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pleasure requested styles displays elegant heartily …...VILLE, VA., September 23..Tbo delight¬...

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Society In .\ : West Point (Spedili tb T'ho TlmesVEIspulch.) WEST POINT, VA,, Seijtomuer 23..The splondld yacht of Mr. 'Emerson, the #G·*?? "Bromo Sellítr King." of Balilmorc, Md., wan hero this week, with Mr, Einer· eon and two guests abon rl. They were joined hero hy Mr. Monlnguo nicher, and went lip the Pnmunkoy River ?* far as Corr's Mif-sli to liu.it soia, firent Quantities ot bird« were sighted, but the tides were notrTlght foi- sont sl-.ootlng, and tho quality-,dt· "birds was dinar-point¬ ing. There have been eevernl Inree hunting parties on steam yachls plying up those rivers during the. work. The gen lemon came nshore lo replenish tho'.r stores a d to mingle with tic ¡un!iitnncui=. Thi huntsmen say the bids were never u- porlor In quantity and quttHty, but tho tides have not been go*d. Hunter« hail¬ ing from Richmond ;nc»m to bag most of tho game this Hii/jnon', Mr. R. E. Richardson Is atranglnir fine ferry accommodationj' botwoch Í/Weil Point and Now Kent. A wharf iat In course of erection- at tho foot of. First Street, and gusollne launchts will be put on for transportation,. Tula will « great accminotlatlon and wl'l bring many people to West Point. Dr. George W. Richardson, who deals very.oxtena.voly In oysters, Is addine t0 his oyster properly In th« way of wharf facilities nnd otherwise. The public itclioois oponed Monday with a very large enrollment, Tho West Point Seminary also opened on Monday, with a fair attendance, and other« are coming In dally.' Bernard Fury, Alfred Hargravo and Jeter Palmer have left for Blackaburg, where thoy will enter tho V. P. I, this .eeelon. Willie Davis will attend tho Washing¬ ton and Lee University, Miss Inez Palmer will attend tho Wo¬ man's College, In Richmond. Row John A. Bu.llvan, who has re¬ cently re?lgncd tho charge of tho West Point Baptist Church, to go to Oak Grove Church, Manchester,' will a-sUt Rev. II. A. Willis In a serica of meet¬ ings at Beulnh Church, beginning tue 24th Instant. Rev. Mr. QuarleB, .of Han¬ over, will fill the pulpll at West Point Baptist Church the sarno day. The meeting of ten days at the lecal Methodist church closed Tuesday nient. The Young Woman's Missionary So- olely, Miss Katheryn Howerton, reor- | ganlzed for the Milter's work during ? tho week. The flrat work will be a special effort for State mLslons, Mr. and Mrs. Judeon Taylor and fam¬ ily expect to go to Pine Beach to,live. They havo sold out their livery and other business Interest« to Mr. Daugla» Taylor, their son, Mr. Taylor has two sons at Pino Beach. Tr.e, prospect work relative to the Jamestuwn Expo- j sillon in 1507 Is attracting many people to that section. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BTATB NORMAL SCHOOL, FARM- VILLE, VA., September 23..Tbo delight¬ ful reception gtven by the Young Wo¬ man's Christian Association on Friday evening. September 15th, was the first -social event of the session. All the of¬ ficers of the association, assisted by Mrs. Jan« K, Cochran, were In tho re¬ ceiving line, greeting most cordially each of the four hundred or more guests. A unique feature of the evening was acard presented to each «me present. It con¬ tained the following list of Interesting topres for ' cônvéYânUon'; My First im¬ pressions of the School; Our Literary So¬ cieties. Mall (Mule) Call, The Prettiest Girl I Have Mel, Our New Buildings, Tho Faculty, The Y, W. C. A. The Girls Bt My Table. Ten or twelve popular girls »erved gracefully In the refreshment room, crowded all tho time because of tho al¬ luring promise thai there each girl of the four hundred would receive a beau (bow). Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cook Goggln. of Rustburg. have sent out invitations to Hie marriage of their daughter, Mary Belle, to Mr. Page Dandrtdge Nelson, and Martha -Moon to Mr. Charles William Woadsori, on Thursday evening, October 6th. The brides-to-be of this Interesting double wedding are well known at the Normal School, where they graduated in 1803. Miss Cheves West, tho now Instructor ¡ in' history and reading, ' hns Just been honored by the offer of a graduate schol¬ arship In philosophy at Cornell Unlver- ! Blty, She has not yet decided whether I she will accept the place. Mrs. Salile Ivy, of Norfolk, has secured rooms at Mrs. Monroe Jones's for the. winter. She comes to Fnrmvlllo to place her niece, Miss 'Louise Robin-son, 1n school. The Normal School has enjoyed 'the presence of many prominent visitors dur¬ ing the past week. Dr. J. M. I'llcher, of Petersburg, sec¬ retary of tbo State Baptist and Sunday School Board, led the opening exercises In the auditorium Monday morning. Dr. W, E. Anderson, th<> local member of tho board of Iriusi,ee«, nçconipanlcà by his brother, Mr. Henry W. Anderson, a prominent attorney of Rlctftnond, vis¬ ited tho school Monday. Hon. Henry E. Leo, representative In tho General Assembly from Nottoway, nnd always a good friend of this Insti¬ tution, spent a part of Thursday morn¬ ing at school, Mrs, M. P. Preston, of Saloni, was the guest of her daughter, Miss Mary, of the eenlor class, on Wednesday and Thurs¬ day. Mrs. Halo, of Ocala, Fla.; Mrs. Moore, of St. Louis, and Miss Geneviève Venahle, recently returned after two years spent In Honolulu, Hawaii, visited the different departments of Instruction on Wednes¬ day, under tho guidance of Mrs. Jofnum, .Mr,'E; B. Evans, of Lynehhurg, ty-slst- ant In th« Stato Library at Richmond, il "you're from missouri" evory merchant snys hie hats are "tho best," but usiuilly you hnvo to take his word for It, we know ours aro the best, nnd will leave It to your Judgment after you "show yourself" soft hats, in browns, pearls and hlacks, nlplnes and the low crowns, thnt may be worn creased, dented or telescoped. soil stili to poindexler, kirk-parrlsh cq,, 412 eaet broad, , i-lchmom», hatters.-furnisher».tailors. ??-Morrow, Monday. September 25th, -ft Tuesday, September 26th. ....Exquisitely Lobely Creations.... The honor and pleasure of your, presence are requested on this brilliant occasioni'X; We announce, for the delectation of our patrons, mag¬ nificent displays of the beauties of the FalL and Winter seasons.portrayals of the finest and .newest styles of Paris, Vienna, London and, New York. Superb are the elegant expositions of the latest modes., They reveal the final edicts of fashion in a splendor and charm surpassing all previous events. You and all your friends are cordially invited and are most heartily welcome. To-Morrow, Monday, Special Showing of the Celebrated "Gage and Phipps Hats: %fiinach. 427 E·Broad streé* Next to Fourqurean, . Tempte ù Co· %einach. spent Tuesday and Wednesday In looking over tho library of the Normal School. Major John T. Otlcy, a geological ex¬ pert, of- Louisa county, spent several hours at school, on Thursday. IM-läS EPIE BLACKWELL, daughter of President R. E. Blackwell, of Randolph-Macon College, who Is an ac¬ complished musician of rare trainino, and Is a distinguished graduate of Randolph- Macon College, at Ashlapd, having at¬ tended tho dally classes and stood the regular examinations In Senior English, Senior Latin and Senior French. AFFAIRS IN GLOUCESTER (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) GLOUCESTER COURTHOUSE, 'VA., September 23..Tho Farmers' Club met nt "Toddsbury," the rcsldunco of Mr. Wil¬ liam S. Mott, on Tl.uisJny last, with a very full .attendance, und good crops woro i'oporiod 'generally,, with an abun¬ dant crop of buy everywhere. Mr. and Mr?. ?. A. Blow entertained Mr, Blow's ulster, Mrs, Hoff, of Denvi r, Col,, Inst wo·.le with a i-ma 1 but very hnndïomo curd party, at "UMle Villo·" MU's y\gncs Tnllaferiv, of Itapidan, Cul- popor county, li the gnat of Mr, R, P, Ta'.iaforro, ut "Hoe'-k-y," Miss Gertrude Smith, of O orgia who lins been tho guest of Miss Ben·lo Hop¬ kins, nt Wavorly," has left for U;Oh- niond. Mr. Jeffrey Mctitnv.ue, who has te'ri visiting f.lends In G!,e lice.; ter, has return¬ ed to Richmond. Mr, und Mrs. JoRcp'i ?. ur.er and Mr. Nod Bruner, of Now Yo'ilt, aro guo.ts of Mr, Mid Miv, R. I\ Tal'afono, at "Hocklty." Mie, A. Jo',? on, who ras horn visltliii' in Pennsylvania, luis loturned. to "Enatove:·." x Mr, Rowland Cla:l.e has re:urned f:Om a visit to Now York, Mrs, Thomas Wye lio nnd ppri. Phdlp, of Omaha, Neb., ¿u ; visiting ?|·?. ?? ychu's father, Major Thomas Ö. .Tuh.i- ferro, at'"The C ttayo." Govornoi' und .Mi". Giant, of Denver, Col., «re guestH of Mr. nud Mr··. A. A. Blow, at "Bollo yd'.e." Mr. and Mrs. M. Ashby Jonei, who wore summoned lo Richmond. recently by tho death of Mr·'1, Jones's mothor, Mr?. R.. h. Hlck4on, have returned to "Diteli· Joy." Mrs, Thomas DlKon Is visiting la New York. Mr. J. N. Banders, who has ? oen vUlt- Ing Mr. end Mrs. it O, Sanflurs, at 'Oak Point," has returned io Albany. ?, Y, Mr, Joseph Hlrltscn, of Florida. nr<J Mr. J,' Cecil Hlckeon, of Richmond, are with Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Jones, at "Piten, ley." Miss Maretta Sllngluff his re urned from a charming "dimping-out" In Mar» land. Mies Nellie i?*lt*hu«ht cf Ai kantas, spending a month with her slater, Mr.*. Fred. Jones, near the Courthouse. Mrs. Jones's brother, Mr. Fltzhugh, hi« wife and daughter, spent last weefc with her. ¦·· Airs. Thaddeus E. Du val and son, John, of Cash, are spending a week with Mrs. Duval's parents, Mr. and Airs. John Tabb, at .'Summervllle." Mrs. Elizabeth Dlmmock Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Graham, In Flush¬ ing, L. I. Mrs. A. W. Withers and children have returned from a two months' stay at the Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Master Dunham Withers has roturned from u visit to North Carolinu, Mr. Taylor, of Norfolk, Is the guest of Mr. ?. ??. Withers,- at "Sevenby." Miss M. Lou Seawell has returned, and is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cury. WYTHEV1LLE, VA. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WYTHEV1LLE, VA., Sept. 23..Prof. Rlddlck, who renled tho Wythovlllo Semi¬ nary from Mrs, T. R. Dew, opened his school yesterday with every prospect of a successful session. Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Jeffries, of Rich¬ mond, returned to tnelr homes Wednesday after a visit of several weeks to Mis« Salilo Goodwin. Mr. G. W, Norrell, of Texas, is spend¬ ing his vacation with his family, who are summering here. Mrs. R, E. Withers, Jr., and little son, of Pittsburg, who have been tho guests of relatives In Wytneville, have returned to their home. Mrs. J. R. IC. Cowan, of Radford, and. Mrs. J. S. Battle, of North Carolina, Miss Pegrnm, of Petersburg, and Miss "Bruco Cnrr. of North Carolina, spent sev¬ eral days In Wythevllle this week, Mr. Howard Do Van left this week for Philadelphia, where he will atletici tho University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Stuart Splller, who has been the guest of his parente, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Splller, returned to Chicago Wednesday, Miss Ellen Stuart loft Monday for btaunton, to resumo her duties as teacher of art, at tho Virginia Female Institute, Miss Annie Pnrtrlck, of Staunton, Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Virginia P. Kent. Rather Than Carry Them Over, Patent Kid Oxfords, Welt Soles, Cuban and Military Heela, SPECIAL, §2.50 See tbern in the win¬ dow. Cross, 313 Broad St, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Boisseau and Mrs. Blanco N. Drewry, of Richmond, who havo been visiting relatives In Wythe- vllle, left Wednesdajr'-'for Luray, where they will spend the,' remainder of tho summer, '.,[, Miss Fannie. ..Worsham returned to Hampton Friday after spending the sum¬ mer here. ? Mra. Gravely, of Martlnsvllle, Is tho guest if her grandfather, Colonel ?. E. Withers. Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton is attending the meeting of tho St. Andrew's Brother¬ hood In Chicago. Mr. Robert Kent, Jr., left Tuesday for Blaoksburg, to enter the V. P. I. for the ensuing session. Mis. 8. Vf. Williams is the guest of relatives In Puiaskl this week. Mrs. W. L. McCloary and son, Mr. Wolker Leach, returnod to Knoxville Sat¬ urday, after sponding several months at thiilr fummo·· home, hear town. Mrs Samuel Wlngfleld, who has been summering In Wythovllle, returned to t ynchburg Monday. Before leaving Mrs. Wlngfleld entered her daughter at tho Villa Maria Academy for the ensuing sos- '.*lrm'.'. Tho Misses Caldwell have lälurnnd to Kndford afer a visit of· several wooka to Mrs. R. J. Preston at "Florlsant." Miss Eleanor Fronch, of Alexandria, Is the guest of Miss Minnie Spiller. Mrs. Phillips and eon, of Washington, who have been summering here, returned nomo Tuesday. Mrs. William willtln andTlttle daughter, of Dulutli, aor the guests of the former's parents, Col. and Mrs. W. O. Moore, on Main street.. Rev. M. P. Logan. D. D.,'has returned to his charge In Nashville, afSer a so¬ journ of soveral weeks with relatives and friends In Wythevlllo. Mrs. Logan and the Misses Logan will join him later. CHARLES CITY NOTES (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) MALVERN HILL, VA., Sopt Ïl.-Tho King's Daughters of Grnco Church, Gran- ville, mol at tho churoh September 19th,' to quilt a beautifully pieced counter¬ pane, which tho ladles had made. Mrs. Marlon Wolford, of Baltimore, bought thq quilt, tho proceeds to go toward tho now church hall. An elegant lunch was served,· and the day wan very much enjoyed. Mr, R. J. Simes, Jr., of Octoraro, Lan¬ caster county, Pa., Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. John A. Clark, of "Hardens." Mr, Jamos Gatowood now carries the mall from Klko to Malvoni Hill, Mr. Gatewood has nppened) a blacksmith ehop nt Elico, and Mr. O. Beadles has taken Mr. Gatewood's shop at Oranvllle, Mr. John Douthet, of Weynnoke, has returned to his home nflor a pleasant visit to his friend, Ml", li, S, Saundoru, of Upper Shirley. Mr, I. N. Eborloy, of Greenwood, Is on tho sick list. Mrs, John Royall and daughter, Ml>a Alleo, aro moving from their old home, "Rlvervlew on the Jnnies." whloh thev recontly sold. They will spend tho winter In tho cottage on Upper Shirley. Miss Marlon Thompson Clark has been visiting Mrs. II. S. Saundora, of Uppoi Shirley. Mr. Wm. Johnson is building quite n,i addition to his house at Melvern Hl'l Postofnce. Mr, Howard Eberley'H horse ran away Sunday afternoon, breaking tho harne-m and buggy very badly, hut without In. Jury (o the horse. Mr, ßberloy had got* ten out to close a gato, when tho horse became frightened and nan. Mrs. J. M. GUI has been spending u few days with her father, Mr. William Johnson, Hr., of Glondale, Miss Bojsle Clark, of. "Harderie," ·' now visiting Iw fi'lond, Miss Lillian Kdtits, of Lancaster Pa. Master Ambler Wllleox, who has ep«n| the summer Ir» this nolghbojhood, has returned io his home In Norfolk. LEXINGTON, VA, (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,) LmWGTQN, VA-i Pep tomber ¡«.-The opening hop at Washington and Lee Uni¬ versity took place Monday night in tho University gymnasium. About a dozen couples took part In the dance, which was à most pleasant affair. Among tho' ladles dancing were .the Misses Cham¬ berlain, of Richmond; the Misses Gads- den nnd Williams, of-Washington; Miss Klrkpatrlck, of Montgomery, Ala.; Miss Paul, of Harrlsonburg; Miss Tucker, Miss Dunlap, Miss Brockenbrough and Miss Louise Hasklns, of Lexington. The chap- orones wore Miss Annie R. White·, Mrs. Samuel B. Walker and Mrs. James W. Kern, On Wodnesdny evening tho fifty-fourth anniversary of tho Daughters of Re- bekah, Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, was celebrated by Liberty Lodge, No. 2, of Lexington. Appropriate exercises wore hold at Odd-Fellows' Hall, with special music, and an appropriate address by Rev. Dr. James A. Quarles, of Wash¬ ington and Lee University. Miss Anna K. Krause Is president of the Rebekah Assembly of Virginia. Mrs. Lawrence «Rust and Miss Anna Anderson have boon elected by the Mary Custls Lee Chapter of-the Daughters of tho Confederacy of Lexington, to repre¬ sent the chapter at the national meeting of tho Daughters' of the Confederacy, to bo held next month In San Francisco. Tho alternates chosen were Miss Ruth Jennings, of Lynchburg, head of tho Virginia Division, and Mrs, Prlchard, of California . Mr. Vernon E. Funkhouser, for tho past five, years located at Manila, Philip¬ pine Islands, In tho commissary depart¬ ment of tho United States army, Is In Lexington visiting his paronts, Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Funkhouser,' Ho has boen stationed, since July Ist at Vanoouvor, Washington, Mr. und Mrs, Lester Neefus, of West- field, New Jersey, are spending this week In Lexington as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawronco Embree. Messrs, H, C. Page, M. Pendloton and N. B, Tuokcr have been appointed a committee to secure a successor to Rov. Dr. R, J. McBrytto as rootor of R, E. Leo Memorial Episcopal Cliupch. PEOPLE AT AFTON (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) AFTON, VA,. Sept. 23,-Mrs. Warren Cloud and family, of Churlottesvlllo, Sir, nnd Mrs, John M. Goodloe, of Big Stonu Onp, und Mr. Goodloe Jackson, of West Virginia, nro guests nt "Locust Dalo," Mrs, M.' L. Watklns will accompany Mr. DIAMONDS are advancing, They have advanced twice this year and are expected to go etili higher. Wo have a large stock, which was bought before the rlee, so you waut to make a good investment, buy now at the old prices. We will make tonne to »Ult, J.S. JAMES, Jeweler and Optician, ?th and Main Sts, Jackson to his Western home. Miss Margaret Lumsden, of Norfolk, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Ezeklel Hall, at Afton. Mrs.; Pvobort Le,cky, of Richmond, visited Afton' this \Veck.' Mrs. Douglas MacGregor and family left this week for a month's stay at .Big Stono Gap. Mrs. Ruth Lofinnd, of Avon Cottage, entertained her friends moat delight¬ fully at supper on Friday evening, ana also on Wednesday ut a picnic on old Hump Bock mountain ,ln honor of her sister, Mrs. Deano TUInian, of Char lottesvlllo. Mr, Fred. Scott Is having- a hand¬ some stable built at'"Royal Orchard'" of tho rock found on tho mountain. The building will :bo one of the most sub¬ stantial and luindsomo In the county. Mrs, ?. E. Burch has returned to hot- home at Afton. She has tho sympathy of the whole community In the loss of her beautiful little elght-yenr-old girl, who was klllod while playing at her grandmother's homo, In Ainherst county where she was spending the summer. The remains of Mr. Eugeno Farrar, of Staunton, wero Interred In tho old family burying ground nt Brookvllle this woek, whoro ho spent his boyhoods and enrly manhood. Several cases of diphtheria In ???ß?p havo appeared! this week, but nn opl- demlc Is not expected. HOWARDSVILLE, VA. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) HC'WARDSVILLE, VA., Soptoinbor 23.- Mr. and Mrs, William Scott, of Atlanta, Ga., who havo been spending the summer with relatives In Buckingham, returned homo yosterday. Miss Coatney Irving went to Lynchburg last week to attend the Randolpll-Muoon College. Miss Katlo Scott left this week for Chatham, Va., where she will attend school, Messrs. Charllo and Dan iLowls re¬ turned to Panther, W. Va., Wednesday, after spending their vacation at their homo In Nolson county. Misses Mary and Boll Price, of Huy- markot, Va., were tho guests last woek of Miss Hancock, nt "Locust· Hill," · Miss Pocnbontns Gnntt Is vlsltlinr -it "Avon Hill," the liomo of Mrs. Z. Jt. Lewis, Mrs. F. 'H. McCulloch left several days ago for Richmond, Vn. Miss Iimboll Andorson returned Wednes¬ day from a visit to her brother In Nol¬ son oounty. Mr. A. H. Stodnrd, nf South Carolimi, moved this woek to his new farm, "Argtiyle," near Howardsvlllo, which ho recently purchased from Mr. Buffy. -1- CREWE, VA. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CREWE, VA., September ».-The Crowe gradui) school opened on Monday with 309 pupils. Tho session proiulsos to bo omt of unusual Interest, owing to tho fuot that tho following gentlemen havo agreed to givo ii prize to thu pupil making the highest general average In scholarship, uttendanco, deportment and effort. W. S. Downs, primary J L. Caplun, »rst gradii; H, ?. iPhllllps, second grade; E, l-\ Locket, third grade; T. B. Oliver, fourth gnide; T. J. Sowers, fifth grado; A. L. Wouiiy, sixth grnilo; C. ?. Lano, seventh grade; H. E. Lee, eighth grado; T. M. Bulrd, first high school; W. T. Wnninor, second high school; C. S. Smlihsoii, third high school. Rev. J. W. Ktnoheloe gives ? μ gold piece to the best all-round boy in the school. MUs Mnzie Ollis has returned from Nor¬ folk. Mrs, Louise Locket loft Friday for Ai'kunsaa. Mrs. Mlnter Fergujon leaves early next week for her honiu in Louisville, Ky. Ml»» Leila Scott retuni>--il front Statui¬ toli this woek. Ml«. ?. ?. Hunt, of R.cUuiJiid, spent sover.il days of this week with relative«) and friends hero. Miss Lottie Staples returned to her homo at Mohorrln Tuesday.. Mrs. Wayt Royall, of Martinsville, is visiting hor father's family here. Miss Bossle Oliver left Thursday to at¬ tend tho Blackstono Female Institute. Mrs. lE. K. Zirkle, of Norfolk, Is visit¬ ing hor parents here, Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Gills. Miss Lizzie Hayermnn, of Goodo's, will spend tho winter with Olrs. Vf. F Wat- kins. Miss Mamlo Rice, of Farmvllio, is visit¬ ing Mrs. Horaco Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Sims Chappoll left Fri¬ day for a stay of ten days in Prince Ed¬ ward county, and Ronnoko City. The delegates from hero to tho Inter» nation Young Mon's Christian Associa¬ tion Conference nt Detroit, Mich., ars. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Shanks, Mr. ..and Mrs. B. F. Roblnotte, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. V. Roblnettc; Messrs. B. N. Waterhouse, J. W. Wheary and Steel Wheary. They con¬ template a trip through Canada ere thoyi return. WILMINGTON, N. C. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON, N. C, Sept. 23.-Soolety hiis boon in a state of lethargy tho past week and from which thoro Is promise that It will not awake before Ootobor, when tho social season will commence. However, soeloty circles were placed In a flutter this week by tho announce· ment of tho approaching marriage onrty In next month of Miss Margaret Meares of a representativo Cape Fonr family and Mr. William Latlmer, a capitalist of this city. The affair will be a qulot one. but .will not lack In Interest on account of Its quietude Scvornl marriages occurred this wook, In whloh Wllmlngtonlans were Interest¬ ed, though thoy ocourred not directly In tho city, At ConnoU's Station, First Ser. gëant M. P. Joños, of tho United Stntes army, and1 who Is now statlonod at Fort Hancock, was wedded to Miss Lucy J. Perry. After tho marrlago coromoriy tha happy couplo camo to Wilmington and remained hero, tho guests of the groom'.i mother, until Saturday, when they left for Fort Hancock. A decidedly pretty marriage In whloh ? young Wilmington divino, Rev. J. Mar¬ vin Culhroth, officiated, wo», solemnised at Town Crook. The contracting partici woro Miss Mattlo Taylor, daughter of Mr. E. W. Taylor, of Brunswick, njid M.\ John Early GUI. a young business man of Henderson, N. C. Wednesday evening, In the olty. Mis* Kfitlo Smith and Mr. Jeff Davis Brantley wero united In Marrlago, Rov. Geo. R. Webster conducting tho ceremony. Among tiloso who havo returned from summering away Is Mrs. R. H. await· ney, u sister of Messrs. Harry and Vic¬ tor T. Uoatwrlglu, of Norfolk, Vo.* Mrs, Gwultney returned from the resorts of Pennsylvania, but on hor return stop¬ ped for several days In Richmond, Wedding Gifts OUR stocks include many articles which will ap. pout to those desiring wed' ding gifts inexpensive in price, but of KNOWN QUAL¬ ITY, gi#" All correspondence given careful attention. Goods sent on approval, express prepaid. Gait &Bro. Established Over a Century. Jeweller«, Silversmith», Biatlonsr·, ??T7 Pennsylvania Ay9P.ua Washington, Ü. Ç.
Page 1: pleasure requested styles displays elegant heartily …...VILLE, VA., September 23..Tbo delight¬ ful reception gtven by the Young Wo¬ man's Christian Association on Friday evening.

Society In .\ :West Point

(Spedili tb T'ho TlmesVEIspulch.)WEST POINT, VA,, Seijtomuer 23..The

splondld yacht of Mr. 'Emerson, the #G·*??"Bromo Sellítr King." of Balilmorc,Md., wan hero this week, with Mr, Einer·

eon and two guests abon rl. They were

joined hero hy Mr. Monlnguo nicher, andwent lip the Pnmunkoy River ?* faras Corr's Mif-sli to liu.it soia, firent

Quantities ot bird« were sighted, but thetides were notrTlght foi- sont sl-.ootlng,and tho quality-,dt· "birds was dinar-point¬ing.There have been eevernl Inree hunting

parties on steam yachls plying up thoserivers during the. work. The gen lemoncame nshore lo replenish tho'.r stores a dto mingle with tic ¡un!iitnncui=. Thihuntsmen say the bids were never u-

porlor In quantity and quttHty, but thotides have not been go*d. Hunter« hail¬ing from Richmond ;nc»m to bag most oftho game this Hii/jnon',Mr. R. E. Richardson Is atranglnir fine

ferry accommodation j' botwoch Í/WeilPoint and Now Kent. A wharf iat In

course of erection- at tho foot of. FirstStreet, and gusollne launchts will be

put on for transportation,. Tula will b«

« great accminotlatlon and wl'l bringmany people to West Point.Dr. George W. Richardson, who deals

very.oxtena.voly In oysters, Is addine t0

his oyster properly In th« way of wharffacilities nnd otherwise.The public itclioois oponed Monday

with a very large enrollment,Tho West Point Seminary also opened

on Monday, with a fair attendance, andother« are coming In dally.'Bernard Fury, Alfred Hargravo and

Jeter Palmer have left for Blackaburg,where thoy will enter tho V. P. I, this.eeelon.Willie Davis will attend tho Washing¬

ton and Lee University,Miss Inez Palmer will attend tho Wo¬

man's College, In Richmond.Row John A. Bu.llvan, who has re¬

cently re?lgncd tho charge of tho WestPoint Baptist Church, to go to OakGrove Church, Manchester,' will a-sUtRev. II. A. Willis In a serica of meet¬

ings at Beulnh Church, beginning tue

24th Instant. Rev. Mr. QuarleB, .of Han¬

over, will fill the pulpll at West PointBaptist Church the sarno day.The meeting of ten days at the lecal

Methodist church closed Tuesday nient.The Young Woman's Missionary So-

olely, Miss Katheryn Howerton, reor- |ganlzed for the Milter's work during ?

tho week. The flrat work will be a

special effort for State mLslons,Mr. and Mrs. Judeon Taylor and fam¬

ily expect to go to Pine Beach to,live.They havo sold out their livery and

other business Interest« to Mr. Daugla»Taylor, their son, Mr. Taylor has two

sons at Pino Beach. Tr.e, prospect oí

work relative to the Jamestuwn Expo- jsillon in 1507 Is attracting many peopleto that section.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

BTATB NORMAL SCHOOL, FARM-VILLE, VA., September 23..Tbo delight¬ful reception gtven by the Young Wo¬man's Christian Association on Fridayevening. September 15th, was the first

-social event of the session. All the of¬

ficers of the association, assisted byMrs. Jan« K, Cochran, were In tho re¬

ceiving line, greeting most cordially each

of the four hundred or more guests. A

unique feature of the evening was acard

presented to each «me present. It con¬

tained the following list of Interestingtopres for

' cônvéYânUon'; My First im¬

pressions of the School; Our Literary So¬

cieties. Mall (Mule) Call, The PrettiestGirl I Have Mel, Our New Buildings,

Tho Faculty, The Y, W. C. A. The Girls

Bt My Table. Ten or twelve popular girls»erved gracefully In the refreshment room,

crowded all tho time because of tho al¬

luring promise thai there each girl of

the four hundred would receive a beau

(bow).Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cook Goggln. of

Rustburg. have sent out invitations to Hie

marriage of their daughter, Mary Belle,

to Mr. Page Dandrtdge Nelson, and

Martha -Moon to Mr. Charles William

Woadsori, on Thursday evening, October6th. The brides-to-be of this Interestingdouble wedding are well known at the

Normal School, where they graduated in

1803.Miss Cheves West, tho now Instructor ¡

in' history and reading, ' hns Just been

honored by the offer of a graduate schol¬

arship In philosophy at Cornell Unlver- !

Blty, She has not yet decided whether Ishe will accept the place.Mrs. Salile Ivy, of Norfolk, has secured

rooms at Mrs. Monroe Jones's for the.

winter. She comes to Fnrmvlllo to placeher niece, Miss 'Louise Robin-son, 1n

school.The Normal School has enjoyed 'the

presence of many prominent visitors dur¬

ing the past week.Dr. J. M. I'llcher, of Petersburg, sec¬

retary of tbo State Baptist and SundaySchool Board, led the opening exercisesIn the auditorium Monday morning.Dr. W, E. Anderson, th<> local member

of tho board of Iriusi,ee«, nçconipanlcàby his brother, Mr. Henry W. Anderson,a prominent attorney of Rlctftnond, vis¬ited tho school Monday.Hon. Henry E. Leo, representative In

tho General Assembly from Nottoway,nnd always a good friend of this Insti¬tution, spent a part of Thursday morn¬

ing at school,Mrs, M. P. Preston, of Saloni, was the

guest of her daughter, Miss Mary, of theeenlor class, on Wednesday and Thurs¬day.Mrs. Halo, of Ocala, Fla.; Mrs. Moore,

of St. Louis, and Miss Geneviève Venahle,recently returned after two years spentIn Honolulu, Hawaii, visited the differentdepartments of Instruction on Wednes¬day, under tho guidance of Mrs. Jofnum,.Mr,'E; B. Evans, of Lynehhurg, ty-slst-ant In th« Stato Library at Richmond,

il "you'refrom missouri"

evory merchant snys hie hatsare "tho best," but usiuilly youhnvo to take his word for It,we know ours aro the best, nndwill leave It to your Judgmentafter you

"show yourself"soft hats, in browns, pearls

and hlacks, nlplnes and the lowcrowns, thnt may be worncreased, dented or telescoped.

soilstili to

poindexler,kirk-parrlsh cq,,

412 eaet broad, , i-lchmom»,hatters.-furnisher».tailors.

??-Morrow, Monday. September 25th,-ft Tuesday, September 26th.

....Exquisitely Lobely Creations....The honor and pleasure of your, presence are requested on this brilliant occasioni'X;We announce, for the delectation of our patrons, mag¬

nificent displays of the beauties of the FalL and Winter seasons.portrayals of the finest and .newest styles of Paris, Vienna, London and,New York. Superb are the elegant expositions of the latest modes., They reveal the final edicts of fashion in a splendor and charm surpassingall previous events. You and all your friends are cordially invited and are most heartily welcome.

To-Morrow, Monday, Special Showing of the Celebrated "Gage and Phipps Hats:

%fiinach. 427 E·Broad streé* Next to Fourqurean,. Tempte ù Co· %einach.

spent Tuesday and Wednesday In lookingover tho library of the Normal School.Major John T. Otlcy, a geological ex¬

pert, of- Louisa county, spent severalhours at school, on Thursday.

IM-läS EPIE BLACKWELL,daughter of President R. E. Blackwell, ofRandolph-Macon College, who Is an ac¬

complished musician of rare trainino, andIs a distinguished graduate of Randolph-Macon College, at Ashlapd, having at¬tended tho dally classes and stood theregular examinations In Senior English,Senior Latin and Senior French.

AFFAIRS IN GLOUCESTER(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatoh.)

GLOUCESTER COURTHOUSE, 'VA.,September 23..Tho Farmers' Club met nt

"Toddsbury," the rcsldunco of Mr. Wil¬liam S. Mott, on Tl.uisJny last, with a

very full .attendance, und good crops

woro i'oporiod 'generally,, with an abun¬dant crop of buy everywhere.Mr. and Mr?. ?. A. Blow entertained

Mr, Blow's ulster, Mrs, Hoff, of Denvi r,

Col,, Inst wo·.le with a i-ma 1 but veryhnndïomo curd party, at "UMle Villo·"MU's y\gncs Tnllaferiv, of Itapidan, Cul-

popor county, li the gnat of Mr, R, P,Ta'.iaforro, ut "Hoe'-k-y,"Miss Gertrude Smith, of O orgia who

lins been tho guest of Miss Ben·lo Hop¬kins, nt Wavorly," has left for U;Oh-niond.Mr. Jeffrey Mctitnv.ue, who has te'ri

visiting f.lends In G!,e lice.; ter, has return¬ed to Richmond.Mr, und Mrs. JoRcp'i ?. ur.er and Mr.

Nod Bruner, of Now Yo'ilt, aro guo.tsof Mr, Mid Miv, R. I\ Tal'afono, at

"Hocklty."Mie, A. A· Jo',? on, who ras horn

visltliii' in Pennsylvania, luis loturned.to "Enatove:·." xMr, Rowland Cla:l.e has re:urned f:Om

a visit to Now York,Mrs, Thomas Wye lio nnd ppri. Phdlp,

of Omaha, Neb., ¿u ; visiting ?|·?.?? ychu's father, Major Thomas Ö. .Tuh.i-ferro, at'"The C ttayo."Govornoi' und .Mi". Giant, of Denver,

Col., «re guestH of Mr. nud Mr··. A. A.Blow, at "Bollo yd'.e."Mr. and Mrs. M. Ashby Jonei, who

wore summoned lo Richmond. recently bytho death of Mr·'1, Jones's mothor, Mr?.R.. h. Hlck4on, have returned to "Diteli·Joy."Mrs, Thomas DlKon Is visiting la New

York.Mr. J. N. Banders, who has ? oen vUlt-

Ing Mr. end Mrs. it O, Sanflurs, at 'OakPoint," has returned io Albany. ?, Y,Mr, Joseph Hlrltscn, of Florida. nr<J

Mr. J,' Cecil Hlckeon, of Richmond, arewith Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Jones, at "Piten,ley."Miss Maretta Sllngluff his re urned

from a charming "dimping-out" In Mar»land.Mies Nellie i?*lt*hu«ht cf Ai kantas, I»

spending a month with her slater, Mr.*.Fred. Jones, near the Courthouse.Mrs. Jones's brother, Mr. Fltzhugh, hi«

wife and daughter, spent last weefc withher. ¦··

Airs. Thaddeus E. Du val and son, John,of Cash, are spending a week with Mrs.Duval's parents, Mr. and Airs. John Tabb,at .'Summervllle."Mrs. Elizabeth Dlmmock Is visiting her

daughter, Mrs. Clinton Graham, In Flush¬ing, L. I.Mrs. A. W. Withers and children have

returned from a two months' stay atthe Sweet Chalybeate Springs.Master Dunham Withers has roturned

from u visit to North Carolinu,Mr. Taylor, of Norfolk, Is the guest of

Mr. ?. ??. Withers,- at "Sevenby."Miss M. Lou Seawell has returned, and

is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.Cury.

WYTHEV1LLE, VA.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

WYTHEV1LLE, VA., Sept. 23..Prof.Rlddlck, who renled tho Wythovlllo Semi¬nary from Mrs, T. R. Dew, opened hisschool yesterday with every prospect ofa successful session.Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Jeffries, of Rich¬

mond, returned to tnelr homes Wednesdayafter a visit of several weeks to Mis«Salilo Goodwin.Mr. G. W, Norrell, of Texas, is spend¬

ing his vacation with his family, who are

summering here.Mrs. R, E. Withers, Jr., and little son,

of Pittsburg, who have been tho guestsof relatives In Wytneville, have returnedto their home.Mrs. J. R. IC. Cowan, of Radford, and.

Mrs. J. S. Battle, of North Carolina,Miss Pegrnm, of Petersburg, and Miss"Bruco Cnrr. of North Carolina, spent sev¬

eral days In Wythevllle this week,Mr. Howard Do Van left this week for

Philadelphia, where he will atletici thoUniversity of Pennsylvania,Mr. Stuart Splller, who has been the

guest of his parente, Mr. and Mrs. W. H,Splller, returned to Chicago Wednesday,Miss Ellen Stuart loft Monday for

btaunton, to resumo her duties as teacherof art, at tho Virginia Female Institute,Miss Annie Pnrtrlck, of Staunton, Is the

guest of her aunt, Mrs. Virginia P. Kent.

Rather ThanCarryThem Over,

Patent KidOxfords,

Welt Soles, Cuban andMilitary Heela,


§2.50See tbern in the win¬


Cross,313 Broad St,

Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Boisseau and Mrs.Blanco N. Drewry, of Richmond, whohavo been visiting relatives In Wythe-vllle, left Wednesdajr'-'for Luray, wherethey will spend the,' remainder of thosummer, '.,[,Miss Fannie. ..Worsham returned to

Hampton Friday after spending the sum¬mer here. ?

Mra. Gravely, of Martlnsvllle, Is thoguest if her grandfather, Colonel ?. E.Withers.Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton is attending

the meeting of tho St. Andrew's Brother¬hood In Chicago.Mr. Robert Kent, Jr., left Tuesday for

Blaoksburg, to enter the V. P. I. for theensuing session.Mis. 8. Vf. Williams is the guest of

relatives In Puiaskl this week.Mrs. W. L. McCloary and son, Mr.

Wolker Leach, returnod to Knoxville Sat¬urday, after sponding several months atthiilr fummo·· home, hear town.Mrs Samuel Wlngfleld, who has been

summering In Wythovllle, returned tot ynchburg Monday. Before leaving Mrs.Wlngfleld entered her daughter at thoVilla Maria Academy for the ensuing sos-

'.*lrm'.'. Tho Misses Caldwell have lälurnndto Kndford afer a visit of· several wookato Mrs. R. J. Preston at "Florlsant."Miss Eleanor Fronch, of Alexandria, Is

the guest of Miss Minnie Spiller.Mrs. Phillips and eon, of Washington,

who have been summering here, returnednomo Tuesday.Mrs. William willtln andTlttle daughter,

of Dulutli, aor the guests of the former'sparents, Col. and Mrs. W. O. Moore, on

Main street..Rev. M. P. Logan. D. D.,'has returned

to his charge In Nashville, afSer a so¬

journ of soveral weeks with relatives and

friends In Wythevlllo. Mrs. Logan andthe Misses Logan will join him later.

CHARLES CITY NOTES(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

MALVERN HILL, VA., Sopt Ïl.-ThoKing's Daughters of Grnco Church, Gran-ville, mol at tho churoh September 19th,'to quilt a beautifully pieced counter¬pane, which tho ladles had made. Mrs.Marlon Wolford, of Baltimore, bought thqquilt, tho proceeds to go toward thonow church hall. An elegant lunch was

served,· and the day wan very muchenjoyed.Mr, R. J. Simes, Jr., of Octoraro, Lan¬

caster county, Pa., Is visiting his aunt,Mrs. John A. Clark, of "Hardens."Mr, Jamos Gatowood now carries the

mall from Klko to Malvoni Hill, Mr.Gatewood has nppened) a blacksmith ehopnt Elico, and Mr. O. Beadles has takenMr. Gatewood's shop at Oranvllle,Mr. John Douthet, of Weynnoke, has

returned to his home nflor a pleasantvisit to his friend, Ml", li, S, Saundoru,of Upper Shirley.Mr, I. N. Eborloy, of Greenwood, Is

on tho sick list.Mrs, John Royall and daughter, Ml>a

Alleo, aro moving from their old home,"Rlvervlew on the Jnnies." whloh thevrecontly sold. They will spend tho winterIn tho cottage on Upper Shirley.Miss Marlon Thompson Clark has been

visiting Mrs. II. S. Saundora, of UppoiShirley.Mr. Wm. Johnson is building quite n,i

addition to his house at Melvern Hl'lPostofnce.Mr, Howard Eberley'H horse ran away

Sunday afternoon, breaking tho harne-mand buggy very badly, hut without In.Jury (o the horse. Mr, ßberloy had got*ten out to close a gato, when tho horsebecame frightened and nan.Mrs. J. M. GUI has been spending u

few days with her father, Mr. WilliamJohnson, Hr., of Glondale,Miss Bojsle Clark, of. "Harderie," ·'

now visiting Iw fi'lond, Miss LillianKdtits, of Lancaster Pa.Master Ambler Wllleox, who has ep«n|

the summer Ir» this nolghbojhood, hasreturned io his home In Norfolk.

LEXINGTON, VA,(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,)

LmWGTQN, VA-i Peptomber ¡«.-The

opening hop at Washington and Lee Uni¬versity took place Monday night in thoUniversity gymnasium. About a dozen

couples took part In the dance, whichwas à most pleasant affair. Among tho'ladles dancing were .the Misses Cham¬berlain, of Richmond; the Misses Gads-den nnd Williams, of-Washington; MissKlrkpatrlck, of Montgomery, Ala.; MissPaul, of Harrlsonburg; Miss Tucker, MissDunlap, Miss Brockenbrough and MissLouise Hasklns, of Lexington. The chap-orones wore Miss Annie R. White·, Mrs.Samuel B. Walker and Mrs. James W.Kern,On Wodnesdny evening tho fifty-fourth

anniversary of tho Daughters of Re-bekah, Independent Order of Odd-Fellows,was celebrated by Liberty Lodge, No. 2,of Lexington. Appropriate exercises worehold at Odd-Fellows' Hall, with specialmusic, and an appropriate address byRev. Dr. James A. Quarles, of Wash¬ington and Lee University. Miss AnnaK. Krause Is president of the RebekahAssembly of Virginia.Mrs. Lawrence «Rust and Miss Anna

Anderson have boon elected by the MaryCustls Lee Chapter of-the Daughters oftho Confederacy of Lexington, to repre¬sent the chapter at the national meetingof tho Daughters' of the Confederacy, tobo held next month In San Francisco.Tho alternates chosen were Miss RuthJennings, of Lynchburg, head of thoVirginia Division, and Mrs, Prlchard, ofCalifornia .

Mr. Vernon E. Funkhouser, for thopast five, years located at Manila, Philip¬pine Islands, In tho commissary depart¬ment of tho United States army, Is InLexington visiting his paronts, Mr, andMrs. E. R. Funkhouser,' Ho has boenstationed, since July Ist at Vanoouvor,Washington,Mr. und Mrs, Lester Neefus, of West-

field, New Jersey, are spending this weekIn Lexington as tho guests of Mr. andMrs. Lawronco Embree.Messrs, H, C. Page, E· M. Pendloton

and N. B, Tuokcr have been appointed a

committee to secure a successor to Rov.Dr. R, J. McBrytto as rootor of R, E.Leo Memorial Episcopal Cliupch.

PEOPLE AT AFTON(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

AFTON, VA,. Sept. 23,-Mrs. WarrenCloud and family, of Churlottesvlllo, Sir,nnd Mrs, John M. Goodloe, of Big StonuOnp, und Mr. Goodloe Jackson, of WestVirginia, nro guests nt "Locust Dalo,"Mrs, M.' L. Watklns will accompany Mr.

DIAMONDSare advancing, Theyhave advanced twice thisyear and are expected togo etili higher. Wo havea large stock, which was

bought before the rlee,so lì you waut to make a

good investment, buynow at the old prices.We will make tonne to


J.S. JAMES,Jeweler and Optician,

?th and Main Sts,

Jackson to his Western home.Miss Margaret Lumsden, of Norfolk, Is

visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Ezeklel Hall,at Afton.Mrs.; Pvobort Le,cky, of Richmond, visited

Afton' this \Veck.'Mrs. Douglas MacGregor and family

left this week for a month's stay at .BigStono Gap.Mrs. Ruth Lofinnd, of Avon Cottage,

entertained her friends moat delight¬fully at supper on Friday evening, anaalso on Wednesday ut a picnic on oldHump Bock mountain ,ln honor of hersister, Mrs. Deano TUInian, of Charlottesvlllo.Mr, Fred. W· Scott Is having- a hand¬

some stable built at'"Royal Orchard'" oftho rock found on tho mountain. Thebuilding will :bo one of the most sub¬stantial and luindsomo In the county.Mrs, ?. E. Burch has returned to hot-

home at Afton. She has tho sympathyof the whole community In the loss ofher beautiful little elght-yenr-old girl,who was klllod while playing at hergrandmother's homo, In Ainherst countywhere she was spending the summer.The remains of Mr. Eugeno Farrar, of

Staunton, wero Interred In tho old familyburying ground nt Brookvllle this woek,whoro ho spent his boyhoods and enrlymanhood.Several cases of diphtheria In ???ß?p

havo appeared! this week, but nn opl-demlc Is not expected.

HOWARDSVILLE, VA.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

HC'WARDSVILLE, VA., Soptoinbor 23.-Mr. and Mrs, William Scott, of Atlanta,Ga., who havo been spending the summerwith relatives In Buckingham, returnedhomo yosterday.Miss Coatney Irving went to Lynchburg

last week to attend the Randolpll-MuoonCollege.Miss Katlo Scott left this week for

Chatham, Va., where she will attendschool,Messrs. Charllo and Dan iLowls re¬

turned to Panther, W. Va., Wednesday,after spending their vacation at theirhomo In Nolson county.Misses Mary and Boll Price, of Huy-

markot, Va., were tho guests last woekof Miss Hancock, nt "Locust· Hill," ·

Miss Pocnbontns Gnntt Is vlsltlinr -it

"Avon Hill," the liomo of Mrs. Z. Jt.Lewis,Mrs. F. 'H. McCulloch left several days

ago for Richmond, Vn.Miss Iimboll Andorson returned Wednes¬

day from a visit to her brother In Nol¬son oounty.Mr. A. H. Stodnrd, nf South Carolimi,

moved this woek to his new farm,"Argtiyle," near Howardsvlllo, which horecently purchased from Mr. Buffy.-1-

CREWE, VA.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

CREWE, VA., September ».-The Crowegradui) school opened on Monday with 309pupils. Tho session proiulsos to bo omt

of unusual Interest, owing to tho fuot thattho following gentlemen havo agreed togivo ii prize to thu pupil making thehighest general average In scholarship,uttendanco, deportment and effort. W. S.Downs, primary J L. Caplun, »rst gradii;H, ?. iPhllllps, second grade; E, l-\Locket, third grade; T. B. Oliver, fourthgnide; T. J. Sowers, fifth grado; A. L.Wouiiy, sixth grnilo; C. ?. Lano, seventhgrade; H. E. Lee, eighth grado; T. M.Bulrd, first high school; W. T. Wnninor,second high school; C. S. Smlihsoii, thirdhigh school.Rev. J. W. Ktnoheloe gives ? µ gold

piece to the best all-round boy in theschool.MUs Mnzie Ollis has returned from Nor¬

folk.Mrs, Louise Locket loft Friday for

Ai'kunsaa.Mrs. Mlnter Fergujon leaves early next

week for her honiu in Louisville, Ky.Ml»» Leila Scott retuni>--il front Statui¬

toli this woek.Ml«. ?. ?. Hunt, of R.cUuiJiid, spent

sover.il days of this week with relative«)and friends hero.Miss Lottie Staples returned to her

homo at Mohorrln Tuesday..Mrs. Wayt Royall, of Martinsville, is

visiting hor father's family here.Miss Bossle Oliver left Thursday to at¬

tend tho Blackstono Female Institute.Mrs. lE. K. Zirkle, of Norfolk, Is visit¬

ing hor parents here, Dr. and Mrs. D. W.Gills.Miss Lizzie Hayermnn, of Goodo's, will

spend tho winter with Olrs. Vf. F Wat-kins.Miss Mamlo Rice, of Farmvllio, is visit¬

ing Mrs. Horaco Anderson.Mr. and Mrs. Sims Chappoll left Fri¬

day for a stay of ten days in Prince Ed¬ward county, and Ronnoko City.The delegates from hero to tho Inter»

nation Young Mon's Christian Associa¬tion Conference nt Detroit, Mich., ars.Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Shanks, Mr. ..andMrs. B. F. Roblnotte, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. V.Roblnettc; Messrs. B. N. Waterhouse, J.W. Wheary and Steel Wheary. They con¬template a trip through Canada ere thoyireturn.

WILMINGTON, N. C.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

WILMINGTON, N. C, Sept. 23.-Sooletyhiis boon in a state of lethargy tho pastweek and from which thoro Is promisethat It will not awake before Ootobor,when tho social season will commence.However, soeloty circles were placed Ina flutter this week by tho announce·ment of tho approaching marriage onrtyIn next month of Miss Margaret Mearesof a representativo Cape Fonr familyand Mr. William Latlmer, a capitalistof this city. The affair will be a qulotone. but .will not lack In Interest onaccount of Its quietudeScvornl marriages occurred this wook,

In whloh Wllmlngtonlans were Interest¬ed, though thoy ocourred not directly Intho city, At ConnoU's Station, First Ser.gëant M. P. Joños, of tho United Stntesarmy, and1 who Is now statlonod at FortHancock, was wedded to Miss Lucy J.Perry. After tho marrlago coromoriy thahappy couplo camo to Wilmington andremained hero, tho guests of the groom'.imother, until Saturday, when they leftfor Fort Hancock.A decidedly pretty marriage In whloh

? young Wilmington divino, Rev. J. Mar¬vin Culhroth, officiated, wo», solemnisedat Town Crook. The contracting particiworo Miss Mattlo Taylor, daughter of Mr.E. W. Taylor, of Brunswick, njid M.\John Early GUI. a young business manof Henderson, N. C.Wednesday evening, In the olty. Mis*

Kfitlo Smith and Mr. Jeff Davis Brantleywero united In Marrlago, Rov. Geo. R.Webster conducting tho ceremony.Among tiloso who havo returned from

summering away Is Mrs. R. H. await·ney, u sister of Messrs. Harry and Vic¬tor T. Uoatwrlglu, of Norfolk, Vo.* Mrs,Gwultney returned from the resorts ofPennsylvania, but on hor return stop¬ped for several days In Richmond,

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