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Page 1: please email the...Here are 4 major benefits of a Ketogenic Diet: 1. Weight Loss Most people trying to lose weight do so by cutting calories and eating a low-fat diet. Low-fat diets
Page 2: please email the...Here are 4 major benefits of a Ketogenic Diet: 1. Weight Loss Most people trying to lose weight do so by cutting calories and eating a low-fat diet. Low-fat diets

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Copyright © 2017 Rachel Ngom Fitness, LLC.

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Page 3: please email the...Here are 4 major benefits of a Ketogenic Diet: 1. Weight Loss Most people trying to lose weight do so by cutting calories and eating a low-fat diet. Low-fat diets

My Story ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

What is the Ketogenic Diet? ............................................................................................................................. 4

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet ............................................................................................................................. 5

You need more fat if ........................................................................................................................................ 7

How to Calculate Calories ................................................................................................................................ 8

Calculating your BMR ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Calculating your TDEE ................................................................................................................................... 11

What are Macros? .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Calculating your Macros ................................................................................................................................. 14

Macro Apps .................................................................................................................................................... 15

Sample Macro Day ......................................................................................................................................... 16

What is Keto Flu? ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Keto Lemonade Recipe .................................................................................................................................. 20

What is Bulletproof Coffee? ............................................................................................................................ 21

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe .............................................................................................................................. 22

Tracking Ketones ............................................................................................................................................ 23

Ditching the Diet Mentality .............................................................................................................................. 24

Plateau Busting Tips ...................................................................................................................................... 25

What is Intermittent Fasting ............................................................................................................................ 26

Tracking your Progress .................................................................................................................................. 28

Printable Health Tracker ................................................................................................................................. 29

Carbing Up ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

Keto while you’re out ...................................................................................................................................... 31

Keto Food List ................................................................................................................................................ 32

Keto Fats ........................................................................................................................................................ 33

Recommended Fats ....................................................................................................................................... 34

Recommended Protein ................................................................................................................................... 36

Vegan Protein Sources .................................................................................................................................. 38

Recommended Veggies ................................................................................................................................. 39

Recommended Fruits ..................................................................................................................................... 40

Recommended beverages ............................................................................................................................. 41

Condiments .................................................................................................................................................... 42

Meal Plans ...................................................................................................................................................... 43

Keto Meal Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 44

Keto Meal Plan w/ Shakeology ....................................................................................................................... 45

Higher Carb/Maintenance Meal Plan ............................................................................................................. 46

Higher Carb w/ Shakeology ............................................................................................................................ 47

50/30/20 Meal Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 48

Fat Bomb Recipes .......................................................................................................................................... 49

Printable Grocery List ..................................................................................................................................... 50

Testimonials ................................................................................................................................................... 56

Connect with Rachel ...................................................................................................................................... 58

Sources .......................................................................................................................................................... 59

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


My Story

Hey! So happy you’re here! Congrats on starting your journey to a healthier you!!

I’m Rachel, a former Big Ten volleyball player turned entrepreneur and professional

cheese taster (kidding–but that would be a sweet job). I lost 80 pounds after I had my son

and now my heart is to help other moms get their bodies back!

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Obsessed with: adventure, champagne, chocolate, and yoga pants.

I didn’t grow up eating healthy. I honestly had no clue how to eat right. I ate what I wanted,

when I wanted. I distinctly remember having contests with my friend in grade school to see

who could eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger in the fewest bites. I won! 3 and done lol.

I grew up baking cakes (and eating way too many of them), drinking Venti Frappuccinos,

eating ice cream…well, you get the picture. I did not have a healthy diet! The only thing

that prevented me from becoming seriously overweight was that I was very active.

I grew up playing all kinds of sports, and ended up playing competitive volleyball…like 4

hour a day practices, 6 days a week. Even with all of that activity, I still gained weight.

Concerned with my weight gain, my volleyball coaches taught me how to eat the right

foods to fuel my body for optimum performance. I ended up getting a 6 pack for the very

first time when I was 17—I was hooked!

Fast forward a couple of years…I got pregnant!! I was hungry and ended up gaining 65

pounds—yikes! I knew what I had to do to get healthy and fit, and I lost 65 pounds in 5

months, and another 15 pounds a couple of months later.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


I took an even greater interest in my own health, and stumbled across eating a high

fat/low carb diet. While I lost 80 pounds, I had to be super cautious about my food

choices, and needed to eat all the time to feel satisfied. I spent so much time thinking

about food!

I started sharing my experience with my social media following and started running high

fat low carb challenges on Facebook. We have over 1,000 ladies in our group who are

following a high fat/low carb diet, learning about the benefits, and seeing insane results!!

Women who have been stuck at a plateau, who’ve been weight loss resistant, are finally

seeing results! It’s amazing to see women who’ve been stuck for such a long time finally

have progress!

After getting endless questions about what I’m doing, I created this guide to help even

more ladies feel confident and amazing in their skin.

I hope that you enjoy the content in this guide, and that you feel empowered to take

control of your health!



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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic Diet is a high-fat, adequate protein, low-carb diet that forces the body to

burn fat stores instead of carbs. Ketones are molecules formed by the breakdown of

stored fat and are an important source of fuel. When the body is in ketosis, the process by

which the body uses those fuels, ketones are used for survival.

The Ketogenic diet was originally designed in the 1920s for patients with epilepsy by

researchers working at John Hopkins Medical Center. The researchers found that

fasting—avoiding all food for brief periods of time—helped reduce the amount of seizures

patients suffered. They also found other positive effects on body fat, blood sugar, hunger

levels, and cholesterol.

Since long-term fasting isn’t possible for more than a few days, the ketogenic diet was

developed to mimic the same beneficial effects of fasting. The ketogenic diet works by

tricking the body into thinking it’s fasting through a strict elimination of glucose that is

found in carb rich foods.

So how does ketosis work?

The body stores about 40,000 calories of fat compared to just 2,000 calories of

carbohydrate glycogen. When the carbs have been depleted, the body taps into those fat

stores for energy.

“One of the most studied strategies in recent years for weight loss is the ketogenic diet.

Many studies have shown that this kind of nutritional approach has a solid physiological

and biochemical basis and is able to induce effective weight loss along with improvement

in several cardiovascular risk parameters.” 2014 review published in the International

Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Switching from foods high in carbs (think sugary cereal, pasta, whole grain bread, soda,

tc.), which cause chronic illness and make you fat, to foods that keep you lean and

energetic without getting hungry seems like a no-brainer, right?!

The process of burning fat helps us shed extra weight, but also helps control the release

of hormones like insulin, which plays a role in the development of diabetes and other

health issues.

The average American is a ‘sugar burner’. They eat carbs for breakfast, so their blood

sugar spikes, then crashes before lunch, when the next carb fix comes. This process

happens over and over again.

“Two years ago, LeBron James famously lost 25 pounds and upped his late-game

endurance by cutting carbs and sugars from his diet. Tim Ferris, the author of the Four-

Hour self-improvement book series, followed a strict keto diet to cure his Lyme disease,

and performs a long multi-day fast every four months as a means, he says, of pushing

ketosis further and starving incipient pre-cancerous cells of sugar. Last summer, Sami

Inkinen, the ultra-fit co-founder of real estate juggernaut Trulia, rowed with his wife from

California to Hawaii in record time on a keto diet, to promote high-fat eating and raise

awareness about the dangers of too much sugar. The Keto Diet, says its ardent

supporters, is a natural way to literally reprogram your metabolism and transition to an

upgraded operating system. You’ll ultimately feel better and perform better, and your body

fat will plummet.”

Here are 4 major benefits of a Ketogenic Diet:

1. Weight Loss

Most people trying to lose weight do so by cutting calories and eating a low-fat diet. Low-

fat diets tend to leave people feeling hungry, therefore adherence is difficult.

Low carb diets can reduce hunger and boost weight loss through their hormonal effects.

As previously described, when we eat low carb, we release less insulin. With less insulin

around, the body doesn’t need to store extra energy in the form of fat for later use and is

able to reach into existing fat stores for energy instead.

Diets that are high in healthy fats also tend to be super filling, reducing overeating of junk


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


2. Reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes

A modified ketogenic diet (low carb) can be beneficial for most relatively healthy adults

who are at an increased risk for metabolic syndrome, including those struggling to control

levels of blood sugar or losing weight.

3. Possible protection against cancer

Evidence has shown that ketosis can help prevent Alzheimer’s, treat epilepsy, and cure

cancer. Cancer cells thrive in a high-sugar environment because they rely on glycogen

(sugar burned for energy) to survive.

There’s been research published that ketogenic diets can double the lifespan of mice with

metastatic cancers, and leading Boston College cancer researcher Thomas Seyfried,

M.D., believes that a keto diet is therapeutically even more valuable in fighting cancer than

chemo. Crazy, right?

4. Protection against heart disease risk factors

Heart disease is caused by inflammation, which is influenced by too much sugar,

processed junk, and trans fats—not due to healthy fats like olive oil, salmon, and nuts.

Keto is much lower in protein than I’m used to. If you eat low carb high protein, what

happens is your body turns the protein into sugar in your body in a process called

gluconeogenesis. When eating Keto, you eat all the fat. Which can be hard for a lot of

people, especially since we’ve been told that fat is bad.

Benefits I’ve noticed since eating high fat?

I don’t get hangry–I can go much longer between meals and it ain’t no big thing

My cellulite is disappearing

When I’m on my period, but I have zero bloat, cramps, or cravings

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


You need to eat fat to lose fat!

Fat does not make you fat–sugar does!!!! Did you know that the average American eats

152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour that convert to sugar every year?!

Low fat diets tend to be heart-UNhealthy high sugar diets! Studies show that 75% of

people who end up in the emergency room with a heart attack have normal overall

cholesterol levels–but what they do have is pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Fat is super satiating–so you’ll eat enough to feel full, but it’s pretty hard to overeat.

A grass-fed steak is way more filling than a baguette with butter. You can eat a decent

amount of the steak and be done–but you could easily eat the whole baguette and still

want more food!

I know this is so true for me! I remember polishing off an entire stack of pancakes from

IHOP (often lol!)–topped with whipped cream and more syrup than pancakes! (take out

the lol). I was hungry soon after!!!! But if I eat 3 eggs cooked in butter with avocado, I’m

full for hours!!!!

Eating fat makes you lean! Healthy cells made from high-quality fats are better able to

metabolize insulin, keeping your blood sugar better regulated!

You need to eat more fat if your:

Skin is dry and flaky

Nails are brittle

Joints ache

Never satisfied after meals

At a plateau with your weight loss or have a hard time losing weight

Energy is low

Memory sucks

Have hormonal issues

Low HDL cholesterol

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


How to Calculate Your Calories Here are some guidelines to help you get started, but keep in mind that each person’s

metabolism, overall health, and lifestyle are going to play an important role in how much

energy we burn and how much of each macronutrient we should be eating.

If you want to use apps and skip the formulas, these are some apps I love:


Fitter Fitness Calculator

The simplest way for you to do this is to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) +

energy expenditure, and then subtract roughly 500. You can do this in the Fitter Fitness

Calculator app.

If you’re brave, and want to do the math, continue. The Mifflin, M. D., St Joer formula is

one of the most popular and respected methods used to calculate your total daily energy

expenditure (TDEE), so we are going to use this formula.

First, we are going to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). The BMR is what your

body burns at rest. So if you’re a total couch potato doing absolutely nothing, this is how

many calories you burn. It’s important that as you cut your calories, you don’t dip below

your BMR.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Here’s what the formula looks like with results rounded to the nearest whole


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Since most of us don’t lie in bed doing nothing all day, we are next going to figure out our

movement expenditure, or TDEE.

Your TDEE is comprised of your BMR plus additional energy burned through the food you

eat and physical activity.

Let’s look at each of these separately.

1. Your BMR is the amount of energy your body burns at rest. It’s the minimum

amount of energy your body needs to stay alive!

2. When you eat food, it takes energy to digest and absorb, which is known as the

thermic effect of food (TEF). Research shows that TEF accounts for about 10% of

your daily burn, depending on the macronutrient composition of your diet.

3. When you move your body, it costs energy.

To simplify, when you sum the energy your body burns to stay alive and the energy you

burn through digesting and absorbing food along with the energy you burn through

activity, you find your TDEE.

We will take our BMR and multiply it by our activity level to find our TDEE.

How active are you?

Sedentary (BMR x 1.2)

Light activity (BMR x 1.375)

Moderate activity (BMR x 1.55)

Very active (BMR x 1.725)

A TDEE equation could look like this:

Let’s say you’re me! 29 year old woman, 185 cm, 77 kg, lightly active women. I would

consider my hubby, who regularly clocks 40,000 steps a day with his job training horses to

be very active, someone who does 1-2 hours of physical activity a day to be moderately

active, someone who does 30 min-1 hour of activity lightly active, and someone who does

some light housework to be sedentary.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Here’s the equation with results rounded to the nearest whole number:

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Eat much more than this number and you could gain weight. Eat less and you should lose

weight. Eat this much for maintenance. Now, there are other factors that can affect weight

loss (like insulin, thyroid, etc.), but again, this is a good place to start.

If you want to lose weight, I recommend dropping your overall calories by no more than

20%, which in my example is roughly 500. So if I reduce my calories to 1,782, I’ll lose

weight. Just remember, you don’t want to drop your caloric intake below your BMR.

Hate math? ME TOO! So just use the Fitness Calculator app, enter your stats and voila!

How can you calculate your macros?

Macronutrients are what make up the caloric content of a food, and they’re sometimes

referred to as ‘macros’. The three categories of macros are carbohydrates, protein, and

fat. It’s the caloric combination of macros that create your total number of calories.

1 gram of carbs = 4 calories

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories

While eating a ketogenic diet, the focus is more on macros than it is on total caloric

consumption. You can eat a 1200 calorie diet of twinkies (all carbs), and you won’t be

healthy. The quality and source of those calories matter.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


The recommended macronutrient ratio for someone on a Keto diet is:

Keep in mind that not everyone is going to feel great doing keto—and that’s ok! You need

to become a scientist and an expert on the study of one. Try out a certain percentage for a

few weeks, see how you feel. If you feel great, awesome! If you don’t, maybe increase

your carbs and protein a bit. I can’t tell you what to do—I’m not you!

How do you calculate your macros? Grab your calculator and we can do this together.

For this example we are doing the standard 70/20/10 macros, but like I said, you might

feel best with 50% fat and more carbs--so the numbers in the calculations will reflect that.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Use a macro counting app to calculate and keep track of your macros:



Keto Diet App

If you don’t already own a food scale, you can get one on Amazon for less than $15.

They're especially helpful for measuring high calorie foods like cheese, nuts, and


Here’s an example of what it looks like to track using MyFitnessPal. Tracking may seem

super tedious, but after a week or two this becomes easy since the foods you eat regularly

are stored in the database, and you can create custom meals that you eat often.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


This can be helpful as you’re getting started, but ideally, you’ll become more in tune with

your body and won’t need to track your macros forever.

IMPORTANT: Like I previously stated, do not cut your calories too low or increase your

exercise too much in an effort to lose weight faster. It can really mess with your hormones

and leads to a damaged metabolism. Slow weight loss is better than yo-yo dieting. Do not

let your calorie intake go below your BMR long term (if you’re fasting short term I’m cool

with it). You shouldn’t be hungry while eating keto. If you are, you need to first make sure

you’re drinking enough water, and then second increase your calorie consumption.

If you calculate your macros using Myfitnesspal and it recommends you eat 900 calories a

day, don’t listen!! Change your goals so your weight loss is slower.

If you do weigh yourself, know that 1-2 pounds a week is an excellent rate of weight loss.

Slow and steady. The weight didn’t come on overnight, and it’s not going to disappear

overnight either. If weighing yourself is messing with your head, take the batteries out of

the scale (what I did), or throw the scale away. Go by how your clothes fit and take

progress pics regularly.

Another thing that I preach is going slow and using the minimum effective dose necessary

to see results. When you lose weight, your BMR drops, meaning that in order to continue

losing weight, you’ll have to lower your calories. If you start out too low, you’ll have a hard

time lowering caloric intake further to see results.

While these calculators are a great place to start—listen to your body and tweak as you

go! That is ultimately going to be the best way for you to get results. If tracking and

calculations stress you out, then don’t even worry about it. You don’t need to track. By

eating more fat and lowering your carb intake you’ll start to feel better. That’s the goal,


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


What is Keto Flu & How-To Treat It

Keto Flu. It's not fun, but a possible side effect when you begin eating high fat/low carb!

Most of us have been eating a ton of carbs—so that when you make the switch to eating

high fat/low carb our cells, organs, brain and nervous system have increased enzymatic

processes and adjusted hormonal responses to deal with. It can take some time for our

bodies to adjust to being fat-fueled!

For some people, nothing happens. Lucky! For others, keto flu happens. The common

theory as to why some experience keto flu and other don’t is that it depends on how carb

dependent you were before going keto. If you ate crazy amounts of carbs before going

keto, the worse your symptoms are going to be.

There are a few other possible reasons why someone experiences keto flu: stress,

deficiency in electrolytes, dehydration, or imbalanced intake of vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms of Keto Flu?

Brain fog





Heart palpitations

Carb cravings


Muscle Cramps


How to treat Keto Flu?

More water!

Electrolytes (make keto lemonade recipe below)

Eat potassium rich foods: avocados, nuts, dark leafy greens, salmon, mushrooms

Eat foods high in magnesium: nuts, dark chocolate, artichokes, fish, spinach

Get your sodium in: salt, bone broth, bacon, pickles, fermented veggies

Consume foods high in calcium: dark leafy greens, almonds, sardines

Eat phosphorus rich foods: nuts, seeds, dark chocolate

Consume foods high in chloride: olives, seaweed, salt, low carb veggies

Eat more fat!

Move your body!!! Walking, yoga, etc.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Magnesium supplements (natural calm powdered magnesium)

Increase digestive power—take probiotics, eat fermented foods

Keto flu could set in between days 3-7, could end anywhere from days 5-14, and fat

adaptation could begin from day 10-21.

I personally experienced a bit of keto flu, from around days 3-6 of my high-fat journey. I

just felt exhausted!! I decided on those days to have a bit more carbs–so I had a cup of

berries on those days. After day 6 though, I felt amazing.

It will pass–just be sure to make some keto lemonade, drink plenty of water, and salt your

foods! And if you need a few more carbs while your body adjusts, that’s fine! It’ll take

longer to get into ketosis, but dude what’s the rush?

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Bulletproof Coffee- What is it & Should You Drink it?

Bulletproof coffee has become super popular lately!! What is bulletproof coffee? Should

you drink bulletproof coffee?

Bulletproof coffee was created by Dave Asprey, who suffered from mold toxicity and found

that most coffees contain mold—eek! So he set out to create a toxic-free coffee drink. You

can buy the beans on his site or on Amazon—they are pricey though! Honestly, I’m not

sure if his beans are everything they’re hyped up to be—but you can judge that yourself.

You definitely should be drinking organic, fair trade coffee—since coffee is sprayed with

pesticides and typically the workers are way underpaid.

So you have the bulletproof coffee bean, and then Dave Asprey created his ‘upgraded’

coffee, which was his special coffee bean blended with grass-fed butter and Brain Octane

oil (a special version of MCT oil).

What are the benefits of drinking bulletproof coffee?

The healthy fats found in grass-fed butter can help balance hormones and boost cognitive

function! Grass-fed butter contains omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and

K, beta-carotene, CLA (a fatty acid with fat loss benefits), and antioxidants.

Butter is also great for your digestion and brain! Grass-fed butter is high in butyrate, which

is a short-chain fatty acids that can decrease and prevent inflammation! Eating anti-

inflammatory foods is super important since high levels of inflammation are linked to

everrrrything from cancer to depression!!

The butter you use matters! Grass-fed cows are way healthier than grain-fed or factory-

farmed cows, and the butter they produce reflects their good health! In the states we buy

the brand Kerrygold, which is found at most supermarkets.

Bulletproof coffee also contains a special form of MCT oil called Brain Octane, which

Asprey claims helps you suppress hunger, think faster, workout harder, and lose weight.

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Here’s the official Bulletproof Coffee recipe from the Bulletproof Coffee blog:

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


I personally don’t use as much butter or oil since I don’t like to drink a 300-400 calorie

coffee, I use 1/2 Tbsp to 1 Tbs of each butter and brain octane oil. It ends up being a

thick, creamy, and delicious coffee!!

If you’re new to bulletproof coffee, I recommend you start adding fats slowly. If you’re not

used to eating high fat and you bombard your body with buttery coffee, the digestive

response could be bad (think disaster pants). It can also make some people nauseous, so

start with between 1 tsp-1/2 tbs each of butter and brain octane and go from there.

Is bulletproof coffee as magical as it seems? I’ll let you be the judge. I usually have it on

days where I don’t want to eat a full breakfast, but I’m still a little hungry for something. If

you normally eat sugary cereal, toast, or pancakes for breakfast and you replace that with

bulletproof coffee, then yes, this is definitely an upgrade!

Like I said, if you’re going to drink bulletproof coffee, make sure your beans are organic

and fair-trade make sure your butter is grass-fed. Drinking pesticide laden coffee with

conventional butter is not going to give you the same health benefits!! Also, be sure to

account for those calories! If you just add butter and oil to your coffee without accounting

for those extra calories, you can gain weight!

Not a coffee drinker? You can totally do the same thing with tea!

And if you want to learn more, you can check out Dave Asprey’s book, The Bulletproof

Diet, and also his podcast!

Are you in Ketosis/tracking Ketones

How do you know if you’re in ketosis? Your goal may be just to eat more fat and less

carbs, and you don’t need to track your ketones at all. That’s cool! You’re still gonna be

healthier and feel better without tracking!!

I’m a nerd and like to track this stuff. There are a few different ways that you can track if

you want to, but again, you don’t need to!

Urine Ketone Strips

I started ordering the urine sticks on Amazon to track my ketone production. This is the

least expensive, but also the least accurate. Once your body is fat adapted it tends to

show zero ketone production, since the ketostix only show excess ketone bodies. So I

ditched the pee sticks and decided to splurge on a Ketonix.

Breath Testing (Ketonix)

The Ketonix analyzes the ketones in your breath, and it’s easy to use. It runs for about

$200--BUT you can use it forever.

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Blood Ketone Meter

You can also track your ketones by pricking yourself and seeing your blood ketone levels.

This is the most accurate way to measure ketone bodies, but also the most expensive,

and sounds like the least amount of fun (if you want to prick yourself, go for it, lol). The

meter itself costs about $40, and the strips are $5 each. If you test your ketone levels

daily, this could cost you $150/month!


Yup, just listen to your body to determine if you’re in ketosis. Some signs that you’ll notice

may be a ‘fruity’ smell in your breath, sweat, or urine. You’ll also be able to go long

stretches without food and feel fine. Headaches or other signs of keto flu have passed and

your energy is up!

Ditching the Diet Mentality

Something that I’ve seen over and over again after working with thousands of clients is

that everyone wants a quick fix, or they have an all or nothing approach when it comes to

weight loss. This is not a diet. I don’t make the rules. You do. So if you want to have cake

at your daughter’s birthday? Go for it! Wanna go wine tasting with your friends? Have fun!

I ain’t gonna stand in your way!

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What you’ll most likely find out is that after a few weeks of eating this way, processed,

sugary foods don’t taste as good, or they make you feel terrible and really aren’t worth it.

That being said, nothing is off limits. This isn’t a diet. Which means there’s no quitting, no

failure, and no falling off the wagon. Be kind to yourself.

Stuck at a Plateau?

Plateaus are normal! Your body wants homeostasis—and is fighting to get to a certain set

point weight. In order to break a plateau, you’ve gotta trick the body a bit.

Plateau busting tip #1:

Switch up your macros and/or calories. Track your food for a week to see how much

you're really eating. If you find out you're consuming 3,000 calories a day, you may have

found your issue! Believe it or not, sometimes people hit plateaus because they aren’t

eating enough. Try adding an extra 300 calories a day for 3-5 days and see what

happens. Try increasing your carbs slightly over the weekend. Your body just needs a


Plateau busting tip #2:

Focus on your cortisol. Cortisol is known as the primary stress hormone When cortisol

levels are elevated, it can cause our bodies to store excess fat or make it hard to lose

weight. After I had TJ I was stressed out. I wasn’t sleeping much, and I was drinking

coffee and pre workout drinks all day and then had wine most nights. This made my

cortisol spike and caused adrenal fatigue, and a 30 pound weight gain.

You can lower your cortisol levels by:

Limiting yourself to 1 cup of coffee/day or switch to tea

Cutting back on wine (1 drink/week)

Eating the foods listed in this guide, avoid sugar, grains, and processed foods

Doing low intensity workouts. High intensity workouts like running, plyometrics, or

intense weight training can actually increase cortisol levels. You can walk, do yoga,

or my fave, PiYo.

Meditating daily. If you don’t have 10 minutes to meditate each day, you don’t have

a life!! Download the app Calm or Headspace and commit to just 7 days of

meditation. Promise it will help!

Getting some rest!! Get to bed earlier (put electronics away an hour or two before

bed) and let yourself sleep in.

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Plateau busting tip #3:

Try intermittent fasting. What I found is that when I started eating keto, I no longer needed

to eat every 3-4 hours. I went 19 hours without even thinking about food and went what

just happened, lol! That is SO not me! Intermittent fasting can be a great way to bust that


Ok so what exactly is intermittent fasting?

Essentially, intermittent fasting isn’t dieting at all, it’s just eating in a condensed window.

For some people, intermittent fasting is going without food for 12-36 hours.

Think about it, we fast every day when we sleep, this is just extending the fasting period

Does this sound like it’s gone against everything you’ve been told you’re supposed to do

to lose weight? Like you’re supposed to eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism

revved up? I hear you!

A lot of people think of fasting as a form of deprivation or starving–but let me tell you that

is not true!! Our ancestors did not have food available 24/7! If you’re overweight…do you

eat during most of your waking hours?

It’s pretty normal in our society today…everything is centered around food! Parties, dates,

birthdays, any special occasion, watching TV, etc., etc., etc!! So don’t think of intermittent

fasting as depriving yourself, rather becoming more in tuned to your body!

Why eat this way? There are actually quite a few benefits to intermittent fasting! It


Increase the body’s responsiveness to insulin, which regulates blood sugar. This can

help to control feelings of hunger and food cravings!

Increase energy

Improve memory

Improve immunity, lower risk of diabetes, and improve heart health

Increase production of neurotrophic growth factor, a protein that promotes neuron

growth and protection, which makes us more resilient to neurological stress, thereby

staving off neurodegenerative diseases.

Help burn more fat! Science shows that it takes your body about 6-8 hours to

metabolize stored carbohydrates…then after that happens, your body starts to use

your stored fat for fuel. If you are eating every 8 hours or sooner, you make it more

difficult for your body to use your fat stores as fuel.

Aid in detoxification. When your body isn’t spending resources on digesting food, it

has more capacity to rid the body of toxins, repair and rebuild tissues.

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Regulate hormones. Fasting increases human growth hormones (HGH), which

results in faster muscle repair and growth, as well as slowing down the aging

process. Leptin, the hormone that regulates fat storage and hunger signals, and

ghrelin, a hormone that tells your brain the body is hungry, are normalized by routine


How does intermittent fasting work? There are a LOT of different ways you can fast!

One way is to fast for 12-16 hours each day and then feed for the remaining 8-12 hours.

During the fasting period, you consume water, black coffee or tea.

What’s an easy way of fasting?

I like to fast from 6pm-10am most days. So after dinner no nibbling on anything, and I eat

a breakfast later than normal. Your eating window will depend on your schedule and

what’s convenient for you!

How can you get started with intermittent fasting?

I don’t suggest you jump in and start fasting 16 hours each day I would start by cutting

back on carbs and increasing fats in your diet so your body can switch to being a fat

burner instead of a sugar burner. Follow the meal plan provided for a few weeks to help

your body become fat adapted.

Then, you can start by eating dinner before 7, then eat breakfast at 7 the next day. Ease

your body into it, and don’t force yourself to fast if you’re hungry. Some days I wake up

hungry, so I eat! As fasting starts to feel more natural, gradually increase your fasting

window, so you’re fasting 16 hours each day and eating in an 8-hour window. Your eating

window can be whatever is convenient for you! 12pm-8pm, 10am-6pm, whatever fits your


If you feel great eating in a 12-hour window, awesome. Don’t feel like you have to eat in a

condensed window if it doesn’t feel right for you. We are all different!! Like I said, some

days I eat in a 12-hour window, some days a 6-hour window. It depends on how I feel that


Please keep in mind that fasting isn’t for everyone!!! Some people can do this naturally

(like my hubby) while other people (especially you breastfeeding mamas) get dizzy or light

headed without frequent feedings. So, as anything, do what is right for you! Don’t try

intermittent fasting if you are pregnant or have a history of disordered eating.

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Tracking your Progress

Yes, I want you to track your progress! But not your weight. The number on the scale can

fluctuate like crazy—depending on the time of day, what you’ve eaten the day before, how

much water you’ve drank, if you’re on your period, etc. The scale can’t measure body

composition—so you may be replacing fat with muscle but the scale won't show you that.

Things you should be tracking:

Sleep quality

Inches lost

Progress pics

Energy levels

Food you ate and how it made you feel






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Here’s a sample tracker that you can print and make copies of:

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Carbing Up

Once your body becomes fat adapted (typically takes 2-3 weeks), I suggest introducing a

carb up into your nutrition. You might not be able to wait until you’re fat adapted to add

carbs to your diet-and that is ok!! The first week of eating high fat/low carb I felt like I need

a few extra carbs, so I had them! Each day I had a cup of berries and that helped


Carb ups will spike your insulin, which resets your hormones ghrelin and leptin and aids in

the production of T4 (thyroid hormone) as well as conversion to T3 (usable energy from

T4). Basically, carb ups will be great for your hormones and you shouldn’t fear carbs!

A carb up is simply increasing your carbs slightly one night, swapping the fat you would

normally eat for carbs.

How often you do it is again, up to you. You can try increasing carbs (20-50 grams is

going to be a good place to start—this isn’t eating 5 plates of pasta lol) in a meal once a

week and see how you feel.

Some people may need to carb up 2-3 times a week, some people may need to do it

every night!

An example of a carb up may be adding a small sweet potato to your meal once a week,

or eating 2 cups of berries for an after dinner dessert.

Or, if you know you’re going out to dinner with your fam and want to enjoy yourself, do it!

Deprivation strategies never work! I recently carbed up with a delicious French quiche.

Was it the healthiest carb up? No, lol, but it’s what I really wanted at the time so I had it!

Carb ups are totally optional, but you def want to do a carb up if you’re at a weight-loss

plateau, your sleep sucks, your hormones are imbalanced, you feel like bingeing on carbs,

you feel restricted with your food choices, you’re not seeing the results you want from your

workouts, you have a low body temp, or you have a hard to maintaining intensity while

working out. Some of us may need more carbs and that’s cool!

Remember, this isn’t a one size fits all or an all or nothing plan. Hence the (ish) in the title.

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Keto while you’re out

Before you go to the restaurant, check out their website to see the menu and to see if they

have their nutritional info on the menu. If they do, great! If they don’t, look around to see

what kinds of foods are listed. Salads? Grilled salmon? Think about what you want before

you get there and are tempted by what others order.

Once you arrive, avoid that bread basket. Request that they don’t even bring it! Remove

that temptation.

Order your drink. Stick with water. Zero calories and free =)

Don’t be afraid to ask for something off of the menu. Most places are very

accommodating. Anytime I go to a Japanese place I ask for grilled shrimp or salmon and

veggies with the teriyaki sauce on the side. Always get the sauce on the side! The sauce

is typically filled with sugar!!

Ask for double the veggies instead of a starch! You don’t need that white rice. Double

steamed veggies = more nutrients for you and less calories.

Don’t be afraid to order off the appetizer menu. Usually they are half the portion. Or split

your entree with someone.

I find it super easy to eat keto while out! I just get a fatty meat with veggies. Salmon or

steak are my faves.

If you’re traveling a lot, have no fear! You can still eat keto! I travel a ton and am able to

stick with this!

The most important part of traveling while eating keto is that you’re prepared. I pack

healthy food with me just in case there won’t be options available. Bonus—I save money.

Some of the things that I bring are:

Shaker cup

Shakeology packets

MCT oil packets

Coconut oil

Almond butter packets

Greens boost

Focused energy boost

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Fat fueled coffee packets

Raw nuts (macadamia nuts are my fave)

I also pack enough food for my day of travel in a cooler! I might pack some hard boiled

eggs, roasted veggies, cut up veggies and guac, chicken sausage, macadamia nuts.

But it doesn’t end there!

When I’m at the destination, I like to do a little research to see what’s nearby to eat!

Ideally, I’ll have a hotel that has a small kitchen—but that’s not always possible. I’ll

typically at least request a fridge in the room—sometimes they’re included, sometimes

they charge a small fee—but it’s still cheaper than eating out every meal!

If I have a kitchen, I’ll go to the closest grocery store and stock up on all of our meals for

the stay. I’ll always get eggs, protein (like salmon or beef), and veggies!

If I don’t have a kitchen, then I’ll see what food delivers to the hotel (assuming I don’t have

a car).

Keto Diet Food List

Not sure what to eat on Keto? I’ve got you covered!!

I always preach progress not perfection–so if you want something that’s not on the lists–

don’t sweat! Champagne isn’t a recommended food on keto but you better believe I’m

gonna have some, lol!

Let’s start by talking about fat. When eating a keto diet, you eat a lot of fat. While pork

rinds and bacon are high fat–you def want to make sure you vary your fat intake and get

the right fats in your diet.

First, here’s a breakdown of the different kinds of fats:

Trans Fats: Avoid completely. These are chemically altered processed fats that are

meant to improve shelf life but are linked to heart disease. You can find trans fats in

margarine, fried foods, and foods that are on the supermarket shelf forever (think

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processed baked goods). Keep in mind that technically a food doesn’t have to have trans

fat on the label if it contains less than .5 grams of trans fat per serving (sneaky marketers),

but any level of trans fats are bad for you. Check the ingredients to make sure it doesn’t

contain partially hydrogenated oils. Better yet, don’t eat foods with labels.

Saturated Fat: Eat these!! Saturated fats have gotten a bad rap over the years, but

they’re actually great for you. Some examples are grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut oil, and


Polyunsaturated Fat: There’s a difference between processed polyunsaturated fats that

can be found in ‘heart healthy’ margarine, and naturally occurring polyunsaturated fats

that can be found in fatty fish and animal protein. Eat the naturally occurring kind.

Monounsaturated Fat: Eat these often!!!! Examples of monounsaturated fats are olives,

macadamia nuts, and avocado.

It’s also important to keep in mind that you need to balance out the ratio of omega 3 and

omega 6 fats that you consume. The standard American diet contains WAY too many

omega 6 fats and not enough omega 3 fats.

Conventional meats like chicken breast are high in omega 6, while wild salmon, trout, and

tuna are high in omega 3. Even though some foods are marketed as being high in omega

3 fats (like walnuts), it’s the ratio that’s important here. Walnuts are high in omega 3 fats,

but they are much higher in omega 6. I recommend eating most nuts sparingly (1-2

servings a day are fine) and try to stick with macadamia nuts, which are lowest in omega 6


If you don’t like fish (or don’t want to spend a ton of money on wild salmon—it IS

expensive), you can take an omega 3 supplement (like this one).

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I recommend the following fats while eating keto:

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Let’s talk protein. While eating keto, you want to minimize the protein you consume, since

excess protein turns into glucose in the body via gluconeogenesis. The recommended

ratio is 20%, if you’re super active you can increase slightly, but I don’t suggest consuming

more than 35% of your calories from protein.

Quality matters when it comes to your protein—especially when you’re consuming

animals. Your best bet is to choose pasture raised and grass-fed meat to minimize the

amount of hormones that you consume. I love Butcher Box—you can get high-quality

grass-fed meat delivered each month. Sign up here and get the best bacon for free with

your first box.

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Here are some examples of protein to consume on a keto diet:

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Veggies. Yes, you want to load up on those veggies! I’m all about eating a high quality,

nutrient dense diet, which includes veggies. Some veggies are higher in carbs than

others, so they should be eaten in moderation.

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Let’s talk fruit. While I’m obsessed with fruit and could down an entire watermelon in 1

sitting (true story), I recommend you enjoy fruit in moderation while eating keto since it’s

high in carbs.

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Its super common for people to become dehydrated when going keto since the keto diet

has a natural diuretic effect. Drink your water!! Feel free to add some lemon to your water,

or even these awesome stevia drops if they help you drink more!

I don’t suggest drinking alcohol while going keto, but hello, I like a drink every once in a

while. I stick to champagne, which is low carb/calorie, or red wine. Liquor like whiskey,

tequila, or vodka is also a decent option, just watch out for juice or soda mixes. Just keep

in mind that when you drink, your body stops burning fat to process the alcohol.

I don’t recommend diet soda, which can lead to more sugar cravings and insulin spikes. If

you want a soda swap, Zevia is a good option and it’s sweetened with stevia. You can find

it at most health food stores and even some regular grocery chains carry it now.

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It’s best to make your own sauces at home so you know what’s going in it—most

condiments are loaded with sugar and preservatives! Even organic salad dressings aren’t

made with real olive oil since it solidifies at room temp.

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Meal Plans

Here are some sample meal plans for you. I keep things simple. So add whatever

spices you want, and feel free to swap out a food if you don’t like it! Don’t like fish? Pick

another protein on the protein list. Ditto for healthy fats. Do what works for you!

You might start out with the keto meal plan, then once you become fat adapted you can

move on to the maintenance plan. I don’t recommend following the keto meal plan for

more than a few weeks since it’s very low carb. I also included a vegetarian meal plan,

as well as a meal plan with Shakeology. Some of us will feel better eating moderate fat,

high protein, so I also included a meal plan with a 50% fat, 30% protein, 20% carb ratio.

Some days you might feel like skipping breakfast, some days you might want more

food. That’s fine! Listen to your body and do what feels right. These are just templates

to help you get started!

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Snacks (only as needed—ideally you only eat 3 meals a day)

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Print out your grocery list!

Food Notes Need it Got it


Enjoy what's in season in

moderation! Those with a * are lower

carb options. Purchase the dirty

dozen organic.




















Low Carb Veggies: Enjoy what's in


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Artichoke hearts


Bell peppers

Bok choy

Bean sprouts


Brussels Sprouts




Collard greens




Green beans









Summer squash

Swiss chard


Water chestnuts


High Carb Veggies

Enjoy on a carb up night!


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Butternut squash







Sweet potatoes


Almonds raw

Almond butter

no sugar added, http://amzn.to/2sgV


Almond flour



Avocado oil http://amzn.to/2r7x



Brain Octane Oil http://amzn.to/2sQ5


Brazil nuts raw

Butter grass-fed

Cacao nibs


Cashews raw

Cheese organic, full fat

Chia seeds


Coconut butter


Coconut cream

Coconut flour


Coconut milk full fat

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Coconut oil http://amzn.to/2sQx


Coconut, shredded unsweetened

Dark chocolate (85%) organic, fair trade

Egg yolks

Flax seed




Grape seed oil http://amzn.to/2r7sr


Heavy cream organic

Hazelnuts raw

Hemp seeds


Macadamia nuts raw

Mayonaise Primal Kitchen

MCT oil http://amzn.to/2r7qj



Olive oil extra virgin

Pecans raw

Pistachios raw

Pine nuts raw

Pumpkin seeds raw

Sesame seeds

Sunflower butter http://amzn.to/2sQe


Sunflower seeds raw


Udos 369 oil http://amzn.to/2sqp


Walnuts raw

Whole milk organic

Yogurt fulll fat

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Get a subsctiption to Butcher Box for your



grass-fed, nitrate free

Beef grass-fed

Beef jerky nitrate free

Bison grass-fed

Collagen/gelatin powder Vital brand

Chicken organic

Cheese organic


Eggs pasture raised

Lamb pasture raised



Pork pasture raised

Salmon wild

Sardines wild

Shrimp wild

Scallops wild

Tuna wild

Turkey organic

Yogurt full fat, organic

Vegan Protein

Almonds raw

Almond butter


Chia seeds


Flax seeds


Hazelnuts raw

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Hemp seeds


Macadamia nuts raw

Peanuts organic

Pecans raw

Pistachios raw

Pumpkin seeds raw

Sesame seeds raw


Purchase online: www.shakeology.co


Sunflower seeds raw


Tempeh organic

Vegan protein powder

not soy based, I love Sunwarrior

Walnuts raw


Braggs liquid aminos soy sauce alternative

Coconut aminos soy sauce alternative

Dijon mustard

Hot sauce


Fresh herbs or Flavor God!

Mineralized salt Himalayn, celtic, or

real salt

Nutritional yeast http://amzn.to/2saA


Tamari soy sauce alternative


Bone broth


Coffee organic, fair trade

Tea organic, fair trade

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Sparkling water

Stevia-based carbonated drinks



Monk fruit

Stevia I love liquid stevia!



Testimonials from my online support groups:

"I want to thank you so much for this Rachel ! I FEEL a million times better. I bought some

jeans about a week before this challenge started, they were too tight, I couldn't zip or

button them. But they were in sale so I was like these are my motivation jeans ! Well

yesterday while getting ready to go to my sons field day I tried them on. They were loose

and I had to wear a belt with them! I couldn't believe it I called my fiancée crying LOL. This

plan taught me the food that are going to cause inflammation, how just a diet change can

give me so much energy and how making a new lifestyle isn't all that bad. I work out every

morning and take my kids on multiple walks a day. My kids are so much happier now that I

have the energy to do more. I feel better, so much better and I'm a better mom. These 5

days were life changing for me. Even though the challenge is over, I'm not going to stop I

don't want to ever go back to how I was. You are a blessing to me!!”

“Thanks so much for this awesome challenge and for keeping me accountable!!!! I am so

impressed with the results! I feel more energetic, happier and healthier. I am definitely

going to incorporate the changes I made during this challenge into my everyday life!! It

was absolutely what I needed to kickstart my lifestyle change. Thank you for giving me

lasting tools to keep this up! I've been struggling with getting rid of my baby weight for a

year now and I am now only 8 lbs away from my pre baby weight!!!"

"I have learned so much in the group and I am still blown away that by eating more fat that

it busted the plateau I had hit. It was to the point that I felt like I kept trying to lose the

same five pounds for the past few months. Probably the first time that I haven't felt like I

was starving of depriving myself when trying to eat healthier. Thank you for all of your

hard work with putting these groups together. You are a wonderful person who is trying to

make a difference!”

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


"Just wanted to say a big thank you to Rachel for bringing this group together. You girl

rock as a coach simplifying this! Not only as a transition from physical experience but also

changing our perspectives about ourselves inwardly and outwardly. I started this journey

April 21st and a month later I've dropped from 167.3 to 161.8. I feel stronger, healthier,

more energetic and motivated!! 36 is going to look good.”

“Rachel is an excellent coach! Not only does she consistently provide the support you

need, she is always motivating you. She taught me how to celebrate all of the small

victories along the way to my goal. In 5 days I lost 3 lbs and 4 inches. But I gained a

tremendous amount of tools, skills, recipes, advice and friends. The private group she

created and the nightly check-ins she required of us, has been crucial to my progress.

Without it, I would have fallen off track, like so many previous attempts on my own. Rachel

was the push that I needed to put in some work, and the permission that it is okay to take

care of me.”

"Since starting keto two weeks ago (with Rachel in her paid group), I have seen some

amazing changes in myself. I used to be a slave to my hunger and cravings. I always was

eating, snacking and never seemed to be satisfied. Since going keto I can go all day on

just my 3 meals. I don't eat mindlessly in the evening (which was always my biggest

downfall) and am making conscious choices about what I put in my body. I've lost weight

(9lbs), inches (4.5 on my hips!!) and gained so much energy and confidence! I really am

so thrilled to have found my new lifestyle. I'm so grateful to Rachel!!"

"Thanks to your support I have lost 3 lbs in the last 5 days, and 6 lbs total in 2 1/2 weeks.

The best part is, I’m motivated to keep it up. At the beginning of the month I weighed 191

lbs and I felt miserable. So I started to cut back on processed junk and skip the rice and

pasta. Then your challenge started a week or so later, and with your encouragement I was

able to take the plunge and cut the carbs. I had tried Keto before and it worked for me

then to, but I found it difficult to keep up, because I didn't have a good understanding of

how to eat. You made this so easy for me, with lots of options. I enjoy my walks, I laugh

more, my husband is encouraging and I have more energy. I sleep better, wake earlier

and drink more water than I ever thought I could. And you’re so right about staying off the

scale! It fluctuates like crazy in a day. You even got me out of my comfort zone, by asking

us to post positive messages on FB. I NEVER post anything. So thank you so very much

Rachel. You are a blessing. Before I forget, here are my final measurements: 39 bust, 33

waist and 45 hips.”

Email your testimonials from following this program to

[email protected]. Can’t wait to see them!

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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living


Connect with Rachel:



Snapchat: Rachelngom


Join Rachel’s free health and fitness community!

Apply to Work with Rachel!

Thank you for letting me share my passion with you! I truly hope this guide has helped


Keep me in the loop by tagging me on social and use the hashtag #fitwithrachel

You have the tools! Now time to take action! Tony Robbins says, “it’s in the moments of

decision that your destiny is shaped.” You decided to purchase this guide, now it’s time for

you to take action! You can do it! I believe in you!

All my love,


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Keto(ish) A Simple Guide for Flexible Fat Fueled Living



The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary. "Gluconeogenesis." The Free

Dictionary. Farlex, 2017. Web. 23 June 2017.

Asprey, Dave. "What Is Bulletproof Coffee and The Official Way To Make It."

Bulletproof. N.p., 05 June 2017. Web. 23 June 2017.

Axe, Josh, Dr. "Keto Diet Food List." N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. Apr. 2017.

Hyman, Mark. "Why Fat Doesn't Make You Fat!" Dr. Mark Hyman. N.p., 28

Apr. 2017. Web. 23 June 2017.

Sisson, Mark. "Dear Mark: Women and Intermittent Fasting." Mark's Daily

Apple. N.p., 19 June 2014. Web. 23 June 2017.

Tappy, L. "Thermic Effect of Food and Sympathetic Nervous System Activity

in Humans." Reproduction, Nutrition, Development. U.S. National Library of

Medicine, n.d. Web. 23 June 2017.

Vogel, Leanne. The Keto Diet: The Complete Guide to a High-fat Diet -- with

More than 125 Delectable Recipes and 5 Meal Plans to Shed Weight, Heal

Your Body, and Regain Confidence. Las Vegas: Victory Belt, 2017. Print.

"What Is the Ketogenic Diet? A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide." Ruled

Me. N.p., 12 Apr. 2017. Web. 23 June 2017.
