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Police Report Filed by Michael Silva on Aug 19 2008

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  • 8/9/2019 Police Report Filed by Michael Silva on Aug 19 2008


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    SOMERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENTSOMERVILLE, MAIncident Report #8029209L..---';"_-" Report Entered: 08/19/2008 20:05:10

    Not For PublicReleaseCase Title

    Date/Time Printed: Tue Aug 19 23:26:36 EDT 2008 By: shahLocation AptlUnit #

    Date/Time Reported08119/2008 19:16:00Incident Type/OffenseDISORDERLY CONDUCT c272 S53 (2 72 /5 31F )Reporting Officer Approving OfficerSILVA 1\1(212) ()

    Date/Time Occurredto


    ._..._-----------_._----PersonsRoleVICTIM SILVA, MICHAEL MALE


    Name Sex Race Age DOB

    INVOLVEDPARTYOffendersStatus Name Sex Race Age DOB Home Phone Address


    _.- ..-.--._------_.- ----------PropertyClass Description Make Model Serial # Value------------_.NarrativeOn the above date at 16:20, I was on patrol in marked cruiser 181. and was dispatched with Ofc.Shah to the above address for a dispute between a boyfriend and girlfriend.

    http://1O .9.1.34/QEDl/policepartner/common/crimcwcb/incview/main.jsp?agency=SOM-P... 8119/2008

  • 8/9/2019 Police Report Filed by Michael Silva on Aug 19 2008


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    Upon our arrival we spoke with the reporting party, who stated that he wasmoving out of his ex-fiancee's apanment and she was prohibiting him from doing so. He saidshe had been drinking and was becoming verbally abusive. He just wanted her to leave theapanment so he could move out without any further confrontations.We then spoke to his ex-fiancee, She was highly emotional and distressed. Icould smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her. I asked her if she hadbeen drinking and she said "Absolutely. Yes I have." I asked her if she had drank a lot of alcoholand she replied "Yes." When I questioned egarding what was going on thatrequired the police she stated that she had no idea why we were there. Ofc. Shah tookaside to speak with her and I spoke toMr. ~formed me that they were breaking up because of her drinking problem and thatshe gets physically abusive to ds him. I asked him if she was on any medication and hestated that she is.Somerville police responded to.I then spoke with Ms~d asked her if she is on any medication and she replied that sheis not. I then asked her if she would like to go to the hospital and speak to someone becauseshe was obviously very upset. Ms. said she did not. She repeatedly stated that she justwanted Mr. 0 leave and we repeatedly told her that he w~to. Her next doorneighbor, Maria Medeiros. offered to let her stay there while Mr. _emoved the rest of hisbelongings. Ms.~greed to go next door and not return until Mr. as gone. Mr.as advised to call the police if she returned to argue with him and that he was notto coiifront her.


    At 17:44, we were dispatched to the above address again because Ms~ad re~and began to argue with Mr. Upon our arrival we spoke to both parties. Ms.had returned next door to Maria Medeiros' apartment. We made sure there had not been a physicalaltercation and that no one was injured. We advised M again. to allowM.-to move out and not to return to her apartment until he was gone. .At 19:16, we were dispatched again to the same address because Ms. ~adapp~ emailed Mr . that she wanted to harm herself. Upon our arrival we spoke toMs.-,and she again acted as if she had no idea why we were there. We explained to herthat she had emailed statements to Mr.~hat she intended to harm herself and that sheneeded to go to the hospital to speak to someone. She kept stalling by asking questions andmoving further into the house away from the front door. She finally agreed to go to thehospital and began walking to the front door with us. Mrs. Medeiros entered the house and startedasking questions and ho~s.~ack from walking to the door. I informedMrs. Medeiros that Ms~as going to the hospital because she had made threats of suicideto Mr. s. Medeiros pushed me aside and said "She's not going anywhere!" I askedher to step aside so we could escort Ms. utside. Mrs. Medeiros refused and continuedto be argumentative. I stepped towards Ms. d Mrs. Medeiros pushed my hands awayand yelled "You can't touch her!" I asked her to step aside and she refused. I informed her that ifshe didn't step aside she was going to leave me no choice but to place her into custody.She continued to be argumentative and combative. I attempted to place her into custody and shebecame increasingly combative. I was struck in the head during the struggle; at which pointI ordered her to stop resisting or I would have to spray her with my department issued capstun.She encouraged me to spray her so I did. After she was sprayed I was able to safely subdue her. '


    http://) O.9.1.34/QED//policepartner/commonlcrimcweb/incview/main.jsp?agency=SOM- P... 8/19/2008

  • 8/9/2019 Police Report Filed by Michael Silva on Aug 19 2008


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    Meanwhile, Ore. Shah removed Ms~om the house since she was exacerbatingthe situation by yelling and screaming. As we led the women out of the house, at least five or sixpeople came running out of Mrs. Medeiros's house yelling and screaming. M~dMrs. Medeiros continued yelling. I called Somerville dispatch via my portable~o sendadditional units as now we needed crowd control. People were coming out of their houses dueto the commotion in the street. Mrs. Medeiros became even more verbally abusive andcombative. Several of her family members urged her to stop arguing and to comply with thepolice. She continued to argue until the mobile transport unit arrived. She initially refused to getin stating she was not physically able but then hopped right in with no problem. Mrs. Medeiroswas transported to the Somerville Police Station and processed.Mr. arrived at the Somerville Police Station to bail his wife out andmade threatening statements towards me, to the console operator seeExhibit A)


    http:/ /I O.9.I.34/QED//policepartner/commonlcrimeweb/incview/main.jsp?agency=SOM -P... 8119/2008'
