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P.O. Box 709, Watson, LA 70786 (225) 664-4801...

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P.O. Box 709, Watson, LA 70786 (225) 664-4801 loumc.org - [email protected] Sunday Worship - 8:00 AM., 10:00 AM., 11:30 AM. Sunday School - 9:00 AM & 10:00 AM Thursday Worship 7:00PM Pastor Dr. Mark Crosby Associate Pastor Rev. Dickie Davis Pastoral Care Rev. Tom Bergeron Counseling Pastor/Special Ministries Rev. Sam LoBello Director of Student Ministry Rev. David Orges Middle School Minister Rev. Kyle Salpietra Assoc. Minister/Worship Leader Rev. Trent Barnett Music Director Melanie Rushing Asst. Music Director David Easley Children’s Director Trish Graves Church Administrator Monica Martin Treasurer Jim Otken Administrative Assistant Cathy Bermes Office Professional Beverly Albin Audio Sound Engineer Danny Wilson Maintenance John Stallcup Organist Vickie Arbour, Jessica Gaboury Keyboard Brittany Bruce, Sammi Rushing

P.O. Box 709, Watson, LA 70786

(225) 664-4801

loumc.org - [email protected]

Sunday Worship - 8:00 AM., 10:00 AM., 11:30 AM.

Sunday School - 9:00 AM & 10:00 AM

Thursday Worship 7:00PM

Pastor Dr. Mark Crosby

Associate Pastor Rev. Dickie Davis

Pastoral Care Rev. Tom Bergeron

Counseling Pastor/Special Ministries Rev. Sam LoBello

Director of Student Ministry Rev. David Orges

Middle School Minister Rev. Kyle Salpietra

Assoc. Minister/Worship Leader Rev. Trent Barnett

Music Director Melanie Rushing

Asst. Music Director David Easley

Children’s Director Trish Graves

Church Administrator Monica Martin

Treasurer Jim Otken

Administrative Assistant Cathy Bermes

Office Professional Beverly Albin

Audio Sound Engineer Danny Wilson

Maintenance John Stallcup

Organist Vickie Arbour, Jessica Gaboury

Keyboard Brittany Bruce, Sammi Rushing

Live Oak United Methodist

Church AUGUST 2016

The summer season is coming to a close and school is about to begin, which

means new routines, opportunities and transitions. The successes, the

challenges, and the opportunities that Summer 2016 has witnessed have been

truly amazing.

Pastor’s Desk

We can reflect on so many joys that we have experienced this summer. The most recent has been "Remix" (youth VBS). The youth this past week heard some great speakers, enjoyed some amazing music, and experienced the move of God's Spirit in their lives. This summer LOUMC ministered to veterans, law enforcement, children, and youth. We enjoyed an amazing VBS, Children's Musical, and some great trips (youth and adults). The result of these ministries and opportunities, were souls saved, commitments renewed, and grace received. We have truly been blessed to see God's amazing grace at work. A special THANK YOU to all the volunteers who gave so much of their time and talent to minister in a variety of ways to hundreds of people. A special THANK YOU to the staff who worked tirelessly to insure that the planning, preparing, producing and performance of ministry reached the various communities with God's love and truth. However, this summer experienced some events that were tragic and heart wrenching. This summer we saw terrorist’s attacks in France, Germany, and Turkey. In our own country we saw terrorism, in Orlando Florida, and

America's best and finest law enforcement assassinated in the streets of Dallas and Baton Rouge. This level of hurt, pain and emotion is beyond what many have experienced in many years. Many are fearful that this is only the beginning of more division, pain, and terror. Many are uncertain as to how to pick up the pieces of their life and their community and live a life of faith, hope and love. In the month of August we will be preaching/teaching on "Rebuilding Your Broken World." How does a

person rebuild, start over, and reinvent themselves after heartache, tragedy and being broken? How does one go through grief, depression and disappointment? In the month of August we will be focusing on the hope that Messiah offers to those who ask, seek and knock for His guidance, comfort and direction. I hope you will join us as we together Rebuild Our Broken World. Hope to see you Sunday Mark C.

Nuggets from the Bible

In this Issue

Pastor’s Desk

Senior Adult Trip

Thrift Shop/Food Pantry

The City

Piece Makers

Worship with Us

Nuggets from the Bible


Refuge Addiction Recovery


Music Ministry

Student Ministry

Casual Service

Sunday School

Moving Up

WWII Senior Trip

Memory & Honor

And so much more!

“everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them

into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.”

(Matthew 7:26)

Your picture here

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into

practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

(Matthew 7:24)

N u g g e t s f r o m t h e B i b l e Romans 10:17

“So then, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the

Word of God.” Faith is what someone believes. Faith for the believer is based on the

scriptures, our Bible. We need to know what we believe and the reason for the hope that is in us

(1 Peter 3:15-16).

There is a statement of faith known as the Nicene Creek. It is helpful and reassuring to read it often.



We believe in one God, The Father, the Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,

True God from True God, begotten, not made,

of one being with the Father; through Him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

He came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary

and became truly human. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

He suffered death and was buried. On the third day He rose again

in accordance with the scriptures; He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life,

who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son

is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We acknowledge one baptism

for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come. Amen

Here are a few reasons why Christians should sing, paint, dance, quilt, act, compose music, write stories, decorate cookies, play bells, play guitar, play piano, knit sweaters, make movies, do photography and write poems. This is taken with permission from an article by Mark Altrogge, Pastor, at Saving Grace Church in Indiana, PA Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved art and music. But when Jesus saved me, I began to wonder if art was a waste of time. I could be evangelizing or praying or doing something spiritual instead of dabbing oil paint on a canvas. And besides that, everything is going to burn up anyway at the end, so what’s the use of creating things? Or if I do paint a painting does it have to be a Christian theme? Does it have to have a cross in it or be a scene from the Gospels?

Because God has commanded us to take dominion over the earth. In other words take the raw materials of the world and make stuff out of them.

Because when we create we act as those the Creator made in his own image. God could have made the world in black and white. He could have created one kind of food. Instead he made luna moths and mimosa trees and jungles and deserts and garden spiders and red-winged blackbirds and ring-necked snakes. God didn’t make a strictly utilitarian world. He decorated it with weeping willows and tiger lilies.

Because the arts are a way to bless others. A way to serve others and bring joy to others. A beautiful wall hanging in someone’s living room can bring them joy over and over again and again. Because the arts bring joy to us. When God created the earth at the end of each day he looked on what he had made and saw that it was good. God enjoyed what he created. And he wants us to get joy from what we create. Because beauty reminds us of the Beautiful One. When we see a cool painting or hear a moving symphony it points us to the author of all beauty. When I hear the theme from Jurassic Park I don’t simply think of John Williams’ talent, I think of God. Because God has commanded us to use our gifts and talents. We’re not to bury our talent in the ground. Whatever our hand finds to do, we’re to do it with all our heart as unto the Lord. Because when we use our gifts it reminds us of the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Paul reminded the Corinthians that all they had had been given to them by a generous God. If we can create something beautiful it’s nothing for us to be proud of – any gifts we have are because God gave them to us. Because beautiful art looks forward to the new heaven and new earth to come in which righteousness will dwell. Sin brought death and ugliness and distortion and disharmony and chaos into this world. Art is about a longing for beauty and harmony that will ultimately be fulfilled in the age to come. There are probably many more reasons God wants us to create. Hope these encourage you. And don’t feel like you have to decorate your cookies with images of The Last Supper.

The Arts at Live Oak United Methodist Church

Register now for our upcoming Musical Arts Ministry classes in piano, guitar, choirs, youth music, and upcoming Christmas musicals and drama!

Registration forms are available at the lobby welcome center and the office. Contact Melanie for more info: [email protected]

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

Psalm 33: 3

J r. H i gh M i n i st r y Ju m p 6th - 8th

Because every Jr. high

student needs their

personal journey with

God to be Affirmed.

This uniquely designed ministry will engage a middle school and Jr. high

student’s need for wonder, discovery, and passion. Our goal is for every

student in this ministry to develop a faith of their own, and begin to value a

faith community. This important spiritual phase in the life of a student, is

where they make major decisions about who God is and how closely they

will follow Jesus and his teachings. These are the

years that students make the Jump from

childhood to adolescence, and begin to have a

faith of their own.

H i gh Sch ool M i n i st r y

Foca l Poi n t 9 th - 12th

Because every high school student has great potential that

can be mobilized to change the world now.

This ministry has been designed to intensify a high school student’s

commitment to Christ and their community. Our goal is for each student to

continue pursuing an authentic faith of their own, and to discover their

personal mission in life. Focal Point will help adolescents grow into young

adulthood and explore the abstract ideas of the world and culture in

context of God’s truth. High school students are capable of changing the

world now if they are given an opportunity, and empowered to utilize the

gifts that God has given. We see every high school student serving

somewhere and taking the final step to becoming a fully engaged member

of the church






Amazed by our

Heavenly Father

and how he loves




identity in Christ

guided by His Spirit



Mobilize students

to do what Jesus

did on earth



“God i s doi n g

b i g t h i n g s

h e r e a t L i v e

O a k U n i t e d .

Some truths are best processed in the context of small group relationships

9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Children’s Church

10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Things to look for are:

Adult Classes, Youth Classes, Children’s Classes and Children’s Church.

Come see what it’s all about!

Rev. Sam LoBello (Adult Classes)

Rev. David Orges (Youth)

Trish Graves (Children)

Call the church office to discuss which class is best for you and your family.

Sunday Service Times

8:00 a.m. – Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. – Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. – Casual Service

11:30 a.m. – Sanctuary

Thursday Service

7:00 p.m. – Chapel


AUGUST 18, 2016


MUSEUM COST $20.00 - $25.00MIDDENDORF’S FOR LUNCH $15.00 - $20.00

In Loving Memory of:


Rita Chiasson: RoseAnne Erwin & Tim Chavers

In Loving Honor of:


April Kidder & Haskell Dyer on their wedding: RoseAnne Erwin & Tim Chavers


Birthday for Wesley Cross Annison: Bobby & Tina Annison
