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PO Box 146, CARDWELL QLD 4849, Australia Covenant...

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You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. —Matt. 5:14-16 As you and I shape our families according to the pat- terns of biblical patriarchy, the world around will be effected. This will happen in large part because of our thoughtful efforts, if we are faithful, to have God’s word shape every- thing we do outside the home as well as inside. But even apart from our conscious intentions, godly homes influence the societies of which they are a part by a very natural and inevitable process whereby the parts shape the whole. Listen to how J.R. Miller describes the influence of the family in the opening words of Home-Making (1882; Vision Forum edition, 2001): The benediction that falls upon the homes of a country is like the gentle rain that descends among the hills. A thousand springs are fuller afterward, and along the banks of a thousand streamlets flowing through the valleys the grass is greener and the flowers pour out richer fragrance. Homes are the springs among the hills, whose many stream- lets, uniting, form like great rivers society, the community, the nation, the Church. If the springs run low the rivers waste; if they pour our bounteous currents the rivers are full. If the springs are pure the rivers are clear like crystal; if they are foul the rivers are defiled. A curse upon homes sends a poisoning blight everywhere; a blessing sends healing and new life into every channel. Homes are the divinely ordained fountains of life ..... God has designed the world so that it is shaped more by the accumulation of many small influences than by one big influence. We see this in his kingdom as well: it is a bottom- up operation rather than a top-down operation. God is chang- ing the world through the quiet process of converting sinners one at a time, getting hold of their families, and thus shaping family lines, communities, churches, and whole nations. The influence spreads from the bottom up, from the lesser to the greater, from the individual to the family to the society. Peo- ple are not converted by government decree by the thousands, but one by one and family by family. And changed people end up creating a changed society . This is why mass education and legislation cannot actu- ally create a better world, despite the grandiose claims of those who run our schools and governments. They don’t deal with the heart and can’t transform the person. The major influences that shape a Christian civilization are, first, the regenerate heart of the individual, and then the intimate connections of the home life. As godly patterns are estab- lished in thousands or millions of homes, the shape of a godly society emerges. If our society is to be saved, it will be because men [of Israel] and their families are born from above, and progressively transformed by God’s spirit through His Word. The home is where people are fashioned, and it is where they live most of their lives, for better or for worse. The rivers of the community, the church, and the nation are all fed by the springs of the families that are part of the society. These larger bodies of people simply do not exist apart from the families that make them up. With the church in view, Rev B.M. Palmer put it this way in 1876 (The Family in its Civil and Churchly Aspects): Each pious household is a separate fiber of those roots by which the Church of the living God takes hold upon the earth, and preserves its existence in a sinful world. There is no church, no neighbourhood, no city, no nation apart from the homes that are the smallest social unit within each. A return to God’s patterns for the home will spill over into the rest of society. Let’s now think more about that prospect. How will a return to biblical patriarchy in the family bring changes beyond the home? What should we expect to see and what should we work to see in soci- ety in general, in our communities, and in the church? To answer these questions would take a whole volume. We’ll just make a start here. Male Leadership Throughout Society Christian Identity Ministries PO Box 146, CARDWELL QLD 4849, Australia Ph: 07-4066 0146 Fax: 07-4066 0226 (International 61-7 instead of 07) “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel; For He hath visited and redeemed His people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began; That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our lives.” Luke 1:68-75; the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Germanic-Scadinavian people are ISRAEL! #218 Covenant Messenger May AD2004 IN THIS ISSUE: Patriarchy Beyond the Home, ................................ 1 Partial Birth Abortion: ............................................ 6 Should Christian Schools Be Culturally Sensitive...7 Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays? ............... 12 advertisement ...................................................... 13 Ten Commandments of Faith, .............................. 14 3DWULDUFK\%H\RQG7KH+RPH E\3KLOLS+/DQFDVWHU

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hillcannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under abasket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are inthe house. Let your light so shine before men, that they maysee your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

—Matt. 5:14-16

As you and I shape our families according to the pat-

terns of biblical patriarchy, the world around will be effected.This will happen in large part because of our thoughtfulefforts, if we are faithful, to have God’s word shape every-thing we do outside the home as well as inside. But evenapart from our conscious intentions, godly homes influencethe societies of which they are a part by a very natural andinevitable process whereby the parts shape the whole.

Listen to how J.R. Miller describes the influence of thefamily in the opening words of Home-Making (1882; VisionForum edition, 2001):

The benediction that falls upon the homes of a country is likethe gentle rain that descends among the hills. A thousandsprings are fuller afterward, and along the banks of a thousandstreamlets flowing through the valleys the grass is greener andthe flowers pour out richer fragrance.

Homes are the springs among the hills, whose many stream-lets, uniting, form like great rivers society, the community, thenation, the Church. If the springs run low the rivers waste; ifthey pour our bounteous currents the rivers are full. If thesprings are pure the rivers are clear like crystal; if they are foulthe rivers are defiled. A curse upon homes sends a poisoningblight everywhere; a blessing sends healing and new life intoevery channel.

Homes are the divinely ordained fountains of life .....God has designed the world so that it is shaped more by

the accumulation of many small influences than by one biginfluence. We see this in his kingdom as well: it is a bottom-up operation rather than a top-down operation. God is chang-ing the world through the quiet process of converting sinnersone at a time, getting hold of their families, and thus shapingfamily lines, communities, churches, and whole nations. Theinfluence spreads from the bottom up, from the lesser to thegreater, from the individual to the family to the society. Peo-ple are not converted by government decree by the thousands,but one by one and family by family. And changed peopleend up creating a changed society.

This is why mass education and legislation cannot actu-ally create a better world, despite the grandiose claims ofthose who run our schools and governments. They don’t dealwith the heart and can’t transform the person. The major

influences that shape a Christian civilization are, first, theregenerate heart of the individual, and then the intimateconnections of the home life. As godly patterns are estab-lished in thousands or millions of homes, the shape of agodly society emerges. If our society is to be saved, itwill be because men [of Israel] and their families are bornfrom above, and progressively transformed by God’sspirit through His Word.

The home is where people are fashioned, and it iswhere they live most of their lives, for better or forworse. The rivers of the community, the church, and thenation are all fed by the springs of the families that arepart of the society. These larger bodies of people simplydo not exist apart from the families that make them up.With the church in view, Rev B.M. Palmer put it this wayin 1876 (The Family in its Civil and Churchly Aspects):

Each pious household is a separate fiber of those rootsby which the Church of the living God takes hold upon theearth, and preserves its existence in a sinful world.

There is no church, no neighbourhood, no city, nonation apart from the homes that are the smallest socialunit within each.

A return to God’s patterns for the home will spillover into the rest of society. Let’s now think more aboutthat prospect. How will a return to biblical patriarchy inthe family bring changes beyond the home? What shouldwe expect to see and what should we work to see in soci-ety in general, in our communities, and in the church? Toanswer these questions would take a whole volume.We’ll just make a start here.

Male Leadership Throughout Society

Christian Identity Ministries PO Box 146, CARDWELL QLD 4849, Australia

Ph: 07-4066 0146 Fax: 07-4066 0226 (International 61-7 instead of 07)“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel; For He hath visited and redeemed His people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us

in the house of his servant David; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began; That we

should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to

remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered

out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our lives.”

Luke 1:68-75; the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Germanic-Scadinavian people are ISRAEL!

#218 Covenant Messenger May AD2004

IN THIS ISSUE:Patriarchy Beyond the Home, ................................ 1Partial Birth Abortion: ............................................ 6Should Christian Schools Be Culturally Sensitive...7Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays? ............... 12advertisement ...................................................... 13Ten Commandments of Faith, .............................. 14





As men and women practice their God-given roles withinthe family, it is only natural that the larger society will reflectand support these roles as well. the principle of male leader-ship will be expressed whenever groups of people join for acommon purpose, be it a church, a voluntary association, or acounty council.

It would be unnatural for a group to reverse the patternsthat exist day by day in the homes of those who make up thegroup. Why would a woman who is used to affirming herhusband’s leadership and deferring to him at home then turnaround and become the leader of men in the local neighbour-hood improvement association? In a healthy civilization thepatterns of life in the broader community reinforce and affirmthose that exist in the home. One of the benefits of living in alarger community is that this wider group acts as a moral sup-port for the family and confirms the wisdom of its values.

While Scripture does not lay down rules for every sphereof life, the propriety of male leadership in society at large ismade evident by the fact that in the one social group beyondthe home that the Bible does regulate in some detail, men arethe designated leaders. The rulingoffice in the church is that of elder(or bishop), and men hold thatoffice.

If a man desires the position of abishop, he desires a good work. Abishop then must be ... the husbandof one wife [not one at a time, i.e.remarried] ... one who rules his ownhouse well, having his children insubmission with all reverence (for ifa man does not know how to rule hisown house, how will he take care ofthe church [ecclesia] of God? (1Tim 3:1-5).

Further more, women are explicitly excluded from theposition of authority in the church. : And I do not permit awoman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be insilence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam wasnot deceived, but the women being deceived, fell into trans-gression. (1 Tim 2:12-14).

The basis of Paul’s command that men lead and womenfollow in the church is the creation order and the sinful for-saking of that order when mankind fell into sin in the Garden.So church life is consistent with home life in this regard.

Notice again the verses above from 1 Timothy 3. Theycontain an important principle that explains why there mustbe a continuity of practice between home and larger society:the home is the training ground for leadership roles beyondthe home. The specific point of the text is that a man is notqualified to rule the church until he has proven his leadershipability within his family. But in general this means that familylife is preparation for life beyond the family and that the pat-terns of home life will become the patterns of life in otherspheres. It is proper for men to assume the lead wheneverpeople get together since men reflect the headship of God theFather. Because this role is commanded in the home and thechurch, it follows by strong implication that it applies in theother spheres of life, be it civil government or in neighbour-hood or ministry associations.

The wisdom of this application was never questioneduntil egalitarianism began to make inroads into our culture.Now it is seriously questioned. Christians will often bow toGod’s commands for home and church, since they are soexplicit in Scripture, and yet balk at applying the principle ofmale leadership beyond that. But it honours God and theorder He has established to seek to create a society that is notat war with itself, with one standard for home and church andanother for everywhere else. If God’s people will shrug offthe social pressures of feminism, they will see the principle of

male leadership in every sphere.Female Followership

If men are supposed to lead, then women are sup-posed to affirm and follow that leadership. We havealready seen that women are explicitly excluded from theleadership function within the church. Nor do we haveany examples that suggest otherwise.

Sometimes Christians will refer to Deborah as anexample of how a woman might become a leader in thechurch or state (Judges 4:4). Deborah was a “judge,” aninformal position of leadership within Israel during thedark and unruly days before they had a king (Judg 21:25).people came to her to have their disputes resolvedbecause of the wisdom she displayed. But she did not seekleadership. When it was time for war, she gave the manBarak God’s plan for battle. He would not go to war with-out her, and although she accompanied him, she alsochided him for not being willing to act the part of a manand do his duty without the support of a woman (4:9).Part of what the account of Deborah is teaching is the

impropriety of women taking thelead and how this exceptional sit-uation reflects badly on men. Wecan’t use Deborah to overturn theconsistent testimony of Scrip-ture elsewhere.

In the New Testament wehave a strong statement againstwomen taking the lead in a pub-lic meeting, even to the point ofprohibiting their speaking. Hereis 1 Corinthians 14:34-37:

Let your women keep silentin the churches [ecclesias], for

they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submis-sive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn some-thing, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it isshameful for women to speak in church. Or did the wordof God come originally from you? Or was it you only thatit reached? If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet orspiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which Iwrite to you are the commandments of the Lord.

The context of these verses is Paul’s regulation ofspeaking in tongues and prophesying in the church meet-ing. After addressing what to do “if anyone speaks in atongue” (v.27) and allowing that “two or three prophetsspeak” (v.29) Paul then says that the women “are not per-mitted to speak” (v.34). It is quite clear that what wasallowed the tongues-speakers and prophets was forbiddento women in the meeting: namely, speech.

Paul piles up the commands and supporting argu-ments. (1) Women must be silent. (2) They are notallowed to speak. (3) This is a sign of their submission,which God’s law requires. (4) They can’t even ask ques-tions, but must ask their husbands at home. (5) It isshameful for a woman to speak in church. (6) Those whoquestion this instruction are proud. (7) This is a com-mandment of the Lord.

It appears that God must regard any speaking out inthe meeting of the church as a form of leadership sincewhoever is speaking is directing the whole group. Evenasking a question sets the pace for the direction of themeeting. This example strongly reinforces the notion thatGod intends men to lead in group settings. Godly womenwill defer to men and allow them to formulate the direc-tion in such places, just as they do at home. This does notmean that women can never speak in any mixed-genderpublic settings, but propriety demands that they do sowith caution, considering whether their speech amounts toleadership of the group.

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Peter commends in women “the incorruptible beauty ofa gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sightof God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy womenwho trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submis-sive to their own husbands” (1 Pet. 3:4,5). The qualities ofquietness and submission occur together in at least threeseparate passages in the New Testament which address thebehaviour of women, whereas men are instructed to speak,teach, and pray when the church assembles.

A Godly society will honour God’s order for Relation-ships between men and women whenever a mixed groupgathers, thus creating a seamless fabric of values through-out that society. Children are instructed by God to honourtheir father and mother. Nowhere does Scripture say thatthey should honour the parents of their friend who livesdown the street. Yet who would question the importance oftheir doing just that (at whatever age)? How long will thechildren honour their parents if they are allowed to disho-nour other adults? Patterns for relationships in the home arethe model for relationships everywhereelse. Male leadership and female fol-lowership ought to be practiced wher-ever men and women gather for acommon purpose.

GOOD MANNERSAnother effect of a return to bibli-

cal patriarchy in the home will be therevival of good manners in the society.The necessity of practicing commoncourtesies is rooted in a biblical viewof life. Courtesy grows out of twoprinciples. First is a respect for the dig-nity of each person as a creature madein God’s image. Second is a recogni-tion of the position each person holdsin the God-ordained social structure.

Every creature of God deserves honour as a fellowcreature, especially fellow image-bearers of God. “Honourall people” (1 Pet 2:17). But the way we demonstrate thathonour will differ depending on the positions we hold rela-tive to one another. A man must “honour” his wife (1 Pet.3:7), and a woman must “respect” her husband (Eph.5:33),but the expressions of honour and respect will not be thesame in each case.

We have discussed previously some of the ways a manought to honour his wife: protecting her in her vulnerabili-ties, helping her with the difficulties her role imposes onher, encouraging her with the Scripture. Now we are think-ing of the simpler, daily courtesies he owes her, like open-ing the door, offering to carry a heavy object, holding herchair when she sits down, holding an umbrella over her inthe rain, rising to greet her when she enters the room afteran absence, etc. Customs like these express important prin-ciples. He is physically stronger and as her protector bearsburdens for her. She is valuable to him, so he shows that bygreeting her when she returns home. Little courtesies are aconstant reminder to both of the nature of their relationship.

Likewise, she should rise to greet him upon his returnhome. In a group, she should fall silent if she sees that hewants to speak.. She should ask his permission beforeaccepting a social engagement for the family. Such littlecourtesies express that she values him as her leader.

Good manners are a way of honouring God in everysocial situation by honouring other people and recognizingGod’s order for our relationships. Each person should showcourtesy to all other people in a way that recognizes the dis-tinct roles we play in the social structure. Men should dem-onstrate care for all women similar to that which they showto their wives, and women should show a deference to allmen to match that which they show to their husbands.

This does not mean that my wife must submit to youbecause you are a man: you are not her head and have noauthority over her. However, she should practice a wom-anly deference and respect for you because you are a man.In God’s chain of authority, men outrank women, and so awoman owes any man a measure of deference to his rankeven though he is not in authority over her.

It’s similar to how I had to treat those of higher rankin the army. When I was a Major, I saluted the Colonelwho walked past me even if he wasn’t in my unit and hadno authority over me in the chain of command. I deferredto him since I held a lower rank in the system. It’s a wayof showing honour and preserving proper attitudes withinthe military community. The attitude of respect I had formy own commander led me quite naturally to showrespect to others of his rank. If I were allowed to neglectdemonstrations of honour for others of superior rank,who-ever they might be, I would find it harder to maintainrespect for my own superiors.

Likewise, a man should extend toany woman the same quality ofhonour that he shows to his wife;opening a door for her, offering her aseat, rising in her presence, address-ing her with gentleness and respect.However, propriety demands that hebe careful not to be too familiar withanother woman. He should show thesame quality of care and respect butnot to the same extent as to his wife.He should demonstrate care for otherwomen without suggesting intimacy.

The way we treat each othersocially should reinforce the princi-ples that underlie a godly society. Asfathers restore their families to God’s

ways, they should be teaching manners to their sons anddaughters and demonstrating manners themselves, espe-cially in how they treat their wives. Manners will thenhelp shape a courteous society in which everyone is look-ing for ways to honour everyone else in keeping with theirrespective positions in God’s order.

GETTING WIVES OUT OF THE WORKPLACEAnother social effect of a return to patriarchy will be

that married women will leave the workforce and returnhome. We have observed previously how men haveallowed the civil government to take over so many of thefunctions that used to be performed by families: childcare, education, welfare, care for the elderly, health care.In a patriarchal renewal many of these functions will bereclaimed by families—and as the domain of family gov-ernment increases, civil government will shrink.

One of the first effects of industrialization was theexodus of fathers from the homes. In the last century,women have followed suit. Now the ordinary family hasboth husband and wife working in the marketplace, help-ing to put bread on the table. As we move slowly backtoward a more family-centered way of life, one of the firstneeds is to get the wife and mother back home. Then thefamily will be able to begin the process of reclaiming thefunctions it has lost. Let me say up front that I don’tunderestimate how difficult this will be. Since the wholestructure of our society has changed in the last 200 yearsto accommodate the new economic order which tends tofragment the family into the workplace, schools, andother institutions, any progress made at restoring familyfunctions will be slow and will involve sacrifice.

The warehousing of babies and young children in dis-ease-infested institutions under the care of strangers isone of the saddest side-effects of sending mothers into the


To The Person Who Asked:Someone asked a question in rela-tion to James Bruggeman tape K-361, regarding a movie that James

mentioned on this tape. James advises that he did not make a note of the title of the film and does not now recall what is was. He is sorry

to disappoint in this. He also advises he does not have time to look at email contact, or answer

email queries.

work-force. With mother home there is no need for the day-care center, and the little ones are provided with the bestpossible care by the person God designed to be their primarycaregiver.

If the wife is home during the day, it also becomes pos-sible to think of caring for an elderly parent who may needcompanionship or supervision. This is one of the chief waysin which children can honour their parents. “But if anywidow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn toshow piety at home and to repay their parents; for this isgood and acceptable before God” (1 Tim. 5:4).

Home-schooling becomes a possibility if mother is notout in the workforce. The educational process was one ofthe first family functions ceded to the state and its recoveryby the family is one of the most costly commitments a fatherand mother can make in terms of time and energy. Butreclaiming the educational role is probably the most effec-tive step parents can take to revitalize their family and helpassure that the Christian faith is passed along to the nextgeneration (Do you promise andintend, to instruct these children inthe doctrine and faith of ChristianIsrael, and cause them to beinstructed therein to the utmost ofyour power?)

While we are on the subject weshould mention that beyond restor-ing to the family the functions Godintended the family to perform, andthus enabling a decreasing role forcivil government and government-supported institutions, there are twoother biblical reasons why we shouldaim to get our wives out of the work-place and back into the domesticsphere.

First, the home is a wife’s God-appointed work place. In an earlier

article I looked at the virtuous wife of Proverbs 31 and sawthat she was home-centered in her work. Now look at thispassage from the New Testament:

“But as for you, speak the things which are proper forsound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, tem-perate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older womenlikewise, that they be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers,not given to much wine, teachers of good things—that theyadmonish the young women to love their husbands, to lovetheir children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good,obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God maynot be blasphemed.” (Titus 2:1-5)

Paul is giving instructions to Titus about how Christiansshould live their lives, instructions he calls “sound doctrine”(v.1). He tells the older women to teach the younger womento do several things, all of which center on the home.

In the midst of this he says that the women are to behomemakers. The actual word is a combination of “house”and “guard” (or “keep”) and means someone who keeps orstays at the house; it is often translated “keepers at home.” Arelated term is used in other ancient literature to mean“working at home,” and refers to the domestic duties ofwomen. So part of “sound doctrine” is the teaching thatmarried women are supposed to work in the home and con-centrate their attention on their husbands and children.

Notice how important this sound doctrine is: Paul saysthat the neglect of this teaching will cause the word of Godto be “blasphemed.” In God’s opinion, a lot is riding onwomen being home-centered in their work—because a lot isriding on following God’s order wherever He reveals it.

The second reason for getting the wife and mother backhome is that a wife is her husband’s helper; she is not the

helper of another man. The woman was made from theman for the man, to be his companion-helper as he takesdominion over the earth. She is not the helper of men ingeneral, but of the one man with whom she is one flesh(Gen 2:24). His work takes him outside the home into theworld. Her job is a domestic one. When a wife goes towork in the marketplace, she is shifting her dominionfocus from her home to the world outside the home, andshe is thus, to that extent, taking on the role of a man.

The working wife is becoming the helper of anotherman, be it her immediate boss or the company owner. Sheis helping him meet his dominion goals and is enrichinghis household as he makes a profit off of her labour. Jesussaid, “No one can serve two masters; for either he willhate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal tothe one and despise the other” (Matt. 6:24). While theimmediate context of Jesus’ words was the issue ofmoney, the principle illuminates the problem createdwhen a woman works for another man: her loyalties are

now divided between her hus-band and her boss. Her scheduleand how she occupies herselfduring the day are dictated by thedemands of her employer, andher husband (and children) usu-ally get the left-overs of herenergy and attention.

One common side-effect ofwomen working for and withmen in the workplace is infidel-ity. This is not surprising givenhuman nature: you become closeto those you work with everyday. And there is a special bondthat develops when a womanworks directly for a man on thejob. She is fulfilling a very femi-nine function by helping this

man, and he is drawn to appreciate her as she assists himin his labours. The emotional attachments God meant toflower between a husband and wife are thus promotedbetween a man and a woman who are not married to eachother.

I am fully aware of how unrealistic and counter-cul-ture this teaching will sound to most Christians today, tiedas we are to the modern economy which depends onworking women. My purpose if not to heap a sense ofguilt on struggling families, many of whom believe theycan’t make it financially without the wife’s income. WhatI aim to do is to point toward a better way of life, one thatcharacterized our society in the past, and one that is neces-sary if we are to see the return of truly robust families.There is no way fathers can effectively turn their heartstoward home if their wives are not even there.

Family renewal will depend upon reversing the trendsof recent years. Yes, it will take time. But the importantthing is for us to believe what the Bible says and to set thedirection of our lives in keeping with God’s revealed will.It will take a while to rebuild families, and we may onlymake a start in our lifetimes, but let’s be committed to doall that we can and to make sure the goal is clear for ourchildren after us.

CHRISTIAN CITIZENS AND STATESMENIn a society characterized by godly homes, the civil

government will inevitably take on a different flavor. Thiswill be another effect of a patriarchal renewal in our fami-lies. As families take back many of the functions they

have ceded to the state, the scope of government activitieswill shrink drastically. As a result, the tax burden on fami-lies will be decreased and personal and family liberties

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will be increased: for example, no more mandatory schoolattendance statutes or threats of removing home-schooledchildren from the home. These changes will not happenapart from Christian men shouldering the duties of citizen-ship. Some of us will even need to become Christian states-men who will help lead the charge to implement the neededchanges.

Over the last century too many Christians have shiedaway from involvement in politics and government, some-how considering these an unworthy endeavour for believers.As we consider our role as Christian citizens, we should bearin mind the following principles:

(1) God’s kingdom in this world begins as holy spiritregenerates the hearts of individuals. Jesus’ kingdom ismost emphatically not established through the arm of gov-ernment—and those who naively think that by electing theright man as president we will see righteousness reign inAmerica are forgetting that God’s kingdom grows from theinside out (it begins in the heart of individuals) and from thebottom up (godly leaders are a reflection of a godly citi-zenry). The starting point forrenewal in our land is the preach-ing of the gospel to sinners, NOTpolitical action.

(2) Every disciple of Jesus isresponsible to apply God’s Word toevery sphere of life, including poli-tics. Discipleship is not justaccepting Jesus for eternal salva-tion and then ignoring God’s willfor life in this world. Discipleshipis a life of obedience to Jesus inevery matter about which theScripture speaks.

Jesus’ own definition of mak-ing disciples is, “teaching them toobserve all things that I have com-manded you” (Matt. 28:20). Sincethe Bible speaks to issues relatedto civil government it is ourresponsibility as citizens to applyGod’s will to our situation as he gives us opportunity. Thisduty of political engagement is especially evident in a con-stitutional republic such as ours where the citizens create thegovernment through their vote. The substantially Christiancharacter of early America was, in part, the result of believ-ers applying their faith to the civil sphere. We must do thesame today. We cannot abandon whole realms of life evil byfailing to live righteously in those realms. Jesus has allauthority ... in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18).

Our nations has slipped into wickedness and declinebecause Christian have failed to live righteously. We haveaccepted a truncated version of the gospel which reduces ourfaith to a private matter that is practiced in the home andchurch but not applied anywhere else. The enemy has had aheyday as Christians have withdrawn into their spiritualghettos believing that religion and politics don’t mix. Weneed to heed the warning of attorney turned evangelistCharles Finney, written in 1835:

“The time has come that Christians must vote for honestmen and take consistent ground in politics, or the Lord willcurse them ... God cannot sustain this free and blessed coun-try, which we love and pray for, unless the church will takeright ground. Politics are part of religion in such a country asthis, and Christians must do their duty to the country as partof their duty to God.”

(3) A civil ruler is a minister of God (Rom. 13:4). Helives in a world where Jesus is king. He is not a neutralmoral agent who can do as he pleases. He is no less underGod’s authority than you or I. A true statesman will honour

the law of God as the basis for civil law, and godly citizenswill hold their leaders accountable to that standard. (seeCivil Rulers are God’s Ministers, #506 @ $2.95)

(4) Christians must submit to and honour civil author-ities as a part of their allegiance to Jesus as Lord (Rom13:1-7)[the key is in vs 4-6, they praise the good-doer andpunish the evil-doer according to God’s Law - then,“wherefore ye must needs be subject...”] We must respectthe office because of the position, even if held by a wickedperson. (Matt 23:2,3).

However, it is not a breach of respect to identify thewrongs of leaders. We are instructed to expose the deedsof darkness (Eph 5:11). Jesus lambasted the hypocriticalleaders of his day (Matt. 23), and the prophets of Israeland Judah were forever naming names and condemningsin among the leaders of the nation.

Any criticism of our leaders must be accompanied bya “thus saith the Lord” as did the prophets of Old. Theonly pleasure that should attend our statements is the plea-sure of our God, concerning those rulers who take a stand

against him (must be just aboutall of them, nowadays!), Psalm2 says, “He who sits in theheavens shall laugh; TheLORD shall hold them in deri-sion” (v.4). We should exposethe reasons for his derision, butGod alone should scoff.

(5) We must always remem-ber that our ultimate enemiesare spiritual and that the weap-ons of our warfare are spiritualweapons. God’s kingdom isestablished in this world not bymight nor by power, but byGod’s spirit (Zech 4:6). Ourtrust must not be in ourselves aswe vote, write a legislator, orspeak against a public policy ora wicked leader. Our confi-dence must be in our God who

raises up leaders and brings them down as he wills. Ourtrust must be in the One who calls us to faithfulness, notsuccess, and who alone is able to bless us with spiritualrenewal in our land.

Politics cannot be taken too seriously, nor can it beignored. It is possible to err in either direction. In a godlysociety Christian men will do their duty as citizens as partof their obedience to Jesus even as they remember thatcivil government is not the means for bringing in the king-dom of God.


Before leaving our look at the broader effects of therestoration of biblical patriarchy in our homes, we shouldconsider the church. God meant family and church towork closely together in this age, and family men must befirmly committed to the church if their efforts at homerenewal are to bear fruit over the long-term. to be a Chris-tian means to be part of the body of Christ, and that meansbeing a part of a local manifestation of that body. Theentire New Testament presents the necessity of living infellowship with other believers (e.g. Heb. 10:24,25) and insubmission to the elders of a local assembly of believers(e.g. Heb. 13:17). Being a committed part of a churchfamily is every bit as important as seeking to implementGod’s pattern for life in our homes.

Each of us must make the commitment that we willnot only be godly family men, will also be godly church-men. We cannot, we must not neglect this calling. God

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Tape of The MonthA-7701 God’s Word to the Young in Israel.

Special message for young people. +Mothers Day Message - also to younger chil-


A-7709 (a) Assemble Yourselves, Ye that are Escaped of the Nations. Is it Scriptural to

gather for worship with those who do not

believe Bible truths? Or is it disobeying God? (b) Washington Report, 1977.

A-7716 (a) The Resurrection. An examina-

tion of the hope of the believers.

(b) The United Church of Christ and Homo-sexuals. How denominations approve of and

promote it.

never meant for families to live in isolation. He created themto be part of the extended spiritual family of the church. Wecannot grow to our full potential alone or just within the set-ting of the family; we need the local body of believers. Thisis everywhere assumed and taught in Scripture. (Acts 2:42-47; 20:7; Rom. 12:10,13,16; 15:7, 14; 1 cor. 12:7; Gal. 6:2;Eph. 4:3, 16; 5:19; Col. 3:16; 1 Thess 5:11; Heb. 3:13;10:24; Jas 5:16, etc).

Now I realize that it is not easy to find a good church, oreven an acceptable one. Most are compromised in terms ofbeliefs or in terms of practical Christian living. If a churchdoesn’t teach some version of cheap grace, for example, itmay pressure families to participate in a youth program thatexposes children to evil influences. A father should find thebest congregation he can and humbly work for change whereit is needed, [this may not be possible if you are an Identity-believer trying to change a Judeo-christian church!!], or heshould help to start a newchurch that is closer to thebiblical model. ButNEGLECTING THEFELLOWSHIP OF THESAINTS IS NOT ANOPTION!

Those who are churchleaders have a great oppor-tunity in this generation.Previously we noted that thechurch has not effectivelystemmed the tide as our cul-ture has moved from itsformer biblical social struc-ture over the last two centu-ries; in fact, the church hasbeen a large part of the prob-lem. It is time for the

church to repent of its pas-sivity and compromise andbecome firmly committed tothe restoration of biblicalpatriarchy.

Pastors and elders should aggressively teach the biblicalview of manhood and family while explaining and refutingthe lies of feminism. The church is God’s agency for pro-moting the truth and equipping families to live out that truth.Strengthening families is the best long-term strategy thechurch can have for expanding God’s kingdom in the world.The family should be viewed as the primary missionaryagency of the church. One of the highest priorities of churchleaders should be to disciple them men of the congregationin the principles and practices of godly manhood and to trainthem to be the primary teachers of their own families. Formost churches this will require a substantial adjustment ofministry focus.

The leaders should change the structure of church lifefrom a program-based, family-fragmenting model to onethat encourages family-like, intimate relationships andmulti-generational gatherings. A “family-integrated church”is just another description of the family-like church we see inthe New Testament. It is a congregation where relationshipsare more important than mere activity, where discipling menand families is high on the priority list, and where the familyis not divided up as soon as it enters the church doors but israther encouraged to worship and minister together.

While patriarchal families can indeed have a positiveinfluence for change in their local churches, a wholesalereturn to biblical patterns of family and social life will not berealized unless and until pastors and elders make this theirmission. The family is indeed the foundational institution ofsociety and thus has the potential to shape the whole nation.

But the church is “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1Tim. 3:15) and ought to be at the forefront, leading thecharge against falsehood and encouraging men and theirfamilies to get back to God’s model for human life, back tobiblical patriarchy.* www.patriarch.com



by Melinda Tankard ReistAbortion rights activists like Erica Jong (“How

women are losing the hard-won right to choose,” SydneyMorning Herald, 22/1/04; “Women: don’t assume yourrights are safe,” The Age, 23/1/04) have probably neverheard of an abortion they haven’t liked - even when it’smore infanticide than abortion.

Ms Jong, American author of “erotic” novels andinventor of the “zipper-less f-” a concept glorify-ing no-strings-attachedsexual encounters withmen, has now become anadvocate for the obscenepartial-birth abortionmethod.

Jong claims the USpartial-birth abortion ban“strips away” a woman’sright to “health and life.”She conveniently fails totell readers what partial-birth abortion is. Sheignores the opinions ofreputable experts whorefute the necessity ofthis method to preserve awomen’s health.

Partial-birth abortioninvolves pulling the babydown the birth canal feetfirst with forceps. The

head is delivered. Scissors are inserted through the baby’sskull to allow for the entry of a high-powered suctionstube that suctions (out) the infant’s brain allowing the skullto be crushed and “delivery” is completed.

The difference between abortion and homicide isabout ten centimeters. This is abortion ideology gone mad.Jong is a big fan of late-term abortion to weed out peoplewith disabilities. One can almost picture her cheering onwhen an eight-month pre-born baby with suspected dwarf-ism was aborted three years ago at the Royal Women’sHospital in Melbourne.

So enamoured are the Jongs of this world by abortion,nothing can stand in their way - even if the baby is a merebreath away from birth. Dr Pamela Smith, of Mt SinaiHospital, testified before a US Senate Judiciary Commit-tee: “... the practitioner must take great care to ensure thatthe baby does not move those additional few inches thatwould transform its status from one of an abortus to that ofa living human child.”

Despite claims that the method is rare and used only inextreme medical cases, there are an estimated 3000 to5000 partial-birth abortions a year in the US according toRon Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coa-lition of Abortion Providers. Fitzsimmons believes thatpartial-birth abortions are “in the vast majority of cases”carried out on “a healthy mother with a healthy fetus thatis 20 weeks or more along.”

Washington Post medical writer David Brown, afterinterviewing many abortionists, wrote “in most cases, the

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its a book length critique. The main reasons are that the ‘Holo-

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that Hilberg presents the subject comprehensively, in a formal

academic style that invites critical examination. Graf does like-

wise. If the reader will take the effort to examine the sources

that Hilberg and Graf use he will derive, first, a reliable pre-

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ond,, a perhaps shocking revelation of the shoddy evidence that

the legend is based on and, third, a specific important applica-

tion of a good part of the revisionist scholarship of the past

quarter century. The reader will then understand the basis for

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physical health of the woman whose pregnancy is being ter-minated is not in jeopardy.” Even so, the new ban allows anexception for saving the mother’s life.

The American Medical Association says partial-birthabortion is “not good medicine” and “medically unjustified.”Its expert panel couldn’t find “any identified situation” inwhich it was “the only appropriate procedure to induce abor-tion.”

A group of senior obstetricians, writing in the WallStreet Journal, stated “there is no obstetrical situation thatrequires the wilful destruction of a partially delivered babyto protect the life, health or future fertility of a woman.”

They described partial-birth abortions as “a two-and-a-half-day, potentially dangerous procedure unsupported byany safety data in the medical literature.” The doctors listedas risks: cervical incompetence due to forced dilation of thecervix (the leading cause of premature deliveries), infection(a major cause of infertility) and risks of tears to the uterusdue to a deliberate (and normally avoided) breech birth.Inserting scissors through the base ofthe baby’s skull can also lacerate thecervix.

Australia has its own partial-birth expert, Dr. David Grundmann.He performs it in a number of clinicson Australia’s east coast and hasestablished a clinic in Melbourne.

“Dr Scissorhands” has said he’s“personally happy to do terminationsat 26, 28, 30 weeks.” He’s even will-ing to do them for sex selection. Jus-tice McHugh noted that theQueensland Court of Appeal indi-cated that he “in effect, is a crimi-nal.”

At an abortion providers’ con-ference in Melbourne a few yearsago I asked an abortion clinic nursewhether the clinic informed womenof the precise nature of the proce-dure beforehand. The answer wasno.

This lack of respect for awoman’s right to know is typical ofthe abortion industry. What happensto her when she does find out? Andwhat sort of response is it to say, thebest we can offer you is to bringyour baby to the threshhold of birth and stab him or her inthe head with scissors? Is this all we can offer women in dif-ficult situations?

A woman is hardly exercising her “right to choose”when she feels driven to undergo this sort of brutality. Suchprocedures are an indication of the lack of choices availableto women - unendurable pressure which makes them feelthey can do nothing other than allow the baby they have feltkicking for many weeks to be killed. Show her you care: sayit with scissors. Surely women and babies deserve better thanthis torture? *


For a comprehensive list of articles on partial-birth abor-tion, see the National Right to Life website (USA) at:




by Arnold KennedyIntroduction.To be able to discuss this, it is necessary to have some

definition of terms, both Biblical and Dictionary, ratherthan using words as they are used today in our so-called‘politically-correct’ society. We will look at other defini-tions as we progress.

From Webster’s Universal Dictionary - as the wordsapply to this subject”

CULTURAL: “pertaining to culture” where the wordis derived from the Latin cultus or “cult” meaning “cul-ture, care, worship” or “a system of religious belief andobservance.”

From Collins English Dictionary,CULTURAL: “Of or relating to artistic or social

pursuits, or events considered to be valuable or enlight-ened,” or “Of or relating to a culture or civilization.”

CULTURE: “The total of theinherited ideas, beliefs, ideas,values and knowledge, whichconstitutes the shared basis ofsocial action,” or,

“The total range of activitiesand ideas of a group of peoplewith shared traditions, which aretransmitted and reinforced bymembers of the group.”

From this we can see thatallowing or tolerating anotherculture is not the process of “tak-ing the best from them,” becausethe other culture is a full hand ofbeliefs, values, ideas and knowl-edge PLUS the reinforcement ofthat suite by members of thegroup. In other words, culturesinside other races do not die.They rather form ghettos [in theworst case] and survive. Anexample is the Kurds.

From the Oxford Dictionary,CULTURAL: “Relating to

civilization, especially that of aparticular country, at a particularperiod. This is used in relation tocultivation, worship, agriculture,

biology, in figurative ways,” and,“The training, development and refinement of mind,

tastes and manners; the condition of being thus trainedand refined; the intellectual side of civilization.”

Before we go further, this definition shows that cultureis a function of training and development. Therefore totolerate another culture is to tolerate its efforts to per-petuate itself.

CIVILIZATION: “A Human society that has highlydeveloped material and spiritual resources and a complexcultural, political and legal organization; an advancedstate of social development.”

“The peoples or nations collectively who haveachieved such a state.” “The total culture and way of lifeof a particular people, nation, region or period.”

Since “legal” is mentioned, it becomes necessary tolook at ‘law.’

From the Oxford Dictionary,LAW: “The action or process of civilizing or of being

civilized.” “Civilized condition or state; a developed oradvanced state of human society.”

From these we see that to tolerate one culture within

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another is to change the civilization of that region to a newblend of highly developed material and spiritual resources.

The question is, therefore, should Christian schools besensitive to the presence of forces that will ultimately buryor bastardise the very Christian principles they seek to teachand uphold. This can be seen historically in the Romanshaving been so culturally sensitive to the “Christian”Emperor that it became accepted that one could be both agood Roman AND a good Christian at the same time!

SENSITIVE: “Keenly sensible of bodily sensations.”“Acutely perceptive of stimuli communicated through thesenses.” “Reacting readily to external conditions.”

From these two words we can see that the issue andwhat we are talking about is essentially our reaction to reli-gious beliefs and observances. We have to note clearly thatany ethnic observance therefore has somewhere in it a reli-gious or occult origin. When someone from what was oncetermed a “heathen culture” wants tojoin up with a contrasting “Christianculture,” according to Biblical teach-ing the two cannot be combined ormerged. There can never be anyaccommodation of the occult intothe “truth of the Gospel.” This is thematter Elijah illustrated upon Mt.Carmel.

1 Kings 18:21: And Elijah cameunto all the people, and said, Howlong halt ye between two opinions?If the LORD be God, follow Him:but if Baal, then follow him. And thepeople answered him not a word.”

If a Christian school decides toanswer “not a word,” likewise intrying to be culturally sensitive, thenit will never be able to demonstratethe power of God, even as the proph-ets of Ba’al were unable to, eventhough both were professing to bewithin the confines of Israel. It wasthe foreign “culture” mixture which denied the prophets ofBa’al the power of God. In allowing and yielding to Ba’althey were giving legal authority for the occult powers tooperate within them. Elijah was free of this and the fire ofGod fell when “Elijah the prophet came near, and said,LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be knownthis day that thou art God in Israel.” This ‘Israel’ limitationis consistent through Scripture, e.g. “He sheweth his wordunto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. Hehath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments,they have not known them”-(Psalm 147:19). Ba’al religiondoes not express this limitation and accommodates all races.


The sloppy and wrong idea that ‘love’ outside of theBiblical definitions of “love” can allow non-Christian cul-tural accommodation, is invalid sentimentality.

2 John 6, “And this is love, that we walk after his com-mandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye haveheard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.”

John 14:21, “He that hath my commandments, andkeepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth meshall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and willmanifest myself to him.”

Again, the keeping of “my commandments” is neces-sary before there can be the manifestation of the power ofGod.

Any observance outside of the Word of God has anethnic-religious or occult origin somewhere in it in a waythat has nothing to do with “keeping My commandments.”

It seems that few Christians have practical understandingof the nature of the occult and how it operates throughobservances, customs, symbols and objects which aresymbolized by “Ba’al.”

It may seem to some that it would be a trivial thing todeny a cultural observance such as the tradition someraces have of not cutting hair until puberty in a youngmale. Sometimes this is commercial in that the hair hassale value, but usually it is religious. The tying back ofthe hair by a ribbon does not eliminate the pagan andtherefore occult origin of the custom. It becomes a matterof “Allow the custom and you will allow the occult tooperate.” Another aspect from this example is, “Doth noteven nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair,it is a shame unto him”-(1 Cor. 11:14).

If a Christian school allows and supports disobedi-ence to Scripture on the grounds of cultural sensitivity, it

is denying and compromising theWord of God. Sentimentalitythen has taken the place of obe-dience.

Children at school pick upracial differences very quickly.For instance, if a child were toask, “Why does that Tongan boyhave long hair?,” any answer hasto be one hundred percent hon-est. If the answer is, “Because heis Tongan,” then immediatelythat child is being taught that allraces are not the same. This mayappear to contradict what thatchild has been taught in SundaySchool about, “Red and Yellow,Black and White, all are preciousin His sight,” and thus place con-flict in the child’s mind. If thechild extends the question andthen asks, “Why do Tongan boyshave to have long hair?,” a truth-

ful answer has to be given. That answer can only be ionthe basis of race or culture [which is “religion” or “ethnicbelief”]. When this answer is given, two opposing teach-ings are being presented, and this ‘double-speak’ is thesame operation that is carried out by the hidden WorldGovernment and the Roman Catholic Church. There is nolonger a ‘single eye’ and what we have operating withinthe Christian school environment are two religions - amixture of Ba’al and discipleship.

Unfortunately, some Christian want to deny the insis-tent Bible facts of race, whereas some want to insist thatthere is no such thing as “race” in God’s book. So hereagain we have another conflict.

Without taking sides, one thing is certain and that is,“the fewer the cultures, the fewer the cultural conflicts.”The fewer the conflicts, the more harmony there will bein a Christian school.AN ILLUSTRATION BY TAKING AN EXTREME

EXAMPLETo understand a principle, it often helps to consider

an extreme case. Say a girl from New Guinea came toNew Zealand (or Australia) to attend a Christian school.If her culture determined that she should walk aboutwearing only a patch of bark supported by a vine, shouldshe be allowed to attend a Christian School having herbreasts and buttocks bare? If not, would stopping her beculturally insensitive? If one can be stopped, why notthen cannot all be stopped? This is why a Christian schoolcan allow no measure of cultural sensitivity at all. Thematter is one of principle, and Biblical principle at that.

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New TapesD-099 God’s Throne in Heaven-

Preparing for the Future, Pt 1, L.BlanchardD-100 God’s Throne on Earth-

Preparing for the Future, Pt 2, L.BlanchardAC-2319 Satanic Effects of Usury and Eastern Religions, Pt 2, Richard HoskinsAC-2322 Biblical Admonition to Youth

Dr. MartinF-361 Hebrews 2: Reconciliation and

Redemption, Stephen JonesE-115 God the Teacher, Pt 1,

Deuteronomy Basics, pt 23, Don ElmoreK-433 The Blessing from the Illegal Cen-sus, 1, (Saul & David, 51) J. Bruggeman

K-434 The Blessing from the Illegal Cen-sus, 2, (Saul & David, 52) J. Bruggeman

What would a Christian school do in the case of thehomosexual prevalence within some races who may evenprofess to be Christian, but maintain acceptance of thisnorm?

It cannot be denied that the majority culture in all Prot-estant Christian schools is always Anglo-Saxon-Caucasian,and that belief system is the norm in terms of culture. It isthe Roman Catholic and other anti-Christ “so-called Chris-tian” cultures which deny the authority of Scripture, andwhich support, accommodate and combine with “heathen”cultures. With them this accommodation occurs in Schooland State, and the idea is used seductively as leaven againstBible believers. The slightest amount of leaven will leaventhe whole lump we are told.

One Law for Yourselves and the Stranger that Dwells inyour Midst

The “one Law” precept is a consistent Biblical princi-ple. There is absolutely no provision to consider beingable to have a Christian school having different rulesand standards for differing cultures.Some people try to use Joshua and theGibeonites as a ‘type’ in a show ofpiety, to talk about mixed cultureswalking together, but the Gibeonitesstill had to obey the Law of Israel’sGod very strictly. God’s Law of “OneOrdinance” always applies. This is“for ever.” Had Joshua asked Godwhat to do with these people before hemade the pact, God would havewarned him of the danger, and. in fact,directed Joshua to obey by destroyingthem as instructed.We have to notethat the Gibeonites were not of theChildren of Israel -(2 Sam. 21:2). Theforeigners were not of the Israelite‘strangers’ [ger} mentioned in the nextverse; the word for these foreign alien ‘strangers’ is differ-ent.

Numbers 15017, “One ordinance shall be both for youof the congregation, and also for the stranger that sojour-neth with you, an ordinance FOR EVER in your genera-tions: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before the LORD.One law and one manner shall be for you, and for thestranger that sojourneth with you.

Here national Israel was entering a land occupied byindigenous people and to occupy it This is what the Englishdid when they came to New Zealand. Israel was to have notthe slightest part in the beliefs of the indigenous people -and neither must we!

Exodus 23:23-25, “For mine Angel shall go beforethee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites,and the Perissites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and theJebusites: and I will cut them off. Thou shalt not bow downto their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: butthou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break downtheir images. And ye shall serve the LORD your God, andhe shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sick-ness away from the midst of thee.”

Yet, Christian schools keep or make these images!

It is necessary to make some points of clarification here.(1) For Israel, the Law presented a total embargo on

non-Hebrew racial intermarriage.(2) With respect to Passover, for instance, the members

of the mixed multitude travelling with Israel could notassemble with Israel at the tabernacle.

(3) Many of the people of the lands Israel passedthrough looked like Israelites because they were of Hebrew

stock, but they did not descend through Isaac and so “InIsaac shall thy see be called” cannot apply to them. Theywere not all of totally different races to Israel, but theyare not “In Isaac,” even today.

God required the total extinction of the countriesbecause keeping them alive would make a constant temp-tation for Israelites to go after the foreign gods; therewould have to be dealings with the foreigners if theywere left alive.

God required the death of all the males of othernations there. Female virgins who were not Israeliteswere allowed to live only if they were of Hebrew stock.

Now where is the cultural sensitivity in all of this? InNew Zealand we can hardly call the Maori or the pacificIslander as being Hebrew or Israelite stock, or “In Isaac,”that is certain.

NOTE: Today we hear people being described asbeing “Caucasian” without realizing that this refers towhence they originated. Caucasia [Assyria] is the area

where the House of Israel were takeninto captivity, as recorded in the Oldtestament. History records the latermovement of these tribes Westwardtowards the British Isles. fromthence we find today many of thesesame people scattered around theglobe. Essentially, they are still“Israel” as the people the Bible sepa-rates from all other peoples for alltime. The people mixed with themdo not become Israelite by associa-tion.

There is no suggesting of cul-tural sensitivity, in the last versequoted above, rather it is requiredthat the other races be “overthrown.”We can see that the rewards are great

if we obey this, but what is “bowing down” all about? Itmeans:

“Worship” or “to bow down, prostrate oneselfbefore, superior in homage ... before foreign gods - to beled to serve them”-[Strong’s]

It is every time we allow occult-originating custom[or customary rights] to have place over the Law of theGod of Israel.

Even talking about such things as “Maori injustices”[or in Austr. “land rights” or “sacred sites” etc] is submit-ting to their religion and their gods. It is giving honour tothe dead and hence is part of ancestor worship. In theBible justice is between living people in the sense of bothbeing presently physically alive, but not alive as exten-sions of ancestors. That extension comes from Maori orindigenous gods. The injustices of the past were not com-mitted by the Europeans living today.

The verse above determines that we are not to do“after their works.” The word “works” here covers thetotal range of things that the “heathen” do. As pointed outbefore, submitting to demons gives them legal ground tooperate. Having a room within a Christian School full ofMaori symbolism that looks like a Maori Marae demon-strates how little understanding that school has. And it isto the detriment of that school because we are not even tolearn the way of the heathen.

Any member of a Christian School Committee inNew Zealand who wants understanding, two books arerecommended:

1. “Unbroken Curses” by Rebecca Brown M.D.[Whittaker House]

2. “Maori Religion and Mythology” by Eldon Best



Identifying The True Gospelby Lawrence Blanchard

A series of questions with biblical answers, relating to Jesus blood, the

New Covenant, Promises, and to whom the New Covenant applies. The modern “gospel” being pro-

claimed today misapplies the death and resurrection of Jesus to all people of all races. This clearly goes beyond what is clearly written in the Bible.

#582 @ 10 copies for $2.00ppd

[Government Printer 1976].From the introduction of the latter book we read, “In the

lower phases of their religious beliefs and practices, in theirsystem of magic and their puerile superstitions [childishlysilly and frivolous], we note the shackles that have boundand cramped the human mind for centuries.”

Both books ably demonstrate the place of the occult as itoperates within ethnic cultures. The allowing of the wearingof some cultural dress and objects such as the Tiki (charm)must be banned in the Christian school environment. thelegal ground for the occult to function must first beremoved. No Christian school can prosper without sub-mission to the Word of God for His people, no matterhow much prayer is made otherwise.

Deuteronomy 7:24-26, “And he shall deliver their kingsinto thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name fromunder heaven: there shall no man be able to stand beforethee, until thou have destroyed them. The graven images oftheir gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire thesilver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thoube snared therein: for it is an

abomination to the LORD thy God.Neither shalt thou bring an abomi-nation into thine house, lest thou bea cursed thing like it: but thou shaltutterly detest it, and thou shaltutterly abhor it; for it is a cursedthing.

We can observe such pagan cul-tural items in our Christian schools!

2 Corinthians 6:17-18 Whereforecome out from among them, and beye separate, saith the Lord, andtouch not the unclean [‘thing’ is anadded word]; and I will receive you,and will be a Father unto you, andye shall be my sons and daughters,saith the Lord Almighty.

“Learn Not The Way [or Customs] of the Heathen”Jeremiah 10:1, “Hear ye the word which the LORD

speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD,Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed atthe sign of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth atree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman,with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fas-ten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Theyare upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needsbe borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; forthey cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thouart great, and thy name is great in might.

Here we find words like “the way” and “the customs”that need to be understood.

THE WAY [derek] has the meaning covered by:-”way,road, distance, journey, direction, manner, habit and moralcharacter”- (Strongs).

THE CUSTOMS [chuqqah] means:-”statute, ordi-nance, custom, manners, and something prescribed.”

Here we have a contrast between the ways and statutesof God and those of “the heathen.” Once again we see thematter of “Thy name is great in might” or that the manifesta-tion of the power of God is there when we are separatedfrom the ways and customs of “the heathen.”

We are told not to learn them so this denies the right toteach about practicing anything pertaining to other culturesin Christian schools. This means that there should be no cul-tural sensitivity!


Biblically, this is the parents’ responsibility. The ideaof having the children of Christian sitting in a schoolroom full of non-Christian cultural icons [as in a roomthat looks and feels like a Maori Whare or Marae (meet-ing place)-or a room of Aboriginal artifacts and dream-time stories] is far removed from the injunction for themnot to be taught the ways and customs of “the heathen.”

Jesus says, “Suffer the children to come unto me,”not “come to a nest of ancestral spirits.”

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 -”Hear, O Israel: The LORD ourGod is one LORD: and thou shalt love the LORD thy Godwith all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thymight. And these words, which I command thee this day,shall be in thine heart:

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy chil-dren, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thinehouse, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thouliest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bindthem for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be asfrontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them

upon the posts of thu house, and onthy gates.”

Or as Jesus puts it, “Teachingthem to observe all things whatso-ever I have commanded you:”There is no inclusion or instructionto teach anything else, not evencomparative religion, in a Chris-tian school, or to a Christian child.

2 Timothy 3:15 -”And thatfrom a child thou hast known theholy scriptures, which are able tomake thee wise unto salvationthrough faith which is in ChristJesus.


Are our children being spoiled by these?Colossians 2:8 - “Beware lest any man spoil you

through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition ofmen, after the rudiments of the world, and not afterChrist.”

Paul found it necessary to warn us, “And this I say,lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.”What are things that can “spoil” and “beguile” us ... andChristian Schools? When we look at these one by one, weneed to see these relate to ethnic cultures. We can then seethe traps.

PHILOSOPHY [philosophia] which Strong givesas: “Love of wisdom used either of zeal for or skipp inany art or science, any branch of knowledge. Used oncein the NT of the theology, or rather theosophy, of certainJewish Christian ascetics, which busied itself with refinedand speculative enquiries into the nature and classes ofangels, into the ritual of Mosaic law and the regulationsof Jewish tradition respecting practical life.”

The issue at that time was with things Judean as thelocal culture but the principle applies with all cultures.

VAIN DECEIT [kenos] - Empty, vain, devoid oftruth, of places, vessels, etc, which contain nothing, ofmen, empty handed, without a gift; metaph. destitute ofspiritual wealth, of one who boasts of his faith as a tran-scendent possession, yet is without the fruits of faith;metaph. of endeavours, labours, acts, which result innothing, vain, fruitless, without effect.

TRADITION OF MEN [paradosis] - tradition, ordi-nance, giving - a giving over which is done by word ofmouth or in writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative,precept, etc.

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-Objectively, that which is delivered, the substance of ateaching, - of the body of precepts, esp. ritual, which in theopinion of the later Jews were orally delivered by Moses andorally transmitted in unbroken succession to subsequentgenerations, which precepts, both illustrating and expandingthe written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equalreverence.”

RUDIMENTS OF THIS WORLD [stoicheion] - Ifthis ‘world’ [kosmos] in question is not made up of thingsthat are “after Christ,” then that particular ‘kosmos’ is ofanother origin.

SPOIL [sulagogeo] - When we look into what can“spoil” us, we can see what this means from Strong’s:

-to carry off booty, -to carry one off as a captive (andslave)., -to lead away from the truth and subject to one’ssway.

BEGUILE [paralogizomai], -to reckon wrong, mis-count.. -to cheat by false reckoning.,-to deceive by false reasoning, -todeceive, delude, circumvent.

If we do not make a moveagainst what spoils our children,they will be carried away as cap-tives. Why do our children leave ourchurches?

Multiculturalism is false reckon-ing that ‘spoils,’ but it is enticingeven to Christians who should knowbetter and who should have beentaught better. Understanding thissubject is not native to us; it requiredteaching.

Ezekiel 44:23 - “And they shallteach my people the differencebetween the holy and profane, andcause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.

The warning that we can be spoiled and beguiled cultur-ally has to be recognized as such because we can be ledaway from the truth and become subject to the sway of oth-ers by false reasoning. If we recognize the application ofthese principles, we have to come to a firm determinationabout whether or not we should be “culturally sensitive” in aChristian School. If we do not recognize the principles, thechildren graduating from that school will be “spoiled” and“carried off captive” because they have been “beguiled” bythe things listed above. What percentage of today’s trou-bles in the youth of our society are the result of wateringdown the traditions of our Anglo-Saxon culture by toler-ance of other cultures? It does not take much thought as towhat the practical consequences would be of ignoring God’s“one law” principle and making a different set of schoolrules for each culture. The result would be confusion, notorder.


Under, “The Rudiments of the World” above, Strongpresents two phrases:

1. “The elements from which all things have come, thematerial causes of the universe.”

2. “The heavenly bodies, either as parts of the heavensor (as others think) because in them the elements of man, lifeand destiny were supposed to reside.”

All cultures have their particular ‘world-view’ on thesetwo matters. Tradition is the essence of every culture. Wefind that when many cultures appear to espouse the Chris-tian faith, their essential world-view does not change. It mayappear to change when removed from the native environ-ment, but it surfaces again when placed once again in thenative environment. For instance, a Maori “Christian” willgo onto a Maori Marae and very quickly re-conform to the

occult practices and traditions. They may sing, “HowGreat Thou Art” and five minutes later be found to bepraying to ancestral spirits, or to the recently departedperson (look at South African black after many years ofChristian domination, how quickly it is all forgotten andthey revert to their old ways). Something cultural hasnever left them, despite their profession. It is as if wecould say, “It’s in their genes.” Although we have con-sidered only the Maori race and their culture, thesame cultural condition applies to all other cultures.These things give us additional grounds to avoid being“culturally sensitive” in the Christian school environ-ment.


Teaching comparative religion is demanded in NewZealand by the Government, and School Principals have

been heard endorsing this, sayingit will help the children of God’speople mix and get along withpeople of other cultures. Wheredoes one find this in Scripture?

Without releasing it, mostChristians are attempting to “con-form to this world” and to someof the ideals of the BabylonianWorld Governments.

Romans 12:2, -”And be notconformed to this world: but he yetransformed by the renewing ofyour mind, that ye may provewhat is that good, and acceptable,and perfect will of God.”

What value could there be inrenewing of world government,

the New Age and Roman Catholic Church are not againstthe idea of differing laws for differing cultures, of com-plete racial integration with no national borders, high-lights how far the seduction of Christianity hasprogressed.

It does not take long to determine that this is NOT“the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

There are many Scriptures that might appear to sug-gest the opposite, but the popular presentation is onceagain the product of seduction. The idea that in Scripturethe words “all,” “every,” and “whosoever” should be uni-versalised to all races, rather than the “all” of the specificcontext application only, is NOT truth. The vogue is stillto argue with, and “reply against,” God. A Christianschool can do this, not believing:

Rom 9:18 “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he willhave mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wiltsay then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For whohath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou thatrepliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to himthat formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not thepotter power over the clay, of the same lump to make onevessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour.”

That the Potter makes different “vessels,” some made“fitted to destruction” and others “afore prepared untoglory” does not fit in with popular evangelical theology.The great issue over culture is made out to be one ofbehaviour, rather than of election and calling. It is wellthen to re-examine the election subject to see the basis ofelection. The whole question against being “culturallysensitive” will then stand out clearly.

It will be seen even more clearly how the Word ofGod would be compromised by allowing any form ofcultural sensitivity in the Christian school context.


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Limited QuantityJewish “Art” and its Destructive Effect

on Christian Civilizationby Dan Gentry

Displace degenerate ‘art’ with good art. A fine place to start is your living room. The electronic toilet called ‘TV’ is a hindrance

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because the nature of the subject seems to be complexbecause of tradition, it is necessary to stand back and look atboth Scripture as a whole and “get the big picture.” Then wecan look at modern genetic discoveries about the establishedconnections between race, culture, genetics and behaviour,that there are behavioural genes and identifiable racial genes.In this there is no conflict with Scripture. The conflict is withtraditional teachings!

Let us briefly look at sone traditional beliefs, and the asksome questions about them.

TRADITIONAL BELIEFS IN ERROR.Matthew 13:11 “He answere and said unto them,

Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of thekingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Is it then given to everyone?John 8:42-45 “Jesus said unto them, If God were your

Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and camefrom God; neither came I of myself, but He sent me. Why doye not understand my speech? evenbecause ye cannot hear my word. Yeare of your father the devil.

Can all races then “hear”?John 8:47, “He that is of God

heareth God’s words: ye therefore hearthen not, because ye are not of God.

Are all races “of God”? - If theycould not hear, how could they everbe converted?

Matthew 1:21, “And she shallbring forth a son, and thou shalt callhis name JESUS: for he shall save hispeople from their sins.

Were they “His” before the redemptive act? Why sayotherwise that people become God’s by conversion?

Acts 13:32-3, “The promises made to the fathers [ofIsrael] are fulfilled in us their children.’

Is there any direct reference to these promises beingfulfilled in any others than the (genetic) children of thefathers? So the fulfillment must be only in Israelites.

Romans 9:11 This is about offspring being elected byGod, before having done good or evil.

So is election a matter of belief? “Israel is mine elect,”says God. [Isa 42:1, 45:4, 65:9]. The identity of who the“elect” are is not changed in the N.T.

Acts 13:48, “As many as were ordained to eternal lifebelieved.”

So there are others who are no so-”ordained” to eter-nal life.

John 6:65, “No man cometh unto Me, except it be givenunto him of My Father.”

Is this a matter of an individual’s own choice? Couldit include non-elect races? [Note the tense of the verbs here,also].

John 8:42-43, Jesus says that those begotten “fromabove” from conception can hear, and that those “frombelow” cannot hear His words. Jesus says, “Let him thathath ears, let him hear.”

Do all peoples have “ears to hear”?Matt. 7:18 “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, nei-

ther can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”Does a tree reproduce “after its kind” or not? Can a

Tare planted as Tare seed change into wheat? Why didPaul address those he spoke to as, “Men of the stock ofIsrael”?

Matthew 13: Wheat is sown by God and Tares are sownby the ‘enemy.’

Can one turn into the other by belief? Each were sownone way according to God’s Law and each reproduces “afterhis kind.” They grow together and are separated unchanged

at the harvest time. The same applies to sheep and goats.John 15:16 “Ye have not chosen Me, but I have cho-

sen you, and ordained you.”Does God choose a people, or do people choose

God? On what basis does God make the choice? Is thefollowing verse true?

Deuteronomy 14:2, “For thou [Israel] art an holypeople unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath cho-sen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above allnations that are upon the earth.”


Matthew 6:7, “But when ye pray, use not vain repeti-tions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall beheard for their much speaking.

Exodus 34:12, “Take heed to thyself, lest thou make acovenant with the inhabitants of the land wither thou

goest, lest it be for a snare in themidst of thee:

1 Kings 11:2, “Of the nationsconcerning which the LORD saidunto the children of Israel, Ye shallnot go in to them, neither shallthey come in unto you: for surelythey will turn away your heartafter their gods:

Ezra 6:21 “And the children ofIsrael, which were come again outof captivity, and all such as hadseparated themselves unto them

from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek theLORD God of Israel, did eat.

Ezra 9:1-2, “Now when these things were done, theprinces came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and thepriests, and the Levites, have not separated themselvesfrom the people of the lands, doing according to theirabominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, thePerizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites,the Egyptians, and the Amorites. For they have taken oftheir daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so thatthe holy seed have mingled themselves with the people ofthose lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hathbeen chief in this trespass.

Ezra 9:10-11, “And now, O our God, what shall wesay after this? for we have forsaken thy commandments,which thou hast commanded by thy servants the prophets,saying, The land, unto which ye go to possess it, it is anunclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands,with their abominations, which have filled it from one endto another with their uncleanness.

Nehemiah 9:2, “And the seed of Israel separatedthemselves from all strangers, [i.e. from the mixed raceoffspring] and stood and confessed their sins, and theiniquities of their fathers.

Culture and Race have genetic connections. It isvitally important to understand that in both Hebrewand Greek, the words “all,” “every,” “whosoever,”etc., are confined to “all” of each context only, and donot mean “all of everything, everyone” or “everyrace.”

Not understanding this is one of the ways how theracial nature of God’s people, as the seed of Abrahamthrough Isaac, has been disguised.


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New TapesS-960 Equipping the saints for Stomp-ing the Snakes, pt 1, Day of The Lord

S-961 Equipping, pt 2, When Possibly?S-962 Equipping, pt 3, Do it or Die &

Who Survives? S-963 The Talk of The Day at Nain

S-964 Fathers --- Guard Your Homes,all Peter J. Peters

Birthdays in the BibleBirthday celebrations are mentioned in the Bible on

three separate occasions. In each case it is associated withtragedy. In the first account (Gen. 40:1-23) Pharaoh, theEgyptian king, celebrated his birthday by having his bakerhanged at the birthday party.

In the second account, Herod the tetrach ordered thebeheading of John the Baptist (Matt. 14:3-11) at his birthdayparty. The third and most detailed account is found in thebook of Job. Job’s seven sons “went and feasted in theirhouses, every one his day; and sent and called for their threesisters to eat and to drink with them” (Job 1:4). These par-ties were associated with tragedy and triggered great concernin Jon (1:5). Apparently, during the birthday party of Job’soldest son, all ten of Job’s children died through whatappears to be a tornado (vs 6-13, 18-19).

Further proof that these birthday celebrations displeasedGod is found in Job 3. Job curses every aspect of the day ofhis birth. The loss of all of his children due to a birthday cel-ebration, stunned and embit-tered him. This will be shownto have greater meaning laterin this article.

Consider for a moment thecentral lesson of each of theseaccounts. They represent the

only three birthday partiesrelated in the entire Bible.Tragedy occurred on eachoccasion! If God felt birthdaycelebrations were good, whywould He show them in thisbad light?What About the Birthdays of Well-known Bible Fig-

ures?Does God not want us to

recognize the birthdays ofgreat men? Let’s search for the birth dates of some of God’sgreatest servants. Abraham is called God’s “friend” (2Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; Jms. 2:23), and was the progenitor ofIsrael and “the faithful.” However, the Bible does not recordthe birth date of this great servant of God.

Moses was God’s lawgiver and Israel’s leader in theirexodus out of Egypt. The writings of Moses are some of themost important ever written. The Bible does not tell us whenhe was born. God called King David “a man after My ownheart” (Acts 13:21-22). His life is recorded in detail. JesusHimself was born of the line of David. But the Bible doesnot record his birth date.

There is not one verse of Scripture telling the birth days,or the celebration of the births of these important men. Infact, the Bible is silent on the dates of the births of Jacob,Sarah, Noah, Abel, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Peter,Paul, James (Jesus’ own brother), and the rest of the apos-tles. Even the birth date of Jesus, God’s own Son, is notrecorded in the Bible!

The Christmas “Birthday Party”?But what about Christmas? Is it in the Bible? Does it cel-

ebrate Christ’s birth on December 25th? Didn’t the wise menbring presents to baby Jesus because it was His birthday?

December 25th is agreed by all to NOT be the date ofJesus’ birth. Rather, it marked the time of the winter solstice.Idol worshippers held pagan festivals to celebrate the“rebirth” of the sun - when the days stopped growing shorter,and began to grow longer.

What about the “wise men” who gave gifts to BabyJesus, as described in Matthew 2. Where these birthday pre-sents for “baby Jesus”? Is this what the Bible actually says?No! The wise men did not arrive at the time of Jesus’ birth.

Notice that it refers to Jesus as a “young child” rather thana newborn. The gifts brought to Him were not “birthdaypresents.” It was the custom in the east at that time topresent gifts when coming into the presence of a king.The “wise men” (magi) brought gifts to a King (Jesus).This custom exists even today. The real intent behind thisexample should be clear.

The Bible did not record for us the date God’s Sonwas born. And nowhere in the Bible can you find exam-ples of the disciples celebrating Jesus’ birthday. However,it does record in detail the month, day, and hour whenJesus died (Matt. 26:1-2; Lk. 23:44; John 19:14).

Think for a moment! Every year, millions of profess-ing Christians celebrate what they call the birthday ofJesus—a celebration God did NOT approve; on a dayknown to NOT be the birthday of Jesus; and in a fashionconsistent with the birthday celebration of a pagan god.Who would be so foolish to expect Jesus to be honouredby such an abomination?

Jesus warned aboutsuch misguided celebra-tions, saying, “This peoplehonours Me with their lips,but their heart is far fromMe. Howbeit in vain dothey worship Me, teachingfor doctrines the com-mandments of men. Hav-ing abandoned thecommandment of God, youare holding the tradition ofmen.” (Mark 7:6-8).

How Important Are Birthdays?

What does the Biblespecifically say about yourday of birth? Most peoplethink that the day of one’s

birth is special. Celebrating it certainly does seem andfeel like the right thing to do. Yet, Solomon wrote “Agood name is better than precious ointment; and the dayof death than the day of one’s birth.” (Eccl. 7:1).

Like Job, Jeremiah cursed the day of his own birth:“Cursed be the day wherein I was born: let not the daywherein my mother bare me be blessed.” (Jer. 20:14).

If the day of our death is rated better than the day ofour birth, and God’s greatest servants did not celebratetheir birthdays, then how important can birthdays be? Ifbirthdays are not important in the Bible, how then didthey get to be important in our day?

Origin of BirthdaysBithday celebration grew out of the pagan practice of

astrology! Thousands of years ago, when Pagans lookedup into the night sky and charted the stars, they inventedcalendars and calculated the birth dates—to the veryhour—of their kings, rulers and priests. These ancientpagan astrologers believed that the stars guided the livesof powerful men, and that the fate of those men affectedthe entire society. Thus, those birthdays were consideredimportant and were celebrated to cause the gods to favorthe rulers, and the rulers to be benevolent to their sub-jects.

In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs ordered businesses toclose on the Pharaoh’s birthdays and gave enormousfeasts. In ancient Greece, wealthy males joined birthdayclubs composed exclusively of men who shared theirbirth date. Once a month, the club celebrated with a feast.In Persia, noblemen observed their birthdays by barbecu-ing an ox, a camel and a donkey and serving hundreds ofsmall cakes to the celebrants.

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In ancient Rome, the emperor gave huge parties inhonour of his own birthday, with parades, circuses, and glad-iatorial combat. Celebration days were so important that theRoman calendar designated a majority of days for someform of celebration - including birthdays of gods and politi-cians. Modern birthday parties and celebrations by childrentake their form mainly from Germany, where the birthdaychild received gifts and a candle-ringed cake. The lightedcandles for the cake were reminiscent of the birthday ritualfor the Greek moon goddess Artemis. Pagan worshippershonoured her every month with moon-shaped honey cakes.Because the moon glows with light, the cakes were deco-rated with lighted candles.

Saying “happy birthday” to friends and loved ones wassociety’s superstitious way of protecting them from evil spir-its. Birthday spankings, pinches, etc., brought luck and sentaway evil spirits. Party snappers, horns and other noisemak-ers were also intended to scare off bad luck spirits. Clearly,birthdays are not only unbiblical, they are pagan!

Why It Matters To GodWhy does God care whether or not you celebrate birth-

days? After all, it is a chance for you to give presents tosomeone and make him or her feel good. What could bewrong with this? Here’s what God commands: “Learn notthe way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs ofheaven, for the heathen are dismayed by them. For the cus-toms of the people are vain.” (Jer 10:2,3).

After God freed Israel from Egyptian slavery, He sternlyinstructed them, “After the doings of the land of Egypt,wherein you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings ofthe land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: nei-ther shall you walk in their ordinances” (as an aside, thatmeans we should not be inquiring of Aboriginals on land oranimal use or conservation, nor honouring their burialgrounds or ‘sacred sites’) (Lev. 18:3). God commanded thatthey not defile themselves with the practices and customs ofthe surrounding nations (Lev. 18:24-30). “Therefore shallyou keep My ordinance, that you commit not any one ofthese abominable customs, which were committed beforeyou, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am theLORD your God.” (vs 30).

There is certainly nothing wrong with recording one’sbirth, and one’s age in years. But, keeping birth dates andages is not the same as celebrating birthdays. One’s lifeshould be celebrated for what one accomplishes and whatone has stood for, not for purposes of self-worship, self-indulgence and celebrating self for having been born. If any-thing, it might be better to recognize the mother since the actof giving birth and nurturing a newborn is a greater accom-plishment than merely having been born.

In this age of self-indulgence and self-worship Chris-tians, of all people, ought to refrain from unwholesomepagan rituals that teach kids wrong ways to think of them-selves. As modern Americans, and Australians carelesslyabandon the Christian virtue of humility and self-efface-ment, and instead opt for the pagan ways of pride, avarice,and SELF-WORSHIP, let us who seek the ways of Jesus, becareful NOT to follow the herd into spiritual quicksand. letus rather bless our children, by hone schooling and teachingthem to be not self-centered, not greedy, and not arrogant,but humble, polite, and meek ... with a contrite heart ... soGod will bless them and let them “inherit the land” (Matt.5:5)—the land that past generations lost by digressing intoself-worship.* Ben Williams


7(1�&200$1'0(176�2)�)$,7+by David Nunn

1. Thou Shalt Not Talk of Fear. “For God hath not

given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and love and of asound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7).

2. Thou Shalt Not Say I Am Weak. “..Let the weaksay, I am strong” (Joel 3:10). “The Lord is the strength ofmy life: of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

3. Thou Shalt Not Talk of Inability. (this gives riseto feelings of inferiority) “I can do all things throughChrist which strengtheneth me.” (Phil. 4:13).

4. Thou Shalt Not Talk of Pain and Symptoms ofSickness. “Himself took our infirmities, and bare oursicknesses” (Matt 8:17). “With His stripes we arehealed” (Isa 53:3). “..I will put NONE of these diseasesupon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians:FOR I AM THE LORD THAT HEALETH THEE” (Ex15:26). “I will take sickness away from the midst of thee”(Ex 23:25).

5. Thou Shalt Not Worry Or Be Anxious. “Becareful for nothing: but in everything by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving let your requests be madeknown unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth allunderstanding, shall keep your hearts and minds throughChrist Jesus.” (Phil 4:6-7)

6. Thou Shalt Not Fear Poverty and Lack of Mate-rial Things. “But my God shall supply all your needsaccording to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil4:19) “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psa23:1). “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayestprosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3Jn 2). “Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor hisseed begging bread” (Psa 37:25). “And he shall be like atree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth hisfruit in his season ... and whatsoever he doeth shall pros-per” (Psa 1:3).

7. Thou Shalt Not Fear Trouble Nor Any Evil.“There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plaguecome nigh thy dwelling” (Psa 91:10). “Only with thineeyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”(91:8) “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, tokeep thee in all thy ways” (91:11). “A thousand shall fallat thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but itshall not come nigh thee” (91:7). “And the Lord shalldeliver me from every evil work, and will preserve meunto his heavenly kingdom” (2 Tim 4:18).

8. Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid of Persecution orFailure. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, butthe Lord delivereth him out of them all” (Psa 34:19). “Hewhich hath begun a good work in you will perform it untilthe day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6). “No good thing willHe withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Ps 84:11).

9. Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid of Man .. NorDemons. “I give unto you power ... over all the power ofthe enemy: and nothing shall by anymeans hurt you”(Luk 10:19). “The fear of man bringeth a snare” (Prov29:25). “Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in theworld” (1 Jn 4:4). “We are more than conquerors throughHim that loved is” (Rom 8:37).

10. Thou Shalt Not Fret Thyself Nor Fear ForWhat To Do.. Or Worry About God’s Guidance. “Thesteps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” (Psa37:23). “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also inHim, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psa 37:5).

Courtesy The Jubilee, Box 310 Midpines CA 95345------------------------------------------------------------The ad for the group on the previous page was placed

because they are promoting God’s Law for society.The contacts list, is made so that couples can list at

the top, their children below that, and any wanting to beon the Singles List, can use the red section at the bottom.

Thanks for everything and God bless and keep you,

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