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1. This Booklet contains four tests as follows : Test I - Reasoning Q.Nos. 1–50 Test II - English Language Q.Nos. 51–90 Test III- Quantitative Aptitude Q.Nos. 91–140 Test IV - General Awareness Q.Nos. 141–180 Test V - Computer Knowledge Q.Nos. 181–200 2. You will be given an aggregate time of 2:00 hours to answer all the four tests. The tests are not separately timed. You may distribute the time as you please but remember that to qualify in the written test as a whole you have to qualify on each of the four tests separately. 3. Tests of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness are printed in both Hindi and English. The Hindi version is printed on the left hand side page and the English version on the right hand side page. 4. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked by you. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by you, one-fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. 5. Rough work, if you want to do any, is to be done in this booklet itself and not on the answersheet. For this purpose use the empty space in the margin or anywhere else you find in this booklet. Do not use any other paper. 6. Indicate your answers on the separate answersheet (given at the end of the booklet), using HB Pencil. Follow the instructions given on the answersheet for indicating your answers. 7. Your answersheet contains answer-spaces for answering 200 questions. Use 200 answer spaces for answering the 200 questions given in this booklet. 8. Do not open the booklet Until you are told to do so. When the instruction for opening the booklet is given, do not try to remove the wire staples at the left. Insert the blunt end of your pencil under the sticker and tear it to open the booklet. 9. Immediately after opening the booklet, verify that all the pages containing questions from 1 to 200 are properly printed in your booklet and then begin answering the BSC Academy (BANKING SERVICES CHRONICLE) PO-014 (Based on IBPS’ latest pattern for COMMON WRITTEN EXAM) No. of Questions : 200 Time : 2:00 hrs Name of Student : ____________________________ Father’s Name: ______________________________ Centre : _____________________________________ Batch No.: ___________________________________ 1. bl iq fLr dkesa fuEufy f[ kr pk j iz 'ukofy; ka gS a % iz ' ukoyh I - rdZ 'k fDr iz -Ø- 1–50 iz ' ukoyhII - va xzs t hHkk"kk iz -Ø- 51–90 iz ' ukoyhIII - la [;kRed vfHk ;ksX ;rk iz -Ø- 91–140 iz ' ukoyh IV - l kekU ; l ps rrk iz -Ø- 141–180 iz ' ukoyh V - da I; w Vj Kku iz -Ø- 181–200 2. bu pk j iz 'ukofy; ksa ds mÙk j nsus ds fy, vk i dks dq y 2:00 ?kaVs dk l e; fn; kt k ,xkAi z 'ukofy; ksa ds fy, vyx& vyx l e; ugha gSA vk i vi uh bPNkds vuq lk j l e; dkl a foHkk t u dj l drs gS a ] i j a rq vk i dks Lej .k j[ kuk pk fg, fd bl ijh {kk esa lQy gksus ds fy , vk i dks pk jksa iz 'ukofy; ksa esa vyx& vyx l Qy gksukvko'; d gSA 3. rdZ 'k fDr] l a [;kRed vfHk ;ks X ; rkvkS j l kekU ; l ps rrk dh iz 'ukofy; ka fgUnhvkS j va xzs t hnksuksa Hkk"kkvksa esa NihgqbZ gS aAfgUnh:ikU rj ck ,a r j Q ds iUus i j vkS j va xzs t hnk fgus r j Q ds iUus i j Ni s gq , gS aA 4. vxj vk i xyr mÙk j nsa xs rks naMLo: i vk ids vadksa esa dVkS rhdh tk ,xhA,s ls fdl hHkhiz 'u ds fu/kkZ fj r vadksa esa ls ] ft l dkvk i us xy r mÙk j fn; kgS ] naMds :i esa ,d & pkS FkkbZ ;k 0.25 vad dkV fy, t k ,a xsA 5. j Q dke] ; fn vk i dj ukpkgsa ] rks bl iq fLr dkesa gh dj ukpk fg, u fd mÙk j i =ki j Abl gs rq gk f' k , dh vFkokvU ; =km iyC /k[ kkyh t xg dkm i ;ksx dh ft , vU ; fdl h dkxt dkm i;ksx u dh ft , A 6. vi us mÙk j vyx mÙk j i =ki j , p-ch - is fU l y dkiz ; ksx dj n'kkZ b, A mÙk j n' kkZ us ds fy , mÙk ji =kesa fn, x, vuqns 'kksa dki kyu dh ft ,A 7. vk idsmÙk ji =k esa mÙk j n' kkZ usdsfy , 200 mÙk j LFkku gS aA bl iq fLr dkesa fn, gq , 200 iz ' uksa ds mÙk j nsus ds fy, 200 mÙk j LFkkuksa dk m i ;ksx dh ft , A 8. t c rd funsZ 'k u feysbl i q fLr dk dkser [ kks fy , A iq fLr dk [ kksyus dkfunsZ ' kfey us ij iq fLr dkds ck ,a fduk js ij yxs gq , eqM+ s gq , rk j fudky us dki z ;k l u djsaAisa fl y ds fi Ny s Hkkx dh enn ls nk fguhr j Q y xs LVhdj dks QkM+ dj iq fLr dkdks [ kksysaA 9. iq fLr dk [ kksyrs ghtkap yh ft , fd l Hkhi "B ft u ij iz 'u 1 ls 200 gS a ] l gh izdk j l s Ni s gq , gS a vkS j fQj i z 'ukofy; ksa ds mÙk j nsuk
  • 1. This Booklet contains four tests as follows :Test I - Reasoning Q.Nos. 150Test II - English Language Q.Nos. 5190Test III - Quantitative Aptitude Q.Nos. 91140Test IV - General Awareness Q.Nos. 141180Test V - Computer Knowledge Q.Nos. 181200

    2. You will be given an aggregate time of 2:00 hours toanswer all the four tests. The tests are not separatelytimed. You may distribute the time as you please butremember that to qualify in the written test as a wholeyou have to qualify on each of the four tests separately.

    3. Tests of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and GeneralAwareness are printed in both Hindi and English. TheHindi version is printed on the left hand side page andthe English version on the right hand side page.

    4. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked by you.For each question for which a wrong answer has beengiven by you, one-fourth or 0.25 of the marks assignedto that question will be deducted as penalty.

    5. Rough work, if you want to do any, is to be done in thisbooklet itself and not on the answersheet. For thispurpose use the empty space in the margin or anywhereelse you find in this booklet. Do not use any other paper.

    6. Indicate your answers on the separate answersheet(given at the end of the booklet), using HB Pencil. Followthe instructions given on the answersheet for indicatingyour answers.

    7. Your answersheet contains answer-spaces for answering200 questions. Use 200 answer spaces for answering the200 questions given in this booklet.

    8. Do not open the booklet Until you are told to do so.When the instruction for opening the booklet is given,do not try to remove the wire staples at the left. Insertthe blunt end of your pencil under the sticker and tear itto open the booklet.

    9. Immediately after opening the booklet, verify that all thepages containing questions from 1 to 200 are properlyprinted in your booklet and then begin answering the


    PO-014(Based on IBPS latest pattern for COMMON WRITTEN EXAM)

    No. of Questions : 200 Time : 2:00 hrs

    Name of Student : ____________________________ Fathers Name: ______________________________

    Centre : _____________________________________ Batch No.: ___________________________________

    1. bl i qfLr dk esa fuEufyf[ kr pkj i z' ukofy; ka gSa %i z' ukoyh I - r dZ' kfDr i z-- 150i z' ukoyh II - vaxzst h Hkk"kk i z-- 5190i z' ukoyh III - l a[ ; kRed vfHk; ksX; r k i z-- 91140i z' ukoyh IV - l kekU; l psr r k i z-- 141180i z' ukoyh V - daI; wVj Kku i z-- 181200

    2. bu pkj i z' ukofy; ksa ds mkj nsus ds fy, vki dks dqy 2:00 ?kaVs dkl e; fn; k t k, xkA i z' ukofy; ksa ds fy, vyx&vyx l e; ugha gSAvki vi uh bPNk ds vuql kj l e; dk l afoHkkt u dj l dr s gSa] i j ar qvki dks Lej .k j [ kuk pkfg, fd bl i j h{kk esa l Qy gksus ds fy,vki dks pkj ksa i z' ukofy; ksa esa vyx&vyx l Qy gksuk vko' ; d gSA

    3. r dZ' kfDr ] l a[ ; kRed vfHk; ksX; r k vkSj l kekU; l psr r k dh i z' ukofy; kafgUnh vkSj vaxzst h nksuksa Hkk"kkvksa esa Ni h gqbZ gSaA fgUnh : i kUr j ck, ar j Q ds i Uus i j vkSj vaxzst h nkfgus r j Q ds i Uus i j Ni s gq, gSaA

    4. vxj vki xyr mkj nsaxs r ks naMLo: i vki ds vadksa esa dVkSr h dht k, xhA , sl s fdl h Hkh i z' u ds fu/kkZfj r vadksa esa l s] ft l dk vki usxyr mkj fn; k gS] naM ds : i esa , d&pkSFkkbZ ; k 0.25 vad dkVfy, t k, axsA

    5. j Q dke] ; fn vki dj uk pkgsa] r ks bl i qfLr dk esa gh dj uk pkfg,u fd mkj i =k i j A bl gsr q gkf' k, dh vFkok vU; =k mi yC/k [ kkyht xg dk mi ; ksx dhft , vU; fdl h dkxt dk mi ; ksx u dhft , A

    6. vi us mkj vyx mkj i =k i j , p-ch- i sfUl y dk i z; ksx dj n' kkZb, Amkj n' kkZus ds fy, mkj i =k esa fn, x, vuqns' kksa dk i kyu dhft , A

    7. vki ds mkj i =k esa mkj n' kkZus ds fy, 200 mkj LFkku gSaA bli qfLr dk esa fn, gq, 200 i z' uksa ds mkj nsus ds fy, 200 mkj LFkkuksadk mi ; ksx dhft , A

    8. t c r d funsZ' k u feys bl i qfLr dk dks er [ kksfy, A i qfLr dk[ kksyus dk funsZ' k feyus i j i qfLr dk ds ck, a fdukj s i j yxs gq, eqM+sgq, r kj fudkyus dk i z; kl u dj saA i safl y ds fi Nys Hkkx dh ennl s nkfguh r j Q yxs LVhdj dks QkM+dj i qfLr dk dks [ kksysaA

    9. i qfLr dk [ kksyr s gh t kap yhft , fd l Hkh i "`B ft u i j i z' u 1 l s200 gSa] l gh i zdkj l s Ni s gq, gSa vkSj fQj i z' ukofy; ksa ds mkj nsuk

  • BSC Academy

    2 PO-014

    i z' ukoyh Ir dZ' kfDr

    funsZ' k (i z- 1-2): ; s i z' u fuEufyf[ kr t kudkj h i j vkkkfj r gSaA, d fuf' pr dwV Hkk"kk esa za ed mn dk vFkZ sky is blue, mn god prv dk vFkZ blue are ure vkSj za to sun to dk

    vFkZ very very sky beautiful gSA

    1. beautiful sky is blue dks fuEufyf[ kr esa l s fdl ds : i esa dwVc) fd; k t k l dr k gS\1) mn za to sun 2) za mn sun ed 3) za mn sun prv 4) prv sun za ed 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    2. fuEufyf[ kr esa l s very dk dwV dkSu&l k gS\1) za 2) sun 3) to 4) god 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    funsZ' k (i z- 3-4): ; s i z' u fuEufyf[ kr t kudkj h i j vkkkfj r gSaA

    N% fe=k A, B, C, D, E vkSj F , d l h/kh i afDr esa cSBs gSaA B, E ds ck, a l s r hl j s LFkku i j cSBr k gS] t ks i afDr ds vUr esa cSBr k gSAC, F vkSj E dk ut nhdh i M+ksl h ugha gSA B vkSj D ds chp , d O; fDr cSBr k gSA F i afDr ds ck, a fdukj s i j cSBk gSA

    3. E ds l UnHkZ esa A dk LFkku D; k gS\1) nk, a pkSFkk 2) nk, a r hl j k 3) ck, a pkSFkk 4) ck, a i kapok 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    4. ; fn l Hkh N% fe=kksa dks vaxzst h o.kZekyk ds vuql kj nk, a l s ck, a cSBk; k t k, ] r ks muesa l s fdr uksa ds LFkku vi fj ofr Zr j gsaxs\1) , d Hkh ugha 2) , d 3) nks 4) r hu 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    funsZ' k (i z- 5-7): fuEufyf[ kr t kudkj h dks ; ku l s i f

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 3

    Test IReasoning

    Directions (Q. 1-2): These questions are based on the following information.

    In a certain code, za ed mn means sky is blue, mn god prv means blue are ure and za to sun to means very verysky beautiful.

    1. beautiful sky is blue can be coded as which of the following?1) mn za to sun 2) za mn sun ed 3) za mn sun prv 4) prv sun za ed 5) None of these

    2. Which of the following is the code for very?1) za 2) sun 3) to 4) god 5) None of these

    Directions (Q. 3-4): These questions are based on the following information.Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a straight line. B sits third to the left of E, who sits at the end of the line. C is not

    an immediate neighbour of F and E. One person sits between B and D. F is sitting at the left end of the line.

    3. What is the As position with respect of E?1) fourth right 2) third right 3) fourth left 4) fifth left 5) None of these

    4. If all the six friends are made to sit alphabetically from right to left, position of how many of them will remain unchanged?1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) None of these

    Directions (Q. 5-7): Study the following information, carefully to answer the given questions.

    Six bank clerks A, E, I, O, U and Y are working in three SBI associates banksSBI Patiala, SBI Hyderabad and SBIMysore. They are belonging to four different cities i.e. Delhi, Dehradoon, Agra and Ajmer. At least one clerk works in each bankand at least one clerk belong to each city. U works either in SBI Patiala or SBI Mysore. One clerk of SBI Hyderabad bankbelongs to Delhi. E either belongs to Delhi or Dehradoon and does not work in SBI Hyderabad. Y does not work with O and E.I works in SBI Patiala and he is not from Delhi. Both the clerks of SBI Mysore are not from Ajmer. A is not from Ajmer and O workwith SBI Patiala. Two persons belong to Delhi and they dont work with SBI Mysore. Person from Agra does not work in SBIPatiala. U is from Delhi and O is not from Dehradoon. Clerks of same banks dont belong to same city.

    5. From which city does I belong?1) Agra 2) Dehradun 3) Delhi 4) Ajmer 5) Can't be determined

    6. Which of the following combination of persons work in the same bank?1) UY 2) EO 3) IY 4) AE 5) AI

    7. If there is any person who is from Dehradun and works in SBI Mysore then who is that person?1) A 2) I 3) None of these4) Can't be determined 5) No such person exists

    8. The positions of the first and sixth letters of the word BOTANY are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the secondand fifth letters and third and fourth letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement thus formed, how many alphabetsare there in the original English alphabetical series between the letter which is second from the right end and the letterwhich is third from the left end?1) Ten 2) Thirteen 3) Twelve 4) Fourteen 5) None of these

    9. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word AMERICA each of which has as many letters between them in theword as in the English alphabetical series (in both forward and backward directions)?1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) None of these

  • BSC Academy

    4 PO-014

    10. Z, A dh cgu gSA A, K dh cgu gSA K, P dk HkkbZ gSA P dk Z l s dSl k l aca/k gS\1) cgu 2) HkkbZ 3) ; k r ks HkkbZ ; k cgu 4) MkVk vi ; kZIr 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    funsZ' k (i z- 11-15): uhps fn, x, i zR; sd i z' u esa r hu dFku vkSj ml ds ckn nks fu"d"kZ I vkSj II fn, x, gSaA vki dks fn, x, r huksa dFkuksa dks l R;l e>uk gS Hkys gh os l oZKkr r F; ksa l s esy u [ kkr s gksa vkSj fQj ; g r ; dj uk gS fd fn, x, fu"d"kks esa l s dkSu&l k fu"d"kZ r dZl axr : i l s bu r huksa dFkuksadk vuql j .k dj r k gS] Hkys gh l oZKkr r F; dqN Hkh gksaA mkj nhft , %

    1) ; fn dsoy I vuql j .k dj r k gSA2) ; fn dsoy II vuql j .k dj r k gSA3) ; fn ; k r ks I ; k II vuql j .k dj r k gSA4) ; fn I vkSj II nksuksa vuql j .k dj r s gSaA5) ; fn u r ks I u gh II vuql j .k dj r k gSA

    11. dFku : l Hkh pwgs fcYyh gSaA dqN fcYyh i kyr w gSaAfu"d"kZ: I. l Hkh pwgksa ds i kyr w gksus dh , d l aHkkouk gSA II. dqN fcfYy; ka dHkh Hkh pwgk ugha gks l dr h gSaA

    12. dFku : dqN cYys gkWdh gSaA dksbZ Hkh cYyk , d xsan ugha gSAfu"d"kZ: I. , d l aHkkouk gS fd dqN gkWdh xsan gSaA

    II. dksbZ Hkh gkWdh , d ckWy ugha gSA13. dFku : dqN yM+ds bZekunkj gSaA dqN bZekunkj cqf) eku gSaA

    fu"d"kZ: I. de l s de dqN yM+ds cqf) eku gSaA II. l Hkh yM+ds cqf) eku gSaA14. dFku : l Hkh xkt j sa r ksr k gSaA l Hkh r ksr s gj s gSaA

    fu"d"kZ: I. , d l aHkkouk gS fd dqN r ksr s xkt j ugha gSaAII. dqN xkt j sa gj h ugha gSaA

    15. dFku : l Hkh gSaMy dSaMy gSaA dksbZ dSaMy i SaMy ugha gSAfu"d"kZ: I. l Hkh gSaMy dHkh Hkh i SaMy ugha gks l dr s gSaA II. l Hkh dSaMyksa ds gSaMy gksus dh , d l aHkkouk gSA

    funsZ' k (i z- 16-20): fuEufyf[ kr t kudkj h dks ; ku l s i f

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 5

    10. Z is the sister of A. A is the sister of K. K is the brother of P. How is P related to Z?1) Sister 2) Brother 3) Either Brother or Sister 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

    Directions (Q. 11-15): In each of the questions below are given statements followed by two conclusions numbered I andII. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seen to be at variance with commonly known facts and thendecide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the statements desregarding commonly known facts. Giveanswer:

    1) if only I follows.2) if only II follows.3) if either I or II follows.4) if both I and II follow.5) if neither I nor II follows.

    11. Statements: All rats are cats. Some cats are pets.Conclusions: I. All rats being pets is a possiblity. II. Some cats can never be rats.

    12. Statements: Some bats are hockeys. No bat is a ball.Conclusions: I. There is a possibility that some hockeys are balls.

    II. No hockey is a ball.13. Statements: Some boys are honest. Some honests are intelligent.

    Conclusions: I. At least some boys are intelligent. II. All boys are intelligent.

    14. Statements: All carrots are parrots. All parrots are green.Conclusions: I. There is a possiblity that some parrots are not carrots.

    II. Some carrots are not green.

    15. Statements: All handles are candles. No candle is a pandle.Conclusions: I. All handles can never be pandles. II. All candles being handles is a possibility.

    Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information, carefully to answer the given questions.

    Five friends F, M, K, N and Y are working in 5 different hospitals C, P, O, S and U and they earn different salaries ie Rs8000, Rs 12000, Rs 15000, Rs 18000 and Rs 20000 and they all are of different ages ie 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30 years. These allinformations are not necessarily in same order.

    Person who is 29 year old earns highest salary but does not work in C and P hospital. Y does not work in S and U hospitaland his age is not 30. The salary of N is less than Rs 15000. The person who is 26 years old earns Rs 18000 per month. F earnsRs 12000 per month but does not work in P and S. M works in C hospital and earns more than Rs 15000. Person who is 27 yearsold works in U. 30 years old person earns at least Rs 15000.

    16. In which hospital does F work?1) U 2) C 3) P 4) S 5) O

    17. Who works in Hospital P?1) M 2) K 3) N 4) Y 5) Can't be determined

    18. If the name of the person represents its salary then which of the following is true?1) F + M = K 2) K + N = M 3) N + Y = M 4) F + N = Y 5) None of these

    19. The person whose age is a prime number works in hospital1) C 2) P 3) O 4) S 5) Can't be determined

    20. Which of the following combinations is definitely true?1) M 29 years C 20000 2) N 24 years P 8000 3) F 24 years S 120004) Y 29 years O 20000 5) None of these

  • BSC Academy

    6 PO-014

    funsZ' k (i z- 21-25): ; s i z' u uhps fuEufyf[ kr l wpuk i j vkkkfj r gSaA

    vfkdkfj ; ksa dh , d cksMZ ehfVax esa 8 l nL; Fks] ft uds uke gSa veu] ceu] peu] kou] xxu] exu] ueu , oa i ouA fuEufyf[ krt kudkj h , d vk; r kdkj Vscy ds pkj ksa vksj muds cSBus dh O; oLFkk ds l acak esa gS ft l esa 3 O; fDr yackbZ dh r j Q r Fkk , d O; fDr Vscydh i zR; sd pkSM+kbZ dh r j Q cSBr k gSA

    1. nks eq[ ; vfkdkj h gSa vkSj os Vscy ds , d r j Q cSBr s gSaA kou , oa i ou] veu ds ut nhd ugha gSaA2. exu yackbZ okys Hkkx ds dksus esa cSBr k gSA3. xxu exu ds fod.kZor foi j hr gSA4. xxu , oa peu ds chp dsoy , d O; fDr gSA5. ceu eq[ ; vf/kdkj h gSA og peu ds i kl cSBr k gS t ks fd ueu ds fod.kZor foi j hr gSA6. exu , oa ceu l Vs gq, ugha gSaA i ou] xxu ds ck, a l s r hl j k gS vkSj og eq[ ; vf/kdkj h ugha gSA7. veu yackbZ okys Hkkx ds chp esa cSBr k gSA

    21. i ou ds l keus dkSu gS\1) veu 2) exu 3) ueu 4) xxu 5) kou

    22. ceu ds vykok nwl j k eq[ ; vf/kdkj h dkSu gS\1) exu 2) kou 3) i ou 4) veu 5) ueu

    23. os r hu O; fDr dkSu gSa t ks , d gh r j Q cSBr s gSa\1) xxu] veu] kou 2) peu] i ou xxu 3) ueu] veu] peu4) veu] ueu] xxu 5) fukkZfj r ugha fd; k t k l dr k

    24. kou , oa xxu ds chp dkSu gS\1) veu] i ou 2) veu] ueu 3) ueu] exu4) veu] exu 5) exu] i ou

    25. i ou ds cSBus dk LFkku D; k gS\1) exu ds ck, a nwl j k 2) veu ds nk, a r hl j k 3) xxu ds fod.kZor foi j hr4) kou ds nk, a nwl j k 5) peu ds ck, a nwl j k

    funsZ' k (i z- 26-30): bu i z' uksa esa] dFkuksa esa fofHkUu r Roksa ds chp l acak fn[ kk; k x; k gSA dFkuksa ds ckn nks fu"d"kZ fn, x, gSaAmkj nhft , %

    1) ; fn dsoy fu"d"kZ I vuql j .k dj r k gSA2) ; fn dsoy fu"d"kZ II vuql j .k dj r k gSA3) ; fn ; k r ks fu"d"kZ I ; k fu"d"kZ II vuql j .k dj r k gSA4) ; fn u r ks fu"d"kZ I vkSj u gh fu"d"kZ II vuql j .k dj r k gSA5) ; fn nksuksa fu"d"kZ I o II vuql j .k dj r s gSaA

    26. dFku % A < B, B < C, C = D, D > Efu"d"kZ % I. B = D II. B < D

    27. dFku % M = N O < P = Q Rfu"d"kZ % I. N P II. R > N

    28. dFku % S < T, T < U, U = W, W < Xfu"d"kZ % I. S W II. W T

    29. dFku % G < H, I < G, H < J, J Kfu"d"kZ % I. H < K II. H > I

    30. dFku % C < B, K G, G = M, B K, M Bfu"d"kZ % I. M K II. C = G

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 7

    Directions (Q. 21-25): These questions are based on the following information.

    In a board meeting of officers there were eight members, whose names are Aman, Baman, Chaman, Dhawan, Gagan,Magan, Naman, Pawan. Following information is about their sitting arrangement around a rectangular table on which threepersons sit on the each longer side and one sits on the each smaller side.

    1. There are two head officers and they sit on the single sides of the table. Dhawan and Pawan are not near Aman.2. Magan sits on the corner of the longer side.3. Gagan is diagonally opposite to Magan.4. There is only one person between Gagan and Chaman5. Baman is the head officer. He sits near Chaman, who is diagonally opposite to Naman.6. Magan and Baman are not adjacent. Pawan is 3rd left of Gagan and he is not head officer.7. Aman sits on the middle of longer side.

    21. Who is in front of Pawan?1) Aman 2) Magan 3) Naman 4) Gagan 5) Dhawan

    22. Who is the second head other than Baman?1) Magan 2) Dhawan 3) Pawan 4) Aman 5) Naman

    23. Who are these three persons who sit on the same side?1) Gagan, Aman, Dhawan 2) Chaman, Pawan, Gagan 3) Naman, Aman, Chaman.4) Aman, Naman, Gagan 5) Cant be determined

    24. Who is between Dhawan and Gagan?1) Aman, Pawan 2) Aman, Naman 3) Naman, Magan4) Aman, Magan 5) Magan, Pawan

    25. What is the sitting position of Pawan?1) 2nd left of Magan 2) 3rd right of Aman 3) diagonally opposite of Gagan4) 2nd right of Dhawan 5) 2nd left of Chaman

    Direction (Q. 26-30): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Thesestatements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer

    1) If only conclusion I follows.2) If only conclusion II follows.3) If either conclusion I or II follows.4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.5) If both conclusions I and II follow.

    26. Statements: A < B, B < C, C = D, D > EConclusion: I. B = D II. B < D

    27. Statements: M = N O < P = Q RConclusion: I. N P II. R > N

    28. Statements: S < T, T < U, U = W, W < XConclusion: I. S W II. W T

    29. Statements: G < H, I < G, H < J, J KConclusion: I. H < K II. H > I

    30. Statements: C < B, K G, G = M, B K, M BConclusion: I. M K II. C = G

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    8 PO-014

    funsZ' k (i z- 31-35): uhps fn; s x, i z' uksa dk mkj nsus ds fy , fuEufyf[ kr l wpuk dk /; kui woZd v/; ; u dhft , AdFku: Hkkj r esa dqN i zkFkfedr k, a fi r l` kkRed j hfr &fj okt ksa vkSj i j Ei j kvksa r Fkk i Sr d` foj kl r i j vk/kkfj r gksr h gS] t gka foj kl r dks

    l kekU; i q#"k i woZt ksa ds ek/; e l s i zkIr fd; k t kr k gS vkSj foj kl r esa i qf=k; ksa l s vf/kd i q=k i kr s gSaA fganqvksa esa dkQh gn r d ; g ekuk t kr k gSfd dsoy i q=k gh fpr k dks vkx ns l dr k gS vkSj i woZt ksa ds fy , i zkFkZuk dj r k gS] l kFk gh csVk i fj okj dk , d fgLl k cuk j gr k gS t cfd csVhnwl j s i fj okj dk , d fgLl k cu t kr h gS] D; ksafd dU; knku ' kknh esa i q=kh dks ns nsuk , d vko' ; d /kkfeZd nkf; Ro gS] vkSj bl ot g l s dsoyi q=k gh o`) koLFkk esa l qj {kk i znku dj l dr k gSA

    31. mi j ksDr ys[ kka' k esa fuEu esa l s dkSu&l h , d i woZ/kkj .kk gks l dr h gS\1) Hkkj r , d i q: "k i z/kku l ekt gSA2) Hkkj r h; i fj okj ksa esa efgykvksa dks l r k; k t kr k gSA3) l Hkh csfV; ksa dks ' kknh esa ugha fn; k t kr k gSA4) mu i fj okj ksa dks] ft uds dksbZ i q=k ugha gS] l kekft d fr j Ldkj dk l keuk dj uk i M+r k gSA5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    32. mi j ksDr ys[ kka' k esa O; Dr fopkj dks fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k dFku det ksj cukr k gS\1) vkt Hkkj r esa cgqr l h yM+fd; ka i zse fookg ds fy , bPNqd gSaA2) Hkkj r esa efgyk, a cM+h l a[ ; k esa vf' kf{kr gSa vkSj ut fj ; s esa fi NM+h gqbZ gSaA3) vk/kqfud yM+fd; ka mPp f' kf{kr gSa vkSj mUgksaus i kj ai fj d feFkdksa dks /oLr dj fn; k gSA4) vHkh Hkh Hkkj r ds dbZ {ks=k , sl s gSa t gka yM+fd; ksa ds f[ kykQ HksnHkko O; kIr gSA5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    33. fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k mi j ksDr ys[ kka' k l s , d fu"d"kZ gks l dr k gS\1) fganqvksa dh i j ai j k, a bLyke dh O; ogkfj d i zFkk dh r qyuk esa efgykvksa ds f[ kykQ HksnHkko i w.kZ gSaA2) dU; knku l Hkh fganw i fj okj ksa ds fy , , d vfuok; Z i zf; k gSA3) fganqvksa esa cgqr l kj s j hfr &fj okt o i j ai j k, a gSa ft Ugksaus Hkkj r esa efgykvksa dh fLFkfr dks det ksj fd; k gSA4) efgyk, a Hkkj r h; l ekt esa vi uh vi d "`V fLFkfr ds fy , Lo; a ft Eesnkj gSaA5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    34. fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k dFku mi j ksDr ys[ kka' k esa O; Dr fopkj dks et cwr cukr k gS\1) l Hkh dkuwuh i z; kl ksa ds ckot wn Hkkj r h; l ekt esa efgykvksa dh fLFkr dkQh fuEu gSA2) Hkkj r esa efgykvksa dks i j ai j kxr : i l s fi NM+h fLFkfr nsus ds vykok [ kki i apk; r ksa ds Qj eku vkSj mysekvksa } kj k yxkr kj t kj hQr okvksa us Hkh efgykvksa dh i j s' kkuh dks c

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 9

    Directions (Q. 31-35): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below.Statements: Some preferences in India are based on patriarchal customs and traditions and the patrilineal form of inheritance,

    where the inheritance is obtained through the common male ancestors and the sons inherit more than the daughters. Among theHindus, it is largely believed that only a son can light the funeral pyre and offer prayers to ancestors, that the son remains a part ofthe family whereas the daughter becomes a part of another family, that Kanyadaan (giving away of a daughter in marriage) is anecessary spiritual obligation, and that only a son can provide old-age security.

    31. Which of the following can be an assumption in the above passage?1) India has a patriarchal society.2) In Indian families, females are persecuted.3) All the daughters are not given away in marriage.4) Those families which beget no son face social opprobrium.5) None of these

    32. Which of the following statements weakens the idea expressed in the above passage?1) Today many girls in India are opting for love marriage.2) Women in India are largely uneducated and backward in outlook.3) Modern girls are highly educated and they have demolished most of the traditional myths that girls are inferior to boys.4) There are still many pockets of India where discrimination against girls is rampant.5) None of these

    33. Which of the following can be an inference from the above passage?1) The traditions of the Hindus are very discriminatory against women as compared to what is in practice in Islam.2) Kanyadaan is a mandatory process for all Hindu households.3) There are many customs and traditions among the Hindus which weaken the position of women in India.4) Women are themselves responsible for their inferior position in the Indian society.5) None of these

    34. Which of the following statements strengthens the idea expressed in the above passage?1) Despite all legal efforts, the position of women in Indian society is very low.2) Besides traditionally bestowed low position to women in India, khap panchayats and frequent fatwas issued by Ulemasadd to the discomfiture of women.3) While the north-eastern and southern parts of India are matrilineal, rest of the country is patrilineal.4) The Hindus are more traditional than the people belonging to other religions.5) None of these

    35. Statement: Every holy river in India is going to lose its holiness and the percentage of pollution is only increasing in spiteof spending millions of rupees for its treatment by the government.Which of the following can be an inference of the above statement?1) The government is not serious about cleaning rivers in India.2) Pollution divests rivers of their holiness.3) India is using polluted river water for drinking purposes.4) India is averse to seeking overseas technical help for cleaning its rivers.5) None of these

  • BSC Academy

    10 PO-014

    funsZ' k (i z- 36-40): uhps fn, x, i zR; sd i z' u esa , d i z' u vkSj ml ds uhps I vkSj II nks dFku fn, x, gSaA vki dks ; g r ; dj ukgS fd dFkuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS ; k ughaA l EHkkfor mkj ksa ds chp pquko dj us ds fy , vki dks MkVkvkSj xf.kr ds v i us Kku dk i z; ksx dj uk gksxkA mkj nhft ,

    1) ; fn dsoy dFku I esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS] t cfd dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dkmkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA

    2) ; fn dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS] t cfd dsoy dFku I esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dkmkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA

    3) ; fn ; k r ks dsoy dFku I ; k dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gSA4) ; fn dFku I vkSj dFku II nksuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk feydj i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA5) ; fn dFku I vkSj II nksuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk feydj i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , vko' ; d gSA

    36. 12 cPpksa dh , d i afDr esa j kt ho dk LFkku D; k gS\I. eukst j fo ds ck, a l s pkSFkk gS( j kt ho uj sUnz ds nk, a l s l kr oka gSAII. j kt ho j fo ds nk, a l s i kapoka gS( eukst uj sUnz ds ck, a l s r hl j k gS t ks , d Nksj i j gSA

    37. D; k dqN yM+ds fo| kFkhZ gSa\I. dqN fo| kFkhZ v/; ki d gSa] l Hkh v/; ki d yM+ds gSaAII. dqN v/; ki d fo| kFkhZ gSa] l Hkh yM+ds v/; ki d gSaA

    38. M, N, O, P vkSj R esa P fdr us yksxksa l s yack gS\I. O, M l s yack gS i j Ur q R l s NksVk gS] t ks P l s yack ugha gSAII. N l cl s yack ugha gS i j Ur q O l s yack gSA

    39. t ; sUnz r Fkk vafdr dh vk; q ds e/; fdr us fnuksa dk var j gS\I. vafdr dk t Ue 26 r j h[ k dks gqvk Fkk r Fkk eghuk fl r Ecj ; k vDVwcj FkkA t ; sUnz dk t Ue 12 vDVwcj dks gqvk FkkAII. vafdr vi us i gys uoo"kZ i j r hu eghus dk FkkA nksuksa , d gh o"kZ esa i Snk gq, FksA

    40. vafdr k dh vk; q Kkr dhft , AI. vafdr k] Lusgk l s 3 o"kZ l s T; knk cM+h gSA Lusgk 19 o"kZ dh gSAII. i k: y r Fkk vafdr k dh vk; q dk vuqi kr e' k% 3 : 5 gSA nksuksa dh dqy vk; q 65 l s 73 o"kZ ds chp gSA

    funsZ' k (i z- 41-50): fuEufyf[ kr i zR; sd i z' u esa ; fn ; gh e t kj h j gk r ks nkfguh vksj nh xbZ i kap mkj vkfr ; ksa esa l s dkSu&l hmkj vkfr ckb vksj dh i z' u vkfr ; ksa ds r Rdky ckn vkuh pkfg, \

    i z' u vkfr ; ka mkj vkfr ; ka


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

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    PO-014 11

    Directions (Q. 36-40): Each question below is followed by two statements I and II. You are to determine whether the datagiven in the statement is sufficient to answer the question. You should use the data and your knowledge of Mathematics tochoose between the possible answers. Give answer

    1) if the statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement II alone is not sufficient.2) if the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement I alone is not sufficient.3) if either the statement I alone or the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.4) if you cannot get the answer from the statements I and II together, but need more data.5) if both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.

    36. What is Rajeevs position in a row of 12 children?I. Manoj is fourth to the left of Ravi; Rajeev is seventh to the right of Narendra.II. Rajeev is fifth to the right of Ravi; Manoj is third to the left at Narendra which is at one end.

    37. Are some boys students?I. Some students are teachers; All teachers are boys.II. Some teachers are students; All boys are teachers.

    38. Among M, N, O, P and R, P is taller than how many people?I. O is taller than M but shorter than R, who is not taller than P.II. N is not the tallest but is taller than O.

    39. Difference of how many days is there between the ages of Jayendra and Ankit?I. Ankit was born on 26 and the month was September or October. Jayendra was born on October 12.II. Ankit was 3 months old at his first new year. Both of them were born in the same year.

    40. Find the age of Ankita.I. Ankita is more than 3 years older than Sneha. Sneha is 19 years old.II. The ratio of the ages of Parul and Ankita is 3 : 5 respectively. Total age of both of them is between 65 to 73 years.

    Directions (Q. 41-50): In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right shouldcome after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence is to be continued?

    Problem Figures Answer Figures


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

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    12 PO-014


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

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    PO-014 13


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


    1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

  • BSC Academy

    14 PO-014

    Test IIEnglish Language

    Directions (Q. 51-65): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certainwords are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

    The subject Good Governance is both topical and timely. It is an axiom of political science that a State comes intobeing for life but it exists for good life.

    The duty of the state is not only to protect life and liberty but goes further, to enable the people to live in a measure ofphysical and mental comfort.

    Democracy is a government by the citizens themselves. The people should realise that they are responsible for choosingthe right and proper persons to represent them in national affairs. In colonial administration the government was different fromthe people. Those governments ruled but without the consent and concurrence of the people. This old concept still persistsin the masses today. They do not realise that the general election is the occasion for them to choose a government forthemselves. On the contrary, the masses feel that the franchise is a patronage to be conferred on their kith and kin, or the localcandidate, or one of their caste and religious fraternity.

    In mature democracies, a person who changes his party affiliation or crosses the floor, seldom gets re-elected by theelectorate. They do not trust him to stand firm by the policies and programmes proposed by him. In India a person who was inthe Congress Government and immediately thereafter in the Janata Government and then in Chandrashekhar Government wasre-elected and came once again into the Congress Government!

    The electorate votes for a criminal or a corrupt candidate, and bemoans that the country has a bad government.The electorate does not realise that even as it contributes to its own household expenditure, it has to contribute to the

    countrys governance. It is easily misled by the unscrupulous promises of political parties of free food, free clothes, freeelectricity, free everything. Even enlightened people plead for tax concessions, subsidies and incentives oblivious of the factthat they are met by borrowings which in turn impose burdens indirectly on themselves.

    Besides, in a true democracy, the people voluntarily observe the laws, rules and regulations as they are forged bythemselves in the interest of good governance. It is only because 90% of the people abide by the laws and 10% transgressthem that the state is able to maintain order and harmony. If the situation were reversed with 90% transgressing the law and10% abiding by it, there can be no organised society, no peace and harmony. Some of the advanced countries, notablySwitzerland, have perhaps the highest degree of compliance. A mere board stating that the road is closed will be complied withby almost 100% of the people.51. Which of the following is supposed to be the most relevant duty of the state?

    1) to ensure sovereignty of the region 2) to ensure prosperity of the region3) to look after the welfare of its people 4) to develop better terms with other nations5) None of these

    52. What is the basic difference between democracy and colonial rule?1) In a democracy, peoples will prevails, whereas in a colonial rule, rulers will prevails.2) Democracy is a rule by different parties whereas a colonial rule is a single-party rule.3) Democracy can be opposed by the people but such is not the case with colonial rule.4) A colonial rule can be converted into a democracy but the same cannot happen with a democracy.5) None of these

    53. If the people want to have a responsible government in a democracy1) they must call for free and fair elections.2) they should take charge of the elections.3) they should elect educated and experienced representatives.4) they should look for single-party rule.5) they should elect desirable candidates.

    54. Why does a person changing his party find it hard to get re-elected in mature democracies?1) Because political parties suspect his fidelity.2) Because he loses his image in the political circle.3) Because his eligibility for fighting elections gets questioned.4) Because he has to depend upon the stand of his new party.5) None of these

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    PO-014 15

    55. In a country like India, who is mainly responsible for good or bad governance?1) The system of electing our representatives 2) The political parties 3) The voters4) The political party in power 5) None of these

    56. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?1) Good governance is related to the welfare of the people.2) We have a mature democracy in India.3) The leaders who change parties face hurdles in getting re-elected in our country.4) Colonial rule was much better than the present democracy.5) None of these

    57. What makes Switzerland a successful democracy?1) Clear instructions regarding public concerns marked on boards, even on roadsides2) High rate of literacy among the populace3) Law-abiding citizens4) Governance with a mission5) None of these

    58. Which of the following suggestions may not be necessary to make India a mature democracy?1) The voters should elect candidates with clean image.2) The voters should not entertain candidates who frequently change their party and ideology.3) The voters should shun their narrow interests while voting for their candidates.4) The people should respect the law of the land.5) None of these

    59. With which stream does the author seem to be related?1) Sociology 2) History 3) Political Science4) Constitution of India 5) None of these

    Directions (Q. 60-62): Choose the word which is the same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.60. CONCURRENCE

    1) satisfaction 2) agreement 3) participation 4) loyalty 5) dependence61. FRATERNITY

    1) society 2) groups 3) background 4) ethnicity 5) brotherhood62. VOLUNTARILY

    1) basically 2) generally 3) systematically 4) willingly 5) unitedlyDirections (Q. 63-65): Choose the word which is the opposite in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

    63. SELDOM1) hardly 2) unopposed 3) generally 4) majority 5) convincingly

    64. BEMOAN1) laud 2) accept 3) approve 4) weep 5) debate

    65. OBLIVIOUS1) arguing 2) veteran 3) expert 4) aware 5) orator

    Directions (Q. 66-70): Rearrange the following eight sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G) and (H) in the propersequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

    (A) But I always felt somewhere in my mind that I loved acting.(B) He never wanted me to be an actor, as he didnt look upon theatre or acting as respectable vocation.(C) Firstly, there was no tradition of theatre in my family.(D) I am talking specifically of acting, not theatre in general.(E) My parents were old-fashioned.(F) I will answer all your queries a little elaborately.(G) Let alone theatre, arts in general had no place of respect in my family.(H) My father was a government servant.

    66. Which of the following will be the LAST sentence after rearrangement?1) G 2) C 3) H 4) D 5) E

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    16 PO-014

    67. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?1) A 2) B 3) D 4) C 5) F

    68. Which of the following will be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?1) B 2) C 3) A 4) D 5) E

    69. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?1) D 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) G

    70. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?1) H 2) K 3) G 4) C 5) A

    Directions (Q. 71-75): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part ofthe sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5 (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).71. Many animals and plants live in water (1) / but not in the same kind of water (2) / because not all water is the same. (3) /

    Sea water, for instance, contains a lot of salt, fresh water contains very little (4) / No error (5)72. A sparrow has made a nest in Keshos house (1) / and had laid eggs. Both Kesho and his sister Shyama (2) / watched the

    nest for hours every day (3) / even meal times were forgotten. (4) / No error (5)73. A skillful advertiser may be able to create (1) / practically a monopoly for himself (2) / not because his product is superior

    to (3) / but because he has succeeded in inducing people to believe that it is.(4) / No error (5)74. Whatever may be the origin of speech (1) / we can be certain that man did not began (2) / to feel the need to speak (3) /

    until he began to live in communities (4) / No error (5)75. Each animal of the same species (1) / looks for the same sort of food (2) / Also, there may be other animals of different

    species (3) / competing with the same food (4) / No error (5)

    Directions: (Q. 76-80): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are fivepairs of words denoted by numbers 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in thesentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.

    76. Today, globalisation has brought the world closer by ________ distance and minimising other ________.1) covering, areas 2) scaling, avenues 3) reducing, barriers4) curbing, routes 5) inching, hassles

    77. Our traditional art and handicrafts have to be ________ and ________.1) protected, promoted 2) served, respected 3) saved, materialised4) explored, derived 5) envisioned, evaluated

    78. Every branch and centre finds ________ ways to ________ the people of their areas.1) distant, assemble 2) typical, endeavour 3) own, motivating4) innovative, serve 5) glorious, aware

    79. Today our artisans are ________ the competition of low-priced imported goods, which are ________ the market.1) feeling, dictating 2) facing, invading 3) sensing, penetrating4) witnessing, selling 5) fearing, spreading

    80. With the overwhelming majority ________ in rural areas and making a living, concern for those at the ________ endshould stir us time and again.1) languishing, far 2) panic-stricken, slender 3) trapped, other4) clotted, fag 5) residing, receiving

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 17

    Directions (Q. 81-90): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers areprinted below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out theappropriate words.

    This years Union Budget (81) will tell (82) on the common man. Given the (83) in taxes, the (84) power of tax-payers is (85)to drop. Also, the reduction in interest rate is a hit below the belt for fixed income earners, especially senior citizens most ofwhom (86) on interest as the main (87) of income. Further, cut in savings rate will negatively (88) economic growth. More taxes(income tax, service tax, etc) on small entrepreneurs will make it difficult for them to (89) their (90).

    81. 1) provision 2) stake 3) toll 4) lecture 5) figure

    82. 1) specifically 2) mainly 3) heavily 4) unmistakably 5) normally

    83. 1) priority 2) burden 3) limit 4) mode 5) hike

    84. 1) paying 2) purchasing 3) collection 4) monetary 5) income

    85. 1) beginning 2) heading 3) bound 4) sudden 5) speeding

    86. 1) purchase 2) pay 3) deliver 4) depend 5) console

    87. 1) proof 2) source 3) venue 4) generation 5) occupation

    88. 1) impact 2) reverse 3) proceed 4) venture 5) promote

    89. 1) prosper 2) arrange 3) compete 4) succeed 5) run

    90. 1) skills 2) functions 3) practices 9) businesses 5) schemes

  • BSC Academy

    18 PO-014

    i z' ukoyh IIIl a[ ; kRed v fHk; ksX; r k

    funsZ' k (i z- 91-95): fuEufyf[ kr i z' uksa esa i z' ufpu (?) ds LFkku i j D; k vkuk pkfg, \

    91. 310 dk 1.65% + 430 dk 1.75% = ?1) 10.27 2) 12.64 3) 14.44 4) 16.56 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    92. 9450 ds 32

    ds 52

    ds 92

    ds 72

    dk 30% = ?

    1) 32 2) 36 3) 42 4) 48 5) 52

    93. 289?


    1) 357 2) 399 3) 323 4) 327 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    94. ; fn 15625 = (x2)3] r ks x = ?1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 7 5) 9





    = ? 5

    1) 65 2) 42 3) 13 4) 21 5) 27

    funsZ' k (i z- 96-100): fuEufyf[ kr i z' uksa esa i z' ufpu (?) ds LFkku i j yxHkx D; k eku vkuk pkfg, \

    96. 97.10)08.2(19.289 = ?

    1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 5) 6

    97. 1884 144.89 + 6.99 + (?)2 = 69.091) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6 5) 7

    98. 649.98 dk 142% + 77.07 = ?1) 600 2) 700 3) 900 4) 1000 5) 1100




    83136 = ?

    1) 750 2) 760 3) 770 4) 780 5) 790

    100. 36000 = ?1) 60 2) 600 3) 180 4) 190 5) 120

    funsZ' k (i z- 101-105): fuEufyf[ kr l a[ ; k k`a[ kyk esa dsoy , d l a[ ; k xyr gSA bl xyr l a[ ; k dk i r k yxkb, A

    101. 190 166 145 128 112 100 911) 100 2) 91 3) 128 4) 112 5) 145

    102. 20480 5120 1280 320 100 20 51) 5120 2) 320 3) 1280 4) 100 5) 5

    103. 60 67 76 87 99 1151) 67 2) 87 3) 76 4) 115 5) 99

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    PO-014 19

    Test IIIQuantitative Aptitude

    Directions (Q. 91-95): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?91. 1.65% of 310 + 1.75% of 430 = ?

    1) 10.27 2) 12.64 3) 14.44 4) 16.56 5) None of these

    92. 30% of 72

    of 92

    of 52

    of 32

    of 9450 = ?

    1) 32 2) 36 3) 42 4) 48 5) 52

    93. 289?


    1) 357 2) 399 3) 323 4) 327 5) None of these

    94. If 15625 = (x2)3, then x = ?1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 7 5) 9





    = ? 5

    1) 65 2) 42 3) 13 4) 21 5) 27

    Directions (Q. 96-100): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the followingquestions?

    96. 97.10)08.2(19.289 = ?1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 5) 6

    97. 1884 144.89 + 6.99 + (?)2 = 69.091) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6 5) 7

    98. 142% of 649.98 + 77.07 = ?1) 600 2) 700 3) 900 4) 1000 5) 1100




    83136 = ?

    1) 750 2) 760 3) 770 4) 780 5) 790

    100. 36000 = ?1) 60 2) 600 3) 180 4) 190 5) 120

    Directions (Q. 101-105): In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

    101. 190 166 145 128 112 100 911) 100 2) 91 3) 128 4) 112 5) 145

    102. 20480 5120 1280 320 100 20 51) 5120 2) 320 3) 1280 4) 100 5) 5

    103. 60 67 76 87 99 1151) 67 2) 87 3) 76 4) 115 5) 99

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    104. 7 8 18 57 228 1165 69961) 228 2) 57 3) 1165 4) 8 5) 18

    105. 1 1 2 6 24 96 7201) 720 2) 96 3) 24 4) 6 5) 2

    funsZ' k (i z- 106-110): fuEufyf[ kr l kj .kh dk v /; ; u dj i z' uksa ds mkj nsaAvyx&vyx N% fo"k; ksa esa N% fo| kfFkZ; ksa } kj k i zkIr fd, vadksa dk i zfr ' kr A NksVs dks"Vd esa fn, vad fo"k; ds

    dqy vad dks n' kkZr s gSaA

    fo"k; fo| kFkhZ


    vaxzst h(75)


    vFkZ' kkL=k(75)

    l ekt ' kkL=k(150)

    dEI; wVj foKku(50)

    nqxsZ' k 92 80 70 88 62 78j suqdk 90 48 75 68 76 88j kgqy 72 44 65 52 78 86j k/kk 96 72 45 80 82 92

    i zfr Kk 98 76 65 64 84 80i zr hd 80 64 75 92 64 70

    106. vaxzst h esa l Hkh r hu yM+fd; ksa j k/kk] i zfr Kk vkSj j suqdk } kj k i zkIr fd, x, vadksa dk vkSl r i zfr ' kr D; k gS\1) 63.67 2) 67.33 3) 66.66 4) 65.33 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    107. l Hkh r hu yM+dksa dks feykdj fgUnh esa i zkIr fd, x, vad l Hkh r hu yM+fd; ksa dks feykdj fgUnh esa i zkIr fd, x, vadksa l s fdr usvf/kd gSa\1) 9 2) 12 3) 25 4) 21 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    108. i zfr Kk us dkSu&l s fo"k; esa U; wur e vad i zkIr fd, gSa\1) daI; wVj foKku 2) vFkZ' kkL=k 3) fgUnh 4) vaxzst h 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    109. j suqdk } kj k l Hkh fo"k; ksa esa i zkIr fd, x, dqy vad fdr us gSa\1) 378 2) 398 3) 368 4) 408 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    110. bu N% fo| kfFkZ; ksa } kj k vFkZ' kkL=k esa i zkIr fd; k x; k vkSl r vad D; k gS\1) 52 2) 52.5 3) 55.5 4) 53.5 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    funsZ' k (i z- 111-115): fuEufyf[ kr xzkQ o"kZ 2007 l s 2012 r d dh vof/k ds nkSj ku Hkkj r vkSj Jhyadk } kj k mRi kfnr phuh dksn' kkZr k gSA











    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    k Vu

    Hkkj r Jhyadk

    111. o"kZ 2007 l s 2008 esa Hkkj r ds phuh mRi knu esa i zfr ' kr fxj koV fdr uh gS\

    1) 6% 2) %748 3) %7

    41 4) 9% 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

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    PO-014 21

    104. 7 8 18 57 228 1165 69961) 228 2) 57 3) 1165 4) 8 5) 18

    105. 1 1 2 6 24 96 7201) 720 2) 96 3) 24 4) 6 5) 2

    Directions (Q. 106-110): Study the following table to answer these questions.Percentage of marks obtained by six students in six different subjects. Number given in small brackets indicates

    the full marks of the subject.

    Sub Stu





    Social Sc(150)

    Com Sc(50)

    Durgesh 92 80 70 88 62 78

    Renuka 90 48 75 68 76 88

    Rahul 72 44 65 52 78 86

    Radha 96 72 45 80 82 92

    Pratigya 98 76 65 64 84 80

    Pratik 80 64 75 92 64 70

    106. What is the average percentage of marks obtained by all the three girls (Radha, Pratigya and Renuka) in English?1) 63.67 2) 67.33 3) 66.66 4) 65.33 5) None of these

    107. Marks obtained by all the three boys together in Hindi is how much more than that by all the three girls together in Hindi?1) 9 2) 12 3) 25 4) 21 5) None of these

    108. In which subject has Pratigya got the least marks?1) Computer Sc 2) Economics 3) Hindi 4) English 5) None of these

    109. What is the total marks obtained by Renuka in all the subjects?1) 378 2) 398 3) 368 4) 408 5) None of these

    110. What is the average marks obtained by these six students in Economics?1) 52 2) 52.5 3) 55.5 4) 53.5 5) None of these

    Directions (Q. 111-115): Following line graph shows sugar produced by India and Sri Lanka during the period of20072012.











    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    h to


    India Sri Lanka

    111. What is the percentage decrease in production from 20072008 for India?

    1) 6% 2) %748 3) %7

    41 4) 9% 5) None of these

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    22 PO-014

    112. o"kZ 2007 l s 2010 r d Jhyadk dk vkSl r mRi knu fdr uk gS\1) 67 2) 64 3) 63 4) 59 5) 57

    113. Hkkj r ds fy , vfkdr e mRi knu vkSj vkSl r mRi knu ds chp dk vuqi kr D; k gS\1) 73 : 57 2) 73 : 59 3) 73 : 62 4) 73 : 64 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    114. o"kZ 2007 l s 2012 ds nkSj ku bu nksuksa ns' kksa ds dqy mRi knu dk var j fdr uk gS\1) 18 2) 20 3) 22 4) 24 5) 26

    115. Jhyadk ds fy , dkSu&l h vof/k ds nkSj ku bl ds mRi knu esa fi Nys o"kZ dh r qyuk esa l cl s vf/kd o`f) gqbZ gS\1) 20072008 2) 20082009 3) 20092010 4) 20102011 5) 20112012

    funsZ' k (i z- 116-120): fuEufyf[ kr o`kkj s[ k fofHkUu enksa esa , d O; fDr ds ekfl d O; ; dks n' kkZr k gSA ml dh vk; 8,000 #- i zfrekg gSA

    Hkkst u24%

    fdj k; k28%cpr



    f' k{kk18%

    116. ; fn ml dk osr u 8,000 #- gS] r ks og [ kkus i j fdr uk [ kpZ dj r k gS\1) 1800 #- 2) 1920 #- 3) 2040 #-4) 2200 #- 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    117. nokbZ i j O; ; } kj k n' kkZ; k x; k dks.k D; k gS\

    1) 22 2) 3121 3) 34


    5129 5)


    118. ml dh ekfl d cpr D; k gS\1) 1920 #- 2) 1720 #- 3) 1120 #-4) 1260 #- 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    119. ml ds } kj k f' k{kk vkSj nokbZ i j fd, x, [ kpZ dk var j fdr uk gS\1) 360 #- 2) 260 #- 3) 160 #-4) 60 #- 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    120. vxj osr u c

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    PO-014 23

    112. What is the average production of Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2010?1) 67 2) 64 3) 63 4) 59 5) 57

    113. What is the ratio of the maximum production to average production for India?1) 73 : 57 2) 73 : 59 3) 73 : 62 4) 73 : 64 5) None of these

    114. What is the difference of total production of these two countries during 20072012?1) 18 2) 20 3) 22 4) 24 5) 26

    115. For Sri Lanka during which period its production increases maximum from the previous year?1) 20072008 2) 20082009 3) 20092010 4) 20102011 5) 20112012

    Directions (Q. 116-120): Following pie chart shows the monthly expenditure of a man on different items. His incomeis Rs 8,000 monthly.






    116. If his salary is Rs 8,000 then how much he pays for food?1) Rs 1800 2) Rs 1920 3) Rs 20404) Rs 2200 5) None of these

    117. What is the angle shown by medical expenditure?

    1) 22 2) 3121 3) 34


    5129 5)


    118. What is his monthly saving?1) Rs 1920 2) Rs 1720 3) Rs 11204) Rs 1260 5) None of these

    119. What is the difference between money he spent on education and medical purposes?1) Rs 360 2) Rs 260 3) Rs 1604) Rs 60 5) None of these

    120. If the salary is raised to Rs 12,000 and distribution on various items remains the same, then how much he spends onmedical charges?1) Rs 1800 2) Rs 2040 3) Rs 22004) Rs 1920 5) None of these

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    24 PO-014

    funsZ' k (i z- 121-125): buesa l s i zR; sd i z' u esa nks l ehdj .k fn, x, gSaA vki dks bu l ehdj .kksa dks gy dj uk gS vkSj mkj nsukgS

    1) ; fn x < y2) ; fn x > y3) ; fn x = y ; k x r Fkk y ds chp l aca/k LFkkfi r ugha gksxk4) ; fn x y5) ; fn x y

    121. I. 020x17x3 2 II. 02y5y7 2

    122. I. 200x3 2 dk 24%II. 24y = 96

    123. I. x(x + 6) = 72II. y(y + 25) + 156 = 0

    124. I. 0192x48x3 2 II. 060y22y2 2

    125. I. 21x25x6 2 II. 021y25y6 2

    funsZ' k (i z- 126-130): uhps fn, x, i zR; sd i z' u esa , d i z' u vkSj ml ds uhps I vkSj II nks dFku fn, x, gSaA vki dks ; g r ;dj uk gS fd dFkuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS ; k ughaA l EHkkfor mkj ds chp pquko dj us ds fy , vki dksMkVk vkSj xf.kr ds v i us Kku dk i z; ksx dj uk gksxkA mkj nhft ,

    1) ; fn dsoy dFku I esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS] t cfd dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dkmkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA

    2) ; fn dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gS] t cfd dsoy dFku I esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dkmkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA

    3) ; fn dFku I vkSj II nksuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk feydj i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , vko' ; d gSA4) ; fn ; k r ks dsoy dFku I ; k dsoy dFku II esa fn; k x; k MkVk i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr gSA5) ; fn dFku I vkSj dFku II nksuksa esa fn; k x; k MkVk feydj i z' u dk mkj nsus ds fy , i ; kZIr ugha gSA

    126. vk; r dk {ks=kQy D; k gS\I. ml dk i fj eki 20 ehVj gSAII. nks vkl Uu Hkqt kvksa dk ; ksx 10 ehVj gSA

    127. , d fnu esa 12 Vkbfi LV fdr us v{kj Vkbi dj l dr s gSa\I. , d dk; Zfnol esa 8 ?kaVs gksr s gSaAII. 5 Vkbfi LV 2 fnuksa esa 200 v{kj Vkbi dj l dr s gSaA

    128. ; fn x vkSj y i w.kkd gSa] r ks D; k x + y , d l e l a[ ; k gS\I. 5 < x < 10II. 6 < y < 9

    129. P dk eku D; k gS\I. x, y vkSj P dk vkSl r 10 gSAII. x = y

    130. ; fn dksbZ O; fDr , d oxkZdkj dej s dks dkj i sV l s

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    PO-014 25

    Directions (Q. 121-125): In each of these questions two equations are given. You have to solve these equations and giveanswer

    1) if x < y2) if x > y3) if x = y no relation established between x and y4) x y5) if x y

    121. I. 020x17x3 2

    II. 02y5y7 2

    122. I. 200of%24x3 2 II. 24y = 96

    123. I. x(x + 6) = 72II. y(y + 25) + 156 = 0

    124. I. 0192x48x3 2

    II. 060y22y2 2

    125. I. 21x25x6 2

    II. 021y25y6 2

    Directions (Q. 126-130): Each question below is followed by two statements I and II. You are to determine whether thedata given in the statement is sufficient to answer the question. You should use the data and your knowledge of Mathematicsto choose between the possible answers. Give answer

    1) If the statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement II alone is not sufficient.2) If the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement I alone is not sufficient.3) If both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.4) If either the statement I alone or the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.5) If you cannot get the answer from the statements I and II together, but need even more data.

    126. What is the area of rectangle?I. Perimeter is 20 meter.II. Sum of two adjacent sides is 10 meters.

    127. How many letters can 12 typists type in one day?I. A working day consists of 8 hours?II. 5 typists can type 200 letters in 2 days.

    128. If x and y are integers, is x + y an even number?I. 5 < x < 10II. 6 < y < 9

    129. What is the value of P?I. The average of x, y and P is 10.II. x = y

    130. If a man wants to cover a square room with a carpet, how much will it cost?I. If the service charge is Rs 15 and each square yard cost is Rs 20.

    II. If the room were 21

    as large in area, it would cost Rs 150 less.

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    26 PO-014

    131. , d ykWVj h esa] fVdVksa esa 5 buke gSa vkSj 10 [ kkyh gSaA , d fVdV ; nP`N; k fudkyk t kr k gSA buke i kus dh fdr uh i zkf; dr k gS\

    1) 71

    2) 72

    3) 31

    4) 32

    5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    132. , d d{kk esa 15 yM+ds vkSj 10 yM+fd; ka gSaA r hu Nk=kksa dks ; nP`N; k pquk t kr k gSA , d yM+dh vkSj nks yM+dksa ds pqus t kus dh l aHkkoukgS

    1) 254

    2) 11725

    3) 501

    4) 4621

    5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    133. 8 dqfl Z; ksa dh dher 3 est ksa ds cj kcj gSA 12 dqfl Z; ksa vkSj 5 est ksa dh , d l kFk dher 1,520 #i , gSA 10 dqfl Z; ksa vkSj 5 est ksa dhdqy dher fdr uh gS\1) 1500 #- 2) 1480 #- 3) 1400 #- 4) 1360 #- 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    134. j ksfgr , d O; ol k; 6,500 #i , ds l kFk ' kq: dj r k gS vkSj 8 eghus ds ckn ' ; ke Hkh ml O; ol k; esa l k>snkj gks t kr k gSA 4 o"kksds ckn equkQs dks 13 : 12 ds vuqi kr esa ckaVk t kr k gSA i wat h esa ' ; ke dk ; ksxnku D; k gS\1) 7400 #- 2) 7200 #- 3) 7250 #- 4) 7630 #- 5) 7480 #-

    135. ' kkar t y esa , d uko dh xfr 20 fdeh@?kaVk gS vkSj kkj k dh xfr 4 fdeh@?kaVk gSA kkj k dh fn' kk esa uko } kj k 30 feuV esa r ; dhxbZ nwj h gS

    1) 8 fdeh- 2) 10 fdeh- 3) 12 fdeh- 4) 14 fdeh- 5) 16 fdeh-

    136. 2,000 #i , dks 10% i zfr o"kZ ds l kkkj .k C; kt i j fuos' k fd; k t kr k gSA vxj i zR; sd 20 o"kZ ds ckn C; kt ewyku ds l kFk t qM+r kgS] r ks og j kf' k fdr us o"kks ds ckn 14,000 #i , gks t k, xh\

    1) 15 o"kZ 2) 3133 o"kZ 3) 3

    216 o"kZ 4) 40 o"kZ 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    137. 128 ehVj vkSj 122 ehVj yach nks j syxkfM+; ka l ekukar j ykbuksa i j , d nwl j s dh vksj e' k% 48 fdeh- i zfr ?kaVk vkSj 42 fdeh- i zfr?kaVs dh j r kj l s nkSM+ j gh gSaA nksuksa j syxkfM+; ka feyus i j , d nwl j s dks fdr us l e; esa i wj h r j g l s i kj dj ysaxh\

    1) 10 l sds.M 2) 12 l sds.M 3) 18 l sds.M 4) 14 l sds.M 5) 9 l sds.M

    138. kkj k dh fn' kk esa t k j gh , d uko 28 fdeh- dh nwj h 7 ?kaVs esa r ; dj r h gS t cfd mr uh gh nwj h kkj k dh foi j hr fn' kk esa r ; dj usds fy , ; g 14 ?kaVs dk l e; ysr h gSA ' kkar t y esa uko dh xfr fdr uh gS\1) 4 fdeh@?kaVk 2) 3 fdeh@?kaVk 3) 4.2 fdeh@?kaVk 4) 5 fdeh@?kaVk 5) 6 fdeh@?kaVk

    139. nSfud et nwj h 50% c

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    PO-014 27

    131. In a lottery, there are 5 prizes and 10 blanks in tickets. A ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability of getting aprize?

    1) 71

    2) 72

    3) 31

    4) 32

    5) None of these

    132. In a class, there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three students are selected at random. The probability that one girl and twoboys are selected is

    1) 254

    2) 11725

    3) 501

    4) 4621

    5) None of these

    133. The price of 8 chairs is equal to 3 tables. The price of 12 chairs and 5 tables together is Rs 1,520. What is the total priceof 10 chairs and 5 tables?1) Rs 1500 2) Rs 1480 3) Rs 1400 4) Rs 1360 5) None of these

    134. Rohit starts a business with Rs 6,500 and after 8 months Shyam joins Rohit as his partner. After 4 years the profit isdivided in the ratio of 13 : 12. What is Shyams contribution in the capital?1) Rs 7400 2) Rs 7200 3) Rs 7250 4) Rs 7630 5) Rs 7480

    135. The speed of a boat in still water is 20 kmph and the rate of current is 4 kmph. The distance travelled by the boatdownstream in 30 minutes is1) 8 km 2) 10 km 3) 12 km 4) 14 km 5) 16 km

    136. Rs 2,000 is invested at 10% p.a. on simple interest. If that interest is added to the principal after every 20 years, theamount will become Rs 14,000 after

    1) 15 years 2) 3133 years 3) 3

    216 years 4) 40 years 5) None of these

    137. Two trains 128 meters and 122 meters long are running towards each other on parallel lines at 48 kmph and 42 kmphrespectively. In what time will they clear off each other from the moment they meet?1) 10 seconds 2) 12 seconds 3) 18 seconds 4) 14 seconds 5) 9 seconds

    138. A boat running donwstream covers 28 km in 7 hours, while for covering the same distance upstream it takes 14 hours.What is the speed of the boat in still water?1) 4 kmph 2) 3 kmph 3) 4.2 kmph 4) 5 kmph 5) 6 kmph

    139. The daily wage is increased by 50% and a person now gets Rs 30 per day. What was his daily wage before the increment?1) Rs 12 2) Rs 18 3) Rs 20 4) Rs 24 5) None of these

    140. Ram sells a car to Mohan at a profit of 16% and Mohan sells it to Shyam at a profit of 25%. How much profit % Ram wouldhave got if he had sold the car directly to Shyam at the price Shyam bought it?1) 41% 2) 42% 3) 45% 4) 50% 5) None of these

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    28 PO-014

    i z' ukoyh IVl kekU; l psr r k

    141. gky gh esa t kj h , aVhck; ksfVd dh [ ki r esa oSf' od #>ku, 2000-2010 ds vuql kj fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k ns' k , aVhck; ksfVd nokvksads fo' o ds l cl s cM+s mi HkksDr k ds : i esa mHkj k gS\

    1) Hkkj r 2) vesfj dk 3) phu (D) : l 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha142. i kfdLr ku us fuEu esa l s fdl Hkkj r h; gLr h ds ogka fLFkr i Sr d` ?kj dks j k"Vh; foj kl r ds : i esa ?kksf"kr fd; k gS\

    1) ykyd "`.k vkMok.kh 2) fnyhi dqekj 3) ; ' k pkSi M+k (D) ' ks[ kj di wj 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha143. fuEu esa l s fdl Vhe us gky gh czkt hy esa l ai Uu gq, QhQk fo' o di esa r hl j k LFkku kIr fd; k\

    1) uhnj ySaM 2) czkt hy 3) vt sZaVhuk 4) kal 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha144. ge l ekpkj i =kksa esa , d ' kCn Mksuj (DONER) ds ckj s esa i

  • BSC Academy

    PO-014 29

    Test IVGeneral Awareness

    141. Which of the following countries has emerged as the worlds largest consumer of antibiotics according to a new studyGlobal Trends in Antibiotic Consumption, 2000-2010 released recently?1) India 2) US 3) China 4) Russia 5) None of these

    142. Pakistan has declared the ancestral home of which of the following Indian personalities situated in the country as anational heritage recently?1) Lal Krishna Advani 2) Dilip Kumar 3) Yash Chopra 4) Shekhar Kapur 5) None of these

    143. Which of the following teams secured the third place in the recently concluded FIFA World Cup held in Brazil?1) Netherlands 2) Brazil 3) Argentina 4) France 5) None of these

    144. We read about a term DONER in newspapers. This term is related to which of the following?1) It is a textile brand.2) It is a NGO active in the North Eastern region.3) It is the group of nuclear supplier countries.4) It is a Union Ministry for the North Eastern region.5) None of these

    145. The govt has proposed an integrated programme for the conservation of river Ganga with an outlay of over ________inthe Union Budget for FY15. The Conservation Mission will be called Namami Gange.1) Rs 1,000 cr 2) Rs 2,000 cr 3) Rs 3,000 cr 4) Rs 4,000 cr 5) None of these

    146. The Law Commission of India has submitted its report Manpower Planning in Judiciary to guide the Govt in overcomingthe shortage of judges in the judiciary. Who among the following is the current chairman of the Law Commission?1) Justice Palanisamy Sathasivam 2) Justice KG Balakrishnan 3) Justice Mukul Mudgal4) Justice Ajit Prakash Shah 5) None of these

    147. The India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2013 shows that there is an increase of 5871 sq km in the forest cover of thecountry compared to the previous report. The ISFR is released at what intervals?1) Annually2) Biennially3) After every three years4) After every five years5) None of these

    148. India launched the indigenously built ship Sindhu Sadhna recently. Fitted with latest world-class equipments, this is a1) research ship 2) fast attack ship 3) nuclear powered patrol ship4) naval training ship 5) None of these

    149. The govt has allocated what amount for the Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) to createover 27 lakh jobs in the 12th Plan period ending Mar 2017?1) Rs 4,000 cr 2) Rs 6,080 cr 3) Rs 8,060 cr 4) Rs 10,040 cr 5) None of these

    150. The govt announced appointment of new governors for various states recently. Which of the following pairs is NOTmatched correctly in this regard?1) Ram Naik Uttar Pradesh2) OP Kohli Gujarat3) Keshari Nath Tripathi West Bengal4) Padmanabha Acharya Nagaland5) None of these

    151. As ruled by the World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel, recently, which of the following countries hasbroken global trade rules by slapping import duties on Indian steel products?1) China 2) Bangladesh 3) US 4) Brazil 5) None of these

    152. The govt has slapped an additional penalty of USD 579 mn on which of the following oil companies for producing lessthan targeted natural gas from its KG-D6 block?

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    152. l j dkj us dst h&Mh6 CykWd l s y {; l s de kdf`r d xSl dk mRi knu dj us ds fy , fuEu esa l s fdl dai uh i j 579 fefy ; u vesfj dhMkWy j dk vfr fj Dr t qekZuk yxk; k gS\

    1) , Ll kj vkW; y 2) fj yk; al baM~LVht 3) xqt j kr LVsV i sVksfy ; e dkWi ksZj s' ku 4) dSuZ bafM; k 5) buesa l s dksbZugha

    153. j k"Vi fr .kc eq[ kt hZ us gky gh esa fuEu esa l s fdl s xka/kh ' kkafr i qj Ldkj 2013 l s l Eekfur fd; k\1) byk Hk 2) xksfoan feJk 3) ' ks[ kj i kBd 4) paMh l kn Hk 5) buesa l s dksbZugha

    154. cgqr hf{kr fczDl cSad dk eq[ ; ky; fuEu esa l s fdl ' kgj esa gksxk\1) QksVkZyst k] czkt hy 2) ' ka?kkbZ] phu 3) ubZ fnYyh] Hkkj r 4) t ksgkul cxZ] nf{k.k vhdk 5) buesa l sdksbZ ugha

    155. VkbZ (l a' kks/ku) fo/ks; d dks l al n ds nksuksa l nuksa } kj k eat wj h ns nh xbZ gSA l j dkj } kj k bl l a' kks/ku fo/ks; d dks D; ksa yk; k x; k Fkk\1) ekSt wnk dkuwu VkbZ ds ps; j eSu dks l sokfuo`fRr ds nks o"kZ ckn kbosV ukSdj h dj us dh vuqefr nsr k gSA2) ekSt wnk dkuwu VkbZ ds ps; j eSu dks t hou esa dHkh Hkh l j dkj h ukSdj h ysus l s euk dj r k gSA3) ; g var j kZ"Vh; fu; kedksa ds l er qY; nwj l apkj fu; ked dks ykus ds fy , t : j h FkkA4) ; g 2G ?kksVkys l s Hkkoh

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    1) Essar Oil 2) Reliance Industries 3) Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation4) Cairn India 5) None of these

    153. The President Pranab Mukherjee presented the Gandhi Peace prize for 2013 to who among the following recently?1) Ela Bhatt 2) Govind Mishra 3) Shekhar Pathak4) Chandi Prasad Bhatt 5) None of these

    154. The long-awaited BRICS Bank will be headquartered in which of the following cities?1) Fortaleza, Brazil 2) Shanghai, China 3) New Delhi, India4) Johannesburg, South Africa 5) None of these

    155. The TRAI (Amendment) Bill has been cleared by both the houses of the Parliament. Why was this amendment Billbrought by the govt?1) The existing law allows a former TRAI Chairman to take up private job two years after retirement.2) The existing law bars a former TRAI Chairman from taking up a govt job ever in life.3) It was required to bring the telecom regulator on par with international regulators.4) It was required to deal with the 2G scam effectively.5) None of these

    156. The Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague has announced it verdict that 19,467 sq km out of the total 25,602 sq kmdisputed area with India in the Bay of Bengal will be handed over to1) Myanmar 2) Bangladesh 3) Sri Lanka4) Thailand 5) None of these

    157. The group was originally formed as BRIC and became BRICS with the inclusion of South Africa in ________.1) 2008 2) 2009 3) 2010 4) 2011 5) None of these

    158. The BRICS group is playing an increasingly important role in the world economy. Examine the following facts about thegroup and choose the statement which is NOT correct.1) At Goldman Sachs, Jim O Neil first coined the term BRIC in 2001.2) The theme of the sixth BRICS summit was Inclusive Growth; Sustainable Development.3) The Sixth BRICS Summit was held in Fortaleza and Brasilia in Brazil on 15-16 Jul 2014.4) BRICS make up 40 per cent of the worlds population and 25 per cent of the worlds landmass.5) None of these

    159. World Population Day is observed on 11 Jul annually. Which of the following facts is NOT correct in the context of thepresent global population?1) As of 1 Jan 2014, the worlds population was estimated to be 9,137,661,030.2) Vatican City and Nauru are the states with the lowest populations.3) China, India, USA, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil account for half the worlds people.4) Every seventh person in the world is an Indian.5) None of these

    160. Examine the following facts with respect to the Railway Budget for FY15 and identify the only incorrect statement.1) Railways university for technical and non-technical subjects2) Loss per passenger per KM up from 10 per cent in 2000-01 to 33 per cent in 2012-133) Highest ever plan outlay of Rs 65,455 cr for 2014-154) Expenditure in 2014-15 pegged at Rs 149,176 cr.5) None of these

    161. Which of the following teams won the FIFA World Cup 2014 held in Brazil recently?1) Argentina 2) Holland 3) Germany4) Brazil 5) None of these

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    3) 2014-15 ds fy , 65,455 dj ksM+ #- dh vHkh r d dh mPpr e i fj O; ; ; kst uk4) 2014-15 esa O; ; 149,176 dj ksM+ #- vkadk x; k5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    161. fuEu esa l s fdl Vhe us gky gh esa czkt hy esa vk; ksft r QhQk oYMZ d i 2014 t hr k\1) vt sZaVhuk 2) gkWySaM 3) t eZuh 4) czkt hy 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    162. fuEu esa l s fd l j kT; dh fo/kkul Hkk us gky gh esa ns' k esa xq#} kj k ca/ku ds fy, , d ubZ vyx desVh dh LFkki uk (SGPC) ds fy, , d fo/ks; d

    i kfj r fd ; k\

    1) j kt LFkku 2) gfj ; k.kk 3) xqt j kr 4) mkj ns' k 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    163. , ei h cst +c#vk l fefr us gky gh esa l j dkj dks vi uh fj i ksVZ l kSai nhA ; g l fefr i wokZskj (NE) {ks=k l s l acaf/kr fuEu esa l s fdl fo"k; i j xkSj dj us

    ds fy, xfBr dh xbZ Fkh\

    1) i woksZkj {ks=k esa fpfdRl h; l qfo/kkvksa dh mi yC/kr k 2) ns' k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa j gus okys i woksZkj {ks=k ds yksxksa dh fpar kvksa

    3) j sy ds ek/; e l s l Hkh l kr i woksZkj j kT; ksa dks t ksM+us dh O; kogk; Zr k 4) i woksZkj {ks=k esa j kst xkj dh l aHkkoukvksa dks c

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    162. Which of the following state assemblies passed a bill to set up a new separate committee (SGPC) for the management ofGurudwaras in the state recently?1) Rajasthan 2) Haryana 3) Gujarat4) Uttar Pradesh 5) None of these

    163. The MP Bezbaruah committee submitted its report to the govt recently. This Committee was set up to look into which ofthe following matters related to North Eastern (NE) region?1) Availability of medical facilities in the NE region.2) Concerns of people from the NE region living in different parts of the country3) Feasibility to link all the seven NE states through railways.4) Measures to increase employment opportunities in the NE region5) None of these

    164. Who won the Golden Ball award at the FIFA World Cup held in Brazil recently?1) Arjen Robben 2) James Rodriguez 3) Thomas Muller 4) Lionel Messi 5) None of these

    165. Who among the following was sworn in as the first Chief Minister of the newly formed Telangana, the 29th state of the


    1) Vijayashanti 2) YS Jaganmohan Reddy 3) T Harish Rao

    4) N Chandrababu Naidu 5) K Chandrashekar Rao

    166. Presenting the Budget 2014-15 proposals in Parliament, the Union Finance Minister has announced to set up a ________venture capital fund for the MSME sector.1) Rs 5,000-cr 2) Rs 10,000-cr 3) Rs 15,000-cr 4) Rs 20,000-cr 5) None of these

    167. Examine the following with respect to the proposals of the Union Budget for FY15 and identify the one which is NOTcorrect?1) New Watershed programme with outlay of Rs 2000 cr2) New teachers training scheme to be launched with the allocation of Rs 500 cr3) Rs 3600 cr for national rural drinking water programme4) National Centre of Humanities would be set up in Uttar Pradesh5) None of these

    168. The first indigenously built anti-submarine warship (ASW) was handed over to the Indian Navy in Kolkata recently.It is first in its class of four ASW corvettes being built under Project-28 for the Navy and is named1) INS Kolkata 2) INS Maysore 3) INS Kamorta 4) INS Tarkash 5) None of these

    169. Which of the following is NOT correct with respect to the proposals made in the Union Railway budget for the FY15recently?1) FDI in railway projects including operations2) CCTVs to be used at stations for monitoring cleanliness3) Battery operated cars for differently-abled and senior citizens at major stations4) Women RPF Constables to escort ladies coaches; 4,000 women constables to be inducted5) None of these

    170. As proposed in the Union Budget for FY15, four more AIIMS will be set up in the country with current allocation of Rs500 cr. Which of the following are the states/regions where these institutes will come up?1) West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Purvanchal and Vidharbha2) Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Vidharbha3) Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Vidharbha4) Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Vidharbha5) None of these

    171. Which of the following is NOT correct with respect to the proposals made in the Union Budget for the FY15?1) Rs 5000 cr for rehabilitation of displaced Kashmiri migrants

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    170. fokh; o"kZ 2014-15 ds fy, dsanzh; ct V esa fd; s x; s Lr ko ds vuql kj ] ns' k esa pkj vkSj , El LFkkfi r fd; s t k, axsA fuEu esa fdu j kT; ksa@{ks=kksa esa ; s

    l aLFkku gksaxs\

    1) i f' pe caxky] vka/kz ns' k] i wokZapy o fonHkZ 2) v#.kkpy ns' k] vka/kz ns' k] r syaxkuk o fonHkZ

    3) fl fDde] vka/kz ns' k] fgekpy ns' k o fonHkZ 4) mkj ns' k] vka/kz ns' k] dukZVd o fonHkZ

    5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    171. fokh; o"kZ 2014-15 ds fy, dsanzh; ct V esa fd; s x, Lr koksa ds l anHkZ esa fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k l gh ugha gS\

    1) foLFkkfi r d' ehfj ; ksa ds i quokZl ds fy , 5000 dj ksM+ #-

    2) xzkeh.k fo| qr hdj .k ds fy , 500 dj ksM+ #- dk vkoaVu

    3) 2019 r d gj ?kj esa l QkbZ O; oLFkk

    4) dkS' ky fodkl ds fy, f^LDy bafM; k* uke dh ubZ ; kst uk ' kq: dh t k; sxh 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    172. Lr kfor fczDl cSad dh vkj afHkd vf/kdr` i wat h D; k gksxh\

    1) 100 fcfy; u vesfj dh MkWyj 2) 200 fcfy; u vesfj dh MkWyj 3) 300 fcfy; u vesfj dh MkWyj 4)

    500 fcfy; u vesfj dh MkWyj 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    173. Lr kfor fczDl cSad ds cksMZ vkWQ xoul Z dk i gyk v/; {k fuEu esa l s fdl ns' k l s gksxk\

    1) Hkkj r 2) czkt hy 3) : l 4) nf{k.k vhdk 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    174. fuEu esa l s fdl s Hkkj r h; bfr gkl vuql a/kku i fj "kn (ICHR) dk v/; {k fu; qDr fd; k x; k gS\

    1) okbZ l qn' kZu j ko 2) j kepanz xqgk 3) mn; dk' k vj ksM+k4) j ke ukj k; .k j kor 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    175. gky gh esa t kj h ;^ w, u l gl zkfCn fodkl y{; (MDGs) fj i ksVZ 2014* ds vuql kj ] or Zeku esa fo' o dh vR; ar xj hc t ul a[ ; k dk fdr uk Hkkx

    Hkkj r esa j g j gk gS\

    1) vk/kk 2) , d fr gkbZ 3) , d pkSFkkbZ 4) i kapoka Hkkx 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    176. fo' o cSad dh gky gh esa t kj h b^t vkWQ Mwbax fct usl * fj i ksVZ esa Hkkj r dk D; k LFkku gS\

    1) 134 2) 131 3) 112 4) 89 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    177. fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k ns' k vkj aHk esa 6 o"kksZa ds fy, Lr kfor fczDl cSad dh v/; {kr k dj sxk\

    1) czkt hy 2) nf{k.k vhdk 3) : l 4) Hkkj r 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    178. /kkuea=kh uj sanz eksnh dh czkt hy ; k=kk ds nkSj ku Hkkj r vkSj czkt hy us r hu l e>kSr ksa i j gLr k{kj fd; sA fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k muesa l s , d ugha gS\

    1) i ; kZoj .k ds {ks=k esa l g; ksx i j l e>kSr k Kki u

    2) Hkkj r h; fj eksV l safl ax mi xzg vkbZvkj , l l s MkVk kIr d j us o mUgsa l al kf/kr dj us ds fy, czkt hy ds , d vFkZ LVs' ku dh mUufr esa

    l g; ksx LFkkfi r dj us dh O; oLFkk ykxw d j uk

    3) xfr ' khyr k o nwr kokl l aca/kh eqksa ds {ks=k esa l g; ksx i j l e>kSr k Kki u

    4) QksVkZyst k esa Hkkj r h; kS| ksfxdh l aLFkku dh , d ' kk[ kk LFkkfi r dj us i j l e>kSr k Kki u

    5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    179. fuEu esa l s fdl t ksM+s us gky gh esa focayMu Vsful VwukZesaV dk i q#"k ; qxy dk f[ kr kc t hr k\1) , ysDl cksYV vkSj , aM; w fOgfVaxVu 2) okl sd i ksl fi fl y vkSj t Sd ' kkWd 3) ekl sZyks Mseksfyusj vkSj i wj o j kt k

    4) ckWc vkSj ekbd czk; u 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    180. fuEu esa l s dkSu&l k ns' k 2015 esa l kr osa fczDl f' k[ kj l Eesyu dh est ckuh dj sxk\

    1) : l 2) nf{k.k vhdk 3) phu 4) Hkkj r 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

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    2) Allocation of Rs 500 cr for rural electrification3) Sanitation in every household by 20194) New scheme for skill development called Skill India to be launched5) None of these

    172. What will be the initial authorised capital of the proposed BRICS bank?1) USD 100 bn 2) USD 200 bn 3) USD 300 bn 4) USD 500 bn 5) None of these

    173. The first chair of the Board of Governors of the proposed BRICS bank will be from which of the following countries?1) India 2) Brazil 3) Russia 4) South Africa 5) None of these

    174. Who among the following has been appointed the Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)recently?1) Y Sudarshan Rao 2) Ramachandra Guha 3) Udai Prakash Arora 4) Ram Narayan Rawat 5) None of these

    175. As per the recently released UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report 2014, what portion of the worlds 1.2billion extremely poor population is residing in India at present?1) half 2) one third 3) one fourth 4) one fifth 5) None of these

    176. What is Indias ranking in the recently released Ease of Doing Business report by the World Bank?1) 134 2) 131 3) 112 4) 89 5) None of these

    177. Which of the following member countries will hold the presidency of the proposed BRICS bank initially for 6 years?1) Brazil 2) South Africa 3) Russia 4) India 5) None of these

    178. Following the meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, the two countriessigned three agreements. Which of the following is NOT among them?1) MoU on cooperation in the field of environment2) Implementing arrangement establishing cooperation in augmentation of a Brazilian earth station for receiving and

    processing data from Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites3) MoU on cooperation in the field of mobility and consular issues4) MoU on establishing a branch of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Fortaleza5) None of these

    179. Which of the following pairs won the mens doubles title of the Wimbledon tennis tournament recently?1) Alex Bolt and Andrew Whittington 2) Vasek Pospisil and Jack Sock3) Marcelo Demoliner and Purav Raja 4) Bob and Mike Bryan5) None of these

    180. Which of the following countries will host the seventh BRICS summit in 2015?1) Russia 2) South Africa 3) China 4) India 5) None of these

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    i z' ukoyh VdaI; wVj Kku

    181. MkVkcsl esa MkVk dks l h/ks d^h* dj us ds vfr fj Dr ] ________ l s MkVk , UVh dh t k l dr h gSA1) bui qV QkeZ 2) Vscy 3) QhYM 4) MkVk fMD' kuj h 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    182. bZ&esy vVSpesUV D; k gksr k gS\1) i zkIr dr kZ } kj k Hkst h xbZ j l hn2) nwl j s i zksxzke l s] bZ&esy l ans' k ds l kFk Hkst k x; k , d vyx nLr kost3) eSfyfl ; l i Sj kl kbV t ks vki ds l ans' k QhM vkWQ dj daVsaV dk uk' k dj r k gS4) CC ; k BCC i zkIr dr kZvksa dh , d l wph5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    183. , l , eVhi h] , QVhi h vkSj Mh, u, l _________ ys; j ds , sfIyds' ku gSaA1) MkVkfyad 2) usVodZ 3) Vkal i ksVZ 4) , sfIyds' ku 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    184. , d MkVkcsl esa l wpuk fuEufyf[ kr esa l s fdl s } kj k O; ofLFkr vkSj i zkIr dh t kuh pkfg, \1) fQft dy i kst h' ku 2) ykWft dy LVDpj 3) MkVk fMD' kuj h 4) fQft dy LVDpj 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    185. Qkby , Dl Vsa' ku dks Qkby ds eq[ ; uke ds l kFk________ l s i F`kd~ fd; k t kr k gS i j dksbZ Li sl ugha fn; k t kr kA1) Dos' pu ekdZ 2) , Dl Dyses' ku ekdZ 3) vaMj Ldksj 4) i hfj ; M 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    186. ' kCn ________ fdl h mi dj .k dks ; g fufnZ"V dj r k gS fd ft l s daI; wVj l s ml dh O; kogkfj dr k c

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    Test VComputer Knowledge

    181. In addition to keying data directly into a database, data entry can be done from a(n)1) input form 2) table 3) field 4) data dictionary 5) None of these

    182. What is an e-mail attachment?1) A receipt sent by the recipient2) A separate document from another program sent along with an e-mail message3) A malicious parasite that feeds off your messages and destroys the contents4) A list of CC or BCC recipients5) None of these

    183. SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the ____ layer.1) data link 2) network 3) transport 4) application 5) None of these

    184. In a database, information should be organised and accessed according to which of the following?1) Physical position 2) Logical structure 3) Data dictionary 4) Physical structure 5) None of these

    185. A file extension is separated from the main file name with a(n) _______, but no spaces.1) question mark 2) exclamation mark 3) underscore 4) period 5) None of these

    186. The term _______ designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.1) digital device 2) system add-on 3) disk pack 4) peripheral device 5) None of these

    187. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?1) Caps Lock 2) Control 3) Arrow 4) Space bar 5) None of these

    188. The real business and competitive value of information technology lies in1) The software applications that are used by many companies2) The capabilities of the software and value of the information, a business acquires and uses3) The infrastructure of hardware, networks, and other IT facilities that are commonly used by many companies4) The capabilities of the hardware and the speed at which it processes information5) None of these

    189. In Excel,_____ contains one or more worksheets.1) Template 2) Workbook 3) Active cell 4) Label 5) None of these

    190. Which of the following, is a popular programming language for developing multimedia web pages, websites, and web-based applications?1) COBOL 2) Java 3) BASIC 4) Assembler 5) None of these

    191. Compiling creates a(n) _____ .1) program specification 2) algorithm 3) executable program4) subroutine 5) None of these

    192. A CD-RW disk1) has a faster access than an internal disk2) is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written once3) holds less data than a floppy disk4) can be erased and rewritten5) None of these

    193. The first page of a website is called the1) Home page 2) Index 3) Java Script 4) Book mark 5) None of these

    194. Data that is copied from an application is stored in the _____ .1) driver 2) clipboard 3) terminal 4) prompt 5) None of these

    195. Every component of your computer is either _____ .1) software or CPU/RAM 2) input devices or output devices3) application software or system software 4) hardware or software

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    1) l kWVos; j gS ; k CPU/RAM gS 2) bui qV fMokbl gS ; k vkmVi qV fMokbl gS3) , fYi ds' ku l kWVos; j gS ; k fl LVe l kWVos; j gS 4) gkMZos; j gS ; k l kWVos; j gS5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    196. baVj fj ysVsM fj dkWMksa ds dysD' ku dks D; k dgr s gSa\1) i zcaku l wpuk i z.kkyh 2) Li zsM ' khV 3) MkVkcsl 4) VsDLV Qkby 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    197. t c daI; wVj bULVD' kUl dks i zksl Sl dj r k gS r c r d ds fy , daI; wVj dk fuEufyf[ kr esa dkSu&l k LVksj st , fj ; k MkVk dks vLFkkbZ: i l s gksYM dj r k gS\1) gkMZ fMLd 2) esu esej h 3) daVksy ; wfuV 4) j hM&vksuyh esej h 5) buesa l s dksbZ ugha

    198. vyx&vyx yackbZ ; k pkSM+kbZ okys ckj ; k ykbuksa dks D; k dgr s gSa ft uesa dksM gksr s gSa vkSj mUgsa daI; wVj gh i

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    5) None of these196. A collection of interrelated records is called a

    1) management information system 2) spreadsheet 3) database4) text file 5) None of these

    197. Which of the following is the storage area within the computer itself which holds data only temporarily as the computerprocesses instructions?1) the hard disk 2) main memory 3) the control unit 4) read-only memory 5) None of these

    198. Codes consisting of bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-readable are known as _____.1) a bar code 2) an ASCII code 3) a magnetic tape 4) a light pen 5) None of these

    199. The primary output device for computers is a1) video monitor 2) printer 3) keyboard 4) mouse 5) None of these

    200. Compatibility in regard to computers refers to1) the software doing the right job for the user. 2) it being versatile enough to handle the job3) the software being able to run on the computer. 4) software running with other previously installed software5) None of the above
