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    Pony TalesA RolePlaying Gamefor Ages Twelveand OlderWRITTENBYDAVE BRYANT THIRD EDITION, VERSION ONE: 30 APRIL 2013

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartOnePage1 Tird EditionVersion 1

    OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a

    The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All Rights


    1. Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/or trademark ow ners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) Deriva-

    tive Material means copyrighted material including derivative wor ks and translations (including into other computer languages), pota-

    tion, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing

    work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) Distribute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, b roadcast, publicly display,

    transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) Open Game Content means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes

    and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional

    content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including transla-

    tions and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) Product Identity means product and

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    10. Copy of this L icense: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

    11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You

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    12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open

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    13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach withi

    30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

    14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessar

    to make it enforceable.

    15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is

    trademark of Hasbro, Inc.

    First Things First: Creating a Pony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Step 1: What Kind ofPony?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Step 2: Aptitudes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Step 3:Talents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Step 4: Personal Weakness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Step 5: FinishingTouches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Checklistfor CreatingaPony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4How BigisaPony? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4CreatingOther Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Doing Things: Basic Task Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Step 1: How Hard IstheTask?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Step 2: WhatTalent Doesthe PonyUse? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Step 3: What Aptitude Doesthe PonyUse?. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Step 4: Roll! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Good Show: Experience and Rewards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Judgment Call: Using the Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Fast and Furious: Rounds and Actions . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    Step 1: Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Step 2: Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Step 3: Is It Over? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Plumb Tuckered: Fatigue and Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9SimplifyingFatigue DuringRounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Sleepingand Waking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Icky Stuff: Injury, Illness, and Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Injuryor Illness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Healing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Weights and Measures: The Physical World . . . . 1112Size: How BigIsaCreatureor Object? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Visibility: How Far CanaPonySee? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Wind and Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

    Doing More Things: Special Task Rules . . . . . . . . 1214Teamwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    UsingMagicalTalents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13How Much CanaPonyLift, Carry, and Pull? . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Hoofin It and Wingin It: Movement. . . . . . . . . . . 1416Running, Swimming, Climbing, and Jumping . . . . . . . . . . 14Flying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15KeepingTrack ofEverything. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Two Bits: Buying Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17How Much Money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17How Much Does SomethingCost?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17SpendingLimits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    Thems Fightin Words: Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1820

    Step 1: Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Step 2: Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Step 3: Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Step 4: Special Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Step 5: Roll! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Step 6: Injuryor Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    Pony Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2124Earth PonyForm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Pegasus PonyForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Unicorn PonyForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23PonyForm (page 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Part Oneof Four PlayingtheGame: Basic Rules

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  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartOnePage9 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Plumb Tuckered: Fatigueand Res

    Ponies who exert themselves get tired and must rest.When a pony exerts herself, including using magic, theponysplayermakesafatigueroll usingtheponys StaminaorHardiness dice, every so often, depending on how hard thepony is working. Ifaponysexertion isshorterthanonefulltime interval, just make one roll. The basic difficulty of thefirstrollis 0; add 3 tothe difficultyforeveryrollafterthat. (So

    the second rolls diffi

    culty is 3, the third ones diffi

    culty is 6,and soon.) Anearthponycanadd 1 toherrollforeach wholedie inher Power Aptitude. Forexample, anearthpony with3d+1 in Power canadd 3 toherfatigueroll.

    A pony doing light work rolls every hour. Examples arewalking, slowflight, or carryingalightload.

    A pony doingmoderate workrollsevery 10 minutes. Ex-amplesaretrotting, jumpingafewtimesaminute, hoveringormoderateflight, or carryingamediumload.

    A ponydoingheavy workrollseveryminute. Someexam-

    plesare cantering, swimming, climbing, jumpingconstantly,fastflight, fighting, or carryingaheavyload.

    A ponymakingamaximum effortrollseveryround. Someexamplesaregalloping, veryfast (orfaster) flight, or carryingaload thatisatleast veryheavy.

    Modifiers can beapplied inspecialsituations. Hereareafewexamples, butthenarrator canmake upmoreifshethinkstheymight beneeded.

    Add 5 tothe difficultyforhot weather; add 10 for veryhotweather.

    A pony exerting herself more than one way rolls for theheaviest work and adds 5 tothe difficultyforeachextraexer-tion. Forexample, aponycanteringwhile carryingamediumload is doingheavywork and adds 5 tothe difficulty.

    A ponydoingonlylight work, evenmultiplethings, canskipfatiguerollsifthenarratoragreesshespacingherself; treatit as a routine task. An example would be a pony whosstrollinghalfwalkingspeed while carryingalightload.

    Add 5 to difficultyfor castingarangedspellatmediumrange;add 10 to difficultyfor castingoneatlongrange.

    Add 5 to difficultyforheroic flight.

    Any time a pony fails a fatigue roll, shegets more tiredand hasahardertime doingthings, untilshetakesabreak and

    getssomerest. Oncetheponyhasrested, the difficultyforherfatiguerollsstartsoveragainat 0.

    A ponywhofailsonefatiguerolliswinded. Shesubtracts 1dfromalltask rollsand fatiguerolls untilshesrested forhalaslongastheexertionlasted.

    A ponywhofailstwofatiguerollsistired. Shesubtracts 2dfromalltask rollsand fatiguerolls untilshesrested foraslongastheexertionlasted.

    A ponywhofailsthreefatiguerollsisexhausted. Shesub

    tracts 3d fromalltask rollsand cantexertherselfanymoreuntilshesrested fortwiceaslongastheexertionlasted.

    Simplifying Fatigue During RoundsNormallythenarratorsand players would keeptrack ofeachcreaturesfatigueasithappens, notingwhat kind ofeffortshesexerting and rolling for fatigue when its time. That cangettedious duringrounds, soheresaneasier wayto doit.

    Fightingorotherwise beingactivemostofthetimeisheavywork; justrollforfatigueonceaminute, orevery12 rounds.

    Beinglessactivesuchashiding, thinking, orfreeingprison

    ersismedium work; thatmeansrollingafter 10 minutesor120 rounds, sooneroll whenroundsareovermaybeenough

    Anyoneinornearafightprobablyis underalotofstressThats whyevenacreature whoisnt doingmuchstillis considered to be doingmedium work. Ifnothingelse, herheartbeatsracingand her breathingsfast!

    Sleeping and WakingA ponystayinguplongerthansheshould makesafatiguerolevery day witha difficultyequaltothetotalhoursofmissedsleep. The narrator can modify the difficulty depending onwhatsgoingonaround thepony. Ifitspeacefuland quiet, or

    the ponysreally comfortable, that increasesthe difficulty. Iitsloud or uncomfortable, ortheponystryingtostayactive(walkingaround, say), that decreasesthe difficulty.

    This is treated just like a normal fatigue roll. After thethird failed sleep-fatigueroll, theponyfallsasleepnomatterwhat. Otherponiestryingto keepherawakemust keep doingit constantly or the sleepy pony will drift off again. A ponystays sleepy, with the penalty for being winded, tired, orexhausted, untilshemakes upthelostsleep. A pony can besleepyandtired, combiningbothpenalties.

    Normally, tryingtofallasleepisroutine, butifconditionsare bad, like being cold, wet, hungry, or surrounded by loudnoise, theponymakesaHardinessrolleverytenminutes, withadifficultyof5 foreach bad condition. Iftheponysawakelongenough, thenarratormaygivetheponyapenaltyforlostsleep

    A pony whos trying to wake up or whos being wakedmakesaHardinessrolleachround withadifficultyof5. Ifitstoo early (less than a full nights sleep), add to the difficultyLoud noisesorother disturbances decreasethe difficulty. A bigsuccessmeanstheponywakes upalert. A smallsuccessmeanthe pony wakes upgroggy and disoriented. A small failuremeanstheponydoesnt quite wake up, butis dozing. Amishapmeanstheponystaysfastasleep.

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  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartOnePage17 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Two Bits: BuyingTings

    Theshows writersare vagueabouthowmuchabit,or coin,is worth. Itsnotimportanttothestory; whatmattersisthe buying, nottheamount. Theserulesletthenarratorandplayerstakeasimilarapproach usingtask rollsand difficulties.

    How Much Money?Themoremoneyaponyhas, themore diceherplayer canroll

    whenmakingapurchase. Iftherollsucceeds, theponybuystheitem. Iftherollfails, thepony doesnthaveenoughmon-eyforsomereason, suchasleavingher cashor checkbook athome, orforgettingtoputmoneyintherightaccount. Unlesstheresamishap, she canrollagainafterfixingtheproblem.

    A ponywithamajor possessionofmoneyrolls 6d. A ponywithamedium possessionofmoneyrolls 4d. A ponywithaminor possessionofmoneyrolls 2d. A ponywithno possessionofmoneyrolls 1d.

    How Much Does Something Cost?The difficulty of a purchase roll is based on how expensivethe item is. The list of difficulties onlygoes so far, but the

    narrator can add to it for even higher prices. That probablywonthappenoften, though, unlesssomethingreally bigisin-volved suchasasteamshiporairship, abigfarmornoblesmanor, orapublic worksproject.

    No more than 20 bits is cheap;the difficulty is 1 to 5, ormultiply3d by1 bit.

    Morethan 20 bits, butnomorethan 200 bits, isinexpen-sive;the difficultyis 6 to 10, ormultiply3d by10 bits.

    Hundredsofbitsisa little expensive;the difficultyis 11 to15, ormultiply3d by100 bits.

    A fewthousand bitsiskind of expensive;the difficultyis16 to 20, ormultiply3d by500 bits.

    Severalthousand bitsisexpensive;the difficultyis 21 to 25,ormultiply3d by1000 bits.

    Tensofthousandsofbitsisvery expensive;the difficultyis 26 to 30, ormultiply3d by10,000 bits.

    Hundredsofthousandsofbitsiscostly;the difficultyis 31to 35, ormultiply3d by100,000 bits.

    A lotofdifferentthings canaffectthepriceofanitem; dif-ficultymodifiersforsomeofthemarelisted below.Thenarra-toralsomaywanttothink abouthowhard itistogettheitem,howhard itistoshipthatitemto wherethe buyeris, and otherthingsthat canmakesomethingmoreorlessexpensive. Some-timesabuyer cantrytoreducetheprice, suchashaggling, inacontest withtheseller, usingSmartsoranappropriateTalent.

    How well-made is the item?(Nomodifierifitsaverage quality.) Ifitsoflow quality, 5 orless Ifitsofhigh quality, +5 ormore

    What shape is the item in? (Nomodifierifitsingood shape butnotspecial.) Ifits damaged, 5 orless Ifitsin verygood shapeorheavilydecorated, +5 ormore

    How common is the item? (No modifier for a common, easilyavailableitem.) Ifits verycommonorthelocalmarketsflooded, 5 orless If its uncommon or not readily available, or is in big de

    mand, +5 ormore Ifitsnotavailabletothepublic, outofseason, orfromfar

    away, +15 ormore

    How advanced is the items technology?(Nomodifierfor common

    lyavailabletechnology.) Ifitssimplerthan whats commonlyavailable, 5 orless Ifitsalittlemoreadvanced than whats commonlyavailable

    +5 ormore Ifitsalotmoreadvanced than whats commonlyavailable

    +15 ormore

    How well does the seller know the customer? (No modifier if thecustomersneworalmostnewtotheseller.) Ifcustomerpaysontime, shopstherealot, orsellerhasno

    complaints, 1 orless Ifthe customer doesntpayontimeorisaproblemtothe

    seller, +1 ormore

    Spending LimitsThenarrator canlimitpurchases, based onhowmuchaponyscanspend, to keepshoppingspreesfromgoingtoofar.

    The difficultyofacasual purchaseisequaltoorlessthanthenumberofdicethe buyerrolls; she canmakeseveral casualpurchasesaday.

    The difficulty of a normal purchase isgreater than thenumberofdice, butnogreaterthan 3 timesthenumberodice, the buyerrolls; she canmake 1 normalpurchaseaday.

    The difficultyofaluxury purchaseisgreaterthan 3 timesthenumber of dice the buyer rolls; she can make 1 luxury

    purchaseevery7 days.

    Forexample, aponywithamediumpossessionofmoneyrolls 4 dice. Forher, acasualpurchase would be difficulty4 orless, anormalpurchase would be difficulty5 to 12, and aluxurypurchase would be difficulty13 orgreater. Ifapony wantstobuysomethingreally big for the kind of moneyshehas, thenarrator can decideshehastogive upsomeorallofhermoneypossessiontogetit. Forinstance, aponywithamajorpossessionofmoney who buysabigfarmmighthavetoreducehermoneytoamediumor even a minorpossession. Asarough

    guide, most minor possessions are a little expensive, mostmedium possessions are kind of expensive or expensiveand mostmajorpossessionsare veryexpensive or costly.

    Prices in bits: Ifeveryones willingto keeptrack ofbitstheyrespending, thenarrator can usethe levelof cost forapurchasetohelp decideonaprice, orshe canroll 3d and multiplybythe bitslisted. Forexample, ifaponywantsto buysomethingthats kind ofexpensive, thenarrator canroll 3d andmultiply by 500 tofind thepricein bits. Open D6rulebookslistpricesforthingsin dollars, gold coins, orother units; thenarratormayhaveto decidehowmuchthatisin bits, buttheserulesassumetheprices can betranslated one-for-one.

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartOnePage20 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Ready a weapon: Doingsomething like drawingorre-loadingaweaponnormallytakesoneaction.This doesntneedatask roll unlessthingsare unusuallystressfulor confusingfortheponyor creature doingit.Thenarratormayadd tothe dif-ficultyifthereisntmuchroomtomoveorthe weaponis un-wieldy. Drawingorreloadingand attackinginthesameroundcausesamulti-actionpenalty, sincetheyretwoactions.

    Size: Sometimes creatures of different Sizes may fight.Bigger creatures or things are easier to hit, and usually can

    takemorepunishment, thansmaller creaturesorthings. Thelistofexamples in How Big Isa Creatureor Object?, partofWeights & Measures: SpecialTask Rules, canguideanar-rator whoneedsa Sizenumberfora creatureorobject. Thenarrator canapplySizetoaweaponiftheattacker usingitisbiggerorsmallerthanthetarget. Ifanattacker wantstohitanobject beingheld or carried, usethe Sizeoftheobject.

    An attacker whos bigger than the target would add theSize difference to the difficulty for attacking and to the in-jury; anattacker whossmallerthanthetarget would subtractthe Size differencefromthe difficultyforattackingand fromtheinjury. Sometimesabigobjectmightnot be verysturdyorheavyforits Size forinstance, ahot-air balloonoracloud. In

    that case, dontadd the Sizemodifiertotheinjuryfromsuchanobjectorattacker.

    Forexample: A pony farmerfindsarat inhergrainsilo.Theponyissize 0; theratissize 9; 0 minus 9 is 9.Theponyadds 9 tothe difficultyofattackingtheratand adds 9 toinjuryifshe doeshitit.Theratsubtracts 9 fromthe difficultyofat-tackingtheponyand subtracts 9 fromtheinjuryifitsucceeds.

    Surprise: Anattacker whogetsthe droponothersactsbeforetheminthefirstround or, ifthenarratorprefers, canadd 1d (ormore) toheractions inthefirstround. Examplesinclude attacking from behind, ambushes, or unexpected at-tacks, suchasfromahypnotized friend or companion.

    Step 5: Roll!Anattacks difficultycant belessthan 3, nomatterhowmuchwassubtracted becauseofthe kind ofattack orspecial conditions. Oncethefinal difficultys beenfigured out, theattackermakestheattack roll. Ifthe dierollsequaltoorgreaterthanthe difficulty, theattack hitsthetarget; ifitslessthanthe difficulty, theattack misses. A successfulattack mayinjurethetar

    getorhave whatevereffecttheattacker wastryingtopulloff.

    Step 6: Injury or Eff

    ectAn attack that hits a target may injure that target. Use theinjury rules to find out whether or how much the targetshurt, rollingtheinjurydiceforthe weapon, plustheattackersStrength Bonusifthatapplies, and thetargetgetstomakearolltoresistthe injury dice, of course. Ifthenarrator wantsthem, therearelistsofexample weaponslaterinthe book.

    A ponysor creaturesStrength Bonus is based onherLiftingTalentor Muscle. Dropthe +1 or +2, ifthe creaturehasthat, and divide whole diceinhalf, roundingup. Forexampleaponywith 3d in Muscle (who doesnthavethe LiftingTalent)hasaStrength Bonusof2d; halfof3 is 1 , whichrounds upto2. Aponywith 6d+2 in LiftinghasaStrength Bonusof3d; drop

    the +2, leaving6d, and halfof6 is 3. Anearthponydoesntaddtoher Strength Bounusfor Power.

    Protective Armor:Barding(equinearmor) adds dicetoaponys Hardinessrolltoresistinjuryfromattacks. A ponycanwearonlyone kind ofbardingatatime. Itsheavyand clumsyforeach dieofprotection, add 1 tothe difficultyofanytaskthat uses Reflexes, Coordination, oraTalent based onthemWearingbardingcangethoteveninmild weather, butmetaarmorisntmuchprotectionagainst cold either. Bardingwontprotectagainst certainotherthings, suchasfalls, poisons, anddiseases. Iftheresanydoubt, thenarratorhasto decide.

    Leather bardingadds 1d tothe Hardinessroll.

    Mail(chainmail) bardingadds 2d tothe Hardinessroll. Plate bardingadds 3d tothe Hardinessroll.

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    Earth Pony Form



    This earthpony is a:

    { Mare

    { Filly{ Stallion

    { Colt

    Illness or Injury

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Size &build






    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d+ = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + = d

    Hardiness 3 + = d

    Reflexes 3 + = d

    Coordination 3 + = d

    Smarts 3 + = d

    Senses 3 + = d

    Power 3 + = d

    Total points:

    Run Move(5 yards + 1 perwhole die in Muscle or Power)


    Swim Move( Run Move*) yards

    Climb Move( Run Move*) yards

    Jump( of Run Move*) yards

    Strength Bonus( of wholedice in Lifting or Muscle*)


    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Personal Weakness

    Cutiemark (sketchor description)

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    Pegasus Pony Form



    This pegasuspony is a:

    { Mare

    { Filly{ Stallion

    { Colt

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + = d

    Hardiness 3 + = d

    Reflexes 3 + = d

    Coordination 3 + = d

    Smarts 3 + = d

    Senses 3 + = d

    Power 3 + = d

    Finesse 3 + = d

    Total points:

    Run Move(5 yards + 1per whole die in Muscle)


    Swim Move( Run Move*) yards

    Climb Move( Run Move*) yards

    Jump( of Run Move*) yards

    Flight Move(5 yards + 1

    per whole die in Power)


    Strength Bonus( of wholedice in Lifting or Muscle*)


    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Personal Weakness

    Cutiemark (sketchor description) Illness or Injury

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Size &build






    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d+ = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    UnicornPony Form



    This unicornpony is a:

    { Mare

    { Filly{ Stallion

    { Colt

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + = d

    Hardiness 3 + = d

    Reflexes 3 + = d

    Coordination 3 + = d

    Smarts 3 + = d

    Senses 3 + = d

    Power 3 + = d

    Finesse 3 + = d

    Total points:

    Run Move(5 yards + 1per whole die in Muscle)


    Swim Move( Run Move*) yards

    Climb Move( Run Move*) yards

    Jump( of Run Move*) yards

    Strength Bonus( of whole

    dice in Lifting or Muscle*)


    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Personal Weakness

    Cutiemark (sketchor description)

    Magical Style

    Illness or Injury

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Size &build






    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d+ = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

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    Pony Form (page2)



    Talent descriptions

    Detailed description of pony

    Sizeand build







    More possessions Major Med. Minor

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    { { {

    More Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d+ = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page1 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Part Two of Four Gussy It Up: Lists and Extra Rules

    List of Talents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24MuscleTalents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2HardinessTalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ReflexesTalents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2CoordinationTalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SmartsTalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    SensesTalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Pegasus MagicalTalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Unicorn Magical (Spell)Talents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Optional Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59The Wild Die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Luck Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5HarmonyPoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Too ManyDice! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Specialties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6ExtraEffort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Natural Dangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6First Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Movement Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Additional Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Additional Special FightingConditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Romany: Example Earth Pony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011Earth PonyForm (Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

    Name: Example Pegasus Pony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213Pegasus PonyForm (Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Glitch: Example Unicorn Pony(guest contribution) . . 1415Unicorn PonyForm (Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    Equipment and Belongings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1617

    Available Almost Anywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Availablein Citiesor byMail-Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Unusualor Rare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Useful Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    The BestThingsin Life Are Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    Muscle-Powered Weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1718AttackingWithout Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Mle Weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17MissileandThrown Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Improvised Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Mechanical Weapons, Firearms, and Explosives 1921Mechanical Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A Last Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Creatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2224TalkingCreatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Dumb Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    To make the rules section smalland friendly, alot wasleftout. RulesfromOpen D6that dontapplytoagamelike this were removed. Other rules that may be useful, but

    arentabsolutelynecessary, canmakethegamemore compli-cated. Long, dulllistsinthemiddleoftherules break theflowofreading.Thoseextrarulesand listsaregathered inthispart,wheretheyreoutofthe waywhentheyrenotneeded, butareeasytofind whensomeoneneedstolook them up.

    Thelist of Talents coversskillsand abilitiesfor bothad-venturersand moreordinaryfolksand shows byexamplehownewTalents created bythenarratorand playersshould look.

    Experiencedgroupsplayingserioushigh-adventuregamescanadd optional rulesformore detailorspectacle.

    Pony-creation checklists and filled-out Pony Forms areprovided forthreeexample ponies,onefromeachtribe, toshowhowtheprocess works.

    Thelistsofequipment and weaponsare based on whatshows upinotherOpen D6rulebooks, sotheymostlyareaboutwhatadventurersarelikelyto use. Othergood sourcesare vin-tagemail-order catalogs, illustrated books, ormagazines.

    A lotofcreaturesshowninepisodesare uniqueortreat-ed differentlyfromsimilarones inthereal world or legends.Mostonlyshow uponceeach! Asaresult, theyarenteasytonail downinnice, neatnumbers, but bestguessesarelisted. Ofcourse, anarratorsfreeto come up withherownideasofhowtomakethem work, oreventoinventnewones.

    Should Something Like That Be in This Game?Parentsmight bealittle uneasywithsomeofthematerialinthisrulebook. Afterall, its based onatelevisionprogramfor

    littlegirlsabout brightlycolored magicalponies!True, thestoriesare funnyand charming, and avoid get

    tingdeeplyintothingsthatyounger viewersmighthaveahardtime with. Partofwhatmadetheshowsuchasurprisehit withallsortsofpeople, though, isthatitisntallsweetnessand light

    Theshow's creatorand writershavegoneoutoftheir waytotreattheaudience withrespect. Bullies, conflicts withfamily or friends, even bigger issues such as starting a familyorsettlingmatters withneighbors whethertheylivenext doororacrossaborderaretreated in waysthatpeoplereallycanor do, seeintheirlives.Thelessonsarentpasted onasafterthoughts; theygrowoutofthestories, followingtheadagethatanauthorshouldshow whatshappening, not justtellaboutit.

    An older viewer may notice little background details otheponies world, thingsthatsaythisisareal world, withreajoys and real problems. The depth and unspoken acknowledgementoftheseelementsmakeitringtrue.

    Thegameismeantto beplayable bybothteensand adultsand itneedstotreatthemall withthesamerespecttheshowdoes. Besides, the show originally was supposed to be onethird adventureand two-thirdssliceoflife.Thegame wouldntbe completeifit couldnthandle both, and itsintended toallownarratorsand playersthesame kind offlexibility.

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  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page9 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Additional Special Fighting ConditionsThese arent attacks in themselves, but they can have a bigeffectonattacksand cangivethenarratorand playersmorechoicesaspartofstep 3 inthefightingrules.

    Aiming: Anattacker usingaweaponthatshootsprojec-tiles cantrack atarget. Eachround thatanattackertakesnootheractions butaimingatatarget, she canadd 1d totheat-tack roll whensheshootsatthattarget, butshe cantadd morethan 3d. A movingtargetmayadd tothe difficultyoftheshot.

    Called shot: Anattacker cantrytoattack aspecific partofatargets body.Tryingtohitanarm (frontlimb) orleg(backlimb) causeslessinjurybecausetheattackertook extracaretohitanareathats less vital. Tryingtohitthe chestorabdo-men doesntadd toorsubtractfromthe difficultyorinjury.

    Tryingfortheheadadds 3 (or 1d) to difficultyand 12 (or 4d)toinjury; ifthatseemstoo drastic, makeit +6 or +2d injury.

    Tryingfortheheartadds 12 (or 4d) to difficultyand 12 (or 4d)toinjury; ifthatseemstoo drastic, makeit +6 or +2d injury.

    Tryingforanarmadds 3 (or 1d) to difficultyand subtracts 2


    Tryingforalegorwingadds 3 (or 1d) tothe difficultyandsubtracts 1 pointfrominjury.

    Ifa bodyparts injured enough, thenarratormay decidetheinjuryaffectshow welltheponyor creature can useit. Ex-ceptfor chestinjuries, thepenaltylisted lasts untilthatpartofthe bodyheals, whichprobablytakesafew days. Medicaltreat-ment (includingmagic) can beapplied toaninjured location.

    A headinjurysubtractsanextrapointfrom Smarts, Senses,and initiativerolls.

    A chestinjurymeansthetarget canttakeanyactionsinthenextround.


    A leginjurysubtractsanextrapointfromall Coordination,Reflexes, and initiativerolls.

    Anattacker can useacalled shottoknock outatarget.Theattackermustsucceed athittingthetargetshead and gettingatleastastunnedresultontheinjury. Subtractthe difficultyotheattack fromthesuccessfulattack roll; thatsthenumberohoursthetargets unconscious, unlesssomethingorsomeoneelse wakesher up beforesheregains consciousnessonherownDividethelevelofinjuryinhalf, roundingdown, before checkingitoffonthetarget. Forexample, reduceamortal injurytoaminor injury;reduceamajor injurytostunned.

    Group attack: Agroupofattackerslikeagangoraunitoftheroyalguard can combineattacks, similarto Teamworkpart of Doing MoreThings: SpecialTask Rules the narrator can usethosemodifiers. OneattackeristheleaderandmakesaLeadershipor Smartsroll. Iftherollsucceeds, alltheattackers use the leaders initiative and attack at once; theyusethehit-locationmodifier, and allthesuccessfulattacksaddtheir injury dice together. If the roll fails, the attackers usetheirowninitiativesand taketheirownactionsas usual.

    Multiple weapons: A ponyor creature usingmorethanone weapon canattack witheachoftheminaround, butremembertoapplythemulti-actionpenaltytoalltheattacks.

    Quick draw: Instead oftakingaseparateactiontoready

    aweapon, anattacker cantrytoreadythe weaponand attackwithitasoneaction. Itmust beaweaponthat can be quickdrawn, suchasa bowand arrow, aloaded pistol, ora daggerand thenarratororplayermustsay, beforeinitiativeisfiguredoutfortheround, thattheattacker willtryaquick draw.Theattacker canadd someofthe diceshenormallywould useforherattack toherinitiative diceforthatround, butshemustleaveatleast 1d inherattack. Ifshe wantstoattack morethanonce withthe quick-drawn weapon, shesubtracts 1d foreachattack afterthefirstbeforeaddingdicetoinitiative.

    Forexample, aunicornroyalguard wantstoshootacrossbowatamanticore beforeit canpounce. Hesgotatotalof6dinhis Missile WeaponsTalent; normallyhe could add upto 5d

    tohisinitiative, buthe wantstoshoottwice. Aftersubtracting1d fortheextraattack, hesgot 5d left, sonowhe canadd upto 4d tohisinitiative. He decidesinstead toadd only1d tohisinitiative, whichleaveshim with 3d foreachofhisattacks.

    Unwieldyweaponsorobjectsarelongerthan 2 feet (60cm), hard togriporthrow, or usetechnologyormagic the userdoesnt understand. Add 5 ormoretoattack difficultyforanunwieldy object. If the narrator thinks other things make iteasierto use, suchasexperience, strength, orgood design (sayawell-balanced sword), shemightadd lesstothe difficulty.

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page10 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Romany: ExampleEarth Pony

    Chris is part of a group whosnewtorole-playinggames;theyve decided notto usemostoftheoptionalrules, atleast untiltheyre used tothe basic rules. Chris wantsto createacharacter whoisnt complicated toset uporplay, and decideson ayoung road pony, loosely based ongypsies and othertravelingsocialgroups, outonherownforthefirsttime.

    Step 1: What Kind of Pony?

    A. Choose the ponys tribe.Thisll beanearthpony.

    B. Choose whether the ponys a mare or stallion. Shell beamare.

    Step 2: Aptitudes

    A. List the starting Aptitudes of the ponys tribe. An earth ponystarts with 1d (3 points) eachin Muscle, Hardiness, Reflex-es, Coordination, Smarts, Senses, and Power.

    B. Add 12d (36 points) to the ponys Aptitudes. Second columnshows

    added dice/points; third columnshows Aptitudetotals.Muscle: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Hardiness: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Reflexes: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Coordination: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Smarts: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Senses: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Power: add 0d (0 points) toget 1d (3 points)

    Step 3: Talents

    A. Choose the ponys Talents.TheponysTalentsarelisted below.

    Familiarity, Medicine, Running, and Teamster are from thestandardTalentslist.

    Carpentryisa CraftTalent: the constructionand repairofwoodenitems, includingfurnitureand small buildings

    Tinker is a CraftTalent: the creation, repair, and mainte-nance of common items such as tools, simple mecha-nisms, and householdgoods.

    B. Decide whether each Talent is Mundane or Magical.TheyreallMundaneTalents.

    C. Decide for each Talent what Aptitude to base it on.Teamsterisbased on Muscle. Runningis based on Reflexes. Familiarityand Medicineare based on Smarts. Carpentryand Tinkerare based on Senses.

    D. Add 7d (21 points) to the Talents.Talent dice/pointsareaddedinthethird column; finaltotalsareinthelast column.Tinker: 3d (9 pts.) plus 2d (6 pts.) = 5d (15 pts.)Carpentry: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Teamster: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Running: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Familiarity: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Medicine: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)

    Step 4: Personal Weakness

    A. Name and describe the ponys Personal Weakness. Waryshedoesnt warmtostrangerseasily, especiallytownies (cityortownponies), and tendsto beabitsuspiciousofthem.

    Step 5: Finishing Touches

    A. Describe how the pony looks. Shes compact but blocky andwell-muscled fromhaulingher caravanaround. Hersomewhatrough coatisred-brownlikeroad dust. Hermaneandtailarestraight but cropped closetomakethemeasiertokeep clean. Theirsalt-and-pepper look averagesouttoan

    ashgrayfromadistance. Hereyesarehazel. Her cutiemarkisasectionofmacadamroad curvingintothe distance, disappearingbetweenapairofhills.

    B. Name the pony and describe what else is important about her. Romanyistouringthe country, learningitshighwaysand byways and getting a feel for how different areas vary. Likemany nomadsand wanderers in the real world, shetendsto distrusttowniesand regardsthemasa bit crazy; oftenthetowniesin questionfeelthesame wayaboutroad ponies, viewingthemasodd orpossibly criminal. Still, shesagood friend oncesomeonehas wonherover, evenifshecan be a bit sharp-tempered, and shesgood at what she

    doesforaliving. Bynecessitysheslearned abitabout beinganapothecary (anold termsimilartothemoremodernpharmacist or druggist) and dealingwithaches, sprainsand otherinjuriesfromanactivelifeontheroad. Shemayrejoinherfamilyand clansometimeinthefuture, butfornow shes enjoying her independence and the area whereshesstopped torestand makesome bits.

    C. Note down the ponys Moves and StrengthBonus. Her Run Moveis 8 yards, her Swimand Climb Moveare 4 yards, and herJumpis 2yards. Her Strength Bonusis 2d.

    D. Choose the ponys important possessions. Shehasthreemediumpossessions: a colorfully painted road-pony caravan thatshepullsand lives in (thesidesopen uptoform countersand awningsfor doingbusiness), moneyfromtinkeringandcarpentrywork, and aninventoryofsparepartsand smalfinishedgoods. Shehastwominorpossessions: atoolkitotinkerstoolsand highwaymapsoftheponynation.

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Earth Pony Form





    This earthpony is a:

    z Mare

    { Filly{ Stallion

    { Colt

    Injury or illness

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Size &build

    Compact but blocky& well-muscled fromhauling her caravan

    Coat Somewhat rough,road-dust red-brown

    Mane Straight and close-cropped; salt-and-

    Tail pepper averaging outto ash gray

    Eyes Hazel


    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    Dwelling: colorful road-pony caravan she { z {pulls and lives in; sides open up to { { {form counters and awnings for business { { {

    Money: income from tinkering/carpentry { z {Inventory: spare parts, smallfinished goods { z {Toolkit: tinkers tools { { zMaps: highway maps of pony nation { { z

    { { {

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    Teamster Muscle 9 + 3 =12 4 dRunning Reflexes9 + 3 =12 4 dFamiliarity with pony Smarts9 + 3 =12 4 d

    nations highways + = dMedicine Smarts9 + 3 =12 4 dCarpentry (craft): construc- Senses 9 + 3 =12 4 d

    tion and repair of wood items + = dTinker (craft): creation, repair, Senses 9 + 6 =15 5d

    & maintenance of common + = dhousehold items (e.g., tools) + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    + = d

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + 6 =9 3 dHardiness 3 + 6 =9 3 dReflexes 3 + 6 =9 3 dCoordination 3 + 6 =9 3 dSmarts 3 + 6 =9 3 dSenses 3 + 6 =9 3 dPower 3 +


    3 1d

    Total points: 36

    Run Move(5 yards + 1per whole die in Muscle) 8 yardsSwim Move( Run Move*) 4 yardsClimb Move( Run Move*) 4 yardsJump( of Run Move*) 2 yardsStrength Bonus( of wholedice in Lifting or Muscle*) 2 d

    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Personal Weakness

    Wary: she doesnt warm tostrangers easily, especially

    townies, and tends to be a bitsuspicious of them

    Cutiemark (sketchor description)

    A section of macadam roadcurving into the distance anddisappearing between a pair ofhills

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page12 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Scirocco: ExamplePegasus Pony

    Alex is part of a group lookingforhighadventure withlotsofaction butnottooheavy, sothegamestoneisntmuch darker than the show is. Alex likes playing bold war-riorsand decidesatypicallyfeisty, assertivepegasus withsomeweatherand fightingskillsis justtheponyto bepartofagroupofadventurersrightingwrongsand seekingtreasures.

    Step 1: What Kind of Pony?

    A. Choose the ponys tribe.Thisll beapegasuspony.

    B. Choose whether the ponys a mare or stallion. Shell beamare.

    Step 2: Aptitudes

    A. List the starting Aptitudes of the ponys tribe. A pegasus ponystarts with 1d eachin Muscle, Hardiness, Reflexes, Coordi-nation, Smarts, Senses, Power, and Finesse.

    B. Add 12d (36 points) to the ponys Aptitudes. Second columnshows

    added dice/points; third columnshows Aptitudetotals.Muscle: add 1d (3 points) toget 2d (6 points)Hardiness: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Reflexes: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Coordination: add +2 (2 points) toget 1d+2 (5 points)Smarts: add 1d+1 (4 points) toget 2d+1 (7 points)Senses: add 1d+2 (5 points) toget 2d+2 (8 points)Power: add 1d+1 (4 points) toget 2d+1 (7 points)Finesse: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)

    Step 3: Talents

    A. Choose the ponys Talents.TheponysTalentsarelisted below.

    Brawling, Dodge, Firearms, Notice,Boltworking, Windworking,andFlight IncreasearefromthestandardTalentslist.

    HoofbladeisaSpecialtyofMleforattackingwith war bootsfitted withshort bladessimilarto daggersor knives.

    Rifleisa Specialtyof Firearmsforattackingwithrifled long-arms.

    SharpVisionisaSpecialtyofNoticefor usingoneseyes.

    B. Decide whether each Talent is Mundane or Magical. Brawling,Dodge, Hoofblade, Firearms, Rifle, Gunsmithing, Notice,and Sharp Visionare MundaneTalentsor Specialties. Bolt-working, Windworking, and Flight Increase are MagicalTalents.

    C. Decide for each Talent what Aptitude to base it on. Brawling,Dodge, and Hoofbladeare based on Reflexes. Firearmsisbased on Coordinationand RifleisaSpecialtyofFirearms.Gunsmithingand Noticeare based on Senses, and Sharp Vi-sionisaSpecialtyofNotice. Boltworkingand Windwork-ingTalentsare based on Finesse; Boltworkingand Wind-workingEffectsand Flight Increaseare based on Power.

    D. Add 7d (21 points) to the Talents.Talent dice/pointsareaddedinthethird column; finaltotalsareinthelast column. Anasterisk (*) indicatesaSpecialtyBrawling: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Dodge: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Hoofblade: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (1 pt.*) = 4d (10 pts.)Firearms: 1d+2 (5 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 2d (6 pts.)Rifle: 2d (6 pts.) plus 1d (1 pt.*) = 3d (7 pts.)Gunsmithing: 2d+2 (8 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 3d (9 pts.)

    Notice: 2d+2 (8 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 3d (9 pts.)SharpVision: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (1 pt.*) = 4d (10 pts.)Boltworking T.: 3d (9 pts.) plus 0 (0 pts.) = 3d (9 pts.)BoltworkingEf.: 2d+1 (7 pts.) plus +2 (2 pts.) = 3d (9 pts.)Windworking T.: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)WindworkingE.: 2d+1 (7 pts.) plus +2 (2 pts.) = 3d (9 pts.)Flight Increase: 2d+1 (7 pts.) plus +2 (2 pts.) = 3d (9 pts.)

    Step 4: Personal Weakness

    A. Name and describe the ponys Personal Weakness. ImpetuousShetendstorushintoasituation withoutthinkingaboutitfirst, which cangetherintoalotoftrouble.

    Step 5: Finishing Touches

    A. Describe how the pony looks. Shessleek and sturdyratherthanbigand muscular, and cutsanimposingfigureinher bardingand hoofblades. Her dark-red coat, and curlydark-goldmaneand tail, aresurprisinglyfine, buttheycangetprettynussed after a long, hard day of traveling. Her dark eyesusuallyare watchfuland hard toread. Her cutiemark isa

    gray-brown dust cloud with wind speed lines behind it.

    B. Name the pony and describe what else is important about her. Sciroccoalwayshas beenarough-and-tumblesort, sofallingin

    withaband ofroamingadventurers camenaturallytoherShe doesntalwayslook beforesheleaps, butshe doestryto dotherightthing, evenifitmeanssheand herfriendsdontalwaysgetallthetreasuretheyrelookingfor. Shesadecentshot, especiallywitharifle, butitsgettingup closeand personalinafightthatshesreallygood at.

    C. Note down the ponys Moves and StrengthBonus. Her Run Moveis 7 yards, Swim and Climb Move are 4 yards, Jump is 2

    yards, and Flight Moveis 8yards. Her Strength Bonusis 1d

    D. Choose the ponys important possessions. She has two mediumpossessions: a set of plate barding with helm and a packcontainingcampingand survivalgear, includingasmalltentShehasfourminorpossessions: asmallamountofmoneyapairofbladed war boots (lightsharp weapons: 1d+1 injuryeach, shortlength), amedium bolt-actionmetallic-cartridgerifle (6d injury, capacity 6 rounds, ranges 25/50/100 yards)withammunition, bandolier, bag, and stripper clips, and atoolkitto cleanand maintainher weaponsand armor.

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    Pegasus Pony Form





    This pegasuspony is a:

    z Mare

    { Filly{ Stallion

    { Colt

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + 3 = 6 2 dHardiness 3 + 6 = 9 3 dReflexes 3 + 6 = 9 3 dCoordination 3 + 2 = 5 1 d+2Smarts 3 + 4 = 7 2 d+1Senses 3 + 5 = 8 2 d+2Power 3 +


    7 2d

    +1Finesse 3 + 6 = 9 3 dTotal points: 36

    Run Move(5 yards + 1per whole die in Muscle) 7 yards

    Swim Move( Run Move*) 4 yardsClimb Move( Run Move*) 4 yardsJump( of Run Move*) 2 yardsFlight Move(5 yards + 1

    per whole die in Power) 8yards

    Strength Bonus( of wholedice in Lifting or Muscle*) 1 d

    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Personal Weakness

    Impetuousshe tends to rushinto a situation withoutthinking about it first

    Cutiemark (sketchor description)

    A gray-brown dust cloud withwind speed lines behind it

    Injury or illness

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Size &build

    Sleek and sturdyrather than bigand muscular

    Coat Dark red and fine

    Mane Dark goldand curly

    Tail Dark goldand curly

    Eyes Dark and watchful


    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    Pack containing camping and survival gear { z {Armor: Plate barding (add 3d to Hardiness) { z {Money { { zWeapon: bladed war boots (1d+1 injury, short) { { zWeapon: bolt-action rifle (6d, 6 rounds) { { zplus ammo, bandolier, bag, stripper clips { { {

    Toolkit: clean & maintain armor & weapons { { z

    { { {

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    Brawling Reflexes 9 + 3 =12 4dDodge Reflexes 9 + 3 =12 4dHoofblade (Mle Specialty) Reflexes 9 + 1 =10 4dFirearms Coord. 5 + 1 = 6 2dRifle (Firearms Specialty) Firearms6 + 1 = 7 3d

    Gunsmithing (Craft Talent) Senses 8+ 1 = 9 3dNotice Senses 8+ 1 = 9 3dSharp Vision (Notice Spec.) Notice 9 + 1 =10 4dBoltworking (Talent) Finesse 9 + 0= 9 3dBoltworking (Effect) Power 7 + 2 = 9 3dWindworking (Talent) Finesse 9 + 3 =12 4dWindworking (Effect) Power 7 + 2 = 9 3dFlight Increase Power 7 + 2 = 9 3d

    Total +

    21= d

    + = d

    + = d

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page14 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Glitch: ExampleUnicornPony (gues conrib.)

    Pat will be playing in a literalgamethatsallaboutthecomedy, set in a small town not far from a big city. Thenarrators willingtoletthisgroupofexperienced playershavealotofleeway, sincethegame will befastand loose, withlotsofsillinessand pratfalls. Pat decidesto createamad scientist,justthesortofcharacter whofits wellinmadcapadventure.

    Step 1: What Kind of Pony?

    A. Choose the ponys tribe.Thisll beaunicornpony.

    B. Choose whether the ponys a mare or stallion. Hell beastallion.

    Step 2: Aptitudes

    A. List the starting Aptitudes of the ponys tribe. A unicorn ponystarts with 1d (3 points) eachin Muscle, Hardiness, Reflex-es, Coordination, Smarts, Senses, Power, and Finesse.

    B. Add 12d (36 points) to the ponys Aptitudes. Second columnshows

    added dice/points; third columnshows Aptitudetotals.Muscle: add +2 (2 points) toget 1d+2 (5 points)Hardiness: add 1d (3 points) toget 2d (6 points)Reflexes: add +2 (2 points) toget 1d+2 (5 points)Coordination: add 1d (3 points) toget 2d (6 points)Smarts: add 2d (6 points) toget 3d (9 points)Senses: add 1d (3 points) toget 2d (6 points)Power: add 2d+2 (8 points) toget 3d+2 (11 points)Finesse: add 3d (9 points) toget 4d (12 points)

    Step 3: Talents

    A. Choose the ponys Magical Style. Mechanicalmagic istheabil-

    itytomotivateand operatemachinery.

    B. Choose the ponys Talents.TheponysTalentsarelisted below.

    Piloting, Repair, Engineering, Levitation, and Prime Mover arefromthestandardTalentslist.

    Magical Stamina SpecialtyofStaminaforresistingfatiguefromusingMagicalTalents.

    Resist Mechanical Injury Specialty of Hardiness for resistinginjury from mechanical devices when thingsgo horriblywrong. (This is an example of aTalent or Specialty that anarratormightpermitinacomedic literalgame, butmaybemorereluctanttoallowinamoreseriousfigurativegame.)

    Mechanical Control Poweringand operatingmechanical devic-esthatarentintended to bepowered byPrime Mover.

    Gremlins SpecialtyofMechanical Controlfortakingcontrolofamechanical deviceawayfromsomeone whosoperatingit.

    C. Decide whether each Talent is Mundane or Magical. MagicalStamina, Resist Mechanical Injury, Piloting, Repair, andEngineeringare MundaneTalents. Levitation, Prime Mov-er, Mechanical Control, and Gremlinsare MagicalTalents.

    D. Decide for each Talent what Aptitude to base it on. Magical Staminaand Resist Mechanical Injuryare based on Hardiness. Pilotingis based on Coordination. Repairand Engineeringarebased on Smarts. Levitation Effect, Prime Mover Effect, andMechanical Control Effectare based on Power; GremlinEffectisaSpecialtybased on Mechanical Control Effect.

    E. Add 7d (21 points) to Talents.Talent dice/pointsareadded inthird column; totalsareinlast column. Pointsnoted with

    * (asterisk) are Specialtypoints. Pat decidestolistrollsforspellTalents, evenifnopoints wereadded, forreference.

    Magic. Stamina: 2d (6 pts.) plus 3d (3 pts.*) = 5d (9 pts.)Resist Mech. Inj.: 2d (6 pts.) plus 2d (2 pts.*) = 4d (8 pts.)Piloting: 2d (6 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 2d+1 (7 pts.)Repair: 3d (9 pts.) plus 1d (3 pts.) = 4d (12 pts.)Engineering: 3d (9 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 3d+1 (10 pts.)Levitation (Eff.): 3d+2 (11 pts.) plus 1d+1 (4 pts.) = 5d (15 pts.)Prime M. (Eff.): 3d+2 (11 pts.) plus 1d+1 (4 pts.) = 5d (15 pts.)Mech. C. (Eff.): 3d+2 (11 pts.) plus +1 (1 pt.) = 4d (12 pts.)Gremlins (Tal.): 4d (12 pts.) plus 2d (2 pts.*) = 6d (14 pts.)

    Step 4: Personal Weakness

    A. Name and describe the ponys Personal Weakness. Hesamad scientist: Bwahahahahaha! Nowthe world willseemygenius!

    Step 5: Finishing Touches

    A. Describe how the pony looks. Hesscrawnyand long-legged. Hiscolorscheme defiesanyattemptto color-coordinate, withafire-engine-red coat, alime-greenmaneand tailthat usuallyaresomewhat unkempt, and blaze-orangeeyes. Fromtimetotimehe will donthe clock . . . is . . . ticking! expressionatthatpoint, those who knowhim well willrun. His cutie

    mark isasetofinterlacedgears with brokenteeth.B. Name the pony and describe what else is important about him

    Through his own luck, as well as inheritance, Glitch isa wealthy unicorn. This allows him to pursue his destiny if one means tinkering with devices only slightlymore dangerousthanawood-chipper freeofsuchminorconsiderationsas safety. Hehasareputationasan usuallyincompetentinventorand oftenisseenfloppingabouttheskiesinhishome-madeornithopter. Heisindeed theterrorofthelocalpegasusponies.

    C. Note down the ponys Moves and StrengthBonus. His Run Moveis 6 yards, his Swimand Climb Moveare 3 yards, and hisJumpis 2yards. His Strength Bonusis 1d.

    D. Choose the ponys important possessions. Hehasonemajorpossession: money! Lotsand lotsofit! Hehasonemediumpossession: some kind ofvehicleforinstance, anornithopter, autogyro, steam-car, orgiant vinegar-and-baking-sodajet boat butonlyoneatatime; switchingvehicles usuallyfollowsthe destructionoftheprevious vehicle. Hehastwominorpossessions: aninventoryofpartsfrom brokengad

    gets, and acontactamongfellowmad-scientistponies.

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    UnicornPony Form

    Playersname Pat

    Ponysname Glitch

    This unicornpony is a:

    { Mare

    { Fillyz Stallion

    { Colt

    Aptitude Add up points Dice

    Muscle 3 + 2 = 5 1d+2Hardiness 3 + 3 = 6 2dReflexes 3 + 2 = 5 1d+2Coordination 3 + 3 = 6 2dSmarts 3 + 6 = 9 3dSenses 3 + 3 = 6 2dPower 3 + 8 = 11 3d+2Finesse 3 + 9 = 12 4d

    Total points: 36

    Run Move(5 yards + 1per whole die in Muscle) 6 yards

    Swim Move( Run Move*) 3 yardsClimb Move( Run Move*) 3 yardsJump( of Run Move*) 2 yardsStrength Bonus( of whole

    dice in Lifting or Muscle*) 1d

    * Round uptonextyard or dieifneeded

    Personal Weakness

    Mad Scientist:

    Bwahahahahaha! Now the

    world will see my genius!

    Cutiemark (sketchor description)

    Interlaced gears with

    broken teeth

    Magical Style

    Mechanical Magic: motivat-

    ing & operating machines

    Injury or illness

    { Bruised 0

    { Stunned 1

    { Minor

    { Serious

    { Major

    { Mortal

    { Death

    Fatigue (Tiredness)

    { Winded: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Fatigue (Sleepiness)

    { Sleepy: 1d

    {Tired: 2d

    { Exhausted: 3d

    Luck points


    Harmony points


    Size &build Scrawny and


    CoatFire-engine red

    Mane Lime green andusually some-

    what unkempt

    TailSimilar to Mane

    EyesBlaze orange


    Unused Spent

    Important possessions (every pony gets panniers/saddlebags) Major Med. Minor

    Money! Lots and Lots of it! z { {Some kind of vehicle for instance, an { z {ornithopter, autogyro, steam-car, or { { {giant vinegar-&-baking-soda jet boat { { {but only 1 at a time; switching usually { { {follows previous vehicles destruction { { {Inventory: parts from broken gadgets { { zContact: fellow mad-scientist ponies { { z

    Talents and Specialties Based on Add Up Points Exp. Dice

    Magical Stamina (Spec.) Hardi. 6 +3*= 9 5dResist Mech. Injury (Spec.) Hardi. 6 +2*= 8 4dPiloting Coordin. 6 + 1 = 7 2d+1Repair Smarts 9 + 3 =12 4dEngineering Smarts 9 + 1 =10 3d+1Illumination (Talent) Finesse 12 + 0 =12 4dIllumination (Effect) Power 11 + 0 = 11 3d+2Levitation (Talent) Finesse 12 + 0 =12 4dLevitation (Effect) Power 11 + 4 =15 5dPrime Mover (Talent) Finesse 12 + 0 =12 4dPrime Mover (Effect) Power 11 + 4 =15 5d

    Mech. Control (Talent) Finesse 12 + 0 =12 4dMech. Control (Effect) Power 11 + 1 =12 4dGremlins (Spec., Talent) Mech. C. 12 +2*=14 6d

    Total +21 = d* Specialty points (3 for 1) + = d

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page16 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Equipment and Belongings

    Narrators and players who want some help in com-ingup withtheirponies possessions can usetheselistsof items and rules togo with them. Narrators especially areencouraged tolook upmoreinformationiftheywanttoaddmoreitems. Othergame booksalso based ontheOpen D6ruleswould beagood placetostart.

    Historically, most of the items listed were available

    throughmuchofthenineteenth century. A few were invent-ed duringthenineteenth century; those items includeroughdatesinparentheses. Keepinmind that, overtime, thesamekind ofitemmaygetsmaller, lighter, cheaper, moreeffective,orsome combination compareasewingmachineorawind-upalarm clock madein 1900 toonemadein 1850.

    Available Almost AnywhereThese can befound whereverthereareshopsorstores eveninsmalltowns, thoughthesupplymight belimited.

    Cheap (buying difficulty 15) CheapAlarm clock (1840s) Newspaper, magazine

    Backpack Personalhygiene kitBasic rations (afew days) Pocket-watch (basic)Blanket Rope, cotton, 50yards (45 m)Crowbar Rope, hemp, 50 yards (45 m)Duffel bag Sewingmachine, portable (1840s)Eatingutensils ShovelLantern SteamertrunkLighter (Dbereinerslamp) Tent, 1-ponyMarbles Torch

    Inexpensive (buying difficulty 610) InexpensiveBasic clothing Sleepingbagor bedrollCarpenteror constructiontoolkit Tent, 3-pony

    Ironspikes (8) and piton Wood stovePocket-watch (high-quality)

    Available in Cities or by Mail-OrderTheseitemsaresold in departmentstoresand otherlargere-tailers, whichmostlyarein bigcities. Most departmentstoresmail out catalogs, so faraway customers can mail-order stuffthey cantget in localshops butshippingamailorder cantakeafew daystoafew weeks, soitd betternot be urgent!

    Cheap (buying difficulty 15) CheapCamerafilm (1830s) Flashlight batteries (1890s)Compass HolsterFlashlight, large (1890s) Keroseneheater (1850s)

    Inexpensive (buying diff. 610) InexpensiveArtsupplies Gasstove (1850s)Binoculars Mechanicstool kitCamera(1830s) Riflescope (1830s)Disguise kit Telescope, smallElectricianstool kit (1880s) Typewriter (1870s)Emergencymedical kit (1880s)

    Unusual or RareMost ponies wouldnt have much interest in buying theseitems, sotheygenerally wouldnt befound inordinaryshopsorstores. Instead, theyd beoffered bybusinessesthatsellsuppliestoprofessionals, suchasarestaurant-supplycompanysellingto chefsand restaurantowners. Insome cases, acustomermight have toprovideproofshe isa professional before thecompany willselltoherthe company wouldnt wanttoseltoaponywho doesnt know whatshes doingand could hurt

    herselforothers, ortheremaybealawforthesamereason.The cost difficultiesfor weaponsarelisted withtherestotheinformationonthem. A weaponthatsreallygood-quality(and ofcoursemoreexpensive) doesnt causemoreinjuryinstead, itstougher, and lesslikelyto break ornot work.

    Cheap (buying difficulty 15) Inexpensive (buying diff. 610)Lockpickingtools Archologiststool kit (1880s)

    Gasmask (1840s)A Little Expensive Hobble(buying difficulty 1115) Jungleexplorers kitEvidence kit (1880s) Parachute

    Useful InformationCertainitems dospecific things undertherules. Hereshowtohandlethem duringplay.

    Binoculars: Add 1d torollsforlookingat, orfor, thingmorethan 2yards (1.8 m) away, butonlyin daylight.

    Crowbar: Add 1d to Musclerolls whenpryingsomethingFlashlight: Seetherules under Weatherand VisibilityGas mask: Wearing agasmask adds 2d tothe wearers

    Hardinessrollagainstagasattack or cancelsout 1d ofsubtractionfromtheroll, whicheverismoreappropriate.

    Hobble: Cuffstogetherfrontorrearhoovesand comeswith a key; the difficulty of picking the lock is 15, and thetoughnessofthehobbleis 15.

    Jungle explorers pack: Add 2 torollsforsurviving injungleorheavy forest; haspithhelmet, insectrepellent, andmosquitonettinginasmall knapsack.

    Iron spikes and piton: Add 1d to climbingrolls; must beused witharope.

    Lockpicking tools: Add 1d torollsforpickinglocks, butonlyifthe userhasthe LockpickingTalent.

    Marbles: A ponywhostepsonmarblesscattered ontheground makesaRunningor Reflexesrolleachstep untilshe canmoveawayfromthem. Difficultyis 15; eachstepisanaction.

    Rifle Scope: Add 2 to rolls for shooting at medium orlongrange, butonly iftheshooterspentthepreviousroundaiming. Also worksasasmalltelescope.

    Rope, hemp: Hempropeisheavy-duty, abletosupportalotofweight; itstoughnessis 5.

    Rope, cotton: Cottonropeismedium-duty, abletosupportsome weight, butnotasmuchashemp; itstoughnessis 3

    Shovel: Add 1d torollsfor digging.Telescope: Add 2d torollsforlookingat, or, forfaraway

    things, butthe usermustspend around tofocusthetelescopeToolkits: Everytoolkit includesa containerand allthe

    toolsand partsneeded for workingonnormaltasks; itadds 1dtorollsforthat kind ofwork.

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page18 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Sharp Inj. Length Real-World E xamples

    Very light 1d Short Dagger, bayonet, survival knife

    Light 1d+1 Either

    Medium 1d+2 Either Shortsword

    Heavy 2d Long Rapier

    Very heavy 2d+1 Long

    Extra-heavy 2d+2 Long Broadsword

    Huge 3d Long Largeaxe

    Flexible Inj. Length Real-World Examples

    Very light 1d Long Bullwhip

    Light 1d+1 Long

    Medium 1d+2 Long Kusari-fundo (chain withheavyends)

    Heavy 2d Long Balland chain

    Missile and Thrown WeaponsA muscle-powered weaponthatshootsamissileorprojectiletakesoneactiontoreload. Examples would beanarchernock-inganewarrowonher boworaslingerputtinganewstone

    inherslingspouch. A shooter canload and shootinthesameround, ifshetakesmultipleactionsintheround to doit.

    The cost difficultyofamissile weaponis inexpensive (610) exceptforalargeone, whichis alittleexpensive (1115).

    The cost difficultyofasmall batchofarrowsor boltsis cheap(15).The cost difficultyofasmallthrown weaponis cheap;the cost difficultyofamediumorlargeoneis inexpensive.

    Theeffectsofshort, medium, and longrangesareinthefighting rules. Fortherangesof a small thrown weapon, thethrowermakesa Muscleroll. Theresultisshortrange; add 1

    yard tothisformediumrangeand 2yardsforlongrange.

    MissileWpns. Inj. ShortRange MediumRange LongRange Real-WorldExamples

    Very light 1d 5yards(4.5 m)

    10yards(9 m)

    15yards(14 m)


    Heavy 2d 10yards(9 m)

    100yards(91 m)

    250yards(229 m)

    Shortbowand arrow

    Huge 3d 10yards(9 m)

    100yards(91 m)

    250yards(229 m)

    Longbowand arrow

    ThrownWpns. Inj.





    Small +1 Muscle



    + 1yard


    + 2yards


    Very light 1d 5yards(4.5 m)

    10yards(9 m)

    15yards(14 m)


    Heavy 2d 5yards(4.5 m)

    25yards(23 m)

    40yards(37 m)

    Javelin (un-wieldyweapon)

    Improvised WeaponsIfaponywantsaweapon but doesnthavearealone, shemaytrytoimprovise, usinganythingthatsaround. Ingeneral, animprovised weapon isnt as effective as a real one; it doesntcauseasmuchinjuryand adds 5 (ormore) toattack difficulty. Ianattack rollresultsinamishap, it breaks, the userhurtsherself, or both. Ifthe userhurtsherself, dontadd her StrengthBonustothe injury dice. An improvised weapon doesnt lastverylong unlessitssomethingtoughlikeathick metalpipe

    orascrewdriver evenifthe user doesnt break itinamishapFor the ranges of a thrown object, the thrower makes aMusclerolland addstoorsubtractsfromittofind short, medium, and longranges. Ifthetotalis zeroorless, thethrowercantgettheobjecttothatrangeorfarther.

    Torch: A lit torch causes 3d of injury (or damage) perround afterthefirstthattheflamestouchingsomething; ifitsflammable, it could catchfire.

    Blunt Injury Length Real-World Examples

    Extra-light +2 Short Crowbar, shovel

    Very light 1d Short Hammer

    Light 1d+1 Long Baseball bat, largestick

    Sharp Inj. Length Real-World Examples

    Small +1 Short Arrow, bolt, dart, ironspike


    +2 Short Awl, icepick, household scissors,pen knife, screwdriver, stake

    Very light 1d Short Hedge clippers, shears, chefs knife

    Light 1d+1 Short Hatchet

    Medium 1d+2 Long Machete

    Flexible Injury Length Real-World Examples

    Small +1 Long CottonropeExtra-light +2 Long Hemprope

    Throw Inj. Di ff. Short Med. Long Examples

    Small +1 +5 Muscleroll

    Muscle+ 1yd.

    Muscle+ 2yd.



    +2 +10 DoubleresultofMusclerollplusmodifier, ifany

    Apple kickedbyback hoof


    +2 +5 Muscle 2yd.

    Muscle 1yd.


    Rock thrownbyfronthoof

    Very light 1d +10 DoubleresultofMuscle

    rollminusmodif., ifany

    Rock kicked

    byback hoof

    Adjusting weapons: Inallthe weaponstables, includingthoseonthenext fewpages, the weaponsshownaretypicaexamples.Thenarratorand playersshould keepinmind thatespeciallybeforemassproduction became commoninthelateeighteenthand earlynineteenth century, there can bealotovariationevenamongitemsthataresupposed to be verysimilar.Theresroomto changethe valuesofmanyweaponsalittleespeciallyfor unusual conditions.

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page20 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Themetallic cartridge, usuallymadeofbrass, includesaprimertotaketheplaceofthepercussion cap; thismadeam-munition completelyself-contained forthefirsttime. It wasintroduced in the 1840s and worked so well that the ideaslasted righttothepresent, morethanacenturyand ahalflater.

    Percussion cartridge firearms and metallic-cartridge fire-arms usethesamerulesand statistics, withtwoexceptions.Thefirstisthatapercussion cartridge weaponmust beloaded andfired intwo differentrounds, butametallic-cartridge weapon

    can beloaded and fired inthesameround, astwofullactions.Thesecond ishowmanyroundsofammunitionaweaponcanhold. A percussion cartridge carbineorrifle canhold onlyoneround. Thenumber, orcapacity,ofroundsanyother car-tridge firearm can hold is listed in the Cap. column; whenthatmanyroundshave beenfired, the weapon isemptyandmust bereloaded beforeit can befired again.

    The cost difficultyofacartridge weaponis inexpensive(610) forabasic modelor alittleexpensive (1115) ormoreforafanciermodel. The cost difficultyfor 50 roundsofam-munitionis cheap to inexpensive (110), dependingonhowpowerfulit is. Of course, a bigger, morepowerful weaponoritsammunition will costmorethanasmaller, lighter weapon


    Early Guns Injury Short R. Medium R. Long R.


    3d+2 10yards(9 m)

    20yards(18 m)

    40yards(37 m)


    3d+1 5yards(4.5 m)

    10yards(9 m)

    25yards(23 m)


    4d 25yards(23 m)

    40yards(37 m)

    100yards(91 m)

    Sm. cannon(Size 15)

    4d 50yards(45 m)

    200yards(183 m)

    800yards(732 m)

    Lg. cannon(Size 15) 5d 50yards(45 m) 150yards(137 m) 500yards(457 m)

    Sidearms Inj. Cap. Short Med. Long Examples

    Low-power 3d+2 8 10yd.(9 m)

    20yd.(18 m)

    30yd.(27 m)

    Early9-mmauto. pistols


    4d 6 12yd.(11 m)

    25yd.(23 m)

    40yd.(37 m)

    Colt .38snub revolv.


    4d+1 6 15yd.(14 m)

    30yd.(27 m)

    45yd.(41 m)

    Colt .45Peacemaker

    Carbines Inj. Cap.* Short Med. Long Example


    4d+2 10 10yd.(9 m)

    20yd.(18 m)

    40yd.(37 m)


    5d 10 12yd.(11 m)

    25yd.(23 m)

    50yd.(46 m)


    5d+1 8 15yd.(14 m)

    30yd.(27 m)

    60yd.(55 m)

    .30-cal. m-1Carbine

    * Ammunition capacity is 1 for any percussion cartridge car-bineorrifle.

    Rifles Inj. Cap.* Short Med. Long Examples


    5d+2 8 20yd.(18 m)

    40yd.(37 m)

    80yd.(73 m)


    6d 6 25yd.(23 m)

    50yd.(46 m)

    100yd.(91 m)


    6d+1 6 30yd.(27 m)

    60yd.(55 m)

    120yd.(110 m)

    Winchester94 (.30-30)

    V. hi.-


    6d+2 5 35yd.

    (32 m)


    (64 m)


    (128 m)Heavy 7d 5 40yd.

    (37 m)80yd.(73 m)

    160yd.(146 m)


    Shotgun Inj. Cap. Short Med. Long Examples


    6d 2 20yd.(18 m)

    40yd.(37 m)

    60yd.(55 m)

    Remington 30(12gauge)


    6d 2 15yd.(14 m)

    20yd.(18 m)

    30yd.(27 m)

    (Barrels cut tomake it smaller)

    Someone who knowsfirearms wellmaynoticethattheserulesand statisticsareverysimplified. Ifthenarratorand play

    ersareinterested enoughto wantmore detailed firearms, theyprobablyhave, or canget, enoughinformationto createspecific models and additional rules. The statistics here and, iavailable, insomeOpen D6books can be used asguidelines.

    Ratherthanreinventreal-world firearms, trytothink ofirearmstheponies (orother creatures) might build.Thisideaappliestootherinventionsas well. Theprogrammightshowscissors withbows (finger-loops) soayoungtelevisionaudiencewill recognize them but a real pony inventor probablywouldnt bother with bows becauseponies donthavefingersConsiderinstead howshemight designthemforponyuse.


    Cannonhave beenmentioned and therearefireworksshowsonafewepisodes. Modernminingand constructionmethodsalso depend a lot on the creative (and careful) use of explosives.Theponiesmightnothaveto usethemasmuch, thankstospell, levitation, and earthmagic, butsometimesa big jobprobablyjust cant be done without blowingsomethingup.

    Low explosivessuchas black powderdeflagrate,or burn veryquickly, butstillatlessthanthespeed ofsound.Theyre usefuforpropellingthings, like bulletsorrockets, butnotasgood atblowingupthings, becausetheydontpack alltheirforceintoaverybriefinstantoftime. Lowexplosiveshave beenaround alongtime; Chinahad simplefireworksintheseventh century.

    High explosivessuchas dynamitedetonate;thereactionpropagates (movesthroughthe chemical) fasterthanthespeed osound, creatingashort, suddenshock-wavethat carriesalotoforce. Itsagood wayto blow upthings, butit doesntpropethings very well they tend toget blown up too. The earliesthighexplosive, nitroglycerin, was discovered inthe 1840sIt washorribly unstable, but various waystomakeitsafertohandle, including dynamiteand gelignite, were invented duringthe 1860sand 1870s. Inthetwentieth century, othersubstances were developed totakeitsplace.The cost difficultyforastick ofdynamiteis cheap (15).

  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


  • 7/29/2019 Pony Tales Rulebook Us Letter by Catspaw Dtp Services-d51joqk


    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page22 Tird EditionVersion 1


    Creatures living in the worldoftheponiesaremuchmoreintelligentthaninthereal world.Thisisoneplacewhere usingotherOpen D6rulebooks can causeanarratorabitoftrouble unlessshethinksabouthowtoadaptthem.

    ForPony Tales, its more useful to divide creatures intotalking and dumb. (Originally, dumb just meant unable totalk ratherthan stupid, and itsstill used that wayinsome

    old sayingsand proverbs.) A talkingcreature canthink aboutand communicate complex ideas, and therefore is intelligentenoughto build, oratleasttoparticipatein, societiesand cul-tures. A dumb creature may be able to communicate simpleideas, butgenerallycant build complexsocietiesor cultures.

    Cattleand sheep cantalk, butmostlytheyseemtolive un-derthe careand protectionoftheponiesratherthanontheirown, maybe becausetheponiesareabletothink aboutthefu-tureand planmoreeffectively. Still, theydotalk, aresomewhatintelligent, and live in pony society, so theyregrouped withthetalkingcreatures.

    Whynot calltalkingcreatures civilized?The world civi-lizationactuallymeans theartoflivingin cities. Inthefirst

    season, forinstance, bisonareshowntoliveinsmallnomadiccamps, butnot cities, sotechnicallytheyarent civilized.What ponies seem to have that most other creatures

    dont have ismagic at least, magic beyond the most basickind, suchasthe world-magic thatmakeseven dumb creaturessmarter than animals in the real world. Thats probably whytheponieshavesuchathrivingsocietyand nation.

    Theonlyzebrashownontheprogramseemsto beanal-chemist, working withmineraland vegetablematterto createmagicalpotions, ointments, and othersubstancesthat canac-complishsometimes amazingthings. Whetherthat ability isuniquetoheroris commonamongzebrasisnt knownfor cer-tain, butthegameassumesits common, differentfrompony

    magic but justas capable.

    Talking CreaturesTheshow doesntgointomuch detailabouttalkingcreaturesotherthantheponies. Asaresult, thelistingsinthissectionoftenrelyonguesswork, based on briefglimpsesinafewepi-sodes and on similar real creatures or creatures from mythsand legendsinrealhistory. Ifthenarrator disagrees withthose

    guesses, shesfreeto changethenumberstosuitherownideasofhowthe creatures work.

    Theselistingsmostlyareforminionsorothers whoarentmajor story characters. Injury levels are simplifications oftheinjurytable, sothatfightinglotsofminions doesnttake uptoomuchtimeinthegame. Aplayerponyhas 4 injurylevels. Acreature with 1 injurylevelsuffers majorinjury fromaresultof1 to 12. A creature with 2 injurylevelsis stunned byaresultof1 to 6 and suffers majorinjury fromaresultof 7 to 12.

    Thenarratorshould create important characters withthesame carethatplayers use in creatingtheirponies. Powerfulonesmighthavemore dice (points) in AptitudesandTalents,butthenarratorshould be carefulaboutthat, ortheymightend up beingtoomuchfortheplayerponiesto cope with, andthatisntmuchfun.

    Bison (buffalo), adultInjurylevels: 2 Size 4 to 6 Run MovesimilartoponyMuscle/Hardiness 3d Reflexes/Coord. 1d Smarts/Senses 2dBrawling4d Dodge 2d Jumping4d Running4dSearch 3d Sneak 3d Tracking3d Willpower 3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 2d, otherwisesimilartoponies

    Bison (buffalo), youngInjurylevels: 2 Size 0 to 1 Run Movesimilartopony

    Muscle/Hardiness 2d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts/Senses 2dBrawling3d Climbing4d Dodge 4d Jumping4dRunning4d Search 3d Sneak 3d Tracking3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 1d, otherwisesimilartoponies

    BullInjurylevels: 2 Size 3 to 4 Run Move 10*Muscle/Hardiness 3d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts/Senses 1dBrawling4d Dodge 3d Jumping4d Lifting4d Running4dAttacks: Strength Bonus 2d, otherwisesimilartoponies

    CowInjurylevels: 2 Size 3 to 4 Run Move 10*

    Muscle/Hardiness 3d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts/Senses 1dDodge 3d Jumping4d Running4dAttacks: Strength Bonus 2d, otherwisesimilartoponies

    ChangelingInjurylevels: 2 Size 0 MovesimilartopegasusMuscle 2d Hardiness 2d Reflexes 2d Coordination 2dSmarts 2d Senses 2d Power 2dBrawling4d Climbing3d Dodge 4d Flying4d Jumping4dRunning4d Search 3d Sneak 3d Tracking3d Willpower 3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 1d, teeth +1; otherssimilartoponiesAbilities: canimitatetheappearance, butnotthespecialabilities, ofanother creaturethatsaboutthesamesize

    Diamond dogInjurylevels: 2 Size 1 to 2 Run Move 10*Muscle 3d Hardi. 2d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts 1d Senses 2dBrawling5d Climbing4d Dodge 4d Intimidation 3dJumping5d Running5d Search 3d Sneak 4d Tracking3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 2d, teeth +1, claws +1

    Donkey or muleInjurylevels: 2 Size 0 to 1 Run Move 10*Muscle/Hardiness 2d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts/Senses 2dBrawling5d Dodge 5d Jumping5d Running5d Search 3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 1d, otherwisesimilartoponies

    DraconequusInjurylevels: 4 Size 4 MovesimilartopegasusMuscle 2d Hardiness 2d Reflexes 2d Coordination 2dSmarts 2d Senses 2d Power 5d Finesse 5dBrawling4d Dodge 5d Flying5d Intimidation 5d Jumping5dRunning4d Search 5d Sneak 5d Tracking3d Willpower 7dAttacks: Strength Bonus 1d, otherwisesimilartoponiesAbilities: theonly draconequusshown wasamasterofchaosand transformation; whatothersmaybelikeis unknown

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    Pony Tale byDaveBryan PartTwo Page23 Tird EditionVersion 1

    Dragon, adultInjurylevels: 4 Size 40 Run Move 25, Flight Move 32*Muscle 5d Hardiness 5d Reflexes 2d Coordination 2dSmarts 2d Senses 2d Power 4dBrawling4d Dodge 4d Intimidation 6d Flying6dRunning6d Search 3d Tracking3d Willpower 5dAttacks: Strength Bonus 3d, teeth +1d, claws +1d; fire-breath-ing3d (donotadd Strength Bonus) Armor: +2 thick hide

    Dragon, youngInjurylevels: 2 Size 1 to 5 MovesimilartopegasusMuscle 3d Hardiness 2d Reflexes 2d Coordination 2dSmarts 2d Senses 2d Power 3dBrawling3d Dodge 3d Intimidation 4d Flying4dRunning4d Search 3d Tracking3d Willpower 4dAttacks: Strength Bonus 2d, teeth +2, claws +1; fire-breathing3d

    GriffinInjurylevels: 2 Size 1 to 2 MovesimilartopegasusMuscle 2d Hardiness 2d Reflexes 2d Coordination 2dSmarts 2d Senses 2d Power 2dBrawling4d Climbing4d Dodge 3d Flying4d Jumping4d

    Running3d Search 3d Sneak 3d Tracking3d Willpower 3dAttacks: Strength Bonus 1d, beak +2, talons +1d

    MinotaurInjurylevels: 2 Size 2 Run Move 10*Muscle 3d Hardi. 2d Reflexes/Coord. 2d Smarts/Senses 2dBrawling4d Climbing4d Dodge
