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POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk...

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Page 1: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)



2007 Nr indeksu 35 130XPL ISSN 001-6829



Page 2: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)


M a r ia B o g u c k a — professor; Pułtusk Academic School of H um anit (home address: ul. Kopernika 6 /19 , 00-367 Warszawa); specialisation: economic, social and cultural history of early m odern times.

P a u l in a B u c h w a l d - P e l c o w a — professor; Pułtusk Academic School of H um anities (home address: ul. Baleya 7 /61 , 02-132 Warszawa) specialisation: cultural history of early m odern era.

M a ł g o r z a t a D a j n o w i c z — associate professor; Institu te of History, University of Białystok (Plac Uniwersytecki 1, 15-420 Białystok); specialisation: history of north-eastern territories of Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries.

S t e p h a n F le m m ig — postgraduate student; Geisteswissenschaftlich Zentrum Geschichte u. Kultur Ostm itteleuropas (Luppenstr. 1b, 04-177 Leipzig, Deutschland); specialisation: medieval history.

D a r i u s z J a r o s z — professor; Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences (Rynek Starego M iasta 29 /31 , 00-272 Warszawa); specialisation: history of the 20th century.

M a r ia P a s z t o r — professor; D epartm ent of International and Politological Studies, University of Łódź (ul. Składowa 41/43 , 90-127 Łódź); specialisation: history of the 20th century.

J a c e k T e b in k a — associate professor; Institute of History, Universi of G dańsk (ul. Wita Stwosza 55, 80-952 Gdansk); specialisation: history of Poland in 20th century.

E l ż b i e t a Z n a m ie r o w s k a - R a k k — associate professor; Institu te of History, Polish Academy of Sciences; specialisation: history of the Balkan countries in the 20th century.


Page 3: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)


A cta

P oloniae

H istorica


Wy d a w n i c t w o Na u k o w e Semper2007


Page 4: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)


Jan Baszkiewicz (President), Maria Bogucka (Editor-in-chief), M onika Hamanowa, Ferdinand Opll, M arek Sędek,Tomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz,Tomasz W iślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)

Editorial Assistant — Hanna Kordowicz


Rynek Starego Miasta 29/31 00-272 Warszawafax: (+48) (prefix-22) 831 36 42 e-m ail: ihpan@ ihpan.edu.pl

© Copyright by Instytut Historii PANand Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, Warszawa 2007

Publikacja dofinansowana przez M inistra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego

w y d a w n ic t w o n a u k o w e Semperul. Bednarska 20A, 00-321 Warszawa, Poland

Tel./fax: (+48) (prefix-22) 828 49 73Bank: PKO BP SA

nr 06 1020 1185 0000 4202 0014 0426

e-mail: [email protected]: // semper.pl

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Page 5: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)

C ontents


S tephan F l e m m ig, Die H errscherw eihe der Hedwig von Anjou n ach dem K rakauer Ordo ad regem benedicendum als Quelle spätm itte lalterlicherH errschaftsauffassung ....................................................................................... 5

Paulina B u c h w a l d - P e l c o w a , C ensorship and the Fight Against Itin the Baroque Period ................................................................................... 41

M ałgorzata D a jn o w icz, Political Sym pathies of Poles as Exemplifiedby the N orth-E astern Lands (1 9 th /2 0 th C enturies) .......................... 57

Elżbieta Z n a m i e r o w s k a - R a k k , The G enesis of the Idea ofa B ulgarian-Y ugoslav Federation and Its Fall After World W ar II . . 77

Jacek T e b i n k a , B ritish P ropaganda Directed a t Poland Between 1947and 1956 ............................................................................................................. 101

D ariusz J a r o s z , Maria P a s zto r , An A ttem pt a t a H istory of Meatin People’s Poland .......................................................................................... 139


Maria B o g u c k a . W omen’s Lot in World-Wide Perspective ....................... 189


M aria Bogucka, The Inferior Gender. Woman in the History o f Europe from Antiquity till the 21 s t Century (Janusz Ż a r n o w s k i ) ; “H istorical Review”, vol. XCVI, 2005, No 2 (Maciej P t a s z y ń s k i ) ; William Urban, The Teutonic Knights. A Military History (Wiesław S i e r a d z a n ) ; eds. M. Fend, M. Koos, M ännlichkeit im Blick. Visuelle Inszenierungen in der K unst se it Frühen Neuzeit (Andrzej W y r o b i s z ) ; eds. J . Friedrich and E. Kizik, Studies in the History of Art and Culture in G dansk and Northern Europe (Stanisław Roszak); H ans-Joach im Müller, Irenik als Kommunikationsref orm. Das Colloquium Charitativum von Thorn 1645 (S tanisław S a l m o n o w i c z ) ; H ugh Ragsdale,The Soviets, the Munich Crisis and the Coming o f World War II (H anna M a r c z e w s k a - Z a g d a ń s k a ) ; Andrzej Gawryszewski, Poland’s Population in the 20th Century (J a n u s z Ż a r n o w s k i ) ..................................................... 211

ABSTRACTS ..........................................................................................................245


C entenary of the Society of H istory Lovers, 1906-2006(Andrzej R a c h u b a ) ....................................................................................... 293

House, Property, Client, S ervan t — Reflection of the E uropean E lites’Position in M aterial and Social Spheres, 13 th -19 th C enturies(Olga Miriam P r z y b y ł o w i c z ) ................................................................ 295

Time in C ulture and Social Life (M agdalena G a w i n ) .................................. 299


Page 6: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)

«Acta Poloniae Historica»Sem iannual edited under the auspices of the Com m ittee

o f Historical Sciences and the Institute o f H istory Polish A cadem y of Sciences

President: Jan BA SZK IEW ICZ E d ito r-in -ch ie f: M aria BO GUCKA

Vol. XCIV, 2006


S t u d ie s

Wojciech F a ł k o w s k i , The Power of the King, the Power of the Bishop. The Council of Fismes in 881 in the Face of a Crisis within the Carolingian Monarchy

Jacek M a c i e j e w s k i , Places of Bishops’ Consecration in Medieval Poland

G e n d e r S t u d ie s

Maria B o g u c k a , Women and the Roots of European Culture Maciej P t a s z y ń s k i , W idow’s Capital. Pastors’ Widows in the Pomeranian Church

at the Turn of the 16th Century Anetta G ł o w a c k a , Women in a Small Polish Town in the 16th-18 th Centuries

J e w is h S t u d ie s

Anna M i c h a ł o w s k a - M y c i e l s k a , Jewish Family Structure in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the End of the 18th Century: the Case of Radoszkowice

Anna W ie r n i c k a , The House of Herman Epstein. Contribution to the History of Warsaw Bourgeoisie in the M id-19th Century

R e s e a r c h IN P r o g r ess

Jakub K u j a w i ń s k i , Sociological and Anthropological Inspirations to Research into the Identity of Early Medieval European Societies

Roman Wa p i ń s k i , Transformations of Customs and Behaviour in Poland During the First Decades of the 20th Century. A Survey of Research Problems

R e v ie w s — A b s t r a c t s — N ew s

Board o f editors: Rynek Starego M iasta 29/31, 0 0 -2 7 2 W arszawa, PolandPublisher: W ydaw nictw o Naukow e Semper

ul. B ednarska 20A, 00-321 W arszawa, Poland tel./fax: (+48) (22) 828 49 73


Page 7: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)


Idesbald G o d d e e r i s, Dutch Reactions to the Polish National Insurrections, 1830-1870

Maria B o g u c k a , History and Art

Anna Z i e m l e w s k a , Calendar Riots in Riga

Ferdinand Opl l , Daily Life in Medieval Vienna

Jerzy P y s i a k , The M onarch’s Gesture and the Symbolism of Rites Connected with the Cult of Relics


Page 8: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUKTomasz Szarota (Assistant Editor), Piotr Wandycz, Tomasz Wiślicz-Iwańczyk (Secretary), Andrzej Wyczański, Jerzy Wyrozumski, Janusz Żarnowski (Assistant Editor)


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