-It-Well Mind-


No The target forgets everything that happened in the last 60

minutes. If not cured (by Awaken, Remove Forget-It-Well or

resurrection) then the memory loss is permanent and cannot be

restored by any means.

Gease Mind-

Affecting -


No A powerful curse or similar effect. This is usually delivered via a

special incant (specific to the situation) that has no defences.

Gease effects are usually cureable by a certain action or killing a

specific creature. The effects can be minor compultions to major

curses or effects. Plot will provide the specifics of the Gease.

Unless otherwise noted from plot, this effect is not removed by

anything, including resurrection and lasts until cured.

Guard Me Mind-


No The target must try their best to keep the caster alive. They do

not necessarily feel friendly towards the caster, but they will do

their utmost to keep them alive, and to keep the Guard Me

effect from being removed. The target must stay within 10 feet

of the caster. The caster has no vocal control over the target, but

the target may not take offensive actions against the caster in

any way.

Love Mind-


No The target falls in love with the first appropriate person that they

see. Appropriate means matching any racial or sexual

preferences of the character (not the player). This is an RP

effect, but one should consider this a true and deep lover and

act appropriately. The target will rebuff or ignore any attempts

to suggest that they were affected by a Love effect. Lasts 5 days.

79 | P a g e

Love #9 Mind-

Affecting -


No The target falls in love with the first appropriate person that they

see. Appropriate means matching any racial or sexual

preferences of the character (not the player). This is an RP

effect, but one should consider this a true and deep lover and

act appropriately. The target will rebuff or ignore any attempts

to suggest that they were affected by a Love effect. Lasts 30

days. Only removed by Resurrection.

Paranoia Mind-


No The target must RP extreme paranoia and distrust of everyone.

This is an RP effect.

Shun Mind-


No The target must attempt to remain 10 feet from the caster and

can in no way take offensive action against them. This effect

cannot be cured by the target.

Sleep Mind-


HA The target immediately falls into a deep, noiseless sleep.

Banish Mystic


N/A The caster must be a native to the Plane, where this Effect used.

The target must not be a native of the Plane where this Effect is

used. The target is sent back to their home Plane of Existence.

They may not return to the Plane they were Banished from for

24 hours. The target leaves their treasure behind unless they

have ‘Escape with Treasure’ on their card, in which case it is

optional. If you are on your normal Plane of Existence, the call is

No Effect.

Circle Mystic

Force -


Yes Create either a protective or ritual circle. Both types drop if the

caster leaves the circle or loses conciousness. The maximum size

of the circle is a 6 foot radius. If multiple casters target the same

phys-rep at the same time then the maximum radius of the circle

is increased by 6 feet per caster. The phys-rep for the circle is

considered to be In Game and may be destroyed or moved

before the circle is cast. When the circle is cast, the caster should

immediately declare "Circle Up". When the circle drops for any

reason, the caster should declare "Circle Down". It is never

possible to cast a circle so that a circle would end up inside

another circle. Protective: Round circle rep. Creates an

impenetrable barrier. When a protective circle is cast, anyone

who is over the threshold of the circle must choose whether to

be in or out of the circle. The only thing that can breach the

circle is clean air. Lasts for while at least one caster maintains

concentration and is in the circle. Ritual: Round circle with small

"fish tail" when the ends of the rope meet. Formal magic may be

cast within. The circle lasts for 2 seconds unless a ritual starts, in

which case it lasts until the end of the ritual or ritual chain.

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Destroy Mystic


N/A Target item the size of a door or less is destroyed. Can also be

used to damage constructs and certain other appropriate


Destroy Magic Mystic


N/A A powerful form of magic that destroys other Formal-level

effects on the target. If the target is a creature or item, then 1

random effect (if there is more than 1) is removed from the

target. If the target is a Circle or Ward or Wizard Lock, then the

effect is terminated. If a type is indicated (i.e. Earth or Celestial)

then only effects from those schools will be affected. Has no

effect on battle-magic effects. This effect always requires a

Formal or Plot marshal present.

Disarm Mystic


No Caster must specify a hand when the spell is cast. Upon being

hit with a disarm effect - a player must open their hand and

extend their fingers for 5 seconds. If an item like a shield is

strapped on to the forearm it does not drop but an item like a

sword would drop. A spirit linked item or spell packets do not

need to be dropped. Characters take damage that hits a shield or

spirit linked weapon when it blocks combat damage.

Dispel Mystic


N/A Removes all effects on the target unless otherwise specified.

Engulf Mystic

Force -


No Target is eaten by the caster and slowly dies inside them. The

target is immediately pulled out of game (along with all of their

possessions, except for unconcious/bleeding/dying creatures)

and is dropped to -1 body. They must follow the caster around

out of game and count down their bleeding count. If the caster is

dropped, the target may be cut out and healed normally. If the

target resurrects inside the caster, then they must leave all of

their items there to be found later. The caster may release the

target on a 3-count at will. The target may only be released by

the caster or if the caster is killed and the effect lasts until the

target is released. Any revive or similar effects that might heal

the target may be used by the target (assuming the can be used

while bleeding out) while engulfed, but then the target is

immediately reduced back to -1 body. Not removed by entering

you 5 minute count.

Light Mystic


Yes This effect creates a magical light source. This light source should

be represented by something that looks like a magical source of

light such as a glow stick or a flash light that has some sort of

diffuser on it. The light, if it has a beam like a flash light, must

always be pointed straight up or straight down. The caster may

douse and light the source as many times as they like for 5 days.

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Petrify Mystic


Yes Target is turned to stone. Target loses all ability to move,

communicate or use skills. They are immune to all effects except

Dispel, Shatter, Destroy, Massive and Remove Petrify. Shatter

does 20 damage to the target. Destroy does 40 damage to the


Repel Mystic


No The target must immediately move 10 feet away from the caster

(if not already 10 feet away) and stay at least that far for 5

seconds. If they cannot move away (due to a wall or obstacle)

then they must move as far as possible and cannot take

offensive action against the caster.

Shatter Mystic


N/A Reduces target Alchemy, Potion, Trap, Scroll, Container, Weapon

or Shield is reduced to dust. Can also be used against some

constructs to deal damage.

Silence Mystic


Yes Target may not speak, cast spells or take any action that requires

speaking for the duration. This does not include actions that

require speaking out of game (such as drinking a potion or

performing a 3-count) but does include scrolls. While under the

effects of Silence you are also barred from using anything with

the “Magic” prefix (this includes items and abilities).

Solidify Mystic


No Delivers "Remove Alternate Form". The target will generally be

unable to resume that form for 5 minutes.

Death Primal N/A Target enters their Dying (5 minute) count.

Life Primal N/A If target is Dying then they go to 1 body instead.

Meld Primal N/A The character melds into a specified area or substance on a 3

count. The character goes out of game and may freely move

about but must emerge from the same specified area or

substance that they originally melded into. While melded the

character may observe the “real world”. The melded character

may not communicate with or be detected by anyone else, even

if they are also melded and are immune to all game effects.

When a character melds they bring all of their carried items with

them, but they cannot bring any other creatures with them.

Counts continue while melded and if the melded character’s

body total drops below 1 or they enter their 5 minute count then

they immediately emerge.

Obliterate Primal N/A The target is vaporized. They immediately go to resurrect (if

applicable) or are permanently killed.

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Renew Primal N/A The target immediately regains all per-day abilities that they

used so far this Logistics period. This will not restore effects on

items and it will not restore abilities that grant Renew.

Cloak Protection



No A prefix, effect or damage type will be specified. When the

target is hit by an appropriate effect, they call "Cloak" to stop

the effect. This is a smart defence. If on Spirit, removal will be

specified when the effect is granted. This effect is usually times

per day and lasts for an extended duration.

Greater Shield Protection No Grants the target either Poison or Magic shield, as per caster's


Lesser Shield Protection No Grants the target either Elemental or Physical shield, as per

caster's incant.

Reflect Protection No When cast on the target, a prefix will be specified. When the

target is hit by an appropriate effect, they call "Reflect" and the

effect is stopped and sent back to the caster. The caster is

considered to be affected by an exact copy of the spell and they

are still considered to be the original caster. This is a dumb

defence. The target may allow touch-cast spells through the

Reflect if they so desire by saying "Accept". If the prefix is

"Physical" then i will also affect <number> <type> <effect>

weapon attacks. If the prefix is "Magic" then it will also affect

incanted spells. Only 1 Reflect or Shield may be on a creature at

a time. Lasts until used.

Shield Protection No When cast on the target, a prefix will be specified. When the

target is hit by an appropriate effect, they call "<prefix> Shield"

and the effect is stopped. This is a dumb defence. The target

may allow touch-cast spells through the Shield if they so desire

by saying "Accept". If the prefix is "Physical" then i will also

affect <number> <type> <effect> weapon attacks. If the prefix is

"Magic" then it will also affect incanted spells. Only 1 Reflect or

Shield may be on a creature at a time. Lasts until used.

Bane Protection



No A prefix, effect or damage type will be specified. When the

target is hit by an appropriate effect, they call "Bane" to stop the

effect and send it back at the caster. The caster is considered to

be effected by an exact copy of the spell and they are still

considered to be the original caster. This is a smart defence. If on

Spirit, removal will be specified when the effect is granted. This

effect is usually times per day and lasts for an long duration.

83 | P a g e

Ricochet Protection



No A prefix, effect or damage type will be specified. When the

target is hit by an appropriate effect, they call "Ricochet" and

then re-do the attack (recast it if it was a spell or packet

delivered, or swing a weapon and re-do the attack with the

weapon). The attack is an exactly duplicate of the original attack.

If the target does not have the means to redo the attack (i.e.

doesn't have packets or a weapon) or does not which to

duplicate the attack, they may call "Grounded" to nullify the

attack. This is a smart defence. If on Spirit, removal will be

specified when the effect is granted. This effect is usually times

per day and lasts for an extended duration.
