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POLICE RUDELY i (IFNFIMI 1 10 FIGHT DISTURB DREAMS; …igo license was vott'.i back. Petitions cere...

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- - > ' % ESTABLISHED 1784. | Oldest Daily Newspaper , in America. VOL. CVXIIII.. 250. POLICE RUDELY ' DISTURB DREAMS; Would-be Jack Harkaways Taken in Custody This Morning. * . WERE NEARLY FROZEN Left Homo For Wild Western Scenes . Had One Bicycle.Parents Come .And Take Boys. Visions of a trip through the Sunny ,: Souih to Mexico, service in the Con- <i ifi»tirin!iTic+ sirmv ilnHpr fldrioval Pnv. ran/.a,promotions from water boys to j! chief of scouts of the rebel army, a seat in .'he Me>' *' ' isenoritas with dashing charros hull flights, chi) aguardiente, wh locke..' in the br in" ton lads, w this mom in g Iv lice force, who youngsters, hall in ihe open and cell in police st from their pare A night on t aiulria and an hour in a well ventnat. ii l a. xl j.1 A.. <-il ceil seemed worse to mem man uie lire punishment of President Hucrta, I* w ho is longing to get his cruel talons j1 on any American boys who dare to c join the forces of the blood thirsty !r vebels. i * The three boys w,ho belong to ex- ,c ( client families in Washington ;ra ^ litrc-l Van Croft, 15 years ol.:, of 1872 ' /Monroe St. X. ty., Morris Johnson, * (15 years old, of 1462 Oak street, N. !" W., and Raymond Hall of 1822 Park 11 T'flad N. W. For some time ".hey liave K*en planning to leave home for |c the wilds of Mexico, and yesterday 1 afternoon at six o'clock stalled on r their long trip. Hall had a bicycle,^' and the three lads took turns about * ri ng on the wheel. Ii required over 111 fiwo hours to make the trip to Alex-' ^ andr'a over the roads and arriving * I here the boys went to the Union tuition where they expected to se- ' cure passage on a fast mail train un- J ril they were put off. They were unsuccessful in this as ithey were not!: familiar with the tricks of the ol) j1 traveler ::nd were not permitted to!' hoard a train. At twelve o'clock .hey 'c gave up the idea of going South and went to the small shed of the Wash- ]1 inglon-Virginia Railway Company ! where they spent the night. This morning, sore, tired, cold and j1 hungry they started out no sell the j' bicycle so ".hat they could get some i1 breakfast. Approaching a colored boy they offered to sell the wheel j for . >1.75. He agreed to take it pr< ; vided he woul be permitted to carry f 1-... «n<"l |t lilt" UKHIt VV» jsvttxt. ovuviv.. *...~ . find out if it had been stolen. When ^ he brought the machine there orders ,f were sent out to find the boys and (1 they were soon in custody. The ' * Washington authorities were notified, i The boys seemed very repentent while in the cell and declared that if ' they ever «rot back home they would * never leave a,train. ;' The parents of the youths came' here todav and took them to Washing-1 tno. " jl o j. ALLEN DAMAGE SUIT I'D. j< . j Families of Hillsville Court \ictims j Ask $10,000 Each. Wvtheville Va.. Nov. 7. . Judpe * ^ 1- » I Walter R.Staples.oi noanoKe.came tu Wythoville yesterday morning -o hear!, a motion by Attorney Francis] Cocke, of Roanoke, conjmittee for j Sidna Allen, who is serving a 35- j year term in the Virginia penitentiary j for aiding in shooting up the Hills- j ville court to quash the attachments! jby the administrators of Judge Mas-; sie. Sheriff Webb and Common- j wealth's Attorney Foster who are each suing Sidna Allen for $10,000 f damages If Judge Staples should quash the! attachments the deeds of trusts given by Sidna Allen to his attorneys will' Nuke precedence If he sustains the' attachments which are against all of j Mien's raal estate and personal prop-1 *r:y amounting to $30,000 or $40,GOO, *ho damage suits by adadmarra- i tf of the david coin* offers m«D1 up Ibr trial ml- Jfcair meetts, i | d - * ' v'i' -K- i.- NEWS OF THE DAY. i I | John G. Ford, the negro who wascrrested Wednesday nignt, charged with assaulting AILss Edith Howson, 12-Jl Massachusetts avenue, soutn-A. Mr. l. !.4...J trusi, vv asiiinjfton, was cvuvicteu hi; police court yesterday, and sentenced by Judge Pugh to serve six months in J jail. Miss Howson testified- she was returning: to her home about 10, o'clock, when the negro confronted! her, and seized her arm. She wrench ed her arm from his grasp, but was unable to reach her home, she said, because the negro was between her and the door^ Ford admitted that he; had been in front of the house at the time of the assault, but denied that' he caught Miss Howson by the arm.! Three men were killed and four in- j jured yesterday in a collision of two freight trains on the Lake trie, aj-i liance, and Wheeling: Railway at Beech Church, near Alliance, Ohio.} A misunderstanding* of order* was j1 given as the cause of the accident Three bishops of the Protestant j1 opal Church and an official* of1' f the church boards are patients j Luke's Hospital in New York, i' ante known yesterday. The pa-;' are Bishop Henry D. Robinson.!' vada; Bishop Junius H. Homer,! heviHe, N. C; Bishop Robert'6 ge, of North Carolina, end the!c Hugh L. Burleson, assistant,' ary of the botfjv of missions. ^ bishops were taken ill (hiring;' ecent gene nil convention of the:1 h, !> i1 .Miss Zelie Emerson, the American!1 aiffragist, who has allied herself with! he British miitants, was under the! are of a member of the home office j nedicul staff in London yesterday as he result of a beating which she re-;" icived at the hands of the police!1 iVednesday nig*ht during a riot at 4 low Baths, in the East End. Miss!6 Cmerson led u squaO of militants] ' ijrainst the- police who were trying to; x irrest Syivia Papkhurst. and in the' ig-hting; many were bruised. How-j1 ver, before the meeting: was broken 1 ip, Miss Pankh 11 est 'presented the i oundation plans for the formation of! ui army to fight for woman suffrage J vrms to be purchased and the troops j * le to be drilled by Capt. Francis; fane, a Boer war veteran. Part of' he lecture money secured in the! Jnite.1 States by Mrs. Pankhurst will;0 ie used to pav the soldiers. le j c; Alice and Carl Jacobson, brother; ind sister, of Ixmdon. Ontario, lost to! ach other soince childhood,yesteiCay ^ earned their irue relationship after! c courtship which was about to re-; ;ulc 'n marriage. The voung woman i *c n writing: to her parents inclosed a , )icture of Carl and told of her en- ' .u. i c ragenent. ine parents were oj me. ^ >pinion that it was the long lost son.. | tnd an investigation revealed the fact!" hat the engaged couple were brother j ind sister. < :i The ringleaders of the abor-. ive plot recently discovered against , . * 1 he reigning Ameer of Afghanistan.; labibullah Kaahn, were executed yes-; erdav at Kabul, the Afghanistan cap- i al. The conspirators were blown I j. rom the mouths of cannons. Kept alive for days by her intense | merest in the campaign of her hus-! j. gt nd. who was running for re-elec-1 t ion as mayor of Ynukers, New Yrlt, j j Mrs. James T. Lennon died today, j y Mr.<l.ennon prayed daily for her hus- t >an. s election, and so great was her j jov in his victory that her heart fail- x ?d under the strain. ! t After killing Mrs. Lillian Brooks. ( t>f Highlandtown, Md. a bride of £ four weeks, Henry Miller, a stonecut- j Ler, place..' the revolver to his right 1 temple and killed himself almost in- i stantly shortly after noon yester- j j day. Mrs. Brooks was shot in the c back and side.The double tragedy oe-1 [ curred in the kitchen of Mrs. Brooks'!,'1 home. Charles W. Brooks, the hus- i 1 band of the rrurdere; woman, believes < the motive was jealousy. Until a short time ago, Mrs. Brooks, who was 28 years old. was a widow, and w- I housekeeping for Miller. Four weeks i ago she was married, and since that i time Miller had not seen her. ] p Several divorce proceedings have I < A ^ ! i>e<?n abolished in tfte Lns;rct 01 lu-|i Iu.t bU courts, by a revision of ml as vchieh will proirid/* th&t *11 divorce ] cassa and proceeding's for annulments i <*f wamgeg stall be heav.d in op«n court -and that witnesses shall ex- amined yublicljr. i ALEXANDRIA, V.' OUT IN NORFOLK; Political Waters in City by The Sea Are , Troubled. A TALK OF CONTESTS. i Gorman May Win by Thirty-Four Votes.Judges Failed to Tabulate Hot urns. Norfolk, Ya., Nov. 7..Three pre* ;incts. two of them returning major-! it:es for Citizens' party candidates in Tuesday's election, have been thrown! >ut. They are the Fourth, Twelfth,1 and Fifteenth. Failure of the judges! to tabulate the returns and the use' >f only one poll hook are the reas- ans alleged for throwing out the pre-j rinets. ! The election 'commissioners have summoned the judges of the precincts >o appeaj- be for ethem when the mat- j er will he given a thorough hearing.; If the action is sustained. E "ward J. j jorman, defeated can idate for city collector, will be elected by a major-! ty of .'54, and \Y. S. Benstein, organi-!( :ation candidate for the legislature,1 lefaated on the face of the returns, vill win over W. P. Cousins. The Citizens' par.v managers arc i till talking oi contesting: me eiecimn »f .fames V. Trehy, who has a ma-j or'ty of 2 00 over R. W. Peatrnss for| c-election as clerk of the (,'orpoi rtioni onrt. The most conservative follow- J . . 1 is of the Citizens party and the1 icwspapers do not think the contestj vill materialize. The election just j lassed is considered hy both si.'es to j ave been one >>f the fairest ever held ( n the city. : n , rr.U'NTOX VOTE ON SALOONS.j . IJ 'et it ions For Local Option Election Being Circulated. , i i Staunton. Va., Nov. 7..A meeting j | f citizens held Wednesday night de- idc!. to petition for a local option j , lection to be held in December. It is ;i aid they were influence:"! largely by j} he fact that the liquor men eombin- d with the 'wet" Republicans under! he leadership oi Uiiuea states .uur- ha'l R. A. Fulwiler an.I attempted j unsuccessful to defeat the Demo- j ratic candidates Grasty and Taylor, or the House of delegates who are | omniirteil to State Wide Prohibition. | fhe course has causeJ resentment, imong the "drys". It is expected; hat enough names will be secured j o present the petition on Saturday. ! iftnmton was "dry," and two years igo license was vott'.i back. Petitions cere put in circulation early this!' norning. |' o | KINDS FIANCEE A DIVORCEE., j i 'ather <»f Youth Consents to and Then Halts Wedding. I.ynchburg. Va.. Nov. 7..J. R. ^ Leasler. of Memphis, Tcnn., father j >f Irvin Keasier, who left Randolph-'1 Iacon Academy, Monday, coming iere to wed Miss Mabel Fallow, who loped from Memphis, reached here j ester jay, and, after a com ere nee j vith the son, reluctantly consented' o the marriage The trio repaired to the clerk's >flice to procure the necessary license md there it developed that the prosjective bride is a divorcee and the no'her of a child, the infant now beng in custody of her sister in Ment)his. The marriajre was attain halt d and a telejrram was sent to Mem)his for lejral evidences of the divorce of the vounjr woman. Pending Tie arrival of this document the prin-1 ;ipals will remain here after which | rev will be married. o HELP WANTED.Young ladies .vanted to work on athletic under,vear in a sewinjr room to he estabished in Alexandria. Apply at the J - » i r r> j rooms of tne Lnamoer ox v oinuiervc,j jorner Kinfr and Washington streets,] ?n Tuesdays. Wednesdays and rhuradavs of this week, between the .T°urv of 9 anil I o'clock in tit* iUy ind 2 ami 5 o'clock in the afternoon, For < he very byst oysters served in all styles i»o to Rammel's (rtfe * i I [RGINIA, > FRIDAY, XOVEMBEf SKIPPED BOARD BILLS. j Jail Birds Alleged to Have Defrauded . Fredericksburg Jiotel^ The two men who were sent to jail j for thirty lays by Justice Caton in; the Police Court vest onlay for do-j fraudiiiR the Hotel Rammel out of a! board bill left Fredericksburg with-i out reckoning with their host. They j put up at the Hotel Frederick while| in that place, where they Rave their names as Walter Kevser and William} Cumniinjrs. of Chicago. After diss- poshiR of rirrps in Fredericksburg they took French leave. The maximum nenalty for defraud-) in? a hotel or bosmlinjr house is three months in jail and a fine of fifty dol- j Iurs. Occasionally victims of di.sho.n-i est Ruests appear at the station house' and prefer charRes riipljfast del in- j quenr ooaruers, mosi i>i mmm, m»wj ever, manage to leave the city before' the police can inteix*ept them. It would be well for such to know thatjj they can be heavily fined and madej, to .serve ninety days on the roads for:, cheating landladies or 1 indlbrds. , o , ACCIDENT TO LITTLE HOY. . '' Collides With Wagon While Coasting At Rosemont. I, I* . 1 Robert, the little son of Robert', L. Payne, was painfully injured while.; at play a Rosemont yesterday. The , little bov was coasting and came down!. t an incline on his wagon into the road; colliding with a passing milk wagon. 1 His head was cu. and he received | sther injuries. , o ;, STRANGLES IN DIZZY SPELL. ; fair I Preparing to Attend Dance Vic-; j tint of Odd Accident at Dish- Washing. I . !l Sharon, Pa.. Nov. 7..-Seized with a j li/.zy spell while washing; dishes. An- ( no. 14-year-old daughoi of I'eter:t Bruce, wealthy resident of Hickory jj township, east of Farrell. fell and; strangled to death when Jho- head slipicd through the loop of u harness re-;'' lairing strap that was hanging on the'" vail. - <$ j Bruce is the proprietor of a dairy. mil Mrs Bruce was in the barn over- . teeing1 the handling of the milk when he accident occur re... When she re- .urne'.i to the kitchen she discovered ler daughter was dead. ; Miss Bruce was preparing to at -j' end a dance in Farrell and, to get he chores finished in time for an early 'l -tart she told her mother to handle' ^ he milk and she would wash the! 'ishes. The srirl had been subject :o su den attacks of dizziness and ' frequently bad fallen in a faint. SETBACK TO ANNEXATION. '! Richmond Board of Aldermen Reject ' [Man by Vote of to Richmond,, Va.. Nov. 7.. The 1 Heard of Aldermen, with a quorum of deven members in attendance, refus" ;d last niirht to concur in ;he annexition ordinance. The measure mustired s'x affirmative votes, while live! members voted against it. Eight rotes were required for passage, and \ jn the face of City Clerk August's;1 record the annexation ordinance j stands defeated. Koto re I'res'nent hmi> <uiiiuunv.cvi. 1 the result Alderman Powers secured I 1 permission to change his vote from aye to no, and served notice that he will at the meeting of the Board on| Tuesday nijrht ask for a ceconsidera- j lion of the vote by which the ordin-1 ance was defeated. Only o'g'ht votes are required for a reconsiders- j j tion the measure will -be brought up ajrain next week and passed . 1 o i, PASS BAR EXAMINATION. j | Sixty-Eight Applicants Faced Board. Rul Many Failed to del j, Through. Richmond, Va.. N'ov. 7..Thirty-one of the sixv-eight applicants passed j the State bar examination yesterday, j, The State Board of Examiners of ap- ; plicants for admission to the bar. J which has been in session for the past j ^ two days, will hold a further meeting; today, hut no fur.hec examination papers will be considered until the spring examination next June. . j NOTICE. j: A stated convocation of Mt Var- non Royal Arch Chapter. No. 14. will he held in nhe Tabernacle Friday waning:, Xwember 7th, lfll". at 7:30 o'clock. Work.E. & R.. & M- EA. G. U TILER. S^TMar-y, i-3t! I 7, F1PM (IFNFIMI 1 I I 1 v I I > VI «B «i STRIKE TODAYj Armed Troops Ready to f Place Indianapolis Under Martial Law. TO QUELL RIOTING. I . I Labor Leaders Endeavoring to Brinsi1 About Sympathetic Strike.Arbi- (ration Distant. I Indianapolis, Nov? 7..The city oft Indianapolis today faces a jreneraJ j t.SL-.. .,|1 tlin Iini/.n mmi in the mil* nicipality in sympathy with the* iniustrial war yf the street ear em-i . ! loyes i Arbitration seems to lie impossible 11 the immediate future, while the "eclaration of martial law is expected , it any time. I Two thous'ind militiamen, resting ,j >n their arms in the State house and n the armories, are neatly for strike luty and martial law. shou'd the lat- ;.st move for arbitration of the car lien's demand for higher wages f:ii1.11 And f:ii! it must, according* to labor coders, because they consider Tracion President Robert To.Id's terms he most remarkable ever submitted , 11 a simliar strike. All outside strike leaders, including f. .1. Thorpe, of Pittsburgh. and other, idioms of the international union.; oust leave Indiana at once, and the otnl union be disbanded. the com- ( la.iv proposes. Employes will be aken back on the old terms for|i hirty days at th( nui ot wnicn per-ori the company will listen t<> ea-h nan's grievance and, failing; "f an -j .v -t, the i-or?t">vvsy 'hall !> > ubmiited to the State public service ommission. The strkers are to reply formallyi) thj? proposal today, and, while recction reported likely, a counter, >ro|K»snl may be made Gentral labor union officials in ex-; fcutive session this morning- were: onsidering- insistent demands for aj rer.cral strike in svmparhy with the! ar men. ' Governor Samuel M. Ralston is de-! avinjr ordering the troops out on' :Lrike duty, also his declaration of nartial law, hoping that arbitration! nay finally l>e agree upon. The onipany believes it. holds the whip; lard, ttow that troops are here. N'nt ittcmpt to operate cars was made, arly today. Tt has been six full; lays since a car wheel moved in this! it y. ; TU PYTY NUI.KS IX AIR. v Weather Bureau Balloon Breaks All Records Willi lnsl rumnf*. Los Aiifreles. (*al., Nov. 7..As a result of extensive experiments conJucteil with balloon-carried moteoroot'ical instruments on ('attlina Is- j land last summer, the. Uovernmentj Weather Bureau here announces all' records for upper air research havcj jene broken The L'O balloons sent up, -onie of which reached height of 20.2 f rriles revealed that air strata yov-j frnintr the weather conditions is i ibout three miles thick and that, aftor! m i.levation of 11 miles is reached temperature is nearly norma!, ten:-: ing slightly to warmer The lowest' temperature recorded was 87 helow /.ero at 1"> miles, and 48 at 20 miles j on several of the instruments. The j relative humidity ranged beween f>;1 and HO per cent., beginning at an ele-j ration of seven miles. The soundings made* were unique, j Twenty rubber balloons, each equip-j ped witfi instruments were liberated j' and arose mttil they burst,the highest! elevation recorder! being 20.3 miles.; Of the 20 balloons liberated 13 have been found. ;.l NOTICE. |i Notice to State Taxpayers. f am now prepared to rcceu » (he State taxes for the year 1013. The' attention of taxpayers i.- respectfully called to the importance of paying 'hej samr, prior to Pecwrber 1. 1013. asj. on that date a pen a Its- will be yidcdji to all unpaid bills, and their collection !; enforced by law. ji THOMAS W. ROBINSON. Room 2 City Hall. City Trees. t o «j to Dec. 1. I / / / LOCAL BREVITIES. I ' I .Til aoanuoiieu auwuinujir v»u> ui--1 covered in Queen strevt between Co-J lumbus unci Alfred his morning. The! machine was left there yesterday. I j is 11 live-passenger touring car with J yellow IkmIv, arfi bears :he District ofl Columbia license number ly.Tl l. The funeral of Charles W. N'owlaiul. | who killed himself yesterday morn-! ing by a sho> from a revolver, will be held tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock from his late residence, South Fairfax street. Services will j be conduc.e*i by Kev. (I. A. I.uttrell.l and inter.rent tvjll be in Trinity Moth-J o ist cemetery. Funeral services for Walter Mad-J dux. who died on Tuesday, were held i this afternoon at '! o'clock from his j residence near llromiJaw. They were j conducted by Kev. H. J. Kelly ami in-! terment was in St. .Mary's cemetery, j terv. j I ; Robert Hales, who had escaped I ! from the District of Columbia work- j t house* at (>eeoi|u:in. and who had been'' irre.-tod by Deputy Marshal Sehoeni. j was brought before Comnii.-sioiiet j *. Liarnett this morning. He was re- j leased upon bond for a future hear-1 Tip'. j I Muse Motile, of Alexandria, holds the'; oral rePord for game barred the tirst [ v lay of the hunting season in this vi t inity. In all he killed twenty-six; rabbits J'or his day's work.- Manas-j -as .lourna!. i LIRCllT COL'KT roK TIM'. CITY.) a It: the I'iivul Court for the <*ity. fudge J. 15. T. Thornton. *n the ease j if \V A. S'moot A Co. vs. t h«*: y Emerson Engine Company et ai. a1 leeree was entered overruling1 the! xceptiOns to tin- report I.<»ui* N.J Dtifl'ey. special commissioner. andj. list .ininy the same. ! , \'irl"r T. Emerson vs. the Emerson! Engine Company. <ore<- referrintr j. :wi-e i » i.oij'.- N. Djif. i. (m \.'i j ommissiivntT for report. Court a<ljoiu-ne<J nnti! next Thurs-j (] ' 5*. __ | e DEATH OF .MRS. SAUAH I!. WIS. !. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Pavis, fears old died ear!v ve>tenlav tnoi iiinir at her home in l-Vrfax eouti-j , If .. Scminarv. Her funeral will take}, I " place tomorrow afternoon a, o'clock from her residence and inter- I , nient will he made in Bethel ceme- terv. j ARC I.Hi IIT IN WKST KM). ! The authorities of Fairfax county; ( have placed three l'.Oiiii candle power | vie lights on Duke s'rect extended lie- i vrnd t he city limit< of Alexandria j mm ronciiur at the >.1nne hrnlye ami | extending: to M:illeni;ei-tor- They j were lighted for the liist time Inj ni'jht I' i- e\pectei| that oilier Jtyhte!, (, wili !>» added in the ne r fu.'iirc. < ur-j I'er.t is furnished I»v the Alevan'riai County r.ijrhtincr Company. | ? Sl'lTS FOR IHVltltl'K. f In the Corporation Court yesterday j; suits for jvorcf wen* fii» »I by ILan-l 11 ih K. Hall Creegan against her hus-l, hand. William J. < 'reegan and Cei-tie, I,. Wean Carroll, against her husband. t ... I Charles K. Carroll. Desertion is giv- i en a- 'he reason in each ease. Both 11 pl'iniliffs are represented by Attor- ney liohinson Moneure REPUDIATES CONFESSION. J i Barr Denies lie Admitted Killingjc Miss Florence Brown. Dallas, Tex.. Nov. 7..Mon/V Barr,I the Indiana convict charged jvith tin-! murder of Miss Florence Brown here.» when permitted to talk to local news- i; paper men for the first time, denied!| lie has at any time confessed to the]', killing. Ttari's statement did not :au>e much surprise. It was not the I first time he hail repudiated a Flo-li ence Brown confession, and hi.->t' story of the murder, as ma e public1.' lure several days ago, created a j ...1 . ,.,|f. r wac.sjirr;uj nn i.- n.- ness. ft is positively known, h<wwi', that he fii«"f eon,'V-- In-fore :i Dallas jrr»rr: jnry# , ;' f)J j* SPECIAL VOTTCE. f A dividend of three dollar? per share will he paid to 'he .sfofkiiflders j of th« Alexandria Water f^mjiany on f and afte;- Saturday. Nov. I". lf'L'..,p Cheeks *''"11 l>r mailed stockholders. < .!' Bv nnldr of Hie Board of Directors', h GEO. UHtER. | :i N'.iv. <1 ] Or. S*ey & Tress. , t. / ^MMnnnanBflHBnlGMBflai X WEATHTR Hi'PORl Fr.;j r.nn \rr.rr.t\ rcr.ighr Hitrh i:«11- -r ] 2a. '.Tu, and o. m. _____ ^ # % b yRICE 2 CgNTS MURPHY 10 FIGHT FAR! FlMSHIP i u 11 Lk.nu kiivii ii Old Enemies Actively at Work to Depose Him As Head. TWO DISTINCT PLANS. Mili-lu ll. Now ly-KU'i-led Mayor. Will NHi I'm* His OHi 1*0 tor Political Purposes. New Vi»rk, Nov. 7..t'harlea F. Murphy has abandoned hi- policy of alkitijr. Ho lias tol lii^ persona! 'rier.ds that from now <>a ho will ".-.it ijrl.. ami w:itrh tho drift.' Ho is i«'t yoiii"- to take a vacation ami ho is hinkinji- seriously of abundoiiinsf his i'jai ers in Dolnionieo's ami ostahlish riji- himself in Tammany Hall. .M.irphy does not intend i.w retire, ie know tint Maurice Feat hers tone, lames .1. Martin, John <S' eehut) irai others of hi.- old enemies- are a' vorjc in an effort to drive nun iroin he h rship. ami he is pianniojr to Hill'! t!li> opposlt oil. lie holds hat Thomas I-'. l-'njex, of lie Second District. ami Tlmvas Me Vvi»v, of the Twviity-f h'nl. with the li 'if John Mc('o«>ey, of Hrooklvti. tore responsible for Me'"all's nominaion. ami xhoy named Abram 1 IClku*. or .Associate -Iu«l>r<» of the Court Appeals ami other cair'Mates, who et.t down o defeat. Meanwhile two distinct plans are inder i.liseu-sio:; to force Muiphv"> rcireinent. The first plan came from v?ihin Tammany Hail, ami was fosl re i»y yonnevr men in he oijraniy.a b.n. It contemplates 'he elimination !'iio' oliiy ;VjtT'rf»hy.oi;i of .he .'strict eailets wlio have supported liim and li.s policies. The other plan is for tin* -va ilishineiil of a rival ! Mm. i ratio d/tatioii ir. evii y assembly '-i i:: ilw oily. One of the leading mlepemionis who favors the si-hem ? !eelared todav that wi h the Federal latnuiagr to be distributed by I >u«iIcy Field Muloiie. who he expects t«> 0 appointed eollector of the port of if.'V York.and the power executed by I; : !' cleet .Mitchell :tJ <"i y IIj.*l. 'an,many will simply be wiped off he political n ap. M.it. while there is it definite ir licit! on loo to depose John H. Meooey, as iea or in JJiookiyn. Michael !. Ihitlcr. leader «if tin- Tent It L>;>1 'cr. is mentioned as Me< "Oey V sitcessnr. TKMIi|\S M AIM) .1 \ IK. .' tizens of Somerset, hy.. Stop Moh Kill \*k tiovernor For Help. Frankfort. Kv., Nov. 7. Stain roops were mile I out hy Governor dc< deary guard the jtiii at Sonirse . Kv.. yesterday and prevent th.» ynchiiitr of f»»b Garrett, a negro, harped wi h assault Oil a white worm n. I'urint; the i»itiht. a mob -urroundvt ho jail ami threatened to break th«i loots. Citizen- who pacific! the :no > lol'iir tin- jroverrior that til*- mo) pir t wa- irn.winy >frnnwtr and thai I ivy could not stop the mob atrain. j)i:i I;.\T rfiiZK i ICHTIV.. alil'ornia Hill Prohibit . Training Quarters and B«»\in«j .Watches. Venice ' a!., Nov. .Women vu"h ;\v administered a Knockout to ill branches of prize li-_;*hJ in~ in W1 ire. which for vear>" has been a fa orjtc training- .'ltd boxir.tr site. The figrh for a bill prohibiting I'itlClll^ J M i I I I" J .Ill' .............. va- led by the Rev. B. P. J.ce of hrist Kpi.-cnpaJ Church. Los Anjje< -. h»c| « ;* !he !»!>(' votes <-a-t tho-e >1* thi- women decided the issue by a Majority of !'S. .Jain"s W. Sampson, the painter, if! late yesterday afternoon in Casuihy He-pita!. Washington, from bihloride of mercury poisoning. DliATIf NOTICE. MKI'- November at 1 :Ii" o'clock . m.. niARI.ES w. N?OWLAXI\ "urieraJ from his home. -J2'-; .south ' airfaj- street .Saturday afternoon at o'clock p. in. Friends invited to end.
Page 1: POLICE RUDELY i (IFNFIMI 1 10 FIGHT DISTURB DREAMS; …igo license was vott'.i back. Petitions cere put in circulation early this!' norning. |' o | KINDS FIANCEE A DIVORCEE., j i 'ather

- -




Oldest Daily Newspaper, in America.



DISTURB DREAMS;Would-be Jack Harkaways

Taken in Custody ThisMorning.

* .


Left Homo For Wild Western Scenes. Had One Bicycle.Parents Come

.And Take Boys.

Visions of a trip through the Sunny ,:Souih to Mexico, service in the Con-<i ifi»tirin!iTic+ sirmv ilnHpr fldrioval Pnv.

ran/.a,promotions from water boys to j!chief of scouts of the rebel army, a

seat in .'he Me>' *' '

isenoritas withdashing charroshull flights, chi)aguardiente, whlocke..' in the brin"ton lads, w

this mom ing Ivlice force, whoyoungsters, hallin ihe open andcell in police stfrom their pareA night on t

aiulria and an hour in a well ventnat.ii l a. xl j.1 A..<-il ceil seemed worse to mem man uie

lire punishment of President Hucrta, I*w ho is longing to get his cruel talons j1on any American boys who dare to c

join the forces of the blood thirsty !rvebels. i *

The three boys w,ho belong to ex- ,c( client families in Washington ;ra ^

litrc-l Van Croft, 15 years ol.:, of 1872 '

/Monroe St. X. ty., Morris Johnson, *

(15 years old, of 1462 Oak street, N. !"W., and Raymond Hall of 1822 Park 11

T'flad N. W. For some time ".heyliave K*en planning to leave home for |cthe wilds of Mexico, and yesterday 1

afternoon at six o'clock stalled on r

their long trip. Hall had a bicycle,^'and the three lads took turns about *

ri ng on the wheel. Ii required over 111fiwo hours to make the trip to Alex-' ^

andr'a over the roads and arriving *I

here the boys went to the Uniontuition where they expected to se-


cure passage on a fast mail train un- Jril they were put off. They were

unsuccessful in this as ithey were not!:familiar with the tricks of the ol) j1traveler ::nd were not permitted to!'hoard a train. At twelve o'clock .hey 'c

gave up the idea of going South andwent to the small shed of the Wash- ]1inglon-Virginia Railway Company !

where they spent the night.This morning, sore, tired, cold and j1

hungry they started out no sell the j'bicycle so ".hat they could get some i1breakfast. Approaching a coloredboy they offered to sell the wheel jfor .>1.75. He agreed to take it pr< ;vided he woul be permitted to carry

f1-... «n<"l |tlilt" UKHIt VV» jsvttxt. ovuviv.. *...~ .

find out if it had been stolen. When ^

he brought the machine there orders ,fwere sent out to find the boys and (1they were soon in custody. The ' *

Washington authorities were notified, i

The boys seemed very repententwhile in the cell and declared that if '

they ever «rot back home they would *

never leave a,train. ;'The parents of the youths came'

here todav and took them to Washing-1tno.

"jlo j.


jFamilies of Hillsville Court \ictims j

Ask $10,000 Each.Wvtheville Va.. Nov. 7. . Judpe

* ^ 1- » IWalter R.Staples.oi noanoKe.came tu

Wythoville yesterday morning -o hear!,a motion by Attorney Francis]Cocke, of Roanoke, conjmittee for jSidna Allen, who is serving a 35- jyear term in the Virginia penitentiary jfor aiding in shooting up the Hills- jville court to quash the attachments!jby the administrators of Judge Mas-;sie. Sheriff Webb and Common- jwealth's Attorney Foster who are

each suing Sidna Allen for $10,000 f

damagesIf Judge Staples should quash the!

attachments the deeds of trusts givenby Sidna Allen to his attorneys will'Nuke precedence If he sustains the'attachments which are against all of jMien's raal estate and personal prop-1*r:y amounting to $30,000 or $40,GOO,*ho damage suits by adadmarra- itf of the david coin* offers m«D1

up Ibr trial ml- Jfcair meetts, i

| d -*


v'i' -K- i.-


John G. Ford, the negro who wascrrestedWednesday nignt, chargedwith assaulting AILss Edith Howson,12-Jl Massachusetts avenue, soutn-A.Mr. l. !.4...Jtrusi, vv asiiinjfton, was cvuvicteu hi;

police court yesterday, and sentencedby Judge Pugh to serve six months in Jjail. Miss Howson testified- she was

returning: to her home about 10,o'clock, when the negro confronted!her, and seized her arm. She wrenched her arm from his grasp, but was

unable to reach her home, she said,because the negro was between herand the door^ Ford admitted that he;had been in front of the house at thetime of the assault, but denied that'he caught Miss Howson by the arm.!

Three men were killed and four in- jjured yesterday in a collision of two

freight trains on the Lake trie, aj-i

liance, and Wheeling: Railway at

Beech Church, near Alliance, Ohio.}A misunderstanding* of order* was j1given as the cause of the accident

Three bishops of the Protestant j1opal Church and an official* of1'f the church boards are patients jLuke's Hospital in New York, i'

ante known yesterday. The pa-;'are Bishop Henry D. Robinson.!'vada; Bishop Junius H. Homer,!heviHe, N. C; Bishop Robert'6ge, of North Carolina, end the!cHugh L. Burleson, assistant,'

ary of the botfjv of missions. ^

bishops were taken ill (hiring;'ecent gene nil convention of the:1h, !>

i1.Miss Zelie Emerson, the American!1

aiffragist, who has allied herself with!he British miitants, was under the!are of a member of the home office jnedicul staff in London yesterday as

he result of a beating which she re-;"icived at the hands of the police!1iVednesday nig*ht during a riot at 4

low Baths, in the East End. Miss!6Cmerson led u squaO of militants] '

ijrainst the- police who were trying to; x

irrest Syivia Papkhurst. and in the'ig-hting; many were bruised. How-j1ver, before the meeting: was broken 1

ip, Miss Pankh 11 est 'presented the ioundation plans for the formation of!ui army to fight for woman suffrageJvrms to be purchased and the troops j *

le to be drilled by Capt. Francis;fane, a Boer war veteran. Part of'he lecture money secured in the!Jnite.1 States by Mrs. Pankhurst will;0ie used to pav the soldiers.

lej c;

Alice and Carl Jacobson, brother;ind sister, of Ixmdon. Ontario, lost to!ach other soince childhood,yesteiCay ^earned their irue relationship after!c courtship which was about to re-;

;ulc 'n marriage. The voung womani *c

n writing: to her parents inclosed a ,

)icture of Carl and told of her en-'

.u. i cragenent. ine parents were oj me. ^>pinion that it was the long lost son.. |tnd an investigation revealed the fact!"hat the engaged couple were brother jind sister.

< :i

The ringleaders of the abor-.ive plot recently discovered against ,


* 1

he reigning Ameer of Afghanistan.;labibullah Kaahn, were executed yes-;erdav at Kabul, the Afghanistan cap- ial. The conspirators were blown I j.rom the mouths of cannons.

Kept alive for days by her intense |merest in the campaign of her hus-! j.gt nd. who was running for re-elec-1 t

ion as mayor of Ynukers, New Yrlt, j jMrs. James T. Lennon died today, j yMr.<l.ennon prayed daily for her hus- t

>an. s election, and so great was her jjov in his victory that her heart fail- x

?d under the strain. ! t

After killing Mrs. Lillian Brooks. (

t>f Highlandtown, Md. a bride of £

four weeks, Henry Miller, a stonecut- jLer, place..' the revolver to his right 1

temple and killed himself almost in- i

stantly shortly after noon yester- j j

day. Mrs. Brooks was shot in the c

back and side.The double tragedy oe-1 [curred in the kitchen of Mrs. Brooks'!,'1home. Charles W. Brooks, the hus- i 1

band of the rrurdere; woman, believes <

the motive was jealousy. Until a

short time ago, Mrs. Brooks, who was

28 years old. was a widow, and w- I

housekeeping for Miller. Four weeks i

ago she was married, and since that i

time Miller had not seen her. ]

pSeveral divorce proceedings have I <

A ^ !i>e<?n abolished in tfte Lns;rct 01 lu-|i

Iu.t bU courts, by a revision of mlas

vchieh will proirid/* th&t *11 divorce ]cassa and proceeding's for annulments i

<*f wamgeg stall be heav.d in op«ncourt -and that witnesses shall b« ex-

amined yublicljr. i


OUT IN NORFOLK;Political Waters in City by

The Sea Are



iGorman May Win by Thirty-FourVotes.Judges Failed to TabulateHot urns.

Norfolk, Ya., Nov. 7..Three pre*;incts. two of them returning major-!it:es for Citizens' party candidates inTuesday's election, have been thrown!>ut. They are the Fourth, Twelfth,1and Fifteenth. Failure of the judges!to tabulate the returns and the use'>f only one poll hook are the reas-

ans alleged for throwing out the pre-jrinets. !The election 'commissioners have

summoned the judges of the precincts>o appeaj- be for ethem when the mat- jer will he given a thorough hearing.;If the action is sustained. E "ward J. jjorman, defeated can idate for citycollector, will be elected by a major-!ty of .'54, and \Y. S. Benstein, organi-!(:ation candidate for the legislature,1lefaated on the face of the returns,vill win over W. P. Cousins.The Citizens' par.v managers arc i

till talking oi contesting: me eiecimn

»f .fames V. Trehy, who has a ma-jor'ty of 2 00 over R. W. Peatrnss for|c-election as clerk of the (,'orpoi rtionionrt. The most conservative follow- J

. .1

is of the Citizens party and the1icwspapers do not think the contestjvill materialize. The election just j

lassed is considered hy both si.'es to jave been one >>f the fairest ever held (n the city. :


. IJ'et it ions For Local Option Election

Being Circulated. ,i

iStaunton. Va., Nov. 7..A meeting j |

f citizens held Wednesday night de-idc!. to petition for a local option j ,lection to be held in December. It is ;iaid they were influence:"! largely by j}he fact that the liquor men eombin-d with the 'wet" Republicans under!he leadership oi Uiiuea states .uur-

ha'l R. A. Fulwiler an.I attempted junsuccessful to defeat the Demo- jratic candidates Grasty and Taylor,or the House of delegates who are |omniirteil to State Wide Prohibition. |fhe course has causeJ resentment,imong the "drys". It is expected;hat enough names will be secured jo present the petition on Saturday. !iftnmton was "dry," and two yearsigo license was vott'.i back. Petitionscere put in circulation early this!'norning. |'



'ather <»f Youth Consents to and ThenHalts Wedding.

I.ynchburg. Va.. Nov. 7..J. R. ^Leasler. of Memphis, Tcnn., father j>f Irvin Keasier, who left Randolph-'1Iacon Academy, Monday, comingiere to wed Miss Mabel Fallow, who

loped from Memphis, reached here jesterjay, and, after a com ere nee jvith the son, reluctantly consented'o the marriageThe trio repaired to the clerk's

>flice to procure the necessary licensemd there it developed that the prosjectivebride is a divorcee and the

no'her of a child, the infant now bengin custody of her sister in Ment)his.The marriajre was attain halt

dand a telejrram was sent to Mem)hisfor lejral evidences of the divorceof the vounjr woman. PendingTie arrival of this document the prin-1;ipals will remain here after which |rev will be married.


HELP WANTED.Young ladies.vanted to work on athletic under,vearin a sewinjr room to he estabishedin Alexandria. Apply at the J

- » i r r> jrooms of tne Lnamoer ox v oinuiervc,j

jorner Kinfr and Washington streets,]?n Tuesdays. Wednesdays andrhuradavs of this week, between the .T°urvof 9 anil I o'clock in tit* iUyind 2 ami 5 o'clock in the afternoon,

For < he very byst oysters served in all

styles i»o to Rammel's (rtfe




Jail Birds Alleged to Have Defrauded.

Fredericksburg Jiotel^

The two men who were sent to jail jfor thirty lays by Justice Caton in;the Police Court vestonlay for do-jfraudiiiR the Hotel Rammel out of a!board bill left Fredericksburg with-iout reckoning with their host. They jput up at the Hotel Frederick while|in that place, where they Rave theirnames as Walter Kevser and William}Cumniinjrs. of Chicago. After diss-poshiR of rirrps in Fredericksburgthey took French leave.The maximum nenalty for defraud-)

in? a hotel or bosmlinjr house is threemonths in jail and a fine of fifty dol- jIurs. Occasionally victims of di.sho.n-iest Ruests appear at the station house'and prefer charRes riipljfast del in- jquenr ooaruers, mosi i>i mmm, m»wjever, manage to leave the city before'the police can inteix*ept them. Itwould be well for such to know thatjjthey can be heavily fined and madej,to .serve ninety days on the roads for:,cheating landladies or 1 indlbrds. ,


. ''Collides With Wagon While Coasting

At Rosemont. I,I*

. 1Robert, the little son of Robert',

L. Payne, was painfully injured while.;at play a Rosemont yesterday. The ,

little bov was coasting and came down!.t

an incline on his wagon into the road;colliding with a passing milk wagon. 1

His head was cu. and he received |sther injuries. ,


fair I Preparing to Attend Dance Vic-; jtint of Odd Accident at Dish-

Washing. I


Sharon, Pa.. Nov. 7..-Seized with a jli/.zy spell while washing; dishes. An- (no. 14-year-old daughoi of I'eter:tBruce, wealthy resident of Hickory jjtownship, east of Farrell. fell and;strangled to death when Jho- head slipicdthrough the loop of u harness re-;''lairing strap that was hanging on the'"vail. - <$ jBruce is the proprietor of a dairy.

mil Mrs Bruce was in the barn over- .

teeing1 the handling of the milk whenhe accident occurre... When she re-

.urne'.i to the kitchen she discoveredler daughter was dead. ;

Miss Bruce was preparing to at -j'end a dance in Farrell and, to gethe chores finished in time for an early 'l

-tart she told her mother to handle' ^he milk and she would wash the!'ishes. The srirl had been subject:o su den attacks of dizziness and '

frequently bad fallen in a faint.


Richmond Board of Aldermen Reject '

[Man by Vote of to

Richmond,, Va.. Nov. 7.. The 1

Heard of Aldermen, with a quorum ofdeven members in attendance, refus";d last niirht to concur in ;he annexitionordinance. The measure mustireds'x affirmative votes, while live!members voted against it. Eightrotes were required for passage, and \jn the face of City Clerk August's;1record the annexation ordinance jstands defeated.Kotore I'res'nent hmi> <uiiiuunv.cvi. 1

the result Alderman Powers secured I1

permission to change his vote fromaye to no, and served notice that hewill at the meeting of the Board on|Tuesday nijrht ask for a ceconsidera- jlion of the vote by which the ordin-1ance was defeated. Only o'g'htvotes are required for a reconsiders- j jtion the measure will -be brought up

ajrain next week and passed . 1o i,

PASS BAR EXAMINATION. j |Sixty-Eight Applicants Faced Board.

Rul Many Failed to del j,Through.

Richmond, Va.. N'ov. 7..Thirty-oneof the sixv-eight applicants passed jthe State bar examination yesterday, j,The State Board of Examiners of ap- ;

plicants for admission to the bar. Jwhich has been in session for the past j ^two days, will hold a further meeting;today, hut no fur.hec examinationpapers will be considered until the

spring examination next June.. j

NOTICE. j:A stated convocation of Mt Var-

non Royal Arch Chapter. No. 14.will he held in nhe Tabernacle Fridaywaning:, Xwember 7th, lfll". at

7:30 o'clock.Work.E. & R.. & M-EA.G. UTILER.

S^TMar-y, i-3t!

I 7,

F1PM (IFNFIMI 1I I 1 v I I > %« VI «B «i

STRIKE TODAYjArmed Troops Ready to fPlace Indianapolis Under

Martial Law.


. ILabor Leaders Endeavoring to Brinsi1

About Sympathetic Strike.Arbi-

(ration Distant.


Indianapolis, Nov? 7..The city oftIndianapolis today faces a jreneraJ jt.SL-.. .,|1 tlin Iini/.n mmi in the mil*

nicipality in sympathy with the* iniustrialwar yf the street ear em-i. !loyes i

Arbitration seems to lie impossible11 the immediate future, while the"eclaration of martial law is expected ,

it any time. ITwo thous'ind militiamen, resting ,j

>n their arms in the State house andn the armories, are neatly for strikeluty and martial law. shou'd the lat-;.st move for arbitration of the car

lien's demand for higher wages f:ii1.11And f:ii! it must, according* to laborcoders, because they consider TracionPresident Robert To.Id's terms

he most remarkable ever submitted ,

11 a simliar strike.All outside strike leaders, including

f. .1. Thorpe, of Pittsburgh. and other,idioms of the international union.;oust leave Indiana at once, and theotnl union be disbanded. the com- (

la.iv proposes. Employes will beaken back on the old terms for|ihirty days at th( nui ot wnicn per-orithe company will listen t<> ea-hnan's grievance and, failing; "f an -j

.v -t, the i-or?t">vvsy 'hall !> >

ubmiited to the State public serviceommission.The strkers are to reply formallyi)thj? proposal today, and, while recctioni» reported likely, a counter,

>ro|K»snl may be madeGentral labor union officials in ex-;

fcutive session this morning- were:

onsidering- insistent demands for ajrer.cral strike in svmparhy with the!ar men. '

Governor Samuel M. Ralston is de-!

avinjr ordering the troops out on'

:Lrike duty, also his declaration of

nartial law, hoping that arbitration!nay finally l>e agree upon. The

onipany believes it. holds the whip;lard, ttow that troops are here. N'ntittcmpt to operate cars was made,arly today. Tt has been six full;lays since a car wheel moved in this!it y. ;


Weather Bureau Balloon Breaks AllRecords Willi lnsl rumnf*.

Los Aiifreles. (*al., Nov. 7..As a

result of extensive experiments conJucteilwith balloon-carried moteoroot'icalinstruments on ('attlina Is- jland last summer, the. UovernmentjWeather Bureau here announces all'records for upper air research havcjjene broken The L'O balloons sent up,-onie of which reached height of 20.2 frriles revealed that air strata yov-jfrnintr the weather conditions is i

ibout three miles thick and that, aftor!m i.levation of 11 miles is reachedtemperature is nearly norma!, ten:-:

ing slightly to warmer The lowest'temperature recorded was 87 helow/.ero at 1"> miles, and 48 at 20 miles jon several of the instruments. The jrelative humidity ranged beween f>;1and HO per cent., beginning at an ele-jration of seven miles.The soundings made* were unique, j

Twenty rubber balloons, each equip-jped witfi instruments were liberated j'and arose mttil they burst,the highest!elevation recorder! being 20.3 miles.;Of the 20 balloons liberated 13 havebeen found. ;.l

NOTICE. |iNotice to State Taxpayers.

f am now prepared to rcceu » (heState taxes for the year 1013. The'attention of taxpayers i.- respectfullycalled to the importance of paying 'hejsamr, prior to Pecwrber 1. 1013. asj.on that date a pena Its- will be yidcdjito all unpaid bills, and their collection !;enforced by law. ji

THOMAS W. ROBINSON.Room 2 City Hall. City Trees.t o «j to Dec. 1.




.Til aoanuoiieu auwuinujir v»u> ui--1

covered in Queen strevt between Co-Jlumbus unci Alfred his morning. The!machine was left there yesterday. I jis 11 live-passenger touring car with Jyellow IkmIv, arfi bears :he District oflColumbia license number ly.Tl l.

The funeral of Charles W. N'owlaiul. |who killed himself yesterday morn-!ing by a sho> from a revolver, willbe held tomorrow afternoon at threeo'clock from his late residence,South Fairfax street. Services will jbe conduc.e*i by Kev. (I. A. I.uttrell.land inter.rent tvjll be in Trinity Moth-Jo ist cemetery.

Funeral services for Walter Mad-Jdux. who died on Tuesday, were held i

this afternoon at '! o'clock from his jresidence near llromiJaw. They were jconducted by Kev. H. J. Kelly ami in-!terment was in St. .Mary's cemetery, jterv. j

I ;

Robert Hales, who had escaped I !

from the District of Columbia work- j t

house* at (>eeoi|u:in. and who had been''irre.-tod by Deputy Marshal Sehoeni. jwas brought before Comnii.-sioiiet j *.

Liarnett this morning. He was re- jleased upon bond for a future hear-1Tip'. j I

Muse Motile, of Alexandria, holds the';oral rePord for game barred the tirst [ v

lay of the hunting season in this vi t

inity. In all he killed twenty-six;rabbits J'or his day's work.- Manas-j-as .lourna!. i


It: the I'iivul Court for the <*ity.fudge J. 15. T. Thornton. *n the ease jif \V A. S'moot A Co. vs. t h«*: yEmerson Engine Company et ai. a1

leeree was entered overruling1 the!xceptiOns to tin- report I.<»ui* N.JDtifl'ey. special commissioner. andj.list .ininy the same. ! ,

\'irl"r T. Emerson vs. the Emerson!Engine Company. <ore<- referrintr j.:wi-e i » i.oij'.- N. Djif. i. (m \.'i jommissiivntT for report.Court a<ljoiu-ne<J nnti! next Thurs-j (]

' 5*.__

| e

DEATH OF .MRS. SAUAH I!. !» WIS. !.Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Pavis,

fears old died ear!v ve>tenlavtnoi iiinir at her home in l-Vrfax eouti-j ,

If..Scminarv. Her funeral will take},I "

place tomorrow afternoon a,

o'clock from her residence and inter- I ,

nient will he made in Bethel ceme-

terv. jARC I.Hi IIT IN WKST KM). !The authorities of Fairfax county; (

have placed three l'.Oiiii candle power |vie lights on Duke s'rect extended lie- ivrnd t he city limit< of Alexandria jmm ronciiur at the >.1nne hrnlye ami |extending: to M:illeni;ei-tor- They jwere lighted for the liist time Injni'jht I' i- e\pectei| that oilier Jtyhte!,(,wili !>» added in the ne r fu.'iirc. < ur-jI'er.t is furnished I»v the Alevan'riaiCounty r.ijrhtincr Company. | ?

Sl'lTS FOR IHVltltl'K.f

In the Corporation Court yesterday j;suits for jvorcf wen* fii» »I by ILan-l

11 ih K. Hall Creegan against her hus-l,hand. William J. < 'reegan and Cei-tie,I,. Wean Carroll, against her husband. t

... ICharles K. Carroll. Desertion is giv- i

en a- 'he reason in each ease. Both11

pl'iniliffs are represented by Attor-

ney liohinson Moneure

REPUDIATES CONFESSION. JiBarr Denies lie Admitted Killingjc

Miss Florence Brown.Dallas, Tex.. Nov. 7..Mon/V Barr,I

the Indiana convict charged jvith tin-!murder of Miss Florence Brown here.»

when permitted to talk to local news- i;paper men for the first time, denied!|lie has at any time confessed to the]',killing. Ttari's statement did not

:au>e much surprise. It was not the I

first time he hail repudiated a Flo-lience Brown confession, and hi.->t'

story of the murder, as ma e public1.'lure several days ago, created a

j ...1 . ,.,|f. rwac.sjirr;uj nn i.- n.-

ness. ft is positively known, h<wwi',that he fii«"f eon,'V-- In-fore :i

Dallas jrr»rr: jnry# , ;'f)J j*


A dividend of three dollar? per

share will he paid to 'he .sfofkiiflders jof th« Alexandria Water f^mjiany on f

and afte;- Saturday. Nov. I". lf'L'..,pCheeks *''"11 l>r mailed stockholders. < .!'Bv nnldr of Hie Board of Directors', h

GEO. UHtER. | :i

N'.iv. <1 ] Or. S*ey & Tress. , t.




WEATHTR Hi'PORlFr.;j r.nn \rr.rr.t\ rcr.ighr

Hitrh i:«11- -r ]2a. '.Tu, ando. m.


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MURPHY 10 FIGHTFAR! FlMSHIPi u 11 Lk.nu kiivii ii

Old Enemies Actively at

Work to Depose HimAs Head.


Mili-lu ll. Now ly-KU'i-led Mayor. Will

NHi I'm* His OHi 1*0 tor Political


New Vi»rk, Nov. 7..t'harlea F.

Murphy has abandoned hi- policy ofalkitijr. Ho lias tol lii^ persona!'rier.ds that from now <>a ho will ".-.itijrl.. ami w:itrh tho drift.' Ho isi«'t yoiii"- to take a vacation ami ho is

hinkinji- seriously of abundoiiinsf hisi'jai ers in Dolnionieo's ami ostahlishriji- himself in Tammany Hall..M.irphy does not intend i.w retire,

ie know tint Maurice Feathers tone,lames .1. Martin, John <S' eehut)irai others of hi.- old enemies- are a'

vorjc in an effort to drive nun iroin

he h rship. ami he is pianniojr toHill'! t!li> opposlt oil.

lie holds hat Thomas I-'. l-'njex, oflie Second District. ami Tlmvas MeVvi»v, of the Twviity-f h'nl. with theli 'if John Mc('o«>ey, of Hrooklvti.tore responsible for Me'"all's nominaion.ami xhoy named Abram 1 IClku*.or .Associate -Iu«l>r<» of the CourtAppeals ami other cair'Mates, whoet.t down o defeat.Meanwhile two distinct plans are

inder i.liseu-sio:; to force Muiphv"> rcireinent.The first plan came fromv?ihin Tammany Hail, ami was foslre i»y yonnevr men in he oijraniy.ab.n. It contemplates 'he elimination!'iio' oliiy ;VjtT'rf»hy.oi;i of .he .'stricteailets wlio have supported liim andli.s policies. The other plan is for tin*-va ilishineiil of a rival ! Mm. i ratio

d/tatioii ir. evii y assembly i»

'-i i:: ilw oily. One of the leadingmlepemionis who favors the si-hem ?

!eelared todav that wi h the Federallatnuiagr to be distributed by I >u«iIcyField Muloiie. who he expects t«>

0 appointed eollector of the port of

if.'V York.and the power executed byI; : !' cleet .Mitchell :tJ <"i y IIj.*l.'an,many will simply be wiped offhe political n ap.M.it. while there is it definite ir

licit! on loo to depose John H. Meooey,as iea or in JJiookiyn. Michael!. Ihitlcr. leader «if tin- Tent It L>;>1'cr. is mentioned as Me< "Oey V sitcessnr.

TKMIi|\S M AIM) .1 \ IK.

.' tizens of Somerset, hy.. Stop MohKill \*k tiovernor For Help.Frankfort. Kv., Nov. 7. Stain

roops were mile I out hy Governordc< deary guard the jtiii at Sonirse. Kv.. yesterday and prevent th.»

ynchiiitr of f»»b Garrett, a negro,

harped wi h assault Oil a white wormn.

I'urint; the i»itiht. a mob -urroundvtho jail ami threatened to break th«iloots. Citizen- who pacific! the :no >

lol'iir tin- jroverrior that til*- mo)

pir t wa- irn.winy >frnnwtr and thaiIivy could not stop the mob atrain.

j)i:i I;.\T rfiiZK i ICHTIV..

alil'ornia Hill Prohibit . TrainingQuarters and B«»\in«j

.Watches.Venice ' a!., Nov. .Women vu"h;\v administered a Knockout to

ill branches of prize li-_;*hJ in~ in W1ire. which for vear>" has been a faorjtctraining- .'ltd boxir.tr site.The figrh for a bill prohibiting

I'itlClll^ J M i I I I" J .Ill' ..............

va- led by the Rev. B. P. J.ce ofhrist Kpi.-cnpaJ Church. Los Anjje< -.h»c| « ;* !he !»!>(' votes <-a-t tho-e

>1* thi- women decided the issue by a

Majority of !'S.

.Jain"s W. Sampson, the painter,if! late yesterday afternoon in CasuihyHe-pita!. Washington, from bihlorideof mercury poisoning.

DliATIf NOTICE.MKI'- November at 1 :Ii" o'clock. m.. niARI.ES w. N?OWLAXI\"urieraJ from his home. -J2'-; .south'airfaj- street .Saturday afternoon ato'clock p. in. Friends invited to

