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Pooch Scoop April 2011

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The Springwood District Dog Club's monthly newsletter.
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H ello and woof woof to everyone at the Springwood District Dog Training Club newsletter! You probably know me by now as I have been coming to the club obedience training night with my young master Tom Asser for a couple of doggie years, my name is Lilly Asser and I am a three year old black Labrador x Rottweiler dog, I am very playful, curious and friendly and my favourite pastime is eating and going to training sessions at our club. My master adopted me from the Yagoona RSPCA dog shelter on Cup Cake Day 2008. That is a fundraising day for the RSPCA and I think my master ate a lot of the cupcakes on that day as they were sold by some of the Bull Dogs players from the Canterbury Football Club. Much to my disappointment I did not manage to grab one for myself. I arrived at my new home in Valley Heights later that week wearing a big red studded collar that Tom had chosen for me. I settled in very quickly and became great friends with the three chickens so long as they did not try to steal my dinner, I like drinking out of the big fish pond at the front of my house as the fish tickle my whiskers and I love fetching the Blue Mountains Gazette from the front yard when it’s delivered each Thursday, I never chew it but sometimes I get excited and drool on it a lot… nobody seems to mind. I have graduated from the beginners at the club and am currently working in the Competition Class with the help support and encouragement of my instructor, I hope one day to compete in the obedience trials that are held at the Canine Centre at Erskin Park. I look forward to going to the club training nights each week where I can meet and greet all kinds of canine friends and Tom sometimes buys me a pigs ear from the Doggie shop run by Mrs. Ella Sweeney. A very funny thing happened this week when my master Tom got my breakfast bones in the fridge mixed up with the Pork Spare Ribs that my family was going to have for dinner that night. I had a scrumptious Day chewing on a big pile of yummy ribs and everyone else had none. I sure hope Tom makes that mistake again sometime. Gotta go now as I hear someone calling my name… I’ll just wipe the few paw marks off the keyboard before I go, sorry there is no photo of me as I can’t work the camera yet, but maybe Mrs. Sweeney will take another photo of me with Tom, I’d like that. Cheerio and woof woof to all, hope to see you at training, you will recognise me as I will be the one with the biggest doggie grin! by Lilly Asser Master Tom & His Pooch Lilly ooch Sc p M O NTHLY SPRINGWOOD DISTRICT DOG TRAINING CLUB INC. Issue No. 7 April 2011 Sponsored by Bill, Ella, Mary-Anne & Mick
Page 1: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Hello and woof woof to everyone at the Springwood District Dog Training Club


You probably know me by now as I have been coming to the club obedience training night with my young master Tom Asser for a couple of doggie years, my name is Lilly Asser and I am a three year old black Labrador x Rottweiler dog, I am very playful, curious and friendly and my favourite pastime is eating and going to training sessions at our club.

My master adopted me from the Yagoona RSPCA dog shelter on Cup Cake Day 2008. That is a fundraising day for the RSPCA and I think my master ate a lot of the cupcakes on that day as they were sold by some of the Bull Dogs players from the Canterbury Football Club. Much to my disappointment I did not manage to grab one for myself.

I arrived at my new home in Valley Heights later that week wearing a big red studded collar that Tom had chosen for me.

I settled in very quickly and became great friends with the three chickens so long as they did not try to steal my dinner, I like drinking out of the big fish pond at the front of my house as the fish tickle my whiskers and I love fetching the Blue Mountains Gazette from the front yard when it’s delivered each Thursday, I never chew it but sometimes I get excited and

drool on it a lot… nobody seems to mind.

I have graduated from the beginners at the club and am currently working in the Competition Class with the help support and encouragement of my instructor, I hope one day to compete in the obedience trials that are held at the Canine Centre at Erskin Park. I look forward to going to the club training nights each week where I can meet and greet all kinds of canine friends and Tom sometimes buys me a pigs ear from the Doggie shop run by Mrs. Ella Sweeney.

A very funny thing happened this week when my master Tom got my breakfast bones in the fridge mixed up with the Pork Spare Ribs that my family was going to have for dinner that night. I had a scrumptious

Day chewing on a big pile of yummy ribs and everyone else had none. I sure hope Tom makes that mistake again sometime.

Gotta go now as I hear someone calling my name… I’ll just wipe the few paw marks off the keyboard before I go, sorry there is no photo of me as I can’t work the camera yet, but maybe

Mrs. Sweeney will take another photo of me with Tom, I’d like that.

Cheerio and woof woof to all, hope to see you at training, you will recognise me as I will be the one with the biggest doggie grin!

by Lilly Asser

Master Tom & His Pooch Lilly

ooch Sc pMONTHLY

Springwood diStrict dog training club inc.

Issue No. 7 April 2011

Disclaimer please note:News, views and opinions in this newsletter are those of the correspondent’s and not necessarily

those of the club, editor, committee and publicity officer.

The Springwood District Dog Training club INC reserves the right of rejection of material. Sponsored by Bill, Ella, Mary-Anne & Mick

Dog Of The Month?If this photo shows your dog and you clame it

at the table by the end of the month from Ella,

Leanne or Wally you can then pick a small gift out

of our raffle box.

Page 2: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

sprinGWooD District DoG traininG clUB inc

UPDATE APriL 2011ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The AGM for the Springwood District Dog Training Club INC was held on the 28th August 2010. We had several new members attend our meeting it was great to see them and thank you for coming along.

Committee for 2010 is: President Ann Lenehan Vice President Dot Luker Secretary Leanne Brown 47542910 Treasurer Ella Sweeney Committee Robin Assar, Vickie Finn, Julia Lawrie, Elaine Browning Publicity Officer Lynn Olson Trophy Officer Dot Luker Table Manager Obedience Wally Campbell Table Manager Agility Sarah Visser Shop Manager Ella Sweeney Chief Instructors Ron Amann & Nicola Read Obedience Trial Manager Bill Sweeney Obedience Trial Secretary Celeste Paxon & Jenny Prestidge Fly Ball Manager Dot Luker Agility Trial Manager 2011 Trevor Mawer Agility Trial Secretary 2011 Charnel Cameron Website & Newsletter Co-Ordinator Ella Sweeney [email protected] Sports Council David Brown Hon Patron David Brown Hon Vet Antony Karolis BVSC

They will all be working hard for our club and representing you. Remember you are always welcome to attend our clubs general meetings at the Red Cross Hall Springwood on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except January.

Life Members: Dot Luker, Ann Moy, Ron Amann, Wally Campbell.

Honary Members: Pam Waters, Lesley Piggott.

Annual General Meeting held at the clubhouse at Lomatia Park last Thursday night in August 7:30pm. There is no dog training held on this night.

Web Site: www.sddtc.org Email: [email protected]

Training Nights at Lomatia Park Agility: Monday 7:30pm Obedience: Thursday7:30pm Fly Ball: Friday at 7:30pm

Wet weather ring 4780 5617 to see if oval is open.


N G W O O D P R I N T I N G C O . P T Y .

L T D .

465 Great Western Highway Faulconbridge

Fax 4751 [email protected]

4751 6119



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A Dog’s Dish

ingredients:1 cup wheat flour

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon garlic powder (not garlic salt!)

1 tablespoon soft butter or margarine

½ cup chicken broth

ingredients:2 jars beef and vegetable baby food

1 cup of wheat germ

2 cups of skim dry milk

Hmmm, I’ll have the Chicken & Garlic Bites for the main and the

Good Dog Cookies for desert.

Sponsored by Shane Grundy

Directions:• Mix flour and cheese together.

• Add garlic powder and softened butter.

• Slowly add broth till you form a stiff dough. You may not need all of the broth.

• Knead on floured board for a few minutes.

• Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness.

• Cut into shapes and place on ungreased cookie sheet.

• Bake 180 degrees oven for 15 minutes.

• Let cool in oven with the door slightly open till cold and firm.

• Refrigerate to keep fresh

Directions:• Preheat your oven to 180c. • Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with a fork. • Drop by small spoonfuls onto a greased pan. • You can flatten slightly or you can cut into fun shapes such as bones, paws, ect. • Bake for 12-15 minutes until slightly brown at the edges. • Let cool. • Store in fridge for up to one week. • Give to your pooch and let them enjoy!

HomemaDe BeeFY DoGGie cooKies

cHicKen & Garlic Bites

ingredients:½ cup powdered milk

1 egg, well-beaten

2 ½ cups flour

½ tsp garlic salt

1 ½ tsp brown sugar

½ cup water

6 tbs gravy

Baby food meat or chicken

Directions:• Mix all ingredients well.

• Roll out on a floured board about ½” thick.

• Cut out cookie shapes with floured cutters.

• Bake at 180C for 25-30 minutes.

• Cool, maybe leaving them in the oven to dry.

• Cookies should be hard.

• Store in an airtight container.

GooD DoG cooKies

Page 3: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

Club raffles


Picking Up After Your Pooch !

Hi, as I told you last month we have 20 raffle prizes at our Obedience Trial

and Agility Trial. Each year Obedience is in July, Agility October, as well as one for our Christmas Dinner. I was hoping for a rush of items to come my way mmm… no it didn’t happen but time yet if you can help with any small items. Whether an unwanted

present or a dog toy, food, wine, anything. If you can’t afford that, even unwanted baskets or boxes or nice bags, tissue paper and I can make up prizes. If you can help I am at the club usually on a Thursday night or give it to the table Manager Wally or Leanne or Bill and I will get it.

Thank You Ella Sweeney

Some puppies get car sick just the same as many small children do. If you depend on

a car for most of your transportation, you will want to help your puppy overcome carsickness as quickly and easily as possible. You can do a number of things to help your puppy avoid or overcome carsickness.

From the start, help your puppy form a positive association with the car. Without starting the engine, sit in the car with your puppy on your lap for a few minutes every day. Praise and pet your pup. After a week of this, start the motor. Place your pup on the seat next to you. Pet and praise him, making the experience agreeable. After a week of repeating this once a day, get a friend or relative to go in the car with you for a daily ride. Be sure that your puppy has an empty stomach and has had the chance to eliminate before getting into the car. Have your helper sit the dog on his or her lap. The helper must not allow the pup to squirm and wiggle around.

Take a short ride around the block. Each week increase slightly the distance that you travel. (One-week intervals for each of these steps are not cast in stone. Shorten or lengthen the time depending

on your pup’s reaction.) Be sure that when you ride with your puppy, you have someone in the car to help control him. If that’s not possible, put the puppy in a crate in the car.

DrUGs For car sicKness in DoGsThere are drugs available but see your vet as to what’s best for your dog.

in tHe carDo not let your puppy ride on the driver’s lap or crawl under his or her legs. This can become

a bad habit and is very dangerous. Once your puppy begins obedience training

and understands to lie down and stay, employ this exercise in the

car when traveling. Associate trips in the car with fun. Every car ride should not end up at the veterinarian, groomer, or boarding kennel. Use the car to take your dog to the beach,

park, or woods.

Most puppies, like most children, outgrow carsickness. In the interim,

doing the right things can minimize messes, limit nervousness, and shorten the

time it takes for your dog to learn that car rides can be a lot of fun.

Dogs Can Get Carsick

Sponsored by Dr. T. Karolis (Vet)

MoshPit Publishing is an imprint of Mosher’s Business Support in Hazelbrook and specialises in websites for small businesses. ALL our sites are custom built, tailored to you and your business, clean and fast loading. But most of all—they are affordable. With prices from as little as $770 for a five-page site hosted in New South Wales, including domain name, unlimited storage, unlimited email addresses, and a contact form to keep your email address private, you’d be mad not to! * Among many others, we've helped Springwood District Dog Training Club by building their new site at www.sddtc.org, so now let us help you!

*Annual renewal from just $198. First email address included, additional addresses extra. Shopping carts from $330. Photography, stock images, ghost writing of content not included. All prices quoted include GST.

Call 1300 644 380 or visit www.moshpitpublishing.com.au today

Small business? Need a website but without all the bells and whistles?

Then let us help!

Have you looked on the back page to see if a photo of your dog is on it?

Please remember it is a rule of our club to pick up after your dog, so keep a bag in your pocket and pick it

up straight away.

Don’t wait until the end of your class as you will loose it and somebody will probably step in it… not a nice feeling?

Page 4: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

WHat is Kennel coUGH? Kennel cough in dogs is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection, which can be caused by bacteria or a virus. The most common form of kennel cough is caused by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica. Frequently kennel cough is caused by a combination of both bacteria and virus. The lining of the trachea and bronchi become inflamed and when air passes over them it results in an irritating cough.

WHat are tHe sYmptoms oF Kennel coUGH? Kennel Cough presents as a dry, hacking, coarse cough, retching and gagging. It often sounds like your dog has got something caught in the back of his throat and he is trying to cough it up. Many owners mistakenly think that their dog has a bone caught in his throat. He may also cough up white frothy material. The dog is usually quite well (apart from the cough) with a normal temperature and it usually engages in its normal activities. The dog seldom loses its appetite. Coughing can become worse on exertion and can continue day and night which can become very distressing for the dog’s owner. The cough can be produced if you gently press the region of the throat over the trachea.

complications Be watchful of your dog developing a raised temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite, eye and nose discharge or coughing up green phlegm, as it is sometimes possible that a secondary bacterial infection can lead to pneumonia.

HoW is Kennel coUGH transmitteD? Kennel cough is a highly contagious disease. It transmits to other dogs much the same way as a human cold transmits in humans through airborne organisms or dog to dog contact. Symptoms generally begin 3 - 10 days after exposure.

Kennel cough is so named because it is often spread in areas where many dogs are confined together such as boarding kennels or animal shelters. Other at risk situations are dog groomers, animal hospitals and dog shows. One infected dog can soon infect many others even if it is not showing any symptoms of kennel cough at the time.

courtesy of articleteller- free articles


There is a difference

50 Mulgoa RoadRegentville NSW 2745

74 Murphy StreetBlaxland NSW 2774


The KeeperI grew up with practical parents. A mother, God

love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones..

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused.. Their best friends lived barely a wave away..

I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat, and Mom in a housedress, lawn mower in one hand, and dishtowel in the other. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence.. Throwing things away meant you knew there’d always be more. But then my mother died, and on that clear summer’s night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away… never to return… So… While we have it… it’s best we love it… And care for it… And fix it when it’s broken… And heal it when it’s sick.

This is true. For marriage… And old cars… And children with bad report cards… And dogs with bad hips… And aging parents… And grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special… And so, we keep them close! I received this from someone who thinks I am a ‘keeper’, so I’ve sent it to the people I think of in the same way… Now it’s your turn to send this

to those people that are “keepers” in your life. Good friends are like stars… You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them close!

ten tHinGs GoD Won’t asK on tHat DaY.1 God won’t ask what kind of car you drove. He’ll ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.

2 God won’t ask the square footage of your house, He’ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3 God won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He’ll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4 God won’t ask what your highest salary was. He’ll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5 God won’t ask what your job title was. He’ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6 God won’t ask how many friends you had. He’ll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7 God won’t ask in what neighbourhood you lived, He’ll ask how you treated your neighbours.

8 God won’t ask about the colour of your skin, He’ll ask about the content of your character.

9 God won’t ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He’ll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10 God won’t have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He already knows your decision.

sent in by Charnie Cameron

Kennel Cough

Sponsored by Dr. T. Karolis (Vet)Sponsored by Don Holland Automotive

Page 5: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 5th12th

New Members For April 2011

Wet Weather On Training NightsIf it is raining heavy at 6pm training is off. If sprinkling rain, Beginners Class only will be

on… but please check the BMCC number (47805617) to see if the Oval is open or closed.

We are not allowed to train at all if the Oval is closed. The sky can be blue with no rain for a couple of days and still be closed from previous rain earlier in the week… so please check! Clubs who ignore that information and train can be heavily fined by council.

Sponsored by Jim & DieselSponsored by Annette & Tully

Kirstie & Bobbycraig & steptoenicole & Harvey

tanya & Bonnieamanda & GeorgeDavid & indy

Kira & Bellamark & Jemimamatt & George

leila & GeorgieJohn & Buddy

D g’s Birthday BookThe Club will be conducting a Birthday Book. When it is your dog’s birthday it will appear in the

Newsletter to wish your furry friend a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. If your do not know your dog’s birthday (rescue dog, etc.,) you can roughly guess his age. If you would like to participate kindly complete the following information and forward to:

Email: [email protected]

Member’s name......................................................................................

Dog’s name .............................................................................................

Dog’s date of birth ..................................................................................

Please remember it is your dog’s birthday we want - not yours.

Foundation Day 2011What a great day we all had together both members and our pooches. We laughed a lot, had so much fun with the dogs and hopefully helped a lot of people with questions on how to solve some of their problems. I am sure we shall see many of them next week for our next intake in April? One delighted lady was Chris Hull from Faulconbridge who won our raffle of the day worth over $100.00 she was so happy to win and it was nice to see a local win the prize and get it on the day.

Our Gorgeous Cheeky PuppyWhile watching television, my three month old Labrador puppy came dancing up in front of me with something metallic rolling around in her mouth.

What is it and where did it come from? We are so careful because everything ends up in her mouth, of course she stayed out of reach and wanted to be chased.

No amount of coaxing was going to get her anywhere near me, in fact, I was being taunted, as she would let me just touch her before she bounded away. I still had no idea what was in her mouth. On one such taunt she dropped the object which was a 50 cents piece but she got to it faster than me.

I know what I will do, I’ll get a liver treat and do a trade! She happily followed me into the

kitchen (because she knows that’s where the food is kept!) and danced about while I am getting the liver treat. Thinking this is going to work, I tell her to ‘sit’ which she does, but she swallows the coin to have the treat. OH NO!!!!…and I am home alone how do I tell my husband I failed babysitting his baby?

A trip to the vet the next morning, x-ray and several hundred dollars later, we have the coin back. In the three months since, we have taken several socks from the back of her throat, dirty underwear, saved a leatherman tool and a mobile phone twice, as she can now manage to climb onto the kitchen table.

She’s a Kleptomaniac.by Maryjka Kelly

Happy Birthday To The Following PoochesD. Milton, Smokey 1st April S. Bennett, Bonnie 14th April Z. Davenport Bennie 19th April

Page 6: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 11th6th

The Mystery MuttSomething A Bit Different

Quote Of The MonthIn the beginning, God created man,

but seeing him so feeble, he gave him the dog!

memBers’ GUessinG competition no. 7

The breed originated on the coast of Newfoundland in the 17th century. They were trained to bring in the

fishing-nets through the icy waters for the fishermen and, in the early 19th century, were brought to Poole Harbour in Great Britain. These dogs were short-limbed, sturdy swimmers with short dense coats and an otter-like tail. They were so attractive that the fishermen had umpteen offers from Englishmen to buy them. The breed was instantly successful as a gundog. The Earl of Malmesbury was fascinated by these dogs, known at that time as Saint John’s breed of water dogs and he started breeding them, calling them by the name they are known today. The Kennel Club of Great Britain first recognised the breed in 1903.

This breed is very active, strongly built with good bone and substance. Their heads are broad with soft, intelligent eyes. They have a double coat: the undercoat being weather-resistant and the outer coat being short and dense with no feathering. Their tails are totally unique being ‘otter’ like and their movement is straight and true both front and back, covering the ground freely.

These dogs come in solid black, yellow and chocolate brown/liver.

This breed is not a fussy eater and, as such, need not be expensive to feed. They are greedy dogs and therefore care must be taken to ensure they do not get the chance to raid the rubbish bin! Careful watch over their diet is a must as they are prone to obesity.

Bitches measure 54 to 56cms at the withers, dogs between 56 to 57cms. Bitches weigh around 28kgs and dogs around 30kgs.

WHo am i?Entries may be placed in the box on the sign on table. The winner will be announced in the following newsletter.

Who am I

Sponsored by Lynn Olson

At our last committee meeting we decided to try something a

bit different for our members, if the interest is there we will keep it going, so it is up to you the members? We will start small and put a club scarf with a club cap or the scarf with a club beanie which are valued at $20 on training nights when we sell 20 raffle tickets at $1.

We will draw the prize so you have a one in twenty chance of winning it, next a club reversible vest and sell 35 tickets as that’s what they cost and draw that raffle, the big heavy warm

jackets would be 55 tickets, and the bomber jackets (which a lot of the guy’s prefer) we would sell 40 tickets and then draw a winner.

Sometimes it may take a couple of weeks to sell the amount of tickets needed for some items but you could catch yourself a bargain and be ready for the winter in club colours which would look great all on the oval, and if you are interested we can keep doing this with club clothing items… give it a go and bring an extra dollar to training nights you might be glad you did someone each draw will!

by Alphonse Toussenel 1803-1885

Page 7: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 7th10th

Obedience & Agility Trial results Upcoming Events 2011

sHop pricesWe sell nice warm jackets $60.00Vests $40.00Caps & beanies $10.00T-shirts $32.00Dog treats (liver) $2.50 Bag

Pigs ears $1.20 EachHalti’s $22.00Leads $14.00Collars $14.00Treat bags $22.00

Sponsored by Vicki Finn & Misty

Friday 1st April at Castle Hill Bill Sweeney & Marla got 4th in the UD Ring

We have only had one trial this month and no Agility results have come my way?

Members ShoptraininG items We HaVe at tHe clUB sHop asK at tHe taBleDumbells Various Sizes $10.00Dumbell Holders $6.00Scent Discrimination Articles $20.00 (plain)Scent Discrimination Articles $25.00 (merle)Set White Leathers $10.00 (set of 3)Dogs NSW Agility Rule Book $5.00 (set of 2)Cold Drinks In Fridge $1.00 eachLong 20 Metre Dog Leads $20.00 eachClickers $3.00 eachWe must apologise for the wait for the new tops and jackets it has been very busy with the agility trial on top of the usual things happening and we will be sorting that out very soon… sorry for any inconvenience in this

May I recommend the pigs ears.

Naughtie NenaHas any member had a strange phone call lately, noisy, sloppy? Or maybe a rumbling sound?

It could be from Leanne’s mobile phone after Naughtie Nena decided to answer it when it rang while Leanne was not in the car and she kind of… ate it instead? Her big sister Eisha was hiding behind Naughtie Nena but the evidence was clear as half the phone was still hanging out of the bad girls mouth although she swore she was just trying to shut up the noise mmm…

We all know 25th April is Anzac day our club marches at the end of the Springwood


If you would like to be a part of that, you are very welcome. But, you must see Ron or Leanne to see if they feel your little (or big) pooch is ready for something like this, as all dogs take that kind of day differently.

This is so yummy. I never touched it!

reminder• Please remember members and anyone with them must sign the sign in book at all our club training nights as well as any other function we may be at for insurance purposes, the sign in book is at the table where you pay your $3,00 ground fee and take a raffle ticket as we draw one at the tea break and you can pick a small prize out of the raffle box.

Page 8: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly8th 9th

Springwood Foundation Day

Sponsored by Hon David Brown (Patron)Sponsored by Hon David Brown (Patron)

Page 9: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly8th 9th

Springwood Foundation Day

Sponsored by Hon David Brown (Patron)Sponsored by Hon David Brown (Patron)

Page 10: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 7th10th

Obedience & Agility Trial results Upcoming Events 2011

sHop pricesWe sell nice warm jackets $60.00Vests $40.00Caps & beanies $10.00T-shirts $32.00Dog treats (liver) $2.50 Bag

Pigs ears $1.20 EachHalti’s $22.00Leads $14.00Collars $14.00Treat bags $22.00

Sponsored by Vicki Finn & Misty

Friday 1st April at Castle Hill Bill Sweeney & Marla got 4th in the UD Ring

We have only had one trial this month and no Agility results have come my way?

Members ShoptraininG items We HaVe at tHe clUB sHop asK at tHe taBleDumbells Various Sizes $10.00Dumbell Holders $6.00Scent Discrimination Articles $20.00 (plain)Scent Discrimination Articles $25.00 (merle)Set White Leathers $10.00 (set of 3)Dogs NSW Agility Rule Book $5.00 (set of 2)Cold Drinks In Fridge $1.00 eachLong 20 Metre Dog Leads $20.00 eachClickers $3.00 eachWe must apologise for the wait for the new tops and jackets it has been very busy with the agility trial on top of the usual things happening and we will be sorting that out very soon… sorry for any inconvenience in this

May I recommend the pigs ears.

Naughtie NenaHas any member had a strange phone call lately, noisy, sloppy? Or maybe a rumbling sound?

It could be from Leanne’s mobile phone after Naughtie Nena decided to answer it when it rang while Leanne was not in the car and she kind of… ate it instead? Her big sister Eisha was hiding behind Naughtie Nena but the evidence was clear as half the phone was still hanging out of the bad girls mouth although she swore she was just trying to shut up the noise mmm…

We all know 25th April is Anzac day our club marches at the end of the Springwood


If you would like to be a part of that, you are very welcome. But, you must see Ron or Leanne to see if they feel your little (or big) pooch is ready for something like this, as all dogs take that kind of day differently.

This is so yummy. I never touched it!

reminder• Please remember members and anyone with them must sign the sign in book at all our club training nights as well as any other function we may be at for insurance purposes, the sign in book is at the table where you pay your $3,00 ground fee and take a raffle ticket as we draw one at the tea break and you can pick a small prize out of the raffle box.

Page 11: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 11th6th

The Mystery MuttSomething A Bit Different

Quote Of The MonthIn the beginning, God created man,

but seeing him so feeble, he gave him the dog!

memBers’ GUessinG competition no. 7

The breed originated on the coast of Newfoundland in the 17th century. They were trained to bring in the

fishing-nets through the icy waters for the fishermen and, in the early 19th century, were brought to Poole Harbour in Great Britain. These dogs were short-limbed, sturdy swimmers with short dense coats and an otter-like tail. They were so attractive that the fishermen had umpteen offers from Englishmen to buy them. The breed was instantly successful as a gundog. The Earl of Malmesbury was fascinated by these dogs, known at that time as Saint John’s breed of water dogs and he started breeding them, calling them by the name they are known today. The Kennel Club of Great Britain first recognised the breed in 1903.

This breed is very active, strongly built with good bone and substance. Their heads are broad with soft, intelligent eyes. They have a double coat: the undercoat being weather-resistant and the outer coat being short and dense with no feathering. Their tails are totally unique being ‘otter’ like and their movement is straight and true both front and back, covering the ground freely.

These dogs come in solid black, yellow and chocolate brown/liver.

This breed is not a fussy eater and, as such, need not be expensive to feed. They are greedy dogs and therefore care must be taken to ensure they do not get the chance to raid the rubbish bin! Careful watch over their diet is a must as they are prone to obesity.

Bitches measure 54 to 56cms at the withers, dogs between 56 to 57cms. Bitches weigh around 28kgs and dogs around 30kgs.

WHo am i?Entries may be placed in the box on the sign on table. The winner will be announced in the following newsletter.

Who am I

Sponsored by Lynn Olson

At our last committee meeting we decided to try something a

bit different for our members, if the interest is there we will keep it going, so it is up to you the members? We will start small and put a club scarf with a club cap or the scarf with a club beanie which are valued at $20 on training nights when we sell 20 raffle tickets at $1.

We will draw the prize so you have a one in twenty chance of winning it, next a club reversible vest and sell 35 tickets as that’s what they cost and draw that raffle, the big heavy warm

jackets would be 55 tickets, and the bomber jackets (which a lot of the guy’s prefer) we would sell 40 tickets and then draw a winner.

Sometimes it may take a couple of weeks to sell the amount of tickets needed for some items but you could catch yourself a bargain and be ready for the winter in club colours which would look great all on the oval, and if you are interested we can keep doing this with club clothing items… give it a go and bring an extra dollar to training nights you might be glad you did someone each draw will!

by Alphonse Toussenel 1803-1885

Page 12: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly 5th12th

New Members For April 2011

Wet Weather On Training NightsIf it is raining heavy at 6pm training is off. If sprinkling rain, Beginners Class only will be

on… but please check the BMCC number (47805617) to see if the Oval is open or closed.

We are not allowed to train at all if the Oval is closed. The sky can be blue with no rain for a couple of days and still be closed from previous rain earlier in the week… so please check! Clubs who ignore that information and train can be heavily fined by council.

Sponsored by Jim & DieselSponsored by Annette & Tully

Kirstie & Bobbycraig & steptoenicole & Harvey

tanya & Bonnieamanda & GeorgeDavid & indy

Kira & Bellamark & Jemimamatt & George

leila & GeorgieJohn & Buddy

D g’s Birthday BookThe Club will be conducting a Birthday Book. When it is your dog’s birthday it will appear in the

Newsletter to wish your furry friend a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. If your do not know your dog’s birthday (rescue dog, etc.,) you can roughly guess his age. If you would like to participate kindly complete the following information and forward to:

Email: [email protected]

Member’s name......................................................................................

Dog’s name .............................................................................................

Dog’s date of birth ..................................................................................

Please remember it is your dog’s birthday we want - not yours.

Foundation Day 2011What a great day we all had together both members and our pooches. We laughed a lot, had so much fun with the dogs and hopefully helped a lot of people with questions on how to solve some of their problems. I am sure we shall see many of them next week for our next intake in April? One delighted lady was Chris Hull from Faulconbridge who won our raffle of the day worth over $100.00 she was so happy to win and it was nice to see a local win the prize and get it on the day.

Our Gorgeous Cheeky PuppyWhile watching television, my three month old Labrador puppy came dancing up in front of me with something metallic rolling around in her mouth.

What is it and where did it come from? We are so careful because everything ends up in her mouth, of course she stayed out of reach and wanted to be chased.

No amount of coaxing was going to get her anywhere near me, in fact, I was being taunted, as she would let me just touch her before she bounded away. I still had no idea what was in her mouth. On one such taunt she dropped the object which was a 50 cents piece but she got to it faster than me.

I know what I will do, I’ll get a liver treat and do a trade! She happily followed me into the

kitchen (because she knows that’s where the food is kept!) and danced about while I am getting the liver treat. Thinking this is going to work, I tell her to ‘sit’ which she does, but she swallows the coin to have the treat. OH NO!!!!…and I am home alone how do I tell my husband I failed babysitting his baby?

A trip to the vet the next morning, x-ray and several hundred dollars later, we have the coin back. In the three months since, we have taken several socks from the back of her throat, dirty underwear, saved a leatherman tool and a mobile phone twice, as she can now manage to climb onto the kitchen table.

She’s a Kleptomaniac.by Maryjka Kelly

Happy Birthday To The Following PoochesD. Milton, Smokey 1st April S. Bennett, Bonnie 14th April Z. Davenport Bennie 19th April

Page 13: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

WHat is Kennel coUGH? Kennel cough in dogs is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection, which can be caused by bacteria or a virus. The most common form of kennel cough is caused by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica. Frequently kennel cough is caused by a combination of both bacteria and virus. The lining of the trachea and bronchi become inflamed and when air passes over them it results in an irritating cough.

WHat are tHe sYmptoms oF Kennel coUGH? Kennel Cough presents as a dry, hacking, coarse cough, retching and gagging. It often sounds like your dog has got something caught in the back of his throat and he is trying to cough it up. Many owners mistakenly think that their dog has a bone caught in his throat. He may also cough up white frothy material. The dog is usually quite well (apart from the cough) with a normal temperature and it usually engages in its normal activities. The dog seldom loses its appetite. Coughing can become worse on exertion and can continue day and night which can become very distressing for the dog’s owner. The cough can be produced if you gently press the region of the throat over the trachea.

complications Be watchful of your dog developing a raised temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite, eye and nose discharge or coughing up green phlegm, as it is sometimes possible that a secondary bacterial infection can lead to pneumonia.

HoW is Kennel coUGH transmitteD? Kennel cough is a highly contagious disease. It transmits to other dogs much the same way as a human cold transmits in humans through airborne organisms or dog to dog contact. Symptoms generally begin 3 - 10 days after exposure.

Kennel cough is so named because it is often spread in areas where many dogs are confined together such as boarding kennels or animal shelters. Other at risk situations are dog groomers, animal hospitals and dog shows. One infected dog can soon infect many others even if it is not showing any symptoms of kennel cough at the time.

courtesy of articleteller- free articles


There is a difference

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The KeeperI grew up with practical parents. A mother, God

love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones..

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused.. Their best friends lived barely a wave away..

I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat, and Mom in a housedress, lawn mower in one hand, and dishtowel in the other. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence.. Throwing things away meant you knew there’d always be more. But then my mother died, and on that clear summer’s night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away… never to return… So… While we have it… it’s best we love it… And care for it… And fix it when it’s broken… And heal it when it’s sick.

This is true. For marriage… And old cars… And children with bad report cards… And dogs with bad hips… And aging parents… And grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special… And so, we keep them close! I received this from someone who thinks I am a ‘keeper’, so I’ve sent it to the people I think of in the same way… Now it’s your turn to send this

to those people that are “keepers” in your life. Good friends are like stars… You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them close!

ten tHinGs GoD Won’t asK on tHat DaY.1 God won’t ask what kind of car you drove. He’ll ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.

2 God won’t ask the square footage of your house, He’ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3 God won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He’ll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4 God won’t ask what your highest salary was. He’ll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5 God won’t ask what your job title was. He’ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6 God won’t ask how many friends you had. He’ll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7 God won’t ask in what neighbourhood you lived, He’ll ask how you treated your neighbours.

8 God won’t ask about the colour of your skin, He’ll ask about the content of your character.

9 God won’t ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He’ll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10 God won’t have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He already knows your decision.

sent in by Charnie Cameron

Kennel Cough

Sponsored by Dr. T. Karolis (Vet)Sponsored by Don Holland Automotive

Page 14: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

Club raffles


Picking Up After Your Pooch !

Hi, as I told you last month we have 20 raffle prizes at our Obedience Trial

and Agility Trial. Each year Obedience is in July, Agility October, as well as one for our Christmas Dinner. I was hoping for a rush of items to come my way mmm… no it didn’t happen but time yet if you can help with any small items. Whether an unwanted

present or a dog toy, food, wine, anything. If you can’t afford that, even unwanted baskets or boxes or nice bags, tissue paper and I can make up prizes. If you can help I am at the club usually on a Thursday night or give it to the table Manager Wally or Leanne or Bill and I will get it.

Thank You Ella Sweeney

Some puppies get car sick just the same as many small children do. If you depend on

a car for most of your transportation, you will want to help your puppy overcome carsickness as quickly and easily as possible. You can do a number of things to help your puppy avoid or overcome carsickness.

From the start, help your puppy form a positive association with the car. Without starting the engine, sit in the car with your puppy on your lap for a few minutes every day. Praise and pet your pup. After a week of this, start the motor. Place your pup on the seat next to you. Pet and praise him, making the experience agreeable. After a week of repeating this once a day, get a friend or relative to go in the car with you for a daily ride. Be sure that your puppy has an empty stomach and has had the chance to eliminate before getting into the car. Have your helper sit the dog on his or her lap. The helper must not allow the pup to squirm and wiggle around.

Take a short ride around the block. Each week increase slightly the distance that you travel. (One-week intervals for each of these steps are not cast in stone. Shorten or lengthen the time depending

on your pup’s reaction.) Be sure that when you ride with your puppy, you have someone in the car to help control him. If that’s not possible, put the puppy in a crate in the car.

DrUGs For car sicKness in DoGsThere are drugs available but see your vet as to what’s best for your dog.

in tHe carDo not let your puppy ride on the driver’s lap or crawl under his or her legs. This can become

a bad habit and is very dangerous. Once your puppy begins obedience training

and understands to lie down and stay, employ this exercise in the

car when traveling. Associate trips in the car with fun. Every car ride should not end up at the veterinarian, groomer, or boarding kennel. Use the car to take your dog to the beach,

park, or woods.

Most puppies, like most children, outgrow carsickness. In the interim,

doing the right things can minimize messes, limit nervousness, and shorten the

time it takes for your dog to learn that car rides can be a lot of fun.

Dogs Can Get Carsick

Sponsored by Dr. T. Karolis (Vet)

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Small business? Need a website but without all the bells and whistles?

Then let us help!

Have you looked on the back page to see if a photo of your dog is on it?

Please remember it is a rule of our club to pick up after your dog, so keep a bag in your pocket and pick it

up straight away.

Don’t wait until the end of your class as you will loose it and somebody will probably step in it… not a nice feeling?

Page 15: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Pooch Scoop MonthlyPooch Scoop Monthly

sprinGWooD District DoG traininG clUB inc

UPDATE APriL 2011ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The AGM for the Springwood District Dog Training Club INC was held on the 28th August 2010. We had several new members attend our meeting it was great to see them and thank you for coming along.

Committee for 2010 is: President Ann Lenehan Vice President Dot Luker Secretary Leanne Brown 47542910 Treasurer Ella Sweeney Committee Robin Assar, Vickie Finn, Julia Lawrie, Elaine Browning Publicity Officer Lynn Olson Trophy Officer Dot Luker Table Manager Obedience Wally Campbell Table Manager Agility Sarah Visser Shop Manager Ella Sweeney Chief Instructors Ron Amann & Nicola Read Obedience Trial Manager Bill Sweeney Obedience Trial Secretary Celeste Paxon & Jenny Prestidge Fly Ball Manager Dot Luker Agility Trial Manager 2011 Trevor Mawer Agility Trial Secretary 2011 Charnel Cameron Website & Newsletter Co-Ordinator Ella Sweeney [email protected] Sports Council David Brown Hon Patron David Brown Hon Vet Antony Karolis BVSC

They will all be working hard for our club and representing you. Remember you are always welcome to attend our clubs general meetings at the Red Cross Hall Springwood on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except January.

Life Members: Dot Luker, Ann Moy, Ron Amann, Wally Campbell.

Honary Members: Pam Waters, Lesley Piggott.

Annual General Meeting held at the clubhouse at Lomatia Park last Thursday night in August 7:30pm. There is no dog training held on this night.

Web Site: www.sddtc.org Email: [email protected]

Training Nights at Lomatia Park Agility: Monday 7:30pm Obedience: Thursday7:30pm Fly Ball: Friday at 7:30pm

Wet weather ring 4780 5617 to see if oval is open.


N G W O O D P R I N T I N G C O . P T Y .

L T D .

465 Great Western Highway Faulconbridge

Fax 4751 [email protected]

4751 6119



d to








A Dog’s Dish

ingredients:1 cup wheat flour

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon garlic powder (not garlic salt!)

1 tablespoon soft butter or margarine

½ cup chicken broth

ingredients:2 jars beef and vegetable baby food

1 cup of wheat germ

2 cups of skim dry milk

Hmmm, I’ll have the Chicken & Garlic Bites for the main and the

Good Dog Cookies for desert.

Sponsored by Shane Grundy

Directions:• Mix flour and cheese together.

• Add garlic powder and softened butter.

• Slowly add broth till you form a stiff dough. You may not need all of the broth.

• Knead on floured board for a few minutes.

• Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness.

• Cut into shapes and place on ungreased cookie sheet.

• Bake 180 degrees oven for 15 minutes.

• Let cool in oven with the door slightly open till cold and firm.

• Refrigerate to keep fresh

Directions:• Preheat your oven to 180c. • Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with a fork. • Drop by small spoonfuls onto a greased pan. • You can flatten slightly or you can cut into fun shapes such as bones, paws, ect. • Bake for 12-15 minutes until slightly brown at the edges. • Let cool. • Store in fridge for up to one week. • Give to your pooch and let them enjoy!

HomemaDe BeeFY DoGGie cooKies

cHicKen & Garlic Bites

ingredients:½ cup powdered milk

1 egg, well-beaten

2 ½ cups flour

½ tsp garlic salt

1 ½ tsp brown sugar

½ cup water

6 tbs gravy

Baby food meat or chicken

Directions:• Mix all ingredients well.

• Roll out on a floured board about ½” thick.

• Cut out cookie shapes with floured cutters.

• Bake at 180C for 25-30 minutes.

• Cool, maybe leaving them in the oven to dry.

• Cookies should be hard.

• Store in an airtight container.

GooD DoG cooKies

Page 16: Pooch Scoop April 2011

Hello and woof woof to everyone at the Springwood District Dog Training Club


You probably know me by now as I have been coming to the club obedience training night with my young master Tom Asser for a couple of doggie years, my name is Lilly Asser and I am a three year old black Labrador x Rottweiler dog, I am very playful, curious and friendly and my favourite pastime is eating and going to training sessions at our club.

My master adopted me from the Yagoona RSPCA dog shelter on Cup Cake Day 2008. That is a fundraising day for the RSPCA and I think my master ate a lot of the cupcakes on that day as they were sold by some of the Bull Dogs players from the Canterbury Football Club. Much to my disappointment I did not manage to grab one for myself.

I arrived at my new home in Valley Heights later that week wearing a big red studded collar that Tom had chosen for me.

I settled in very quickly and became great friends with the three chickens so long as they did not try to steal my dinner, I like drinking out of the big fish pond at the front of my house as the fish tickle my whiskers and I love fetching the Blue Mountains Gazette from the front yard when it’s delivered each Thursday, I never chew it but sometimes I get excited and

drool on it a lot… nobody seems to mind.

I have graduated from the beginners at the club and am currently working in the Competition Class with the help support and encouragement of my instructor, I hope one day to compete in the obedience trials that are held at the Canine Centre at Erskin Park. I look forward to going to the club training nights each week where I can meet and greet all kinds of canine friends and Tom sometimes buys me a pigs ear from the Doggie shop run by Mrs. Ella Sweeney.

A very funny thing happened this week when my master Tom got my breakfast bones in the fridge mixed up with the Pork Spare Ribs that my family was going to have for dinner that night. I had a scrumptious

Day chewing on a big pile of yummy ribs and everyone else had none. I sure hope Tom makes that mistake again sometime.

Gotta go now as I hear someone calling my name… I’ll just wipe the few paw marks off the keyboard before I go, sorry there is no photo of me as I can’t work the camera yet, but maybe

Mrs. Sweeney will take another photo of me with Tom, I’d like that.

Cheerio and woof woof to all, hope to see you at training, you will recognise me as I will be the one with the biggest doggie grin!

by Lilly Asser

Master Tom & His Pooch Lilly

ooch Sc pMONTHLY

Springwood diStrict dog training club inc.

Issue No. 7 April 2011

Disclaimer please note:News, views and opinions in this newsletter are those of the correspondent’s and not necessarily

those of the club, editor, committee and publicity officer.

The Springwood District Dog Training club INC reserves the right of rejection of material. Sponsored by Bill, Ella, Mary-Anne & Mick

Dog Of The Month?If this photo shows your dog and you clame it

at the table by the end of the month from Ella,

Leanne or Wally you can then pick a small gift out

of our raffle box.
