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Polish Polychrome

Date post: 18-May-2015
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  • 1. Polychrome is one of the terms used todescribe the use of multiple colors inone entity. It has also been defined as"The practice of decorating architecturalelements, sculpture, etc., in a variety ofcolors." Most often, the term is used inconjunction with certain styles ofarchitecture, pottery or sculpture inmultiple colours.

2. The word polychrome derives from the Greek (polychrom os), "colourful", from (polys), "many, much" + (chroma), "color." 3. Polychrome examples: Gothic 4. Polychrome examples: ArtNouveau http://panoramy.zbooy.pl/360/show.html?p=krako w-kosciol-franciszkanow-hdr&t=32&lang=p 5. Polychrome examples: ArtNouveau 6. Polychrome examples: ArtNouveau 7. Polychrome examples: ArtNouveau 8. Polychrome examples: ArtNouveau 9. The Franciscan Church of the Holy Trinityin with the most interesting examples ofpolychrome in Opole 10. Franciscan church in Opole the chapelof St. Anne withpolychrome fromXVI centuryThe coat of armsof Opole PiastDynasty 11. The history of the Church of the HolyTrinity in Opole.The church is situated in the very centre ofthe city and makes one complex with theFranciscan monastery. Theoriginal Gothic structure of Franciscanchurch in Opole underwent changes inhistory, according to changing styles inarchitecture. Thebiggest changes occurred in the Baroqueperiod. The chancel is Gothic, the naveinside has baroqueinfluences. Conservation works havegreatly contributed to restoring gothicelements of the church.The temple has theform of a three-aisled hall (body) with a 12. Polychrome intheFranciscanChurch inOpole. 13. Currently, the insidings of the temple come mostlyfrom the 1950s of the twentieth century and referto the late Renaissance and Baroquepatterns . The author of the interior concept wasfather Dr Edward Frankiewicz (1905-1990), arthistorian and researcher of the history ofFranciscans in Silesia, who administered therestoration works, when theFranciscans returned here after World War II. 14. Polychrome in theFranciscan Churchin Opole. 15. Polychrome inFranciscan Church inOpole 16. On the south wall ofthe body, the right ofthe entrance tothe St. Anne chapel,the can beseen fragments ofpolychrome, exposedduring the recentworkconservation. You canrecognize twoangels supportingthe drapes,the central scene isillegible. 17. Polychrome in theFranciscan Church inOpole 18. Polychrome in Franciscan Church 19. Women preparing forthe restoration ofpolychrome paintings 20. Churchin Bierdzany - anantique wooden church of St.NicholasHedwig.The church wasbuilt in 1711. It wasbuilt in Baroquestyle and in 1961paintings withbiblical themes werediscovered duringthe renovation of the 21. Brzeg Polychrome Route On the 53 km long route there are 14 churchesmostly 600 years old country temples with around20 medieval polychrome paintings. During the Protestant Reformation initiated byMartin Luther in the 16th century the polychromepaintings were covered with plater to adjust theinterior to the ideas of reformation. They were rediscovered recently and the bestpreserved Gothic examples are the polychrome inMaujowice, Strzelniki, Pogorzela i Krzyowice. 22. Brzeg Polychrome Route 23. Brzeg: The Holy Cross Church 24. Brzeg: The Holy Cross ChurchExampleof illusionpolychrome 25. Brzeg: The Holy Cross Church 26. Brzeg Polychrome Route 27. Brzeg Polychrome RouteKoci in Maujowicach (360 degrees panorama) http://panoramy.zbooy.pl/360/show.html?max=1& p=malujowice-kosciol-wnetrze-1&lang=p&t=32 28. Brzeg Polychrome Route 29. Thank you for your attention
