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P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558 0299

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v. W ll a S ha b ugh ................................... a or Da n th Duh n ..D aco h n ll Pr vat ... .. cr ary o a or San ra S th .... oo r Eva Gr n Coor a or o - ra o l t rt r . a v ro m Coor a or J hn ur k r .. .C o r D r c or . . ox il on, 7 55 - R C OR : 7-85 -5 7 : 7-85 -5 55 I C R: 7-85 -0800 W BSI : tt ://www. t o-m lto .org I E S: Mnhu: 8: M12 n n 14 PM r : l c oca a 2 8 E. E th a a tt , 7 8 R AN A I R Satur a :.........................................................4: . . Sun a : ..8: a. ., 1 : a. ., : . . Mna, u a , W n a r a: . : a. . hur a: ........................................................ : . . l Da :................................. : a. . : . . DECE E 2 - T U DAY ADVE T x a wa m w l m h uals a am l s wh a l a g w h us ay. yu m gs wh u Pa sh am ly y ml g u Pa sh C sus m, a u g h 08 . h. Satur a r : : , 2 nut b r al Ma an b a nt nt, (la all th ). Pr arat n r th a ra nt r v t ar nt h l n th v n ng . (S bull t n r t an la .) Par nt ar n urag t att n urng r gnan , t av unu la . r n nt ng, ath, r n a an rg n la all th ar h . ul lann ng arr ag ar a k t nta t th a t r r a n at l at x nth b r. Pa gnau b l Dan Gu r St v Ma r r ta tt ll r u r aux n a D r aux b rt an r
Page 1: P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558 0299

P����� M�������

Rev. William Schambough ................................... Pastor

Deacon Keith Duhon …………………………..Deacon

Chenell Privat ……………...…..Secretary to the Pastor

Sandra Smith ……………………………....Bookkeeper

Eva Green ……Coordinator of 1st-11th Grade Religion

Celeste Fortier………….Safe Environment Coordinator

John Buroker …………..……………….Choir Director

P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558-0299

RECTORY: 337-856-5997 • FAX: 337-856-5955

LIFE CENTER: 337-856-0800

WEBSITE: http://www.stjo-milton.org


Mon–Thu: 8:00 AM–12 noon & 1–4 PM; Fri: Office Closed

Offices located at 208 E. Edith • Lafayette, LA 70508


C� ������ �� E��������

Saturday: .........................................................4:00 p.m.

Sunday: …………..8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., & 5:00 p.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday:…. 6:30 a.m.

Thursday: ........................................................6:00 p.m.

Holy Days: ................................. 6:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.


W������, V��� �.�

We extend a warm welcome to the

individuals and families who are

celebrating with us today. We invite

you to become registered with our

Parish Family by completing our

Parish Census Form, and returning

it to the office on 208 E. Edith.


R������������: Saturday from 3:00–3:55 pm, 20

minutes before daily Mass and by appointment, (please

call the office).

B� ���: Preparation for the sacrament is provided to

parents held in the evenings. (See bulletin for time and

place.) Parents are encouraged to attend during

pregnancy, to avoid undue delays.

A������� �� �� S���: For Anointing, death, or in

case of an emergency please call the parish office.

M�������: Couples planning marriage are asked to

contact the pastor or deacon at least six months before.

Pam Begnaud

Bob Cole

Dan Guidry

Steve LeMaire

Trista Littell

Troy Boudreaux

P����� C����

P����� T������

Linda Desormeaux

Robert Landry

Page 2: P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558 0299

First Sunday of Advent Page 2

St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church December 1, 2019

Our Gift Back to God


Offertory (Due to early printing, not available) . . $

Weekly Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000.00

November 17th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,530.00

Camp For Human Development . . . . . . $ 2,674.85

Building & Maintenance (November) . . $ 4,651.30

Thank You!

This Week’s Second Collection

Building & Maintenance Fund

Next Week’s Second Collection

Retired Religious Fund

“At an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will

come,” says today’s Gospel. Good stewards know that

they are accountable to God for all they have and are

and strive to live in readiness for His coming.

Mass Intention

Weekend of November 30 & December 1, 2019

Sat. 4 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for the intentions listed,

Sun. 10:30 a.m. for our parish (Pro Populo)

Mike Rickard, Jacob Theriot, Preston & Anna Mae Hebert Bourque, Sr.,

Robert "Tully" Landry, Eugene Broussard, Evelyn B. Landry, Minus Romero,

Mabel & Romain Hebert (Her Birthday), Lindsey Burley (Birthday), Zachary

Hebert, Jodie Crouch, Jessie & Thomas Patin, Murphy Courts (10th Anniv.),

Joseph Harmon, Zachary Esters, Drew Anthony Boudreaux (Anniv.), Tommy

Stoute, Preston Venable, Linda Christian, Judith Gill, Willis & Geri Morvant,

Ryan Viator, Donald Schlotterbeck, Wilda & Louis Theo Bares (His 6th

Anniv.), Brandon Attkisson

Weekday Masses

Monday 2 Sick of the Parish

Tuesday 3 First Responders and Those Serving in Our

Armed Forces

Wednesday 4 Vocations to the Priesthood

Thursday 5 St. Joseph Community

Friday 6 Dr. Larry & Barbara (Living) Hebert,

Wilton Larcade (Anniversary), Joseph

Harmon, Frank & Viola Martin, Edvard &

Lydia Hebert & Family

Sanctuary Candle

Previous Priests

Please Pray For The Sick

Norval Knapp Brennen Albert

Susan Vincent Gunner Breaux Wilmer Landry

Joyce Comeaux James Benoit Diane Johnson

Dolores Benoit Kathryn Trahan Bobby Trahan

Charlie Harrington Kim Vincent Hunter Henry

Betty Thibodeaux Rudolph Fabre Luby Landry

Lilly Mae Romero Enola G. Bernard Bernice Breaux

Mary Belle Broussard Mary Trahan

Virginia Lynn Burroughs Karla Randazzo

Guy McKeon III



Sunday of Advent

“I’m never getting enough rest! How can I possibly

be ‘asleep’?” In a world of jam-packed schedules

and high anxiety levels, physical rest may be hard to

come by. Yet relentless pursuit of our to-do lists and

social calendars may keep our minds off of the things

that really matter. Jesus knows all too well a pattern

of busy, harried ignorance. “In those days before the

flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and

giving in marriage … they did not know until the

flood came and carried them all away … two men

will be out in the field … two women will be grinding

at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left.”

When it comes to the spiritual life, we can be at work

or at relaxation and still be spiritually asleep.

Each year, we are called back to remember the

essential things. God comes to save His people. He

becomes flesh to dwell among us. Supernatural light

pierces the world’s darkness and our own. Advent

wakes us up. “Stay awake! For you do not know on

which day your Lord will come.” Every Advent, we

prepare to celebrate Christ’s first coming at

Christmas, and we anticipate his second coming at

the end of time.

“At an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will

come.” There’s another hour, too, both known and

unknown. It’s the present moment. Whether it’s a

lazy Saturday morning or a major business proposal,

whether it’s attending a kindergarten play or an

elderly relative’s bedside, at every moment the Lord

wants to enter into our hearts. This Advent, let’s pray

for the grace to stay alert. Christ is coming soon.

The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, "He saved others,

let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Christ

of God." Even the soldiers jeered at him. As they

approached to offer him wine they called out, "If you

are King of the Jews, save yourself." - Lk 23:35-37

Page 3: P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558 0299

Events This Week

Mon. (2nd): 3rd, 4th & 5th CCD

Tues. (3rd): Rosary Making

1:00 p.m. (Church)

Psalms Bible Study

6:30 p.m. (Life Center)

Choir Practice 6:30 p.m.

Wed. (4th): 1st & 2nd Grade CCD

The Light Is On For You

6:30-8:00 p.m.

Thurs. (5th): No Events Scheduled

Fri. (6th): Adoration

5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Parish Office Closed

Sat. (7th): First Saturday Adoration

Rosary 8:00 a.m.

Mass 8:30 a.m.

Sun. (8th): 9th, 10th & 11th CCD


We welcome into the family of

St. Joseph’s the newly Baptized.


Claire Catherine Nunez

McKenzie Elizabeth Debetaz

Charlotte Marie Debetaz

Hannah Kaye Bourgeois

Sarah Catherine Guidry

Ivy Dawn Wolf

Luke Austin Robicheaux


Monday: Is 4:2-6/Ps122:1-2, 3-4b, 4cd-5, 6-7, 8-9/Mt 8:5-11

Tuesday: Is 11:1-10/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 [cf. 7]/Lk 10:21-24

Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [6cd]/Mt 15:29-37

Thursday: Is 26:1-6/Ps 118: 1 and 8-9. 19-21, 25-27a [26a]/Mt 7:21, 24-27

Friday: Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/Mt 9:27-31

Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8

Next Sunday’s Readings

Isaiah 11:1-10

Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17

Romans 15:4-9

Matthew 3:1-12

Sacred Relics of the Saints:

Treasures of the Church St.

Joseph Church, in Milton

presents a teaching and

exposition of Sacred Relics on

Monday, December 9th at 6:30

p.m. Father Carlos Martins of

the Companions of the Cross

will be here with a very special

Vatican collection of over 150

relics, some as old as 2000

years. Among the treasures will

be relics of St. Maria Goretti,

St. Therese of Lisieux (the

“Little Flower”), St. Francis of

Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua,

St. Thomas Aquinas, and St.

Faustina Kowalska. In addition,

there will also be present a

portion of the veil of Our Lady,

as well as one of the largest

remaining pieces of the True

Cross in the world. Those in

attendance will be able to

examine and venerate each

relic. In the Church’s history

many miracles and healings

have been worked in the

presence of relics, and many

have been healed through this

ministry. Please do not miss this

opportunity. You are

encouraged to bring your

articles of devotion (such as

rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and

pictures of ill friends/family

members which you will be

able to touch to the reliquaries

as a means of intercession. Visit


“FORMED” A revolutionary

online platform that provides

access to the best Catholic audio

talks, movies, ebooks, and video-

based studies. FORMED presents

a tremendous opportunity to help

the overwhelming majority of

Catholics change the way they

consume media and develop a

daily habit of faith formation and

prayer. Please visit our website


and click on REGISTER NOW

button and follow prompts to

create your own free account.

Welcome New Parishioners!

We would like to extend a warm

welcome to the following

Parishioners who registered with

St. Joseph during the month of

November: M/M Benjamin

Miller, Chris Collins, Kristi

Babin, M/M Jordan Fontenot,

M/M Paul DuBois, M/M Justin

Uebinger, M/M Shawn Douglas

& M/M Wilfred Fontenot. We

would also like to remind

parishioners who have not

registered with us, to consider

this also. Registration forms can

be found in the gathering area of

church or online at


The Light Is On For You On

Wednesday, December 4th,

11th & 18th, from 6:30-8:00

p.m. St. Joseph Church and all

the parishes of the Diocese of

Lafayette will be open for

individual confession. Please

make plans to come on Advent

Wednesdays and spread the word

of this special outreach of mercy

to those you know.

The Elderberries Next Social

will be held on Tuesday,

December 10th, from 9:30 a.m.

till 12:00 noon in the Life

Center. Bring your favorite dish

and a friend!

The Pro-Life Rosary Group

will be praying the Rosary after

the 6:00 p.m. Mass on Thursday,

December 12th. All are

welcome to join them.

The Giving Tree Gifts should be

returned under the Christmas

Tree in the gathering area by

December 15th with the Angel

attached to the outside of the gift.

On behalf of St. Joseph Church,

thank you for giving to the least


The Next Baptism Seminar will

be held on Thursday, January

9th at 6:30 p.m. in the Church.

Parents are encouraged to attend

during pregnancy in order to

avoid any delays.

Page 4: P.O. Box 299 Milton, LA 70558 0299

“A priest is not a priest for

himself, he is a priest for you.” -

Cure’ of Ars

Please Pray for Our Priest:

Pope Francis

Pope Emeritus Benedict, XVI

Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel

Bishop Emeritus Michael Jarrell

Rev. Stephen Ugwu

Rev. Gregory Usselmann, LC

Rev. Jason Vidrine

Liturgical Ministers December 7th & 8th, 2019

Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, & Servers

We ask all ministers to please be there 15 minutes before Mass. Sacristans, please be there

30 to 45 minutes before Mass. Please call for a replacement if unable to make your

scheduled time.

Saturday, December 7th, 4:00 p.m.

Sacristan: Judy Touchet

Lectors: Wally Broussard, Dan LaPointe

Eucharistic Ministers: Sylvia Broussard, Belinda Broussard, Gib Broussard

Altar Servers: Tucker Styles

Sunday, December 8th, 8:00 a.m.

Sacristan: Doug & Sue Duhon

Lectors: Toddy Guidry, Shannon Phillips

Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Keith Duhon, Henri Quereau, Laci Quereau, Gwen Miller,

Sue Duhon, Doug Duhon, Brandi Badeaux

Altar Servers: Logan Broussard, Parker Broussard

Sunday, December 8th, 10:30 a.m.

Sacristan: Dan Guidry

Lectors: Beth Viator, Randy Blanchard

Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Keith Duhon, Dan Guidry, Earline Blanchard, Chrissy

Smith, Lisa LeBlanc, Suzie Trappey, Jake Duplechin

Altar Servers: Jarret Duplechin, Gavin Duplechin

Sunday, December 8th, 5:00 p.m.

Sacristan: Mary Landry

Lectors: Margaret Greene, Velma Cheramie

Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Richard, Cherie Bailey, Mary Landry

Altar Servers: Randall Greene, Konnor Benoit

St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Page 4

Word of Life “When we

encounter Christ, experience his

love, and deepen our relationship

with him, we become more aware

of our own worth and that of

others.” May the Lord help us

build a culture of life in vigilant

expectation of His return.

Angola Bus Trip Scheduled

Assisting individuals to stay in

touch with family members in jail,

will assist inmates returning to

society to feel connected and part

of a family. The bus leaves from

St. Paul’s Catholic Church on

Sunday, December 8th at 7:30

a.m. For more information call

Stephanie Bernard, Program

Coordinator of Office of Justice &

Peace at 261-5545.

He Is Born A Christmas Concert

with the Daughters of St. Paul. The

Daughters invite you and your

family to join them at Angelle

Hall, 601 E. St. Mary Blvd., on

Wednesday, December 11th, at

7:00 p.m. Get your tickets now!

Visit www.pauline.org/lafconcert

or call 504-887-7631.

Service of Nine Lessons and

Carols Sunday, December 15th at

3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St.

John the Evangelist. Under the

direction of Thomas Neil, the

Choir will sing carols old and new,

with interspersed readings that

recount salvation history and

culminate in the birth of the

Messiah. The event is free of

charge. For more information call


Thought of the Week Two ways to

overcome the problems in our lives

and let God turn them into

opportunities are by being hopeful

and by being grateful.


Hair Care

Runnin’ Revs vs. Slammin’

Sems Basketball Game Join us

as the Runnin’ Revs take on the

Slammin’ Sems in the 14th

Annual basketball game between

the Lafayette Diocese priests and

seminarians on Monday,

December 30th. This popular,

fun event helps promote and

support priestly and religious

vocations. Perfect family outing

during the Christmas holidays!

Tip-off is at 6:30 p.m. at

Cathedral-Carmel School

Gymnasium, 848 St. John Street,

Lafayette. Doors open at 6:00

p.m. Admission is $5.00 for

adults and $1.00 for children.

Concessions will be available for

sale. Join us to see who will win

this year! Hope to see you there!

Catholic Engaged Encounter

Weekend Engaged Couples

spend a weekend away from the

cares and distractions of

everyday living. Attend a

Catholic Engaged Encounter

Weekend. The weekend is open

to any engaged couple wanting to

prepare for a deeper more

meaningful life together in a

marriage recognized by the

Catholic Church according to its

Church law. Upcoming weekend

dates are January 8th-10th, and

March 6th-8th. For cost of

weekends, and to learn more, visit

our website at

www.ceelafayette.org or contact

Paul & Carolyn Trahan at

254-8947 or 898-9257.
