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Pollett Legacy 30

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The Pollett Legacy: Chapter 30 We Are Still Here
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The Pollett Legacy: Chapter 30We Are Still Here

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Welcome to Chapter 30 of the Pollett Legacy! Thirty chapters, can you believe it? As the title suggests, the legacy is still carrying on, over three years since it began.

As it has been about 6 months since my last update (yeah, sorry about that) a quick recap at this point would be helpful. We are currently with the heiress for Generation 8, who is Adah, and she is married to this guy from college, Jess.

They have 5 children.

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The oldest two are Charisma...

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And Skye.

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In the middle is Savannah.

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The younger two are Tucker*

*(If this is indeed Tucker.)

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..and Eleazar.*

*(If this is indeed Eleazar.)

(Okay. I’ve forgotten which is which. It’s been that long since I’ve played.)

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In actual fact, only one of the children is biologically Jess’. The other four are Charity’s, Adah’s lover from college. Can you guess which?

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At the end of the last chapter, (and I apologise that you’d be forgiven for not remembering it), elder Kaji passed on. I was really sad about this, it was the end of an era. Everyone else in the family is pretty gutted.

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Well, apart from possibly Jess, who missed the whole thing because he was busy playing guitar, as usual.

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But now onto events new.

Jess has been looking forward to this day, and dreading it.

“It’s my baby’s birthday!”

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That’s right, Savannah becomes a teen today.

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Savannah grows up to be a much prettier version of her dad, although she still has many of the same features.

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She doesn’t take long to extol the virtues of fitness – her chosen hobby – to the family. I like this look on her, it’s quite cool.

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Adah is beginning to feel her age, and coupled with the agony of having a boyfriend in his never ending college years, has finally turned to Kedar, the family cowplant, to relieve her of some years.

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“This is our secret, Kedar. I’d hate Jess to think I was worried about my age.”


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“Oh, that feels goooooood.”

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Things tick over, much as you’d expect them to.

Charity, Joel and Stacy come over quite a lot, to see Skye and Charisma.

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The girls also bring home a lot of friends, socialites that they are.

Skye has her own unique way of talking to people. She lacks nice points.

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Tucker (?) has discovered a love of sports, and watches them on TV all the time. (The lot being too small to actually put any proper sports equipment in for him.)

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“Boo! I could play better than that.... If we had a bigger yard.”

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Skye is the family sim of the family, despite being the pleasure sim of the family. She teaches her younger brothers how to study.

In the Sims 3, your kids do their homework automatically, and carry it around in their inventory so you don’t need a hack (such as macrotastics) in order to actually find it. Just thought I’d mention that.

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Jess ignores everything, if he can.

“Charisma is introducing herself to a girl on our lawn, and Charity is here again. Much as he’s a nice guy, I can’t help but feel that Adah gives him more attention than she gives me. “

Hmm. Why is the girl a problem?

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“Hey sugah, what’s your name? You look like my type.”

Ah. That’s why.

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It’s not long before Charisma has charmed her way into her new friends heart.

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And the first kiss inevitably follows.

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Charity is here to play the boys. No one has told them that they’re his but seeing as how he’s cleverer than Jess he’ll work it out soon enough.

“Why does no one play fair in this family?”

I think you can blame Adah for that one.

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“Wait, I’ve just worked something out.”

There, penny dropped. I reckoned it would.

“Gosh mister, you look familiar.”

“That’s because I’m your-”

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Not in front of Savannah dear.

“She knows, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, but I try not to remember.”

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“Wait, there are two of them again?”

“That guy looked a lot like my brother...”

Gee, here we go.

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“You’re telling me your mother has five kids and four of them are mine?”

“Sure thing dad. That seems to be the case.”

“This family is so screwed.”

“You’re telling me.”

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“How come you’re still in college and mum can’t marry you?”

“Eh, just the way legacy neighbourhoods roll, I guess. Thems the rules, and we break them as best we can.”

“Is there really nothing we can do for mum? She’s going a bit... Funny.”

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“She thinks we don’t notice how much time she spends with that cowplant. Well... Most people don’t seem to notice but I do.”

“I’m sorry kiddo, but there really isn’t more I can do.”

“Isn’t there?”

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The woes of avoiding legacy rules aside, life continues.

“I like computer games.”

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“Charisma, we have a huge assignment in next week, hadn’t you better get your ass in gear?”

“In a minute!”

“She is so much like dad.”

Which dad?

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Skye on the other hand, despite being the gamer of the house, is the one that does all the hard work.

She is honestly the least pleasure-sim-like pleasure sim I’ve ever played. Which suits me fine.

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“I got an A+!”

“Keep it up Skye, and it’ll turn into millions of simoleans some days.”

Ever the fortune sim, is Adah. Much like her forefathers.

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“Your kids are wonderful, Charity. I’m so glad you stuck around for them.”


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Another day, another conquest for Charisma.

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And Skye is slowly working her way into Ben Bee’s heart. Despite only having two nice points, she dotes on him quite considerably.

She’s painfully shy about it.

Like Charity much?

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Savannah also has her mates, but she doesn’t set her heights much higher than the fitness bike outside.

“And then I worked out for four hours straight and had to spend two days in bed with strained muscles. It was awesome.”

“I have to go. I think I forgot to... iron the cat...”

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Jess has taken up every hobby imaginable to forget about the fact that there are rampant lesbians on the loose in his house.

“I am calm, I am with friends. I am in my happy place. La la la.”

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He even invites over old college mates.

This is Prince Blokie, a placeholder from way back when.

“I met the cutest guy!”

“Not you too?!”

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Not everyone is gay around this place though.

“Ben... um, that is....”

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“Shut up and kiss me already.”

“Eww. That is sickeningly romantic.”

“Sis, you’re ruining my moment here...”

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Everyone likes to go jogging together. Because they’re all fit like that.

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Savannah is obviously the organiser of that little thing.

“I only have time for fitness. Everything else is not as interesting.”

You’re not exactly showing off your interesting side, if you wanted to be named heiress. Just a heads up.

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Now that they’ve started, Ben and Skye don’t stop.

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“I love you Ben.”

“I love you too Skye.”

“Lets always stay together.”

I don’t think I have the patience for too much more of this.

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“You got me demoted again.”

Me? How is this my fault?

“You’re the one that picks the bad chance cards.”

Yeah, but you’re the one that gets them!

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“I’m ignoring everything, la la la.”

Are you still here then?

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“I’m the best fortune sim ever.”

You’ll have a job with that, I’ve played MANY over this legacy.

How cute, I’m getting nostalgic already.

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One day, there was a disturbance in the force.

Charisma felt it in the textures on her dress.

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Passers by stopped to look at the shadows that now followed them down the street.

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“Ooh yeah! You finally got that new processor you wanted, didn’t you?”

You have to ruin all my good news, don’t you?

We’ll skip over the fact it was a Christmas present, cough.

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“There are reflections in this mirror. How did I never notice before that I am so hot?!”

And like that, there was satisfaction with the new graphics.

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Sadly, the boys were too busy slap dancing to notice their new pretties.

(I’ll be surprised if there are no dancing scholarships when people leave. Honestly, they never stop slap dancing.)

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And Savannah had just passed out from exhaustion because she works out too hard.

Some people are just never pleased.

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Other Sims are working hard on their hobbies too, and there are always random people handing out membership cards.

You’re all bored of hobbies now, aren’t you?

I’m not. Tough. :p

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Charisma is still tinkering with the bath tub.

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Skye prefers to spend time with Ben.

Am I going to have to bring him to college? Because honestly, that’ll take up lots of time and I’d like to actually finish this legacy sometime this decade.

“You’re so pushy!”

It’s my job.

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We bring you a brief interlude for birthdays.

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Hello hotties!

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Jess got another promotion, good for him.

“Why does no one run out to greet me?”

Well your kids *cough* are all teens now, which can’t help.

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You’re getting stalkerish, am I going to have to put a restraining order on you?

“Maybe you could come and play my household for a change. I know Harmony is dying to actually marry that cute blonde bundle of fluff you graduated for her.”

Agh, so many things to do, so little time. I have the Sims 3 now, I don’t actually need you anymore.

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“Why are you still here then?”

I feel I have a duty to this legacy to finish it, now that it’s so close.

“Stop talking to me and get on with it then!”

And I’m apparently pushy? Sheesh!

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The boys have gone downtown to buy new clothes and I thought I’d send them to the cemetery to check out if there are any ghosts tonight.

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Unfortunately, there is just this vampire on a rampage.

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Well, when she isn’t mopping up plants.

Why would you do that?

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Ah hah – that would be why.

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“Nice night for fishing, isn’t it?”


Are they vampire fish?

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“Dawns a coming, gotta fly!”

Exciting life, being a vampire, isn’t it?

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The makeovers are cute.

This is Tucker, as he’s the sporty one.

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Which makes this Eleazar.

*Drools a little*

Have I mentioned that Eleazar is my favourite name?

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Jess finds the passing of age swift and unexpected.

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“Why do I suddenly feel like I’m wearing a wig?”

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I like elders, they always seem to me to look really sweet.

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“Muppy, I’m so glad you could come over for my husbands birthday!”

“When is your birthday?”

“Oh not for a while yet. Say, there’s cake over there if you’d like some.”

“Ooh, cake! You’re too kind!”

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“Hmm, Muppy... I mean cake.”

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“Was she good, fella?”


“I’ve always wondered – is it really good cake?”


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“Yeah, probably best not to find out. Do you have to be so rude about it, Kedar?”

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“Don’t judge me for this. I’m not ready to be old and saggy yet.”

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“I’m just doing what needs doing.”

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“Ah, I can feel the years melting away!”

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“If I keep this up, there won’t be anyone left in the neighbourhood by the time I should be 50.”

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“Do you still find me attractive, Jess?”

“Of course I do. You’ll be attractive to me even when you’re old and saggy like me.”

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“Eww, saggy old man woo hoo.”

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“I’ve had about as much as I can take now, I’m escaping this loony bin.”

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“I’m right behind you, sis.”

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“Aww, I’m gonna miss the girls. Hey, what’s this addressed to me amongst the post?”

If you want to find the true way to eternal youth and beauty, meet me in three days time. A taxi will arrive for you at 5am. Don’t be late!

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“Who could that be from? And can they really ensure my youth and beauty forever?”

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The girls have arrived at college. The break from home turns out to be just what they wanted.

Mass jogging sessions inevitably ensue.

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And Maria heads over from the Greek House to initiate them.

“Looks like the vampire rampage made it over here too, hey?”

“I can’t stop saying “bleh!” It’s so annoying!”

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Soon enough the girls are checking out their makeovers in the Greek House mirror. Charisma has gone for some funky highlights.

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Whilst Skye likes her comfy tracksuit.

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Sharon, the house zombie, is still around too, generally being fat and eating pizza.

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All the pets are present and correct too, including Misato here, Kaji’s womrat.

“Well, we’re here now. Where did mum say that dad lived?”

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And that, dear readers, is where I shall leave you. There are few unanswered questions hanging for next time, such as:

•Who is the mystery note from, and will Adah go?•Can Charity help the girls through college and save Adah from herself?

All this and more in the next exciting Pollett Legacy installment!! Happy Simming!
