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Plus Tools

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  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools




    Table of Contents


    Removing PlusTools............................................................................................................2+Tools.....................................................................................................................................2

    iles.....................................................................................................................................3in!..................................................................................................................................... "Stats....................................................................................................................................#$onvert................................................................................................................................#Pass.................................................................................................................................... %$om&are..............................................................................................................................'(e)s...................................................................................................................................**

    +Align....................................................................................................................................*2Presentation...................................................................................................................... *2Instrutions ,or use............................................................................................................*2

    + E-trat................................................................................................................................*#+Tea/s................................................................................................................................*%$re!its.................................................................................................................................. 2#A&&en!i- I............................................................................................................................. 2#A&&en!i- II............................................................................................................................ 2'A&&en!i- III0 S1MLML....................................................................................................... 2'


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    Presentation+Tools is a set of tools for the translation industry. +Tools works on Ms-Word 97 and higherversions (Ms-Word 2000 Ms-Word 2002 Ms-Word 200! and higher versions on a "#$ aswell as on Ms-Word 9% and higher versions (Ms-Word 2001 Ms-Word & Ms-Word 200' and

    higher versions on a Ma all )* inluded fro )*7 to )*&$.

    +Tools is ostly used ,y translators that work with Wordfast (www.wordfast.net$. Mostfuntions do not atually reuire Wordfast ee/t for alignent and ter etration. +Toolsis freeware.

    +Tools rests on a /owerful file e/lorer (u/ to 1000 files an ,e seleted in u/ to 1000reursed su,-diretories$. This faility lets you /erfor searhre/lae statistis aroeeution onversions file tagging et. on hundreds of files in one single ation.

    Installationn Ms-Word use the Tools/Templates & Add-Insenu to add the PlusTools.dotte/lateto your list of te/lates.

    Note: if, at any time, Ms-Word asks you whether you want to "sae" !hanes made to the

    #lusTools$dot template, answer no$ The #lusTools template should stay un!haned$

    Removing PlusTools

    Ms-Word should ,e losed. se you syste3s file searh utility to loate all "lusTools files.4elete all "lusTools files (like /lustools.dot /lustools.ini et$.

    #lusTools does not make !hanes to you system or to Word, it does not add reistry %ase

    entries, it does not !reate hidden, se!ret files in your hard disk

    +ToolsIf the #lusTools i!on ' is not isi%le, make sure that #lusTools is a!tiated in Ms-Word(s

    list of templates use the Tools/Templates & Add-in menu to see the list of templates'$ )ou !an

    also use the *iew/Tool%ar menu to display the #lusTools i!on$

    #lik the +Toolsion or /ress 5lt+62 to o/en +Tools.


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools




    efore launhing an ation you ust selet the douent(s$ to ,e /roessed. There are 2/ossi,le ases8

    1. When you liked the +Tools enu one or ore douent(s$ were already o/ened inMs-Word. These douents will a//ear in the 6iles list.

    2. When you liked the +Tools enu no douent was o/ened. +Tools will give youthe /ossi,ility to e/lore your hard disk and see the ontents of diretories.

    #lik to hek the files you need to /roess. To seletde-selet all files use the #trl+5shortut.


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    This setion lets you /erfor a findandor replaceation on the seleted files.f you wish to use foratting o/tions for your searh8 o/en a douent setu/ the foratting

    o/tions lose you douent. +Tools will a//ly the foratting o/tions you s/eified.

    When a searhed ite is found the following hoies are offered8

    Edit8 5llows you to /ause and edit the douent. 5fter editing you an re-start the searhwhere you left it ,y /ressing 5lt-62 or liking the +Tools ion.

    Next8 ignores the urrently found ite and searhes for the net ite.Replace8 if #onfir has ,een asked for searhre/lae ations lik this o/tion to

    re/lae the urrent ite and ove to the net.Replace all8 anels the #onfir o/tion and eeutes a glo,al findre/lae on all files.Next doc8 anels the findre/lae for the urrent douent and ontinues with the net

    one.Quit8 uits the findre/lae o/eration.


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    This setion lets you /erfor Word3s usual *tatistis on the seleted files with a final re/ortgiving statistis /er individual file and a glo,al total.



    This setion lets you onvert files into the forats that are listed.There is also a /ossi,ility to hange the file3s etension.


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    PDFsorry, not aaila%le on a Ma!'

    This /ane offers two features8 1. etrat tetual ontents fro a "46 douent urrentlyo/ened with 5ro,at ;eader in the ,akground and 2. onvert tet fro a urrently o/eneddouent (ty/ewriter-style where all lines end with a /aragra/h ark$ into regular tet with

    whole /aragra/hs.

    oth tasks are unertain. The "46 forat was reated at first to ,e a read-only forat this iswhy it is AT tool-unfriendly.

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    This setion allows you reover a forgotten /rotetion /assword for a douent. ?ere/assword eans the /assword s/eified in the Tools"rotet dialog ,o used to /rotet the

    douent against writing (,ut not against reading$ as when setting a revision ode. n noway an "lusTools reover a /assword used whensaina douent /roteting furthera!!essto the douent itself.

    )/en the douent start "lusTools. #lik the 6ind the /rotetion /assword6ind the /rotetion /assword,utton.

    "rior to starting the searh you an give a few lues if you fu@@ily ree,er your /asswordwhih will allow "lusTools to work faster. "lusTools uses a so-alled ,rute fore algorithto test huge nu,ers of /ossi,le /asswords until the orret one is found. This is why for

    /asswords longer than > or 7 haraters the tie needed for testing all /ossi,ilities an run inhours (a fast o/uter will of ourse shorten the delay$.


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    This utility will o/are all /aragra/hs in two ery similardouents that have the sae

    nu,er of /aragra/hs. *ery similareans that the two douents were idential ,ut onedouent /erha/s was s/ell-heked or revised ,y a /erson who ay have edited words orsentenes ,ut not added or deleted entire /aragra/hs.


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools




    This utility will o/are segents in two ery similarsegented douents. *ery similareans that the two douents were idential ,ut one douent /erha/s was s/ell-heked orrevised ,y a /erson who ay have edited words or sentenes ,ut not added or deleted entire



  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    Tra/ Translation

    When a "roAet Manager ("M$ oversees the translation done ,y a grou/ of translators aty/ial workflow is8

    1. 6iles are /retranslated (segented$ ,y the "MB2. 6iles are sent to translators who work on the ,ut do not lean the u/B!. 6iles are sent ,ak to the "M.

    When reeiving the returned translated files the "M ay wish to know whih 100= atheswere edited /erha/s to review and validate the and whih fu@@y athes if any were nottranslated or odified.

    +Tools3 Trak Translation feature akes this /ossi,le. 5ll files however ust ,e/re/ared ,efore ,eing sent out to the translators. nvisi,le data is ,eing added to these files

    allowing the su,seuent o/arison ,etween the initial state of the file and its after-translation state. 5t re/orting tie this invisi,le data is deleted. 5 Wordfast leanu/ alsodeletes this data. This /roess does not alter the ontents of the files in any way8 after the finalleanu/ all invisi,le data has ,een deleted and the douent is lient-ready.

    When files are ,ak fro translation "lusTools an read the again and re/ort all8

    1. 100= athes that were edited (and remind the #M of what was the oriinal taretsement %efore the translator edited it$B

    2. fu@@y athes that were notedited.

    Trak translation is availa,le for 4)# (Ms Word3s native forat$ and ;T6 files.


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools




    This feature takes a sna/shot of (saves$ a given te/late3s shortuts and restores the at alater stage. The te/late ust ,e installed in Ms-Word3s ToolsTe/lates C 5dd-ins dialog

    ,o and an ,e even ative during the save and restore o/erations.

    The shortut sna/shot is a file loated in the sae folder as "lusTools with the te/late3s

    nae and a .key etension.

    This feature is useful when you need to ustoi@e shortuts in a given te/late ,ut for soereason this te/late has to ,e freuently re-installed fro srath and the tedious shortutustoi@ation ust ,e /erfored again.


    To ustoi@e shortuts in a te/late8

    .$ f the te/late is urrently ative use Ms-Word3s ToolsTe/lates C 5dd-nsenu and unhek this te/lateB

    $ ake a ,aku/ of the te/late if this is not already done. )/en the te/late as adouent using Ms-Word3s 6ile)/en enuB

    0$ use Ms-Word3s DiewTool,ars#ustoi@e dialog ,o then lik Eey,oard.1$ #ustoi@e shortuts ,y assigning the to the relevant aro in the ategory

    list,o. )ou may also need to type the former short!uts in the "New short!ut" %o2and delete them so they(re no loner a!tie'3

    4$ one this is done save the te/late on eit.

    /ortant reark8 if you need to do the a,ove o/eration ore than one whih is often thease ,eause ustoi@ing shortuts takes soe fiddling always refresh the te/late ,y

    overwriting it with a /ristine ,aked-u/ version of your te/late.


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools





    +5lign3s /ur/ose is to generate translation eories fro /airs of translated douentswhere original douents are alledsour!e and their translations are alled taret.

    5 Translation Meory (TM$ is a set of Translation nits (Ts$ a T ,eing a /air of onesoure segent athed to its orres/onding translation the target segent. +5lign /roduesTMs in Wordfast forat whih an ,e e/orted to the universal TM& forat.

    Instru"tions #or use

    )verview of the workflow8

    1. extractall segents fro ,oth sets of douentsB2. align(this is a anual o/eration$ all segentsB!. generatethe translation eory.

    1. The first ste/ is to reate two etration files8 one ontaining all soure tet (all souresegents$ and one ontaining all target tet (target segents$. To so Wordfast :.0 or higherust ,e used.

    *tart Wordfast. Make sure no douent is o/ened (lose the default e/ty douent if it3s

    there$. Fo to the Tools ta,. *elet all soure files then lik the

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    nae for the etration file (like soure.tet /erha/s$. ;e/eat the sae o/eration for targetfiles.

    5s a result you now have two etration files you know their loation (the folder in whihthey are$ and their naes.

    2.#lose all douents in Ms-Word. )/en the two etration files /rodued in the /reviousste/. *tart "lusTools go to the +5lign ta,. #lik the 5lign5lign ,utton. +5lign will dis/lay eithertwo douents side ,y side or one douent with a single ta,le allowing anual alignentand verifiation.

    The 5lt+D shortut allows you to dis/lay or hide the ends of the segents. n noral odeonly the '0 first haraters of a segent are visi,le for a ore onvenient layout.se the 6: funtion key to ,ookark you urrent loation. Gou an then sroll to any other

    /lae in the douent. "ress 6> to get ,ak to your initial ,ookarked loation.

    5lign segents ,y adding deleting or erging ells. Gou an either s/end a iniu oftie ,y generously deleting the /arts that do not align or s/end ore tie and /atiently alignthe two sides.

    Alt+Ddeletes the urrent ell or the ells you seletedBAlt+Iinserts a ell ,efore the urrent ell.Alt+s/lits a ell at the /osition where the ursor (the insertion /oint$ is loated. 5lt+* willnot funtion if the seletion etends (if tet is seleted$.Alt+!erges a segent s/lit into two ells. f an a%%reiationis s/litting a segent see


    Alt+Alets you enter an a,,reviation (for ea/le8 et. or e.g.$ that has aused anysegents to ,e ut at the wrong /lae. "lusTools will assist you in reasse,ling thosesegents.

    f you wish to ake a /ause in your alignent work save the douent(s$ you are workingon. Ms-Word an ,e losed. To resue alignent o/en the sae douent(s$ again in Wordstart "lusTools go to the +5lign ta, lik the 5lign5lign,utton.

    ". )ne the alignent is done leave the douent(s$ o/ened in Ms-Word start "lusTools goto the +5lign ta, and lik the #reate TM#reate TM,utton. When the TM has ,een generated +5lignwill ask you to renae and save it (the original o/y is in your urrent MsWord working

    folder and is naed Export.txt- Aust in ase you lose trak of your TM after saving it$.

    Important note: +Alin !reates 5ni!ode translation memories$ )ou may wish to sae them as

    6ust "Te2t-only" if you do not need 5ni!ode, as most western, alpha%eti!al, lanuaes do$

    Wordfast an later e/ort this translation eory to the TM& forat erge it with otherTMs reverse it seletively delete Ts et. The TM3s user nae is +A!. t is advised to havealigned Ts /enali@ed when using the for a new translation (see Wordfast3s anual fordetails on /enalties$.

    Raising producti#it$% Align&ent strategies.


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    5lignent - whatever the tool used - is a tie-onsuing task. t ay a//ear frustrating atfirst ,ut e/eriene and the intelligent use of strategies an onsidera,ly s/eed u/ the

    /roess. 4o not rush see things fro far devise strategies.

    With two douents where the target douent is a translation of the soure douent

    alignent aidents an our for a variety of reasons. When you find an alignent aidenttry to use swee/ing searh-re/lae ations to restore /ro/er alignent rather than reonstruteah and every alignent aident anually. se 5lt+6 to ,ring u/ a dialog ,o fro whihyou an run swee/ing hanges to either olun.


    Gou translate fro

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    + $%tra"t

    The /ur/ose of +

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    !. When the /roess is done +

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    -eep alluppercase )ords%this o/tion will unonditionally kee/ words or e/ressions thatare written in u//erase (,ut will not kee/ the if they have less than the iniu nu,erof haraters as defined a,ove$.

    Ignore )ords )it nu&bers%this setting will disard words or e/ression that ontain

    nu,ers like &T09 or MML-:0.

    Ignore )ords blac(listed in...this will let the user s/eify a file ontaining a ,laklist. Theforat is the sae as Wordfast3s ,laklist8 a Tet-only file ontaining words or e/ressionseah entry ou/ying a /aragra/h. The si@e of the list is urrently liited to one ega,yte. f

    ,oth the 4itionary and *ynonys o/tions are not used strongly reoend entering alist ofsto/wordsin this ,laklist. *to/words in this ter-etration ontet are words thatare ,oth very oonly used and not su//osed to ,e /art of the glossary. 5//endi gives ashort list of

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    Gou an run two aros one after the net this way8

    MyMaro My*eondMaro

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    List o, PlusTools &re!e,ine! maros0


    8ample te2t %efore the ma!ro:

    ,NThis ?TML tet is ut

    in short /iees se/arated whith arriage returns.,N

    8ample te2t after the ma!ro:

    ,NThis ?TML tet is ut in short /ieesse/arated whith arriage returns.,N

    HoinTranslata,leTet is used for ea/lewhen tagging ?TML tet. t searhes fors/reads of tet that have the Translata,le styleand re,uilds whole /aragra/hs ,y reoving

    /aragra/h arks and resetting ulti/les/aes to single s/aes.

    *ave#urrent4o *aves the urrently o/ened douent.*ave#lose#urrent4o *aves then loses the urrently o/ened

    douent#reateTw'win*tyles #reates a standard tw'winnternal style a

    standard tw'win

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    it.)/en4o This aro takes a o/lete (/ath+file$ file

    nae as arguent and o/ens it. The o/eneddouent ,eoes the urrent douent.

    Messageo This aro takes an arguent and dis/lays it

    in a essage ,o.

    Running in!9Re&lae o&erations

    These o/erations launh Ms-Word3s own 6ind-re/lae dialog ,o over the urrently o/eneddouent. ;ight ,efore this is done all 6ind;e/lae /araeters are reset (as when Ms-Wordis Aust started$ and the ursor is oved to the ,eginning of the douent.

    Tet to ,e found should a//ear in the 5tion 1 field and tet to ,e re/laed should a//ear inthe 5tion 2 field. Three swithes an ,e used8 (ativates Ms-Word3s findre/lae dialog

    ,o3 Math ase hek,o$ ww (ativates Ms-Word3s findre/lae dialog ,o3 Wholewords hek,o$ and w (ativates Ms-Word3s findre/lae dialog ,o3 se wildardshek,o$.

    6or ea/le8

    The at The dog

    Will re/lae The at with The dog in the entire douent ase-sensitive.

    /ind0replace )it for&ats

    The searhed tet an take a style definition like this8

    The at+OMy*tyleP The dog

    n this ase only the tet The at that has a My*tyle style will ,e found.Multi/le searh styles an ,e entered whih is i/ossi,le with Aust Ms-Word8

    The at+OMy*tyle*eond*tyleP The dog

    n this ase only the tet The at that has a My*tyle ora *eond*tyle style will ,efound.

    The re/laeent tet an take a style (only one style$8

    The at+OMy*tyle*eond*tyleP The dog+OThird*tyleP

    n this ase only the tet The at that has a My*tyle ora *eond*tyle style will ,efound and if it is found it will ,e re/laed with The dog with a Third*tyle style.

    atc replace&ents

    The List swith an ake ulti/le 6ind-re/lae o/erations in one sae task. n this ase alleleents ust ,e se/arated with a oa like this8

    #atdoghorse #ar/etta,lehair List


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    n this ase #at will ,e re/laed with #ar/et dog with ta,le and horse with hair. *tyles an,e also defined as well as all other swithes8

    #atdoghorse+OMy*tyle*eond*tyleP #ar/etta,lehair+OThird*tyleP List

    *withes an ,e o,ined here for ea/le List and 8

    #atdoghorse+OMy*tyle*eond*tyleP #ar/etta,lehair+OThird*tyleP List

    *withes are not ase-sensitive.

    /ind0replace caracters using ANI codes

    Gou an enter s/eial or un/rinta,le haraters using their odes like this8

    CQ1>9B (deial$ or C359B (headeial$

    where 59 is the headeial ode for deial 1>9 (so C359B eans the harater with the5I* ode 1>9 whih an also ,e written CQ1>9B$. The 5I* 1>9 deial harater is theo/yright sign R.

    f C359B is ,etween uotes like C359B it will onsidered literally not a oded harater.*ee the 5//endi for a onversion ta,le that an onvert the oded haraters found in aWordfast translation eory into their natural or 5I* euivalents.

    Pratial a&&liation0 tagging :TML

    "lusTools integrates a /re-set standard ?TML tagger. n +Tweaks3 list of tweaks selet the S01 ?TML tagger /re-set tweak list to see how the a,ove ethods are a//lied to /rodue afuntional ?TML tagger.

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    (,efore ation$8 This N/a/erN on translation is for you.(after ation$8 This /a/eron translation is for you.

    0AttrTag8 this swith reuires a tag nae in the 5tion 1 field and an attri,ute nae in the5tion 2 field then it will tag the ontents of the attri,ute as Translata,le. 6or ea/le

    ig alt 5ttrTag

    Will a//ly a translata,le style to the ontents of the 'ltatrtri,ute in the "imgtag.

    (,efore ation$8 "img source,gee.1pg ,'lt,Ple'se re'd t$istext,2(after ation$8 "img source,gee.1pg ,'lt,"lease read this tet,2

    0TransTag8 this swith will a//ly a translata,le style to tet o/rised ,etween the o/eningand losing tags s/eified in the 5tion 1 and 5tion2 fields. 6or ea/le

    delarationN delarationN TransTag

    Will a//ly an untranslata,le style to all tet o/rised ,etween "decl'r'tion2and"3decl'r'tion2.

    (,efore ation$8 "decl'r'tion24ots of text"3decl'r'tion2(after ation$8 "decl'r'tion24ots of text"3decl'r'tion2

    0ntransTag8 this swith will a//ly a tw'win

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    Save ,iles as Unio!e 5en untagging

    When "lusTools untags ?TML *FML or &ML files it saves the in the original file3sforat. 6or ea/le ost &ML files are in niode. 5fter tagging they3re hanged to 4)#(Word$ forat for translation. 5fter translation and untagging they3re restored to their originalniode forat.

    f you are translating fro haraters.The /ro,le is that the niverse is awash with antiuated ,rowsers that still have diffiultyinter/reting the etended sets of haraters. ut this is not the only /ro,le. The other

    /ro,le is that sine even 2:> haraters are not enough to aoodate all

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    The urrent trend is to avoid entities (they inflate the si@e of the ?TML /age are slower to/roess and transit and diffiult to read if you have to diretly edit the ?TML /age in tetode$. The /ro,le is a si@a,le /erentage of the ,illions of ?TML /ages out there are stillontaining entities (or worse a iture of 5I* haraters and entities$ and soe deision-akers having liited knowledge of the uestion or ,y fearunertaintydou,t of not ,eing

    read ,y eery%odyin this world ay /ress for entities.

    We as translators are rarely deision-akers8 the lient deides (never take initiatives likehanging harater sets et without talking to the lient first$. ut we should /rovideguidane when the lient asks for it. This anual does not /retend to ehaust the su,Aet8 aserious translator /retending to loali@e ?TML should look for training or turn to

    /rofessional advie.

    "lusTools an do two things to alleviate the /ro,le skethily desri,ed a,ove8

    1. #onvert entities found in ?TML douents into real 5I* haraters when tagging files.

    n other words the (tagged$ ?TML /age would look like

    ' dg'ge un 'ir de d1?Hu.

    and not

    Cced7' dC''cute7g'ge un 'ir de dCe'cute71C'gr'e7Cnd's$7u.

    2. #onvert 5I* haraters ,ak into entities when untagging.

    4e/ending on the strategy devised together with your lient you an use only /oint 1 or only/oint 2 or ,oth. sing 1 ,ut not 2 will result in oderni@ing ?TML /ages (whether theyontain entities 5I* etended haraters or ,oth as is often the ase$. ut then ake surethe ?TML /age has the orret harset definition in its header3s eta tag.

    ?ere are a few values for the c$'rset/araeter found in ?TML /age headers e.g."met' $ttp5e6ui,ontent5Tpe, content,text3$tml7 c$'rsetiso5889:5#,2


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    iso5889:5#L Languages ,ased on the latin-> harater setiso5889:5# Languages ,ased on the latin-7 harater setiso5889:5#9 Languages ,ased on the latin-9 harater setutf58 niode worldwideutf5#K niode worldwide

    4islaier8 these values are for general inforation only. There are other /ossi,le values. Thelientauthor should deide andor validate these values. )ne ore tie a translator translates

    ,ut only adiseson suh tehnial atters.


    All X trademarks are the property of their respe!tie owners$*reenshots ourtesy of ?orvYth 6rank 6eren.

    Appendi% I*a/le onversion ta,le to onvert oded haraters (found in a Wordfast translationeory$ into their regular 5*# euivalent. Iote that the Wordfast translation eoryshould first ,e saved as a Word douent ,efore onverting itB and that it will not ,e a validTM thereafter. This onversion an ,e useful if you need to re-use the tetual ontent of aWordfast translation eory for soe other /ur/ose.

    C39!B C39!BC39'B C39'BC391B C391BC392B C392BC35B C35BC3B C3BC3%:B C3%:BC39>B C39>BC397B C397BC399B C399BC359B C359BC35

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    G) \G ]G< ^E? _*? `

    #? b5 c # 4 < 6 F j

    H E L mM

    I ) p" q; * T D G x zN {| }~ shh ya yo

    yu ye kh sh h ui a

    , d

    e f


  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    g i

    A k l

    n o

    / r s t u v y


    5se the followin ta%le if the first one does not ie you satisfa!tion$

    *?#? G5 G) G G< E? *? #? 5 # 4 < 6 F

    H E L M

    I ) " ; * T



  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools



    G x N |

    ~ shh ya yo yu ye kh sh h ui

    a K, Y d Ve f g i

    A k

    l n o

    / r s t u v

    y J@

    Appendi% II

    List of

  • 7/24/2019 Plus Tools




    Appendi% III( S)ML*ML

    This guidane is eant for tehniians or loali@ation engineers with /revious knowledge of&ML*FML and of 4T4s if /ossi,le. The /ur/ose is to fine-tune "lusTools to /re/are filesfor s/eifi usually large /roAets.

    "lusTools ontains a task /roessor with an ?TML routine that3 edita,le and usa,le fortagging *FML or &ML douents. *ine an ?TML douent is an *FML douent with as/eifi universally agreed-u/on 4T4 "lusTools ontains a o/lete list of ?TML tags.&ML and *FML douents on the other hand are defined ,y a douent or /roAet-s/eifi4T4 so "lusTools ust ,e fine-tuned to ath the reuireents of these /artiular 4T4.

    #hoose the ?TML standard list to load the standard ?TML set of tags. 6or &ML*FML/roAets the tag list ust ,e fine-tuned (use ns 4el and
