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Standardisation Material Unit: HT7 Exploring Local Visitor Attractions BTEC Introductory Level 1


Standardisation MaterialUnit: HT7 Exploring LocalVisitor Attractions

BTEC Introductory

Level 1


Introduction and Instructions .........................................................................3

Assignment Brief ..............................................................................................5

Learner Work .................................................................................................17

Assessment Records ......................................................................................49

Unit Specification ...............................................................................................67

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 1

Introduction The unit that has been presented for verification is Unit HT7 Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

The Learners are Michelle Mallus, Anthony Pearson and Grant Dixon The Assessor is Dr F Atkinson The Internal Verifier is Mr Laurie Lee

Learner evidence presented includes a set of presentation slides and relevant written work.

There is also an Assignment Brief, the internal verification of the Assignment Brief, Assessment Record Forms and the internal verification of the assessment decisions.

Instructions The OSCA training has been designed into three discrete sections.

Section 1: Discussion based on the Assignment Brief.

Section 2: Discussion of the assessment decisions on the learners' work.

Section 3: Assessment Records

It is recommended (to encourage active participation and discussion) that the material is handed out in this order and not all at once.

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Section 1: Assignment Brief

Working within your programme team, look through the following assignment brief.

Discuss whether this is fit for purpose in terms of

• Structure• Key information• Scenario and context• Assessment activities• Timescales and other information• Internal Verification.

Consider the following questions:

Q 1 Does the Assignment Brief provide sufficient guidance to allow learners to achieve at all levels?

Points to consider when discussing and answering this question would include:

• Is all the key information present?• Is the Scenario appropriate for the learner?• Are the assessment activities appropriate?• Can all criteria be achieved?• Are all the criteria accurately recorded?• Is the language and layout accessible to learners at this level?

Q 2 Is the internal verification of the Assignment Brief effective?

Points to consider when discussing and answering this question would include:

• Are the Internal Verifier decisions of the AssignmentBrief accurate?

• Was this completed in a timely manner?• Was feedback to the Assessor constructive and supportive?

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BTEC Assignment Brief

Qualification BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Unit number and title Unit HT7: Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Learning aims A Find out information about local visitor attractions. B Present information about local attractions to meet particular visitor needs.

Assignment title Far From the Madding Crowd Assessor DR F Atkinson Issue date 01 March 2017 Hand in deadline 31 March 2017

Vocational Context

The Orchard family is a bit disorganised and has gone on holiday to Durham with very little planned. They have contacted the local Tourist Information Centre (TIC), where you are working as a Trainee Travel Consultant. They have asked you to provide information on specific local visitor attractions that meet the needs of their family of four – two adults, and two girls aged 5 and 11.

The family is interested in history, drama and adventure. In particular, the family wants to know about activities that will engage the elder daughter who likes lots of attention. You must give them details on how these needs are met at the local visitor attractions chosen.

Task 1

Collect information about local visitor attractions that might appeal to the Orchard family.

Keep a record of your sources.

Checklist of evidence required

Leaflets, websites, record of sources.

Learning Aims covered by this task: Learning Aim reference To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:

A.P1Select information about local visitor attractions from given sources that meet some of the particular visitor needs.

A.M1Select information about local visitor attractions from given sources that meet most of the particular visitor needs.

A.D1Search for and select information about local visitor attractions from own and given sources to meet the particular visitor needs.

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Task 2

Present the information you have found in a way that is:

• Relevant• Easy to understand and follow• Meets the needs of the family.

How you present it is up to you.Checklist of evidence required

Slideshow/ posters/ leaflets/ app

Learning Aims covered by this task: Learning Aim reference To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:

B.P2 Present information about local visitor attractions that meet some of the particular visitor needs.

B.M2 Present detailed information about local visitor attractions that meet most of the particular visitor needs.

B.D2 Present detailed and well-organised information about local visitor attractions that describes how they meet the particular visitor

Sources of information to support you with this Assignment

Information Sheet of suggested visitor attractions/ websites.

Other assessment materials attached to this Assignment Brief

None. Please refer back to your class notes.

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Information Sheet Tourism Attractions

You can use the travel guides and leaflets of local attractions in the classroom to get information.

In addition here are the website links for some suggestions of local attractions:

• Beamish – www.beamish.org.uk• Alnwick Gardens – https://alnwickgarden.com/• Baltic Centre For Art – http://www.balticmill.com/• Centre for Life – https://www.life.org.uk/• St James’ Park – https://www.nufc.co.uk/• Northumberlandia – http://www.northumberlandia.com/• Durham Cathedral – https://www.durhamcathedral.co.uk/• Bede’s World – https://www.jarrowhall.org.uk/• National Glass Centre – http://www.nationalglasscentre.com/• Adventure Valley – http://www.adventurevalley.co.uk/• Forbidden Corner – www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk• South Shields - www.visitsouthtyneside.co.uk/article/12601/where-to-stay

Keep a list!

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Internal Verification of Assignment Brief


Programme title BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism

Assessor Dr F Atkinson Internal Verifier

Laurie Lee

Unit Number and Name Unit HT7: Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Assignment title Far From the Madding Crowd

Assessment Criteria targeted by this Assignment Brief

A.P1, A.M1, A.D1, B.P2, B.M2, B.D2

Is this assignment an authorised assignment brief published by Pearson? If so, has it been amended by the Assessor in any way? Please give details.


INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Y/N Please give reasons for responses including evidence of judgements and good practice

Are the programme and unit details accurate? Y The assignment is fit for purpose and well-focused to give the learner the chance to do well under their own steam.

It is good that you have given them a different range of ways to present their information.

The information sheet is useful without being overly prescriptive.

Nice title!

Are clear deadlines for assessment given? Y

Is the time frame of an appropriate duration? Y

Is there a suitable vocational scenario or context?


Are the assessment criteria to be addressed stated accurately?


Does each task show which criteria are being addressed?


Do the tasks meet the assessment requirements of the unit/s?


Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate?


Is likely to generate evidence which is valid and sufficient?


Overall, is the Assignment fit for purpose?Yes


*If ‘No’ is recorded and the Internal Verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, theAssessor and the Internal Verifier should confirm that the action has been undertaken on Page 2.

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Action required: (If none then please state n/a)

Date to be Completed Completed


Assignment Brief Authorised for Use

Internal Verifier signature Laurie Lee Date 24/06/2016

Assessor signature Dr F Atkinson Date 24/06/2016

Lead Internal Verifier signature (if appropriate) Date

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 9

SSV Commentary for Section 1:Assignment Brief

Within the Assignment Brief all the key information is present as described in Section 1 of the ‘General guidance regarding BTEC Assignment Briefs’ after this commentary.

The scenario used here is based on the suggested scenario given within the specification and has been adapted by the centre to fit local needs.

The overarching task for Learning Aim A is to ‘collect information about local visitor attractions that might appeal to the Orchard family’, comprising 2 adults and 2 children. The core of the request is to ensure a range of needs is met, with options about how this could happen. A list of possible visitor attractions is provided for learners on an Information Sheet which the learners may use together with their own sources to select information to use for Learning Aim B.

The overarching task for Learning Aim B is to ‘present the information…in a way that is relevant, easy to understand and follow and that meets the needs of the family’. This addresses Learning Aim B fully.

The Assessor has given learners options on how to present this information which allows the learners to use a method that they feel most comfortable with.

There is sufficient scope within the Assignment Brief for learners at all levels to achieve and the language and layout is accessible for learners at Level 1.

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SSV Commentary for Section 1:Internal Verification of the Assignment Brief

The Assignment Brief has been internally verified and the Internal Verifier has completed the appropriate documentation correctly. Supportive comments have been made to the Assessor and the process has taken place in a timely manner.

It is important that Assignment Briefs are internally verified prior to being issued to learners to ensure these are fit for purpose and that any amendments required can be made in a timely manner so as not to disadvantage learners.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 11

General guidance regarding BTEC Assignment Briefs

1. BTEC Assignment Briefs must be structured using the following sections:• key information• vocational scenario or context for the assessed activities• tasks and their evidence requirements• all the targeted assessment criteria• any sources of information for learners

2. A BTEC Assignment Brief should contain the following key information:• Assessor name• hand out date• hand in date• the title of the programme• unit number and title• learning aim(s) covered.

3. The vocational scenario or context should engage the learner by beingrealistic and reflective of the scenarios that a learner who has completed thisqualification may find themselves in. It should also be reflective of currentindustry practice and locally relevant, where possible. The aim is for theAssessor to provide a motivational context for learners to work within. Thevocational context or scenario should flow throughout all the tasks in theAssignment Brief.

The tasks will fit into the scenario or context, be accessible to all learners and be challenging. They must enable suitable evidence to be generated that can be assessed against the targeted assessment criteria.

4. The Assessor should ensure that all tasks clearly meet the targetedassessment criteria. The structure of the tasks will always target an entirelearning aim. This enables any learner to achieve the best grade for them. It isnot acceptable to have tasks or sub-tasks that target, for example, Pass criteriaonly. All tasks must encourage the learner to challenge themselves and aim forthe highest level of achievement to ensure the assessment can meet nationalstandards.

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5. An Assignment Brief may target one or more learning aims acrossone or more units. Each task in the Assignment Brief will generateevidence for one or more whole learning aim.

The information accompanying the tasks must outline clearly for the learner the forms of evidence that will be required, for example slides, script and observation record or a written report. It should not specify word counts or otherwise quantify the evidence required.

For assignment tasks that require practical activities to be carried out, the use of observation records to support assessment should remain an invaluable part of the assessment process. However, it is important to ensure that the use of observation records is appropriate and does not replace learner-generated evidence. Observation records alone are not sufficient sources of learner evidence; they must be supported by original learner-generated evidence. Whilst witness statements can be completed by people such as work colleagues, observation records are completed by BTEC Assessors who have benefited from a standardisation meeting for the academic year based on these OSCA materials. It is important to ensure that an observation record(s) is used correctly to document achievement.

Remember: Care must be taken to ensure that the tasks enable learners to independently generate evidence that can be authenticated. This might be through giving each learner a different stimulus such as a data set or role to perform. Where this is not possible, it may be appropriate to supervise learners as they generate evidence.

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6. Timings need to allow learners to complete the activities beingassessed fully. To determine the time required, the Assessor will need toconsider the delivery timetable, access to any facilities the learner will need,holiday periods and so on. There should always be time available aftersummative assessment for the learner to resubmit once, if approved by theLead Internal Verifier (Lead IV).

The duration of an Assignment Brief is the approximate time that the assessed activities will take the learner to complete following the required guided learning.

Once an Assessor has completed an Assignment Brief, it should be internally verified before issue. Any changes to the Assignment Brief should be made by the Assessor and signed off by the Internal Verifier. Wherever possible, the Pearson templates should be used. If an Assessor chooses to use centre-devised documentation, they must ensure that all the required information is present.

The Assignment Checking Service (ACS) is available to centres. Any changes made to the Assignment Brief as a result of the feedback from the ACS this must be signed off locally by the Internal Verifier.

Link to the Assignment Checking Service: http://www.edexcel.com/btec/delivering-BTEC/Pages/AssignmentCheckingService.aspx

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Section 2: Learner Work You will now find three different learners’ work:

• Michelle Mallus• Anthony Pearson• Grant Dixon

The learner work was submitted at the assessment deadline. The Assessor has assessed the work and the Internal Verifier has internally verified the assessment.

Using the assessment criteria and essential information for tutors sections of the unit specification read though the learners’ work and discuss what overall grade you would award to each learner for this particular unit.

PLEASE NOTE that all the slides for the learner work presented here are screenshots of their original PowerPoint presentations.

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Learner Work


When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Learner name: Michelle Mallus Assessor name: Dr F Atkinson

Issue date: 01/03/2017

Submission date: 31/03/2017

Submitted on: 31/03/2017

Programme: BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism

Unit: HT7 Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Assignment reference and title: Far From the Madding Crowd

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).

Task ref. Evidence submitted Page numbers or description

Task 1 Word Document N/A

Task 2 Presentation and notes Powerpoint

Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Shelby Mallus Date: 31/03/2017

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Michelle Mallus

Tourism Attractions I chose

Here is a list of the information sources I used:

www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk www.visitsouthtyneside.co.uk/article/12601/where-to-stay www.beamish.org.uk http://www.balticmill.com/

I also used some of the information leaflets for these attractions which were in the classroom:

Heading North East Visiting Beamish

The list my teacher gave me had a good range of places which I thought would be good for my presentation.

I think it’s canny and will give them a good holiday. I got loads of useful stuff that I could put in the slideshow and meet what they wanted. Getting it to soot the needs of the oldest daughter was hard.

It was easy to search the internet stuff to get the same stuff for each attraction.

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When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Learner name: Anthony Pearson Assessor name: Dr F Atkinson

Issue date: 01/03/2017

Submission date: 31/03/2017

Submitted on: 31/03/2017

Programme: BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism

Unit: HT7 Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Assignment reference and title: Far From the Madding Crowd

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).

Task ref. Evidence submitted Page numbers or description

Task 1 Word Document N/A

Task 2 Presentation and notes Powerpoint

Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: A. Pearson Date: 31/03/2017

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Anthony Pearson

Visitor Attractions I chose

Here is a list of the information sources I used.

www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk www.visitsouthtyneside.co.uk/article/12601/where-to-stay www.beamish.org.uk

This list gave me the different places which I thought would be useful.

I got loads of useful stuff that I could put in the slideshow and meet what they wanted.

My teacher gave me some other places to look at but some I thought were boring (Alnwick Gardens, Baltic) and the ones I used were OK.

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When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Learner name: Grant Dixon Assessor name: Dr F Atkinson

Issue date: 01/03/2017

Submission date: 31/03/2017

Submitted on: 31/03/2017

Programme: BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism

Unit: HT7 Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Assignment reference and title: Far From the Madding Crowd

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).

Task ref. Evidence submitted Page numbers or description

Task 1 Word Document N/A

Task 2 Presentation and notes Powerpoint

Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Grant Dixon Date: 31/03/2017

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Grant Dixon Tourism Sources I looked at

Here is a list of the information sources I used.

www.theforbiddencorner.co.uk www.visitsouthtyneside.co.uk/article/12601/where-to-stay www.beamish.org.uk https://becleverwithyourcash.com/get-2-for-1-cinema-tickets-year/ https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attractions-g4954672-Activities-North_East_England_England.html https://www.jarrowhall.org.uk/ http://www.visitnorthumberland.com/special-offers/activity/ne-offers Newcastle Evening Chronicle – 2-for1 vouchers Leaflets from Beamish and Jarrow Facebook Sunday Sun – Out & About Supplement

This list gave me wide range of different places and sources so I could check the information was current. I got loads of useful stuff that I could put in the slideshow and meet what they wanted. Getting it to suit the needs of ALL the family was hard but fun.

I think this information and the links on the presentation will give them a good holiday and maybe some new suggestions.

The Sunday Sun supplement is useful as it does a lot of stuff for school holidays so the timing is OK.

My teacher gave me some other places to look at and I also found some of my own because I wanted a Distinction.

I put in references as I was told you had to do that to avoid copyright stuff.

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Section 2: SSV Commentary on Learner Work Michelle Mallus’s work has achieved a Merit.

For Learning Aim A the learner has to find out information about local visitor attractions.

Michelle has achieved A.M1 by naming the sources she has used, provided by the tutor, in the section ‘Tourism Attractions I chose’ and stating how she has used them. She has used a range of provided sources both from the internet and leaflets in the classroom. The document regarding choices contains sufficiently detailed information for this level and it is presented accurately. The Distinction criterion requires learners to ‘show they have searched for and selected relevant and accurate information to meet all of the visitor needs using their own sources and sources provided by tutors’. The learner has not used any sources of her own and so limits the achievement to a Merit.

The learner has added some humour and prejudice but this is a normal use of language at this level. In this case the Merit criterion encompasses the requirements for the Pass criterion.

By doing this Michelle has gathered the information to achieve Learning Aim B.

For Learning Aim B the learner has to present information about local visitor attractions to meet particular visitor needs, in this case the Orchard family.

Michelle has achieved B.M2 by creating a slideshow to highlight the various attractions that meet the needs of the family. The tutor has not stated a definitive way of presenting the information and the one chosen by the learner is appropriate. Michelle has produced an easy to follow slideshow and has demonstrated good ICT skills.

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The work has ‘presented information in a logical way with relevant outline examples’. Although good examples are given, details of these examples are limited in their expansion with the work having volume rather than depth. They are not quite ‘full examples that show how the selected visitor attractions meet all the needs of the visitor’ which is required for the Distinction criterion. Michelle could have used fewer examples but explored them more fully and achieved a Distinction.

Once again the achievement of the Merit criterion encompasses the requirements for the Pass criterion.

Overall, a very good piece of work from a learner who understands the requirements of the unit and has addressed each Learning Aim fully. The work is very well presented and easy to follow.

Anthony Pearson’s work has achieved a Pass.

For Learning Aim A the learner has to find out information about local visitor attractions.

Anthony has achieved A.P1 by naming the sources he has used in the section ‘Tourism Attractions I chose’. The document includes limited comments about why he used the sources. The Pass criterion requires learners to ‘select information about local visitor attractions from given sources that meet some of the particular visitor needs’. The document produced contains sufficient information for this criterion.

By doing this Anthony has gathered the information to achieve Learning Aim B.

For Learning Aim B the learner has to present information about local visitor attractions to meet particular visitor needs, in this case the Orchard family.

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Anthony has met B.P2 by creating a slideshow to highlight the various attractions that meet some of the needs of the family. The tutor has not stated a definitive way of presenting the information and the one chosen by the learner is appropriate. Anthony has produced an easy to follow slideshow and has demonstrated good ICT skills. The work has ‘presented clear information about visitor attractions’. Whilst good examples are given links to the visitor’s needs are not shown. Although these they may be implied, this is not sufficient to award B.M2. Anthony could have used fewer examples but explored them more fully and achieved a Merit or a Distinction.

Overall, a solid piece of work from a learner who has some understanding of the requirements of the unit and has addressed each Learning Aim fully. The work is very well presented and easy to follow.

Grant Dixon’s work has achieved a Distinction.

For Learning Aim A the learner has to find out information about local visitor attractions.

Grant has achieved A.D1 by including details of the sources used in the section ‘Tourism Attractions I chose’ and details of methods used to search for this information. The document includes details of the sources given by the tutor, sources he found himself, and why he used the sources. The Distinction criterion requires learners to ‘show they have searched for and selected relevant and accurate information to meet all of the visitor needs using their own sources and sources provided by tutors’. The document regarding choices contains sufficiently detailed information for this level and it is presented accurately. In this case the Distinction criterion encompasses the requirements for the Pass and Merit criteria.

By doing this Grant has gathered the information to achieve Learning Aim B.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 46

For Learning Aim B the learner has to present information about local visitor attractions to meet particular visitor needs, in this case the Orchard family.

Grant has met B.D2 by creating a slideshow to highlight the various attractions that meet the needs of the family. The tutor has not stated a definitive way of presenting the information and the one chosen by the learner is appropriate. Grant has produced an easy to follow slideshow and has demonstrated good ICT skills. The work has ‘presented information in a well-organised and clear format, with full examples’. The examples are quite detailed and meet all the needs of the visitors.

Once again, the Distinction criterion encompasses the requirements for the Pass and Merit criteria.

Overall, a very good piece of work from a learner who understands the requirements of the unit and has addressed each Learning Aim fully. The work is very well presented and easy to follow.

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Section 3: Assessment Records

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Level 1 Introductory Diplom

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Far From the M

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criteria AP1, A

M1, A

D1, B

P2, BM

2, BD


First Su





31st M

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31st M

arch 2017





? (Yes / N

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Sources O

K – you used the ones provided and have explained how

you used the information.


1 Yes


1 N




Excellent presentation giving a suitable range of attractions that would m

eet the needs of the family. G

ood detail on how to

get to each. Not enough for a D

istinction. BM

2 Yes


2 N



eral comm


A w

ell-considered and structured slideshow that is fit for purpose. G

ood use of referencing to show w

here your data came from


Michelle has created a consistent presentation that is easy to read and contains relevant inform


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 50

Really good w

ork Michelle. You obviously enjoyed this task and added a bit of hum

our as well!

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D

r F Atkinson


1 April 2017

Date of feed

back to


12 April 2017






by Lead Internal V

erifier* L

aurie Lee


5 April 2017

*All resubm

issions must be authorised by the Lead


al Verifier. O

nly one resubm

ission is possible per assignment, providing:

●The learner has m

et initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has m

et an agreed deadline extension.●

The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide im

proved evidence without further guidance.

●Evidence subm

itted for assessment has been authenticated and accom

panied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner.**A

ny resubmission evidence m

ust be subm

itted within 10 w

orking days of receipt of results of assessment.






Date su







? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 51

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to












Learner n




ent title

Assessor n



it no. &

title Targ

eted learn






Retake –

for Q

CF o




Date su





ass criteria



? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


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Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 53












Level 1 Introductory Diplom

a in H

ospitality & Tourism


er nam

e Anthony Pearson



ent title

Far From the M

adding Crow

d A

ssessor nam

e Frank A



it no. &

title U

nit HT7: Exploring Local Visitor A

ttractions Targ

eted learn





criteria AP1, A

M1, A

D1, B

P2, BM

2, BD


First Su





31 March 2017

Date su


itted 31 M

arch 2017





? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm




Sources O

K – you used m

ine well. C

hoice very limited. Too little on w

hy you used them.


1 N



1 N




Good and clear presentation giving a suitable range of attractions w

ith clear information m

eeting some of the visitor needs.


2 N



2 N



eral comm


A w

ell-considered and structured slideshow that is fit for purpose.

Really good w

ork Anthony. You obviously enjoyed researching this task and I do believe you could achieve m

ore if you put in the work.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 54

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D

r F Atkinson


1 April 2017

Date of feed

back to


12 April 2017






by Lead Internal V

erifier* L

aurie Lee


5 April 2017

*All resubm

issions must be authorised by the Lead


al Verifier. O

nly one resubm

ission is possible per assignment, providing:

●The learner has m

et initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has m

et an agreed deadline extension.●

The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide im

proved evidence without further guidance.

●Evidence subm

itted for assessment has been authenticated and accom

panied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner.**A

ny resubmission evidence m

ust be subm

itted within 10 w

orking days of receipt of results of assessment.






Date su







? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 55

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to












Learner n




ent title

Assessor n



it no. &

title Targ

eted learn






Retake –

for Q

CF o




Date su





ass criteria



? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 56

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 57












Level 1 Introductory Diplom

a in H

ospitality & Tourism


er nam

e G

rant Dixon



ent title

Far From the M

adding Crow

d A

ssessor nam

e Frank A



it no. &

title U

nit HT7: Exploring Local Visitor A

ttractions Targ

eted learn





criteria AP1, A

M1, A

D1, B

P2, BM

2, BD


First Su





31 March 2017

Date su


itted 31 M

arch 2017





? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm




Sources G

ood – you have used some of your ow

n and some of m

ine. Good explanation about how

you used the inform

ation. AM

1 Yes


1 Yes


Yes Excellent presentation giving a suitable range of attractions that w

ould meet the needs of the fam

ily. Good detail on how

to get to each. N

ot a great number of attractions but you have explained in great detail how

they would m

eet the needs plus there is good use of other surrounding m

aterial such as 2-for-1 offers.


2 Yes


2 Yes


eral comm


A w

ell-considered and structured slideshow that is fit for purpose. G

ood use of referencing to show w

here your data came from


Really good w

ork Grant. You obviously enjoyed this task and have done w

ell! Keep up the good w


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 58

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D

r F Atkinson


1 April 2017

Date of feed

back to


12 April 2017






by Lead Internal V

erifier* D


*All resubm

issions must be authorised by the Lead


al Verifier. O

nly one resubm

ission is possible per assignment, providing:

●The learner has m

et initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has m

et an agreed deadline extension.●

The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide im

proved evidence without further guidance.

●Evidence subm

itted for assessment has been authenticated and accom

panied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner.**A

ny resubmission evidence m

ust be subm

itted within 10 w

orking days of receipt of results of assessment.






Date su







? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 59

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to












Learner n




ent title

Assessor n



it no. &

title Targ

eted learn






Retake –

for Q

CF o




Date su





ass criteria



? (Yes / N

o) A


t comm



eral comm


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 60

Assessor d


I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignm

ent is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any

sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form

of malpractice.

Assessor sig


re D


Date of feed

back to


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 61






– A













e title BTEC Level 1 Introductory D

iploma in H

ospitality and Tourism


it(s) H

T7: Exploring Local Visitor Attractions


Dr F Atkinson


al Verifier

Laurie Lee



ent title

Far From the M

adding Crow



e of Learner (If a

larger sample is required

please add rows or use

additional sheets)





(First, Resubm

ission, Retake)

List wh



t and



g criteria

the A

ssessor has


ed. P

lease state sp

ecific criteria an

d n

ot an

overall grad









List the assessm

ent an




criteria wh

ere in

accurate d

ecisions h

ave b

een m


State w

hy th

e assessmen

t decision

is in


Michelle M

allus First

A.P1, A

.M1, B





Anthony Pearson First

A.P1, B




Grant D

ixon First

A.P1, A

.M1, A


B.P2, B

.M2, B


Yes N

/a N


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 62








Please g

ive reasons for resp

onses in




ce of jud


ents an

d g



Has every learn

er and

the A



ed th

e auth

enticity of th

e evid



The assessor has clearly identified the criteria that have been awarded and these m

atch what is in the brief.

There is clear evidence to support the awarding of the grading criteria.

All assessment decisions are agreed.

Is there evid

ence of collu

sion or




Does th

e assessmen

t feedb

ack to each


●Link to relevant assessm

ent criteria?●

Justify each assessment criterion aw




y actions req



st be review

ed acro

ss the w

hole co






et Date for C



Whilst the feedback given is accurate it is not developm

ental towards helping the learners to achieve higher grades w

here possible. This can be done in a w

ay that is supportive but not formative.

Next assignm


I confirm

that th

e assessmen

t decision

s are accurate, th

ere is no evid

ence of assessm

ent m

alpractice an

d an

y action p

oints h

ave been


ressed an



leted in

respect of th

e wh

ole coh



al Verifier sig


re L

aurie L


ate 05 April 2017

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 63

Assessor sig



Dr F A


ate 05 April 2017

Lead In

ternal V

erifier sign

ature (if

appropriate) D


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 64


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 65

SSV Commentary for Section 3: Assessment Records All three pieces of work have been accurately assessed.

The Assessor has provided suitable feedback to all learners and has used the grading criteria well in some of the feedback.

However, the Assessor has not indicated to Michelle why a Distinction was not awarded so she has no support for a re-submission opportunity in order to achieve this.

For Anthony, the Assessor has indicated more clearly why he did not achieve the Merit or Distinction criteria. He therefore has better support in a re-submission opportunity in order to achieve this.

The assessor has made supportive comments to Grant and clearly indicates why he has achieved the Distinction Criteria.

All three pieces of assessed work have been internally verified and the Internal Verifier has completed the appropriate documentation correctly. This was carried out before learners were given feedback.

Supportive comments have been made to the Assessor and the process has taken place in a timely manner. The Internal Verifier has given suitable developmental actions for the future.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 66

General Guidance for Assessment and Internal Verification

Feedback to learners should be criterion-based and justify decisions. The Assessor should always ensure that feedback to learners is personalised.

Assessment decisions

The learner’s evidence is final at the hand-in date. Feedback from the Assessor must be a clear and accurate justification of the assessment criteria awarded. Assessment decisions should always be signed and dated by the Assessor. The learner should always sign, date and comment on the feedback to indicate agreement. The feedback should also offer positive and constructive feedback for future improvements, but should not indicate how to achieve any criteria that were not achieved, as this would remove the opportunity the learner has to add to their work with the required independence.

Learners must sign a Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration form to authenticate their work when submitting evidence for assessment. This is detailed in the specifications and the Pearson pro forma and is compulsory in all cases. Part of the Assessor role is to confirm that the evidence submitted is the learner’s own. Centres will have their own malpractice and plagiarism policies that staff can refer to as required. The assessment feedback form must include a signed declaration from the Assessor to show that they can authenticate the evidence.

Internal verification of the assessment of learner work should always take place before learners are given feedback from the Assessor. The Internal Verifier should see all the evidence that has been developed by the sampled learners. The Internal Verifier should act as a critical friend to the Assessor, commenting on the assessment decision only and not the quality of the learner work.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 67

Feedback from the Internal Verifier should be supportive and developmental for the Assessor. For guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the Lead Internal Verifier (Lead IV) please refer to the Centre Guide for Internal Verification, which can be found on the Pearson website.

Remember: learners should not receive summative assessment decisions until the assessment has been subject to your internal verification processes.

The use of observation records to provide evidence of achievement can be highly appropriate when considering practical/alternative forms of assessment. However, it is important to ensure that observation records are used correctly to document evidence. An observation record does not replace the process evidence generated by the learner; it should be used to complement or enhance this evidence. We recommend that you use the Edexcel Observation Record template, which is available on the website. The Assessor should give the Internal Verifier all the evidence used to make the assessment decision. This could include video, audio footage or annotated photographs.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 68


Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 69

Unit HT7: Exploring Local Visitor Attractions

Level: 1 Unit type: Sector (Hospitality and Tourism) Guided learning hours: 40

Unit in brief

Learners will find out about their local visitor attractions, exploring how they meet the needs of particular visitor types.

Unit introduction

When you have time to enjoy yourself, where do you go and visit in your local area? It may be the museum or a theme park perhaps. Visitor attractions regularly change their products and services to meet the different needs of new visitors and to keep existing visitors coming back, after all nobody wants to go on the same rides every year at a theme park, we all want to try new experiences.

In this unit, you will research local visitor attractions and what makes people visit them. You will think about the different types of attractions and who they are aimed at. You will then use information you’ve collected to identify which local attraction would be most appropriate for a specific visitor type.

The transferable and sector skills you develop in this unit can enable you to progress to further learning. They will also support you in completing the core skills units in Group A of the qualification.

Learning aims

In this unit you will:

A Find out information about local visitor attractions. B Present information about local attractions to meet particular visitor needs.

Unit Specification

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 70

Unit summary

Learning aim Key teaching areas Summary of suggested assessment evidence

A Find out information about local visitor attractions

• Types of local visitorattraction and products andservices they offer

• Visitor types and theirassociated needs

• How local visitor attractionsappeal to specific visitortypes

• Presenting information aboutlocal visitor attractions

• Log of research sources andfindings.

• A presentation on how localvisitor attractions meet theneeds of particular visitortypes.

B Present information about local attractions to meet particular visitor needs

Key teaching areas include:

Sector skills Knowledge Transferable skills

• Carrying out research onlocal visitor attractions

• Presenting information onwhich local attractions aremost appropriate for specificvisitor types

• Features of local visitorattractions

• How local attractions appealto different visitor types

• Research• Managing information

There are opportunities to develop functional skills in this unit:

Functional skills

English • Write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level ofdetail.

• Present information in a logical sequence.• Use language, format and structure suitable for purpose and


Mathematics • Solve problems requiring calculation with common measures,including money, time, length, weight, capacity andtemperature.

• Extract and interpret information from tables, diagrams,charts and graphs.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 71

Unit content

Knowledge and sector skills

Types of local visitor attraction and products and services they offer

• Local visitor attractions, including:o natural, e.g. beaches, gardens and country parkso purpose-built, e.g. theme parks, zooso heritage, e.g. museums, stately homes/historic buildings.

• Products and services, e.g. theme park rides, shops, catering, guided tours, activities,educational talks, car parks, first-aid facilities.

Visitor types and their associated needs

• Visitor types, e.g. adults, children, groups, families, overseas visitors, people with specificneeds.

• Visitor needs, e.g. speed of service, cost, location, access, entertainment, safety andsecurity.

How local visitor attractions appeal to specific visitor types

Key features of appeal, to include: • accessibility, e.g. location and key transport routes• weather and climate, e.g. indoor/outdoor facilities• opening times, seasonal opening schedules• facilities, e.g. places to eat, washrooms, signs/information using Braille• prices and pricing structure, cost of visiting, peak and off-peak prices, special offers and

discounts• special events and entertainment.

Presenting information about local visitor attractions

• Presentation methods and styles such as leaflet, brochure, presentation, blog, vlog (videolog)

• Organising information, consideration of clarity and accuracy of information, identifyingsources of information, spelling, grammar

Transferable skills • Research: identifying local visitor attractions and deciding on ways to find out information

about them, using techniques to gather information about local visitor attractions,identifying methods of transport in the area and different places to stay, identifying theareas of interest, attractions and facilities of the chosen local visitor attraction, identifyingthe benefits of the local visitor attraction.

• Managing information: collecting and using information from different sources about localvisitor attractions, determining relevance and accuracy of information, organisinginformation, representing information in different ways, using numbers, using it to presentand store information.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 72

Assessment criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

Learning aim A: Find out information about local visitor attractions.

A.P1 Select information aboutlocal visitor attractions from given sources that meet some of the particular visitor needs.

A.M1 Select information aboutlocal visitor attractions from given sources that meet most of the particular visitor needs.

A.D1 Search for and selectinformation about local visitor attractions from own and given sources to meet the particular visitor needs.

Learning aim B: Present information about local attractions to meet particular visitor needs

B.P2 Present informationabout local visitor attractions that meet some of the particular visitor needs.

B.M2 Present detailedinformation about local visitor attractions that meet most of the particular visitor needs.

B.D2 Present detailed andwell-organised information about local visitor attractions that describes how they meet the particular visitor needs.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 73

Essential information for tutors

Essential information for assessment decisions

For distinction standard, learners:

• show they have searched for and selected relevant and accurate information to meet all ofthe visitor needs using their own sources and sources provided by tutors. Learners willinclude details of the sources used, e.g. leaflets, brochures, websites, blogs, magazinesand details of methods used to search for information such as internet searches and visits

• present information in a well-organised and clear format, with full examples that show howthe selected visitor attractions meet all the needs of the visitor.

For merit standard, learners:

• show that they selected information that meets most of the needs of the visitors, althoughsome more minor needs may be omitted. Learners will show they have used differentsources provided by tutors, naming the sources used and stating how they used them tosearch for the information

• present information in a logical way with relevant outline examples that meet most of thevisitor needs. They will show links between the selection of the visitor attractions and theparticular visitor needs

For pass standard, learners:

• select information from a choice of sources provided by tutors, and which may be limitedto one source. Information selected should meet some of the needs of the visitors. Theywill need to name the source and why they chose it

• present clear information about local visitor attractions and how they meet some of theparticular visitor needs, although other needs may be omitted. Not all informationpresented may be relevant, or links between the services and the people’s needs may notbe clear.

Essential resources

For this unit, learners will need access to travel trade publications, travel brochures and guides and local visitor attraction promotional materials.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 74

Delivery guidance

It is recommended that practical activities are used in the delivery of this unit to help learners develop both the core and sector skills. The following are suggestions for activities and workshops that tutors can use in preparation for the final assessment and are not intended as a definitive guide to cover the full GLH of the unit.

Introduction to unit In groups, learners discuss the different types of visitor attractions in the local area. They start looking at where to find further information such as websites, brochures, leaflets and TV adverts, as well as own and others’ experiences. They could create a questionnaire and ask their peers, tutors and family what their favourite visitor attraction in the local area is and why. Suggested time: about 4 hours.

Activity: Products and services offered at different local visitor attractions Learners choose specific attractions in the local area and then consider the variety of products and services offered at that visitor attraction . They then produce a poster to present to peers on products and services at local visitor attractions. Suggested time: about 4 hours.

Activity: Visit to a local attraction Learners visit a local attraction to investigate the different products and services available. Learners may carry out a questionnaire on why people have chosen to visit the attraction. They could note what types of visitors are there, popular times of day and popular exhibits. Suggested time: about 4 hours.

Activity: Visitor needs and how they are met through products and services Learners are given case studies of specific visitor types to identify what they would need when going out to local visitor attractions. Tutors’ examples will help at this level as guidance, TV adverts and leaflets may be used to start discussions. Learners could work in pairs to investigate how the needs of one visitor type are met at three different types of local visitor attractions, looking at the range of promotional material on offer. Suggested time: about 5 hours.

Activity: How local visitor attractions appeal to different visitor types Learners discuss what attracts visitors to a specific local visitor attraction. Learners should be encouraged to discuss places that they have visited and places they would like to visit. They could provide descriptions of the places and information on what type of attractions there are. Suggested time: about 5 hours.

Activity: Researching local visitor attractions Learners should use different sources of information in their research. Tutors could arrange a visit to the local tourist information centre to collect leaflets and brochures on visitor attractions. In small groups, learners research a range of local visitor attractions, allowing them to investigate products and services and how they appeal to different types of visitors. Suggested time: about 5 hours.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 75

Activity: Presenting information on local attractions that meet visitor needs Learners may wish to record a short video clip or produce a PowerPoint® presentation, including pictures of the attraction, to provide information on how visitors are drawn to and have their needs met in relation to the local attractions’ key features. Suggested time: about 5 hours.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 76

Suggested assessment activity

The summative assessment activity takes place after learners have completed their formative development. The activity should be practical, be set in a realistic scenario and draw on learning from the unit, including the transferable skills. You will need to give learners a set period of time and number of hours in which to complete the activity.

Suggested scenario You are working in a local travel agency and have been asked to provide information on a specific local visitor attraction that meets the needs of a family of four – two adults and two children aged 5 and 11. You must first identify the needs of the selected visitor types. You must then give details on how these needs are met at the local visitor attraction chosen. Specific examples from information gathered through research should be applied to the local attraction and included in explanations.

If a retake assessment is necessary, an alternative activity must be used. The following is an example of a retake assessment activity. On another occasion, a family member has given you a set of requirements and asked you to provide information to them on the key features of a local visitor attraction and how it would appeal to them and a friend. You must first identify the needs of your relative and their friend. You must then give details on how these needs are met at the local visitor attraction chosen. Specific examples from information gathered through research should be applied to the local attraction and included in explanations.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 77

SSV Commentary for Section 3: Assessment Records All three pieces of work have been accurately assessed.

The Assessor has provided suitable feedback to all learners regarding their and has used the grading criteria well in some of the feedback.

However, the Assessor has not indicated to Michelle why a Distinction was not awarded so she has no support for a re-submission opportunity in order to achieve this.

For Anthony, the Assessor has indicated more clearly why he did not achieve the Merit or Distinction criteria. He therefore has better support in a re-submission opportunity in order to achieve this.

The assessor has made supportive comments to Grant and clearly indicates why he has achieved the Distinction Criteria.

All three pieces of assessed work have been internally verified and the Internal Verifier has completed the appropriate documentation correctly. This was carried out before learners were given feedback.

Supportive comments have been made to the Assessor and the process has taken place in a timely manner. The Internal Verifier has given suitable developmental actions for the future.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 78

General Guidance for Assessment and Internal Verification

Feedback to learners should be criterion-based and justify decisions. The Assessor should always ensure that feedback to learners is personalised.

Assessment decisions

The learner’s evidence is final at the hand-in date. Feedback from the Assessor must be a clear and accurate justification of the assessment criteria awarded. Assessment decisions should always be signed and dated by the Assessor. The learner should always sign, date and comment on the feedback to indicate agreement. The feedback should also offer positive and constructive feedback for future improvements, but should not indicate how to achieve any criteria that were not achieved, as this would remove the opportunity the learner has to add to their work with the required independence.

Learners must sign a Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration form to authenticate their work when submitting evidence for assessment. This is detailed in the specifications and the Pearson pro forma and is compulsory in all cases. Part of the Assessor role is to confirm that the evidence submitted is the learner’s own. Centres will have their own malpractice and plagiarism policies that staff can refer to as required. The assessment feedback form must include a signed declaration from the Assessor to show that they can authenticate the evidence.

Internal verification of the assessment of learner work should always take place before learners are given feedback from the Assessor. The Internal Verifier should see all the evidence that has been developed by the sampled learners. The Internal Verifier should act as a critical friend to the Assessor, commenting on the assessment decision only and not the quality of the learner work.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 79

Feedback from the Internal Verifier should be supportive and developmental for the Assessor. For guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the Lead Internal Verifier (Lead IV) please refer to the Centre Guide for Internal Verification, which can be found on the Pearson website.

Remember: learners should not receive summative assessment decisions until the assessment has been subject to your internal verification processes.

The use of observation records to provide evidence of achievement can be highly appropriate when considering practical/alternative forms of assessment. However, it is important to ensure that observation records are used correctly to document evidence. An observation record does not replace the process evidence generated by the learner; it should be used to complement or enhance this evidence. We recommend that you use the Edexcel Observation Record template, which is available on the website. The Assessor should give the Internal Verifier all the evidence used to make the assessment decision. This could include video, audio footage or annotated photographs.

Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications – Standardisation Material - Issue 2 – February © Pearson 2020 80
