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Please discuss all of the following information with your ...

Date post: 16-Oct-2021
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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke Dear Parent/Carer/Student, Below is outlined the measures/protocols and expectations with regards to the partial reopening of South Dartmoor Community College to Y10 and Y12 on Monday 15 th June 2020. The school remains closed to all other year groups other than those children of key workers or vulnerable students for whom “Educare” continues as normal in the Library. Please discuss all of the following information with your son/daughter so that they fully understand the provision being offered. Y10 Structure of Classes Year 10 will be split into 5 populations with up to 37 students in each population. Each population will attend one day a week to gain some face-to-face time in school to support their online provision. Population 1 in on Monday, Population 2 in on Tuesday and so on. As such there will only be up to 37 Year 10s on site on any single day. When in school, each population will be further split into 3 bubbles of 12-13 students maximum – they will be in this bubble for the whole day without an opportunity to link with any other bubble. Bubbles are created based on maths sets. Year 12 will be in their own subject bubble – see details below. Throughout the day, students will have their own designated learning space, socially distanced from others, within a classroom. These classrooms will be in separate zones across the site. Students will not be able to move around the classroom. Year 10 - Zone 1 will be in TCA, Zone 2 in AT1/2, and Zone 3 in MU5. Year 12 – Zone 1 History Block; Zone 2 Atrium Studio. Each of these areas also have external access and their own toilets. Classes will have designated teachers during the day – these will not necessarily be their normal class teacher. A member of the Leadership Team and a First Aider will be on-call each day. Teachers will facilitate from the front of the class. The focus will be on supporting and complimenting their online learning. Students in Year 10 will study one session each of: Maths, English, Science, and Option Subjects - support with online provision. Sixth Form Provision Students will be able to access all their subjects and will attend one day each week per subject. Each day will be dedicated to an Option Block and lessons will be taught by specialists: Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Option Block C D A E/P B
Page 1: Please discuss all of the following information with your ...

Interim Principal Kevin Dyke

Dear Parent/Carer/Student,

Below is outlined the measures/protocols and expectations with regards to the partial reopening of

South Dartmoor Community College to Y10 and Y12 on Monday 15th June 2020. The school remains

closed to all other year groups other than those children of key workers or vulnerable students for

whom “Educare” continues as normal in the Library.

Please discuss all of the following information with your son/daughter so that they fully understand

the provision being offered.

Y10 Structure of Classes

Year 10 will be split into 5 populations with up to 37 students in each population.

Each population will attend one day a week to gain some face-to-face time in school to support

their online provision. Population 1 in on Monday, Population 2 in on Tuesday and so on. As

such there will only be up to 37 Year 10s on site on any single day.

When in school, each population will be further split into 3 bubbles of 12-13 students

maximum – they will be in this bubble for the whole day without an opportunity to link with

any other bubble. Bubbles are created based on maths sets.

Year 12 will be in their own subject bubble – see details below.

Throughout the day, students will have their own designated learning space, socially distanced

from others, within a classroom. These classrooms will be in separate zones across the site.

Students will not be able to move around the classroom.

Year 10 - Zone 1 will be in TCA, Zone 2 in AT1/2, and Zone 3 in MU5. Year 12 – Zone 1 History

Block; Zone 2 Atrium Studio. Each of these areas also have external access and their own


Classes will have designated teachers during the day – these will not necessarily be their

normal class teacher. A member of the Leadership Team and a First Aider will be on-call each

day. Teachers will facilitate from the front of the class. The focus will be on supporting and

complimenting their online learning.

Students in Year 10 will study one session each of: Maths, English, Science, and Option

Subjects - support with online provision.

Sixth Form Provision

Students will be able to access all their subjects and will attend one day each week per subject.

Each day will be dedicated to an Option Block and lessons will be taught by specialists:

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke

Times of the Day

9.00 - 10.20 Period 1 In Zone

10.20-10.40 Break (Staff) In Zone

10.40-12.00 Period 2 In Zone

12.00-12.35 Break (Lunch) In designated outside zone – socially distanced

12.35-1.55 Period 3 In Zone

1.55-2.15 Break (Staff) In Zone

2.15-3.35 Period 4 In Zone

Lunch Provision

We strongly encourage all students to bring their own packed lunch.

Students with a Free School Meal will be provided with a packed lunch which will be delivered

to their Zone.

Other students will be able to order and purchase a packed lunch if ordered at the start of the

day. Please notify your period 1 teacher when they do the register. This will be at a fixed cost

of £2.40. This will also be delivered to the zone. Students parent pay accounts will be debited

accordingly following the order.

Food will be eaten in a designated outside zone. Or within the classroom if weather is poor at

the child’s desk.

EduCare or Partial Education Provision

Educare will continue for children of key workers and vulnerable students.

EduCare will be held in South Dartmoor Library and will be staffed by Heads of House and

Teaching Assistants.

The Library also has its own toilet facilities and IT.

If you are a key worker and you wish your child to access Educare, i.e. be in school on days

other than the one allocated to them because it is not possible/appropriate to supervise them

at home please contact [email protected]. Please DO NOT send your

child in to Educare without first booking a place. We cannot guarantee transport or a place

without it first being booked.


All students including Educare in Year 7-11 will wear uniform except for their blazer and tie.

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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke


All buses will be provided where required. Notification MUST be given via the survey at the

end of this document.

We have had assurance from the transport providers that they will follow government

guidance regarding travelling on public transport.

Drivers will be wearing PPE and appropriate spacing will be instigated on the buses.

At the end of the day students will need to maintain social distancing rules whilst boarding a


Car sharing should be avoided.

Where possible, we would encourage students to walk or cycle to school.

Parents are encouraged to drop their children off at the roundabout, if they have the capacity to do so

to avoid using public transport.

Before Travelling

Parents/Carers should check their child for symptoms of COVID -19 before choosing to send

them to school.

Should a child have or has had symptoms, they can apply and be tested before returning to

school having informed us of the outcome.

Parents will also need to keep their child at home if anyone in the household has symptoms

of COVID-19 or has an underlying health condition that puts them at increased risk.

Parents must inform the school if their child has tested positive for COVID-19.

Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] with this


On Arrival at School

6th Form and Atrium students should use the gate and drive by the Atrium Entrance.

All other students should use the main entrance drive at the bus turning circle.

Please only use these entrances to the school.

Students will be met off the buses and entrances will be supervised.

Students will need to maintain a social distance of 2 metres from other people on the school

site at all times.

Students must line up outside the appropriate entrance gate on the marked crosses.

o English/Maths for Educare

o Small wooden entrance gate for Y10 provision

Students will have their temperature taken and then go immediately to their designated zone

/ room – we will inform students in a personalised letter which day and zone they are being

invited to attend.

All students, upon arrival, will be instructed to use hand sanitisers or wash their hands.

If you wish to speak to a member of staff during drop off please remain in your car and ask

your child to notify the member of staff standing at the main entrance and they will come and

speak to you via your open window as soon as possible.

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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke

Health and Safety

First Aid:

We will have a first aider on call at all times.

If someone becomes unwell:

If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature in school, they will be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection guidance.

If a pupil is awaiting collection, they will be moved to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age of the child and with appropriate adult supervision if required. If it is not possible to isolate them, we will move them to an area which is at least 2-metres away from other people.

If they need to go to the toilet whilst waiting to be collected, the toilet will be temporarily closed afterwards and then cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.

PPE will be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2-metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with complex needs).

In an emergency, we will call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk.

Do not visit the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital. If we have a confirmed case of Coronavirus at SDCC:

If a pupil or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days. All staff and pupils who are attending school will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus, and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario.

Where a pupil or staff member tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation.

Where a pupil or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class bubble within their childcare or education setting will be advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms.

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the cohort or in the wider setting, Public Health England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise schools and other settings on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases a larger number of other pupils, young people may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole class, site or year group. Where settings are observing guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be necessary.

Visitors to College:

We are unable to allow any unannounced visitors.

Please phone the school in advance of any requests to enter the site even to collect a child.

We would only allow visits in exceptional circumstances by 1 adult at a time.

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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke


This can be worn by students and staff but is an optional choice. Cleaning:

We will ensure that sufficient handwashing facilities are available.

We will provide hand sanitiser in all classrooms.

We will clean all surfaces that young people are touching, such as books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, more regularly than normal.

We will ensure that all adults and pupils frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly.

We will ensure that all staff and pupils sanitise their hands-on arrival at school, before and after eating, and after sneezing or coughing.

All staff and pupils are encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose.

All staff and pupils to use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’).

We will ensure that bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day.

We will prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation.


In order to limit the amount of shared resources that are taken home and limit exchange of take-home resources between students and staff, we must insist that students bring their own personal equipment and stationery.

We will not be sharing stationery and other equipment.

A4 paper will be available in spaces.

Materials and surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected more frequently

IT equipment will be allocated to specific children for periods of time and cleaned after each person has used it.

Practical lessons will not be going ahead at this stage. Fire Alarms:

All students will be taken through the fire regulations and processes upon arrival to their first session.


Should students not be able to behave appropriately, following the health and safety expectations then they will no longer be able to access this provision. Students will need to be collected from school and will not be able to return to future sessions.

Our first duty is the safety of all students and staff at South Dartmoor and we will not accept any behaviour that compromises this.


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Interim Principal Kevin Dyke

For the vast majority of pupils and young people, coronavirus is a mild illness. Pupils and young people (0 to 18 years of age) who have been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable due to pre-existing medical conditions have been advised to shield. We do not expect these pupils to be attending school.

Clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable) people are those considered to be at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus. A small minority of pupils will fall into this category, and parents should follow medical advice if their child is in this category.

If a child or young person lives with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable), including those who are pregnant, they can attend their education setting.

If a child or young person lives in a household with someone who is extremely clinically vulnerable, as set out in the COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable guidance, it is advised they only attend an education or childcare setting if stringent social distancing can be adhered to and, in the case of pupils, they are able to understand and follow those instructions.

If stringent social distancing cannot be adhered to, we do not expect those individuals to attend. They should be supported to learn or work at home.

Please contact [email protected] with any information regarding shielding so that we can best advise you on attendance at school for your child.

Please now complete the following survey by 10 am 9.06.2020, to give an indication as to whether your son/daughter will be taking up the provision: Y10

Y10 Survey Y12

Y12 Survey Over the coming week you will receive a personalised letter indicating the day and zone that your son/daughter has been allocated to. If you have indicated in the survey that you will be using the bus this will be confirmed with the bus company for you. Please keep that letter safe. If you choose to send your son/daughter in at a later date this will remain the day that they allocated to. Furthermore you will need to contact [email protected] if you subsequently wish to travel to school by bus as the spaces are allocated on need from the first survey. If you do not inform us of the new intention to travel we cannot guarantee there will be space on the bus. If you have any queries then please contact [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Dyke Emma Dixon

Interim Principal Deputy Principal
