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Please Stop Using These Words and Phrases

Date post: 20-Nov-2014
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Some annoying and overused words and phrases we personally would like to see gone.
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Please Stop Using These Words and Phrases Whether they make no sense, are overused or are downright offensive, we need to eliminate these words and phrases from our vocabulary.
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Please Stop Using These Words and Phrases

Whether they make no sense, are overused or are downright offensive, we need to eliminate these words and phrases from our vocabulary.

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Baby Bump

Never mind that the media, in particular, has overused the heck out of this phrase, but when did a growing fetus become reduced to a bump?

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We’re not talking about using OMG in a text. People who say OMG in conversation need to stop.

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Just Sayin’

Yes, we know you’re just saying. Your mouth is moving.

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When did any article of clothing with a hood become a hoodie? It’s overused, and hearing an adult refer to an article of clothing as a hoodie just sounds dumb.

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Wait For It…

I don’t want to wait for it. Either say what you’re going to say or I’m walking away. If you’re trying to create suspense before saying something earth shattering there are better ways to do it.

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This word is overused, often in situations that clearly have nothing to do with failure.

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Assault Weapon

Aren’t all weapons meant to assault?

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Nom Nom

Unless you’re speaking to an infant you should never, ever use this.

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I Could Care Less

And? People say this when they really mean I Couldn’t Care Less. There’s a big difference.

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LiterallyThe word literally means factually or exactly, yet people use this word in the most ridiculous sentences.

Examples: I was so surprised I literally fell out of my chair. I was literally scared to death. Chances are neither of these things really happened.

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That’s so funny…not!You’re so smart…not!

Just say what you mean. He’s not funny and she’s not smart.

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I Thought to Myself

Unless you’re psychic, you can only think to yourself. Saying I thought will suffice.

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Retarded and RetardWe’ve saved this one for last because it’s a personal pet peeve. It’s bad enough to hear kids saying this, but we’ve heard otherwise intelligent adults use this word. It’s an offensive, insensitive and derogatory term, so please stop using it.

From the r-word.org website:

“How "retardation" went from a clinical description to a word of derision:When they were originally introduced, the terms “mental retardation” or “mentally retarded” were medical terms with a specifically clinical connotation; however, the pejorative forms, “retard” and “retarded” have been used widely in today’s society to degrade and insult people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, when “retard” and “retarded” are used as synonyms for “dumb” or “stupid” by people without disabilities, it only reinforces painful stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities being less valued members of humanity.”

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Thanks for taking the time to view this slideshow and for allowing us to share just a few of our least favorite words and phrases. We’re climbing down from our soapbox now.


Lovesleftovers.com (Snarky, yet loving advice and more)
