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PLOT AriA! . • ,. , - . .. -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ NST ... · len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf;...

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C., SATiJRDAY, APRIL 25, 19i4 " " ~' I:., ' "C- :" ; PRICE $2.00 AYEAR ; ' .... . . . . " ; - . . ,. , - . .. ... -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ [ "- . " . . . . ' ." " ' " " : .'"i~'"' - AriA! ers to i: : First Ball. PLOT NST AmateurP l a y UNIT[O3TATI SS[II[SPORTS ROYAL BANK II[. T[IlMFH ilF IEfl llllllll[llT - - - " " What is expected ,proveone ' ==. Th< probable'iine-up for the IH flA7[ITfll U U il ill La i I ofthei~bst enj0yable'entertain- U / IIILI41kiUU '|][[][|! llllllllllLlli first bail game of the season, ll| IlII~LL/OII ° after- " ': I Allegation That Asquith Gov- ernment Propossd to Over- Awe- Unionists'by ForCe -London, April 20!--It .i s di~- cult to conceive of anything less] i suggestive of Irish peace'than I the angry charges and counter~ 1 cliarges thrown ' from side to Side I this morning regarding-~the al- leged Ulster plot The Unionist forwards were most definite in their allegations that Winston Churchill and David Lloyd Gee.' rge, with the connivance of Colo- nel Seeiy, Sir John French and Sir Arthur Paget, planned to overawe Ulster, even at the risk of drenching :the • province in blood. What seems probable is that a sub-committee of the cab- inet, headed by Churchill, deter- .mined thatthe time had come to assert the power of the govern- ~".ment' by a demonstration -Of force, "occupying " Ulster with foot and artillery,Bupportedby battleshipsand destroyers, -,. Tel~A't~~t . The: annual ieneral meetinK of Telkwa athletm" association was iheldat Svenson's Halll T{qlc.wa, on bpril 21, and was attenddd . ",by i.almosb- all-the residents:::0f. botiiTelkwa and A.Idermere. ' . The .following. officers, were elected for the ensuing yeai,: ' Hen. president,R. J; McD0nell; pr&ident; C; R. M. Gale; rife- president,E. M. Hoops;secretary- treasurer, B.N.M.Hoops, gen- erai Committee: J. J.-McNeil', G. Macdonell, E, G.. Ayliffe;-.O~ A; Reigle; and Simpson. ,- Football captain, C. R. M. Gale, baseball manager, O. A. Reigle; field sports manager, G. Mac- donell. Financial committee: T. J. Thorp, A. H. 'Wallace, and R. L~ Gale. It was]decided to hold a dance on Mayf. '- A rough sehedulde of-matches and spdrts.wasdiscussed and left to the committee to a~range. A busy season is. expected. oi y.We. l " .On Thursday morning H. F. Gi sey Miss Sarah Weasel weremarried in St..Peter's ..:;..Church,.; by Rev..W.S. Larter. .The bride is a sister of Mrs. Hugk 'rayi0r'.:" The '~oung eoupie, wh0 are the recipients ' of go0d wishes.fron~ mally : friends, ~.~wilT reside--'mHazeR0nfor s0tne weeks; 5ufwiil make their pe'rin~nent home in the KisPiox Valley, • ~Mrsi-Fakeleyi.Who' imsTbeen .... .-villting Rev. and. ,Mrs.Batzold, ..... at~mRhers, returned :.to Hazel- • ::'fen iast,Siindayl ii~d:i.:is<staying .... at,the Hospital for a few days;, "before ~oing to resume her duties ,,: • ~, . ,..at KiSpiox ~feho01; ..-• '::~ Chu,: .W-Smlth,,-havlng.eom- " ' of hii ~urii; I "-- plated tSerel~dklins ed L..,,store; .IS] ii=0W, eilgiiiliid in;ei'ect- ;''L ': :c :. ;+.', .... " o; ~'~ ~.,~'~-":~ " ';,~,'..: ' merits 'ever: given in Haz~eRon will-t.ake placeon Thursday even~ ing next,:, when: :the amateur player s wil! present a double bill in the Assembly -Haili in. aid yof the school fund:., The old favor- . Washington, April 22:--unitec ire, "Box and Cox," will be per- States Warships hav~seized.Tam formed by the followingcast: " pico and' Vera Cruz, the two John Box;a printer, G. :R. ports of entry on theAtlantic Middleton.'- " James Cox,:a hat-'coast of Mexico, and' have taken ter,J. R; Fuller. Mrs. Bouncer, over the custom houses "and.the Mrs. Hicks Beach'. • ' . railwayfrom Vera.Cruz to Mexi- "Poor PillicoddY"-will beplayed bY l~he following amate.urs:. PiliicoddyiW..F. Brewer; Cap- tain 0"Scuttle, G. R. Middleton; Mrs. Pillic0ddy, -IVIiss. Pearl Al- len; Mrs~ O'Scuttle, Miss Vera Peel; Sarah-Blunt, Mrs. Hicks Beach. • Our Mineral Production London, April 20:--The publi- cation of the mining statistics of Canada has been skilfully hand- led by those responsible for Cana- dian publicity- on -this side and some rather striking analyses have been made and have created a favorable ImpresSion . .... : ' The first, fae1~: '-imPrelsed~'~d" all ts l;hat:"ln a: year''. Of.. financial s_tri~encr '~an d •deli~,.e. as!on, the: Domlnmn reld~tereda, rec01~d In mieral- p oiiuctiQn :: who have inclined to pessimism and' those ~-who..:,have openly preached blue ruin for~ Canada must be impressed with the fact that fin minerals alone Canada produced' nearly $20 per head of" her popuiatiJi~, i OPEH SEASONS DEi]LARED Affront to American Flag .: Precipitates lnterventiow.- President Wilson AuthbrlZed to Use Army and Navy Against Huerta..-MexicanFactions Will Unite to Oppose Invading Forces.i c0City. There has been no de- claration of war,. the action of th-e United States having been taken as a means of enforcing compliance with the American demand for a salute to the flag by Huerta,~ pro~isional president of Mexico. •.Regarding the American action as the beginning.0fwar, the fed- eralistsand i'evolutionaries ~have" suspended their civil war, and are expected to join in opposing the invaders. In'Mexico City, the:capital, anti-AmeriCan - de~ monstrations are of .h0ur!y.,oc- currence', . : . ; " ,:i(:;7. • The greater, part,of, the United' S~ates ..fiestAs n0w;.~In MeXi~liri :waters, add :tro0~a are belng concentrated along the border, i:. ~'..On~.~;Aprili~ 9 : unarmedL isai].o .rsi from the United' states steam- ship, Dolphin,.were arrested at Tampico~: "while .taking off Sup' plies for•their, ship. The men were later .released,. on 'orders from General Huerta. The Mexi- can president,in apologising for the incident, declared that mar- tiallaw,was in force and that the sailorshad no right ,toland. . ,~ . - . " ...... .- ........ - - The American admiral.. Mayo, The B. C. Gazette announces the following open seasons: :- deemed the affrpntto the United For the killing and sellingof States flagsoserious that he de- bear. for aperiod of twoyears clared the apology insufficient from April 1st,1914, and demanded that the Ameri- Fbr. the killing of .mountain goat from September ist i~o De- cember 15th, both dates inclusive, in the yea~ 19.14and 1915. ),. ;:. For the killing of caribou O1 the~ male sex and over one year of age, ;from September 1st to Decembcr 15th,iboth dates in- clusive in the years 1914 and 1915. . . . , i ~ ~iFor'.'the kiilin~ of' moose of'thee male sex and over one year: of age, in the Cariboo, ALl'in, Skeena and Columbia Electoral districts, from Septeniber l~t to December 15th~ both dates: in~lilsiVe, in the years 1914 andi1915..~ . For the kiliih~::bi.::inountain ,"," - .;' ' ' .. : ;. .... "i"J,,, ";.": Sheep" of": the. male sex: and Over one year :of~iage:throughout t e ,; , , ,'"'.' ".~C'/,: . province,, except. in tim Yale~ Simililameen~i"~:an'd' 0kanSas Electoral disl;ricts,:~ fron~8aptera ~ dates'i. iusive,"in the: years i9i4 and 1915.; . •.. " :~' ': :-ii.<.:{ •,:. can flag be saluted with special ceremony;. •The. action of Admiral Mayo Was'sustained by.President Wil- son, and General Huerta was notifiedthat the~demand for a 21-gun salute must be acceded to. " This the Mexican president refused, " " : Practically the "entire Atlantic fleet Was ordered, to Mexican waters to enforce the: apologetic salute. " Huerta persisted in his refusal to fire< the salute unless it was answered gun for. gun, and on Monday President Wilson appeared before congress to ex- plain the situat;ion and ask for appr0valand suppert in the ac- tion he had taken. He answered Huerta's defiance by asking con, grass, assllmbled ill j oln1~ Session for approvalto '-'use'. the armed forcesl. of the United States in- sueh'.ways'and to- such extent as may be neeessasy to obtain from GeneraiHuerta and his adherents tSe ~fullosttrecognition 0f ~! the ~rl~hf~a~ddlgnlty of the United States~!.~:: '~ :_..: :."(;Tilere~a~be no thought .,el aggression :,~iif selfish agg,and; ." ~,i President ' "~"? ".i~ izement,'!deciared the ] to tli# iiob~i~-i~iic~d throng of sen~ [packed bf"ihe house,' iiiiiit-i~'~ an,: ex ~,~ "This government can, I earn- estly hope, in' no circumstances be'forced into war with the peo, ple of Mexico. If armed conflict should unhappily come as a re- sult of his (Huerta's) attitude of bhysical resentment towards the government,, we should be fight- ng only General Huerta and those who adhere to" him and give him support, and.our object Would be 0nly to restore to the people of the distracted republic ~he opportunity to set up again their .own laws and ~heir own government." i A.billto approl~riate $50,0{}0,- 000 to be expended by the presl- dent was introduced, and the .resolution asked for by Mr. Wil. son was passed in the house by 337 to 37. In the senate there was delay, the matter being de- bated on the ground that it was .inadvisable t oi.l ndivldualh.e.iluer- ta in thel resolution ......... .~. Vera Cru~, A--~rll 21.'--'. P a n of ith.e American 'fleet"has been ~li.ve~ted-_ t o _ t h i s por.t,.;j~wh_ie.h, is being fortified by the Mexican government. It is expected that the ! United States forces- will Seize the customhouse and the railway running to Mexico" City. R.E. Allen and H..C. King- horn, of the forest branch, re- turned this morning from a trip t0the Bulkley Valley. The preliminary trial of the bank robbers will not be held un- til the wounded men in the Hos- pital have recovered sufficiently to appear in court. Mrs. Rowe, of Long Beach, Cal., accompanied by her son and daughter, arrived in Hazei- ton on Sunday. They intend t~o locate in the Kispiox Valley.. Mrs. Douglass entered the Hos- pital on Tuesday, suffering frown wsudden attack of. appendicitis, ior which .she was successfully operated upon by Dr. Wrinch. Bert Longhas breugbt his au- tom0bil~ from Prince Rupert, W.here he spent the winter. Hie Will have the machine in com- mission here during the summer. The mudslides on :the G. T. P. east of Smithers h~ave been giv- ing. railway Officials a great deal of trouble during the last tWo weeks, there having• been a vir- tuaT tie-up. ~iissAmy Grist has just finish- ed herthree years trainingeourse 0f: nu.rsing at the Hospital, and Will. shortly leave for. her home in Victoria, after passing.the -~raduation examinations. - : ~',r." . C. Mint ' :.Chief Constable A. " " ~Y ~.rdved frem.Fernie on Wednes, day, to takd Charge of thisp0iice diltrtct~ ~,in' succession to Chief 'G~m~h~;;:~ho. '~ wiii leave in'about ik.Weekfor P.rince Rupert, where ~tTwd|.S~~it~Sfef Owen, The scheduled for tomorrow noon, is as follows: Benedicts: Graham Rock, c,' Sinclair, p, Little, lb, R. J. Rock, 2b, Darling, 3b, Lynch, as, Gam- mon, If, Glassey, rf, R. E. Allen, Cj~ " . Bachel0rs: Macdonald,p, Birch, el, Long, as, Fred Brewer, 2b, Imlay, 3b, O'Shea, rf, D, G. Ai- len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone. W. S. "Duke" Harris returned on Sunday from a trip to the coast cities. He states that there is a noticeable revival of interest in'mining on the outside, and ex- pects to see quite an influx of mining men and capital in this district. A' hoist for the Harris Mines has been ordered from Montreal. Mr. Harris was ac- companied by-his mother, Mrs. Dan. Harris, who has been visit- ing her daughter in Vancouver. I[hndlt'l Victim Dead Seattle, April 20:--CharleeF. Swirtz, the pissenger who was .wounded when the attempt was ~ade to h01d up'the interurban train;hu dled ana result of his injuHes, ... : .' " . " "'::J .... T re.w_,., the ..hold-u.p man,-w~ alsp so ~dly beat~ tl~athe'-"is now dead. T~he prosecuting at- tO.r~dey has filed .an 'information of: murder in the first degree. LOCAL NEWS PARAO PHS W. H. Walker returned on Wednesday from a~visit to the coast. L~ W. Palmers. the Prince Rupert lawyer, was here early in the.-week. F." P, McHeffey, of Vancouver, was among theweek's visitors in Haze]ton. Work has been started on the government experimental station at ti~e Hospital. i, J. 'C. K. Scaly . returned on Sunday from a visit to his Buik- ley Valley ranch. H. E. Walker, provincial agri; culturist, was down from Telkwa during the week. "Cecil Wright,: of Victoria, has been: appointed :a"eierk in the government office here. C; E. Bailey, the pre-emptio'n inspector, came from Smithers yesterday, for a brief Visit. - i' ' The tennis club executive is haviDg the court on the hill in condition for play, place'd , Miss M. ~k. Barbeau,-of Prince Rupert, is" diapiayini ; a; large Stock of milliner~ in Hazelton thi s -Week. , John and Robert Johnson, two English" settlers, Were kiiied at Kttaumkalum lake last week, in a rlmaway ~ accident,. . An effort is .being made to at. One of the Strongest .Banks in Canada Opens Branch Herd On Thursday a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada was open- ed in Hazelton, in the office for- merly occupied by the Bank of Vancouver, which closed its local branch on the 22nd. The Royal is one of tne strongest banks in Canada and has a large number of branches in British Columbia. Its entry into this district~ by the establishment of offices at Hazelton and Fol't Fraser, will be welcomed. A. D. McLeod, who comes from one of the Vancouver branches of the Royal to take charge here, is a capable and ex- perienced bank official. Winnipeg Special Delayed Prince George, April 20:--The special train making the return trip on the newly-linked up G. T. P. transcontinental arrived here yesterday with Mr. Morley Donaldson, vice-president and general manager, and other- offi- cials on board, On account of the soft track and trouble at Several of the temperary bridges, siliw progress has:been- made ~on the journey, and i t was hecesaary 7oie Te-%he'frain here the c~;ossing of the Fraser river. in launches. Announcement was made by Mr. A. B..Smith, mana- ge.r of the. telegraph service, that the telegraph line had been completed through to the coast. but that it would be some"time %afore a regular commercial ser- vice could be Started. Agricultural Meeting At a recent meeting of the Bulkley Valley Agricultural.Asso- ciation and Farmers' Institute, held in Telkwa. it. was decided to rescind l the resolution under Which the association was to be dissolved for reorganizatior/. For this season, at least, the organi- zation will work under its old charter. President E. C. Bar- ger and the other officers were re-elected, with the addition, of H. A. Beck as secretary. Mr. Beck undertakes to be in Alder-. mere every Saturday and Sunday. At other times subscriptions, etc,, mdy be left in care of Thorp & Hoops. s The association voted in favor % . .. , . of holding a fair.at Telkwain September. Thinks Hishly of FnmcOb Mr.and Mrs. E.C.Perdueand lit, tie son, of Francois lake, who have been spending the winter in Seattle, have returned. :Mr. Perdue thinks very, highly 0f~the Vi:ospects of the Francois .itnd ~ .:i Ootsa district. ,': .The estabihS-~il :!: meat of anslricultui'al:-rex~i;. :: ~ ;Q~7 ment station' at Harrls'8~eh : ' by the provincial auth0ritlei'~ili .... }. range i !baseball Rmne i betweent p~ve Of.inestitnable benefit to Prince.Rupert and .Huelton, u the settlers. Mr; Pe~i0e:l~li~v~ 0f the pro~' for the cel~]!i~e staple indtmt~ ofh|9 distHe : wili briition ii~ of. DomldiOii~iDa~i ~here(t ~pmve.:to :be da~nit~!~il~ Tbo .il~liitle ,itll~'iiiO'ii L. in.tend s :!~ullh he: tlfi~i:ii:.i P~ilii~i~ ~i eitol~i.mid Mira for that h01id+', +@ thai%, F; :+., (i::+: `: to: F:+~+ ~:7;:/+.' %,i' ' " . . . . . . . ' "; ~t <];7=:,:. . ": ....... :"i --,', , ..." " .' .:,-i"i:..;.~: :~,; .':~.7~'j ~ :: ~77,,:rTk~" .:,7'7 ~7,2"~7~7~('~77';~: )77
Page 1: PLOT AriA! . • ,. , - . .. -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ NST ... · len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone. W. S. "Duke" Harris returned

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:- DIN IN NORTHERN BRITISH , : ,.,. ::.: :: . . . . . . . . • . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : - : : , • . . - :

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VOL~>IIL: NO[.:34: :-'~.- L ; " " . ::::7 /-;i. '" :( HAZELTON, B. C., SATiJRDAY, APRIL 25, 19i4 " " ~' I:., ' "C- :" ; PRICE $2.00 AYEAR ; ' . . . . . . . . " ; -

. . • ,. , - . .. . . . - . r . : , : : , . , . . , . . ~ [ "- . • " . . . . ' . " • " ' " " : . ' " i ~ ' " ' - •

AriA! ers t o i: : First Ball. PLOT NST Amateur P l a y UNIT[O3TATI SS[II[SPORTS ROYAL BANK II[. T[IlMFH ilF IEfl llllllll[llT - - - " " What is expected , p r o v e o n e ' = = . Th< probable'i ine-up for the I H f l A 7 [ I T f l l U U i l i l l La i I of thei~bst enj0yable'entertain- U / I I I L I 4 1 k i U U ' | ] [ [ ] [ | ! l l l l l l l l l l L l l i first bail game of the season, l l | I l I I ~ L L / O I I

° after- " ': I Allegation That Asquith Gov- ernment Propossd to Over- Awe- Unionists'by ForCe

-London, April 20!--It .i s di~- cult to conceive of anything less]

i suggestive of Irish peace ' than I the angry charges and counter~ 1 cliarges thrown ' from side to Side I this m o r n i n g regarding-~the al- leged Ulster plot The Unionist forwards were most definite in

t h e i r allegations that Winston Churchill and David Lloyd Gee.' rge, with the connivance of Colo- nel Seeiy, Sir John French and Sir Arthur Paget, planned to • overawe Ulster, even at the risk of drenching :the • province in blood. What seems probable is that a sub-committee of the cab- inet, headed by Churchill, deter- .mined thatthe time had come to assert the power of the govern-

~".ment' by a demonstration -Of force, "occupying " Ulster with foot and artillery, Bupportedby battleships and destroyers,

-,. T e l ~ A ' t ~ ~ t . The: annual ieneral meetinK of

Telkwa athletm" association was iheldat Svenson's Halll T{qlc.wa, on bpril 21, and w a s attenddd

. ",by i.almosb- all -the residents:::0f. botii Telkwa and A.Idermere. ' . • The .following. officers, were

elected for the ensuing yeai,: ' Hen. president, R. J; McD0nell;

pr&ident; C; R. M. Gale; rife- president, E. M. Hoops;secretary- treasurer, B.N.M.Hoops, gen- erai Committee: J. J.-McNeil', G. Macdonell, E, G.. Ayliffe;-.O~ A; Reigle; and Simpson. ,-

Football captain, C. R. M. Gale, baseball manager, O. A. Reigle; field sports manager, G. Mac- donell.

Financial committee: T. J. Thorp, A. H. 'Wallace, and R. L~ Gale.

It was]decided to hold a dance on Mayf. '- A rough sehedulde of-matches

and spdrts.wasdiscussed and left to the committee to a~range. A busy season is. expected.

oi y.We. l " .On Thursday morning H. F.

Gi sey Miss Sarah Weasel weremarried in St..Peter's

..:;..Church,.; by Rev. .W.S. Larter. .The bride is a sister of Mrs. Hugk 'rayi0r'.:" The '~oung eoupie, wh0 are the recipients ' of go0d wishes.fron~ mally : friends, ~.~wilT reside--'m HazeR0nfor s0tne weeks; 5ufwiil m a k e their pe'rin~nent home in the KisPiox Valley,

• ~Mrsi- Fakeleyi. Who' imsTbeen .... .-villting Rev. and. ,Mrs. Batzold,

..... at~mRhers, returned :.to Hazel- • ::'fen iast,Siindayl ii~d:i.:is<staying

.... a t , the Hospital for a few days;, "before ~oing to resume her duties

, , : • ~ ,

. ,..at KiSpiox ~feho01; ..-•

'::~ Chu,: .W-Smlth,,-havlng.eom- • " ' of hi i ~urii; I "-- plated tSerel~dklins

ed L..,,store; .IS] ii=0W, eilgiiiliid in;ei'ect-

; ' ' L ' : : c : . ;+.', . . . . " o ; ~'~ ~.,~'~-":~ " ' ; ,~, ' . . : '

merits 'ever: given in Haz~eRon will-t.ake placeon Thursday even~ ing next,:, when: :the amateur player s wil ! present a double bill in the Assembly - Haili in. aid y of the school fund:., The old favor- . Washington, April 22:--unitec ire, "Box and Cox," will be per- States Warships hav~seized.Tam formed by the followingcast: " pico and' Vera Cruz, the two

John B o x ; a printer, G. :R. ports of entry on theAt lan t ic Middleton.'- " James Cox,:a hat-'coast of Mexico, and' have taken ter, J. R; Fuller. Mrs. Bouncer, over the custom houses "and. the Mrs. Hicks Beach'. • ' . railway from Vera.Cruz to Mexi-

"Poor PillicoddY"-will beplayed bY l~he following amate.urs:.

Piliicoddyi W..F. Brewer; Cap- tain 0"Scuttle, G. R. Middleton; Mrs. Pillic0ddy, -IVIiss. Pearl Al- len; Mrs~ O'Scuttle, Miss Vera Peel; Sarah-Blunt, Mrs. Hicks Beach. •

Our Mineral Production London, April 20:--The publi-

cation of the mining statistics of Canada has been skilfully hand- led by those responsible for Cana- dian publicity- on -this side and some rather striking analyses have been made and have created a favorable ImpresSion. .... :

' The first, fae1~: '-imPrelsed~'~d" all ts l;hat:"ln a: year''. Of.. financial s_tri~encr '~an d •deli~,.e. as!on, the: Domlnmn reld~tereda, rec01~d In mi eral- p oiiuctiQn :: w h o have inclined to pessimism a n d ' those ~-who..:,have openly preached blue ruin for ~ Canada must be impressed with the fact that fin minerals alone Canada produced' nearly $20 per head of" her popuiatiJi~, i


Affront to American Flag .: Precipitates lnterventiow.- President Wilson AuthbrlZed to Use Army and Navy Against Huerta . . -MexicanFact ions Will Unite to Oppose Invading Forces.i

c0City. There has been no de- claration of war,. the action of th-e United States having been taken as a means of enforcing compliance with the American demand for a salute t o the flag by Huerta,~ pro~isional president of Mexico. • .Regarding the American action as the beginning.0fwar, the fed- eralists and i'evolutionaries ~have" suspended their civil war, and are expected to join in opposing the invaders. In'Mexico City, the: capital, anti-AmeriCan - de~ monstrations are of .h0ur!y.,oc- currence', . : . ; " ,:i(:;7. • • The greater, part,of, the United'

S~ates .. fiestAs n0w;.~In MeXi~liri :waters, add :tro0~a are belng concentrated along the border, i:.

~'..On~.~;Aprili~ 9 : unarmedL isai].o .rsi from the United' states steam- ship, Dolphin,. were arrested at Tampico~: "while .taking off Sup' plies for•their, ship. The men were later .released,. on 'orders from General Huerta. The Mexi- can president, in apologising for the incident, declared that mar- tial law,was in force and that the sailors had no right ,toland.

. , ~ .

- • . " ...... .- ........ - - The American admiral.. Mayo, The B. C. Gazette announces

the following open seasons: :- deemed the affrpnt to the United For the killing and selling of States flag soserious that he de-

bear. for aperiod of twoyears clared the apology insufficient from April 1st, 1914, and demanded that the Ameri-

Fbr. the killing of .mountain goat from September ist i~o De- cember 15th, both dates inclusive, in the yea~ 19.14and 1915. ) , . ;:.

For the killing of caribou O1 the~ male sex a n d over one year of age, ;from September 1st to Decembcr 15th,iboth dates in- clusive in the years 1914 and 1915. . . . , i ~ ~i For'.' the kiilin~ of' moose of'thee male sex and over one year: of age, in the Cariboo, ALl'in, Skeena and Columbi a Electoral districts, from Septeniber l~t to December 15th~ both dates: in~lilsiVe, in the years 1914 andi1915..~ . • For the ki l i ih~::bi. : : inountain

,"," - .;' ' ' .. : ;. .... "i"J,,, ";.":

Sheep" of": the. male sex: and Over one year :of~iage:throughout t e • , ; • , , , ' " ' . ' ".~C'/,: • .

province,, except. in tim Yale~ Simililameen~i "~ :an'd' 0kanSas Electoral disl;ricts,:~ fron~ 8aptera ~

dates'i. iusive,"in the: years i9i4 and 1 9 1 5 . ; . •.. " : ~ ' ': :-ii.<.:{ •,:.

can flag be saluted with special ceremony;. • The. action of Admiral Mayo Was'sustained by.President Wil- son, and General Huerta was notified that the~demand for a 21-gun salute must be acceded to. " This the Mexican president refused, " " :

Practically the "entire Atlantic fleet Was ordered, to Mexican waters to enforce the: apologetic salute. " Huerta persisted in his refusal to fire< the salute unless it was answered gun for. gun, and on Monday President Wilson appeared before congress to ex- plain the situat;ion and ask for appr0valand suppert in the ac- tion he had taken. He answered Huerta's defiance by asking con, grass, assllmbled ill j oln1~ Session for approval to '-'use'. the armed forces l. of the United States in- sueh'.ways'and to- such extent as may be neeessasy to obtain from GeneraiHuerta and his adherents tSe ~fullost trecognition 0f ~! the ~rl~hf~a~ddlgnlty of the United States~!.~:: '~ :_..: :. "(;Tilere~a~be no thought .,el aggression :,~iif selfish agg,and;

." ~,i President ' " ~ " ? " . i ~ izement,'!deciared the ] to tli# iiob~i~-i~iic~d throng of sen~

[ packed bf"ihe house,'

iiiiiit-i~'~ an,: ex

~,~ "This government can, I earn- estly hope, in' no circumstances be'forced into war with the peo, ple of Mexico. If armed conflict should unhappily come as a re- sult of his (Huerta's) attitude of bhysical resentment towards the government,, we should be fight- ng only General Huerta and

• those who adhere to" him and • give him support, and.our object Would be 0nly to restore to the people of the distracted republic ~he opportunity to set up again their .own laws and ~heir own government." i A.bill to approl~riate $50,0{}0,- 000 to be expended by the presl- dent was introduced, and the .resolution asked for by Mr. Wil. son was passed in the house by 337 to 37. In the senate there was delay, the matter being de- bated on the ground that it was .inadvisable t oi.l ndivldualh.e.iluer- ta in thel resolution ......... .~.

Vera Cru~, A--~rll 21.'--'. Pan of ith.e American ' f leet"has been ~li.ve~ted-_ to_ th i s por.t,.;j~wh_ie.h, is being fortified by the Mexican government. It is expected that the ! United States forces- will Seize t h e customhouse and the railway running to Mexico" City.

R.E. Allen and H..C. King- horn, of the forest branch, re- turned this morning from a trip t0 the Bulkley Valley.

The preliminary trial of the bank robbers will not be held un- til the wounded men in the Hos- pital have recovered sufficiently to appear in court.

Mrs. Rowe, of Long Beach, Cal., accompanied by her son and daughter, arrived in Hazei- ton on Sunday. They intend t~o locate in the Kispiox Valley.. •

Mrs. Douglass entered the Hos- pital on Tuesday, suffering frown wsudden attack of. appendicitis, ior which .she was successfully operated upon by Dr. Wrinch.

Bert Longhas breugbt his au- tom0bil~ from Prince Rupert, W.here he spent the winter. Hie Will have the machine in com- mission here during the summer.

The mudslides on :the G. T. P. east of Smithers h~ave been giv- ing. railway Officials a great deal of trouble dur ing the last tWo weeks, there having• been a vir- tuaT tie-up.

~iissAmy Grist has just finish- ed herthree years trainingeourse 0f: n u.rsing at the Hospital, and Will. shortly leave for. her home in Victoria, after passing.the -~raduation examinations. - : ~', r."

. C. Mint ' :.Chief Constable A. " " ~Y ~.rdved frem.Fernie on Wednes, day, to takd Charge of thisp0iice diltrtct~ ~, in ' succession t o Chief 'G~m~h~;;:~ho. '~ wi i i leave in'about ik.Weekfor P.rince Rupert, where ~tTwd| .S~~i t~Sfef Owen, The

scheduled for tomorrow noon, is as follows:

Benedicts: Graham Rock, c,' Sinclair, p, Little, lb, R. J. Rock, 2b, Darling, 3b, Lynch, as, Gam- mon, If, Glassey, rf, R. E. Allen, C j ~ " .

Bachel0rs: Macdonald,p, Birch, el, Long, as, Fred Brewer, 2b, Imlay, 3b, O'Shea, rf, D, G. Ai- len,, lb, Kinghorn, If , Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone.

W. S. "Duke" Harris returned on Sunday from a trip to the coast cities. He states that there is a noticeable revival of interest in'mining on the outside, and ex- pects to see quite an influx of mining men and capital in this district. A' hoist for the Harris Mines has been ordered from Montreal. Mr. Harris was ac- companied by-his mother, Mrs. Dan. Harris, who has been visit- ing her daughter in Vancouver.

I[hndlt'l Victim Dead Seattle, April 20:--CharleeF.

Swirtz, the pissenger who was .wounded when the attempt was ~ a d e to h01d up'the interurban t r a i n ; h u dled ana result of his injuHes, ... : .' " . " "'::J .... T re.w_,., the ..hold-u.p man , -w~ alsp so ~d ly b e a t ~ tl~athe'-"is now dead. T~he prosecuting at- tO.r~dey has filed .an 'information of: murder in the first degree.

LOCAL NEWS PARAO PHS W. H. Walker returned on

Wednesday from a~visit to the coast.

L~ W. Palmers. the Prince Rupert lawyer, was here early in the.-week.

F." P, McHeffey, of Vancouver, was among theweek's visitors in Haze]ton.

• Work has been started on the government experimental station at ti~e Hospital. i ,

J. 'C. K. Scaly . returned on Sunday from a visit to his Buik- ley Valley ranch.

H. E . Walker, provincial agri; culturist, was down from Telkwa during the week. "Cecil Wright,: of Victoria, has been: appointed :a"eierk in the government office here.

C; E. Bailey, the pre-emptio'n inspector, came from Smithers yesterday, for a brief Visit. - i ' ' The tennis club executive is haviDg the court on the hill

in condition for play, place'd , Miss M. ~k. Barbeau,-of Prince

Rupert, is" d iap iay in i ; a ; large Stock of mil l iner~ in Hazelton thi s -Week. , John and Robert Johnson, two English" settlers, Were kiiied at Kttaumkalum lake last week, in a rlmaway ~ accident,. .

An effort is .being made to at.

One of the St ronges t .Banks in C a n a d a Opens B r a n c h H e r d

On Thursday a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada was open- ed in Hazelton, in the office for- merly occupied by the Bank of Vancouver, which closed its local branch on the 22nd. The Royal is one of tne strongest banks in Canada and has a large number of branches in British Columbia. Its ent ry into this district~ by the establishment of offices at Hazelton and Fol't Fraser, will be welcomed. A. D. McLeod, who comes from one of the Vancouver branches of the Royal to take charge here, is a capable and ex- perienced bank official.

Winnipeg Special Delayed Prince George, April 20:--The

special train making the return trip on the newly-linked up G. T. P. transcontinental arrived here yesterday with Mr. Morley Donaldson, vice-president and general manager, and other- offi- cials on board, On account of the soft track and trouble at Several of the temperary bridges, siliw progress has:been- made ~on the journey, and i t was hecesaary 7oie Te-%he'frain here the c~;ossing of the Fraser river. in launches. Announcement was made by Mr. A. B..Smith, mana- ge.r of t h e . telegraph service, that the telegraph line had been completed through to the coast. but that it would be some"t ime %afore a regular commercial ser- vice could be Started.

Agricultural Meeting At a recent meeting of the

Bulkley Valley Agricultural.Asso- ciation a n d Farmers' Institute, held in Telkwa. it. was decided to rescind l the resolution under Which the association was to be

dissolved for reorganizatior/. For this season, at least, the organi- zation will work under i t s old charter. President E. C. Bar- ger and the other officers were re-elected, with t h e addition, of H. A. Beck as secretary. Mr. Beck undertakes to be in Alder-. mere every Saturday and Sunday. At other times subscriptions, etc,, mdy be left in care of Thorp & Hoops. s

The association voted in favor % . . . , .

of holding a fair .at Telkwain September.

Thinks Hishly of FnmcOb Mr.and Mrs. E.C.Perdueand lit,

tie son, of Francois lake, who have been spending the winter in Seattle, have returned. :Mr. Perdue thinks very, highly 0f~ the Vi:ospects of t h e Francois .itnd ~ .:i Ootsa district. ,': .The estabihS-~il :!: meat of anslricultui'al:-rex~i;. :: ~ ;Q~7 ment station' at H a r r l s ' 8 ~ e h : ' by the provincial auth0ritlei'~ili .... }.

range i !baseball Rmne i betweent p ~ v e Of. inesti tnable benefit to Prince.Rupert and .Huelton, u the settlers. Mr; Pe~i0e:l~li~v~

0f the p r o ~ ' for the cel~]!i~e staple indtmt~ ofh |9 distHe : wili briit ion ii~ of. DomldiOii~iDa~i ~here(t ~pmve.:to :be d a ~ n i t ~ ! ~ i l ~

Tbo . i l~ l i i t le , i t l l~ ' i i iO' i i L. in.tend s :!~ullh he: tlfi~i:ii:.i P~ilii~i~ ~i

eitol~i.mid M i r a for that h01id+', +@ thai%, F; :+., (i::+: ̀: to: F:+~+ ~:7;:/+.' %,i' ' " . . . . . . . ' " ; ~t <];7=:,:.

. ": ....... :"i --,', , ..." " .' .:,-i"i :..;.~: :~,; .':~.7~'j ~ :: ~77,,:rTk~" .:,7'7 ~7,2"~7~7~('~77';~: )77

Page 2: PLOT AriA! . • ,. , - . .. -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ NST ... · len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone. W. S. "Duke" Harris returned

.... " . . . . . . . . . . THE OMINECA ~I.NER, SATURDAY, APRIL'2~, 1914:: -:i::i!i.i'.i.:".:::i)+..::i.,:.:.i:.)+'+.., {, . . . . ! : +: ] :: f : " i : ,~ " " : '

T h e @m nec . . . . .... .... i .i i . + , i . . . . i .... ]p::heOu~hi:e~th;:a~::d, the cost ~1 . . . . . . . ": " " " ' . . . . . .

PUBLISI~ED EVERY SATURDAY AT HAZELTO.N, THm ~P.mTER OF THE[" " would be 9 o " : 0 ! .... [ . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.Iow+r t h a n . i n some o t h e r + Sargent s=the FatvorRe Shopping P][ace GREAT OMINECA DISTRICT OF BRITISR COLIJMB!.A.,_. 1 .........................


• : " -icouhtries if the. works v,;ere b.uilt A. R. Macdonald, Publisher and Proprietor. in Pensylvania or-. Alabama,

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada and British Possessions, Two Dollars a ! where seal and iron lie side by year: Foreign, Three Dollars a year. ! side and competent artisans could

ADVERTISING RATES: Display, $1.50 per inch per month; Reading! . . . . . . Notices, 15 cents per Hue for each insertion. Legal notices inserted at B. C. ne oDl;alneQ_ from. the private Gazette rates. J factories such as the Carnegie

VOL. III. SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 1914. NO. 34. Bethlehem companies. .... , The cost of manufacturing a

An article in the Colonist has provoked a discussion of the harm done to the mining industry by wildcatting. Our Victoria contemporary advises the public to beware of irresponsible promot- ers who are likely to take advantage of the revival in mining. Dealing with the argument that without speculation mining never amounts to anything anywhere,, and instances wheremen had made fortunes by "staying by" a mining venture, the Colonist says: "this is no doubt very true. But "staying bY" a prospect is not

~ wild-catting. It is perfectly proper, legitimate and altogether de. sirable that people should do this, and one of the .weaknesses of mining development in this province is that .so very f e : ' z of our people are willing to test prospects, which more speculative people! vessels ranges from $100,000 to get held of attd work until they have proved ei therthat they are l over $400,000, saying nothing of or are not mines. The whole world heat's of those that are; nobody[ the cost of.building the hull.

T " " ~ " hears a tythmg of those that are not. But if one man, or a group l Mr. Hensley, a member of the of men choose to do this sort of thing it is" their own business, ' and ] committee, pointed out that with- it would be a good thing if we had more men .with 'the necessary ]in the last ten Years the United amount of courage and money to prove more of the many prospects l States had spent on its navy that,,have been uncovered m this province. . :: . . I nearly,' ff not quite, $1, 000, 00. 0, -

But between that sort of thing and "wild-catting" there is all ]000 in excess of the amount ex- the difference in the world, and we are very much surprised to/P ended by Japan. Another, Mr. think anyone should not have seen the difference Here the dic./Withersp out, showed that within tionary comes to our aid, and we find in thelatest edition of Web- the last twelve years, the States ster a wild-cat described as something that js "unsound and unsafe; had spent a good deal more than unreliable; irresponsible." A prospectus of a stock flotation, based Germany and. Japan put together, upon hypothetical profits of something" not yet in existence, comes and that the navy expenditure under this definition, and that is exactly the sort of thing we had was now ten tim.es greater than in mind when we expressed the hope that the forthcoming growth it was 30 years ago. Admiral of the mining industry would not be made the excuse for. such Strauss said that, in his opinion, flotations, and warned the public against having anything to do the American navy was a highly with them." efficient one, but he confessed

Grand Trunk Pacilic officials I settler while he is putting .up~ a i report to headqttarters in Man- house, and' if those who are

treal from time to time many in- bachelors desire, they may boai'd teresting colonization schemes'at a. low rate at themodel farm.


big modern gun for a man.of- war is about $6"0,000. The cost of firing it with a full charge is $500 per shot. The cost of build- ing submarines, destroyers and armored cruisers, gunboats, trans- ports, supply ships, hospital ships and armed tenders, is, .of course, much less than that of fitting out a battleship, yet the armament alone of one of these

that the armor:plate companies had for a long time back been acting in collusion, and that their bids were practically the same.

The reader will be good enough

• Grocery Department +Spring and Summer I We call your atten- I ......


Fresh goods arriv- ing every week


Supreme Quali ty

Table Fruits

Fresh Fruits ORANGES


[ tiontothelarge CLOTHING I [ SAMPLES

" A n d Styles now in . '

I G L 0 V E S i Fit and Workman' : I 1 Guaranteed " t ship W e carry all of. begt i

t l' makes and material ~ including _ 1 Driving t: Gauntlets for Ladies

Menand Boys CIGARS + TOBACC01 - -

of Steamer Trunks, prices on good ~SuitCasesandHandl

Smokes. Buy I Bags---all at reason- i able prices. a box.

Hay Oats Flour I Feed ~ Stock of l

G U N S "

Rifles-and Sh0tguns of leading,makes ' "We have t h e Guns . . and the Powder, too."

Harness Harness parts Fixings, etc.

Hardware Building and

. Shelf Hardware. CHINAWARE!DRYA ,ow pretty sets GOODS! Cutlery

Call and , . I and I SPECIAL-R: S. SARGENT I • Furnishing 1 Big Ben Clocks


Black Cashmere Sox [ Goods [/NGERSOL WATCHES Three Pairs - $1.00 ~ ~ For Sale

o . . . . . 7 _ . ~ _ _ _ . o i " .~o . ,~ A I ] ~ +.~= ~ . : , ]~P~ General Merchant P undertaken by privateindividuals The project is somewhat of a tO bearin mind that the figures I J ,:

andcompa~les a , l ? g t h e hne O!!co.operativ e one, .as everything here given do not embrace the roum m une rmn £anos openeo " "

will bebought in.lat:ge quantities, whole cost of a ship of war, but Assay' Office and Mlning"0fftce ~ out by the new transcontinental l thereby veduci,g prices. Mar- merely that of the armor and Arts and Crdts Building, 578 Seymour Street ="%

line. One of the latest has some keting':will.alsobe.done on:.a co- armament. We can form some - - V A N C O U V E R , B . C . j[ S M O K E T H E N E W C I G A R S .novel features. It is to be car- operative basis to a.great ~xtenti idea, however, of where we in J. O'SULLIVAN, F.C.S.

Pr0vln¢lal&~.~,/erand~emht ,,t e +Ba.ron and Vi cou , ried out under the direction 6f[ in Canada should land financially A~ayer for 26 years with Vivlan & Sam, $~an:~,_,

'+h ' '" = + if we undertook to build warships Chrg~ mderate :: Corr~po,dm, 5o,,dt~ I Albion Hunt and Hal Carlton, of I e navy question has pretty London, England. They intend colonize a tract of land of about 14,000 acres lying near Kinsella, on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific, about 75 miles east of Edmonton.

The novelty of the plan lies in the fact that the promoters will endeavor to attract in particular the man who has not had any previous experience in farming. They will have a model three hundred and twenty acre farm in the center of the tract. This model farm will be run on a strictly business baeis, while at the same time it will be of educa. tiondl value.

It will show the new settler how to erect the be~t and cheap. est kind of houses and other[ buildings, and the best mannerl of raising horses, cattle, sheep,

hogs, poultry, grain, and fodder crops on a commercial paying

much dropped out of sight latel% but +now and then a Liberal speaker attacks Mr. Borden for seeking to make a contribution of $35,000,000 to the British Ad-

I miraltyand tells how much cheap- er it would hav.e been had we adopted Sir Wilfred's policy and

I built two fleets in Canada, one [for the Atlantic, the other for the Pacific.

It is tolerably evident that these gentlemen have never looked into the+costof construct- ing warships. Mr. Borden's $35,(}00,000 would .+ have looked wholly insignificant by compari- son with the expenditure entailed by the erection of shipbuilding plants and the buildingof yes§sis in theDominion. The other day the committee on naval affairs at Washing(on examined Admiral

[Strauss, chief the Bureaaof Ord- Inance of the United State's Navy,

basis. The mocJel farm will also on the subject of government , teach how to best handle the works for the manufacture of land itself, from the initial break- armor-plate. Admiral Strauss is ing to the harvesting of the a very able man and his testi-

crops. -" I mony Wash:ghlyinteresting. Arrangements will he made[ "He said it would take about

. for the marketing of all kinds of/three years to build an armor produce, and advice will beglven ]plate factory and get it into op- as to the necessary equipment of[eration :The :cost of thearm0r t h e farm, including both live'and ar'mament for a f i r - •

. . s t . c l a s s stock and machmery If the battleshz ' , " 'p exceed $7,000,000 An newcomer does not wish to buy armor plant Capable of Tnanufac. equipment forhse the first year, but is desirous of confining his operations to fencing;: building+ and general initial :development

turing 20,000 tonS' per annum w.ould :east over $11,000;000; if the capacity was 10,000' tons the cost• would .be 0vet: $8,000,000,,

work,:then the model farm:,:will while+ if, it' was' a~small,+ platit break his. land and p u t .[n~. his I with a'eapacity'of6nly 5,000~on~

tha~ been arranged++to)iem J$/~,000,000,, : , T h e , , I n d u ~ l ~ hmto p~mrlly i~ouse: at I{jnsella'anyJ be carded on by experts of skill

J - + \ J . ' L + + - - " . / . - + ( . ' . . . . ~ t + ,


Premier Returns Victoria, April 20:--Sir Richard

McBride has returned from his visit to Ottawa, Washington and New York. His return has re- vived the report that he is to take the High Commissionership in London. Sir Richard's visit to Washington, it is said, had to do with his scheme for a railway across British Columbia to Alas-~ Ika.


Hen. Dr. Roche says that the 400 Hindus alleged to have start- ed for Vancouver will not be ad- mitted to Canada-if they come contrary to the r e g u l a t i o n s . . . .

Foultrynetting at Sargent's; I

Fresl~ ~ ~ ~ eggs at ' Sargent's.

• Fresh bread daily at Sargent's.

II A PRODUCT OF B.C. " II . - , P , . ""'~'~" II On S a l e ~ A I l ~ I & #'11 • Tr~ ,...t~... ][

PRICE &.GRAHAM [[ at t h e ~ I " ' L ~ I . L ~ L L U D F"°R' - - I [ ' B.C. Land Surveyer~ ' and Civil En~neer , ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ , WL" F. BREWER, Proprietor . JJ

• . HA...Z~LTON AND SMITIIERS " "-~ _ , . . . . . "- . . . . . . :

/[ SING ill rI,[ll SewmgAGENC¥, •Machme+qll " I :NORTHERN I i ii ii R = + l e I1 . .C. Heated, Steam I |1 '

II Machines sold on easy ' [I cB.es, t I • , ' Electric I I k . monthly payments '~..Jfl amine , ' , . + + . u ' •Cholces, o twines Lights. I~ , II| '

Liquors and Cigars • I i Largest and most modern Hotel 1 W. J. J E P H S O N 'n the Northern lnterior, .odern . |

- - eonvenlenees . - - - - I BARRISTER and SOLICITOR ~.,a. blCDONELL - PROPRIETOR " |

of British Columbia, AI- . l berta and Saskatchewan : ' l I


.+m I'.Pos+mce.,dg.,Pri,e+ R.~,t _ -- "_I and Hagelton, B.C. I Jll r 1~ _

LiveStock, FieldCropsandgen.[ i F O R S A L E ~ ~ =--

Provlm~|.Al~.i 'cul~rht Telkwa, B.C. ,

" :Poglroom Outfit 'E. hing ,;HazeIt0n LandDistrict. . District of , ~ " " " t ' '

:Take:nbi:iee ihat-'I';'C/|arles A. Loney, of Prinee~Rupgrt, B. C., occupation engineer, intends to apply for permis- Aton~ to+ pnrchase the following described lands: , " ~ ; C o ~ e f i c l n g at a post v lan ted 40 eh~tne west o f south.seat corner of Lot 8 3 8 ; : C ~ i ~ r District,. thence west 20 el~.sl~s~ieopth 40 ehain~,~eut 20 chains, ii6rth ]0 ~hatnd, to point bz ¢0mrrenbe. me l t , e ontnining 80 aer~-more or less, I Dated,. March IL 1914. M-if/ . Charles Arthur Loney, I

" Three Good Tables • Cigar• Stock, FixtUres, ~

- etc. '

i" Price Reasonable:, 'Applyto

', ~:~ ~, : ilAZELTON, B.C. '+ , i '

.~ For full information, reservations, etc., apply to local. Agent or to ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.

~1 . . . . ~ Azeno' for .'lAtlantle St . .u~npUn. , ,+ ' " "*"" ;'" I ~1111.1111111111111D~m~]~[~]~[0.111111~lnv1~i~[3~ Y

Skeets :Laundry !' Lee Jackman. Prop..+ : ,

Our Work is Oo~d arid o u r R t t e s '.

O, il and See us.. ~ t d®~ to | 4 ' ~ . ~ ~ ~ - :I

,, ' ~miiiiiiinflOlUlillllin~lAmllllmZllllllillll~31iOllllililOrO3milalll IlUlUlllllllillnli Illilllli~o EXPERT = ' - ,,

= : " T E l - W E E K L Y ' -= W a t c h Revai r in~ m,: -=- *: WATCHES---- " - ~.WELRY • S ~ " ~ : : . ~ * Through :Service to :SOuth B =

i" ~iainsleave H~;l~n at 10.18a m 'on T u e s ~ ~O Department of Agriculture O . A . RAGSTAD, Smithers ]*' ~ ~ ,ys, and_Sundays, connecting'at'Prince Rupert With -.~

I • ==-- modern Steamships Prmee Rupert , Prince George, Prince John and Prince Live Stock Branch I ~ Albert, leaving Prince Rupert on monoays and Fridays at 9 a.m., and _~


~ Tuesdays at 9:30 p .m_for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE -.+ Spetlzl, Summer F.,xcurflons Ea,lt in connection with 6rand Trunk Sys(em Double Track R~ute , ~ = ~5

Page 3: PLOT AriA! . • ,. , - . .. -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ NST ... · len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone. W. S. "Duke" Harris returned

'.: " ..'; --" ;L ."' ,.- :. <-:..,;.::"/~, : " . ....... ' . . . . . . . ::.. " ' " • " ; .. '.. " :' :".:i:-< "/

" " " :' '" = ...... ' ....... ' .... R .. ; : :- .- : :-: " . - . • : ' ~/-. : 7:.,.-::: :,TffB OI~!INE0~-::M,!,~!~ ~,~ 8ATURDA.Y, ,APRIL" 2~.i , tStJ . • '

: _ - .-t COAL ..NO'rICES: .. ,." v " : : - '*.~'~'.-:. ~*'"k :T~AND NOTICES ~, ...... *.-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.'.,~.i~.:...- . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i~O].lllilit~lmilillltlililDllli

' ...................................................... .............. .......... " . . . . . i "" ......... s o n : s . Bay Company ~-. Omtneea Land Dist~iCt.~. Distr iat o f ' Omin'eca: La~d Distrmt Diotr ic t ;of '~ W / l l

Cassiar. Coast, Range V . - i - '.- , . , . ~ : . i ' V e ~ [ f l ( ' $ J L ~ O l ~ g s i I ~ ' i ~ H e t ' . , !:) i- ' * ' " ! • " .Claim No, 1. " ~ \ Take ' no t | ee tha t . John Jaynes,~,of ..;J ]JL':,.! i o ~ l ;- '

I " Take notice that .B; .R. Jones, . Mar- Duncans, 'Bri t ish Columbia, occupation .... News':l~ i f r o m M a n y S o m ~ e s chant of Skeena- Crossing, .Brit ish clerk, intends to app ly for petrols= . . . . . . . ! : "~"

.. sion to-prospect.for t e a / a n d petroleum on the following.desCribed la~ds: .:,: :ii eribed lands: ;.,'.:.-:~. ' : . , t h e s u f f r a g e t t e . . l eader , i l [ Cbmmefiein~ at~a post planted a t the Grea tLakes . ' . . .. , createc "C~ommen~ira~at~t .~mt.p~rl~l .aSofi ~ou~b- .~ . .Sk :cornbr: of L o t 849, Coast .. ~ .-. .

3 miles .west of the s o u t h west..~e6~:fi~' Distri,~t."~a~p~fi,.~,:a~rff~}~}inrt~.e, no, th , . - ' =~ '" "" ~ueh 2tin i Uproat~ ~at. he~.::.poljee J • of Lot 3396, Cam~idr,"tind marked B.. 'R. ~v~st j lorner '~0f . i thb land .apphed :3o~, 7"'~c'K~@.:.-Ra~kln;,.:the:~q6..~.0/~ .!.-i

' thedcesouth '80chaim then&(s0uth ,i0"chains, thence eas t20 a~tor, is dead aVSan Francise0, :c0ru'~'~'r]~g'~tE~he':W~mli'l'~" -'"~":'""; ":'-:: " ' ~ ; " " " E J. , N. W. corner, ~,' • thence eas t 80 chains ,4hence north 80 cha ins ; thence "south 20 chains, thence " ' "

chains, thence wes t80 chains: to p o i n t e a s t 20 Chains, t l~nee nor th 40 chainsi -" ~ . manded. : i ..... ' " acres°f commeucement,more_.br less. arid. containing 640 thence w e s t 2 0 chains, thence nor th 20 S a s k a t c h e w a n f a r m e r s expect B e c a u s e o f t h e trade'booml in .

chains, thence".west 20chains topoint of . . . . January 6th, 1914. B . R . Jones. commencement . ~ John Jayf ies . t o c o m p l e t e s e e d i n g . b e f o r e M a y l . G r e a t B r i t a i n , t h e r e h a s . b e e n ! a

Eric..Wickner,.Agent. Nov, 28,191.3, - M15-28 ' ' ' : '" considerablel .falling-off i n tl~e Omineca Land Dis t r ic t . Distr ict of ~ _ S e v e n Jives w e r e l o s t i n a Boa- .

. C~ids[ar. :. i COA'fi NOTICES Claim No. 2. " ton apartment hous e fire last number of immigrants d~ri~g

Take notice that B."R. Jones, Mer- " " the lastfew months; I ~ chant, of Skeena Crossing, British HazeltonLan(l DLetrict. District ef week. Columbi~b intends to apply for permis- Coast, Range 5. . ~ • . " • sion toprospec t for, co~ and petroleun~ " Tak~ notice tha t , John Laurenson, of on the following described lands: Pr ince Rupert~. e. c., occupation miner, P r i n c e ' A r t h u r o f connaugh t - Plans f o r a defence conference

Commencing a t a post planted about intends ;",t0..apply' for a license to pros- " Of representat ives of GreatBel t - i d~ ' • • 3 miles west f rom the south west cot- pact for/caM an petroleum over the m a y ' b e t h e n e x t V i c e r o y o f I r e -

nee of Lot 3396 Cassiar, and marked B. following described, lands: l a n d . s i n a n d t h e D o m i n i o n s , t o ~e " : t • R. J. , N. E . co rne r , thence south 80 • Commen.cing a t a post planted two / held in. London, Canada,or Aus-

chains, thence w e s t 80 chains, thence and a ha l f .miles e a s t a n d one mile no r th 8 0 chains, thence east 80 chains south .from t h e mouth of Ki tnayakwa " Fourteen persons were burned tralia, are nea~ng completion. ! ' to point of commencement, and contain- r iver , t h e n c e sopth ,.80 chains, eas t 80 ill a termment house fir~ in New • : ing 640 adres m o r e o r less.. • • chains; nor th 80 chains, wes t 80 chains , " - " - - J ~]11111111 January 6th, 191~L B . R . Jones. to point of commencement. ' Y o r k . Dr . G r e n f e l l , t h e n o t e d re [s -

Eric Wickner,. Agent. Dec. 15~ 1913. John Laurenson. • ~,~: -~. " . . . . . . . " sionary,, has started a campail n . . . .

Omin-eca Land District. Districtof ~ h e total immigration to Cana- J~ Cassiar. Hazelton Land District. Dis t r i c to f daduringthelastfiscalyearwas'f°rthedevel0pmefit°fLabrad'"' E G ral l ayag d F eig

• Claim No. 3. Coast. Range 5. 384,867. He prol~oses, as a first step, xpress, ene e an r mmg Take notice tha t B, R. Jones, Mar- Take notice tha t John Lauronsonl o f t ~ e '

! chant, of Skeena Crossing, British Prin.ce.Rupe..rt, s. c: , miner, i n t e n d s ~ establishment°freindeerfarm!'i LIVERY Columbia, intends to apply for portals- apply xor a Jteense to .prosj~ee~ x or cos, The Duke of connaught will " and STAGES and public eom'eyances day and - sion toprospee t for coa land petroleum ann p, etro}eum over me m e ionowmg . - We are prepared to ~supply pr ivate , on the-following described lands: aescrmea tunas: . " p r o b a b l y v i s i t t h e P a c i f i c c o a s t A G e r m a n d e s p a t c h , d a t e d ~la t n i g h t Our s tages mee t all t ra ins a t South Hazelton or New Hazelton.

Commene inga t ' a post planted about " "Commencin.~ a t a p o s t plan.ted two 3 miles west from the south west cor- aria a natz roues ea s~anaonemne scum i n A u g u s t . week, , states t h a t four.~ hundr~ed" Coal and Wood .delive~red p r o m p t l y . her of Lot 3,°,96 Cass~ar, and marked B. from. the mouth of Ki tnayakwa river, H i n d u s a r e o n t h e i r w a y t o V a ~ " " R. J., S. E. corner, thence north 80 thence'south 80 chains; west 80chalns.. The Saskatchewan acreage un- Co,.sign your Shipments in Our Ruddy & MacKay chains, thencewest 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, east80 chains, to point couver from Shanghai, in i a' Ca~e for Storage or Delivery. south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains of commencement.: to point of commencement, and contain- vec. 15th, 1913 .- John baurenson der 6rop is five per cent ,greater specially chartered Japane~e~ ^ss~,, all.¢ommunieatlons, to Hazelton. HAZELTON and NEW HAZELTON ing 640 acres more or less. . . than last year. ~ . _ ~- . - -January 6th, 1914. , B.,R. Jones. Hazelton Land District. . District of .. steamer.

Eric Wickner, Agent, Coast, Range 5 A s a n attraction " for tourists, ' ~ A comprehensive scheme for " Omineea Land District. Distr ict of Take notice tha t Jbhn Laurenson, of

Cassiar. ' Prince Rupert,.B.C., miner, intends to Victoria' proposes to establish the supplying of all electricpow- CANADIAN PACIFIC R A I L W A Y Claim No . 4. " apply for a ' l icense to prospect for coal civic'golf lin'ks. ' " "

Take notice tha t B. R.. Jones, Mar- and petr01eum over the fbllowing des .. - B R i ~ P I S H C O L U M B I A C O A S T S T E A M S H I P S E R V I C E chant, .of Skeena Crossing. B r i t i s h cribed lands: " e x p e n d i t ; u r e o f $150,000,000, h a s S t e a m e r " P R I N C E S S B E A T R I C E " Columbia, intends to apply for petrols- Commencing a t a post planted ~wo A plot for t h e . r e s t o r a t i o n of ec to the city of London, a t an sion toprospee t for c0'al and petroleum and a half miles east f rom the mouth the deposed-Shah of Persia has been prepared bY the~ council's Leaves Pr ince Ruper t for Vancouver, Victoria and Seat t le every on the following described lands: ' of Kitnayak4~a river, thence w e s t 8 0 SUNDAY AT 8 P.M.

Commencing at a post planted about chains, south 80 chains, eas t 80 chains, been discovered, engineers. Summer Excursions to ~ s t e m Points at Low Rates, EffectiveJ~ne Ist 3 miles west from the soutl~ west eor- north 80 chains, to paint of commence- nee of Lot 3396 Cassiar, and marked B, ment. - - Low Rates to Norwegian Sangerbund , Chicago, May 19th and 20th

Dee. The second trial of . .Charles R. J., S. W. comer, thence north 80j 15th, 1913. John Laurenson. An arbitration treaty between . . ToNorWay Celebrat ion, Norway, Apri l 20th, 25th and 30th ,.~t, chains, thence east 80 chains, t hence - .. '

south 80 chains, thence west, 80 chains Hazelton Land District. Dis t r ic t of Great Britain and the United Becker, the . former police.lieuten- Tieke ts to al lpart~;of the world. Atlant ic and Pacific Steamship Tickets to point of commencement, and contain- . Coast, Range 5 i s b e i n g n e g o t i a t e d . J . G . M c N a b , Cot. Srd Ave. and. 6th St. , P r i n c e R u p e r t , B. C.

' ing 6.40 acres more or less. Take notice tha t John Laurenson~ of ~ a n t , sentenced to death for in- January 6th, 1914. B . R . Jones~ Prince . . . . Rupert,,. 13. ~:, miner, . . . . intends to " F r e n c h 30" u r n a l s predic t" a t r a d e s t i g a t i n g t h e m u r d e r o f t h e game.

Eric -Wickner, Agent. apply .xer a , cease m prospect io r coa~ ~, _ . . . . . . . , , Omineca Land District. District of and petroleun~ oyer the following des- w a r in ~outh America oe~ween bier. Rosen tha l , has .been fixed

eribed lands: " ' " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Cassiar. Commencing a t a post, p lanted .two m e u n i t e s ~ m t e s a n o ~ i e r m a n y . . f o r M a y 6. •

Claim No. 5. and a half miles eas t of the mouth of ' . . . , . . ~ Take n o t t c e t h a t B. R. Jones, Mar- the Ki tnayakwa river, thence east.80 ' q ~ t , ~ A t t ~ r , , , , , t , ~ , ~ , ~ , , ~ , , ~ o " . HonoredChid .~Minty .

chant , ' of Sl~eena Crossing, Bri t ish chains, south 80 chalns, wes t 80-chains, ~ , , ~ 3 , ~ ~ , , , , ~ , ~ u , , p ~ ! a ~ o " N Colhmbia, intends to apply for permis.

, sion toproapect for coa land petroleum nor th 80 chains, to point of comme~tce- m i l l s at Vancouver were destr0y- T h e W a l d o r f H o t e l dining.room ~OMMERClAL P R I T I N G O F . T H E B E S T merit. . - - - . " :

on the'follo~ving described lands: Dec. 15th, 1 9 ~ . John Laurenson. ed by fire, the. 10ss be ing $175,- was the scene of a very~pleasing ~'~ CILASS A T ' T H E M I N E R P R I N T S H O P Commencing at apoat planted about - •

8 miles west and 1 mile nor th from the '- - . . . ' _ : : :~ i: , , and enjoyable functlon~.eaya the • sou th west corner of Lot 3396 Canslar, . . .Ha~elton ~rinegt~ ~ DIs t r l c tb f : 'tO0 0 and marked B.R.J., S.E, corner, thence L~n~sDi . . . . . " ' ......... ' ' of A new i;eligious sect ir~ Eng; Fernle Free,Press, when.the con. ._. north 80 cha[ns~ thence west 80 eha|ns,' Take notice tliat John Laurenson, i , stables of South East:Kootenay thence south'80 chains, thence east 80 Prince Rupert , B. c., miner, intends to.[ l a n d , " T E e C h u r c h of. t h e N e w chains to point of commencement, and apply foi" a ] icense to.prospect for coal . . . - . . . . . • .. g a t h e r e d t 0 g e t h e r , t o ; , d ~ h o n o r to containing640 acres more or l e s s . . , au~ petroleum over the' follo~ving des- I i d e a l , " a d m i t s n o m a l e s to m e r e - t h e i r d e p a r t i n g c h i e f , A. C . . . . January 6th, 1914. B . R . Jones. ~ribed lands: ' " e r s h i :'~ ~m'=~--=m'--'~O~"=m=-"on"-m---=o'--'m'-"~"-m---'~ 1

Erie 'Wickner, Agen t Commencing a t ii 156st p l tmted two 0 P" ' ..... ' " ' " MitRy. ..... " : District of and 'a half miles eas t from the mouth "".- " . . . . . . . T h O r p

of the. Ki tnayakwa river, thence north Five were killed and a score " ' t he constabfil'ary ~bf the,..dis- ~." H e s 0p Omineca Land District. Cassiar. 80 chains, east 80 chains, s o u ~ 80 " ' . . . . . .

Takenot ice tha t ' B.Claim NO.R.6. Jones, Mer chains, wes t 80 chains, ' t o po in t ' : o f seriouslyinjured~by tlie derailing trier;' and" friends;to t h e number R m l Estate, , F inancia l and I n s o n n c e Brokers chant, of Sk een a . Crossing, Britisl commencement. - ,. Columbia,. intends to apply for permis Dee.:15 1918. John Laurenson. 0~ a s t r e e t ; . c a r a t S a g i n a w , Micla . i o f a b o u t , t w e n t y - f i v e ~ w e r e . p r e s - A L D E R M E R E . :B. C. sion ~prospect f o r c o a l and petroleun " " on Sunday. eat, and speeches and songs LSole district agents for E. G. P r i o r & Co-'. Victoria,. Agricul- on the following described lands: . - Hazelton Land District.' District of ~ .helped to pass a, joi ly~evening, tUral Machinery and Implements, Wagons, Etc.

Commencing a t a post p l a n t e d abou . . . . . . Coast',. Range 5. 3 miles west and 1 mile north from t h e Take notice t ha t John Laurenson, of . Ottawa adv.ices .say plans for during the eourseofwhieh , Chief "Fire,':; Life. , Accident, and Employer ' s Liability Insurance. nouth West corner of Lot 3396 Cassiar, Prince R u p e r t , . n . c . , miner, intends to ~he immense government dry , Minty w a s made the.xecipient .of We represent the best companies. and marked B. R., J . , S. W. corner, apply for a ticonse to p ~ s p e c t for coal ' • • thence nor th 80 chains, thence e~st 80 and petroleum over the. following des- d~ck at Esqaimal t a re near ly a handsome gold watch. ; I t..,.,.W¢Can L0r~tcYo~ On a C-o0d Pr¢-~nptt0~, Near tSe G, T .P . I chains thence south 80 chains, thence cribed lands: . . . i west 80 chains to point o; commence- Commencing a t a post planted" two completed. " . • i ' I f you: desire4nfo~nation about the Bulkily Valley wri te us. J ment, and containing 640 acres more or and 'a half. miles eas t , f rom the mouth ' J o n g Y e w . K o n g , t h e .Chinese . ~ -- = - _--,ou---m~.--~o=--~--~--=~..-~c

" less. January 6th. 1914. " B. "R. Jones, ~f the K i t n a y a k w a rivei-,~thence north The K a i s e r ' s p e r s o n a l c o n t r i - ". 80 ' chains, w~st 80".chain~,.: 'isouth 80 ' "

Eric Wickner, Agent. ehains, .east 80 chains, to point Of corn- b u t i o n t o ' G e r m a n y ' s n e w w a r s e r v a n t c h a r g e d w i t h t h e m u r d e r mencement, tax, levied fo r military purposes, of Mrs. Charles Millard in Van- ~ : - - -~

• BRKi£Y ALLEY FARM LANDS LAND" NOTICES Dec. 15, 1913, John Laurenson: Will be ~1,4)~5,000. - " 'i couver, has been committed for . .... : -.- Omineca Land District. District of ' " t r i a l , ' ' "'

Coast, Range V. Hazelton Land District. District of -:' . : ' -- .... - - i ; :~flR.'~I~AI.~

,Take notice thatCharles Hicks Beach Coast, Range 5. The New York Chamber-of "Big Ben",alarm cl0cks;abd - of:Hazelton, B..C., occupatioR clerk, Take notice that, John Laurenson, of . avat ~Jrlt~mJ . intends to .iapply for permission to Prince Rup'ert; n. c., miner, intends to Commerce has ttpproveffthe pro- Ingersoll.watches:at Sargent's. ,~HESE LANDS are located close to the main line of purchase the following described lands: apply for a license to prospect for coal

and petroleum over the following des- pose~ repeal of the Panama Canal the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway,. which is being cribed lands :.: : -

Commencing at'a postplanted at- the n6rthwest comer of Lot 349~ ~Range V; .... constrticted through the heart of the Bulkley Valley, one Coast District, avd being the nor theast Commencing a t a post: p l a , t ed , two toll eXemptions. "coA~ NOTICES ; "

cor. of land applied for, thence west 20 and a half miles eas t and one mile north S t ik ineLandDie t r i c t . D i s t r i e to f • o f " t h e b e s t f a r m i n g d i s t r i c t s J n B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a . chains, south 40 chains, east' 20 chains, ~ m the mouth of the Ki tnayakwa Cassiar. :- • Steel is now la id through Telkwa, and t ra ins will soon be running north 40 chains to point of commence- river, ~ thence north .80 chains, 'wes t 80 Captain Amunsden, the Nor- Take. n0tice ,that, rThom89 Bealee,~ of f rom Prince Ruper t to thin point. There are good ~oade ~o all pa r t s mea t and containing 80 a c r e s more or chains, sonth 80 chains, eas t 80 chains, w e g i a n e x p l o r e r , i s t r y i n g t o ,Wtsbech, England, commission.,age~t, • "

"less. Char les Hicks Beach, ' . to point of commencemeiit. . - . . i ~f t l~e 'BulkleyValley f rom Telkwa. Oct. 11, 1913. Dan McDougall, agt. Dee. 15, 1913. John Laurenson. r a i s e $200 ,000 f o r h i s p r o p o s e d intends to a p p l y ~ 0 r ' a license t o pros- ~ The.,Butkiey Valley ie an ideal dai rying and mixed fa rming district ,

. peer' for coal and p e t r o l e u m over the, ~ w!th a market , for all kinds of f a rm produce. " Omineca Land District. District of foll0wingdesci'ibe~ lands. Commencing a t a posbplanted .about ' W e owfibl l the land we' offer for sale, and can give a guarmiteed title.

~orth and ][1 miles west from " " Casstar . Hazelton" Land District. D i s t r i c t 0f' polar expedit ion, 'desci'ibed i

Take notice tha t James Bell, of Coast, R a n g e 5. ' : - - - ] Giasgow, Seotlat,d, occupation tale- Take notice'-: t}~at' JoMi Laurenson, of ' .- Keffanko, the bank robbe~ s6 miles ~ Our lands were all ~'ery carefully, selected several years ago by ex: ' the northwe'st ' .%orner of ' .Lot 992, parts in:the,lnndbtminees. We sell in t rac ts of ]60 acres o r more. graph operator, intends to ~apply for Prince Rupert , B. C., miner; in tends . tb Wht} :.killed M a n a g e r A r n o l d a t cassiar0 Hazelton. Land District,

, permission to purchase t h e following apply, for. a license to prospect f o r c'oal thencb. 80 cha ins ' aot t th , ' 80.i ;cha|t~s Our.prices are resmonsonale and teems are easy. Wri te for full in- west,.80 chains north, ~ 0 chains, e ~ t , formation to

,.deseribedcommencinglands:-:-at a p o s t planted a t the cribedand petroleumlands: over., the~ followings.: des- P l u m C ou lee , is t o b e h a n g e d , a t to: point ofcpmmen~ment,'"t~mtdin. ~ HUKI~"----='-': L I C 0 ~ S T ~ D ' ~ " ~ ' " " C 0 ~ ' P ~ ' ' ~ ' ' - - " " " ~ ' , LI{L.~- " - nor thwest corner o f Lot 2391 Caseiar, Commencing a t a p o s t p lan~d ' ; ; two W i n n i p e g o n J u l y 9. ing 64Q acres, known.as c la im42. ,, thence 20 chains west, 20-chains south,, and a half miles eas t and one mile north D~c. 10, 1918. * 'Themas ~ a l e s . ,i , i thence following Skeena River t o t h e f rom. the mouth, of th¢"Ki tnayakwa southwest corner of Lot 2391 Cassiar, river, thence n o r t h 80 .,chains, eas t 80 "Genera l " Coxey had only f i f - Stikine Land District. District of .... Suite '622 Metropolitan. Building i. thence nor th topolntofcommencement~ chains, south 80 chains, westS0 chains, . -. Cassiar . "

': containing 40 acres.more o~' le~s. ' ' to" point o f c0mmefice~nent. ' . ; t e e n m e n in t h e r a n k s o f h i s . Take notice t ha t Thomaa.Bealen,. of ~.~ ~.~,c.,~,i.mo.oo~ . . , VANCOLr~IL B. C. Nov. 10, i913. . . . . . . . . . 14-22 James Bell. De'c, 15, 1913. . John Laurenson, s e c o n d . a r m y w h e n i t s t a r r e d f o r intendsWiSbech'toEngland'" commiesionapply:for.a~license, toagenLp~a- ~ " ..

. ' ~ - ...... ' " ' " eet for coal ane ~ ~etroleum over the " " : ~ ' i' . ' " . ' W a s h i n g t o n l a s t w e e k , t~,,~ , . , , , . ,~ ,~, ,~ rods" • ' .- • 'L "'~ ';'.' ~ . ] NOTICE. [ ~.., ~ l , q , ~ l m l ~ T ' ~ M l ~ • . - . . . . . . ~ . Commeneing a t a poat planted about - - ' . -,= - / i ~ . . . . . . mu-==-#~-.-m~--mOm-m=tm-=mm(

.,~, ~ • i :", " i [ ~ ~ | -[ s ixteen " hUndred mill ions 6 | .~6mile~,~°r~eoarndrloli~j2we~ar m. | \., ' ~ ~ +[ , , . ' I " i" ~" ". r~

i "';.:i:'-.' j i . '., . . ~ja~Pt~ S't~t;~;~:dli Articles, , Kodaks, ; " .: :" i' ~t~:~ nr2~'mF~:~t°dfe~h:se~' , ~ 4 t i ~ - V ~ ' [ are th e largrst inye.stors: :!. ': ~ai~.~:B,ieo" I."I Kochk:Sdpplies. P;inting and D , lo/p J:,i

' : " "} . ] : T A K E N O T I O E t h a t b y an :o rder o f ! ~ ~ . , t , o i ~ , ~ , . J i k i [ W o m e n , fought ' f o r . ~ , ia "~ 'n i in ~..,Sttk!ne L a u d ' D J s t , | c t ; ; D ~ t ~ i I ' ~ ~ . ". "_~:'. i . : i : " - 1 ~ ' : " ; -.~"~l"":t

' tl~pgnted Administrator Of tli.e Estat~e'~ ~iilt~i~-~ Ill ' JJi~ tidal of K6ng,' the alleged siayer ~.isbqeh, Zn#a.nd~ . .' . g , | ~ ~ ' o; ." . ' : <: " : i. I r tewit t All )ar~ " ~ " . ' ' ; mt~nos to a pry tor a tieenae to'pron.' ' - ' - • , " - . : "~:~ .. "~ ,~;~he said Percy "I', , . - , _ , . : . . . . . . . . otauone

i ~ ~ r ' '" ' ~O ~ , a V ~ . i e , , ~ m . ~ g , , , . ~ t h ~ B~l~ E ~ : ~ ~ ~ ] ~ - i " ~ I t I o f ~ r s , Mdlard, o f V a n C o u v e r . , . l u e c t . f o r co~a~and petroleum over,. ~ o i J ~ ' ' °tau°nery ' ; , [ : rwaro t ~ - " ' fbllowi d~ne~ubed lands I : :'~ .~t:e are ~er~by requested to fo " ' m ' ' " . . . . . ,~: - -: " 4 d ; ; : '~ ::': = f ' " " ~ L " : " = ' P " . . . . "4 " ': ' :

. ::: the came, p ro erly verified to tee be- ~' " , ; . ' , . L • !" :7!''" L:. . Oommenelng at .a tp'lan'te~l a Ut L . " . . :,...~ . . ~ . . . . :.. . . . . "':L " ; i":~' .... ' ,.th.,.d~:v~ofM o,, 1914 and all I M I U ~ i R l C a p l ~ i . , e , t t m a t e d and l~t~deeWeet~.

• i : . a re ~ e q u l r e d to p a y the a m o u n t o f . , ~ o f C lo th Per fec t ly , w i t h the i . . . . ~, . . . ; , w , ~ . . . . . . . . . - , , , , , - , , - : - , ,- i ~ u m a r ; . , ~ 3 1 ~ e , m n - . , . a n a x m s . m , ~ , i i ~ m l U ' J l ~ d t C ' ' ~ ' i ! ! ~ i l Y , i , q l B . | n l F n ~ . . ~ : . " - . : t ttd btedness to me forthwith , ' ~ " S A M E D Y E . . . . . . . . . " . e~q m i n i ~ : ~ r l [ theses t ~ O - c n m n s nox'¢lt, ~ ens!ns[ | ' . " , ' ~ . ~ # . F ! I . v : ~ q ~ t , v ~ a ~ ~ , ~ v s ~ . , : , i . . . . . t h e r l .e . . . . . . vessels, while 43,9 . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . ~ • ' m : . - -

• ' ' ~ ' . . . . . . 4 " No~OfMietekoe. ~l~attdmmpIL . . . . . i ',:: ".- ." wes~ 80.. cha|os south,..80,,~'italns '~" • '. " ,. . . .... " ..... -,"-~. :':.' -'.,~C:,:-:-~'

. -, " ........ " ......... ~T E PH E N H / H O g K I N S ; J , ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ - 7 ~ - ~ , Z 7 ~ { -. "',""":-";~-:':;;~:::,'--; . . . . -" .:;~,' ; t~ , : / ta [nmz .640*~ms, ~nown,. u e m m ~ a , I i . " . . . . '~L ~ e & ' i , ' " 2 1 m . l ~ l , t , l m i . ~ i . t . a t O r . I - = = ~ I" .~llllv " • ~ V | C ~ I ' I . ~ " ' . ~:,~ ' ' , ' ' ' ; : ! ' ~ " : ~ ' ~ | D ~ . i ~ ; i 9 1 3 , " " " 7:' T h t l l h a i ' " l l e i l i l I

: , ~ . : m ~ ' ! ' ~ - ~ ; ' 5 . [ ~ ' ~ " ~ ' ~ ' ; -~'- " ' ~ : ' " ' " "~-~,,~ ,'~,. =7,< ,~7~ . . . . . . . . . ", .,+,,,'.,:'.. ~,. , , , :~ , ' , -.~,: ~7,d6i , :~ : i ' ,~ '~ . tV, . ' " -~, .;,<i~-..;;~'D~7 " . . . . . . ' . . . . . '7-7 .... ,., - . . . . ~.$ ' .,~ , :@.- . ; . . - -< . : 7-t7.--:-.: .:~'7,t:~-¢,~b:7~'h • c +' - '!'.~- r~ ',,-:,,~,> :': y . . . . _ , " '-'| : ;. !' , - b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . ~.~,,.:,,~,.¢~<:';@ . . . . ~' .' '~, ~ : , ~ , :, . , ,. - . : ] • . . ' . ' . . - , ~ " . . ' . ' . ' -' ' : . . . . . >7,....L,f.L.r-,;_,~¢,]~:,,~:7~.~


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i l l l l l l l l [O ] l l l l l l l l l l l l [O ] l l l l i l ~ I |H l [O] l l l l l l l l i l l l t ~ l l l l l l l l l l l l a l l l l l i l l lH I C.q . --.:i)--;;7:~.'.-..'~,,;" .-- . . . . . . ;." . . . . . . . . - . .- . . . . , , . . :...-.-.-,:. ~


i J

0fBest Quality at Popular Prices

~A f ~ l LIQUORS always kept in : m e n t o f " stock


iiumuqml-ummqutmmmmzo=m.,ml mm.mmnm,.mu,',mm,.,t

- ' ! 7 - ~ ' = ¸ _ : . : , . : : : ~ - ~ : - ' L - 7 ~ : . i . . . . " : - , • ~ . . . . . . ' . ' "

Page 4: PLOT AriA! . • ,. , - . .. -.r .:, ::,.,..,.. ~ NST ... · len,, lb, Kinghorn, If, Kelly, cf; slibstitutes, Middleton, O'Brien, Fuller, Fulton, Stone. W. S. "Duke" Harris returned

~.. ,, .


....... :i)•

• . • ,. +r•


• +

Phone 300 " P.O. Box 1635


Special At tent ion to Out of Town Clients ~UITEI O N E , F E D E R A l . B L O C K ,


G r e e n Bros., B u r d e n & Co. Civil Engineers

Dominion and Brit ish Columbia Land Surveyors

Offices a t Victo. Ja, Nelson, For t George and New Hazelton.

B. C. AFFLECK, Mgr. New Hazelton.

F . t l . T . L u c a s E . A . L u e a a

LUCAS & LUCAS Barr is ters and Solieitors

R o g e r s B u i l d i n g

C u r . G r a n v i l l e a n d P e n d e r T e l e p h o n e S e y m o u r 598 V a n c o u v e r , B . C .


A r c h i l e c t s a n d Enli;neers Supplies + K o d a k s , L o o s e L e a f S F l ~ l e m a -

t R e m i n g t o n Typewritelz, O f f i c e l:urnlture + Prince Rupert, B. C.

~ 4,4+4+@~+q+.h,F,l+4+~,l+4,.l+~l+.l+q~ p 4 . ~ 4 + + I + + I + g

Mines and Mining Good Proper t ies for sale - - Cash or on

Bond. Development and Assessment Work.

Cart Brothers Eigh t Years In This District.

l l n ~ . l * l l l l l l . I I . (? .

| J. A. LeRoy J . Nation

Sr.ithers N tes ( F r o m T h u r s d a y ' s R e v i e w )

Sam Heslip returned to Prince Rupert today.

Have you given your premises a spring clean-up ?

Father Godfrey returned from Hazelton on Monday.

H. P. Jones has gone to Hazel- ton for a business visit.

Drysdale Ogilvie left this morn- ing for a visit to Ha~elton.

H. G. Smith, of Smith & Eg- gleston, visited Telkwa yester- day.

. H . E . Walker, provincial agri- culturist, was in town on Mon- day.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steven came down from Priestley on Sun. day... • -

Frank Chapin now has his eat- ing place, the Star. in full opera- tion. _

J. N. Carr returned on Mon- day from a busincss trip to Ha- zel ton,

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Charleson

. . . . . " : ' - ~ - : , + ) . . . . . . - : :..;,+: + . . . . . - , '~:? .: . ; ,~

• +,'.+" " "+:'+ ' + . " :: .'" . . ~ " 2 - " , : . ::,":" '. : .-++~:.:... ". "".~..~..'; +.~'~;' : ?.'-2.} =.~,~ +!" : :: 4,7:~r(;, .:;';. THE OM]NECA MINER, SATURDAY, APR, L $~, [914 ¢ .:: . ' : : : ;:: :. :::::/' : :/-: ",

conducted in the 'Methodist Church hall, but it is hoped that a suitabie building will beerect- ed in the near future.

Murdoch Hay, of Francois lake, who has been spending a few days in this district, left yester- day for a trip to Prince George.

Tom Brewer was here On Sun- day, en route to Burns Lake, where he will have his headquar- ters as forest ranger.

Lem. Broughton, of Broughton & McNeil, is expected to return shortly from California, where he and Mrs. Broughton have spent the wintei'.

+h,o,R0,,.B, oklitll +' INCORPORATED 1869

Capital Paid Up - - $11,560,000 Reserve Fund - - - $13,500,000

In te res t Paid on Deposits a t Current Rates

Baeklng" blrH~2ELToNMall 61venBRANCH:.Spedal Aitmil0n 1

A. D. McLEOD - , - Manager

I came down from Telkwa on Monday. cure the opening of a deputy

+Hotel Winters! . . . . . . . . . . o , o , o + reeorder's office here. I Cor. Abbot t and Water Streets I i s :l::n~t~h:e-llle~fFa~r~t~eeHrog:;l I T h e l a ck o f r e c o r d i n g f a c i l i t i e s

. . . . g I proves a considerable inconveni. Vancouver + rsumiey. " . lense to prospectors and miners.

~ Mr andMrs J C Johns were l ,~ , ,. European Plan $1.00 to $2.50 ~ . . . . . " " • - ~ uores~er R. E. Auen and Ran -

Rooms with Baths. Hot and Cold ~ among Sunday's arrivals from / . . . . . . g . ~er. aas. ~,amam arr ives ~rom . Water. Steam Ileated. ! I the east. lheadquarters last evening. To- t Motor Bus Meets All Boats and ~ R A Grant has gone to Flan I Trains. . ~J " " . ' "]day they meet the settle/'s Of the o . . . . . . . . . . . . . o/c°m lake, to investigate the cat- |Chicken lake district, to confer

[tle m a r k e t . . . . . . ....... ~ Ion t"eburnin of slgsh in , ' ........... . . . , ,,:=~ .. .. g clear-

for H.t hi.. J. ~ Graham, of Pr ice ,&l ingopf i :at ions . . . . • . • --I~I~S . . . . C , , . - a ~ Graham, came up from Hazelton I R . " a h + : . ' ~ , . + ~ o n +h. ",,,u - From the f¢llowing pens, all of " ' . . . . " . Iley:Valley merchants, intend to last evening - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . which are

STANDARD BRED BIRDS J .T . Al}an, Prince Rupert re- Ibring to the district a carload of



Peel, of lqazelton, were here In the •matter of the Administrat ion Act, -and in the mat ter , of the Es-

during the early part of the tats of Ernest George Kennett, de. ceased, intestate,

week. They returned home to- TAKE NOTICE tha t by an .order of day, accompanied b y Mr. Sar- His Honour .Judge Young, dated the

. . 28th day of February, 1914, I was ap- gent. pointed Adminis t ra tor of the es ta te

' " of thesa id Ernes t George Kennet t . All M i s s Barbeau displayed a large parties having claims agains t the sai~

• estate are hereby requested to forwsx~ s t o c k o f fashionable hats a t the the same, properly verified,, to me, be

fore the 21st day of March 1914, and ali Hotel Bulkier on 'the first three parties indebted to the said es ta te are

required to pay the amount of thei r days of the week, attracting a indebtedness to me forthwith.• good deal of attention from the Dated 6th day of March, 1914. ladies of Smithers. STEPHEN H. HOSKINS,

27-8 . O l ~ i a l Adminis t ra tor A movement is on foot to se- Hazelton, B.C.

i i i i i . . . . . , , . . .+


In the m a t t e r of a f resh Certif icate.of Title for Lot 4013, Range 5, Coast District ,

NOTICE is hereby given tha t it ia my intent ion to issue a f t e r the expira- tion of one month from the f irst publica- tion hereQf a fresh Certificate of Tit le to the above-mentioned landa in the name of Ole Reisterer , which Certificate of Title is da ted the 241h February , 1913, and numbered 81'/6 I. M 30-84 H, F, MacLEOD,

Distr ict Registrar .

• : x ' : + " + .


I ' ~ matter-not generally - . J ~ known or fully appre- " ) [ + dated ivith regard to commer- ~. [

cial pdnting is the fa~: t h a t - : [ . ~ le , display. (by which .is ~ [

meant typographical arrange. ] - ment) and type-faces are sub-- : :1 iect to change, as in the case ." : of clothing and other fashions: ¢] Modem printing shows a malked tendency towards the' . neat and plainin display with a . . • liberal use of margin, as oppos- ed to the old4tyle methods of - coarse, overcrowded and over2

, : + j

i I

. )

ornamental composition. Not eve~] printer can glve yOU the better class of work.. It is, therefore, to your interest t0 see that your printing is done ~.t the mo~t fully equipped com- mercial printing plant in ~he Northern Interior, carrying a large and high-grade ~tock of ~tafionery, and employing work, men of experience and ability. The Q~ality Mark Printshop is

T ~ e Ommeea


I .o.o Oomb ",.d O 0. I .... I

Ldghorns (White) , Barred Rocks, p r e s e n t a t i v e o f Kelly, D6ugla8 & Holstein cows and t w o c a r l o a d s Prlnea Rupert , B~C,, March 20, 1914, ' " , , ,~ BuffOrpin~tons, S,C. White Leg- Co, , is in town. horns, White Orpingtens. Orders of shorthorns and other beef - . . . . . , :

booked a f te r Msreh 1st. Road Superintendent Carr re- breeds. Jack McNeil will leave Atlln mtners anticipate the $1,SO per Setting of Fifteen EgR* turned on Monday from a visit for Saskatchewan in the course best, season the district has ever . . . . . .

Cedarvale Poultry Farm to headquarters, of a few weeks, to select the l~ad. J. W. Graham Cedarva]e, B.C. •

~. ~. W.H. Tobey, of the G. T.P. stock himself. mm - - ' r engineering staffl was among A . E . Fawcett, the popular ~ " "

THE | M9nday's Visitors. teller in the Smithers branch of

LI! I] J" c' Scaly' wh° has been]the Uni°n Bank' has bee" trans'l R Cu ni] ham & S 0 n L t d QUA Y S T O R E visiting his ranch, returned to I ' ferred to Prince George, a n d , - - = = '-=- (-Iazelton on Sunday i will probably leave for his new

line of John Schafer, the Prince Ru-jpost on Sunday. Mr. Fawcett 's ' . .~ ~

D R Y GOODS pert dairyman, was a visitor in+ " , /removal will be regretted by his ' i Smithers this week i many friends here, and all will PORT E$SINGTON Es tab l i shed 1870 HAZELTON

Men's Furnishings ' i wish him success in " the rival , i I Contractor Dan Stewart le f t / town

H a r d w a r e - G r 0 c e m s ~ t t:h'i~ihogm~°: ; c ~1~3 ngedl Edl V. McBeth, the well-known ' . . . . : -

c ] = v J s - M i i i 2 i o . Ifreighter, is in town this week Bfigl en Up! rM:d ?~ ~S'wRe;eSlak::t~ :ft[from- North Bulkley. He will I t • :,i

• GENERAL MERCHANT P " - • , L HAZELTON P ' ~ g probably • operate on the Peace .....

a~ ,= ( the Hotel Bulkley on Monday. river extension of the P. O .E . f . " " ~:"

Mr. and Nrs. W. B.fe~/Lem<int, when construction starts. In the Varnishes, raj Stains, Floorlac . T Priestley, spent a days meantime he thinks of bringing ....

Q of

l Clothes That here'retuming'h0meyesterday, in two or three eaHoads .ofda i ry Varnish "nsi tmelS, Paints and i

] Hold Their Architect 'Killam x¢ill remove cattle' for the 'Bqlkley Valley ~ " , to p e r m a e n t . . ~ c e s : in the Wil. market. Brushes. Everytr i lg n e c e s s a r y f o r

Shape ,iams:Carr bUilding no.x t week. Spring fightening up. t H, C. ' Kinghorii, assistant - . . , . + . a

forester, is spending a few days ' R. Watson,. tke contractor, has .. i Hobberlin Clothes .are. al- in this vicinity, on Official busi- work well advaneed on the first . . . . . "

I ways tailored right. They ness. of:several cottages he intends PoultryNetting, Window and Door Screen Netting, always hold their shape. DI: Badgero,_the dentist, re. building on First avenue north. Screen Doors and Windows. Our Hardware De- No part is stinted. We can ~ G. C. Killam has prepared please the most pBrticular turned from New Hazelton on partment embraces a most complete stock 6'f Shelf and

plans for a two story bmldln . . . . . . _ 1 dresser with Hobberlin Ear-.- Saturday and has resumed prac- . ' ' g | ments. Drop in and have a tics in S m i t h e r s : ' : + +.. ' for t h e Gray Jewelry Co. It - H e a w Hardware, Manila ~d Cott0n R@es . [ l o o k at the new spring " . 2 .,=! ' ' - ' ,will be:. erected on • Main, near ~ , Flexi i ,i I . samples. R . L . Gale. ot Te,Kwa, Was, + +. . . . . . b h Steel Cablel etc. I]iProsp

hereon Saturday, to meet G t l I First' and will c0ntain two stores, e c t o r ' s a n d Miner's ~:7: :

I ~ nammona,'; . . . . . . . o , me . ~latura,:' ".z "!tee., with residence. _ above . . The .con- . . . . . Supplies.. Everything for: tiie trail: . , . .; .' /tract will be ' let in'a day o r two + ' " .... sources ~ecurky uo ..... +/- =' -,.' .'. . " . . . . . . . .

| . . , . 2 a z e l t o n f ~ B . C . i " - , . |Mr. Ki l lamalsohasplansinhand [ The Bulkley br idge .nasDeen/for 'abun_alo w on Se - -=~- " " :

g , ~On~l i t v e n . . . . . . . ~ ' - ' . . . . . . . . L completed. It; is a subetanUal/ue, for R G : B a r n e t t " Spring a n d ' S u m m e r H a t s : f o r Children--the latest, • " ' - - - - ~ - - "+' • ~ " ~' ' 9 structure,, reflecting c r e d i t : , onl . i . . ' j "_.,.." . neat and attractive, : q ~ i ~s. arid.Children s Jaeger I LAND NOTICE. _ : . . . . . .:~" ': : . ~mlgn ~ Ngglear.on nave se- .. : . -+ .... . . . . . • t

Hazelton. . L,mdcoast,Distriet.Range n. District of thhadd::a:tom.:~ttha~e°~n:ht::L?ohn:/Cur.ed the eolltract fdr,:fOur cot. . • : •W~/s due to arr!velany::day now..:,:, i• . ••.. +",

Take noti,e that Ella H. tlamble, of . . . . . " " " " ." . . " " |rages on Railroad. avenue, near . + +(.'i~:.( "" "..':i i ~ . 'iii: - -::;: " ' : : :--. -:'. -" ~)i/(j. :-':} wPrince Rti ,ert,lntends to°eeu atlOnfor permisslonmsrr'ed d rM::l~:t:asT:,e2;nd~ u arehi- " ' - .- ' •~. , , •~ : i~ ~ ' . " !i ~i;'.?:~..""•;.++.+... ....... (:::•..: ii' I ,man, epp~ gglst, IKing. Ge0.!~ge C'aig la the :~ :;::;• " .... :" ...... :i::: • > :~ .--..: + .~.:=~; :-.+,:.~.,~/~. ,,

Commencing at a post planted about in temporary premises near. the er.•: The iaZt~r Will. build a 600, ' i : : r : ,++ +} .... . . . . . . . 500 yards in a N.E. direetion from the site of the l,urned store. . ;i . f0oL.s|d.~aik:fl~om.:Main.street ......... :'. ma oni ces i:eW attract!re/ two mile post on t he Copporr iver trail, . , .) : being on an i s l and , thence w e a ~ r l y " " / " . . . . . ~.~

'°'l°wlngthenerthlank°f•th'sl°u'hMrs'M'A"Anders°n'wh°'h'~oth'ePr'Im'"Y:":-- '&be" ,u... m..jm ' :~'+~i;;iii, .~ I l l ! , ......... Lauu, .............. ' 'S F~:,..:,: .......... Pe~'~h~ :ii:" .... /:' .~I]iI :+n=,L these i ++ . . . . . . + . . . . " : + " . . . . . . + g + ~

40 chains more or less, thene~i northePiy+l been engaged '.as,N.~+h+r o+t | ' , : ~ ' ~ - - ~ :~,i::~; " of the C o p p e t r iver 40 sha les mui+:oelSm,therB ptlbha s ¢ ~ l , a r ! ~ i'•. l~aodlefi/and field..k.,;+.~+ . m e e d s at s a t , i : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) o t w e a i ~ - a s ;?:,• less, to point o f commencement , i b ~ , l . . . . . ~@f i~ i~ . . " ' ,':':': :~':',: --+ :, " ""

from Ladysmith onStmdgy: . ...... + .... i/:,!i'?"i'i?i;"iJ 'i::'::":' : :":;):)- '/' :"?)'.++ ,>..+..+-y .... :.~ charge .... + + + " ' + ' + . . . . . " . . . . . • ' " + : ~ ' . + +++~ ¢ + . . . . . . . . " , ' " . . . . . . " ~ ~ ...... .~ ' + . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ~ : : ~ + ~ l ~ +l' + " t + + : : + " " ' 1 1 + ' " + + "I:1 " " . . . . ' ' ' ' . . . . " + ' J 1 + " " 1411 + , " " , ' ' ' " ) + ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

=, ~ 0 . ~ m #+ . . . . . . . . . p + . + . . . . . . . + 1.~ + : " ' "" +" ' . . . . . * r ' " + # t ~ # . . . . . . . + + J , D.: Well~fA~t~::k. : . *-+..,+ ......... - ,.; Dated +th March, 1914. . % ' . , : ?,'+:~'::" ,:i::h : - " m ~ : [ : F o P : . t h e p r e s e n t , L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ~ :++ . . _ _ , : : l ~ : + [ ~ T . ~ 1 ~ . , ~ L ~ . : ? + ' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' " " + " . ' : + . + ~ ~ r ' - : ' - + . . . . . . . . . ~.,+:++++,+r.,++...t.~+,~.:Gi'~. i : : . : :+ -' "P ' ' + ' . + . . . . . school is; t+m+de at Sargent'e~: +: : " m " + Pe~i~ ~2'+=.=~+./ . . a . . . . . . +"'++ ' :+-~ ' i~ , +-: ++ :+ x ,'.#+';:. " + • : + : " " ' , ' + . . ; l + , , + . , T - g - r , ~ - al~ T - ~ T T +::~r r F~,_++-~- : . . i " " ~ - . + . ~ t : .+. .V. 2 " :" :+ .,-ll~.qlFTll?.:~.+:. g T : q - - I r - ~ r +r+, '~ '~- -"-=::~+~+'~-

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