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pOILtK GCDU NXY FADIR9: COIUUMBUS OCTOBER 9, 11 0 AND It fhe Only Paper A lire, Ged, Published n liewspafzr for the Hcz2. AND TMES TRYOIV-IBE- E i VOL. XXIV NO. 14 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1918. .$1,501 A YEAR SALUDA. THE SAME OLD FROM OUR 'FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY TWO MEETIIISS FOR Mrs. William King and family of Charleston. S. C, are guests of their MURDEROUS 1 Some Items orGenaral Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various I relatives, the Lelands. BEE KEEPERS, tion they should be told in the words of General Grant, nothing but an Unconditional Surrender" would be acceptable. And when peace terms are finally made Germany should be made to pay such, an indemnity that they would never get the debt paid off. ! Every ship and storehouse, manufacturing plant and everything else owned by a German should be confiscated and Mrs. Minnie Lofton of McClelland- - Sections of Polk County ville, S. C, is the guest of Mrs. Charl- ton Leland. State Specialist, C. L. Sams Will Mrs. Owens of New York, who has HILLCREST. PEA RIDGE. Time Shows Improvement in the Disposition of Every Nation Except the Hun. been spending some time hre left this week for Columbia, S. C. Hold Meetings in County, Aug. 1 5th and 1 6th. 5 neve returned or paid for. The time Mrs. George Streman and children Miss Mossie Edwards spent Sunday Mrs. Rowan, of Raphine, Va., IS G. have left for their home in Spring- - night with Missj Bessie Thompson. visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. HIS CHARACTER. . HAS NO neld, i, C, atter a vi.sit with Mre. K.idd at Hillcrest Institute. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS Mr. and Mrsi ; R. Phillips went to CHANGED. Streman's mother, Mrs. Leland. TO ATTEND. Columbia, S. C, 'Sunday to visit their Mis Maude Cox is visiting her Mrs. L. Holmes, who has been brother, Mr. T. C. Cox, at Cedar Hill son, Oscar, whops in the insane asy- lum. j spending some time here has gone to Mr. C. L. Sams, specialist in Bee lor taming ot A .Peace Without Vic- tory" and "No Indemnity" has pass- ed, and instead every true ally should make up his mind to demand of Ger- many and her allies an indemnity suf- ficient to pay the whole cost of the war, and so far as possible restore Belgium, Serbia, Roumania and all other countries which have suffered at their hands. No peace until they are soundly and everlastingly, plantation. Columbia. ti. G. Thompson is putting a new keeping, in North Carolina, will meet the bee keepers of Polk county, Au Mrs. Horace Bomar and familv of Mr. Grady Flynn, who is training addition to his house this week. Spartanburg are spending the sum- - gust loth, at George Busco s bee at Clemson College spent few days with his 'family, last week. Miss Mossie dwards spent Tues-- j mer here. yard, at Mill Spring, at 10 o'clock a. day night with: Miss .Iva Gosnell. Mr. and Mrs. John DeSaussure of m. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pendleton have Decatur, Ga., are at the Lelands. We are glad to know that John II UN: One of the ancient Tartar nuts which in the ninth century A. overran and devastated Europe. Wfbster's Dictionary. ... . .This is the kind of a brute he was in the ninth century. That he did not change any during the next two hundred years, one has but to turn to the writings of Roger Bacon, who, in describing the Germans (Huns) of his day, over seven, hundred years a0, says: "Hence the Saracens and pagans in many parts of the world "are becom On Friday the 16th, at 10 o'clock a. turned to their home in Florida. , I :Mrs. McGuinn, of Spartanburg has Foy's baby is improving. m., ne will be at the bee yard or J. . F. Black, near Try on. Born to Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Kiw, Yural Taylor, smade a business trip arrived to spend some time in the city. w. s. s. SILVER CREEK. .These two meetings are for the on Friday, August 2nd, a daughter. Tl T7i 11 T- -k T- - r t . to Rutherfordto, Monday. Misses Annie 4nd Lela Melton, Ber- - mr. vviuiam uecruvn jvodps is v Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, of Green purpose of giving instruction in prac- tical bee keeping. Mr. Sams held visiting his aunt, Mrs. Henrv H. Mc nice. Iris and Tola Bell were guests ville, S. C, are visiting their sister, Kee, tor the month of August before two meetings m this county a few of Miss Bessie ffhompson, Sunday af Our women are busy canning fruit and vegetables this week, while some of the men are working roads on ac- - Mrs. H. S. Roddy. returning to Sewanee, Tenn. to re months ago, and all who attended sume his studies. Se.ve.ral of our boys are leaving for ternoon, is' Ralph Edwards and Garner Skip- per were in thisl section, Sunday. Mrs. -- Brown of Spartanburg:, is vis the training camps this week.-- , iting her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Little Mr. Kalph Newman of Trvon. scent Rev. Frisby md teacher ,of St. f A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the week-en- d in the city with rela Thomas mission went to Columbus, John 'Turner, Geneva, died Saturday tives. Saturday. ; f Mrs. E. H. McCullouerh of San and was buried at - Sandy - Plains church, Sunday afternoon. Misses Mollies and Nellie Dalton Domingo, is the guest of her sister, them were amply repaid for their trouble. Mr. Sams is an expert in his line, employed by the State of North Carolina for the class' of work he is doing. Come with your note books, and with your list of questions if you have any to ask. Mr. Sams told us that his Folk county meetings before were the best attended of anv held in the State up to that time. Crops are out of the way now, an ! there is no reason why these two meetings should not be largely attended. AU bee keepers. large and small and Bessie Thompson were guests of Mrs. William Staton Mrs. Emma Boyd, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dalton, Sunday Mrs. A. G. Forbes of Birmingham. visiting at Mrs. J. T. Camp's for sev- - Ala., is at the Charles. erar months, leaves for Asheville, on Henry Foy arid Bob Gault have po- - t i O JPL 1 Miss Janie Duke, of Mobile. Ala.. Wednesday. ' sitions at sparmnDurg. ' ' . - is at tne (Jharles. ing quite impossible to convert; and' especially beyond the sea, and in Prussia, and the lands bordering oa Germany (i. e.,Teutonic knights) ruin all hopes of converting them ow- ing to the war- - which they are al- ways stirring up, and because of their lust for domination. Ther , is no doubt that all the heathen nations be- yond Germany would long ago have been converted but for the brutality of theijrethren of the German house, because the pagan race has again and again been ready to receive the faith in peace,, through, preaching. But they of the German house- - will not allow it, because they want to subjugate them and reduce them to slavery, and by subtle persuasions they have for many years deceived the Roman church. This is notorious otherwise I would nat make the charge." And as he was seveiu hundred years ago so do we fimfhim on down coma oi so many young men leaving for the training camp. There are on- ly a few left who are subject to road duty. Mr. Will T. Green and Hamilton Williams left last week for Camp Hancock, Ga. Bona Arledge and Harry Garrett will go to Camp Wadsworth, this week. The twin babies of M,r. Floyd Thompson were buried at Silver Creek cemetery last wreek. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams have gone to their daughter Mrs. Fowler, whose child is very ill. Mrs. James Koon, who has been teaching school at Silver Creek, has gone home for two weeks. Her hus- band will probably go to camp soon. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Eli Jackson has had a stroke of par- alysis. Hope she will soon recover. Mrs. B. Reynolds, of Wadesboro. N. C, is a guest at Mrs. 'Henrv B. Lanes. are irvited, and uiged to attend the Mrs. Frank Potts, of Columbia. S meetuig most ccn anient to them. C, is at the Oaks for several weeks. w. s. s. ,Mrs. McElmurray and family are TO THE MINER v. occupying their cottage, Idle Ease, on .'11 - A- - 1 ureenvine strei. I tvt. r;il Tf-oi- ,r ; k;ij: Miss Clara Forbes,- - of Atlanta. Ga. U0o,0 v,; r lr 1 Btrcuu. tue au"""cl ter and son-in-la- w to occupy. War Message: "WE MUST HAVE MOR COAL." took dinner mr. ana mrs. Elliott saney. oi ure- - iwith his cousin, Mr. Philip, Henderson 1 The power to lose or win, tlie whole wrle world Mr. and Mrs. Israel Arledee SDent angeburg, S. C, were the guests re-- 1 Sundav . the ages. . During:, the era pfJifcPP Surtday-withM- r andiVIr&.H. P.-A- r- TUT. -- I n rt 'C .JK . - an ,uu .uuuavu HUMr VUKJ , , ledge. i,,-.";- : ZTlTl''i I or Pomaria S. C, are visiting the 'for Mr. Walter Green made a business uo OIu,cu w uu uie uuaiuuei ui Oner's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim the summer. . trip to Saluda, Monday. Johnson. Glenn Arledee, who has been quite Mr. Monroe Horn, of Mill Creek, was a pleasant visitor at the home of leon uermany was tnorougmy, as it was considered" at the time, subju- gated, and Napoleon made a treaty of peace with Germany, whereby that country was prohibited from ever af- terward having an army of more than forty-tw- o thousand soldiers. Hut no sooner than this treaty was signed did that nation of cheats and liars go to work and evade the terms of their signedtreaty by raising f " For Preedorrrlies within the "earth's ark : breast; And tho' the nation's flags are all unfurled, And marching, fighting hosts can kppw no rest Until- - the War is won or lost, the real Key To Freedom lies ' 'within the Miner's; keep." Unlock earth's Treasure House, you hifn and free The suffering world. Why do you sleep? Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Stacy, Sunday. ill tnis summer s now much improv- ed. A revival meeting will begin at Sil Mr. J. A. Morris of Colmsville, vis ited relatives here, last week-!en-d. ver Greek, Sunday, August 11th. It will be conducted by Rev. J. B. Ar Mrs. Hattie Toney and Miss Bessie, ledge and Rev. Morgan, of Landrum Mrs. A. DeVere Turner and Miss Martha Wright have as their guests Mrs. H. F. Munt of Wilmington, . N. C, Miss Frances Geitner of Hickory. N. C, and Miss Carolina Holmes of Asheville. The entertainment entitled "The Slacker" given by the ladies of the Methodist Aid Society was a great success. Those taking part were: Mrs. Henry P. Corwith Mrs. Quinton C. Sonner, Mrs. M. Leonard Mrs. Frank B. Stevens Miss Martha Wright Miss Annie Hart, Miss Mar of Sandy Plains, made a visit to friends and relatives, here recently. W. S. S FISHTOP. w. s. s. MILL SPRING. Rev. McKaughn delivered a very Weather has been too rainy for rat interesting sermon at the Baptist tiers. C. C. Jones killed one, and we church, Sunday. vin Patterson, Mrs. G. R. Little, Mr. J. D. Parlor, Mr. Bennett Hamer. The hear that T. C. Laughter came along Mrs. C. G. Brisco and son, Georgei soon after and killed him again. musical selections given by Mrs. Mc spent Monday night at Sunny Brook Crary, Mrs. Houch and Mrs. R. Rei- - Well, friend Iynn, we only give the larm. ger. Miss Uessie Conner gave a mu items as they are delivered to us by Miss Gladys Gibbs, of Georgia, is sical recitation accompanied by Mrs responsible parties and do not com Jones on the piano and Russell Locke I spending the holidays at home. pass sea and land for the purpose of finding where the most snakes are, on tne violin. A song, "There Will I Miss Mossie Edwards SDent the Be a Service Flag at Our House" by I week-en- d with Miss Letha Barber. forty-tw- o thousand soldiers each year thereby by sharp practice breaking their treaty with France. From that time until the present Germany has been suspected by all the other countries of the earth, and her word considered of no avail by all. She had a solemn and binding treaty with the other nations of Eu- rope, whereby the neutrality of Bel- gium was guaranteed, but no sooner did she declare war than this treaty was declared a "mere scrap of paper" and violated by Germany. Not only with the other nations of the world has Germany been an out- law and cut-thro- at, but even amongst themselves they have been a nation of rapists, murderers and. outlaws, a table of crimes committed in Eng- land and Germany during the ten years 1897-190- 7, by Mr. Louis Tracy shows the following alarming and at the same time astonishing preponder- ance of crime in Germany over Eng- land. ' . Germany. England Murder . 350 - 97 Incest 573 50 Ranes . .. 9,381 210 but if there is any place where there are more' snakes to the square mile Mrs. rlouch and chorus by all. The I rr WaWfioU nf rwit than in the section between Green 0V.1VWUU110 va ucauwiuny l cnucucu i Monday here river cove and Hungry we are sorry spent ClienCP xiiatii anu jai pen ici of it, unless they are in Germany: Arrivals at Melrose Inn: Mr. P. D. iVionaay in anarum. and again if there is any one place Brooks. Columbia. S. C: Mr. J. E.I Mr. Edwards, who has been work- - where there are more dead ones wre Brash, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. D. O. Jm& at the powder plant in Hopewell, are glad of it unless it is in Germany Anderson, Marion, S. C: Miss Sarah 1 Va- - received his call to go to camp, Shi ves, Savannah, Ga.; Mr. W. W. 'ast weeic, also Mr. Hona Arledge, James Miller some time since had something to bother his chickens one who has been working: at Spartan Fisher, Spartanburg. S. C: Mr. C. K burg. A number of other bovs join Earle, Carol Earle, Ralph Earle, ed them. May God dwell with them Spartanburg, S. C: Mr. N. H. Blith and help them to be true American night, and- - on investigating he found a dead one with its head bleeding. In order to discover what had killed it took it tip and got some of the blood on a sore on his hand, which made and party of Charleston. Forget all else "save that the Nation'a cry For food to eat. For men more mh to break The Prussian's Creed," that all God Vlws defy. Oh, Miner, heed that cry! Let every man awake! ' 'More coal' ' they call. The troop ship lie With empty bunkers; while your brothers bleed On blood soaked fields of France your rindred die. Miners awake! "Forget all else except the need. V Of Coal! More Coal! And yet more qoal to meet The "need" of Furnace, Shop and ;lighty Mill To roll the steel to make the shells b greet t The Vandal Hosts -i- n Virtue's namjs to kill The mad gray beasts who march at beck and nod Of him who murders children innocent and sweet; That sacreligious fool who dares to clim his power from God. S Awake; ye Miners! Let not the Kaiser cheat The gallows ! Hasten the fate that log drawn ' out Shall make his-spiri- t quake in one lojig dream Of murdered hosts. For .every shot-yf- a every shout Of our brave boys shall burst his earf . Nay, every gleam it" Of murderous steel and the last despairing sigh Of mother and maid shall rent hs soul. Each screaming shell j Sear his foul brain or scorch his balef til eye-W- hile Satan chants his dirge and chains him fast in hell. jl John H. Adams in Manufacturers Record. soldiers.: Esseola Inn: Mrs. W. M. Coney and daughter of Savannah, Ga.; Mrs Those who attended the party at him sick for several days. He then H. W. McGee of "Chester, S. C; Mr Unnatural Primps 841 290 the home of Mr. W. B. Edwards last Saturday night report a nice time. decided it was a poisonous snake. and Mrs DeSesseur of Savannah, : Ga. : f alii"ne on1 TT'iln- - Leader for Christian Endeavor for Samuel McGraw, of Spartanburg Miss Marion Lecky of Chester, S. C; Mr. E. Post of Asheville, N. C: nious Wounding 172,153 1,262 next Sunday night, Miss Elsie is in this section. Malicious damaere Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson of Char to nroDertv 25.750 358 Mrs. J. Bishop returned home Sun leston, S. C: Mr. M. M. Marks of ArmT 610 278 The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Wacas- - day from her daughter's Mrs. Burton New York; Mrs. ii. V. Bolger, Miss ter died last Monday and was buried Williams. She reDorts that their Jessie Bolger, Charleston, S. C. Just think of it. Almost ten cases of rape committed in Ger-man- v dnrinfr neriod of ten years JMiss Caldwell of Spartanburg; has Juesda' j f Se BaPtlst cemetery. to the bereaved famito our returned to ISaluda for a few days. children are very sick, one is dead and another not expected, to live. Ernest Laughter went to Saluda, deepest sympathy. Is it any wonder that they ravished and denied the good women of Bel Miss Bess James, of South has accepted a position as nurse Saturday, with a load of apples. w. s. s COLUMBUS. at the Better Baby Camp. T. C. Laughter took a load of miss Kooina iiinngnast has re turned to Spartanburg after spending peaches, apples and other fruits to Your correspondent was not able to a month or more here. Hendersonville, last week. , r Mrs. Knoda Joie and little son get out and get all the news this week but we feel safe in saying that the majority of the people have been try We saw Charley Henderson as he Bostice, have returned to their home passed through Saluda, Saturday, on in Spartanburg. ing to keep cool. his return to the U. S. Navy, alter a Mr. J. W. Sellars and brother, of visit with home folks. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb and family Spartanburg, spent Sunday here with returned from an extended visit with relatives We hear that merchant was brag relatives at Winston-Sale- m. Mrs. Carteet and grandchildren, of Mrs. John T. Smith and little Spartanburg, are spending some time daughter, Irene, of St. George. S. C. here ging about how rich he would be if this war continued a few years long- er, and that a soldier standing near drew his pistol, and but for the inter- ference of other bystanders would gium and France? They have no re- spect for their womanhood, how can they be expected to have any for any other nation? Such is the character of the nation with which the aHies make war for defense. But what of peace ? How will it be possible to make peace with a nation with such a record behind it for not keeping a treaty? Besides, with whom will the allies attempt to negotiate a treaty? Surely not with ihe present Kaiser or any of his fam- ily. Everv member of that accursed breed should be punished as any other common murderer. -- They have not fven as much excuse for their mur- ders as the average man has, for in all such cases it is but the outgrowth of some preceeding trouble, while the Kaiser and the entire . military ele- ment of Germany "does not even have that much to excuse them. They en- tered upon this war for nothing cept loot. Planned and. deliberately put into action a scheme for whole have arrived to spend the remainder Mrs. Garey and little son. Lochran, have returned to their home in Spar-- 1 of the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newman. tanburg. have killed the merchant. The sol- dier said he was getting rich off the Misses Odessa Mills and Nell Con w. s. S- - MELVIN HILL. blood of the soldiers who were hgnt- - WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. stance spent Sunday in Columbus with their parents. irig for him. Yes, and every extor Misses Lucile and Bess Foster spent Sundayi afternoon with Misses Alice and Abbie Arledge. Mr. Walter Green passed through Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Miss Sue John- - A protracted meeting commenced tioner ot- - whatever community, ana every slacker and every deserter who neglect to answer the call of his coun- - on and Mr. Gordon Johnnon, will live here Saturday night, conducted by tViis Ration, vesterdav. in the house of Hon. E. B. Cloud dur have been splendid this Elders Miller and Edwards, of Tenn. ing the school term. Mrs. Johnson or wifh Ttlpntv for home and A normal singing school, taught by try, aeservesi,o ue, sevcici uson with. returns again for her third term as fnr vnui nfiip-hbor- . Crops are Letters have been received by the! teacher in the grammar department .Tj A. and Posev Henderson have vptv ri f nit fthe location. Still mor J o ...1 t- - 11- - I i. J mother and relatives of B. T. Morris. OI tne yearns nign ocnooi. gone to Hendersonville with a load of sale rmirfW fnr nothing else save tal men will grumDie, anu yet wc nnf o-- t ' morei 'than we deserve. Let to the effect that he had arrived safe- - apples. They nave very nne ones they might gain the wealth of the na lv at Camp Hancock, Ga. Mr. Corwith of Saluda, was in. this us be thankful that it is as well with ns it is; It ould be much worse. Quite a number of persons from The school term begins August 26. We hqpe to have many Polk county boys and girls with us this term. Dr. H. H. Edwards has purchased the J. G. Hughes property in Colum- - tions with which they make war Surelv historv holds the record of no Mill Creek attended services here' Rev. J. B. 'Arledge is conducting section, Saturday, on business. T. E. Pace, Logan Newman ana C other such diabolical or despicable Sunday. services, at Mofgan chapel. Miss Irene Sally went to Spartan- burg on. business, today. The Arledge Bros, have been quite busy the past month, marketing Mrs. Fred Arledge is teaching the school here, Edwards school. . The recent box supper at the Ed- wards school was a great success, the highest box brought $3.50, be- longing to Miss Lena Green. Miss Abbie Arledge received the contest cake for being the prettiest young la- dy. A cake of clean-eas- y soap was awarded to Mr. Lewis Hipp. Re- ceipts 6f the evening amounted to $32.06, which will be used for-bette- r equipping the school building. , Misses Emma and. May Salley are camping with - their sister, Irene, on her farm. ; Mr. Gay Thompson spent last week with his' sister, plot. C. Jones are running their canning Mr. W. O. Morris got out of a job! bus, and will occupy it shortly. Yet this same. Kaiser talks of dis Little Annie Louis Mills is spend last Friday, when the boiler bursted and demolished the saw mill where cussing terms -- of peace 'around the machine regularly. W. s. S-S- AND HILL SCHOOL. ing the week with her sister at Mt. neacp fn'hlf Th pre should be no Lebanon. he , was working. Fortunately all hands were, away at dinner, and no Dearp t.nlnla fnr tnia rpriP cade, but the Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Burton gallows instead. As for the people one was hurt. Williams have died within a week's of Germanv the v are no better. They ' nr If you fail-- o see' what - you 'are looking for in the NEWS just stop and ask youelf the question, "Did Ttell theeditot about it?" Remem- ber- that we" always glad . to re- ceive any itepciof news, interest,, and if you want M nave yourself number- ed as a friend of the paper, just call up or .write tell us what news yott have in fur possession, ' ' Smith, the small boy of Mr. and have by every means in their ; power Mrs. James Horn, had the misfortune time. The parents have the sympa-o- f falling from a window in the thy of the entire community. upheld this outlaw m all ms scnemes Honor roll for the week ending August '2,- - 1918: First i grade, Clar- ence Lytle; - second grade, Broadus McCrain; fourth grade, - Theophilus Jackson and Barrett McCrain; sixth grade,- - Alice McCrain. - ; v '. school building, a few days ago, and! Born to Mr. ana Mrs. uurxon mi and willingly entered upon this war for the avowed nurpose of loot. When breaking an. arm. ' -- 'Hams, a daughter, peace terms are asked for by this na
Page 1: pOILtK GCDU NXY FADIR9: COIUUMBUS OCTOBER Itnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058240/1918-08-09/ed-1/seq-1.pdfpOILtK GCDU NXY FADIR9: COIUUMBUS OCTOBER 9, 11 0 AND It fhe Only Paper

pOILtK GCDU NXY FADIR9: COIUUMBUS OCTOBER 9, 11 0 AND Itfhe Only Paper A lire, Ged,Published n liewspafzr

for the Hcz2.



VOL. XXIV NO. 14 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1918. .$1,501 A YEAR


Charleston. S. C, are guests of theirMURDEROUS 1 Some Items orGenaral Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various I relatives, the Lelands. BEE KEEPERS,

tion they should be told in the wordsof General Grant, nothing but an

Unconditional Surrender" would beacceptable.

And when peace terms are finallymade Germany should be made to paysuch, an indemnity that they wouldnever get the debt paid off. ! Everyship and storehouse, manufacturingplant and everything else owned by aGerman should be confiscated and

Mrs. Minnie Lofton of McClelland- -Sections of Polk Countyville, S. C, is the guest of Mrs. Charl-ton Leland.

State Specialist, C. L. Sams WillMrs. Owens of New York, who hasHILLCREST. PEA RIDGE.Time Shows Improvement in the

Disposition of Every NationExcept the Hun.

been spending some time hre left thisweek for Columbia, S. C.

Hold Meetings in County,Aug. 1 5th and 1 6th.5

neve returned or paid for. The time Mrs. George Streman and childrenMiss Mossie Edwards spent SundayMrs. Rowan, of Raphine, Va., ISG. have left for their home in Spring- -night with Missj Bessie Thompson.visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.HIS CHARACTER.

. HAS NO neld, i, C, atter a vi.sit with Mre.K.idd at Hillcrest Institute. MAKE ARRANGEMENTSMr. and Mrsi ; R. Phillips went toCHANGED. Streman's mother, Mrs. Leland. TO ATTEND.Columbia, S. C, 'Sunday to visit theirMis Maude Cox is visiting her Mrs. L. Holmes, who has beenbrother, Mr. T. C. Cox, at Cedar Hill son, Oscar, whops in the insane asy-

lum. jspending some time here has gone to Mr. C. L. Sams, specialist in Bee

lor taming ot A .Peace Without Vic-tory" and "No Indemnity" has pass-ed, and instead every true ally shouldmake up his mind to demand of Ger-many and her allies an indemnity suf-ficient to pay the whole cost of thewar, and so far as possible restoreBelgium, Serbia, Roumania and allother countries which have sufferedat their hands. No peace until theyare soundly and everlastingly,

plantation. Columbia.ti. G. Thompson is putting a new keeping, in North Carolina, will meet

the bee keepers of Polk county, AuMrs. Horace Bomar and familv ofMr. Grady Flynn, who is training addition to his house this week. Spartanburg are spending the sum- - gust loth, at George Busco s beeat Clemson College spent few dayswith his 'family, last week. Miss Mossie dwards spent Tues--j mer here. yard, at Mill Spring, at 10 o'clock a.day night with: Miss .Iva Gosnell. Mr. and Mrs. John DeSaussure of m.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pendleton have Decatur, Ga., are at the Lelands.We are glad to know that John

II UN: One of the ancient Tartarnuts which in the ninth century A.

overran and devastated Europe.Wfbster's Dictionary. .... .This is the kind of a brute he wasin the ninth century. That he didnot change any during the next twohundred years, one has but to turn tothe writings of Roger Bacon, who, indescribing the Germans (Huns) ofhis day, over seven, hundred yearsa0, says:

"Hence the Saracens and pagans inmany parts of the world "are becom

On Friday the 16th, at 10 o'clock a.turned to their home in Florida. ,I :Mrs. McGuinn, of Spartanburg hasFoy's baby is improving. m., ne will be at the bee yard or J. .

F. Black, near Tryon.Born to Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Kiw, Yural Taylor, smade a business trip arrived to spend some time in thecity.

w. s. s.SILVER CREEK. .These two meetings are for theon Friday, August 2nd, a daughter. Tl T7i 11 T- -k T-- r t .to Rutherfordto, Monday.

Misses Annie 4nd Lela Melton, Ber--mr. vviuiam uecruvn jvodps isv

Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, of Greenpurpose of giving instruction in prac-tical bee keeping. Mr. Sams heldvisiting his aunt, Mrs. Henrv H. Mc

nice. Iris and Tola Bell were guestsville, S. C, are visiting their sister, Kee, tor the month of August before two meetings m this county a fewof Miss Bessie ffhompson, Sunday afOur women are busy canning fruit

and vegetables this week, while someof the men are working roads on ac- -

Mrs. H. S. Roddy. returning to Sewanee, Tenn. to re months ago, and all who attendedsume his studies.Se.ve.ral of our boys are leaving for

ternoon, is'Ralph Edwards and Garner Skip-

per were in thisl section, Sunday.Mrs. --Brown of Spartanburg:, is vis

the training camps this week.-- , iting her daughter, Mrs. G. R. LittleMr. Kalph Newman of Trvon. scentRev. Frisby md teacher ,of St.


A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the week-en- d in the city with relaThomas mission went to Columbus,John 'Turner, Geneva, died Saturday tives.Saturday. ; f Mrs. E. H. McCullouerh of Sanand was buried at - Sandy - Plainschurch, Sunday afternoon. Misses Mollies and Nellie Dalton Domingo, is the guest of her sister,

them were amply repaid for theirtrouble. Mr. Sams is an expert inhis line, employed by the State ofNorth Carolina for the class' of workhe is doing. Come with your notebooks, and with your list of questionsif you have any to ask.

Mr. Sams told us that his Folkcounty meetings before were thebest attended of anv held in the Stateup to that time. Crops are out ofthe way now, an ! there is no reasonwhy these two meetings should not belargely attended.

AU bee keepers. large and small

and Bessie Thompson were guests of Mrs. William StatonMrs. Emma Boyd, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dalton, Sunday Mrs. A. G. Forbes of Birmingham.visiting at Mrs. J. T. Camp's for sev- -Ala., is at the Charles.erar months, leaves for Asheville, on Henry Foy arid Bob Gault have po- -

t i O JPL 1 Miss Janie Duke, of Mobile. Ala..Wednesday. ' sitions at sparmnDurg. ' '. -is at tne (Jharles.

ing quite impossible to convert; and'especially beyond the sea, and inPrussia, and the lands bordering oaGermany (i. e.,Teutonic knights)ruin all hopes of converting them ow-ing to the war-- which they are al-ways stirring up, and because of theirlust for domination. Ther , is nodoubt that all the heathen nations be-yond Germany would long ago havebeen converted but for the brutalityof theijrethren of the German house,because the pagan race has againand again been ready to receive thefaith in peace,, through, preaching.But they of the German house- - willnot allow it, because they want tosubjugate them and reduce them toslavery, and by subtle persuasionsthey have for many years deceivedthe Roman church. This is notoriousotherwise I would nat make thecharge."

And as he was seveiu hundredyears ago so do we fimfhim on down

coma oi so many young men leavingfor the training camp. There are on-ly a few left who are subject to roadduty.

Mr. Will T. Green and HamiltonWilliams left last week for CampHancock, Ga.Bona Arledge and Harry Garrett willgo to Camp Wadsworth, this week.

The twin babies of M,r. FloydThompson were buried at SilverCreek cemetery last wreek.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams havegone to their daughter Mrs. Fowler,whose child is very ill.

Mrs. James Koon, who has beenteaching school at Silver Creek, hasgone home for two weeks. Her hus-band will probably go to camp soon.

We are sorry to learn that Mrs.Eli Jackson has had a stroke of par-alysis. Hope she will soon recover.

Mrs. B. Reynolds, of Wadesboro.N. C, is a guest at Mrs. 'Henrv B.Lanes. are irvited, and uiged to attend theMrs. Frank Potts, of Columbia. S meetuig most ccn anient to them.C, is at the Oaks for several weeks. w. s. s.,Mrs. McElmurray and family areTO THE MINER v.occupying their cottage, Idle Ease, on

.'11 - A- - 1ureenvine strei. I tvt. r;il Tf-oi- ,r ; k;ij:Miss Clara Forbes,-- of Atlanta. Ga. U0o,0 v,; r

lr 1 Btrcuu. tue au"""cl ter and son-in-la- w to occupy.War Message: "WE MUST HAVE MOR COAL."took dinnermr. ana mrs. Elliott saney. oi ure- - iwith his cousin, Mr. Philip, Henderson1 The power to lose or win, tlie whole wrle worldMr. and Mrs. Israel Arledee SDent angeburg, S. C, were the guests re-- 1 Sundav. the ages. . During:, the era pfJifcPP Surtday-withM- r andiVIr&.H. P.-A-


TUT. --I n rt 'C .JK .- an ,uu .uuuavu HUMr VUKJ , ,ledge.

i,,-.";- : ZTlTl''i I or Pomaria S. C, are visiting the 'forMr. Walter Green made a business uo OIu,cu w uu uie uuaiuuei ui Oner's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jimthe summer. .trip to Saluda, Monday. Johnson.Glenn Arledee, who has been quite Mr. Monroe Horn, of Mill Creek,

was a pleasant visitor at the home of

leon uermany was tnorougmy, as itwas considered" at the time, subju-gated, and Napoleon made a treatyof peace with Germany, whereby thatcountry was prohibited from ever af-terward having an army of morethan forty-tw-o thousand soldiers.Hut no sooner than this treaty wassigned did that nation of cheats andliars go to work and evade the termsof their signedtreaty by raising

f " For Preedorrrlies within the "earth's ark : breast;And tho' the nation's flags are all unfurled,

And marching, fighting hosts can kppw no restUntil- - the War is won or lost, the real Key

To Freedom lies ' 'within the Miner's; keep."Unlock earth's Treasure House, you hifn and free

The suffering world. Why do you sleep?

Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Stacy, Sunday.ill tnis summer s now much improv-ed.

A revival meeting will begin at Sil Mr. J. A. Morris of Colmsville, visited relatives here, last week-!en-d.ver Greek, Sunday, August 11th. It

will be conducted by Rev. J. B. Ar Mrs. Hattie Toney and Miss Bessie,ledge and Rev. Morgan, of Landrum

Mrs. A. DeVere Turner and MissMartha Wright have as their guestsMrs. H. F. Munt of Wilmington, . N.C, Miss Frances Geitner of Hickory.N. C, and Miss Carolina Holmes ofAsheville.

The entertainment entitled "TheSlacker" given by the ladies of theMethodist Aid Society was a greatsuccess. Those taking part were:Mrs. Henry P. Corwith Mrs. QuintonC. Sonner, Mrs. M. Leonard Mrs.Frank B. Stevens Miss MarthaWright Miss Annie Hart, Miss Mar

of Sandy Plains, made a visit tofriends and relatives, here recently.W. S. S


Rev. McKaughn delivered a veryWeather has been too rainy for rat interesting sermon at the Baptisttiers. C. C. Jones killed one, and wechurch, Sunday.vin Patterson, Mrs. G. R. Little, Mr.

J. D. Parlor, Mr. Bennett Hamer. Thehear that T. C. Laughter came alongMrs. C. G. Brisco and son, Georgeisoon after and killed him again. musical selections given by Mrs. Mc spent Monday night at Sunny BrookCrary, Mrs. Houch and Mrs. R. Rei- -Well, friend Iynn, we only give the larm.ger. Miss Uessie Conner gave a muitems as they are delivered to us byMiss Gladys Gibbs, of Georgia, issical recitation accompanied by Mrsresponsible parties and do not com

Jones on the piano and Russell Locke I spending the holidays at home.pass sea and land for the purpose offinding where the most snakes are, on tne violin. A song, "There Will I Miss Mossie Edwards SDent the

Be a Service Flag at Our House" by I week-en- d with Miss Letha Barber.

forty-tw- o thousand soldiers each yearthereby by sharp practice breakingtheir treaty with France.

From that time until the presentGermany has been suspected by allthe other countries of the earth, andher word considered of no avail byall. She had a solemn and bindingtreaty with the other nations of Eu-

rope, whereby the neutrality of Bel-

gium was guaranteed, but no soonerdid she declare war than this treatywas declared a "mere scrap of paper"and violated by Germany.

Not only with the other nations ofthe world has Germany been an out-law and cut-thro- at, but even amongstthemselves they have been a nationof rapists, murderers and. outlaws,a table of crimes committed in Eng-land and Germany during the tenyears 1897-190- 7, by Mr. Louis Tracyshows the following alarming and atthe same time astonishing preponder-ance of crime in Germany over Eng-land. '


Germany. EnglandMurder . 350 - 97Incest 573 50Ranes . .. 9,381 210

but if there is any place where thereare more' snakes to the square mile Mrs. rlouch and chorus by all. The I rr WaWfioU nf rwitthan in the section between Green 0V.1VWUU110 va ucauwiuny l cnucucu i Monday hereriver cove and Hungry we are sorry spentClienCP xiiatii anu jai pen iciof it, unless they are in Germany:

Arrivals at Melrose Inn: Mr. P. D. iVionaay in anarum.and again if there is any one place

Brooks. Columbia. S. C: Mr. J. E.I Mr. Edwards, who has been work- -where there are more dead ones wreBrash, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. D. O. Jm& at the powder plant in Hopewell,are glad of it unless it is in GermanyAnderson, Marion, S. C: Miss Sarah 1 Va- - received his call to go to camp,Shi ves, Savannah, Ga.; Mr. W. W. 'ast weeic, also Mr. Hona Arledge,James Miller some time since had

something to bother his chickens one who has been working: at SpartanFisher, Spartanburg. S. C: Mr. C. Kburg. A number of other bovs joinEarle, Carol Earle, Ralph Earle,ed them. May God dwell with themSpartanburg, S. C: Mr. N. H. Blithand help them to be true American

night, and- - on investigating he founda dead one with its head bleeding. Inorder to discover what had killed ittook it tip and got some of the bloodon a sore on his hand, which made

and party of Charleston.

Forget all else "save that the Nation'a cryFor food to eat. For men more mh to break

The Prussian's Creed," that all GodVlws defy.Oh, Miner, heed that cry! Let every man awake!

' 'More coal' ' they call. The troop ship lieWith empty bunkers; while your brothers bleed

On blood soaked fields of France your rindred die.Miners awake! "Forget all else except the need.

VOf Coal! More Coal! And yet more qoal to meet

The "need" of Furnace, Shop and ;lighty Mill

To roll the steel to make the shells b greett The Vandal Hosts -i- n Virtue's namjs to kill

The mad gray beasts who march at beck and nodOf him who murders children innocent and sweet;

That sacreligious fool who dares to clim his powerfrom God. S

Awake; ye Miners! Let not the Kaiser cheat

The gallows ! Hasten the fate that log drawn ' outShall make his-spiri- t quake in one lojig dream

Of murdered hosts. For .every shot-yf- a every shoutOf our brave boys shall burst his earf. Nay, every

gleam it"Of murderous steel and the last despairing sigh

Of mother and maid shall rent hs soul. Eachscreaming shell j

Sear his foul brain or scorch his balef til eye-W- hile

Satan chants his dirge and chains him fastin hell. jl

John H. Adams in Manufacturers Record.

soldiers.:Esseola Inn: Mrs. W. M. Coneyand daughter of Savannah, Ga.; Mrs Those who attended the party at

him sick for several days. He then H. W. McGee of "Chester, S. C; MrUnnatural Primps 841 290 the home of Mr. W. B. Edwards lastSaturday night report a nice time.decided it was a poisonous snake. and Mrs DeSesseur of Savannah, : Ga. :

f alii"ne on1 TT'iln- -Leader for Christian Endeavor forSamuel McGraw, of Spartanburg Miss Marion Lecky of Chester, S. C;

Mr. E. Post of Asheville, N. C:nious Wounding 172,153 1,262next Sunday night, Miss Elsieis in this section.Malicious damaere Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson of Char

to nroDertv 25.750 358 Mrs. J. Bishop returned home Sun leston, S. C: Mr. M. M. Marks ofArmT 610 278 The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Wacas--day from her daughter's Mrs. Burton New York; Mrs. ii. V. Bolger, Miss ter died last Monday and was buriedWilliams. She reDorts that their Jessie Bolger, Charleston, S. C.Just think of it. Almost tencases of rape committed in Ger-man- v

dnrinfr neriod of ten yearsJMiss Caldwell of Spartanburg; has Juesda' jf Se BaPtlst cemetery.

to the bereaved famito ourreturned to ISaluda for a few days.children are very sick, one is deadand another not expected, to live.

Ernest Laughter went to Saluda,deepest sympathy.Is it any wonder that they ravished

and denied the good women of BelMiss Bess James, of South

has accepted a position as nurseSaturday, with a load of apples. w. s. sCOLUMBUS.at the Better Baby Camp.

T. C. Laughter took a load of miss Kooina iiinngnast has returned to Spartanburg after spendingpeaches, apples and other fruits to Your correspondent was not able toa month or more here.Hendersonville, last week. , r

Mrs. Knoda Joie and little songet out and get all the news this weekbut we feel safe in saying that themajority of the people have been try

We saw Charley Henderson as he Bostice, have returned to their homepassed through Saluda, Saturday, on in Spartanburg. ing to keep cool.his return to the U. S. Navy, alter a Mr. J. W. Sellars and brother, ofvisit with home folks. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb and familySpartanburg, spent Sunday here with returned from an extended visit withrelativesWe hear that merchant was brag

relatives at Winston-Sale- m.Mrs. Carteet and grandchildren, ofMrs. John T. Smith and littleSpartanburg, are spending some time

daughter, Irene, of St. George. S. C.here

ging about how rich he would be ifthis war continued a few years long-er, and that a soldier standing neardrew his pistol, and but for the inter-ference of other bystanders would

gium and France? They have no re-

spect for their womanhood, how canthey be expected to have any for anyother nation?

Such is the character of the nationwith which the aHies make war fordefense. But what of peace ? Howwill it be possible to make peace witha nation with such a record behind itfor not keeping a treaty? Besides,with whom will the allies attempt tonegotiate a treaty? Surely not withihe present Kaiser or any of his fam-ily. Everv member of that accursedbreed should be punished as any othercommon murderer. -- They have notfven as much excuse for their mur-ders as the average man has, for inall such cases it is but the outgrowthof some preceeding trouble, while theKaiser and the entire . military ele-

ment of Germany "does not even havethat much to excuse them. They en-

tered upon this war for nothingcept loot. Planned and. deliberatelyput into action a scheme for whole

have arrived to spend the remainderMrs. Garey and little son. Lochran,have returned to their home in Spar-- 1 of the summer with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Newman.tanburg.have killed the merchant. The sol-

dier said he was getting rich off the Misses Odessa Mills and Nell Conw. s. S- -MELVIN HILL.blood of the soldiers who were hgnt- - WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. stance spent Sunday in Columbus

with their parents.irig for him. Yes, and every extorMisses Lucile and Bess Foster

spent Sundayi afternoon with MissesAlice and Abbie Arledge.

Mr. Walter Green passed through Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Miss Sue John--A protracted meeting commencedtioner ot- - whatever community, anaevery slacker and every deserter whoneglect to answer the call of his coun- -

on and Mr. Gordon Johnnon, will livehere Saturday night, conducted bytViis Ration, vesterdav.in the house of Hon. E. B. Cloud durhave been splendid this Elders Miller and Edwards, of Tenn.ing the school term. Mrs. Johnsonor wifh Ttlpntv for home and A normal singing school, taught bytry, aeservesi,o ue, sevcici uson

with. returns again for her third term asfnr vnui nfiip-hbor- . Crops areLetters have been received by the! teacher in the grammar department.Tj A. and Posev Henderson have vptv ri fnit fthe location. Still mor

J o ...1 t-- 11- - I i. J mother and relatives of B. T. Morris. OI tne yearns nign ocnooi.gone to Hendersonville with a load ofsale rmirfW fnr nothing else save tal men will grumDie, anu yet wc

nnf o-- t ' morei 'than we deserve. Let to the effect that he had arrived safe- -apples. They nave very nne onesthey might gain the wealth of the na lv at Camp Hancock, Ga.Mr. Corwith of Saluda, was in. this us be thankful that it is as well with

ns it is; It ould be much worse. Quite a number of persons from

The school term begins August 26.We hqpe to have many Polk countyboys and girls with us this term.

Dr. H. H. Edwards has purchasedthe J. G. Hughes property in Colum- -

tions with which they make warSurelv historv holds the record of no Mill Creek attended services here'Rev. J. B. 'Arledge is conductingsection, Saturday, on business.

T. E. Pace, Logan Newman ana Cother such diabolical or despicable Sunday.services, at Mofgan chapel.

Miss Irene Sally went to Spartan-burg on. business, today.

The Arledge Bros, have been quitebusy the past month, marketing

Mrs. Fred Arledge is teaching theschool here, Edwards school.

. The recent box supper at the Ed-

wards school was a great success,the highest box brought $3.50, be-

longing to Miss Lena Green. MissAbbie Arledge received the contestcake for being the prettiest young la-

dy. A cake of clean-eas- y soap wasawarded to Mr. Lewis Hipp. Re-

ceipts 6f the evening amounted to$32.06, which will be used for-bette- r

equipping the school building. ,Misses Emma and. May Salley are

camping with - their sister, Irene, onher farm.

; Mr. Gay Thompson spent last weekwith his' sister,

plot. C. Jones are running their canning Mr. W. O. Morris got out of a job! bus, and will occupy it shortly.Yet this same. Kaiser talks of dis

Little Annie Louis Mills is spendlast Friday, when the boiler burstedand demolished the saw mill wherecussing terms -- of peace 'around the

machine regularly.W. s. S-S- AND

HILL SCHOOL.ing the week with her sister at Mt.neacp fn'hlf Th pre should be noLebanon.he , was working. Fortunately all

hands were, away at dinner, and noDearp t.nlnla fnr tnia rpriP cade, but theTwo children of Mr. and Mrs. Burtongallows instead. As for the people one was hurt. Williams have died within a week'sof Germanv thev are no better. They

'nrIf you fail-- o see' what - you 'are

looking for in the NEWS just stopand ask youelf the question, "DidTtell theeditot about it?" Remem-ber- that we" always glad . to re-

ceive any itepciof news, interest,, andif you want M nave yourself number-ed as a friend of the paper, just callup or .write tell us what newsyott have in fur possession, '


Smith, the small boy of Mr. andhave by every means in their ; power Mrs. James Horn, had the misfortune time. The parents have the sympa-o- f

falling from a window in the thy of the entire community.upheld this outlaw m all ms scnemes

Honor roll for the week endingAugust '2,-- 1918: First i grade, Clar-

ence Lytle; - second grade, BroadusMcCrain; fourth grade, - TheophilusJackson and Barrett McCrain; sixthgrade,- - Alice McCrain. -

;v '.

school building, a few days ago, and! Born to Mr. ana Mrs. uurxon miand willingly entered upon this warfor the avowed nurpose of loot. When breaking an. arm. ' -- 'Hams, a daughter,peace terms are asked for by this na
