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POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping the knowledge and scientific achievements to contribute to the world. articles published in the journal are placed additionally within the journal in interna- tional indexes and libraries. is a free access to the electronic archive of the journal, as well as to published articles. before publication, the articles pass through a rigorous selection and peer review, in or- der to preserve the scientific foundation of information. Editor in chief –J an Kamiński, Kozminski University Secretary Mateusz Kowalczyk Agata Żurawska – University of Warsaw, Poland Jakub Walisiewicz University of Lodz, Poland Paula Bronisz University of Wrocław, Poland Barbara Lewczuk Poznan University of Technology, Poland Andrzej Janowiak AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Frankie Imbriano University of Milan, Italy Taylor Jonson Indiana University Bloomington, USA Remi Tognetti Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France Bjørn Evertsen Harstad University College, Norway Nathalie Westerlund Umea University, Sweden Thea Huszti Aalborg University, Denmark Aubergine Cloez Universite de Montpellier, France Eva Maria Bates University of Navarra, Spain Enda Baciu Vienna University of Technology, Austria Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts 1000 copies POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033 email: [email protected] site: http://www.poljs.com
Page 1: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


№1 (2018)

ISSN 3353-2389

Polish journal of science:

has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping the knowledge and

scientific achievements to contribute to the world.

articles published in the journal are placed additionally within the journal in interna-

tional indexes and libraries.

is a free access to the electronic archive of the journal, as well as to published articles.

before publication, the articles pass through a rigorous selection and peer review, in or-

der to preserve the scientific foundation of information.

Editor in chief –J an Kamiński, Kozminski University

Secretary – Mateusz Kowalczyk

Agata Żurawska – University of Warsaw, Poland

Jakub Walisiewicz – University of Lodz, Poland

Paula Bronisz – University of Wrocław, Poland

Barbara Lewczuk – Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Andrzej Janowiak – AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Frankie Imbriano – University of Milan, Italy

Taylor Jonson – Indiana University Bloomington, USA

Remi Tognetti – Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France

Bjørn Evertsen – Harstad University College, Norway

Nathalie Westerlund – Umea University, Sweden

Thea Huszti – Aalborg University, Denmark

Aubergine Cloez – Universite de Montpellier, France

Eva Maria Bates – University of Navarra, Spain

Enda Baciu – Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts

1000 copies


Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033

email: [email protected]

site: http://www.poljs.com

Page 2: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping



Liventsova K., Breslavets A.,Syniachenko O. HAEMODYNAMICS IN RHEUMATOID

ARTHRITIS ..................................................... 3






STUDENTS ..................................................... 7




OF REALITY ................................................... 11


Rzayeva L., Uskenbayeva G., Mussina A. DISMANTLING THE METHOD OF



MANIPULATOR ............................................. 14

Derevenko V., Mirzoev G.,

Kokulov P., Ziyavodinov S. PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL




Nurzhanov M., Bulashov D.,




SEA .................................................................. 24

Page 3: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping




Liventsova K.

PhD, Donetsk National Medical University,

Lyman, Ukraine

Breslavets A.

PhD, Centre of Clinical and Preventive Medicine,

Kyiv, Ukraine

Syniachenko O.

DM, Professor, Donetsk National Medical University,

Lyman, Ukraine


Ливенцова Е.В.

кандидат медицинских наук,

Донецкий национальный медицинский университет,

Лиман, Украина

Бреславец А.В.

кандидат медицинских наук,

Центр клинической и профилактической медицины,

Киев, Украина

Синяченко О.В.

доктор медицинских наук, профессор,

Донецкий национальный медицинский университет,

Лиман, Украина


Оbjective – to ascertain the nature of the haemodynamics on rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The study

included 132 patients. Haemodynamic the pulmonary circulation at RA is accompanied by significant

abnormalities of respiratory lung function, pneumopathy has dispersion and correlation relation with

the severity of cardiomyopathy. Indicators of pulmonary pressure, ratio pulmonary arterial resistance

and peripheral vascular resistance and end-diastolic dimension of the right ventricle of the heart de-

pends on the duration of the disease and the degree of activity of pathological process. Тhe nature of

the functional state of the lungs and the hemodynamics in the pulmonary circulation are associated with

patient age and duration of the disease.


Цель работы – установить характер гемодинамики при ревматоидном артрите (РА). Об-

следованы 132 больных. Гемодинамика в малом круге кровообращения при РА сопровождается

значительными нарушениями респираторных функции легких, имея дисперсионные и корреляци-

онные соотношения с выраженностью кардиопатии. Показатели давления в легочной артерии,

соотношения легочного и периферического сосудистого сопротивления и конечнодиастоличе-

ского размера правого желудочка сердца зависят от длительности заболевания и степени ак-

тивности патологического процесса. Характер функционального состояния легких и гемодина-

мики в малом круге кровообращения связаны с возрастом пациентов и длительностью заболе-


Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, haemodynamics.

Ключевые слова: ревматоидный артрит, гемодинамика.

Актуальность. Ревматоидный артрит

(РА) относится к наиболее частым воспали-

тельным болезням суставов, а его распростра-

ненность среди населения достигает 3% [1, c.

651], причем численность таких пациентов по-

стоянно увеличивается [2, c. 352; 3, c. 186], что

наносит огромный медико-социальный и эко-

номический ущерб не только больным людям,

а и государствам в целом [4, c. 615]. РА в

настоящее время рассматривается как заболе-

вание, ассоциируемое с повышенным риском

развития сердечно-сосудистых осложнений,

которые усугубляют и так низкое качество

Page 4: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


жизни больных [5, c. 1325; 6, c. 335]. Повыше-

ние летальности предопределено сочетанием

системного воспалительного процесса с тради-

ционными факторами риска кардиоваскуляр-

ных осложнений. Сказанно предопределяет

высокую смертность больных уже в молодом

возрасте [7, c. 155; 8, c. 88; 9, c. 9058]. При этом

остаются малоизученными у больных РА во-

просы нарушений гемодинамики, неизвестны

взаимоотношения с другими системными при-

знаками заболевания, требуют дальнейшего

изучения проблемы патогенеза.

Цель работы – установить характер нару-

шений гемодинамики при РА и патогенетиче-

ские ее механизмы, связь с отдельными клини-

ческими признаками заболевания.

Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением

находились 132 больных РА в возрасте от 19

до 79 лет (в среднем 45±1,0 лет) среди которых

было 18% мужчин и 82% женщин. Длитель-

ность заболевания составила 10±0,7 лет. I рент-

генологическая стадия артрита установлена в

8% случаев заболевания, II – в 38%, III – в 35%,

IV – в 19%. Серопозитивность по ревматоид-

ному фактору отмечена у 77% от числа обсле-

дованных пациентов, а по наличию антител к

цитруллиновому циклическому пептиду – у ¾.

Внесуставная (системная) форма болезни

имела место в 43% наблюдений, системный

остеопороз – в 67%, причем. Дигитальный ар-

териит диагностирован у 6% от числа пациен-

тов, офтальмопатии (увеит, склерит, кератит) –

у 5%, миозит или миалгии – у 14%, лимфаде-

нопатия – у 3%, поражение сердца (миокарда,

эндокарда и клапанов) – у 37%, серозиты

(плеврит, перикардит) – у 5%, пневмонит (ин-

терстициальный, фиброзирующий альвеолит,

ревматоидные узлы) – у 9%, поражение почек

(гломерулонефрит, интерстициальный

нефрит, амилоидоз) – у 15%, печени (крипто-

генный гепатит) – у 8%, синдром Шегрена – у

4%, гипотиреоз – у 8%, энцефалопатия (дисци-

ркуляторная, астеновегетативный и кортико-

нуклеарный синдромы) – у 7%.

Пациентам выполняли рентгеновское (ап-

парат «Multix-Compact-Siеmens», Германия) и

ультразвуковое (сонографы «Envisor-Philips»,

Нидерланды и «ATL3500-Suemens», Герма-

ния) исследование периферических, крест-

цово-подвздошных и позвонковых суставов,

минеральную плотность кости оценивали с по-

мощью двухэнергетической рентгеновской

остеоденситометрии проксимального отдела

бедренной кости (денситометр «QDR-4500-

Delphi-Hologic», США). Эхокардиографию

выполняли на аппаратах «Еnvisor C-Philips»

(Нидерланды) и «HD-11-XE-Philips» (Нидер-

ланды), спирографию – на «Master-Scope-

Jaeger» (Германия), исследование альвеоля-

рно-капиллярной мембраны – на «Master-

Screen-Body-Jaeger» (Германия). Изучали па-

раметры систолического давления в легочной

артерии (ДЛА) и его соотношение с перифери-

ческим артериальным давлением крови (АД),

уровень легочного сосудистого сопротивления

(ЛСС) и его соотношение с периферическим

сосудистым сопротивлением (ПСС), размеры

правого желудочка сердца (ПЖ) и левого пред-

сердия (ЛП), конечнодиастолический размер

ПЖ (КДРпж) и конечнодиастолический объем

левого желудочка (КДОлж), а также фракцию

выброса крови левым желудочком (ФВ).

Электрокардиографическое исследование

выполнено на аппаратах «МІДАК-ЕК1Т» (Ук-

раина) и «Bioset-8000» (Германия). Для оценки

лабораторных показателей использовали бмо-

химический анализатор «Olympus-AU640»

(Япония) и ридер иммуноферментного анализа

«PR2100-Sanofi diagnostic pasteur» (Франция).

Статистическая обработка полученных ре-

зультатов исследований проведена с помощью

компьютерного вариационного, непараметри-

ческого, корреляционного, регрессионного,

одно- (ANOVA) и многофакторного

(ANOVA/MANOVA) дисперсионного анализа

(программы «Microsoft Excel» и «Statistica-

Stat-Soft», США).

Результаты исследования. По данным од-

нофакторного дисперсионного анализа Бра-

уна-Форсайта, на характер легочной гемодина-

мики при РА оказывает влияние увеличение

полостей и толщины стенок правого и левого

желудочков сердца, интегральная тяжесть по-

ражения центральной и периферической нерв-

ной системы, а у больных с гипертензией в ма-

лом круге кровообращения (>30 ммHg) оказа-

лись на 19% меньше параметры диффузионной

способности легких. Как свидетельствует

ANOVA, формирование артериальной гипер-

тензии зависит от выраженности перифериче-

ской нейропатии, показателей в крови анти-

цитруллиновых антител. При РА параметры ДЛА составили

18,4±0,37 ммHg, ДЛА/АД – 13,6±0,26%, ЛСС –

216,5±2,59 динссм—5, ЛСС/ПСС – 8,8±0,23%, ПЖ – 1,9±0,02 см, ЛП – 4,0±0,19 см, КДРпж – 2,4±0,02 см, КДОлж – 122,7±8,70 мл, ФВ – 57,1±3,35%. Различия перечисленных по-казателей у больных РА зависели от наличия пневмопатии, что нашло свое отражение на рис. 1 (аналогичные значениями у здоровых людей контрольной группы приняты за 100%). Поражение легких сопровождается значитель-ным увеличением параметров ДЛА и ДЛА/АД.

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Возраст больных














Д, %

















, %

Рис. 1. Показатели гемодинамики у больных

РА. Белая кривая – без пневмопатии, черная

кривая – с пневмопатией

Рис. 2. Зависимость от возраста больных

РА показателей ДЛА/АД (белые фигуры) и

ЛСС/ПСС (черные фигуры)

ANOVA показывает влияние возраста

больных на значения ЛСС/ПСС, длительности

заболевания – на ДЛА, степени активности РА

– на КДРпж. По результатам корреляционного

анализа Пирсона согласно возрастанию про-

должительности болезни снижаются показа-

тели ЛСС/ПСС (рис. 2), но достоверно возрас-

тает КДРпж. Интегральная тяжесть признаков

РА прямо влияет на уровни ДЛА и ЛСС/ПСС,

что демонстрируют дисперсионный и корреля-

ционный анализ.

По данным многофакторного анализа

Уилкоксона-Рао, гемодинамика в малом круге

кровообращения тесно связана с поражением

нервной системы и сердца (с диастолической

дисфункцией левого желудочка, нарушениями

возбудимости миокарда и электрической про-

водимости сердца). В свою очередь, инте-

гральная степень выраженности пневмопатии

оказывает существенное влияние на общие со-

ставляющие кардиопатии и, в частности, на

нарушения проводимости миокарда (атрио-

вентрикулярную блокаду І степени, блокады

левой и правой ножек пучка Гиса, укорочение

интервала PQ). Такие сведения подтвержда-

ются значениями критериев дисперсии при

выполнении ANOVA/MANOVA и ANOVA.

Выводы. Нарушения гемодинамики в ма-

лом круге кровообращения при РА сопровож-

даются значительными изменениями респира-

торных функций легких, имея дисперсионные

и корреляционные соотношения с выраженно-

стью кардиопатии, в частности, с нарушени-

ями ритма сердца и с диастолической дисфунк-

цией левого желудочка. Показатели ДЛА,

ЛСС/ПСС и КДРпж зависят от длительности

заболевания и степени активности патологиче-

ского процесса. Представленные данные ис-

следования позволят повысить качество ран-

ней диагностики гемодинамических рас-

стройств у больных РА и уровень прогнозиро-

вания течения патологического процесса,

определить новые звенья патогенеза заболева-


Список источников:

1. Kita Y. Rheumatoid arthritis. Nihon

Rinsho 2015;73(7):649-54.

2. Iltchev P, Śliwczyński A, Czeleko T,

Sierocka A, Tłustochowicz M, Tłustochowicz W

et al. Epidemiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

in rural and urban areas of Poland – 2008-2012.

Ann Agric Environ Med 2016;23(2):350-6.

3. Van Onna M, Boonen A. (2016) The chal-

lenging interplay between rheumatoid arthritis,

ageing and comorbidities. BMC Musculoskelet

Disord 2016;17(1):184-94.

4. Firth J, Snowden N, Ledingham J, Rivett

A, Galloway J, Dennison EM et al. The first na-

tional clinical audit for rheumatoid arthritis. Br J

Nurs 2016;25(11):613-7.

5. Cross M, Smith E, Hoy D, Nolte S, Acker-

man I, Fransen M et al. The global burden of hip

and knee osteoarthritis: estimates from the global

burden of disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis


6. Kröz M, Broder von Laue H, Zerm R,

Brauer D, Reif M, Girke M et al. Reduction of en-

dogenous regulation in internal medicine patients.

Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd


7. Lo GH, Driban JB, Kriska AM, McAlin-

don TE, Souza RB, Petersen NJ et al. History of

running is not associated with higher risk of symp-

tomatic knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study

from the osteoarthritis initiative. Arthritis Care

Res 2016;22(6):152-8.

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8. Zegkos T, Kitas G, Dimitroulas T. Cardi-

ovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis: assessment,

management and next steps. Ther Adv Musculo-

skelet Dis 2016;8(3):86-101.

9. Zhang Y, Lu N, Peloquin C, Dubreuil M,

Neogi T, Aviña-Zubieta JA et al. Improved sur-

vival in rheumatoid arthritis: a general population-

based cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis


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Uprugina P.

The experience of organisation of field practice in the Institute of Pedagogy and Childhood Psy-

chology of the Ural State Pedagogical University is presented.



Упругина П.Д.

Магистр Южно-Уральского государственного

гуманитарно-педагогического университета.


Currently the emerging labour market demands new quality requirements and level of training

highly educated, competent, with a high level of creative activity of specialists able to apply their

knowledge and skills in various fields of activity. In this regard, updated the role of school, the major

task of which is to enable each student to realize their experience, ability, creativityThe need for spe-

cialists, capable to properly manage and guide future teachers is increasing. Also, it is very important

to involve students in the process of the development of education. Thus, formed the relevance of par-

ticipatory management style mastery.


В настоящее время формирующийся рынок труда диктует новые требования к качеству и

уровню профессиональной подготовки высокообразованных, компетентных, с высоким уровнем

творческой активности специалистов, способных найти применение своим знаниям и умениям

в различных сферах деятельности. В этой связи актуализируется роль образовательной школы,

важнейшей задачей которой является предоставление каждому учащемуся реализовать свой

опыт, возможности, творческий потенциал.

Потребность в специалистах, способных правильно управлять и направлять будущих педа-

гогов возрастает. Также, очень важно включать студентов в процесс развития образования.

Таким образом, формируется актуальность овладения партисипативным стилем управления.

Keywords: participatory style, management, education.

Ключевые слова: партисипативный стиль, управление, образование.

Партисипативный стиль управления учеб-

ной деятельностью студентов — структура

управления, основанная на активном включе-

нии студентов в процесс управления образова-


Таким образом, участие в управлении

можно рассматривать как : способ мотивации,

инструмент повышения успеваемости, конку-

рентное преимущество.

Партисипативный стиль управления был

впервые заимствован из менеджмента и введен

в сферу образования Е.Ю.Никитиной в теории

и методике профессионального образования в

2000 году. В дальнейшем партисипативный

стиль был развит научной лабораторией

Е.Ю.Никитиной в контексте актуальных про-

блем педагогики высшей школы : Касьяновой

И.В., Кравченко И.А., Грош Е.В., Перовой

О.Н., Плохотнюк Е.Б., Смирновой М.В., Афа-

насьевой О.Ю., Зыряновой Е.А., Перфильевой

Л.П., Чурашовым А.Г., Юнусовой Е.Б. и др.

Теоретико-методической основой разви-

тия партисипативного стиля управления уче-

нием школьников является интеграция меж-

дисциплинарного, партисипативного и консал-

тингового подходов.

Проблеме междисциплинарности уделяли

внимание еще классики педагогики. Так,

Я.А.Коменский полагал, что в процессе изуче-

ния "все - и самое большое, и самое малое, так

должно быть прилажено между собой и соеди-

нено, чтобы образовать неразрывное целое...".

Междисциплинарность в нашем понима-

нии есть требование следовать общенаучной

методологии, которая не выражается в полном

объеме, но образует основу педагогического

процесса. Междисциплинарный подход имеет

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для нашей проблемы существенные возможно-

сти, ибо на сегодняшний день в высших учеб-

ных заведениях не существует полного инте-

гративного курса "Партисипативный стиль

управления учением школьников". Все его от-

дельные аспекты рассматриваются обособлено

в таких дисциплинах, как "Философия", "Язы-

кознание", "Русский язык", "Русский язык и

культура речи", "Психология", "Педагогика",

"Иностранный язык" и др.

Каждая из этих дисциплин вносит свой

элемент в процесс осуществления партисипа-

тивного стиля управления учением студентов

вузов, порождая тем самым противоречие

между "осколочными" знаниями, получае-

мыми студентами при изучении разных дисци-

плин и необходимостью синтезировать и инте-

грировать знания в данной области.

В настоящее время значительное количе-

ство исследователей и практических работни-

ков (Маврина Н.В., Никитина Е.Ю., Танаева

З.Р. и др.), рассматривающих применение меж-

дисциплинарности в образовании, определяют

и описывают различные темы, учебные поня-

тия, являющиеся объектом связей чаще всего

между двумя учебными дисциплинами. Без-

условно, это факт является попыткой поиска

точек соприкосновения между отдельными

предметами, однако сегодня задача видится в

том, чтобы устанавливать связи между отдель-

ными элементами содержания образования

различных учебных дисциплин, зачастую да-

леких друг от друга, с целью повышения эф-

фективности образовательного процесса. Ос-

новным препятствием этого служит хотя бы

то, что одни и те же категории даже в близких

друг другу науках трактуются неоднозначно, а

в очередной междисциплинарной концепции

приобретают еще одну новую семантику.

Становление форм совместной творческой

деятельности педагога и обучаемого связано с

трансформацией исторически ее предшеству-

ющих форм организации совместной деятель-

ности : совместно-последовательной, сов-

местно-взаимодействующей, совместно-инди-

видуальной. Именно в такой

последовательности, как показывает опыт ме-

неджмента различных организаций в развитых

странах, происходит развитие основополагаю-

щих форм совместной творческой деятельно-


Социальное и культурное творчество бу-

дущих специалистов, их непосредственное

участие в самоорганизации и самоуправлении

совместной деятельностью, взаимный кон-

троль, взаимопомощь, проясненность общих

ценностей и целей, определяющих поведение

каждого студента, коллективная ответствен-

ность за результаты и высокая эффективность

их учеюно-познавательной деятельности, все-

мерное развитие и использование индивиду-

ального и группового потенциала - таковы сла-

гаемые нового партисипативного подхода.

Известно, что структура организации

представляет собой совокупность составляю-

щих организацию элементов и связей между

ними. Основной элемент любой организации –

человек. Наиболее ярким примером организа-

ции, где главную роль играет человек, служит

партисипативная организация.

Партисипативные структуры относятся к

структурам нового вида. Но, на наш взгляд, до-

вольно сложно рассматривать их только как

структуры. В данном случае, мы скорее имеем

дело с типами организации, где и структура, и

стиль управления и механизмы управления по-

строены по определенным принципам, по-

этому более корректно говорить не партисипа-

тивных структурах, а о партисипативных орга-

низациях и партисипативном управлении.

Круг проблем, решаемых консалтингом,

весьма широк. Каждый профессионал, работа-

ющий в этой области, вкладывает в понятие

«консалтинг» собственный смысл, придавая

тем самым ему ин- дивидуальный оттенок.

Большой экономический словарь определяет

консалтинг как «деятельность специальных

компаний по консультированию производите-

лей, продавцов, покупателей в области экс-

пертной, технической и экономической дея-


Консалтинг в образовании как отдельный

вид консалтинговой помощи не был выделен.

Это связано с тем, что указанный вид консал-

тинговой помощи в педагогике и образовании

находится в стадии оформления в самостоя-

тельное направление, а потому в литературе

пока ещё не существует достаточно разрабо-

танного контекста современного образова-

тельного консалтинга. Также в настоящий мо-

мент не существует какого-либо общеприня-

того определения образовательного

консалтинга. Более того, в педагогических сло-

варях термин «консалтинг» вообще отсут-

ствует. Хотя хоте- лось бы отметить, что вве-

дение профессионального образования потре-

бовало консультаций психологов и педагогов

по вопросам профориентационного характера.

Однако широкой практики образовательный

консалтинг в образовательной инфраструктуре

не приобрёл.

Сегодня образовательные организации

развиваются и всё чаще нуждаются в профес-

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сиональной поддержке консультантов различ-

ных направлений, которые осуществляют ор-

ганизационную, педагогическую, обучающую,

управленческую и другие виды поддержки.

Активация всех направлений модернизации

российского образования в логике концепции

«Российское образование – 2020» породила

востребованность консультационных услуг

как внутри образовательной сферы на всех

уровнях, так и в руководстве субъектов Рос-

сийской Федерации, в муниципальных образо-

ваниях. Интенсивные преобразования в сфере

образования создали потребность в услугах

консультантов и на социальном уровне: роди-

тели хотят понять, какую школу или дошколь-

ное учреждение выбрать для обучения детей;

какие изменения в школьной жизни несёт За-

кон «Об образовании в РФ» и т. д. Занимаются

вопросом внедрения консалтингового подхода

в образование такие ученые, как Кубра М.,

Шэйн Э., Мильнер Б.З., Шохов А.С..

Теоретическая значимость исследования

заключается в уточнении педагогических

принципов развития у будущего учителя пар-

тисипативного стиля управления учением

школьников : принципы синтеза и системного

освоения знаний, принципы синтеза и комму-

никативного партнерства и сотрудничества,

принципы планирования учебной деятельно-

сти и управления учением школьников. Рас-

смотрим данные принципы более углубленно:

1)В теоретическом научном знании прин-

цип синтеза выступает в форме взаимосвязи

теорий и концепций, являясь основой интегра-

ции в психолого-педагогическом исследова-

нии знания из разных научных дисциплин. Ча-

сто эти теории оказываются противополож-

ными в определенных аспектах; корректное

применение метода синтеза позволяет снять

противоречия в развитии партисипативного

стиля управления учением школьников.

2) Принцип системного освоения знаний

предполагает усвоение знаний о партисипа-

тивном стиле учебной деятельности учащихся

в определенной системе, структурирующей

весь изучаемый материал на основе родовидо-

вых, причинно-следственных связей, с пози-

ции выделения общего и частного, отдельных

фактов и обобщающих выводов.

3)Принцип синтеза и коммуникативного

партнерства предполагает, что надо разви-

вать партисипативный стиль управления уче-

нием в целостной системе. И чем отчетливее

понимает это педагог, тем больше самостоя-

тельности, инициативы, свободы предостав-

ляет он своим студентам. Настоящий учитель

остается в образовательном процессе как бы

«за кадром», за пределами свободно осуществ-

ляемого студентами, а на самом деле – управ-

ляемого педагогом выбора.

4) Как целостная технология, принцип со-

трудничества пока не воплощен в конкретной

модели, не имеет нормативно-исполнитель-

ного инструментария; его идеи вошли почти во

все современные педагогические технологии,

включая партисипативный стиль управления

учением школьников. В связи с этим принцип

сотрудничества следует рассматривать как

особого типа «проникающую» технологию,

являющуюся воплощением нового педагоги-

ческого мышления, источником прогрессив-

ных идей и в той или иной мере, входящей во

многие современные педагогические техноло-

гии как их составная часть.

5) Под принципом планирования учебной

деятельности подразумевается определение

рациональной последовательности и опти-

мальных сроков прохождения программного

материала (в данном случае усвоения знаний о

партисипативном стиле управления) в системе

учебных занятий. Планирование позволяет

предвидеть реальные результаты предстоящей

работы, определить наиболее рациональные

пути их достижения в соответствии с част-

ными задачами каждого из этапов осуществле-

ния образовательного процесса, наметить чет-

кую программу действий преподавателя и бу-

дущих учителей, обеспечивающую

наибольшую продуктивность их совместной


6) Принцип управления учением основыва-

ется на понимании студента как свободной

творческой личности, способной к непрерыв-

ному в течение всей жизни образованию на ос-

нове соучастия и организации совместной дея-

тельности с преподавателем, базирующейся на

диалогическом взаимодействии.

В итоге овладения данными принципами и

подходами мы получаем специалиста, способ-

ного направить студента, включить его в про-

цесс развития обучения, что очень актуально

для сложившегося рынка труда.

Список источников:

1. Кравченко И.А. Развитие у будущего

учителя партисипативного стиля управления

учением школьников : автореферат диссерта-

ции на соискание степени канд. пед. наук / Ека-

теринбург, 2006. - 19 с.

2. Никитина Е.Ю. Инновационные

тренды в современной образовательной дея-

тельности : коллективная монография / Под

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ред. проф. Е.Ю. Никитиной. - Гуманитарный

изд.центр ВЛАДОС, 2013. - С. 27-54.

3. Никитина Е.Ю. Формирование худо-

жественно - эстетической коипетенции буду-

щих хореографов / Е.Ю Никитина, Ю.В. Стю-

арт. - М.: Издательство "Перо", 2015. - 142 с.

4. Педагогическое управление коммуни-

кативным образованием студентов вузов : пер-

спективные подходы [Текст] : монография /

Е.Ю. Никитина, О.Ю. Афанасьева - Москва:

МАНПО, 2006. - С. 31-36, 120-135.

5. Скриптунова Е.А. Партисипативные

структуры / Скриптунова Е.А., Мухаметшина

Э.Ф. // Аксиома.- 2008. №1. - 35 с.

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Lomova E.

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Kazakhstan,

Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai


The mentioned article investigated the problem mythology as a diverse source of plot threads and

as a specific artistic system with its own laws and loses structure.

Mythological text included a special mixture of figurative –expressive means characterized by dif-

ferent ways representation the author idea. In this sense the creativity of William Faulkner and John

Hoyer Updise was analyzed by introduction of mythological motives in the realistic plot threads and

enrichment of images by universal meaning and analogies.

Myth and new mythology trend as cultural and literary problem was considered by Russian and

American Slavic Studies as multi-faceted system included the overall of organization plot deployment,

specific logic structure and the process reader perception.

Keywords: mythology, figurative –expressive means, symbolic prototype, temporal framework, ide-

ological concept, American criticism, literary heritage ,philosophical belief ,romantic poetic, cyclical

property, biblical mythology ,the system of images, artistic embodiment, archetype, ethical category,

artistic stylization, mosaic structure integrity, spatio-temporal aspect, author concept, reader percep-

tion, narrative duality.

The definition of “myth and serious studies in

the field of mythology takes place as important

cultural and literary problem for many writers and

scholars of the West Studies ’’The research works

in mythology subject carried out under a variety of

creative techniques, approaches and stylistic

trends represented the artist dialogue with a num-

ber of religious and mythological system’’[1,191].

Myth attracted writers not only as a diverse

source of plot threads, but about all, as a specific

artistic system with its own lens and logic struc-


Myth became as epitome of timeless values,

not connected with personal author creativity, be-

cause it proposed the universal way of discovering

the main problem and contradictive sites of reality.

Myth is defined as ‘’common’’, general point

of view, non-personal view of the world, which al-

lowed and derived possibilities “to create a rela-

tively strong position with regard to perception

and projection of reality and circumstance of hu-

man being life and its artistic interpretation”


Mythological text included a special mixture

or figurative –expressive means, diversity their

ideological structure and stylistically features. In

this case, the using mythology in the artistic “con-

text was characterized by different ways meaning

representation the author’s plot idea and didn’t ac-

cept unilateral interpretation” [3,127].

Myth was considered as psychological and

philosophical basic to reveal the specific archaic

thinking and features of spiritual mentality in re-

lated of human being in current time.

According this approach, the global prob-

lems of contradictive and complicate sites of lo-

cality in the artistic text seemed to be solved by

means of the myth.

In connection with above said belief scientist

emphasized non - historical aspect of myth and

conformed myth “as symbolic prototype of Uni-

versal evaluation and representation with its sig-

nificance and value beyond all times” [4,13].

In American literature creativity of William

Faulkner and John Hoyer Updise was considered

by myth as important means of reflection histori-

cal aspect of human being existence and included

the efforts expending its boundaries and temporal

frame work to recognize and game accurate obser-

vation of Universal eternal modal of personal and

social human being behavior

In this sense, the works of William Faulkner

‘’The Sound and Fury ‘’, ’’Go Down Moses’’ and

the novel John Hoyer Updise ‘’Centaur’’ deliv-

ered the most fully reproduces of the ideological

and philosophical concept of these authors.

By the end of the twenty century American

criticism studies has developed a special branch

professionally engaged in a detailed researching of

heritage creativity of William Faulkner.

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The volume researchers with respect to

works of William Faulkner included hundreds

pages of books, unique collection of materials of

international conferences, thousands of articles

and numerous sites of the internet, in rich highly

respected scientific research centers participated.

Among the should be called the Centre for

the study of Southern Culture at the University of

Mississippi (‘’The Centre for the Study of South-

ern Culture, University Mississippi) and Centre of

for Faulkner Studies of South East Missouri State

University (‘’The Centre for Faulkner Studies in

South East Missouri State University’’).

The foreign researchers G.Blotnera,

X.Brumm, B.Brooks and others dedicated theirs

works to forceful investigation to literary heritage

of William Faulkner. The problem influence of

myth on creativity of William Faulkner was dis-

cussed by Russian scientists J.Boldonova, G.Ve-

toshbina and others.

The major achievement in the study of literary

creativity of John Hoyer Updise was presented by

solid works of A.Broyard, R.Heyman, S.Robin-

son, D.Rampton and others [5],[6].

They fully reflected the latest approaches and

methods to enlighten the significance and value of

the artistic novels to modern America literature.

Concept features and universal meaning mod-

els was largely determined by mythological their

artistic productivity in the process transmission

‘’the image circumstances and basic of human be-

ing existence, which was not be limited to certain

social and historical frame work’’ [7,17].

Throughout the XX century the mythological

poetic trends were also actively represented in the

Western European and Russian literature [8].

Appeal to myth, namely its reinterpretation

in the artist’s mind, was going in the ideological

and aesthetic directions. The ideological reinter-

pretation of the artistic myth was based on its ‘’hu-

manization process, represented as effort to create

hero with his subjective feeling, religious and phil-

osophical beliefs and individual human biography,

which explained the way of his mind his manners

and real condition of his life” [9,17].

Defined above literary trend was typical for

creativity John Hoyer Updise and took place in his

outstanding novels.

The aesthetic reinterpretation of myth in the

XXth century was connected with a new appeal to

the romantic poetic theory of Art proposed by the

German philosopher Friedrich Shelling.

He determined that any artistic work must

become ‘’new mythology’’ reflected the personal

mythology of the author.

According this approach, any artistic work

should be ‘’create a new world’’ based on the cre-

ative imagination broken and ‘’transformed the es-

tablished common boarders of reality’’ [10,87].

Both of these traditions took an important

place in the literary heritage of William Faulkner

.Considering the artistic interpretation of the myth

and the efforts inclusion of traditional plot threads

into a modern, multi-level context, the modern re-

searchers accepted the use of the category ‘’new

mythology’’ as a special construction of the artis-

tic text respect to adverted opinion with archaic,

folk, literary and cinema. From this side mythol-

ogy began to serve not only as fiction story, but

also to keep control under its dynamic structure.

In this sense, the works of the writers became

nonlinear plot, and the artistic time reflected cycli-

cal property. The author “confirmed blurring line

between personality and Universal, matter and

spirit, animate and inanimate, and finally, most

importantly, between the fiction text and she real-

ity surrounding it” [11,14].

Artist’s philosophy and aesthetic were based

on the new mythology trend as the process evalu-

ation and understanding complex reality and its in-

fluence on the conscious and subconscious of hu-

man being.

From this side the method of artistic structure

William Faulkner’s works “recalled the epic,

genre, the interpretation of the evens by different

narrators of the New and Old Testament” [12,4].

This way accepted the myth as attitude, as

‘’Universal reality forever and ever, despite the

genre openness of many fiction, to create a whole

system model of Universal and analyze its general

character traits genre openness of many fiction, to

create a whole system model of universal and to

analyze its general character-traits” [13,57].

In the novel ‘’Centaur’’ by John Hoyer Up-

dise mythology should be considered as the hard

core of his its content.

The foundation author idea of the work con-

cerned to the ancient myth of the noble contour

Chiron, donated granted him immortality in favor

of Prometheus. In accordance with this view the

myth revealed the importance of author idea of ar-

tistic conflict unfolding in the tedious human be-

ing existence.

The main theme of “Centaur” by William

Faulkner was developed by the constant contrast

of real and mythological level, which emphasized

the decline, decay and degeneration of public and

private human being life.

The Neo-mythology as aesthetic approach in

the creativity of William Faulkner was occupied

as a special effective way of poetics and evalua-

tion shades of reality. His literary heritage was

Page 13: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


beveled “by the interpretation and transformation

of traditional consciousness and the potent efforts

to deliver his own original mythology, which kept

features and traits of traditional myth concept”


The novel ‘’Yoknapatanpha Country’’ by

William Faulkner represented the epic of America

combined the author penetration into the depths of

the human inner world and the attempts to solve

the fundamental problems of human existence in

the current reality.

The dominant expression means of William

Faulkner novels was based on unrivaled connec-

tion with biblical allusions (‘’Go Down, Moses’’),

gospel mythology (“Sound and the Fury”, a com-

bination of Christian mythological allusions and

Indian symbolism. (‘’Light in August’’), biblical

allusions and myths of Ancient Greece (“Absa-

lom, Absalom!”), proved the universal signifi-

cance of his literary creativity [15].

The author idea by John Hoyer Updise ‘’Cen-

taur’’ was represented by narrative duality pre-

served the complex combination of real and myth-

ological features and emphasized the immortality

of human nature with its contradiction of common

sense and definition “good” and “evil”.

Myth in the novels by John Hoyer Updise

clarified the human existence, but “didn’t absorb

it didn’t reduce its fiction space” [16,93].The cre-

ativity of writer was extended by introduction of

mythological motives in the realistic plot threads

and enrichment of images by universal meaning

and analogies’’[16,94].

From this view, borrowing the elements of

mythological structure took on the character of in-

tertextuality as an artistic technique, which in-

volved the substantive use of these elements for

developing the system of images, artistic character

defined as the creator of universal and retained the

specific private type of consciousness.

Thus, myth and new mythology trend as cul-

tural and literary problem was considered by Rus-

sian and Anglo-American Slavic Studies as multi-

faceted system included artistic convention and

embodiment, archetypal, ethical category, creative

implementation of the artistic tradition, cyclical

structure of story artistic stylization and mosaic

structure integrity, spatio-temporal aspect, the

overall retrospective organization scene deploy-

ment and process of acquiring knowledge and un-

derstanding through experience and the senses,

which resorted to the philosophical and poetic au-

thor concept of artistic text and involved the spe-

cific logic development and reader perception.


1. Cultural myths: materials scientific con-

ference ‘’Typology and types of cultures: diversity

of approaches’’ - M., Nauka, 2001-302p.

2. Kirin M. ‘’Method mythology ‘’- M.,

Ryazan, 2000.-P.114-399.

3. Kyrylyuk A. Universals of culture and se-

miotics of discourse. - Odessa, 1996-141 p.

4. Sakharov E. The myth in the history of

culture – Diss. cand., Dushanbe, 1995-171p.

5. Brooks S. William Faulkner: The Yok-

napatawpha Country /S.Brooks. New Haven: Yale

University Press, 1963-1969p.

6. Brumm U. Motive in Familienroman:

William Faulkners ‘’The Sound and the

Fury’’//Familienbindung als Schicksal .Gottingen,


7. Myth and literature. Contemporary theory

and practice./ed.by J.B. Vickery - Lincoln, 1996-


8. Rampton D. ‘’My Other Self’’- Foreign

literature, 1996.-№10.-p.258-265.

9. Transformation and functioning of cul-

tural models in Russian literature of XXth century

(archetype, mythology, motive): Materials anni-

versary. conf. dedicted 100th anniversary of

Tomsk State University - Tomsk - 2002-253p.

10. Boldonova I. The philosophical novel in

American literature of XXth century - Ulan-Ude -


11. Bochkareva N. Myth and reality in the

American novel of 1950-70 years //Research on

conservatism .-Perm,1998.-P.87-89.

12. Vladimirov N. Myth in the genre structure

of the modern Western novel//Genre originality of

artistic forms in the literature of XXth century.-

Tashkent, 1992,-P.3-19

13. Pudovochkin N. Neo-mythology as a

method in the US artistic culture of the XXth cen-

tury on the material of W.Faulkner and J.A.Updise

–Diss.cand.-Saransk, 2005-160p.

14. Vetoshkina G. Faulkner and Shakespeare:

to the problem of intertextual dialogue//Scope of

language and pragmatics of speech communica-

tion.-Krasnodar, 2003-№3.-P.200-202

15. Frye N. The Great Code: The Bible and

Literature/N.Frye.-New York: Harcourt Brace Jo-

vanovitch, 1982-p.167

16. Cowley M. The Faulkner–Cowley.-

N.Y.:Viritage Press, 1966-378p.

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Rzayeva L.

Department of systems analysis and management of

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Uskenbayeva G.

Department of systems analysis and management of

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Mussina A.

Department of systems analysis and management of

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan


The article deals with the method of using manipulators with the maximum speed for the example

of a single-stage manipulator located on a belt conveyor. The condition for the dependence of the cur-

rent parameters of the control object and the maximum possible speed of operation of the process equip-

ment is considered. As actuators for the manipulator and tape are used electric drives with DC motors

of independent excitation. The method of synthesis of adaptive systems intended for tuning the frequency

of harmonic motion of manipulation mechanisms with the purpose of increasing the speed of their work

in the process of changing the load parameters without reducing the dynamic accuracy of control is

proposed and studied. It was determined that depending on the current values of the parameters of the

control object and the amplitudes of harmonic input signals without reducing the dynamic accuracy of

control, it is possible to significantly change the frequency of these signals.

Keywords: Control object, belt conveyor, adaptive control, manipulators with maximum speed, am-

plitude-frequency characteristic, electric motor, transfer function.

Due to the view of the technical revolution of

the twenty-first century, it is very important to

make high quality products, that is why, in the in-

dustry, various automation instruments are in-

creasingly being used. One of the most significant

places of automation is occupied by robotic equip-

ment containing multi-stage industrial manipula-

tors that allow performing a wide range of techno-

logical tasks with high productivity and accuracy.

Due to the high competition, robotic manipulators

as automation tools have differences that are in the

universality, speed of transition to new operations,

the latter is most important in the face of high de-

mands on product quality and flexible production


Most of the existing methods of manipulator

control do not allow to form the speed of move-

ment of their working body along given trajecto-

ries. Earlier attempts to create such control sys-

tems led to significant computational difficulties.

From the theory of automatic control, it is

known that as the amplitude and frequency of the

input signal increase, the dynamic accuracy of real

automatic control systems with a falling amplitude-

frequency characteristic decreases [1]. As a result,

without the use of special correction tools, it is often

not possible to increase the speed, and as a conse-

quence, the productivity of the technological equip-

ment does not increase without deteriorating the

quality of the operations performed. However, if

the parameters of the specified equipment, and

hence its frequency response in the process of op-

eration, then taking into account these changes, it is

possible to increase the frequency and amplitude of

the input signal without impairing the dynamic ac-

curacy of control even with the use of typical sta-

tionary correcting devices.

The task of this work is the creation of a con-

trol system that, with the help of fairly simple tech-

nical means, depending on the current parameters

of the control object, could constantly maintain the

maximum possible speed of operation of the pro-

cess equipment, without impairing the dynamic ac-

curacy of control.

The development of the method for synthesiz-

ing an adaptive control system is based on the ex-

ample of a single-stage manipulator 1 (pic. 1), per-

forming oscillatory movements of the storage ring

2 with amplitude Ap and frequency ωp over the

moving conveyor belt 3 with objects 4 with which

some technological operations are required. In this

case, the objects themselves can be located at dif-

ferent distances Δyj from the central axis X of the

conveyor belt.

Page 15: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


Pic. 1 Process flow diagram

As actuators for the manipulator 1 and tape 3,

electric actuators with DC motors of independent

excitation or with permanent magnets are used [2].

The equations of the electric and mechanical cir-

cuits of these motors are:


𝑑𝑡+ 𝑅𝑖 + 𝐾𝜔�̇� = 𝐾𝑦𝑢, (1)

𝑀д = 𝐽Σ�̈� = 𝐾М𝑖, where R, L - respectively, the resistance and

inductance of the anchor circuit of the motor;

𝐾𝑀 , 𝐾𝜔 - respectively, the torque and anti-EMF;

𝐾𝑦 - is the gain of the power amplifier; u, i – re-

spectively, the voltage and current in the anchor

circuit of the motor; 𝑀Д - the moment developed

by the electric motor; JΣ - total moment of inertia,

reduced to the shaft of the electric motor; (a,) ̇a ̈ -

respectively, speed and acceleration of rotation of

the motor shaft.

In order to obtain the required performance

indicators, standard serial correction devices are

introduced into the direct circuit of both electric

drives, with a transfer function of the form:

𝑊𝑘𝑙(𝑠) =𝑇1𝑠+1

𝑇2𝑠+1 (2)

where 𝑇1 =1

𝜔ср, 𝑇1 > 𝑇2, 𝑙 = 1,2. Taking into

account correction (2) and differential equations

(1), the transfer function of the open circuit of each

electric drive will have the form:

𝑊(𝑠) =𝐾(𝑇1𝑠 + 1)

𝑠(𝑇2𝑠 + 1)(𝑇3𝑠2 + 𝑇4 + 1), (3)

And the AFC, constructed on the basis of the

transfer function (3), is:

𝐴(𝜔) =𝐾√1+𝑇1





where 𝑇3 =𝐿𝐽Σ

𝐾𝑀𝐾𝜔, 𝑇4 =


𝐾𝑀𝐾𝜔, 𝑇5,6 =



4− 𝑇3, 𝑇5 > 𝑇6, 𝐾 =


𝐾𝜔𝑖𝑝, 𝑖𝑝 − gear ratio.

During execution by the manipulator of tech-

nical operations, the value of JΣ can change contin-

uously or discretely, taking values from the range:

Jmin <JΣ <Jmax. It is assumed that the value of JΣ

varies or is discrete, or no more than 10% during the

transient process in the electric drive. In this case, a

traditional apparatus of transfer functions can be


Quite often, the transfer functions of systems

have many time constants that affect the form of

their frequency response only in high-frequency

regions far from operating frequencies. As a re-

sult, these small time constants can be neglected

and fairly simple analytic descriptions of AFC [3,

304 pages] can be obtained. These descriptions

can later be used to calculate the varying operating

frequencies of the input signals of systems with

changes in their parameters n particular, for a

small value of L, the inequality 𝑇5 ≫ 𝑇6 holds. If,

in addition 𝑇5 ≫ 𝑇1 and 𝑇5 ≫ 𝑇2, then instead of

AFC (4), we can use its simplified analytical de-


𝐴(𝜔) ≈𝐾



The form of the AFC constructed using

expression (5) is shown in dashed lines in Fig. 2

(next to curve 1).

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Pic. 2 Frequency response of the system for various values of control parameters

From pic. 2 that the changes in the simplified

frequency response constructed from expression

(5), in comparison with the amplitude-frequency

characteristic constructed from expression (4),

start to the right of the operating frequencies of

real input signals and practically do not affect the

calculation of these frequencies. Thus, in this case,

to find wp, it is entirely possible to use the expres-

sion obtained on the basis of expression (5) 𝐴𝑝



𝜔√(1 + 𝑇52𝜔2)

, (6)

From (6), equation

𝑇52𝜔4 + 𝜔2 −


𝐴𝑝2 = 0,

Used to find a single positive root

𝜔𝑝 =

√−1 + √1 + 4𝑇52𝐾2𝜀𝑑


𝑇5√2 (7)

From Fig. 2 that formula (7) can be used to

determine high-frequency 𝜔𝑝, but in this case the

estimate ω will be somewhat lower. Expression

(7) allows us to determine 𝜔𝑝 in real time with

continuous changes in the parameters of control


From pic. 1 it can be seen that the manipula-

tor's working part when a harmonic signal is input

to its electric drive input

𝑎∗(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑝𝑗 sin(𝜔𝑝𝑗𝑡) , 𝑗 = 1, 𝑁̅̅ ̅̅ ̅ (8)

will move with frequency 𝜔𝑝, along an arc of

a circle whose radius l coincides with the length of

the link of the manipulator, where N is the number

of objects installed on the conveyor belt. The cam-

era 5 is above this tape and allows to determine the

location of the next object on it, that is, the value

of ∆𝑦𝑗 relative to the х and 𝑥𝑗∗ along this axis.

Technological operations with all objects are per-

formed only in the extreme positions of the manip-

ulator, when it deviates from the x axis by an angle

𝐴𝑝𝑗 = arcsin (∆𝑦𝑗

𝑙), (9)

and the speed of movement of its working el-

ement relative to objects is zero.

The conveyor belt begins to move to the next

discrete value

∆𝑥𝑗 = ∆𝑥𝑗∗ + 𝑙(1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐴𝑝𝑗) (10)

only after performing a technological opera-

tion with the previous object and then stopping in

anticipation of the approach of the manipulator

arm to the newly moved object located already on

the other side with respect to the x axis. The indi-

cated work cycles are repeated with all remaining


Moving the conveyor belt to a distance ∆𝑥𝑗 is

provided taking into account expression (10) by

rotating its drive wheel through an angle

∆𝜑𝑗 =∆𝑥𝑗

𝑟 (11)

where r - radius of this wheel.

The block diagram of the proposed adaptive

control system for the manipulator and conveyor

belt is shown in Fig. 3. Here the following nota-

tions are introduced: ε - the signal of dynamic er-

ror of the manipulator; ЭП 1, ЭП 2 - electric drives

controlling the manipulator and conveyor, respec-

tively; ДП 1, ДП 2 - the corresponding position

sensors; a1, a2 - output signals of ДП1 and ДП2,

respectively; Р1, Р2 - reducers; M-manipulator; K

- the driving wheel of the conveyor; ТД - televi-

sion sensor; БРА - the unit for calculating the am-

plitude 𝐴𝑝𝑗 of a harmonic signal according to the

formula (9); БРТ - is the unit for calculating the

Page 17: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


rotation angle ∆𝜑𝑗 by formulas (10) and (11);

БИУ- is the identification unit JΣ , БРЧ - is the cal-

culation unit 𝜔𝑝𝑗, using formula (7), taking into

account the current value of JΣ.

Pic. 3 Structural diagram of the adaptive control system of a manipulator and a conveyor belt

Note that in order to ensure stable operation

of the manipulator control system, the next change

in the value 𝐴𝑝𝑗 in expression (8), if necessary,

should be performed at the moment when the ma-

nipulator coincides with the x-axis, i.e. when a*(t)

= 0 .

Since the frequency ωpj, calculated by the for-

mula (7) changes abruptly during the operation of

the system, then in calculating a*(t) (8) in order to

exclude the jumps of this input signal, it is expedi-

ent to calculate the value ωpjt by means of an in-

tegrator whose input is fed with a stepwise varying

signal ωpj (pic. 3).

During the simulation, the process of in-

stalling the manipulator of some parts into nine

objects, which were alternately moved by the

transporter, was investigated. These parts were

placed in the manipulator storage. Harmonic

movement of a manipulator with a length l = 0.4

m and a driving wheel of a conveyor with a radius

of r = 0.1 m is controlled by identical electric

drives built on the basis of DC motors. These

drives have the following constant parameters:

Ку=1500, Км = 0,02 Nm/А, Кω = 0,02 Vs, R = 0,4

Ohm, L = 0,004 H, Т1=0,024 s, Т2 =0,0012 s,

іp=80 - gear ratio of the reducer. The objects on

the transporter were arranged in such a way that

for the first object Аpj=1,3 rad, and for all subse-

quent Аpj = 0,3 rad. At the same time JΣ varied

from 0,001 to 0,0002 kgm2, decreasing by a jump

of 0,0001 kgm2 on each turn of the manipulator,

and εd= 0,0015 rad.

In pic. 4 shows the law of the change in the

output signal of the manipulator electric drive dur-

ing its operation with the changes JΣ, Аpj and ωpj,

mentioned above, and in pic. 5 - laws of variation

ωpj of this signal Figures 1 and 2 in Fig. 5 desig-

nates the frequencies calculated according to the

formula (7), respectively, and figure 3 - frequency

of the input signal of the electric drive of the ma-

nipulator in the system that does not use adaptive

frequency adjustments. It can be seen from this fig-

ure that in calculating ωpj, according to formula

(7), almost identical results are obtained, although

with increasing ωpj, curve 2 starts to pass some-

what below curve 1. Moreover, with the indicated

change in the load parameters of the manipulator

electric drive, the value ωpj in the adaptive system

can increase by more than in 5.2 times, signifi-

cantly increasing the performance of technological


In pic. 6 shows the laws of conveyance of

conveyor belt S and the time for one work cycle

with nine objects, using adaptive tuning algo-

rithms ωpj (curve 1), with constant initial value ωpj

(curve 2) and when using an input signal of an

electric drive of a manipulator of not harmonic but

stepped signal of the same magnitude (curve 3). In

all three cases the value of εd remained constant

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Pic. 4 The law of variation of the output signal α1 of the electric drive of the manipulator

Pic. 5 Laws of variation ωpj of the input signal of the electric drive the manipulator

The horizontal sections of the curves in pic. 6

correspond to the idle time of the conveyor in an-

ticipation of the manipulator approach, and the in-

clined ones to the time of its movement. The in-

creased runtime of one operating cycle in a system

with a stepped input signal is explained by a sharp

increase in the current in the windings of the motor

at the beginning of its movement. This current was

specially limited in magnitude in order to maintain

the operability of the electromechanical equip-

ment used.

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Pic. 6 The laws governing the movement of the conveyor belt under various laws governing the for-

mation of control signals

From Fig. 6 that with a harmonic input signal

at the input of the drive and the laws of variation

Ap and JΣ given above, the adaptive control system

used by increasing the frequency of this signal

makes it possible to almost 2.6 times increase the

productivity of the equipment used without ex-

ceeding εd. This confirms the high efficiency of

adaptive control systems synthesized on the basis

of the algorithms for determining the working fre-

quency of the manipulator's motion proposed in

this paper.

In this paper, we propose and study a method

for the synthesis of adaptive systems designed to ad-

just the frequency of the harmonic motion of manip-

ulation mechanisms in order to increase the speed

(performance) of their work in the process of chang-

ing the load parameters without reducing the dy-

namic accuracy of control.

It was determined that, depending on the cur-

rent values of the parameters control object and

amplitudes of harmonic input signals without re-

ducing the dynamic accuracy of control, it is pos-

sible to significantly change the frequency of these


Adjustment of the frequency of the control

signals is carried out on the basis of the frequency

response of systems is realized by discarding

small time constants and obtaining a sufficiently

simple analytical description of the frequency re-

sponse, which in further is used for rapid analyti-

cal calculation of changing operating frequencies

of input signals of systems with changes in their


References: 1. V.Pshihopov. Optimal speed of trajectory

control of electromechanical manipulation robots

// Izvestiya Vuzov. Electromechanics. 2007. № 1.

Pp. 51-57

2. Piavchenko TA, Moiseeva EV Parametric

correction of the electric drive dynamics on the ba-

sis of the technical optimum method // Mechatron-

ics, Automation, Control. - 2012. - No. 4. - C. 14-


3. Filaretov V.F. Self-adjusting control sys-

tems for manipulator drives. Vladivostok: FESTU

Publishing House. 2000. - 304 p.

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Derevenko V.

Kuban State Technological University

Technological University of Tajikistan(Tajikistan, Dushanbe)

Mirzoev G.

Kuban State Technological University

Technological University of Tajikistan(Tajikistan, Dushanbe)

Kokulov P.

Kuban State Technological University

Technological University of Tajikistan(Tajikistan, Dushanbe)

Ziyavodinov S.

Kuban State Technological University

Technological University of Tajikistan(Tajikistan, Dushanbe)


For expansion of the range of vegetable oils of linoleic group development of technology and the

equipment for processing of oilseeds of melon cultures with receiving valuable vegetable oil and fodder

cake is actual. Therefore authentic data on the main properties of seeds are necessary. The main physic-

mechanical properties of seeds of melon cultures of melon and water-melon are studied and general-

ized: the linear sizes, volume mass of seeds, weight are thousands of seeds, the mass of seeds, their

corner of static friction, coefficient of external friction, specific work of destruction important at devel-

opment of the capital and auxiliary processing equipment in processes of processing of seeds.

Keywords: melon cultures, linear sizes of seeds, static friction corner, mass of seeds, specific work

of destruction.

Cultivation of melons, including various vari-

eties of melon and watermelon is carried out prac-

tically on the whole territory of agricultural lands

of Tajikistan. As is known, melons are a source for

obtaining various foods and oil seeds. Melon mel-

ons are a delicious and useful dessert food, and

seeds - waste. In the canning enterprises from the

melons of melons you can make a fried puree,

juice, candied fruits, jam, etc. [1]. By-products in

the production of the above products are seeds that

are not processed. However, it is possible to obtain

valuable vegetable edible oil and cake from press

seeds from oil seeds. From the cake you can get

bold flour, used as an additive to food functional

purpose [1].

Therefore, the actual task is the development

of technology and technological equipment for the

processing of seeds oil of melon crops with the

production of vegetable oil and oilcake.

Reliable information on the main physical

and mechanical properties of seeds, such as linear

dimensions and shape, the bulk mass, the mass of

thousands of seeds, is required for the develop-

ment of the main and auxiliary technological

equipment that implements this technology, in-

tended for cleaning oil seeds from weeds, drying,

calibrating and collapsing. , The coefficient of ex-

ternal friction, as well as information on the spe-

cific work of fracture.

To solve the problem, the main physical and

mechanical properties of seeds of melons, melons

and watermelon melons were studied experimen-

tally [1 - 4] [5 -7]. In tables 1 and 2 shows the main

physical and mechanical properties of pumpkin

seeds of Muscatel and Fodder melon

Varieties "Asian oval" and watermelon vari-

ety "Astrakhan" harvest 2011, grown in Tajiki-

stan, as well as varieties of melon «С. Edulis»,

«Egusi», «Sarakhi», grown in Africa and Asia.

Table 1.

Linear sizes of watermelon and melon seeds

Seed variety Linear dimensions, mm

length width thickness

Melon "Asian oval" 10,36– 14,35 4,58 – 6,16 1,11– 2,49

Melon «С. Edulis» [5] 14,50 8,47 2,49

Melon «Egusi» [6] 13,20 7,92 1,85

Melon «Sarakhi» [7] 15,62– 17,05 9,15-10,07 3,10-3,16

Watermelon "Astrakhan" 11,04-14,60 6,68-9,12 1,78-3,39

Page 21: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


Table 2

Bulk weight, weight of thousands of seeds and the weight

of individual watermelon and melon seedlings

Seed variety Humidity, % Volumetric

weight, kg/m3

Weight thou-

sands of seeds

, kg

Weight of in-


achenes, gr

Melon "Asian oval" 5,3 412 54,14 0,03 – 0,08

Melon «С. Edulis» [5] 6,33 446 110,0 -

Melon «Egusi» [6] 7,11 414,0 95 -

Melon «Sarakhi» [7] 4,55– 45,22 337 – 540 - -

Watermelon "Astrakhan" 6,0 458 126,38 0,12 – 0,42

As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, the basic

physical and mechanical properties of seeds differ

markedly for different grades of melons. Melon

varieties grown in Africa and Asia have larger lin-

ear dimensions than the seeds of melon grown in

Tajikistan, which is obviously associated with va-

rietal characteristics and natural climatic condi-

tions of cultivation. In table 3 shows the values of

the friction angle of the melon seeds and water-

melon at rest, depending on their humidity on the

following surfaces: iron, a screen with holes of 7

mm in diameter and a sieve with holes 4 mm in


Table 3

The values of the angle of friction of the rest of the watermelon and melon seeds, depending on their

moisture content

Seed variety Humidity, % Angle of friction of rest, 0

iron sieve d = 7mm sieve d = 4mm

Melon "Asian oval" 5,3 – 23,1 26,5 – 51,8 28,3 – 54,5 27,6 – 52,2

Melon «С. Edulis» [5] 6,25 36,0 - -

Melon «Egusi» [6] 7,11 23,7 - -

Melon «Sarakhi» [7] 4,55-45,22 17,12-30,57 - -

Watermelon "Astrakhan" 6,0 – 43,0 26,0 – 52,4 29,6 – 56,3 27,6 – 54,5

The values of coefficients of external friction

of seeds of melons have been experimentally es-

tablished according to a known method [8]. De-

pendence of coefficient of external friction of

seeds fтр from their humidity W,% is approxi-

mated by a linear equation of the form

𝑓тр = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑏 ∙ 𝑊 (1)

Where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are the coefficients of equation

1 (Table 4).

As can be seen when the moisture content of

the seeds of melon crops increases, the coefficient

of external friction increases, which is also char-

acteristic for seeds of grain crops [9].

Table 4

Values of the coefficients in Equation 1 and the discrepancy between the experimental values of the

coefficients of external friction and calculated by the equation 1.

Seed variety type of surfaces Values Coefficients

Discrepancy, ±% a b

Melon "Asian oval"

Iron 0,277 0,031 7,6

sieve d=7мм 0,481 0,025 4,7

sieve d=4 мм 0,426 0,026 4,7



iron 0,356 0,021 8,3

sieve d=7мм 0,403 0,024 5,3

sieve d=4 мм 0,372 0,023 2,8

The average specific work of destruction of

melon and watermelon seeds has been experimen-

tally studied. The average specific work of de-

stroying the seeds of watermelon and melon was

determined according to a known method [10, 11].

Since during the collapse of the seeds of mel-

ons, external forces can act in different directions,

we investigated the effects of dynamic loads di-

rected to the seed in the "flat", "on the rib" and

along the long axis until complete destruction. The obtained experimental data on the spe-

cific work of destruction of a mixture of water-melon seeds under dynamic destructive forces in the directions of three axes, depending on their

Page 22: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping

22 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 1, 2018 moisture content, are well described by a third-de-gree polynomial [4]:

𝐴𝑝 = 𝑎𝑊3 ∙ 𝑏𝑊2 ∙ 𝑐𝑊 ∙ 𝑑 (2)

where 𝐴𝑝– average specific work of destroy-

ing the seeds of watermelon or melon, J/kg; 𝑊 –

seed humidity, % (for seeds watermelon 𝑊 = 6,1 – 31,5 %, for seeds melon 𝑊 = 5,6 – 28,6 %); 𝑎 , 𝑏, 𝑐 , 𝑑 – coefficients whose values depend on the direction of the destructive forces (table 5).

Table 5 Coefficients for calculating the specific work of destruction of watermelon and melon seeds for vari-

ous directions of dynamic loads.

Seeds Direction dynamic


The values of the coefficients in equation 2

Discrepancies between ex-perimental

and calculated data,%

a b c d

Watermelon "Astrakhan"

“flatways” 0,10 -7,75 162,4 363,61 2,0 “edgeways” 0,07 -5,73 124,3 503,14 2,3 Along the long axis 0,07 -6,10 132,32 428,51 3,1

melon varieties “flatways” 0 -1,74 50,78 371,1 6,1 Melon "Asian oval" and «Amiry»

“ edgeways ” 0 -1,75 51,08 335,5 6,5 Along the long axis 0 -1,63 46,93 328,3 7,3

It is established that the experimental data on

the specific work of destruction of the mixture of melon seeds of the variety "Asian oval" and mix-tures of melon seeds of the "Amiry" variety, de-pending on their humidity, are described with suf-ficient accuracy for engineering calculations by a polynomial of the second degree, that is, in equa-tion 2) the first term is zero [12].

The discrepancies between the values of the average specific work for the destruction of the mixture of watermelon seeds and the experimental data calculated by equation (2) do not exceed ± 3.1%, and for the melon seed mixture no more than 7.3%, (Table 5). According to equation (2), the maximum average specific work of destruction of the commercial mixture of watermelon seeds is

determined, which corresponds to average mois-ture content of 15.8%, and for a mixture of melon seeds it is achieved at an average moisture content of 14.4%.

It should be noted that the specific work of destroying the seeds of watermelon is almost twice as high as the specific work of destroying melon seeds, and several times more than for sun-flower seeds [10] and hemp [13], which is obvi-ously associated with higher strength Characteris-tics of their fruit coat.

Figures 1 and 2 show the graphs of the aver-age specific work of the destruction of watermelon and melon seeds at different positions of the achene relative to the destructive force.

а) б) в)

Figure 1

Average specific work of destruction of fractions of watermelon seeds at the position of achenes in re-

lation to the destructive force: a) "flat", b) "on the edge"; C) along the long axis








Ø6 Ø7 Ø8








ic w


of …

Fraction size, mm








Ø6 Ø7 Ø8


921 876





ic w








Fraction size, mm








Ø6 Ø7 Ø8


873 834











Fraction size, mm

Page 23: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


а) б) в)

Figure 2 - Average specific work of destruction of fractions of melon seeds at the position of achene’s

in relation to the destructive force: a) "flattened"; B) "on the edge"; C) along the long axis.

As can be seen from Figures 1 and 2, the min-

imum average specific destruction performance is

achieved when the watermelon and melon seed-

lings are destroyed along their long axis. There-

fore, it is advisable to calibrate the seeds of water-

melon and melon and produce a separate crushing

of the obtained seed fractions.

The obtained data on the main properties of

melon seeds can be used in the design of equip-

ment for their processing.


1. Derevenko V.V. Basic physical and me-

chanical properties of pumpkin seeds grown in Ta-

jikistan / V.V. Derevenko, G.H. Mirzoev, A.A.

Lobanov, O.V. Dikova, A.D. Klimova //Message

university. Food technology. - 2012. № 4. - P. 120

- 121.

2. Derevenko V.V. Basic physical and me-

chanical properties of melon seeds grown in Ta-

jikistan / V.V. Derevenko, G.H. Mirzoev, A.A.

Lobanov, E.A. Kalienko, S.E. Nazarko // Message

university. Food technology. - 2013. № 1. - P. 120

- 121.

3. Derevenko V.V. Basic physical and me-

chanical properties of seeds of watermelon grown

in Tajikistan / V.V. Derevenko, G.H. Mirzoev,

A.A. Lobanov, E.A. Kalienko // Message univer-

sity. Food technology. - 2013. № 2 - 3. - P. 116 -


4. Derevenko V.V. Strength of the fruit shell

of watermelon and melon seeds / V.V. Derevenko,

G.H. Mirzoev, E.A. Kalienko // Oil and fat indus-

try. - 2013. № 4. - P. 20 - 21.

5. Davies R.M. Engineering properties of

three varieties of melon seeds as potentials for de-

velopment of melon processing machines // Ad-

vance journal of food science and technology. –

2010. – Vol 2(1). – P. 63-66.

6. Determination of selected physical prop-

erties of Egusi melon (Citrullus colocynthis la-

natus) seeds / Bande Y.M., Adam N.M., Azmi Y.,

Jamarei O. // Journal of basic & applied sciences.

– 2012. – Vol. 8. – Р. 257-265.

7. Physical properties of watermelon seed as

a function of moisture content and variety/

Koocheki A., Razavi S.M.A., Milani E.,

Moghadan T.M., Abedini M, Alamatiyan S, Iza-

dikhah S // Int. Agrophysics. – 2007. – Vol. 21. –

Р. 349-359.

8. Aret V.A. Rheology and physical and me-

chanical properties of food products [Text]: Text-

book / VA. Areth, S.D. Rudnev; SPb .: IC Inter-

media, 2014. - 246 p.

9. Technological equipment of enterprises of

the industry (grain processing enterprises) /

Glebov LA, Demsky AB, Vedenyev VF. And oth-

ers. - M.: DeLi print. - 2006. - 816 p.

10. Manual on technology for the production

and processing of vegetable oils and fats., Volume

1 / Ed. AG Sergeeva.-L .: VNIIZh, - 1975. -728p.

11. Zaporozhchenko S.D. Specific work of

destruction of soybean beans / S.D. Zaporozh-

chenko, V.V. Derevenko, E.N. Konstantinov. -

Dep. VINITI. - 2004. № 71 - В.

12. Mirzoev G.H. Specific work of destroying

melon seeds / G.Kh. Mirzoev, V.V. Derevenko,










Ø4 Ø5 Ø6


568,62 547,1







rk o

f d






Fraction size, mm









Ø4 Ø5 Ø6








rk o

f d






Fraction size, mm









Ø4 Ø5 Ø6


509,8 508,43






rk o

f d






Fraction size, mm

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A.A. Lobanov //. Food technology. - 2013. № 4. -

P. 122 - 123.

13. Derevenko V.V. Specific work of destroy-

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rozhchenko. - Dep. In VINITI. - 2005. - No.444B.


Nurzhanov M.


Astrakhan State Technical University

Bulashov D.


Astrakhan State Technical University

Tulepbergenova D.

candidate of pedagogy, associate Professor of foreign languages,

Astrakhan State Technical University


Based on the analysis of shortcomings of existing methods of oil separation, proposed to modernize

the design of vertical separator on the installation of crude oil stabilization, with the aim of increasing

the efficiency of the separation process of gas-liquid mixture as well as reduce the costs of these activi-


Presented data about the material balance for controlling the flow of oil and gas mixture, strength

calculation, aimed at identifying the most vulnerable places in the design of the separator, and a heat

calculation to determine the thickness of the heat insulation of the separator.

Keywords: stabilization of crude oil, setting integrated oil treatment, vertical separator, drying,

purification, compression, degassing.

Extracted from the bowels of the Earth of oil

contains in its composition not only liquid and

gaseous hydrocarbons, but also dissolved gases,

organic (methane CH4, ethane С2Н6, propane

C3H8, butane C4H10) and inorganic (hydrogen

sulfide Н2Б, carbon dioxide CO2 and Not helium)

origin, which degrade the quality of subsequent

processing of oil and lead to undesirable and de-

structive effects on the equipment due to its corro-

sive activity. This significantly affects the quality

of oil and its performance characteristics.

Before transporting and supplying oil to the

processing gas needs to be separated from oil, to

reduce the corrosive effects on piping and equip-

ment of oil refinery. The high demand for hydro-

carbon raw materials and its limited reserves re-

quire development of energy-saving technologies

and improving the quality of commodity oil. In

this regard, the work aimed at the extraction of oil

dissolved gases are relevant. From this it follows

that a very important task is the process of degas-

sing of oil.1

Currently, for separating gas from oil used

cumbersome and insufficiently effective separa-

tors that are able to separate the gas phase from the

1 M. S. Arabov, Z. M. Arabova, M. A. Marisheva, J. M. Ju-

maliev ; Equipment and technologies of extraction, prepara-

tion of oil, gas and reservoir wastewater : study guide/under

General editorship of M. S. Arabova; Astrakhan. GOS. tehn.

liquid only with high concentrations. One way of

solving this problem is the use of vertical separa-

tors in the process of stabilization of oil because

their design makes it easier to remove from the

machine the accumulation of sand that is depos-

ited from the production wells, so that such sepa-

rators are the most widely used in the oil fields,

where production wells contains sand, and also

take up less space than horizontal, which is espe-

cially important in the context of marine fisheries,

where the equipment is mounted on platforms or

racks and have a number of advantages.

However, existing information sources lack

specific information about specific progress in the

use of a vertical separator for degassing oil. There

is no information about their application and on

the Northern Caspian fields.

In this regard, the development of the project

vertical separator for degassing oil in the direction

of eliminate the negative impact of the shortcom-

ings of conventional separators and their individ-

ual components when working in the oil fields of

the Northern Caspian sea is important.2

To solve these problems you need to solve the

following tasks:

Univ. of Illinois – Astrakhan : publishing house of ASTU,

2017. – 164 p. 2 The Commissioners, Y. A., Gordeev L. S., D. P. Vent Pro-

cesses and apparatuses of chemical technology: textbook. the

Page 25: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


- to identify the best solutions for the design

of the components constituting the separator, on

the basis of studying and analysis of scientific in-

formation of patents in recent years and to select

and justify technical proposal

- perform design studies and calculations for

technical offer using the selected best solutions for

its components.

Schematic diagram of the improved vertical

separator offered by me is shown in Fig.1

Fig. 1 – Improved vertical separator

The principle of operation of the separator


Gas and oil mixture under pressure is fed

through pipe 1 in the upper part of the separator,

and then, thanks to bumper 2 accurately and uni-

formly flows down on the valve plate 3. Then gas-

liquid mixture via the overflow pipe 6 flows down

from one plate to another.3

In the lower part of the separator contains a

cylindrical tube 7 with holes 10 for the exit of

heated methane(CH4). The gas rises upward and

passes through the liquid layer on the plates

(through special valves) that allows the separation

of a mixture into two components: gas and liquid.

As the gas is heated to a temperature of 65°C, the

degassing process is faster.

In the upper part of the separator is installed

separating the nozzle 4 bladed type. Droplets of oil

are repulsed by the separation device 4, and then

flow down in the pallet and sent via overflow pipes

to the bottom of the device, and the gas under pres-

sure through the valve 5 is sent to the purification

system, dehydration and compression. Reduction

allowance/ under the editorship of Yu. a. Komissarov, ed. by

Yu. a. Komissarov. M.:Chemistry, 2011. – 1230с. 3 Tarakanov, G. V. Technology of processing of natural gas

and gas condensate of the Astrakhan gas processing plant: a

of droplet entrainment occurs due to the collision

of gas flow with a vane-type baffles. The liquid

mixture is fused on the bottom of the separator is

discharged with the aid of the valve 9.

In the lower part of the housing of the separa-

tor is set to 11 water gauge glass with shutoff

valves 12 a, which is designed to measure the

amount of fluid supplied.

The advantages of this device:

– simplicity of design;

– high efficiency separation;

– relatively small dimensions.

– economic benefit

– you can remove one degree of separation

Technological data separator:

Working pressure - 40 ATM; Diameter - 1200

mm; Volume - 1.6 m3; Weight - 1300 kg; Perfor-

mance installation (volumetrical the flow of the

mixture) Gсм = 5 t/h; The density of oil and gas

mixture ρ = 863 kg/m3 ; The percentage of mix-

ture: crude oil - 90% gas - 10%; Cleaning effi-

ciency - 99.9%; The volume flow rate of gas - 500

kg/h; The volumetric flow rate of oil - 4500 kg/h;

tutorial/ Astrakhan. GOS. tehn. University / Astrakhan. GOS.

tehn. University — Astrakhan: publishing house of ASTU,

2013. — 148с.

Page 26: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


The liquid flow rate of - 4 m/c; Material - high-

Strength steel 40KH

Improving the efficiency of out gassing is

achieved by installing at the bottom part of the

separator cylindrical tubes on its surface is coaxi-

ally located holes for supplying the superheated

gas(CH4 - methane) at a temperature of 65 °C, and

the inclined shelves replacement valve. Their

main advantage - the ability to provide efficient

mass transfer in large range of workloads, the sim-

plicity of construction, low metal consumption

and low cost. Thanks to the installation of the

valve plates the percentage of gas in the oil de-

creased from 50% to 35%.


The refining processes of oil and gas have un-

dergone in their development, both qualitative and

quantitative changes arising from the task of de-

velopment of the national economy of our country.

Currently, oil and gas processing and petrochemi-

cal industries are widely used combined pro-

cesses, which are characterized by the use of

multi-devices simultaneous flow stages of the re-

action, heat and mass transfer. Especially im-

portant is the use of multifunctional devices in a

compact small-scale installations of hydrocarbon

processing to reduce the indicators of quality of

target products up to standards.

Improving the efficiency of out gassing is

achieved by installing at the bottom part of the

separator cylindrical tubes on its surface is coaxi-

ally located holes for supplying the superheated

gas(CH4 - methane) at a temperature of 65 °C, and

the inclined shelves replacement valve. Their

main advantage - the ability to provide efficient

mass transfer in large range of workloads, the sim-

plicity of construction, low metal consumption

and low cost. Thanks to the installation of the

valve plates the percentage of gas in the oil de-

creased from 50% to 35%.


1. M. S. Arabov, Z. M. Arabova, M. A. Mar-

isheva, J. M. Jumaliev ; Equipment and technolo-

gies of extraction, preparation of oil, gas and res-

ervoir wastewater : study guide/under General ed-

itorship of M. S. Arabova; Astrakhan. GOS. tehn.

Univ. of Illinois – Astrakhan : publishing house of

ASTU, 2017. – 164 p.

2. the Commissioners, Y. A., Gordeev L. S.,

D. P. Vent Processes and apparatuses of chemical

technology: textbook. the allowance/ under the ed-

itorship of Yu. a. Komissarov, ed. by Yu. a.

Komissarov. M.:Chemistry, 2011. – 1230с.

3. Tarakanov, G. V. Technology of pro-

cessing of natural gas and gas condensate of the

Astrakhan gas processing plant: a tutorial/ Astra-

khan. GOS. tehn. University / Astrakhan. GOS.

tehn. University — Astrakhan: publishing house

of ASTU, 2013. — 148с.

Page 27: POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 · POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №1 (2018) ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping


№1 (2018)

ISSN 3353-2389

Polish journal of science:

has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping the knowledge and

scientific achievements to contribute to the world.

articles published in the journal are placed additionally within the journal in interna-

tional indexes and libraries.

is a free access to the electronic archive of the journal, as well as to published articles.

before publication, the articles pass through a rigorous selection and peer review, in or-

der to preserve the scientific foundation of information.

Editor in chief –J an Kamiński, Kozminski University

Secretary – Mateusz Kowalczyk

Agata Żurawska – University of Warsaw, Poland

Jakub Walisiewicz – University of Lodz, Poland

Paula Bronisz – University of Wrocław, Poland

Barbara Lewczuk – Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Andrzej Janowiak – AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Frankie Imbriano – University of Milan, Italy

Taylor Jonson – Indiana University Bloomington, USA

Remi Tognetti – Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France

Bjørn Evertsen – Harstad University College, Norway

Nathalie Westerlund – Umea University, Sweden

Thea Huszti – Aalborg University, Denmark

Aubergine Cloez – Universite de Montpellier, France

Eva Maria Bates – University of Navarra, Spain

Enda Baciu – Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts

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