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Pollution of Inland Waters; A case study of Fosu Lagoon, Ghana

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CHAPTER ONE1.0INTRODUCTION/LITERATURE REVIEWAll cells, at least those that are metabolically active, contain approximately 85.95% water, it is therefore a truism to state that any environmental factor that affects, the activity , structure or physical state of water poses a threat to life in one s health. Oceans have historically been the dumping grounds for the wastes from society. Fortunately, this view has changed and regulations have become much more stringent, but the effects of the p
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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION/LITERATURE REVIEW All cells, at least those that are metabolically active, contain approximately 85.95% water, it is therefore a truism to state that any environmental factor that affects, the activity, structure or physical state of water poses a threat to life in one’s health. Oceans have historically been the dumping grounds for the wastes from society. Fortunately, this view has changed and regulations have become much more stringent, but the effects of the past still lingers. Pollution has been very damaging to aquatic ecosystems, and may consist of agricultural, urban, and industrial wastes containing contaminants such as sewage, fertilizer, and heavy metals that have proven to be very damaging to aquatic habitats and species. Many of the pollutants entering aquatic ecosystems (e.g., mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides) are very toxic to living organisms (USEPA, 2007). They can lower reproductive success, prevent proper growth and development, and even cause death. The organisms that are most 1




All cells, at least those that are metabolically active, contain approximately 85.95% water, it is therefore a truism to state that any environmental factor that affects, the activity , structure or physical state of water poses a threat to life in one s health. Oceans have historically been the dumping grounds for the wastes from society. Fortunately, this view has changed and regulations have become much more stringent, but the effects of the past still lingers. Pollution has been very damaging to aquatic ecosystems, and may consist of agricultural, urban, and industrial wastes containing contaminants such as sewage, fertilizer, and heavy metals that have proven to be very damaging to aquatic habitats and species. Many of the pollutants entering aquatic ecosystems (e.g., mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides) are very toxic to living organisms (USEPA, 2007). They can lower reproductive success, prevent proper growth and development, and even cause death. T he organisms that are most directly and adversely affected by toxic pollutants consist of larvae, eggs, and other organisms that live at the surface or near the bottom of aquatic habitats where pollutants tend to settle. Filter feeders (e.g., clams, and mu ssels) and other organisms higher up in the food chain (e.g., swordfish, tuna) are also affected by the presence of toxicants. Filter feeders and predatory fin -fish are not directly affected by the presence of toxic chemicals in the water column or sediments, instead they bioconcentrate and bioaccumulate the toxicants. For example, humans, animals, and birds have been known to suffer from mercury poisoning, lead poisoning, and other neurological diseases from eating fish and shellfish that are contaminated with high levels accumulated toxicants.1

In addition to toxic pollutants, increased nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, from city sewage and fertilizers from agricultural areas (e.g. animal feed lots) have also proven to be very damaging to aquatic ecosystems. Certain levels of these nutrients are known to cause harmful algal blooms in both freshwater and marine habitats. In turn, algal blooms impact aquatic biodiversity by affecting water clarity, depleting oxygen levels, and crowding out organisms within an ecosystem. In some instances algal blooms have produced neuro -toxins that have led to species die -offs and illnesses such as Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Other pollutants affecting biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems are solid pollutants like plastic bags, plastic rings, abandoned fishing gear, and other man -made materials that result from garbage dumped from shore and ships. Trash and debris of this nature floating in aquatic environments, have been known to entangle and even kill marine mammals and birds. Animals such as sea turtles have often died through ingesting bits of plastic and other discarded materials. In addition, abandoned fishing gear such as lobster pots and nets are self-baiting and will continue to catch and kill fish and othe r organisms for years after the gear has been discarded or lost (USEPA, 2007). 1.1 INLAND WATER

Inland water systems can be fresh or saline within continental and island boundaries. They include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, groundwater, springs, cave waters, floodplains, as well as bogs, marshes and swamps, which are traditionally grouped as inland wetlands. The biodiversity of inland waters is an important source of food, income and livelihood, particularly in rural areas in developing countries. Other values of these ecosystems include: water supply, energy production, transport, recreation and t ourism, maintenance of the hydrological balance, retention of sediments and nutrients, and provision of habitats for


various fauna and flora. But since all terrestrial animals and plants depend on fresh water, the boundaries between aquatic and terrestria l are blurred. At the species level, inland water biodiversity generally includes all life forms that depend upon inland water habitat for things other than simply drinking (or transpiration in plants). Besides the obvious life living within water itself (e.g., fish), this also includes many terrestrial species of animals (e.g., water birds), semi-aquatic animals (e.g., hippopotamus, crocodiles, and beaver) and plants (e.g., flooded forest, mangroves, vegetation associated with the margins of water bodies ). The majority of amphibians, for example, breed in fresh water. As for all biodiversity, for inland waters the concept includes diversity at the species, genetic and ecosystem level. Species which are restricted to inland waters (e.g., freshwater fish) cannot move easily between different areas. Inland waters are therefore characterized by high endemicity of freshwater species for example between different lakes or the upper reaches of sub catchments of rivers, often even where located physically close to each other. This is also reflected in high levels of genetic diversity. Most importantly, ecosystem diversity (including hydrological and physical diversity within the landscape) is an extremely important aspect of the biodiversity of inland waters. Thi s ecosystem diversity is very complex and includes both aquatic and terrestrial (landscape) influences; maintaining it is critical to maintaining ecosystem services. Also, human interventions in the ecosystem tend to deliberately reduce this diversity (e.g., by modifying the form, and therefore function, of river channels and/or hydrology).




Lagoons have a less well defined drainage network and larger open areas and are usually shallow often less than 2 m (6.5 ft) deep. A raised ridge, or sand barrier, is characteristic of lagoons. This feature was formed during the interglacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch, some 80,000 years ago, when sea shorelines were about 6 m (20 ft) above present average levels. During the last ice age, fluvial and atmospheric processes eroded the earlier coast. When sea levels rose anew, the areas behind the barrier were once again flooded. Lagoon s are present on all continents (Encarta 2008). Water pollution may come from point sources or nonpoint sources. Point sources discharge pollutants from specific locations, such as factories, sewage treatment plants, and oil tankers. The technology exists to monitor and regulate point sources of pollution , although in some areas this occurs only sporadically. Pollution from nonpoint sources occurs when rainfall or snowmelt moves over and through the ground (USEPA). 1.2.1 POINT SOURCE POLLUTION Point source pollution refers to co ntaminants that enter the lagoon through a discrete conveyance, such as a pipe or ditch. Examples of sources in this category include discharges from a sewage treatment plant, a factory, or a city storm drain. The U.S. Clean Water Act (CWA) defines point source for regulatory enforcement purposes 1.2.2 NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION Non-point source (NPS) pollution refers to diffuse contamination that does not originate from a single discrete source. NPS pollution is often a cumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. Nutrient runoff in stormwater from sheet flow


Contaminate stormwater washe off of parking lots roads and highways called urban runoff is sometimes included under the category of NPS pollution. However this runoff is typically channeled into storm drain systems and discharged through pipes to local surface waters and is a point source. The CW definition of point source was amended in 1987 to include municipal storm sewer systems as well as industrial stormwater such as from construction sites. F G R 1.1


ve ic l l iel

est is sometimes cite as e amples of NPS poll tion.

1.3 PARAMETERS OF INTEREST The parameters considered in determining the quality of water are many and varied. The choice of parameters therefore rests on the researcher s interest and objectives. Possible choice of parameters may be centered on the following:

Geographical location Economic activities Source of pollution Availability of appropriate instrument and reagent.This project would focus on the conventional and nutrient parameters. 1.4 CONVENTIONAL/PHYSICAL PARAMETERS

pH Temperature TDS Turbidity Conductivity Salinity1.4.1 NUTRIENT PARAMETERS These parameters are the result of life activities in the lagoon. They provide the nutrient requirement of organisms and such explain why life may exist in water. They include:

Nitrate Phosphate Sulphate6

1.5 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY In spectrophotometer analysis, a source of radiation is used that extends into the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. The instrument employ is the spectrophotometer. It consists of two components;

An optical spectrometer- it is an instrument possessing an optical system which canproduce dispersion of incident electromagnetic radiation, and with which measurements can be made of the quantity of transmitted radiation at selected wavelengths of the spectral range.

A photometer is a device for measuring the intensity of transmitted radiation or afunction of this quantity. The variation of the colour of a system with change in concentration of some components forms the basis of calorimetric analysis. The colour is usually due to the formation of a coloured compound by the addition of an appropriate reagent. Colorimetry is concerned with the determinat ion of the concentration of a substance by measurement of the relative absorption of light with respect to a known concentration of the substance. 1.5.1 BEER-LAMBERT S LAW

The law states that there is a logarithmic dependence between the transmission (or transmissivity), T, of light through a substance and the product of the absorption coefficient of the substance, , and the distance the light travels through the material (i.e. the path length), . The absorption coefficient can, in turn, be written as a product of either a molar


absorptivity of the absorber, , and the concentration c of absorbing species in the material, or an absorption cross section, , and the (number) density N of absorbers.

For liquids, these relations are usually written as

Whereas for gases, and in particular among physicists and for spectroscopy and spectrophotometry, they are normally written

Where I0 and I are the intensity (or power) of the incident light and that after the material, respectively

The transmission (or transmissivity) is expressed in terms of an absorbance which for liquids is defined as

Whereas for gases, it is usually defined as

This implies that the absorbance becomes linear with the concentration (or number density of absorbers) according to



For the two cases, respectively

Thus, if the path length and the molar absorptivity (or the absorption cross section) is known and the absorbance is measured, the concentration of the substance (or the number density of absorbers) can be deduced.

Although several of the expressions above often are used as Beer Lambert law, the name should strictly speaking only be associated with the latter two. The reason is that historically, the Lambert law states that absorption is proportional to the light path length, whereas the Beer law states that absorption is proportional to the concentration of absorbing species in the material.

If the concentration is expressed as a mole fraction i.e. a dimensionless fraction, the molar absorptivity ( ) takes the same dimension as the absorption coefficient, i.e. reciprocal length (e.g. cm 1). However, if the concentration is expressed in moles per unit volume, the molar absorptivity ( ) is used in Lmol 1cm 1, or sometimes in converted units of mol1


The absorption coefficient ' is one of many ways to describe the absorption of electromagnetic waves. For the others, and their interrelationships, see the article: Mathematical descriptions of opacity. For example, ' can be expressed in terms of the


imaginary part of the refractive index, , and the wavelength of the light (in free space), according to


In molecular absorption spectrometry, the absorption cross section of line strength, S, and an (area-normalized) line shape function,

is expressed in terms

. The frequency scale in

molecular spectroscopy is often in cm 1, wherefore the line shape function is expressed in units of 1/cm 1, which can look funny but is strictly correct. Since N is given as a number density in units of 1/cm 3, the line strength is often given in units of cm 2cm 1/molecule. A typical line strength in one of the vibrational overtone bands of smaller molecules, e.g. around 1.5 m in CO or CO 2, is around 1023

cm2cm 1, although it can be larger for species

with strong transitions, e.g. C 2H2. The line strengths of various transitions can be found in large databases, e.g. HIT AN. The line shape function often takes a value around a few 1/cm , up to around 10/cm

broadened, and below this under atmosph eric pressure conditions, when the transition is collision broadened. It has also become commonplace to express the linestrength in units of cm 2/atm since then the concentration is given in terms of a pressure in units of atm. A typical linestrength is then often in the order of 103

detectability of a given technique is often quoted in terms of ppm m.

The fact that there are two commensurate definitions of absorbance (in base 10 or e) implies that the absorbance and the absorption coefficient for the cases with gases, A' and ', are ln 10 (approximately 2.3) times as large as the corresponding values for liquids, i.e. A


under low pressure conditions, when the transition is Doppler

cm 2/atm. Under these conditions, the


and , respectively. Therefore, care must be taken when interpreting data that the correct form of the law is used.

The law tends to break down at very high concentrations, especially if the m aterial is highly scattering. If the light is especially intense, nonlinear optical processes can also cause variances.

Figure 1.2

Diagram of Beer Lambert absorption of a beam of light as it travels through a cuvette of width .

1.5.2 CALIBRATION OF THE SPECTROPHOTOMETER The spectrophotometer is operated by first of all standardizing the instrument with the respective chemical. A given number was entered on the instrument. After which it displayed a wavelength with respect to the parameter of interest. The instrument was t hen


turned to the wavelength and the necessary parameter concentrations were then read after treating the samples with the appropriate reagent.

1.6 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS 1.6.1 pH pH is probably the most commonly measured quantity on environmental resea rch and water quality control. This expresses the acidity or basicity of a solution. The concentration of hydrogen in solution determines the pH . It s expressed mathematically as:

An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen ion in an aqueous solution. A base is a hydroxyl ion in an aqueous solution. In acidic water, more acid materials are present. Alkalinity is the condition in which more alkaline or basic materials are present. Acidic water has to be less than 7.0, with neutral at a pH of 7.0 . Alkaline water has pH greater than 7.0. Acidity and alkaline are determined with various colorimetric papers, pH meters or titration devices.

1.6.2 TEMPERATURE Temperature affects the density and stratification of the water. It affects density and viscosity of sediment transportation, vapour pressure on evaporation rates, and partial pressures of gases on gas solubility, particularly oxygen and its impact on aera tion. Temperature affects many physical properties of water, the solubility of dissolved gases and the toxicity of many other parameters. The rate of evaporation increases as the


temperature rises and water vapour pressure increases. It is important that a n adequate oxygen supply is present in the water because most living organisms depend on oxygen in one way or the other.

1.6.3 TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) It is a measure of the total dissolved solids in a water sample. The dissolved solids are most readily changed by biological, chemical or physical processes. The concentration of dissolved solids is directly related to the conductivity. The quantity of TDS in a body of water depends on several factors including:

Precipitation contributing to the body o f water The type of soil and rock the water passes over and human activities.The major dissolved substances found in water that can cause the above problems are positively charged ions of Na, Ca, Mg, K, and Fe, and anions such as CI, HCO , CO and SO . High levels of TDS may cause objectionable taste and laxative effect on animals. An excessive level of TDS in water also leaves the water unsuitable for irrigation purposes. It also causes foaming and may corrode some metals. 1.6.4 TURBIDITY

It is a measure of the clarity of water. Turbidity is the presence of suspended materials such as clay, silts, finely divided organic materials, plankton and other inorganic material. Turbidity although not a hazard itself, may be an indication that pollution ha s been introduced into the water. High levels of turbidity decrease the amount of oxygen coloration


and taste, which is not characteristic of quality water. It may also cause irritation of the throat.

1.6.5 CONDUCTIVITY The electrical conductivity measurement of a solution determines the ability of the solution to conduct an electrical current. The electrical conductivity of water is directly related to the concentration of dissolved salts and anions. The dissolved ions increase the ability of water and aqueous solution to transfer electrons and as a result conduct electricity. Accordingly, conductivity meters are used to measure the electrical conductivity of water. A factor that determines the degree to which water will carry an electrical current includes;

Concentration Mobility of ions Oxidation state Temperature of waterHigh levels of dissolved solids can cause mineral tastes in drinking water. Also, water high in dissolved solids corrodes metal surfaces. 1.7 NUTRIENT PARAMETERS 1.7.1 NITRATES Nitrates impart a bitter taste to water at levels of 20 to 50ppm. Nitrate levels of about 25ppm often indicate contamination of lagoons from human sources such as animal waste, inorganic compounds and chemical fertilizers.


Nitrates are converted within the body to nitrates by bacterial action. The nitrates react with haemoglobin to cause a condition known as methemoglobinemia, in which haemoglobin loses the ability to carry oxygen. This is particularly better growth conditions for the bacteria. 1.7.2 PHOSPHATES Phosphorous is closely associated with water because of its use in the production of algae blooms. Phosphorous exists commonly in the oxidized state. Most waters generally contain low levels of phosphorous (approximately 0.01 -0.5mg/l). The primary source of phosphorous in water is of geologic origin. The main sources of phosphate in lagoons include;

Fertilizers Sewage Detergents And rain waterPhosphates are not toxic people or animals unless they are present in very high levels. 1.7.3 SULPHATES Sulphates can be naturally occurring as a result of municipal or industrial discharges. They occur naturally as a result of breakdown of leaves that fall into a stream of water passing through rock soil containing Gypsum and other common minerals of atmospheric decomposition. Sulphur is an essential plant nutrient and reduced concentration has a


detrimental effect on algae growth. The commonest form of sul phur in well- oxygenated water is sulphate.

1.7.4 SALINITY This refers to salts dissolved in the water. The anions commonly present include CO , HCO , SO , NO , Cl , PO and F. The cations include; Ca , Mg , Na and K . It may be measured as TDS and is expressed in ppm units. It may also be measured by electrical conductivity and is expressed as reciprocal micro ohms per cm ( omhs/cm). Salinity says nothing about which elements are present but this may be of critical importance. So when the salinity is elevated, the water should be analyzed for the specific anions and cations. An abrupt change of water of high salinity to one of low salinity may cause animals harm while a gradual change would not. Animals can consume water of high salinity for a few days without harm, if they are then given water of salinity. The cations may have toxic effects because of their solubility effect or interference with other elements. High salinity levels may also be treated to physiological effects upon animals and p lants exposed to the water, corrosion and encrustation of equipment and detrimental effects on soil structure and chemical fertility. 1.8 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Fosu Lagoon has suffered from large volumes of waste, both liquid and solid, from the final disposal site at Nkanfoah in Cape Coast. Waste Oil, metals and other forms from garages at siwdu, as well as the waste product from palm kernel extraction around Ad isadel Village and free-range defecation in the lagoon catchment area, had added to its current highly16

contaminated state. Various individuals have conducted research to ascertain the extent of pollution of the lagoon. The problem which keeps on lingering on the minds of people is how to remedy the rate at which pollution is helping to degrade this natural habitat of some fishes and organisms.

1.9 OBJECTIVES 1.To identify specific existing or emerging water quality problems as a result of the presence of different potential pollution sources and their particular waste -water management along the banks of Fosu Lagoon 2. To gather information to design specific pollution prevention or remediation programs 3 To determine the water quality of the Fosu Lagoon through physical, chemical and biochemical analysis





The Fosu lagoon is one of the most important closed lagoons in the central region of Ghana. It is termed closed because it is separated from the sea by a sand bar. This sand bar is formed by the influence of the coastal wind regimes and long shore drifts. TheFosu lagoon lies (5 07 N 1 16 W and covers an estimated area of 61ha. It has an average water depth of 16cm and hence considered shallow (Blay and sabre -Ameyaw 1993) The geology of the lagoons is a mud soil its salinity is relatively low (about 25 ).


A glance at the mangrove community indicates that it has been extensively degraded due to changes in the sedimentary environments, expect for a strand of Avicennia Africana and Paspalum vaginatum near the Fosu shrine. The degradation of the mangrove community has also resulted in the loss of roosting sites of some migratory birds. Also, large portions of the lagoon had dried up and were over grown with weeds which had also made it possible for people to walk on it to dump garbage. Sediments are washed into the lagoon during heavy rains owning to the fact that the vegetation that stabilizes the banks from erosion has been removed (CCMA, 2007). The lagoon is heavily polluted due to the inflow of effluents from surrounding settlement (Washing bays and households). It was observed that waste oil, metal scarps and other wastes from garbage and waste generated from palm kernel extraction in siwdu have contributed to the contamination of the lagoon among other negative human practices like defecating at the banks of the lagoon. Most of the indigenes of this community are either involved in fishing or fish processing activities such as smoking, salting and fermenting of fish. The fishermen practice artisanal fishery by use of cast nets and hook and also practice hand fishing. The main fish species found in the Lagoon is Sarotherodon melanotheron. Sarotherodon melanotheron is relatively eurythermal species and its temperature range in its natural habitat is about 18-33C (Philipart and uwet, 1982). No breeding occurs below 20 -30C (Trewavas, 1983). It constitutes about 90% by weight of the total catch and annual yield of 452 -664 kg/ha is higher than those reported for other tropical lagoons (Blay and Asabre -Ameyaw, 1993). It is



gradually becoming the only fish species in the lagoon. This is because it is a hardy fish species and it has prolific breeding habits.


2.2 SAMPLE COLLECTION The samples were collected along the banks and middle of the lagoon. The samples were collected during a period of prolonged dryness and continued into the rainy season. The duration of this exercise was eight weeks. The sample containers were washed in the laboratory and rinsed with the sample water at the point of collection. Containers were labeled with

Site Time Temperature Date2.3. SAMPLE TREATMENT/STORAGE The samples were stored in a cool dry place till the analysis was completed. The samples were collected with a plastic bucket from the lagoon and transferred into the labeled bottles. 2.4 INSTRUMENTS/APPARATUS

pH meter (mettle Toledo MP 125) Conductivity meter (Hach co 150) Turbid meter (Hach CO 150) Spectrophotometer (HACH D /2000)




Standard Buffer for pH (4.0 and 7.0) Phosver 3 phosphate reagent Sulfaver 4 sulphate reagent Distilled water



The study methods used to collect data for this project included Personal Observations and Surveys, Water Sampling and Analyses, Desk Study and Interviews. Water quality parameters measured included pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Dissolve So lids, Nitrates, turbidity, salinity, phosphate and sulphate. Institutions involved in the interviews were Environmental Protection Agency, Institute of enewable Natural esources, Waste and Sewerage Department, Ghana Water Company Limited and Ghana Statistical Service all based in the Cape Coast Metropolis.

2.7 Conductivity Meter. The conductivity meter was first calibrated using the calibration constant solution. The probes from the various conductivity meters were dipped into the calibration solution. The units were calibrated by adjusting the value on the meter to read the value of the constant




(0.1413 milli-siemens (mS). This was done by using either increase/decrease buttons on the meter or using a small tool supplied with the meters to adjust a small potentiometer.

CALIB ATION OF THE METE S WITH pH 7 and Ph 2 buffers 1. Select the pH mode and set the temperature control knob to 25 C. Adjust the cal 2 knob to read 100%

(Shurwipes or Kimwipe are available in the lab.) 3. Place the electrode in the solution of pH of 7 buffer, allow the display to stabilise and, then, set the display to read 7 by adjusting cal 1. emove the electrode from the buffer.

(Shurwipes or Kmwipes are available in the labs). 5. Place the electrode in the solution of pH 2 buffers, allow the display to stabilise and, then, set the display to read 2 by adju sting cal 2. emove the electrode from the buffer.


This was determined by first of all standardizing the pH meter with buffer solutions of pH 7.0 and pH 4.0. The electrode was rinsed with distilled water. The sample was put into a



inse the electrode with deionised water and blot dry using a piece of tissue.





inse the electrode with deionised water and blot dry using a piece of tissue




inse the electrode with deionised water and blot dry using a piece of tissue



25ml beaker. The electrode was then put into the beaker. Then the meter switched on and pH selected. The meter blinks until stable, and then the readings were t aken.

2.8.2 CONDUCTIVITY, TDS and SALINITY The conductivity meter was used in determining these parameters. It was standardized by dipping its electrode into de -ionized water to ensure that it reads zero. The electrode was then dipped into the sample and the respective parameters were read by switching to the mode of each parameter.

2.8.3 TURBIDITY This was determined by the turbid meter. The cell of the instrument was rinsed with distilled water and filled to the given mark on the cell (5ml). This was then placed in the cavity and the light shield closed. The instrument displays the reading after been switch on. 2.8.4 NITRATE A pillow of nitrate reagent was added to 25ml of the sample in the cell. This was then swirled to mix and then the concentration determined using the spectrophotometer. 2.8.5 TEMPERATURE The temperature was determined with a temperature at the point of collection. 2.8.6 SULPHATE


This was determined using the spectrophotometer. Sulfaver 4 sulphate reagent was added to the sample and swirled gently to mix and its concentration determined on the spectrophotometer.



3.0 RESULTS TABLE OF ESULTS 3.1The results obtained from the analysis of samples are presented in the table below










JANUARY 9.03 30.30 33.67

February 8.70 31.33 34.33

March 9.19 30.67 34.67

April 8.87 31.33 24.73

Mean 8.95 30.90 31.85












2.40 455.0

1.33 433.0

1.67 446.0

0.14 447.0

1.385 445.3

0.1 1000

2.90 127.9 2.50

1.30 139.8 7.25

2.61 157.4 3.50

1.40 124.5 4.30

2.05 137.4 4.39






9.39.2 9.1 9

8.9 8.8 8.7 8.68.5 8.4





p against

n th




Figure 3.2
















Te p erature / against

n th





Figure 3.3

Turbidity /NTU against Month















Figure 3.4

TDS /ppm against Month










0December January February March April


Figure 3.5

sali ity/

agai st m







0January February March April


6 45t



Figure 3.6













Ja uary

Fe ruary



G CB F Cr il





agai s t



Figure 3.7

NO /mg/l against month















Figure 3.8

Phosphate/mg/l against month 3.5










CHAPTER 4Discussion4.1 pH

The acceptable limit for pH is 6.5-8.5. The pH for Fosu lagoon was found to be slightly alkaline and therefore could not support life of fishes in the lagoon. This was because; they were above the acceptable limit. (I.e. 8.70-9.19). This could be attributed to the presence of hydroxyl ions in the water. 4.2 TEMPERATURE The temperature for Fosu lagoon was within the range of (30.30 -31.33). The water body is said to be warm. This could be attributed to the direct heating fro m the sun and also due to the landscape. There could also be a lot of dissolved substances in the lagoon. Temperatures such as that of Fosu Lagoon supports more plant life and fishes like bass, bluegill, carp, catfish, leeches, caddis fly.



The turbidity for Fosu Lagoon was below the acceptable limit of (500mg/l -1000mg/l). The range fell within (24.73mg/l-34.67mg/l). Turbidity measures the cloudiness of a body of water. This could be attributed to the presence of suspended materials su ch as sand, clay, silt etc. This covers sunlight from reaching the bottom of the lagoon. Oil spillage from the Siwdu and some effluent from the Palm kernel plant at Adisadel could be a contributing factor to the high rate of turbidity in the lagoon.35

4.4 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS and CONDUCTIVITY Although Fosu Lagoon is not a drinking water, TDS is used to estimate the quality of drinking water, because it represents the amount of ions in the water. Water with high TDS often has a bad taste and/or high water hardness, and could result in a laxative effect.2+ 2+

Hardness mitigates metals toxicity, because Ca and Mg help keep fish from absorbing metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium into their bloodstream through their gills. The greater the hardness, the harder it is for toxic metals to be absorbed through the gills. Because hardness varies greatly due to differences in geology, there are no general standards for hardness. The hardness of water can naturally range from zero to hundreds of milligrams per liter (or parts per million). Water hardness has a connection with the conductivity of the water. Conductivity determines the amount of charged particles in a water sample, therefore, the harder the water sample the higher its conductivity. The TDS as well as the conductivity of the Fosu Lagoon were high and thus likely to pose some danger to the aquatic life. The filthiness of it is because of the high suspended solids caused by dumping of refuse from domestic homes. It renders the Lagoon unworthy for any recreational purposes. Dirty oils from the fitting shops around the Lagoon poisons the fishes in it, this affects the human health, because the fishes caught in the Fosu Lagoon are mainly for human consumption.




The acceptable limit is 0.3 mg/l. The phosphate levels for Fosu lagoon were above the acceptable limit. (I.e. 1.30-2.61). This explains why weeds and aquatic plants are found on the Fosu lagoon.



The acceptable limit is 400mg/l. The level of Sulphate in Fo su Lagoon was within the range of 124.5-157.4. Sulphates at a concentration of about 250ppm can have a laxative effect on people. High levels of sulphates form slimes, encrustations and odorous water.



The acceptable limit for nitrate in drinking water is 10mg/l. The range of nitrate in Fosu Lagoon was 2.50-7.25. Nitrates impart a bitter taste to the water at levels of 20-50ppm. Nitrate levels of about 25ppm often indicate contamination of water bodies from human sources such as human waste, inorganic compounds and chemical fertilizers. Nitrates are converted within the body to nitrites by bacteria action. 4.9 SALINITY The recommended W.H.O value for salinity ranged from 0.0 to 0.1% of NaCl. The salinity for the lagoon ranged 0.14 and 2.14. This means the lagoon is more salty. It indicates the intrusion of sea water into the lagoon.


CHAPTER 55.1 CONCLUSION From the Analysis, it can be deduced that, most of the pollutants in the Fosu Lagoon are as a result of;

Wrong sitting of facilities such as building the district hospital close to the Lagoonand the garages at Siwdu.

lack of demarcated sites for refuse disposal relatively inaccessible refuse dump sites lack of awareness of the health implication of insanitary practices indifference to the presence of waste lack of the requisite equipment for disposal poor siting of refuse disposal sites (e.g. along river banks and marshy areas, nearwater sources)

lack of the technical know -how to add value to waste (e.g. composting)



There is the need for an enforcement of aquatic pollution control in our nation andin particular Fosu Lagoon to ensure the; 1. Protection of Fishes and other aquatic organisms. 2. Effects on the environment and the human health. 3. Protection of the coastal areas and the use for recreational purposes


There should be a local legislation on the management of Fosu Lagoon. SuchPollution Control measure should defined those technical, administrative and legal steps needed to check, regulate, reduce, remove or eliminate, within certain limits, the undesirable effects of the presence of certain substances in waters minimize those activities that results in the alteration of the physical, chemical, microbiological or aesthetic properties of the l agoon.

Fishing is a means of survival for the study population contributing to lowerperceived risk. The value of fishermen understands of the environment and fishing practices may not be enough to help reduce their exposure to risk of eating polluted fish. Therefore educational programs based on the importance of tradition, experience and scientific information may be an appropriate intervention

A cost-benefit analysis on the fencing of the lagoon should be carried out toascertain the importance of fencing the lagoon. One importance to nature will be to allow the lagoon to get rid of some pollutants through Biodegradation.

The garage at Siwdu should as a matter of urgency be re-settled at another place andthis needs the involvement of city authorities, traditional authorities and the managers of the garage.

Whilst infrastructural initiatives to deal with bulk pollution will be required, forexample improved sewage treatment systems, actions at the individual and community levels are also desirable


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