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PLEASES HIP CM - fultonhistory.com 21/Buffalo NY... · measures and the brilliant Concert Etude by...

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\. BUFFALO COURIEB, MONDAYj JANUABY 16, 1922. , PLEASES HIP C M -las Hair Bobbed to Star In 'Love's Redemption. ••i •» "Love's Redemption." with Norma Talmadge as the star Is the attrac- tion this week at Shea's Hippodrome. It is a picture based, like the last one in which she appeared here, on the Zackheim Orchestra De- lights Elmwood Hall Audience. Under the auspices of Buffalo re- lief for Russia, a fine concert was sins and selfishness of the British j &ven in Elmwood Music hall* last 1 aristocracy. j evening by Isadore Zachheim and : his symphony orchestra, and male chorus, assisted by Charlotte Heler. The majority of the picture is laid in Jamaica, Where Harrison Ford, in . I '1 \\ w i 11 the part of Clifford Standish. the dis- solute son of the nobility is drinking himself to death. There it is that "Ginger," played by Norma Tal- madge, falls in love with his four day's growth of beard and the manly way in which he downs his liquor. Of course Clifford reforms and gets shaved and with the convenient death of an uncle decides to take Ginger to England as his bride. Then the aristocracy takes a hand, and the path to an inevitable happy ending is open. Meantime there are several good laughs at the Los Angeles edi- tion of Burke's peerage. Oranted the first situation, every step in the plot is obvious, several minutes before it happens on the screen. The unusual In the picture is comprised in the two statements that Miss Talmadge wears one dress. it la not even a gown, almost all ihrough the show, and that she has had her hair bobbed. Of the scenery, both in Jamaica and in England, it ran be said, with the usual implica- tion, that every prospect pleases. The high spot in the entertainment is a new Ben Turpin comedy. The News Weekly and a Pathecolor film • omplete the .moving picture pro- gramme. Henri Scott, bass-baritone of the Metropolitan company of New \ orfc, draws much applause with an excellent operatic voice and tech- nique applied to a ballad selection. Pollard Stars at Shea's. Daphne Pollard, who for five years was the idol of the English music halls, has returned to America and is duplicating her success "over there." Five years ago the little comedienne left the "Passing Show" in New York and found herself a Mar over night after her first ap- pearance at the London Hippodrome. Then Paris claimed her for a musical revue and today the dainty character comedienne heads the bill at Shea's, Court street theater, where she is playing this week. Miss Pollard includes in her pro- gramme numbers from her London and Paris revues and some real Am- erican numbers have always been included in her repertoire. Four feet tall, or short, and 100 pounds is what the scale will tip if Daphne Pollard's record is required at police head- quarters this week, but she is truly pianist. Charles Senilsky and Meyer Balsom. violinists. W. Nissenson. tenor, Cantors; B. Schatchel, basso B. Levlte and A. Singer, tenors: J S. Davie and M. Balsom, baritones; Augusta Yelin. accompanist. The orchestra under' Mr. Zaek- heiaa'a able conducting played sev- eral numbers; Kamenio Ostrow by Rubinstein being especially beauti- ful in melodic effects. "The Boat- man Song of the Volga" and the In- termeuo from Jewels of the Ma- donna" by Wolf-Ferrari proved en- enjoyable offerings. The male chorus, with Mr. Zack- heim, directing won honors with such numbers as "Rachem. by Mana- Zucca. a Russian folk song by Schindler and "Free Russia" by Gret- chanioff, which had to be repeated. The chorus revealed excellent | training and sang with good tone, and considerable skill In shading. Charlotte Heller, a gifted pianist i played' a group of numbers with! charming style and grace of mu- sicianship, Etincetles by Mosskowski. being notable for delicacy and lovely tonal effects. Valse CapHeleuse by Grodski, fascinating in rhythmic measures and the brilliant Concert Etude by McDowell, winning her recalL Cantor Scachtel, basso, sang "The Two Grenadiers" with imposing voice. The Bach Concerto in D minor for two violins and orchestia with Messrs. Schilsky and Balsam, soloists, was an artistic perform- ance. During intermission. Frank Her- aog made a brier speech in which he told of the organisation of the Buf- falo Relief for Russia and that this society of 100 or more people had no connection whatever with any Amer- ican or Soviet institution as had been rumored. Augusta Yelin proved a valuable accompanist. an exemplification of the "good goods, small package" proverb. In the great surorunding bill at Shea's this week are the Cansino brothers and Mar:on Wllklns, Span- ish dancers; Bert Baker & Co., in • Prevarication"; Leed and Austin, comedians; Pletro, piano accordian- ist: Hobson and Beattie. soprano and contralto: the Norvelles in "An Artist's Studio," and Louis Leo, the • Ladder Lad." opened at the Palace yesterday. It is full of action and dramatic situations. Herbert Rawllnson has the lead, and helps to -wake the hero probable. | Others in the supporting cast are Marjorie Daw, Doris Pawn, Hector Sarno. Anna Lehr, Winter Hall and Werner Baxter. During the last three days of the week (iladys Walton will be seen in "Playing with Fire." "SUHSHINE" HAWKES TO ! AMERICAN.LEGION CIRCUS X O S E CAMPAIGN TODAY AT BROADWAY ADD TONIGHT Shea's Criterion—Queen of Sheba. The only trouble with "The Queen of Sheba.'' William Fox's latest screen spectacle which opened yesterday at the Criterion, |r that there is too much of It. So stupendous is the produc- tion and so lavish the sets* and cos- tumes that it leaves the audience be- wildered at times. The plot of the story, which is the love of King Sol- omon for Sheba's queen, is often lost in the scuffle. Aside from that Mr. Fox produced an unusally good film of spectacu- lar dimensions. The acting, as is not the case in most pictures of such proportions, is consistently good throughout. It is more than a series of banal gesticulation, as usually so in such pictures. Mr. Fox's last contribution to the screen of a spectacular nature was "Cleopatra," starring T ie.1si Bam. Since then he has improved much. He has proouced a film in "The Queen of Sheba** that although it is massive, it does not depend upon masslveness alone. He has made the acting really rival the scenery. After viewing pictures in which the leading man's only claim to dis- tinction was the lack of a haircut and a pretty face, it is a distant pleasure and relief to find such a man as Fritz Leiber playing King Solomon. For- many years Mr. Leiber was leading ^opan to Robert Mantell. He ..as schooled in romantic acting a-d ob- viously learned much. His quiet in- terpretation of the role is finely ef- fective, and at times very impres- sive. Betty Blythe plays Sheba, If you like Betty Blythe you will like her playing Sheba. Her ability is not | taxed any time in the picture al- though throughout the entire thing she is in constant danger of pneu- monia. Pat Moore, playing the role of the boy Prince of Sheba, is etiective A scene where he is locked in the gloomy tomb of the kings Is well done in its interpretation of fear. Other princi- pals were adequate. By far the most spectacular event in the picture is the chariot race. It is tremendously realistic, and at times really thrilling. Throughout the entire picture the handling of the I mob scenes is done so that the au- ' dience forgets it is watching a mob' scene. Elmwood. "Her Own Money," in whteh Ethel Clayton is playing the lead, is the feature attraction at the Elmwood. now under the management of the Shea Amusement company, during the first of the week. It's a strong picture, well staged and well acted. In the cast are Warner Baxter, Charles French and Jean Acker. The Max Sennett comedy, "Bright Eyes." starring Ben Turpin, is also on the bill. The last Of the week, "Just Around the Corner" will be shown. Shea's No. Park—"Her Own Money" Ethel Clayton is a talented actress. She has a way. with her. as the Irish say, and in "Her Own Money," which is being shown at Shea's North Park, the "way** is very fetching. Sup- "Sunshinei*'Hawkes was the speaker yesterday morning at the dormitory breakfast meeting in the Central Y. M. C. A. and spoke on "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy." He preached at the Hunt Avenue Baptist church at 10:3© o'clock. His subject was "The Name." He afterwards ad- dressed the Sunday sehool children. Hawkes addressed the Central Y. M. C. A lobby meeting in the afternoon at 4:30 o'clock on "The Father." He stressed the point that, while every- body speaks for the mother, rarely does anyone speak for father. 'Mother gets the bouquets and father the bnis," was the way the evangelist put it. He re- cited with dramatic effect. "Over the Hills from the Poor House." Following the lobby meeting, he ad- dressed the Brotherhood club at the Central Y. M. C. A. on his nersonal work, giving an account of the evan- gelists he had worked with, notably Billy Sunday. Moody, Chapman, Sam Jones and Sam Small. In the evening Hawkes spoke at the Hudson Baptist church on "Love." "1 am leaving Buffalo only because I cannot take it with me," said Hawkes. "I will be satisfied if the people here will remember my old motto: 'After all, there are only three things that are worth while—to be good, to do good and always fo smile.' " He will close his campaign at noon today, returning to Buffalo next month. The transformation wh en place at the'Broadway auditorium reminds one ch has tak- a Baxter, Charles French and Pean Acker. The comedy attraction is Ben Turpin's "Bright Eyes." The last of the week, "Just Around porting her are such actors as Warner the Corner" is the feature. •within the past 24 hours* much of the fairy tales df yore ^hen, a fairy queen with her magic wand would touch fo create a wonderland. As the poultry show en<|ed and the birds Were being rushed through ex- I its, their places were being taken by much larger creatures, |from small dogs to huge elephants, which are to entertain the public at th^ indoor cir- cus to be held afternoon and evening for the benefit of Semper FideliSjpos'f, American Legion. Only circus folk could possible ac- complish what has been done in so short a time. Experieiiced hands worked through the nighi layint out the two rings and erecting the many sideshows, which are to tye the para- mount features of the J big circus. When the doors open at t o'clock to- night all will be in readiness for one of the greatest weeks in circujsdom Buffalo has ever had. [The motor- train from Batavia will arrive during the day, making a circus parade cov- ering forty miles. Mayor Schwab and his fejllow- members in the city council are ex- pected to attend the opeifing perfor- mance tonight. There wfrl be shows every afternoon and evening there- after for the balance o(| the week. Dancing will be free. Pkhtrtl /%. m I i i— .fc-^feStwl m I Help Your Kidneys Fight Winter Colds and Chills Weaken the Kidneys and Are the Direct Cause of Many Serious Kidney Disorders. Strand—"AM for a Woman.** The time when streets reeked with blood and one's head went oft if by chance you gave a pretty girl a mean look—those hectic days of the French revolution — are dramatically por- trayed in "All for a Woman," which is to be at the Strand all week. The historic background is well- visualized. and not the least of one's glances one gets of the LouVre, i backache-time' It's little wonder then, that every doM I S winter-time your Does every cold, chill or attack of grip finds you suffering with torturing ba^k- leave you lame, achy and all worn out? ache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness Does your back throb and ache until it and annoying bladder irregularities. seems you just can't keep going another But don't worry! Simply realize Uat day! your kidneys are overworked at such time and need assistance. Get a box of Then look to your kidneys! Grip, colcjs Doan's Kidney Pills today and give your and chills throw a heavy strain on the kid- weakened kidneys the help they need. As- neys They overload the blood with poi- sist tMem also by drinking pure waiter St n ;rnam n e e anf the tLout ^SSSHM * • «>m and impurities that the kidneys have freely eating lightly, and getting plenty _. /_ _ --H . i> * l „ <** f * T l 1 *l . __l _ _ - __. __. 1—•_____ ______ _ J _*.<••_• _-. 4- 4-«_/v(« lr_ n • •» n _» j> J "** i\ i» •* m \ _•_ ** ,•** * A _tr m _™_F** __._ _ TX lis*. of old France. Oanton. who for a time rivalled Robespierre in power, has been chosen as the hero of the story. It's a difficult part, but Emil Jennings, who has already proved his artistry in "Passion" and "Deception," Is equal to It. "Creation," the first episode of the film story of the Bible, Is an added attraction. Bv Empire. Col. Long's cowboys and his 'cow- girls will appear at the Empire on Monday and Tuesday in a comedy of western life. In addition, a feature picture will be chosen. The pro- gramme which has been planned for the week follows: Today, "Guile of Women"; Tuesday, "Cheated Love"; Wednesday, Mae Murray, in "On With the Dance"; Thursday, OUve Thomas, in "Youthful Folly,** and thirteenth episode of "Miracles of the Jungle"; Friday, "The Broadway Buckaroo"; Saturday, "Black U White.'* ' -"Cheatsd Hsarts." Hearts," which has been pafled tint. IOVQ maeg ot tb» desert, to filter off. The kidneys weaken under this rush of new work; become congested and inflamed!. of fresh air and rest. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! "Use Doan's," Say These Buffalo Folks: ANTHONY VOQEL, motorman, 805 Elm St., says: "I know there is nothing better than Doan's Kidney Pills for the back or for kidney trouble. I always have a box handy. My kidneys caused me to have attacks of backache and a soreness over my kidneys. Mornings I would be lame and sluggish. My kidneys acted too frequently. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and have never had anything help me like they did. The backache left and my kidneys acted regularly." MRS. W. CHAPMAN, 102 E. Ferry St., says "My kidneys first troubled me about foui year3 ago. The trouble got so bad. my back ached until I couldn't sleep. When nighl came, every move caused severe pains al through my back. 1 had to give up ray work] and I was seldom free from headaches. Th^ irregular action of my kidneys was annoying,* I bought a box of Doan's Kidney Pills from Dlchl's Drug Store and after using them, the aches and pains left so that I could do my work with ease." Doan's Kidney Pills At, all dealers, 60 a box. Foster-MUbu m Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y\ % TO 33% CASH SAVINGS te Buffalo Courier will publish EVERY DAY the under-priced offerings of hun- dreds of stores in every community. These bargains are for ONE DAY ONLY. They offer you a saving of from 10% to 33% in the purchase of your daily needs, every day in the year. By taking the Buffalo Courier regularly you can take ad- vantage of these unusual buying opportunities EVERY DAY. Watch for the stores ia your own community who are offering at least four guaranteed bargains every I eek in the TODAY ONLY section of the Buffalo Courier. _T . '. ' NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY TOl>AY ONLY CopyrljM. 1921. by Thos 0. Taylor, PMIadeiBhU. Pa. ONE-TESKTH TO .ONE-THIRD SAVING TODAY ONLY ONE-TENTH ~TO ONE-THIRD SAVING Read guarantee in first column. Every advertiser using this column guarantees* that every article adver- tised under the heading TODAT ONL.Y Is from ON&-TENTH to ONE-THIRD below usual retail value. If. in any Instance, through error of a clerk, or otherwise, Jthis saving is not made, the advertiser ^111 Refund the differ- ence to our readers presenting sales- slip showing price paid, or proof that advertised price was not allowed at time of purchase. Every advertiser, before acceptance of his advertising in this column, has signed a written contract that every article offered under this heading MUST BB ONE-TENTH TO ONE- THIRD BSLOW ORDINARY PRICE. YOUR IfEIGHBORHOOD STORB, and stores all over Buffalo, are offer- ing UNDES_-PRICES TODAY ONLY, on the varwus articles you buy dally for home, personal or business use. Read this honest daily news of the city's LOWEST PRICES, every day before buying. If you want to avoid needless wa.ste of money. Every fecial offer for TODAY ONLY is arranged, under each divi- sion, *or the convenience and quick service of the reader: 1. Nam* of article^—alphabetical. 2. Description. 3. Special price TODAY ONLY. 4. Usual price or value. 5. Free delivery, If any. 6. Telephone number, if any. 7. Nam* and address of store. This Information is COMPLETE— no time wasted In looking for what you want, or asking for further in- formation—perfect service. TODAY ONLY is the one group, consisting sf a multiplicity of attrac- tive offerings made by many differ- ent stores. In which complete Inform- ation is always given, for the better service of the reader. Remembtr those who serve you best. GROCERIES BROADWAY-WILLIAM. Today regularly ly—K & B Flour, 5 lbs. 26c, Sullivan, 344 Broadway. Today Only 25 IK box Sun-Maid Cafifornia Raisins 55. regularly $6. Telephone |Tefferson 3S20, Heckman, 632 Broad-pay. CENTRAL WEST SIDE. BEAUTY SHOPS TODAY ONLY ONE-TENTH TO ONE-THIRD SAVING Read guarantee in first column. FURS TODAY ONLY ONE-TENTH TO ONE-THIRD SAVING Read guarantee in first column. BROAD WAY-WILLI AM. Today Only—Hot Oil treatments for dandruff, 50c, usual price 75c. telephone Jefferson 0520. Princess Beauty Shoppe, 492 William St. Up- stairs. DOWNTOWN. DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Only—Nebline Scalp Salve for dandruff and falling hair 50c, us- ually 65c. Nebline Shoppe, 583 Main. Today Only—Electric Scalp Treat- ment 75c, regularly $1.25. Telephone Tupper 5074. Koral Beauty Parlor, 208 Genesee. GENESEE-WALDEN. Today Only—Almond Cream 35c, regularly 40c. Harriett Beauty Shop, 1012 Genesee. CHILDREN'S WEAR NORTH JEFFERSON. Today Only—Children's Hats, usual price |2.98. Garner Shop, 1314 Jeffer- son. JEWELRY GENESEE-WALDEN. Today Only—21-jewel Bunn special Illinois Watch, 20 year gold case, $36.90, regularly $60. Robert Ritter, 1223 Genesee. GENESEE-GOODYEAR. Today Only—Sterling Silver Rhine Stone Bar Pin $2, regularly $2.25. Edw. Pfister, 1502 Genesee. DRUGS & TOILET ARTICLES CAZENOVIA. Today Only—100 Aspirins. 5 grains, 49c. usually 75c. Magner's Pharmacy, 1834 Seneca. Today Only—Syrup of Figs 31c, usual price 45c. Delivery, tleephone Abbott 0600. South Side Drug Co., Seneca and Mineral Springs. DELAVAN-BAILEY. Today Oflly—Our Butter, none bet- ter, 50c lb., usually o4c. J. J. Jerge, 446 Rhode Island. ^^____ KLK-LOUISIANA. Today Only—Davis Baking Pow- der 18o, regularly 20c. Lamy, Elk and Louisiana. GENESEE-SYCAMORE. Today |Uly — Llbby's Evaporated Milk 10c, regularly 12c. Telephone Jefferson 4180-J. P. Gerah, 742 Gen- esee. , _,.-—- •••—~ -y MEATS CENTRAL WEST SIDE. Today OHIy—H?? 1DUr J: er _, s H.' k T* 1 J i c pound, re 777 West. 3 » I und regularly 18c. Frank M. Fix, DOWNTOWN SECTION^ TodaT^Oplly — Choice Porterhouse. Sirloin. Round Steaks. ISc lb., regular- ar s. Zeh, 143 Erie. Today Only—Olive Oil $1, usual price $1.25. Edison Pramaey, Dela- ware corner Edison. DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Only—Patrick's Kod Mentho, best cough remedy. 50c, regularly 60c. Ruth-Patrick Drug, Clinton and Oak. ELK-LOUISIANA. Today Only—Castoria 23c, regularly 40c Lojocono's, 298 Elk. KENSINGTON.N. Y. C. A D. L. W. Today Only—Tick's Vapor Rub 29c. usual price 35c. Telephone Cres- cent 1899. Dildlne Drug. 431 Leroy. SOUTH PARK. Today Only—Nyal Tooth Paste 19c, regularly 25c. Tyler Drug Co., 251 Triangle. Today Only — Remodeling and re- pairing 20% reduction. Work guaran- teed. Frank's, 72 Genesee. Today Only—Orders taken on re- pairing at 10% less than our regular prices. Work guaranteed and done without delay. Call and deliver, tele- phone Seneca0299. Berman's Fur Shoppe, 172 Genesee. WALLPAPER & PAINTS GENESEE-WALDEN. Today Only—Wall Peper. bed- room, 12c roll, regularly 20c. Reimer, 1127 Genesee. USED CARS BOOTS & SHOES DOWNTOWN. Today Only—Men's Rubber Boots $4.50. regular price $6. Acme Shoe Store, 186 Seneca street. FILLMORE.WILLIAM SECTION. Today Only—1920 Ford Coupe, lot of extras, condition especially good, $375. Marsh Motor Corp., 653 Fill- more. LOWER NIAGARA SECTION. BROADWAY-WILLI AM. Today Only—Ladies' Rubbers 79c, regularly $1. Thiele's, 493 William. Today Only — Women's Shoes $1, regularly $7. Thiele's, 493 William. SHOE REPAIRING Today Only—rFord 1919, good con- dition, $275, worth $300. Sauvary, 350 Virginia. List your cars for sale with us. MUSIC NORTH JEFFERSON. DOWN-TOWN SECTION Today Only—$122 buys fine ma- hogany upright piano nearly new, original cost $300. This includes duet bench. Hoffman Piano Co., 696 Main. FILLMORE-EAST FERRY SEC. 1 Today Only—Men's Sewed Half Soles $1.25. usual price $1.40. ulck Shoe Repair, 1341 Jefferson, near Utlca. BROADWAY-WILLIAM SECTION Today Only—Overshoes and Rub- bers Soled and Heeled $1.40. usual price $1.75. Diamond Shoe Repair, 228 William. MAIN-PARKSIDE. . Today Only—Rubber Heels. 60c, usual price 60c. Stanley Shoe Repair, 6 Oakwood. NORTH JEFFERSON. Today Only—Violin Strings, pure silver G, 40c. regularly 50c. Barrett Music Store. 1490 Fillmore. LOWER NIAGARA SECTION Today Only—Full line of Colum- bia Grafonolas with all latest records. Tupper 2456. Louis Giambrone, 529 Niagara. 1 TYPEWRITERS DOWNTOWN. Today Only—Men's Hand Sewed Half Soles. $1.25, usual price $1.50, de- livery. Dan Danzelo. 197 East Ferry. Today Only—Oliver No. 9. latest i attachments, $29, elsewhere $49. Buf- falo Typewriter Emporium, Elllcott Square. CLEANING & PRESSING MULTIGRAPH DOWTOWN SECTION. GRANT-FERRY. Today Only—Save your steps and money. Moye will call for your work. Delivery anywhere. Cleaning and Pressing $1 only. Just phone Bid- well 4924. Give us one trial. 326 West Ferry. Today Only—Envelopes addlessed $5 thousand, regularly $5.50. Tele- phone Seneca 2129. Hufstater Letter ! K Co., 1052 Ellicott Square. AUTO ACCESSORIES — 1 Today Oniy — Evening Gowns Dry Cleaned anc Pressed $2.50, regularly $3.50. Citv wide delivery. Telephone Bidwell 4667 Miller's Dry Cleaning Works, 435 W. Ferry. BROAD WAY-WILLI AM. Today Only—Weed Chains, any I size, 20 per cent discount. Good Serv- TAILORS BROADWAY-FILLMORE. Today Only—Overcoats made to order, individual measure $24, usual price $36. S. Saffer, 839 Broadway. ice Shop, 211 William. LOWER NIAGARA. BAKED GOODS GRANT-FERRY SECTION Today Only — Almond Crescents, rolled in butter. 20c, regularly 24c. Faber, 71 Grant. Today Only—Suits made to or- der, expert workmanship $35. usual price $45. Felix Coatanzo, 327 Niag- ara. MEN'S WEAR FILLMORE-EAST FERRY. LOWER NIAGARA. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DOWNTOWN. Today Only—French and Italian Pasteries at 10% less than usual I prices. Frank DICarlo. 237 Niagara. Today Only—Men's Hand tailored Ulsterette, Raglan styles. $31.90, regularly $45. Goldberg, 1376 Fill- more. CENTRAL WEST SIDE. Today Only—Hood Covers (Thums), $2.20, usually $4. Fassel Vulcanizing Works, 417 Massachusetts. Today Only — Ford - Anti - Draft- Mats, 75o pair, regularly $1.25. Tele- phone Tupper 6780. West Side Serv- ice Station. 288 Connecticut. POWNTOWN. Today Only—30x3V_ Economy non- skid $7.75, regularly $12.50. Burkard Tire Corp., 145 Genesee, cor. Oak. ELMWOOD-ALLEN. Today Only—Repairing and re- charging of all make Batteries at 15 pe rcent discount. R. & M. Battery Co., Inc.. 60 N. Elmwood. GENESEE-SYCAMORE. Todav Only—Bananas 25c dozen, usually 40c. Shar_.es Delicatessen. Whitney aUd Georgia. CONFECTIONERY BROADWAY-WILLI AM. ~"T_H_^ Only—Assorted Nut Cho- colates 75o lb., usual P/ice U. Amer- ican Sweet Shoppe, 444 William. CAZENOVIA. Todav 0*ly—Chocolate Drops, best .JLle *5e Pound, regularly 40c. Freeman's Pharmacy. 1328 Abbott Road. ^ KENSINQTON-N. Y. C. A D. L. W. Todav Only—Special Candies 45c. usual p y rice60c. Dehllnger, 404 Leroy. ' MAlJW-cl^TRAL PARK. ^ Today oily—Assorted Chocolate 41c box usuallprice 50c. Cardina's. Main St.,' corner Fillmore. '• FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS TROADWAY-WILLI AM. Today Only—Men's Collars, soft and stiff. 3 for 50e, usual price 20c each. Open evenings. McDonald, 329 Genesee. BROADWAY-FILLMORE. Today Only—Piano LampV, com- plete with sade $16.50, usual price $25. Clty-wlde delivery, telephone Jeffer- son 1549. Cohen Bros., 568 William. DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Only—Beaver Brown Velour Chair $46, has been selling for $75. Larkin Bargain Counter, Seneca and Van Rensselaer Streets. OENESEE-SYCAMORfe. RESTAURANTS DOWNTOWN. Today Only—Roast Pork with Apple sauce; mashed potatoes, bread and butter, de#ert. 50c, usual price 60c Peerless Rsataurant. Huron and Pearl. Today Oflly—Cornbejef and Cab- bage, rolls, coffee, 25c, regularly 35c. Wo serve from 8:30 a. m. to 11 p. m . Brc#dway Hotel, 42 Broadway. Chops, sweet Only—Pork 4<k , usually 45c. Men's Ho- Today potatoes, •- > - tel Cafeterlp, Pearl and Genesee •# Today Plate spe Ush Chop •SB . He ly — Noon Lunch. Blue ... special price 60c. Eng- [ouse. 491 Washington. —--S- PET STORES Today Only—Card Tables, full size, telephone Jeferson 0268. Kobler & Miller, 320 Genesee. . Today Only—Mahogany Rockers, $12.50, usual price $75. City-wide de- livery, telephone Jefferson 2582. F. P. Rung. 427 Genesee. Today Only—Sample Suits and Overcoats $24.50. usual price $30. D. Korn, 876 Broadway. STOVES & HEATERS CAZENOVIA. Today Only — Heaters, Amherst Base Burners, fourteen inch flrepot, triangle grates. $58.50, regularly $65. Easy terms. Winegar, ^465 Seneca. BOOKS & STATIONERY DOWNTOWN. Today Only — One Gallon Cans Polarine Oil, any grade. 80c, regularly $1.25. Post Office Garage. 177 Elli- cott. GENESEE-WALDEN SECTION Today Only — 30*3H Oxford Tire $7.90, regularly $15. Neighborhood delivery, Oxford 5251. Toronlone Bros., 907 Fillmore. GRANT-FERRY SECTION Today Only — 30x301* Columbus Chains, special, $4.50, usual price $5. Thompson Tire Repair, 250 East Ferry LOWER NIAGARA. Today Only—Champion X Spark Plugs 49c, usual price 75c. Albany Garage. 409 Niagara. NORTH JEFFERSON. Today Only — 33x4 Tires, fully guaranteed, $12.85, usual price $17. Western Tire & Equipment Co., 106 Niagara. Today Only—Children's books for Christmas, 10% discount. Queen City Book Co.. 43 Court. FURNITURE REPAIRING. DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Only — Davenport, large chairs, parlor suite, rebuilt and re- covered, in tapestry or velour, 10 per cent reduction. Telephone Oxford 6130. Zimmer. Laurel and Masten Streets, MALT & HOPS BROADWAY-WILLIAM SECTION Today Only — Quality Malt Hops and Caps 85c. usual price $1.10. De- livery. Quality Malt Product, 735 Broadway. ELK-LOUISIANA. Today Only—Lang's EZ Made Mix- ture 75c, regularly $1. Guarnieri, 385 Swan. BROADWAY-FILLMORE SECTION Today 04My—Pets at 10% less than elsewhere. Broadway Pet Shop, 841 Broadway. GENESEE-WALDEN. Today Only—Malt and Hops, 70c, usual price $1. Delivery, telephone Oxford 5340. Degens, 1429 Genesee. Today Only — Thousand quality business cards $4, regularly $5.75. Charter Oak Press, 441 Ellicott. ELECTRICAL GOODS BROADWAY-FILLMORE. Today Only—American Beauty Elec- tric Irons 6% lbs., $6.95; regularly $8.50. F. M. lyoelfel & Son. 890 Broadway DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Obly—Simplex Heater tll.50 regularly Jefferson 0916. $9.98. Delivery, telephone Schwalb. 285 Genesee. CHINA GENESEE-GOODYEAR. Today Only — Baby China Sets $2.25. regularly $2.75. Open evenings. Hess. 1401 Genesee. Today Only—35x5 tubes, guaranteed, $3.25, usual price $5.85, other bargains. Delivery. telephone. Oxford 5717. Eagle Vulcanizing Co., Wohlers and Landon. GARAGE & I 1 REPAIRING CENTRAL EST SIDE. Today Only—Ford Motor Over- hauled, $20, usual price $25. telephone Tupper 4043-.T. Sandt+s Service Sta- tion, 93 Massachusetts. GRANT-FERRY SECTION Today Only — We have space for cars $4 month, regularly $5. Tele- phone Bidwell, 4777. Rumfalo Bros.. 184 Herkimer. KENSINGTON-BAILEY Today Only—Ford Radiator Cov- ers $3.50, usual price $5. L. & A. Service Station, Bailey and Kensing- ton. LOWER NIAGARA. Today Only — Start your Ford Easy, in the coldest weather. Mana- her "Garage, 227 Niagara. 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO Today Only—Cigars, real Havanas, box $5.50, worth $6. Buy smokes hero and save money. Schreiber's Cigar Store. 1227 Jefferson. BICYCLES BROADWAY-WILLIAM. pn Today Only—Bicycles $33.50, regular ce $50. Ahlhelm's, 248 Broadway. wm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: PLEASES HIP CM - fultonhistory.com 21/Buffalo NY... · measures and the brilliant Concert Etude by McDowell, winning her recalL Cantor Scachtel, basso, sang "The Two Grenadiers" with

\ .


PLEASES HIP C M -las Hair Bobbed to Star In

'Love's Redemption. • • i •»

"Love's Redemption." with Norma Talmadge as the s tar Is the a t t r ac ­tion this week at Shea's Hippodrome. It is a picture based, like the last one in which she appeared here, on the

Zackheim Orchestra De­lights Elmwood Hall


Under the auspices of Buffalo re­lief for Russia, a fine concert was

sins and selfishness of the British j &ven in Elmwood Music hall* last 1 aristocracy. j evening by Isadore Zachheim and :

his symphony orchestra, and male chorus, assisted by Charlotte Heler.

The majority of the picture is laid in Jamaica, Where Harrison Ford, in



'1 \\ w



the par t of Clifford Standish. the dis­solute son of the nobility is drinking himself to death. There it is tha t "Ginger," played by Norma Tal-madge, falls in love with his four day's growth of beard and the manly way in which he downs his liquor.

Of course Clifford reforms and gets shaved and with the convenient death of an uncle decides to take Ginger to England as his bride. Then the aristocracy takes a hand, and the path to an inevitable happy ending is open. Meantime there are several good laughs at the Los Angeles edi­tion of Burke's peerage.

Oranted the first situation, every step in the plot is obvious, several minutes before it happens on the screen. The unusual In the picture is comprised in the two s ta tements that Miss Talmadge wears one dress. it la not even a gown, almost all ihrough the show, and that she has had her hair bobbed. Of the scenery, both in Jamaica and in England, it ran be said, with the usual implica­tion, tha t every prospect pleases.

The high spot in the entertainment is a new Ben Turpin comedy. The News Weekly and a Pathecolor film • omplete the .moving picture pro­gramme. Henri Scott, bass-bari tone of the Metropolitan company of New \ orfc, draws much applause with an excellent operatic voice and tech­nique applied to a ballad selection.

Pollard Stars at Shea's. Daphne Pollard, who for five years

was the idol of the English music halls, has returned to America and is duplicating her success "over there." Five years ago the little comedienne left the "Passing Show" in New York and found herself a Mar over night after her first a p ­pearance a t the London Hippodrome. Then Par i s claimed her for a musical revue and today the dainty character comedienne heads the bill a t Shea's, Court street theater, where she is playing this week.

Miss Pollard includes in her pro­gramme numbers from her London and Par i s revues and some real Am­erican numbers have a lways been included in her repertoire. Four feet tall, or short, and 100 pounds is what the scale will t ip if Daphne Pollard's record is required a t police head­quar te rs this week, but she is truly

pianist. Charles Senilsky and Meyer Balsom. violinists. W. Nissenson. tenor, Cantors; B. Schatchel, basso B. Levlte and A. Singer, tenors: J S. Davie and M. Balsom, baritones; Augusta Yelin. accompanist.

The orchestra unde r ' Mr. Zaek-heiaa'a able conducting played sev­eral numbers ; Kamenio Ostrow by Rubinstein being especially beauti­ful in melodic effects. "The Boat­man Song of the Volga" and the In-t e r m e u o from Jewels of the Ma­donna" by Wolf-Ferrari proved en-enjoyable offerings.

The male chorus, with Mr. Zack­heim, directing won honors with such numbers as "Rachem. by Mana-Zucca. a Russian folk song by Schindler and "Free Russia" by Gret-chanioff, which had to be repeated. The chorus revealed excellent | training and sang with good tone, and considerable skill In shading.

Charlotte • Heller, a gifted pianist i p layed ' a group of numbers with! charming style and grace of mu­sicianship, Etincetles by Mosskowski. being notable for delicacy and lovely tonal effects. Valse CapHeleuse by Grodski, fascinating in rhythmic measures and the brilliant Concert Etude by McDowell, winning her recalL

Cantor Scachtel, basso, s ang "The Two Grenadiers" with imposing voice. The Bach Concerto in D minor for two violins and orchest ia with Messrs. Schilsky and Balsam, soloists, was an artist ic perform­ance.

During intermission. Frank Her-aog made a b r i e r speech in which he told of the organisation of the Buf­falo Relief for Russia and tha t this society of 100 or more people had no connection whatever with any Amer­ican or Soviet institution as had been rumored.

Augusta Yelin proved a valuable accompanist.

an exemplification of the "good goods, small package" proverb.

In the great surorunding bill a t Shea's this week are the Cansino brothers and Mar:on Wllklns, Span­ish dancers; Bert Baker & Co., in • Prevaricat ion"; Leed and Austin, comedians; Pletro, piano accordian-is t : Hobson and Beattie. soprano and contral to: the Norvelles in "An Art is t ' s Studio," and Louis Leo, the • Ladder Lad."

opened a t the Palace yesterday. It is full of action and dramatic situations. Herbert Rawllnson has the lead, and helps to -wake the hero probable.

| Others in the supporting cast a re Marjorie Daw, Doris Pawn, Hector Sarno. Anna Lehr, Winter Hall and Werner Baxter.

During the last three days of the week (iladys Walton will be seen in "Playing with Fire."


Shea's Criterion—Queen of Sheba. The only trouble with "The Queen of

Sheba.' ' William Fox's latest screen spectacle which opened yesterday a t the Criterion, |r tha t there is too much of It. So s tupendous is the produc­tion and so lavish the sets* and cos­tumes that it leaves the audience be­wildered a t t imes. The plot of the story, which is the love of King Sol­omon for Sheba's queen, is often lost in the scuffle.

Aside from tha t Mr. Fox produced an unusally good film of spectacu­lar dimensions. The acting, as is not the case in most pictures of such proportions, is consistently good throughout. I t is more than a series of banal gesticulation, a s usually so in such pictures.

Mr. Fox's last contribution to the screen of a spectacular na ture was "Cleopatra," s tarr ing T ie.1si Bam. Since then he has improved much. H e has proouced a film in "The Queen of Sheba** that al though it is massive, it does not depend upon masslveness alone. He has made the acting really rival the scenery.

After viewing pic tures in which the leading man 's only claim to dis­tinction was the lack of a haircut and a pret ty face, it is a distant pleasure and relief to find such a man a s Fr i tz Leiber playing King Solomon. For-many years Mr. Leiber was leading

^opan to Robert Mantell. He . .as schooled in romantic act ing a - d ob­viously learned much. His quiet in­terpretation of the role is finely ef­fective, and a t t imes very impres­sive.

Betty Blythe plays Sheba, If you like Betty Blythe you will like her playing Sheba. Her ability is not | taxed any time in the picture a l ­though throughout the entire thing she is in constant danger of pneu­monia.

Pa t Moore, playing the role of the boy Prince of Sheba, is etiective A scene where he is locked in the gloomy tomb of the k ings Is well done in i t s interpretation of fear. Other princi­pals were adequate.

By far the most spectacular event in the picture is the chariot race. It is tremendously realistic, and a t times really thrilling. Throughout the entire picture the handling of the I mob scenes is done so that the a u - ' dience forgets it is watching a m o b ' scene.

Elmwood. "Her Own Money," in whteh Ethel

Clayton is playing the lead, is the feature at t ract ion a t the Elmwood. now under the management of the Shea Amusement company, during the first of the week. It 's a s t rong picture, well staged and well acted. In the cast are Warner Baxter, Charles French and Jean Acker. The Max Sennett comedy, "Bright Eyes." s tarr ing Ben Turpin, is also on the bill.

The last Of the week, "Just Around the Corner" will be shown.

Shea's No. Park—"Her Own Money" Ethel Clayton is a talented actress.

She has a way. with her. a s the Irish say, and in "Her Own Money," which is being shown a t Shea's North Park, the "way** is very fetching. Sup-

"Sunshinei*'Hawkes was the speaker yesterday morning at the dormitory breakfast meeting in the Central Y. M. C. A. and spoke on "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy." He preached at the Hunt Avenue Baptist church at 10:3© o'clock. His subject was "The Name." He afterwards ad­dressed the Sunday sehool children.

Hawkes addressed the Central Y. M. C. A lobby meeting in the afternoon at 4:30 o'clock on "The Father." He stressed the point that, while every­body speaks for the mother, rarely does anyone speak for father. 'Mother gets the bouquets and father the bnis," was the way the evangelist put it. He re­cited with dramatic effect. "Over the Hills from the Poor House."

Following the lobby meeting, he ad­dressed the Brotherhood club at the Central Y. M. C. A. on his nersonal work, giving an account of the evan­gelists he had worked with, notably Billy Sunday. Moody, Chapman, Sam Jones and Sam Small.

In the evening Hawkes spoke at the Hudson Baptist church on "Love."

"1 am leaving Buffalo only because I cannot take it with me," said Hawkes. "I will be satisfied if the people here will remember my old motto: 'After all, there are only three things that are worth while—to be good, to do good and always fo smile.' "

He will close his campaign at noon today, returning to Buffalo next month.

The transformation wh en place at the 'Broadway auditorium

reminds one

ch has tak-


Baxter, Charles French and Pean Acker. The comedy at tract ion is Ben Turpin's "Bright Eyes."

The last of the week, "Just Around porting her are such actors as Warner the Corner" is the feature.

•within the past 24 hours* much of the fairy tales df yore ^hen , a fairy queen with her magic wand would touch fo create a wonderland. As the poultry show en<|ed and the birds Were being rushed through ex- I its, their places were being taken by much larger creatures, |from small dogs to huge elephants, which a r e t o entertain the public a t th^ indoor cir­cus to be held afternoon and evening for the benefit of Semper FideliSjpos'f, American Legion.

Only circus folk could possible ac­complish what has been done in so short a time. Experieiiced hands worked through the nighi layint out the two rings and erecting the many sideshows, which are to tye the para­mount features of the J big circus. When the doors open at t o'clock to­night all will be in readiness for one of the greatest weeks in circujsdom Buffalo has ever had. [The motor-t ra in from Batavia will arrive during the day, making a circus parade cov­ering forty miles.

Mayor Schwab and his fejllow-members in the city council are ex­pected to at tend the opeifing perfor­mance tonight. There wfrl be shows every afternoon and evening there­after for the balance o(| the week. Dancing will be free.





i i—


_« m L» I

Help Your Kidneys Fight Winter Colds and Chills Weaken the Kidneys and Are the

Direct Cause of Many Serious Kidney Disorders.

Strand—"AM for a Woman.** The time when s t ree ts reeked with

blood and one's head went oft if by chance you gave a pret ty girl a mean look—those hectic days of the French revolution — a re dramatically por­trayed in "All for a Woman," which is to be at the Strand all week.

The historic background is well-visualized. and not the least of one's glances one gets of the LouVre, i

backache-time' It's little wonder then, that every doM IS winter-time your

Does every cold, chill or attack of grip finds you suffering with torturing ba^k-leave you lame, achy and all worn out? ache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness

Does your back throb and ache until it and annoying bladder irregularities. seems you just can't keep going another But don't worry! Simply realize Uat day! your kidneys are overworked at such

time and need assistance. Get a box of Then look to your kidneys! Grip, colcjs Doan's Kidney Pills today and give your

and chills throw a heavy strain on the kid- weakened kidneys the help they need. As-neys They overload the blood with poi- sist tMem also by drinking pure waiter

Stn;rnamneeanf the tLout ^SSSHM * • «>m and impurities that the kidneys have freely eating lightly, and getting plenty _. /_ _ — - - H . i> * l „ <** f * T l 1 * l . __l _ _ - __. __. 1—•_____ ______ _ J _*.<••_• _-. 4- 4 - « _ / v ( « lr_ n • •» n _» j> J "** i \ i » • * m \ _•_ ** ,•** * A _tr m _™_F** __._ _ T X lis*.

of old France. Oanton. who for a t ime rivalled

Robespierre in power, has been chosen a s the hero of the story. I t ' s a difficult part , but Emil Jennings, who has already proved his ar t i s t ry in "Passion" and "Deception," Is equal to It.

"Creation," the first episode of the film story of the Bible, Is an added at t ract ion.


Empire. Col. Long's cowboys and his 'cow­

girls will appear a t the Empire on Monday and Tuesday in a comedy of western life. In addition, a feature picture will be chosen. The p ro ­gramme which has been planned for the week follows: Today, "Guile of Women"; Tuesday, "Cheated Love"; Wednesday, Mae Murray, in "On With the Dance"; Thursday, OUve Thomas, in "Youthful Folly,** and thi r teenth episode of "Miracles of the Jungle"; Friday, "The Broadway Buckaroo"; Saturday, "Black U White.'* '

-"Cheatsd Hsar ts ." Hear t s , " which has been

pafled tint. IOVQ maeg ot tb» desert,

to filter off. The kidneys weaken under this rush of new work; become congested and inflamed!.

of fresh air and rest. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor!

"Use Doan's," Say These Buffalo Folks: ANTHONY VOQEL, motorman, 805 Elm

St., says: "I know there is nothing better than Doan's Kidney Pills for the back or for kidney trouble. I always have a box handy. My kidneys caused me to have attacks of backache and a soreness over my kidneys. Mornings I would be lame and sluggish. My kidneys acted too frequently. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and have never had anything help me like they did. The backache left and my kidneys acted regularly."

MRS. W. CHAPMAN, 102 E. Ferry St., says "My kidneys first troubled me about foui year3 ago. The trouble got so bad. my back ached until I couldn't sleep. When nighl came, every move caused severe pains al through my back. 1 had to give up ray work] and I was seldom free from headaches. Th^ irregular action of my kidneys was annoying,* I bought a box of Doan's Kidney Pills from Dlchl's Drug Store and after using them, the aches and pains left so that I could do my work with ease."

Doan's Kidney Pills At, all dealers, 60 a box. Foster-MUbu m Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y\

% TO 33% CASH SAVINGS te Buffalo Courier will publish EVERY DAY the under-priced offerings of hun­

dreds of stores in every community. These bargains are for ONE DAY ONLY. They offer you a saving of from 10% to 33% in the purchase of your daily needs, every day in the year. By taking the Buffalo Courier regularly you can take ad­vantage of these unusual buying opportunities EVERY DAY. Watch for the stores ia your own community who are offering at least four guaranteed bargains every

Ieek in the TODAY ONLY section of the Buffalo Courier. _T . '. '

NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY TOl>AY ONLY CopyrljM. 1921. by Thos 0. Taylor,

PMIadeiBhU. Pa.



SAVING Read guarantee in first column.

Every advertiser using this column guarantees* that every article adver­tised under the heading T O D A T ONL.Y Is from ON&-TENTH to ONE-THIRD below usual retail value. If. in any Instance, through error of a clerk, or otherwise, Jthis saving is not made, the advertiser ^111 Refund the differ­ence to our readers presenting sales-slip showing price paid, or proof that advertised price was not allowed at time of purchase.

Every advertiser, before acceptance of his advertising in this column, has signed a written contract that every article offered under this heading MUST BB ONE-TENTH TO ONE-THIRD BSLOW ORDINARY PRICE.

YOUR IfEIGHBORHOOD STORB, and stores all over Buffalo, are offer­ing UNDES_-PRICES TODAY ONLY, on the varwus articles you buy dally for home, personal or business use. Read this honest daily news of the city's LOWEST PRICES, every day before buying. If you want to avoid needless wa.ste of money.

Every fec ia l offer for TODAY ONLY is arranged, under each divi­sion, *or the convenience and quick service of the reader:

1. Nam* of article^—alphabetical. 2. Description. 3. Special price TODAY ONLY. 4. Usual price or value. 5. Free delivery, If any. 6. Telephone number, if any. 7. Nam* and address of store. This Information is COMPLETE—

no time wasted In looking for what you want, or asking for further in­formation—perfect service.

TODAY ONLY is the one group, consisting sf a multiplicity of attrac­tive offerings made by many differ­ent stores. In which complete Inform­ation is always given, for the better service of the reader.

Remembtr those who serve you best.


Today regularly

ly—K & B Flour, 5 lbs. 26c, Sullivan, 344 Broadway.

Today Only 25 IK box Sun-Maid Cafifornia Raisins 55. regularly $6. Telephone |Tefferson 3S20, Heckman, 632 Broad-pay.




SAVING Read guarantee in first column.



SAVING Read guarantee in first column.


Today Only—Hot Oil treatments for dandruff, 50c, usual price 75c. telephone Jefferson 0520. Princess Beauty Shoppe, 492 William St. Up­stairs.



Today Only—Nebline Scalp Salve for dandruff and falling hair 50c, us­ually 65c. Nebline Shoppe, 583 Main.

Today Only—Electric Scalp Treat­ment 75c, regularly $1.25. Telephone Tupper 5074. Koral Beauty Parlor, 208 Genesee.


Today Only—Almond Cream 35c, regularly 40c. Harriett Beauty Shop, 1012 Genesee.



Today Only—Children's Hats, usual price |2.98. Garner Shop, 1314 Jeffer­son.



Today Only—21-jewel Bunn special Illinois Watch, 20 year gold case, $36.90, regularly $60. Robert Ritter, 1223 Genesee.


Today Only—Sterling Silver Rhine Stone Bar Pin $2, regularly $2.25. Edw. Pfister, 1502 Genesee.


Today Only—100 Aspirins. 5 grains, 49c. usually 75c. Magner's Pharmacy, 1834 Seneca.

Today Only—Syrup of Figs 31c, usual price 45c. Delivery, tleephone Abbott 0600. South Side Drug Co., Seneca and Mineral Springs.


Today Oflly—Our Butter, none bet­ter, 50c lb., usually o4c. J. J. Jerge, 446 Rhode Island. ^ ^ _ _ _ _


Today Only—Davis Baking Pow­der 18o, regularly 20c. Lamy, Elk and Louisiana.


Today |Uly — Llbby's Evaporated Milk 10c, regularly 12c. Telephone Jefferson 4180-J. P. Gerah, 742 Gen-esee. , _ , . - — - •••—~ - y


Today OHIy—H??1DUrJ:er_,sH.'kT*1Ji


pound, re 777 West.

3» I und regularly 18c. Frank M. Fix,


TodaT^Oplly — Choice Porterhouse. Sirloin. Round Steaks. ISc lb., regular-a r s . Zeh, 143 Erie.

Today Only—Olive Oil $1, usual price $1.25. Edison Pramaey, Dela­ware corner Edison.


Today Only—Patrick's Kod Mentho, best cough remedy. 50c, regularly 60c. Ruth-Patrick Drug, Clinton and Oak.


Today Only—Castoria 23c, regularly 40c Lojocono's, 298 Elk.


Today Only—Tick's Vapor Rub 29c. usual price 35c. Telephone Cres­cent 1899. Dildlne Drug. 431 Leroy.


Today Only—Nyal Tooth Paste 19c, regularly 25c. Tyler Drug Co., 251 Triangle.

Today Only — Remodeling and re­pairing 20% reduction. Work guaran­teed. Frank's, 72 Genesee.

Today Only—Orders taken on re­pairing at 10% less than our regular prices. Work guaranteed and done without delay. Call and deliver, tele­phone Seneca0299. Berman's Fur Shoppe, 172 Genesee.


Today Only—Wall Peper. bed-room, 12c roll, regularly 20c. Reimer, 1127 Genesee.




Today Only—Men's Rubber Boots $4.50. regular price $6. Acme Shoe Store, 186 Seneca street.


Today Only—1920 Ford Coupe, lot of extras, condition especially good, $375. Marsh Motor Corp., 653 Fill­more.



Today Only—Ladies' Rubbers 79c, regularly $1. Thiele's, 493 William.

Today Only — Women's Shoes $1, regularly $7. Thiele's, 493 William.


Today Only—rFord 1919, good con­dition, $275, worth $300. Sauvary, 350 Virginia. List your cars for sale with us.




Today Only—$122 buys fine ma­hogany upright piano nearly new, original cost $300. This includes duet bench. Hoffman Piano Co., 696 Main.

FILLMORE-EAST FERRY SEC. 1 Today Only—Men's Sewed Half

Soles $1.25. usual price $1.40. ulck Shoe Repair, 1341 Jefferson, near Utlca.


Today Only—Overshoes and Rub­bers Soled and Heeled $1.40. usual price $1.75. Diamond Shoe Repair, 228 William.


. Today Only—Rubber Heels. 60c, usual price 60c. Stanley Shoe Repair, 6 Oakwood.


Today Only—Violin Strings, pure silver G, 40c. regularly 50c. Barrett Music Store. 1490 Fillmore.


Today Only—Full line of Colum­bia Grafonolas with all latest records. Tupper 2456. Louis Giambrone, 529 Niagara.




Today Only—Men's Hand Sewed Half Soles. $1.25, usual price $1.50, de­livery. Dan Danzelo. 197 East Ferry.

Today Only—Oliver No. 9. latest i attachments, $29, elsewhere $49. Buf­

falo Typewriter Emporium, Elllcott Square.




Today Only—Save your steps and money. Moye will call for your work. Delivery anywhere. Cleaning and Pressing $1 only. Just phone Bid-well 4924. Give us one trial. 326 West Ferry.

Today Only—Envelopes addlessed $5 thousand, regularly $5.50. Tele­phone Seneca 2129. Hufstater Letter

! K Co., 1052 Ellicott Square.


Today Oniy — Evening Gowns Dry Cleaned anc Pressed $2.50, regularly $3.50. Citv wide delivery. Telephone Bidwell 4667 Miller's Dry Cleaning Works, 435 W. Ferry.


Today Only—Weed Chains, any I size, 20 per cent discount. Good Serv-


Today Only—Overcoats made to order, individual measure $24, usual price $36. S. Saffer, 839 Broadway.

ice Shop, 211 William.



—Today Only — Almond Crescents, rolled in butter. 20c, regularly 24c. Faber, 71 Grant.

Today Only—Suits made to or­der, expert workmanship $35. usual price $45. Felix Coatanzo, 327 Niag­ara.





Today Only—French and Italian Pasteries at 10% less than usual

I prices. Frank DICarlo. 237 Niagara.

Today Only—Men's Hand tailored Ulsterette, Raglan styles. $31.90, regularly $45. Goldberg, 1376 Fill­more.


Today Only—Hood Covers (Thums), $2.20, usually $4. Fassel Vulcanizing Works, 417 Massachusetts.

Today Only — Ford - Anti - Draft-Mats, 75o pair, regularly $1.25. Tele­phone Tupper 6780. West Side Serv­ice Station. 288 Connecticut.


Today Only—30x3V_ Economy non-skid $7.75, regularly $12.50. Burkard Tire Corp., 145 Genesee, cor. Oak.


Today Only—Repairing and re­charging of all make Batteries at 15 pe rcent discount. R. & M. Battery Co., Inc.. 60 N. Elmwood.


Todav Only—Bananas 25c dozen, usually 40c. Shar_.es Delicatessen. Whitney aUd Georgia.


~"T_H_^ Only—Assorted Nut Cho­colates 75o lb., usual P/ice U. Amer­ican Sweet Shoppe, 444 William.


Todav 0*ly—Chocolate Drops, best .JLle *5e Pound, regularly 40c. Freeman's Pharmacy. 1328 Abbott Road. ^


Todav Only—Special Candies 45c. usual pyrice60c. Dehllnger, 404 Leroy. ' MAlJW-cl^TRAL PARK.

^ Today oily—Assorted Chocolate 41c box usuallprice 50c. Cardina's. Main St.,' corner Fillmore. '•


Today Only—Men's Collars, soft and stiff. 3 for 50e, usual price 20c each. Open evenings. McDonald, 329 Genesee.


Today Only—Piano LampV, com­plete with sade $16.50, usual price $25. Clty-wlde delivery, telephone Jeffer­son 1549. Cohen Bros., 568 William.


Today Only—Beaver Brown Velour Chair $46, has been selling for $75. Larkin Bargain Counter, Seneca and Van Rensselaer Streets.




Today Only—Roast Pork with Apple sauce; mashed potatoes, bread and butter, de#ert . 50c, usual price 60c Peerless Rsataurant. Huron and Pearl.

Today Oflly—Cornbejef and Cab­bage, rolls, coffee, 25c, regularly 35c. Wo serve from 8:30 a. m. to 11 p. m . Brc#dway Hotel, 42 Broadway.

Chops, sweet Only—Pork 4<k , usually 45c. Men's Ho-

Today potatoes, •- > -tel Cafeterlp, Pearl and Genesee

• #

Today Plate spe Ush Chop

•SB . He

ly — Noon Lunch. Blue ... special price 60c. Eng-[ouse. 491 Washington.



Today Only—Card Tables, full size, telephone Jeferson 0268. Kobler & Miller, 320 Genesee. .

Today Only—Mahogany Rockers, $12.50, usual price $75. City-wide de­livery, telephone Jefferson 2582. F. P. Rung. 427 Genesee.

Today Only—Sample Suits and Overcoats $24.50. usual price $30. D. Korn, 876 Broadway.


Today Only — Heaters, Amherst Base Burners, fourteen inch flrepot, triangle grates. $58.50, regularly $65. Easy terms. Winegar, ^465 Seneca.


Today Only — One Gallon Cans Polarine Oil, any grade. 80c, regularly $1.25. Post Office Garage. 177 Elli­cott.


Today Only — 30*3H Oxford Tire $7.90, regularly $15. Neighborhood delivery, Oxford 5251. Toronlone Bros., 907 Fillmore.


Today Only — 30x301* Columbus Chains, special, $4.50, usual price $5. Thompson Tire Repair, 250 East Ferry


Today Only—Champion X Spark Plugs 49c, usual price 75c. Albany Garage. 409 Niagara.

NORTH JEFFERSON. Today Only — 33x4 Tires, fully

guaranteed, $12.85, usual price $17. Western Tire & Equipment Co., 106 Niagara.

Today Only—Children's books for Christmas, 10% discount. Queen City Book Co.. 43 Court.


Today Only — Davenport, l a r g e chairs, parlor suite, rebuilt and re­covered, in tapestry or velour, 10 per cent reduction. Telephone Oxford 6130. Zimmer. Laurel and Masten Streets,


Today Only — Quality Malt Hops and Caps 85c. usual price $1.10. De­livery. Quality Malt Product, 735 Broadway.


Today Only—Lang's EZ Made Mix­ture 75c, regularly $1. Guarnieri, 385 Swan.


Today 04My—Pets at 10% less than elsewhere. Broadway Pet Shop, 841 Broadway.

GENESEE-WALDEN. Today Only—Malt and Hops, 70c,

usual price $1. Delivery, telephone Oxford 5340. Degens, 1429 Genesee.

Today Only — Thousand quality business cards $4, regularly $5.75. Charter Oak Press, 441 Ellicott.


Today Only—American Beauty Elec­tric Irons 6% lbs., $6.95; regularly $8.50. F. M. lyoelfel & Son. 890 Broadway

DOWNTOWN SECTION Today Obly—Simplex Heater

tll.50 regularly Jefferson 0916.

$9.98. Delivery, telephone

Schwalb. 285 Genesee.


Today Only — Baby China Sets $2.25. regularly $2.75. Open evenings. Hess. 1401 Genesee.

Today Only—35x5 tubes, guaranteed, $3.25, usual price $5.85, other bargains. Delivery. telephone. Oxford 5717. Eagle Vulcanizing Co., Wohlers and Landon.


Today Only—Ford Motor Over­hauled, $20, usual price $25. telephone Tupper 4043-.T. Sandt+s Service Sta­tion, 93 Massachusetts.


Today Only — We have space for cars $4 month, regularly $5. Tele-phone Bidwell, 4777. Rumfalo Bros.. 184 Herkimer.


Today Only—Ford Radiator Cov­ers $3.50, usual price $5. L. & A. Service Station, Bailey and Kensing­ton.


Today Only — Start your Ford Easy, in the coldest weather. Mana-her "Garage, 227 Niagara.


CIGARS AND TOBACCO Today Only—Cigars, real Havanas,

box $5.50, worth $6. Buy smokes hero and save money. Schreiber's Cigar Store. 1227 Jefferson.


p n Today Only—Bicycles $33.50, regular ce $50. Ahlhelm's, 248 Broadway.


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

