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ple extracted by Mehlich-3 to show both the ‘ideal’ base...

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SportsTurf 31 www.stma.org ple extracted by Mehlich-3 to show both the ‘ideal’ base cation saturation (5% K) and a CEC of 2 cmol/kg contains approximately 78 lbs exchangeable K/acre. While BCSR is considered a “relatively suitable” calibration technique in fields comprised of high-CEC soil, our greatest challenges currently relate to effective and efficient nu- trition of sand-based (low-CEC) turfgrass systems. In summary, the SLAN (sufficiency level of available nutrients) approach is your boy for effective interpretation of turfgrass sand/soil fertility and responsible fertilizer recommendation. There is no debate regarding claims of soil physical property enhancement via BCSR recommendations. Of all the techniques available for maintaining porosity in highly-trafficked mineral soils, none invokes more laughter among turfgrass scientists than the “fertilizing to ob- tain a balanced base saturation” approach. Why not both SLAN and BCSR together? Because there are al- ready too many unimaginative fence-sitters proclaiming hybrid har- mony. Furthermore, the hybrid model deviates from the concepts originally proposed! The above-mentioned scientists, who spent significant portions of (if not all) their careers developing these mutually exclusive methods, just wouldn’t approve. Besides, do you know how labs using BCSR for Ca, Mg, and K make P recommen- dations? SLAN . . . because it works. Max Schlossberg, PhD, is associate professor, turfgrass nutrition & soil fertility, for Penn State’s Center for Turfgrass Science. second time because they are responsible and understand their needs to produce a quality product every single day. As we have been focusing on in our “Soil Profile” series in SportsTurf, like the Wellesley article featuring the successes of turf manager John Ponti, base saturation a good tool to start with to help create the environment for a stronger chemical, physical and ultimately biological profile to help better mobilize nutrients that do become available to the plant. So with this level of success and a thorough program that does focus on both BCSR and SLAN, where is the controversy? Joel Simmons is president of EarthWorks Natural Organic Products and Soil First Consulting. He has a master’s degree from Penn State, is a former PSU extension agent, and former soils instructor for Rutgers University.

SportsTurf 31www.stma.org

ple extracted by Mehlich-3 to show both the ‘ideal’ base cationsaturation (5% K) and a CEC of 2 cmol/kg contains approximately78 lbs exchangeable K/acre. While BCSR is considered a “relativelysuitable” calibration technique in fields comprised of high-CEC soil,our greatest challenges currently relate to effective and efficient nu-trition of sand-based (low-CEC) turfgrass systems.

In summary, the SLAN (sufficiency level of available nutrients)approach is your boy for effective interpretation of turfgrasssand/soil fertility and responsible fertilizer recommendation. Thereis no debate regarding claims of soil physical property enhancementvia BCSR recommendations. Of all the techniques available formaintaining porosity in highly-trafficked mineral soils, none invokesmore laughter among turfgrass scientists than the “fertilizing to ob-tain a balanced base saturation” approach.

Why not both SLAN and BCSR together? Because there are al-ready too many unimaginative fence-sitters proclaiming hybrid har-mony. Furthermore, the hybrid model deviates from the conceptsoriginally proposed! The above-mentioned scientists, who spentsignificant portions of (if not all) their careers developing thesemutually exclusive methods, just wouldn’t approve. Besides, do youknow how labs using BCSR for Ca, Mg, and K make P recommen-dations? SLAN . . . because it works. ■

Max Schlossberg, PhD, is associate professor, turfgrass nutrition &soil fertility, for Penn State’s Center for Turfgrass Science.

second time because they are responsible and understandtheir needs to produce a quality product every single day.As we have been focusing on in our “Soil Profile” series inSportsTurf, like the Wellesley article featuring the successesof turf manager John Ponti, base saturation a good tool tostart with to help create the environment for a strongerchemical, physical and ultimately biological profile to helpbetter mobilize nutrients that do become available to theplant. So with this level of success and a thorough programthat does focus on both BCSR and SLAN, where is thecontroversy? ■

Joel Simmons is president of EarthWorks Natural OrganicProducts and Soil First Consulting. He has a master’s degreefrom Penn State, is a former PSU extension agent, and formersoils instructor for Rutgers University.

32 SportsTurf | January 2012 www.sportsturfonline.com

Facility&Operations | By Mary Helen Sprecher

Let’s face it: there’s alwaysgoing to be a time you want tobypass the whole learningcurve. If we could only definein advance who was responsiblefor what tasks, it would savetime and most importantly,keep problems to a minimum.As designers and builders ofsports fields, we’re faced withthis every day. We sit downwith the owners and managersof the facilities we’re planning

to build and rehab. And invari-ably, from each side of thetable come the questions.Who’s responsible for this?Why wasn’t this piece of infor-mation made clear? And what’sthe best way to correct thiswithout costing a lot of extramoney and time?

So here’s our suggestion. Let’sall work together to head offproblems at the pass by definingnow what we both need.

INFORMATIONAs the sports turf manager,

you have unique access to spe-cific information about yourproject before the first shovelhits the ground. Bring that in-formation to the table rightaway: Your vision, and that ofthe owner. This is where youhave to sit down and provide acomplete written prospectus.Ultimately, this will help yourdesign/build team understand

Having inputinto renovation & construction projects

exactly what you want, and ex-actly how they can help createyour field of dreams. So make alist: Is this a field for one sport?For multiple sports, and if so,which ones? Do you anticipatehaving a running track builtaround the perimeter? Do youanticipate the facility growingover time to include a stadium,a locker room, etc.? Who areyour users: high schoolers? Col-lege students? The community?Will there be use year-round orjust in certain months?

Making a prospectus is adaunting project, but you’ll beglad you did it and so will yourdesign/build team and ulti-mately, the owner of your proj-ect.

“Put on paper everythingyou want your facility to be,”says Mark Brogan of Pro-SportConstruction, Inc. in Devon,Pa. “Once construction has

W e’ve all done it: sat across the conference table from someone in businessand thought, “This would be a lot easier if the other person only (fill inthe blank with a specific task you wish the other person would do).”


to c






on, I






Left: Photo courtesy MedallionAthletic Products, Mooresville, N.C.

Above and middle: Photos courtesy Warner Larson, Inc., Boston, MA.

SportsTurf 33www.stma.org

Answers from page 17ALTHOUGH you might have guessed tarp damage, the reasonwhy the turf turned brown under the tarp might surprise you.The brown turf is not the result of the turf getting too hot; it’s a re-sult of the turf getting too cold. On an April evening, the SportsTurf Manager covered this infield after a late night game as thetemperatures quickly dropped and the wind blew strong all nightlong. The next morning, part of the tarp had even blown off theinfield and when the crew uncovered the turf, they discovered icehad formed under the tarp. Apparently the micro-climate underthe tarp produced ice and the action of the wind whipping underand on top of the tarp damaged the grass just like if you wereto walk on heavily frosted grass. To add insult to injury, the nextnight during the 8th or 9th inning, another frost set in causingfootprint damage as the teams continued to play. Luckily thetemperatures warmed up quickly and the Bluegrass greened upagain for spring.

Photo submitted by TJ Brewer, CSFM, Head Groundskeeperfor the Burlington (IA) Bees, the Class A minor league of the Oak-land Athletics.

If you would like to submit a photographfor John Mascaro’s Photo Quiz please send it to JohnMascaro, 1471 Capital Circle NW, Ste # 13, Tallahassee, FL32303 call (850) 580-4026 or email to [email protected]. Ifyour photograph is selected, you will receive full credit. Allphotos submitted will become property of SportsTurf maga-zine and the Sports Turf Managers Association.

John Mascaro’s Photo Quiz

34 SportsTurf | January 2012 www.sportsturfonline.com


started, it’s a lot harder not to mentionmore expensive, to add or change some-thing.”

Once your prospectus is written, haveeveryone involved read and sign off on it:your athletic director, coaches, principals (ifthis is a school), park and rec director (if it’sa municipal field), team owner (if it’s a pro-fessional facility), etc. After that, it shouldcome to the design and build pros. In short,everyone needs to be on board and have thesame vision.

BUDGET FOR THE PROJECTRight here, we’re talking start-to-finish

for all aspects design, construction and ma-terials. What is the bottom line for yourproject?

“A complete budget is the most impor-tant piece of information we can have,” saysDan Wright of Sports Turf Company inWhitesburg, Ga.

Timeline: Does the field need to becompleted in time for homecoming? Intime for a dedication? Are you anticipatingholding a graduation, festival or other spe-cial event on it? Tell your design/build teamright now so they can factor that in.

Budget for maintenance: This includeswhether maintenance will be done profes-sionally or in-house, and how often. Yes,you need to know this now. It will influencewhat we build and how we build it. If youwill be doing your own maintenance, you’ll

appreciate knowing a system can workwithin your given time and budget con-straints. After all, we know this is a placewhere, like it or not, owners want to savemoney.

“Proper maintenance will really helpwith things like drainage issues,” says DanWright. But, he adds, it’s where too manycut back and cut corners. “If you’re a proteam or a major university, you can proba-bly afford a full maintenance plan, but apark and rec or a local high school often hasbudget issues, and that’s where they mightcut.”

Permitting: This is a big issue, but it’soften overlooked. Is the sports turf managerresponsible for securing all applicable per-mits? Is the designer or builder? The onlyright answer here is the one you decideupon in advance, since it can save a lot ofunnecessary problems and delays. Same ap-plies to finding out about local codes andwhich authorities have to be notified aboutpending construction or rehab projects.

Surface preference: This is not a debatenatural grass vs. synthetic turf. Whicheveryou choose, however, know that this will af-fect the entire design and construction ofthe field. Choose a surface based on howmuch use, and what type of use, your fieldwill get. Builders can provide recommenda-tions.

“ While synthetic was initially marketedbased on the money it would save on water,

fertilizer, and labor, those savings do not infact cover the additional cost of syntheticturf,” says Robert J. Cohen of Sport Sur-faces Distributing, Inc. in Albuquerque,NM. “The actual benefit of synthetic is thatit can be played on all day, and that onefield can serve multiple uses, something youcould consider if you’re worried about thecost of buying land for additional fields.”

Playing lines: How many sports youwant your field to accommodate? Thismight seem minor, but the wrong choices,or the choices that are made too late, willcome back to haunt a facility, particularlyone with a synthetic surface.

“The owner needs to think carefullyabout the sports for which they will wantpermanent lines installed,” says Jon Renner,CTB, of Line Design, Inc. in Littleton,Colorado. “A maze of lines on a field cancertainly be confusing to athletes, officialsand spectators. If it’s known for sure that afield will be used for soccer, football, fieldhockey, as well as men’s and women’slacrosse — there are different sets of linesfor men and women— then it’s probably inthe owner’s best interest to have them per-manently inlaid in the turf. If there is somedoubt as to the usefulness of a particularline or the field’s use for a particular sport,it may be best to just paint it on, and re-paint the markings yearly, as long as it isneeded. Removal of inlaid lines can be ex-pensive and problematic.”

Photo courtesy Medallion Athletic Products, Mooresville, N.C.

SportsTurf 35www.stma.org

OVERSIGHTOnce design and construction has

begun, the sports turf manager should workas an active liaison between the professionalteam and the owner. The manager shouldbe relaying questions, getting answers andmost importantly, ascertaining the projectremains on budget and on time. Rememberyour prospectus? Keep checking it andmaking sure the project is conforming towhat you had in mind all along.

The construction team will have a projectforeman, and the sports turf manager shouldbe on good terms with that person, andshould keep open the lines of communica-tion. We prefer the sports turf manager to beour ‘point person’ rather than having us needto address multiple questions to differentcontacts within the administration. Knowingthere is one person we can turn to makes ourjob a lot easier. (Designers and buildersknow the turf manager may need to consultwith an athletic director, coach, school prin-cipal or other authority before giving us a re-sponse to a specific question, but the fact iswe’re just grateful that we don’t have to huntfor that person ourselves, and then getpassed around the administration while wewait for an answer).

Oversight should include regular visitsto the site, regular conversations with thedesign and build pros, and regular check-ups to make sure materials will come in asordered, payments are being made on timeand that work is progressing. If weather iscausing delays, or if some unexpected prob-lem with the site crops up, this informationshould be relayed to the sports turf man-ager so that he or she can help address theissue and pass any information along to theappropriate group(s).

Punch list approval: When the projectis completed, the sports turf manager, asthe point person, will probably be the onewho signs off on it. This is another placewhere your prospectus will come into play.Use it to create a checklist of any problemsor outstanding work, and communicatewith the project foreman. Check off itemsas they’re addressed.

The sports turf manager may not besigning the final check, but he or sheshould be responsible for making sure eachaspect of the finished project has been com-

pleted to the satisfaction of the client. Andultimately, that’s what the design and buildprofessionals want too. ■

Mary Helen Sprecher wrote this article onbehalf of the American Sports Builders Associ-ation, which helps designers, builders, owners,operators and users understand quality sportsfacility construction. The ASBA sponsors in-

formative meetings and publishes newsletters,books and technical construction guidelines forathletic facilities including sports fields. It alsooffers voluntary certification programs insports facility construction and maintenance.Available at no charge is a listing of all publi-cations offered by the Association, as well asthe ASBA’s Membership Directory. Info: 866-501-ASBA (2722) or www.sportsbuilders.org

36 SportsTurf | January 2012 www.sportsturfonline.com


Crumb Rubber is derived from scrap carand truck tires that are ground up and recycled.Two types of crumb rubber infill exist: Ambi-ent and Cryogenic. Together these make up themost widely used infill in the synthetic sportsfield and landscape market. Crumb rubber in-fill is substantially metal free, and, according tothe STC Guidelines for Crumb Rubber Infill,should not contain liberated fiber in an amountthat exceeds .01% of the total weight of crumbrubber, or .6 lbs. per ton.

Coated Rubber: Both ambient and cryogenicrubber can be coated with colorants, sealers, oranti-microbial substances if desired. Coated rub-ber provides additional aesthetic appeal, reduc-tion of dust by products during themanufacturing process and complete encapsula-tion of the rubber particle.

EPDM INFILLEPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene

Monomer) is a polymer elastomer with high re-sistance to abrasion and wear and will not changeits solid form under high temperatures. TypicalEPDM colors are green and tan. EPDM hasproven its durability as an infill product in alltypes of climates. Its excellent elasticity propertiesand resistance to atmospheric and chemicalagents provide a stable, high performance infillproduct.

ORGANIC INFILLThere are several organic infills available in

the North American market, all utilizing differentorganic components, such as natural cork and/orground fibers from the outside shell of the co-conut. These products can be utilized in profes-sional sports applications as well as forlandscaping. At the end of its life cycle it can berecycled directly into the environment.


Pure silica sand is one of the original infillingmaterials utilized in synthetic turf. This productis a natural infill that is non-toxic, chemicallystable and fracture resistant. Silica sand infills are

typically tan, off-tan or white in color and - de-pending upon plant location – may be round orsub-round in particle shape. As a natural productthere is no possibility of heavy metals, and thedust/turbidity rating is less than 100. It can beused in conjunction with many other infills onthe market to provide a safe and more realisticplaying surface. The round shape plays an inte-gral part in the synthetic turf system. It is impor-tant that silica sand have a high purity (greaterthan 90%) to resist crushing and absorption ofbacteria and other field contaminants. Silica sandcan either be coated with different materials as astandalone product or can be used to firm up incombination with traditional crumb rubber infillsystems.

Coated Silica Sand. This class of infill consistsof coated, high-purity silica sand with either asoft or rigid coating specifically engineered forsynthetic turf. These coatings are either elas-tomeric or acrylic in nature (non-toxic) and forma bond with the sand grain sealing it from bacte-ria to provide superior performance and durabil-ity over the life of a field. Coated sand is availablein various sizes to meet the application’s needs.

Depending on the amount and type of infill,coated sands can either be used with or without apad and are available in various colors. All of thecoatings are non-toxic and are bonded to thequartz grain for superior performance and dura-bility over the life of your field. These materialsare typically used as a homogenous infill whichprovides both ballast and shock absorbing quali-ties to a synthetic turf application.

TPE INFILLThermo plastic elastomer (TPE) infill is non-

toxic, heavy metal free, available in a variety ofcolors that resist fading, very long lasting, and100% recyclable and reusable as infill when thefield is replaced. TPE infill, when utilizing virgin-based resins, will offer consistent performanceand excellent g-max over a wide temperaturerange. ■

Thanks to Lew Shrubsole, CPM, CPSM,SCMP, manager - supply & logistics, Target Tech-nologies Int. Inc.

Facility&Operations | Infill Guide


What it is: Colored and EncapsulatedSBR Recycled Crumb Rubber Infill, cov-ered in a special coating using a spe-cialized patent-pending process.

Selling points:- Lead free- Reduces heavy metal leachates ofcrumb rubber by 80%- Less odor and dust- Minimizes static cling- Improves water permeability- Improves Gmax levels

Color: Green or Tan

Manufacturer: Color Biotics


What it is: Rubber infill coating

Selling points: - Bright green encapsulation of rubbercrumb material contributes to vibrant,more realistic-appearing surface (betterfor HD TV)- Extends life of crumb rubber and isUV-resistant, helping fields retain theirshock-absorption properties and re-ducing static- Reduces volatile organic compoundsby 71% and heavy metal runoff by 80%

Colors: Green, Tan, Silver

Manufacturer: Color Biotics


What it is: Acrylic-coated, roundedsand

Selling points: - Lower the surface temperature of asynthetic turf field.- “Microban” protection against bacte-ria, mold and mildew that can causestains, odors and product deterioration.- Can be reused for at least two turf life-cycles because it’s not mixed with otherinfills- Round infill plays very consistent- No odor, dust, leachate or VOC’s.- Does not cling

Colors: Green or Cool Tan

Manufacturer: USGreentech

Guide to synthetic infill productsGlossary of Terms from the Synthetic Turf Council:


What it is: Polyolefin elastomers and high-purity quartz coated sand infill

Selling points: – Shock absorption qualities and the ballastperformance of raw sand– Eliminates static charge– Low abrasive index; no chemicals ormetals– Reduces “kick out” of infill material– Uses cross-linking molecular bonding toensure coating’s integrity

Color: Sand

Manufacturer: Fairmount Sports +Recreation


What it is: SBR rubber infill

Selling points:– Material made out of only all black com-mercial truck tires containing no fiber– Very low dust and no white sidewallparticles– Inexpensive, durable, no fiber, recyclable– Playability and shock absorbingqualities– Service all Midwest by truck

Color: All Black

Manufacturer: Entech Inc.


What it is: Polyolefin-based infill pellets

Selling points: – Will quickly extinguish flame spread– Non-abrasive, performance layer added asa small topdressing application to a stan-dard infill mix

Color: Black

Manufacturer: FieldTurf


What it is: Infill pellet

Selling points: – Environmentally friendly pellet that extin-guishes flame spread and is made using re-cycled artificial turf fibers

Color: Green

Manufacturer: FieldTurf

BRAND NAME: NATURAFILL(part of system, not sold separately)

What it is: Organic infill composed of 100%cork

Selling points: – Recyclable and re-usable with noby-products

– Odorless– Cork will not crumble or become de-formed– Drains off rather than absorbs water– Not a medium for microorganisms– Cooler than rubber infill

Color: Cork

Manufacturer: Domo Sports Grass

BRAND NAME: INFILLPRO GEO(part of system, not sold separately)

What it is: natural cork and coconutfiber (coir)

Selling points: – Reduces heat of synthetic turf system– Increased foot stability– Lower Gmax– Highly permeable for improved drainage–100% organic and Earth friendly, 100% re-cyclable

Color: Earth brown

Manufacturer: Limonta Sport Spa

SportsTurf 37www.stma.org

Pro Con CommentType of InfillMaterial Cost

of 90,000 sq ft Field

Ambient Rubber $50,000 It works, low cost ? Qualifies for LEED credit

Cryogenic Rubber $100,000 It works Cost 2x more Qualifies for LEED credit, some area supplies are than ambient monopolized by one turf company so they try to get

it specified to give them a cost advantage.

Silica Sand $15,000 Uniform size, Cost 10x more Owner's choice if about $13,000 is worth itlower Gmax (20%) than angular

Angular Sand $2,000 Cost 1/7th Compacts a bit more Haven't seen the "cuts turf fibers" that somecompanies claim—even in 12-yr-old fields

Colored, $220,000 Special look Cost $160K Can lower surface temp by 3-10 degreesMan-Made Rubber more than ambient

Color- $280,000 Special look cost $220K Can lower surface temp by 3-10 degrees, still get Coated Rubber more than ambient some LEED points

Rubber(green)- $100,000 Rubber & sand Cost 2x more Can lower surface temp by 3-10 degrees.Coated Sand can't separate than ambient Raises Gmax considerably (50%?)

Coconut Husks + haven't used it Qualifies for LEED credit

Cork or Walnut haven't used it Qualifies for LEED credit

Note: All prices vary and these are representative costs for relative cost analysis; compiled by W. Todd Smith, PE, LEED-AP, Academy Sports Turf, LLC, Englewood, CO.

38 SportsTurf | January 2012 www.sportsturfonline.com

Irrigation&Drainage | By Mary Helen Sprecher

ONE OF THE END RESULTS of a good athleticfacility is its economic im-

pact on a community. A good facil-ity can elevate a city, increasing itstourism dollars and making it amore desirable location for sportstravel.

It was with both of these goals,athletic and economic, in mind thatthe Alexander Gusdorf Eco-Park inTaos, NM was designed. The facil-ity, one of the world’s highest-alti-tude FIFA Two-Star Certifiedtraining facilities, beckons world-class athletes; in fact, the RwandanNational Team spent a month at thepark, training for its World Cupmatch. At the same time, the multi-purpose complex has never ceased toserve the youth of the community asa home for soccer, lacrosse, rugbyand football.

Perhaps the most interesting eco-

friendly aspect of the project, how-ever, is not what’s on the groundnow, but what used to lie beneath.The original site had been used as alandfill, causing it to be classified asa brownsfield.

Yes, you read that last sentence.And yes, the completed facility iscalled the Eco-Park. Making thathappen means that some very specialdesign and construction work wentinto the project, encompassing every-thing from drainage to material sup-ply, and from layout to landscaping.

Living Designs Group Architect (LDG) worked withboth the town of Taos and the Taos Municipal SchoolDistrict to develop the facility, has completed Phase Oneof the three-phase complex, which includes one FIFAcertified artificial turf soccer field, a restroom and storagebuilders, nature trails, 752-seat permanent grandstands,as well as parking areas.

Remediation of the seven-acre site was a priority, buteven that was performed in an earth-sensitive manner.Douglas Patterson of LDG notes the only haul-off fromthe site was the trash and debris from the brownsfield area(a total of 140 cubic yards), was completely repurposedon an adjoining property. The remaining hillside was re-graded and in finished construction, will provide a hillsideamphitheatre-like seating area for an additional field.


Some of the facility’s sustainable features include arti-ficial turf with a 100% recycled rubber infill, use of na-tive plants in landscaping and recycled stormwater for

Green field built on brownfield

Living Designs Group Architect (LDG)worked with both the town of Taos and theTaos Municipal School District to develop thefacility, has completed Phase One of thethree-phase complex, which includes oneFIFA certified artificial turf soccer field...

>> TAOS ECO PARK, AlexanderGusdorf Eco Park. Courtesy of LivingDesigns Group Architects, Taos, NM.

SportsTurf 39www.stma.org

irrigation. Planted swales of porous material in the parking lot col-lect water for native shade trees and use it for passive irrigation inorder to help reduce the ‘heat island’ phenomenon. In fact, thiswater, plus that caught off fields is all directed to storage tanks andhelps offset water use by nearly 200,000 gallons per year.

Further eco-friendly touches abound: A local bus stop en-courages use of mass transit, rather than personal cars. Occu-pancy sensors are located in the restrooms for lighting andventilation, as well as daylighting, and help save on energy costs.

Recycled materials were used in the construction of the rest-room storage building.

“The largest source of certifiable green products was the lami-nated engineered wood roof framing; in fact, exposed structuralelement can be seen in the restroom storage building. The woodis sourced and certified as sustainably grown and certified.”

Patterson also notes that much of the materials used in con-struction was manufactured within 500 miles of the project, andthat some of it came as close as seven miles away from the jobsite.

LDG worked with Lone Mountain Contracting, Inc. (BosqueFarms, NM) which acted as general contractor for the 26-acreproject.

STAYING IN THE BLACKA good sports facility can act as an economic engine for an

area. The Eco-Park sees a variety of use from all levels of athletes,and according to Patterson, “has brought immediate press andrecognition to the town.”

The facility’s overall design and construction excellence, com-bined with its ability to balance the needs of two large public enti-ties and multiple stakeholders, won it honors among those in theathletic facility construction industry as well. Alexander GusdorfEco-Park was honored as an outstanding single-field facility in theannual awards program sponsored by the American SportsBuilders Association (ASBA), the national organization forbuilders and suppliers of materials for athletic facilities. In addi-tion, the Eco-Park was honored with ASBA’s Green Facility of theYear Award, presented to the sports facility showing the higheststandards of excellence in earth-friendly design and construction.

Patterson notes the project was years in the making, but wasworth every minute. “LDG worked with the town of Taos for overa decade to envision, lay the groundwork and eventually build thisfacility.”

And that’s only phase one. Phases two and three are yet tocome, and will include an 87-kilowatt solar array, two moreFIFA-certified fields (one of which will be artificial turf ), chang-ing rooms, volleyball courts, a playground and a concession area.

Count on it all to be green, and count on it to bring in the ath-letes and keep the focus on Taos. ■

The facility’s overall design and constructionexcellence, combined with its ability tobalance the needs of two large publicentities and multiple stakeholders, won ithonors among those in the athletic facilityconstruction industry as well.

F.O.Y.F i e l d o f t h e Y e a r

Level of Submission: College Category of Submission: Baseball Head Sports Turf Manager: Josh McPherson,CSFM Title: Director of Sports Turf Management Education: Bachelors Degree Field of Study: Horticulture/Turfgrass Full Time Staff: Jerry Cummings, BrandonColeman Students/Interns, Part-Time and SeasonalStaff: Craig Barry, Chad Cook, Ben Kraemer, andEvan Pratte (Director of Baseball Operations)

Taylor Stadium/Simmons Field,University ofMissouri


The STMA Field of the Year programThe Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) recog-

nizes that you make personal and professional contribu-tions to our industry and to the organization you serve.Therefore, the STMA distinguishes fields from around thecountry with the Field of the Year Program. Through ourField of the Year Program we are able to greatly further onemain element of our mission: To gain acknowledgement forthe professionalism of our members.

The 2011 awards were presented this month at theSTMA Annual Awards Banquet in Long Beach, CA.

In addition to being featured in SportsTurf magazinewinning fields will also receive a plaque recognizing thefield and the sports turf manager, registration to the STMAConference, up to $500 toward travel/lodging at the STMAConference, and STMA signature apparel for the winningsports turf manager and crew.

40 SportsTurf | January 2012
