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Portage sentinel (Ravenna, Ohio : 1845). (Ravenna, OH ... · American Mnrnal lnnrc Coipy MOS PERT...

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MOS PERT of Wslnit, Cherry aftd "Walts wood nabs ; CAHTER sVNISH American Mnrnal lnnrc Coipy fv. BUSINESS CARDS. Tcym p A"ont-W- h Ut widow Am i S t es u:-- i aM l r,., : J. P. HOLHROOR. J. LOajQ. IIOLBROOK. St LONG, MUSIC PUBLISHERS WHOLES ALI AND X EI AIL DEALS I la MUSH) AD MUSICAL IXSTRllEXTS, KO. 100 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. TTPSole Arenu for tba celebrated STODAttT PlAJiOTR PIANO FORTES. y oa band a targe atock of aew scale 6, Si, 6 and 7 ortare Ptaao Fertea, all of which will be aold at Factory Price. GUITARS. Beat American made GaHare, eonatantl onn hand elao, Irs ported Guitar, of the beat Spaa tab aad Frauch patterns, together with lowpriced Germaa Guiura. KULKD MUSIC PAPER. Muaie Paper of , U, 16 lino, etc., constantly on hand and mnnufactured to order. VIOLINS AND VIOLONCELLOS, im ty vabiitt l!n7ilr Violin, Violoncello, Teaor V.ol, Double Beat Guitar and Banjo. VIOLINS AND VIOLIN BOWS, Violin Caaea, Bow Hair, Bridges, Pegs, Tall Pieces, Finger Board a, Mule, Rosin, etc. REEDS, Drums, Piano Forte Stools, Tuning Forks, Tanlng Hainmera, Tuning Pipes. 7177 Dealers and Heads of Seminaries supplied at tho low-e- wholesale prices, wiUi erery article in theMuaica. Cleveland, April 13, 1S53. rv W ati2d that W her of u Pul Jooet frixt ony wonld b ptM her open' pmeotlag tanwlf 4t thw Danmcr Bank, b debate In her wa minJ ogn tb aVbat waa Mver reported : whether ah abouM go kartell", or fire a power f attorney to tern out else to receive the eleven i ' Jollart end eixtr-tw- o eenU which waa her ahare. . I thla atrait the called oa Mr. Partiafton, who " had anthorlzed pereoa to aettle tbe Beaorille ea-ta- te for her whea the Beanrille Bailroad bid ;:" driven her bom .the bomeatead. "Go yourself, dear," aaid the old lady, brinjrtng the poker down . emphatically upon tbe bail of the tea-kettl- at , "aha waa clearing out the ashea fnm the atove, ' ,dout trust nobody but yourself, for (raising the poker,) if you give anybody power of eternity, de- -' pend apon it you wont never see the end of it." The "Blue Hen's Chicken,'' of Wilmington, Delaware, laya the following before hia re ad-er- a; '" ; "There ia living, in Tatnell street, a colored man aged aixty-eigb- t, who ia the father of fifty-on- e children, thirty of them now living. He bad t three wives, the first of whom ia tbe mother of - fifteen children, two of whom were twins. Tbe . second was the mother of fifteen, having twins three times; the litter, who is still alive, has twenty-on- e children having had twins five times. We venture that there is scarcely tuch another ' ease on record. The cedars of Lebanon have diminiabetl from a forest to a sacred grove, guarded by a priest and protected by superstition. The prophecy of Isaiah has long aince been fulfilled, and "Lebanon i tamed into a fruitful field," the rest of the trees of hia are ao few that a child may write them. The - cedars of Lebanon scarcely occupy a space equal 1 ta two acret'of ground! JBut Lebanon is a fruit- ful field; the mulberry tree yields its luscious fruit, and its more useful leaves with graceful lux- uriance; and iniu valleys the harvests wave spon- taneously in autumn. New Quarterly Review for October. ' Rapper's Surprised. A lady at Columbus, in Ohio, recently inquired of the spirit-rappe- rs ' bow many children she had "Four," rapped the apiriL The husband, started at the reply, stepped up and enquired; "How many children have I!" "Two!" answered the rapping medium. "The husband and wife looked each other, with an odd smile in their facea, for a moment, and then remained There has been a mistake made somewhere." A Conductor's Joke. A great improvement baa been made upon the Camden and Am boy Railroad line, by Petticoating all round the cars, which prevents the dust from arising and annoy- ing the passengers.! You may now travel in these cars in your best Sunday A Frenchman travelling in the other line, by way 'of Brunswick, which is Uncle Sam's line, asked the conductor: "What for you no 'ave the petti- coat on zia line!" "Can't sir,' answered he, "this is a mail line." Harry was sitting in the parlor with Lucy, not knowing that he was overheard by her little broth erUob. What Bob heard may be imagined from the following dialogue between him and bis fath- er: Bob "Father, send me after the doctor." Father -- "Why, my son?" Bob "Cause you aee that man in the parlor is going to die; he said be would if Lucy would not marry him, and Lacy Mid the wouldn't!" IftFLUEiicE of Trade. The operations of trade may sharpen the intellect, but they are apt te cloud the moral sense. It ia hard work to read the moral lrw straight through the double lens of twelve per cent, interest; and a man will find aome way to hitch his conscience to the train of a profitable transaction, and keep it running into the groove of a profitable business. Rev. E. H. Chapik. CO Miss Susan Nipper says that the Russians have an awful responsibility resting on them for killing the Turks for every Turk that is killed leaves a dozen widows. ' We understand that Miss Nipper is a neice of Mrs. Partington. Breathes there a man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said I will my county pa- per take both for my own and family'a sake? If such there be, let him repent and have the paper to him sent snd if he'd pass a happy win ter be in advance should pay the printer. The Boston Post says "There are thirteen thousand marriageable girls now in tho factories of Lowell. It is pleasant to know, in this world of misery, that there are thirteen thousand men yet to be made happy." An absurdity produced by the transposition of words, is related of an actor, who thus delivered the well-know- n lines oi King Lear: "How sharper than a serpent's Ibsnks It Is To bare a toothless child." Better that we should err in action, than wholly refuse to perform. The storm is much better than the calm, as it declares the presence of a living principle. Stagnation is worse than death. It is corruption. r.i'- - k1Punch says that the reason why editors are so apt to have their manners spoiled, is because they receive from' one correspondent and another such vast number of evil communications. The Herald of Boston says "It is a mistake to suppose that milk can be afforded as cheap in win- ter, when the streams are frozen, as in summer." OCT Never attempt to mend1 a joko after it is "cracked." ' - Franklin Smith's Estate. OHOi.nttday of January, 1854, the Probata Court of declared the estate of Franklin Smith dee'd. w r prooaory insolvent; creditors are therefore requested to preeeM their claims against tbe estate. U ti J t fm alio ance within six months from the Urn abova mentioned, or they will not be entitled to payment. Hiram Jan. 17, 1854. Wn.uaat W. Rriviirs, Admr 448-S- w oi r aan asia dhitv, iiee'd. ' ; Bad Notice. fdf ICE la hereby gtvea tbat a aedUoa m be presented to i.V tba Hon. Board of Commissioners of Portage ooo.nty.ar etg. oast secular aesaioo ia praying that a road be laid out ao4 aaUbUahad Jaa lollawat said road to commence at the aootA aass roar oiLas o. M la Jtoatatown, thence east on , a Township line to tba sonic-ea- st eorner of (aid Rootstc n waaied axokanctior rarniisre.: . fbaaasa l ,UHSrsa. . a , . tt ABA1TB to wor eft aO kta of CsMadl WoM j ml iwlH be paid. Apply a . . al - Pbaffca. i llatcb. Olaln Street, HAS fcoatved bla atrlar (apply af madloinaa, palata, Mli, dya atufla, aad la bow preparadtoaonply para dry lead, lead ground In'oll.splritt tarpentlie, llaseed oil,raahe, ., so paintersaad bulldacs ea tbe rtxnt kind ef terars. Tba sick and amlctod eaa Snd at bla store al the ebolea kbuts af ledlelnea asoatly called for. Doctor supplied aa asaal at sry low ratestor cash, that beta the asouo. UV FORK Dry WtuU Lead; also beat duality Zinc Paint, fair SO aale at . Ssnrr's OSGOOD'S Cbolagogue, McKenaiel Febrifuge, Bill s Fe Ague Remedy, Cbobtgogue Tonic, Wynkoop! Fevjr and Ague Exterminator, Vegetable Specifle, Davis' pain killer, Hibbard's Wild cherry Bitters, Hooflanda Dyspepsia Bitter's, Hutchlng's Dyspepsia Bitten, Trask'a Ointment, Sloano's ointineut, McAltster's ointment, German ointmeot, Ac. For silo by I. SWIFT. IIcrring'M Patent Fire Proof Safe with Hull's Patent Powder Proor Lock. HAVING received tho Prise Medmlt at the WtrU'i fair, olTored by tho subscriber to the nubile aa the iViia Saf of tho Worli. Tested and approved aa they have been everywhere, this crowning victory waa reserved to be awarded by the Juries of the World's Fair. The subscriber also continues to manufacture and ritrnisb WiMtr'i Ptltnt Salammmdir Soft, (being the first in the United States to whom tho natent was assicned) which has been favorably and wl.laW known and acknowledged as the test toft, until thediseovcry of Herring's Fire and Hurglar proof safe, which aro now of- fered as Uie Ciumpio Sara. The scbscribur would offer tbe following recent tostltnony la favor of Herring's fire proof safes. bithsct from a lcttc dites K&vckna. O.. Jnlv 8. 18. RlLii C. Htusrso: Sir Your letter of inquiry respecting Ua burning of our store and futo of safe duly cametclutud. The Ore was discovered In our three story briek store about S o'clock In tho morning. The safe was on the first floor, in the store room, over some casks of Unseed and lamp oil In the basement, and an attempt to rescue the safe after our arrival at tin fire was unsuccessful, as the wind was bigb and live Are burnt with great rapidity, suon causing the floor with the safe to fall into the basement under the burning timber and com. bustible materials of the upper stories, it remained in this situation until the Are subsided, so that It could bo reached with cliains, and was then dragged out nearly ornalte red (, the outside plates wurped, and part of the wheels melted off. Tho safe contained bunk bills, books, notes aud papers to a large antwunt, which would havo been irretrievably lost to us had uiey been destroyed; Wo supposed when the safe wss removed from the Are and intense heat to which it had been so longcxposed, that Its ts must be destroyed; but upon opening it, to our surprise and siitisfaction, we found the contemn i is a perfect statu of preservation, except the binding of some of tbe books beings little discolored. . Rosnectfullyyours, S. A. & R. A.Gili.ett. N. B. A lurg'c assortment of Herring's and WIdor's patent tiro proof safes "on baud ut the D.'pot, Kos. 135, 137 and 129, Waler-s- t, Sew York. 8.C. HER R1SG, Spiritual ManifrM-ii- ou troiii hlm 1'HE undersigned hiving boon informed (not by spirits of upper world, but by reliable, spirits of this earth) Unit they havo Ilia best article of I'obm Jlijuon and Btutk Tta at 51) cents $ ft,, tlut waseveror that can now be offered In Por- tngo couuty. They therefore take this opportunity of inform- ing all lovers of the article, of His above fact, and request them to call and try for themselves. Hnvunna, September 5, 1853. H. W. Smith 4 Co. Flaxseed" delivered at our store as soon as possible, for which we will pay tho highest market price. Kavenna, September 5th, lftJ3. H. W. Smith Az Co. Vrniin Destroyed. WITHOUT FAIL IN ANY INSTANCE! ! Levi's promises a complete riddance of Rats, Mice, Kcdbnps and ull other Vermin. Tho articles Included in this composition are in thomselvos very innocent, contain- ing not n particle of poison, but v.licii combined, create a 'gas wliiih explodes tho stomach and cons:i uently destroys life ill a short time. As soon as it has aflecteu tho atomiich, the urtlelo becomes neutralized and will affect nothing thereafter so that there cun be no diutj-- r III its uso under uuv .circum- stances. For sale by I. SWIFT, Kavoima. Price 25 cents per box. dec 35 WIIITK-WoO- UJM HEW. aiort- - 100,000 ed dimensionIS. lit III V Stenm Mill. 7 iiilluaKoi.Lh or Ravenna, on tho Cleveland & Pittsburgh Huilrond. Woodbind, April 20, 185'.!. Win. P. I1AZF.N. Dr. Valentine Molt, Tkt viilel) celebrated Profcttor of Surgtry ia I A Mtdic College, Jferr Yorlt City, oaye' "It gives mo pleasure to certify tha value and ofllcacy o "Ayer't Cherry Pectoral," which 1 consider peculiarly adap- ted to cure diseases of the throut and lungs." Cures of severe diseases upon tho Lungs have been effected by Clioiry Pectoral In such extreme cases as warrant the be- lief that a remedy has at length been found that can be depend- ed on to euro the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which cur- ry from our midst thousands every year.- It Is tndoed a med- icine to which tbe nffficto.l can look with confidence for relief, aud should not fail to avail themselves oflt. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowkli, Mars. For sale by ISAAC SWIFT, Ravenna: Dr. Isaac Coles. Pal. myr.i; Day & Mann, Deerfleld; J. H. Sprngtie. Garrettsvllle; J. W Cone, Franklin Mills; J. Campbell, Newton Falls; and oy it oKio.gencraiiy. NEW BOOKS. FERN LEAVES, from Fanny's portfolio; sunny side; last loaf from sunnv side: shadv aide; one year of wedlock; Cromwell's letters and HOCOCUOS: . Parisian irhta mid FrmiMi nrln clples; Babylon and Kinorah; Nnpoloon in exile; restoration of monarchy In Franco; book of 1CC0 anecdotes: Dractlcal niutut; Barker's assistant! Willis' sacred poems; Cook's '".'6i imvenoi inungo rarK ; nutsoirs apology for the Dime in repiy io rallie s age or reason! for sale by June 27, 1853. B. Little's. rpHE DAYS OF BRUCE, "by Grace AgullaF7Tieisin auiuii.,, iiiiuci, unii inina; leuow piusn I'd per, by .awjB iium inr iioiiuoii nines; nyuropaimc bv Dr. Thrall: Huli cock; Buckeye Abroad; Spark's Life or Washington; Arthur's Library for the Household; Wulks ami Talks of an American Farmer in England; World hero and there, by Dicnins; Hoods oo, iioiiiunim rniiosopiiy; nooilwortli'a Fireside Mu- - avuui, liivcim me .urs. juusons, aic, ror suiu by "! ' j 'fUfWARE, EAVE-TROUGH- S, &C. John Ciute. VSTOTJLP inform the citizens of Ravenna and vicinity, that I.I. -- 'ID ku-l- ,s on hand and manufacture to ordor ull articles or 1 in-- aro. Particular attention paid to niaimfiicturiuz and putting up s, and he will be hnppy to attend to all ... v...., ma im.-- , oiiojiuireciiy oouin oi Kieiiardion's llurd wure Store. R'tvenna, March 3?,d, 1R53. 4t3-l-f. Charter Oak 1A(e Insurance Co. JF IIA11TFORD, CONN. Li.irn.iu 5snu,w!u securely invested under the sanction of theStalo Comptroller: one of tho safest ...... mo, jiomiuir Louipaniesin the united St::tas. ALVIN BELD1NG,M. D.. Examining Physic!ar. E. SPALDING, Ag't'for Portage Co. Kavenna. Aug. 2. 1H52. tf Assjcnincnt ! Tiik subscribers, having been appointed Assignees for the of Messrs Brown dc Hurlbul, Boot, Shoo and r indlngbusiiiesj, for the benefit of their crcditors,nre anxious to close up tho matter as soon as possible, and will offer for s di- nt wholesale or retail, at their Provision Storo, a large assort-i- n out of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Buskins, Misses Shoes and Hoots, and a large variety of Childeii's Cacks, and a lot of Findings. All of which must bo soldut some price, as we aro determined to sell and closo up the concern ut once. Call and give ns an offer. ,10 All persons knowing themselves Indebtod to thorn, will please call and settle and save costs. Notes and accounts we will be prepared to settleat any Umo, fora short period, after which they will be put into tho hands of a Justice fnrcolloctlON. nnveiina, iicc. l, IBM. II W SMITH If CO Wall Paier. ryHF. best and cheapest assortment of wall and curtain r u per in naveniiu, in B. Little's A Sjtiotidid Lot of Clothing. joeepn jttcorn, in Swift'e Building.oppoetie the Court o IS receiving Uie largest and best selected assortment of Clothing over offered fn thU ntiiiiiv.,nn.;.i;.u,nrv..i. Pants, Vests, and Gents Furnishing Goods, of every stylo unti quality, which he is determined to sell at price which canuoi Ravenna, April 11, 1S53. ' ' 403 KA. BAIRD tenders his sincere aud grateful thanks to the of Ravenna, and adjoining towns, for Uielr lib- eral patronage for tho past year, at tho same time assuring them that no pains will bo spared to merit a continuance of the same, by aclioice selection of goods at the lowest possible rates. Silver Ware. Watches and JTewelrv ANEW assortmontrecoivedevery two weeks, direct from of Importers aud Manufacturers, purchased ia quantities and at pricos to supply Uio trade, cdnsoqueutly the ...o,-i.i,i,..u- j, rccuiveu iii ono time ana tor sate at the owost rates. Pedlars supplied with any of the above turned. ......... ...... , ,r,.v, jmsuiirgn or iincinail. Ucady for Operation. rpHE NEW bTEAM GRIST MILL, in Ravenna, is now .1 ready for operation. Farmers and others, will plcaso call aim uxiiiuinc vuo most conveniently arranged Mill in this part "'"-"- "' rAKCL ct SONS. uveiiifu, napin z, 10.x:. 3741f New Arrival. , 111 RS. E-- RICHARDSON bus lust rocelvnd ,u,. .,,...1, ..VI ofuiaiiierboiinets,chil(lroii'sflats,anow stylo ofcmne bonneta, ready made viseltes, fan, long mitt, black loco vol a. ......... . ... cilu.. Mn.l.,i!.i'.n. , a ...1 .... -- .. .,.,,, vun--r nuoos 100 numerous to mention, to which she invi tea the attention of tho Ladies She has Jut received, direct from New York, tho latest stylo for snmnior dresses, and will be bapny to wait upon all who may favor her with a call, at her residence on Main street. Kavenna, June7, 1853. , fi . mI . 2 ? hJ"ruM fcolved tbo largest snd moat . - .onn. ..J iv u, ran ana Wiuter Good ever brought to this section of country, which for style finish and durab illty cannot be surpassed. My stock of Over Coau consists of the following kind: , Pilot, Beaver. Mohair, Nigorhead, Petersham, Blanket, Felt, Broad Cloth! and SaUnet. Also, an endless varloty of Frock, Droas, Back, and Box coata. Panto, VesU and boy clothing of kind quality and color. .. . . ' f."i"" ' F"rBlhlu? Good, frora th finest white linen to tbe cheap- est hickory shirts, wrapper, drawer, aock, gloves, auvata, oek, neck ties, eujpendors, bandkerchier, shirt pollars. trunk, vallsea, oar pet bag, ambrellar, India RabDareoai. leggins, etc., etc. , ,.s - , ,i 'i Come ens, com all, and iv a call. .' rmlJia-wlUfri- aUTeaa.-- ' ' "ic-- m sn. OF AMSTERDAM, NEW YORK. rTWa aabaattbar ha ring bean appointed Agent for tba abort J. eoaipaay, la prepared to take risk against demagaa b rinc., ataa low raies aaanyourar rasponauiis lompauj. Try Loasas aanma raorri.tij RaTena,lo. 1. 1S3 R W 9M1TB- - TER WANTED, THB Su bar will pay tba algeest price In Cash, for all X good Butlar detlv area at im wasa Bouse oa tbe Cnaal. Kavenna, Hepu vs, vsa. ALBERT AUSTIN. U LBS.POWDEKkl) GUM ARABIC, received by" 1U August 1853. 1.8 HARDWIRE, FRAZER ia receiving his fall stock of Hxrfwaro.con WM. House trimniing, band and edge Tools, labia and pocket Cntlery, Saddlery, die. Particulars soon. RaeanaLOet. S7, J8SS. - LA.NTERNS-Braa- a and Japaned candle sticks CLASS and enuSera, at FRAZERti. .FRAMING CHISELS Firmer chisela, and draw shaves, rAAUS'B. tOW CHAINS. A new and desirable article, also. Log and V7 Dog chains, at AZER'S. GATES Mutalie and wood faasets, at MOLASSES FRAZKR'B. COUNTER SCALES Steel yards, and spring FRAZER'8. balances, a AUGURS. Cast steel, double and single twl HOLLOW bitts, gimblets, and braces, at FHAREK'S. f)KUSHES, A general assortmcntcan be found 1 June lto;i. Swirr's DRUGS. lOSS. DRUGS A LARGE and fresh assortment of Drugs, faints, uits, Ix. Dyes, Groceries, Brushes, csec. AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. Ravenna. Junu 1853. 1. SWIFT, 600 a, s sal soda; 100 ft s putty In bladders: 25 ft kegs line. paint In oil; polishing putty ror marble; 1 ft bottles chloride lime: bronze, gold leaf. die. SroNQS. a great variety; i wine, linen ami cotton; nottie wax; corkscrews; corns or every description. Rlirterlnff tissual beidlili s uowdors. EiTK&cT of cammoiuiie. aconite, nuassia, rhubarb, bops. and valenalr; syrup Iodine Iron; phosphate lime; pure cod liver oil; ehlorid line; mortars, wenguwoou anu procciain, imti,: avrimrcs. srlass and nioluU thermometers. Flsvoriko Extricts, Mace, nutmegs, mustard; powdered cinnamon, cloves, allspice and pepper. 50 ct. tea, coffee, black tea, cocoa, chocolate, rice, farina, corn starch, raisins, crushed and grained sugar. Host Fink, pans green, enrome green,, prussian oiue, ng ique, ultra marino, emery, smaiis, sanu paper. Hiru seeus, usn uonu, wu. Kinnii-rson'- hair retorative: Kathairon; Plmlons Invlgo traor; TricophcroH; hnlr tonic, hair dyes, oils, perfumery, ancy soaps, cce. AULEYS Heavo Hemedy, a fresh supply, at D June 1P53. Swivt'j superior nuuoaro iioui, lur e 3J SVIFTP. SB ZINC PAIMTM lt.w ill go further than while lea U. aud Is now as cheap, nt Swift's, Baking Powder, Lorn Starch, extract t oirco DURKEE'S Just received by I. SWIFT. ARRLSOK'S Hair oil, Hair Dye, Philocome Hair Beautl- - H Her. Cologne, etc. for sale at SWIFT'S. iNERAL PA1ST OHvo, Drab and Chocolate colors tlujj can bo mixed with other paints so as to give a va ty rs. Ang '33. 1. Swift, agent. tOFFEE DRINKERS can dnd Extract and Essence of colfo August 1853. at Swift's. Head tV Clarltsoai's Commercial College, S. E. Cor. Main and 4th Sis., Cincinnati, Ohio. Full course of instructions, .... $30,00. EMnasi'iNO, Business Penmanship; Doublo Entry Book Keeping, ns appllod to all kinds of Mercniitllu, Mechanical, and Professional Business; Commercial Calculations; Lec- tures on Mercantile Transactions; Political Economy, &e Wry Pupils can enter at any time aud complete the course nrom eight to twelve weeks. ly421 G. HUMMEL'S Premium Essence ef Coirco FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Coffee in the Grain. IS Eight Premiums have already boon awarded to this Es- sence for Its Sne and delicate flavor, and its clarifying and health giving qualities. Cit-Tio- s As there are many Imitations, and oven such as bear the name of Hummel, wo would caution dealers and the public in general to be careful In making their purchases, as this is the genuine articio, to which two medals and a uuiubor of diplomas have already been awarded. FOR SALE BY H. W. SMITH It CO., RAVENNA. For the Sprinur Trade. orociries and raovisioNs at wnoLisat-i- and ritail. 1MIE Subscribers respectfully Invite tho attention of throughout the county of Portage, and tho trade generally, to their stock of GROCERIES kept constantly on hand, and to which additions aro daily made. Our stock com- prises every thing usually kept In Grocery and Provision Es- tablishments, which we are prepared to sell as low as any house in tho county. Being working men ourselves wo defy competition .. Fueling grateful to our frionds for thoir liberal patronage extended to us, we assure thorn that wo can offer them greater inducements this season, than before. The following comprises a portion of our stock ; COFFEE. Klo and Lnguara, Cuba, and Old Government Java. SUGAR, MOLASSES AND SYRUP. N. O. and P. R. Sugar; Granuhited do; Powdered do; Crushed do; B. and C. Coffeo do; Doublo refined Loaf sugar, New Orlcaus Molusses; Cardenas do; Green & Stuarts syrup; SPICES. Cloves; Nutmegs; Ginger; Mncc; Box Mustard; Can do; Pepper Sauce; Cassia; Ground Pepper, Spice and cinnamon. FRUITS. Boxes M R Raisins; Layer do; Cluster do; Seedloss do; Boxes and Drums Figs; Almonds; Brazil Nuts; Filberts; English Walnuts; Pea Nuts; Cocoa Nuts, Liquorice; Olive Oil; Lemons and Oranges. TEAS. Young Hyson; Gunpowder; Imperial; Old Hyson; Black; FISH. Codfish; Mncnerel; Whitettsb; Trout; Pickerel; No. land Scaled Herring. TOBACCOES. Kentucky Six Twist; Sweet Cavendish; Baltimore spun; a general assortment of lino cut chewing; Tin foil, lino cut i and i lb papers smoking; Warnick & Bryan's can; Spanish, half spauish and common Cigars; Snuff, ic. SOAP AND CANDLES. Fancy Shaving Soap; Bar do. do; Harwell's chem. wash. do, No. 1 Washing do; Adamantine do; White bar do: St:ir Candles; Sperm do; bteanne do; tallow do. OIL. Linseed; Sperm: Lard: Sweet. SUNDRIES. Tied cords; Painted Pails; Tubs; British Lustre; Copperas; Alum; Chalk; Rosin; Tar; Madder; Candlduick; 'Wrapping twine; Cordage; Indigo; Pickles; Sardines; Tapioca; Rice flour; Buikets; Whip Lashes; Cream Tartar; Sup. Carb. Soda; Sal Soda; Tartaric Acid; Whiting; Pultv; Flour Sulphur; Ottar; Saltpetre; Butting; Spruce Gum; Blacking; Glassware; Stoneware; Paper; Ink; Brooms; Lime; Matches; Powder; Candies; Suleralus; Starch; English sidit Pea; Osage Orange Seed, for Hedges; Toys; Wallets; Snuff noxes; nieei ran,; iieau renelis, iates; blato fencils; Mop Handles; Faucets, die. PROVISIONS. Flour; Buckwheat do; Corn Meal; Potatoes; Vlnegnr; Beans; Driid Beef; Lard; Hams; Shoulders; Pork; Fish; Butter; Turnips; Poas; Corned Beef; Cheese; Rice; Crackers; Pickles; Onions; Beets; Tongues; Maple Molasses; do. Su- gar: Honey, drc. Wo shall keep our assortmont fresh and full throughout the season, and solicit an examination from any one '.isposed to purchase. N. B. Cash pnld for nil kinds of country Produce, or tak t u n exchange for Good, at rates which will be sntisfiictorv. H W. SMITH & CO. Ravenna, April 13th, 1833 DLOTIIM, CLOTHS, (JASSIMS, " VESTINfiS, AND FURNISHING GOODS, DM. SOMERVILLE is now receiving from Now York, a assortment of Ready Made Clothing, that can't bo beat (in any way you havo a mind to take It, ) 'by any estab- lishment in those parts, which ho offors to tiio good people of Portage, at very small profits for cash or ready pay. 1 can warrant my clothing. Also a good assortment of cloths, cassimercs. andvostings of plain and tip-to- p fancy patterns, which ho will sell or muko to order, in every style to suit the various tastes of customers, and at rotes that can't fall to suit thair pockets. Tho best workmen only will bo employed. Also every artlelo of Furnishing Goods In our lino, such as shirts, collars, half hose, under shirts, drawers, cravats, neck ties, handkerchiefs, ckc, &c, All kinds produce tuken, but it must bo paid down, I can sell to bettor advantage, nod you can hay cheaper to deal ao. All klndsof custom work attended to and got up in A. No. 1, stylo. Cuttingdoneou shortnotico. A good articio of Tailor's Trimmings, kept on hand, Guttn Pcrcha (it prime article) Jeans, Linen Tape and common inch measures. Ho will bo found 3 doors west of Little's Block, nearly onto-sit- e tho Bank, in Prnntiss' new Block. Ravanna, April auth, 1853. 307tf JUNIATA HORSE SHOE IRON. now be found at the new Hardware Store, and tliat oh thobestquallty. Also It 4 land 1 inch round iron, whicll will bo sold stllio lowest market price, Also on hand a smass quantity of English refined Are iron, which will bo sold nt lory rates than the same enn now bo bought for of ut th3 mnnufiicto Ravenna. March 28, 1853. E. T. RICH VKDSO . GUTTA PERCHA vs. INDIA RUBBER. bouktihno entirely niw. The North Aniericrn Gutta PerchaCo., Aro offering at Wholesale A GREAT VARIETY OF CLOTHING, tfC., ' Made from limit's Patent Vulcanized Gutta Percha, OF NEW STYLES AND BEAUTIFUL FINISH.. THESE Goods are Wafc froe from unpleasantsraell, and elastic like r, not Injured by fatty substance, and war. not DKroaposi and cohc sticky They are very different in characterfrora any other goods here- tofore mado of Gutta Percha. either in this country or Europe, and are JfARRAJfTED TO STAND ALL CLIMATES. A mong the variety may be found coats, cloaks, eapes, poucnos, reefing Jackota, overall, leggings, caps, camp blankets, horse covers, shower matts, syringes, breast pomps, balls, pencil and Ink erasers, gat bags, sportsmen's drinking eups, steam packing, machine belting, carriage cloths, dec. &c, with a very CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE LIFE PRESERVER, i Mtode expressly to meet the new twaseneer law at r.i,m. All of a finish and quality superior to any other water-pro- goods now before the public. For sale at the .... warenouse, su cedar St., New York. Dealers In water-pro-of foods are In vlted to examine these goods, believing that they will find them cbkatu aid raa naroa to anything tbeylara ever seen befora. ,. . , Orders to any silent aieeotedat sbbrf ooHea. ' 1 . . !. ,. WILLIAM ELDER, iWtW. A. p. C, . . Bit, I. B.Liaat, Treasurer and ftaa'sy. '- n-4t- f. DARIUS LYMAN, At weyatLsw, Ravoona, Porta C a ty, Ohio. OfflMla A Ilea's Block. . J. I. RAISST. I. . TATLOR RANNEY & TAYLOR, Attn vs tmi CoasMilnra Uf and Solicitor la Chancery OOce mjtbmmis's Block, ap stain. i. t. imci.) t. a.fKrrBiEs. BIERCE Si JEFFRIES, AUoraleat Law. OBW oa tb Kat ahU tb pabllc squaa Honk flhBaean Hoaa. tAM'L. STSAWDEE. p. P. BROWN 8TRAWDER Si BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Ravenna, Ohio. Otic at tbe Grand Jury Room, In tho Court Housj. MICHAEL STUART, Atto .v at Uf. an.l Notary Public. OrBco la tba Court HniiH, Bvonn, Ohio. 421 A. BIEFCB.l V- - COSAST. BIERCE Si CONANT, Attorney at Law. Offlco over CmpbH' Jewelry Flore Kavenna, Ohio. LESTER L. BOND, Attorney at Law. and Real folate Agent, at F. W. Tanpan' Oflteo, In Hitchcock's building, tip tir. Kavenna, Ohio. O. W. STBOJIO. W. TYLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Business Instructed to ihem will receive prompt attention. Franklin Mills, Portage County. Ohio. A. H. TIDBALL, Pavstrust and Scaoao office at thestsnd forincrlynccopled by lhr. Webb. Freedom, Portage Co., Ohio. Jul) tith, 1H43 w7T"caTne7i. D. Homvpathie Physician; Office over the Post Office, Ravenna Ohio. HTPRATT, m. d., Physician and Snrgenn. Offlco In F. W. Scymour'i bulMIng oa Uia public square, nearlv opposite tbo Court House,Ka-venn- a, Ohio. Dr. J. D. WELLMAN, PUysiclun and Surgeon, Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio. DOCTOR W. CLARK, Has removed to Frnnklin Mills. Residence on Ue cottier, a few doors South of tho Episcopal Church. March 18, 13. J. SMITH, M. D., Physician andSujgqnjjiliiiyra, Portage County, Ohio. ISAAC COWLES. M. D.. Phyaiclau and Surgeon, Palmyra, Portage couuty, 0. Office at his Drug Store. M. RICE, M. D.l " J- - R'CE M. & N. J. RICE, Eclectic Physlclana and Surgeons, Palmyra, Portngo Co., 0 . Dr. B. T. SPELMAN, Dentist, Ravenna, O. Offlca in Seymour's Block, ovor the Post Office. Dr. J. G. WILLIS, AN D SURGEON, has permanently located In PHYSICIAN Portage county, Ohio, and will hold himself In readlnoss, at all times, to wail upon those who may desire hia services In either branch of the profession. He will also perform such operations In Dentistry, us inay be required of him, in as uuat and durablo a manner as can be done by any Dentist in the country. Slreetanor'o, April H, lea. E. P. BRAINERD, ln rVir '.in. and Protection Fire Insurance, and the Hart' iiia- - i . .. r u.. .i r. i . ., u. ..... ....... . n IOru luwrann f ihiijbii, iw .n.m, J. PARMELE, Clock and Watch Maker, Silver Smith and Jewler, In B. Littlo'sBook Store, Kavenna, unto, wuete win neiouna a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. HTLTDAY, Dealer In Btaplo and Fancy Dry Goods, on the Public Square, Ravenna, Ohio. ROWELL. WITTER & CO,, dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, etc., at the old stand of.S. Day, Ravenna,0. C. &. J. C. PRENTISS, Dealers In Staple aad Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, dte. wosisiae oi sne rvi.'.ic square, navenna, iww. F. W. SEYMOUR, Dealer In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing Hardware, ore., norm siue oi ruoiic square, nnvennn, u. H. W. SMITH Si CO., Wholesale and Retail dealers In Groceries and Provisions, in Collins House biock. Kuvcnna, unio. A. V. HORR, Dealer In Staple and Fancy Dry Good, Crockery, Hardware, die, Bhalersvmo, roruge county umo. CURTIS HATCH, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, together with Flour, Salt, etc., in Beymonr's wiock, Kavenna, mno. ISAAC SWIFT, Dealer In Drugs and Medicines, north side of Public Square, Ravenna, Ohio. WILLIAM FRAZER. Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Saddlery, &c. F ruler's Block opposite the Bank, Main St., Ravenna, O. Prentiss House, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, By WILLIAM M. FOLGER, Ravenna, Portage County, O Franklin House, By JOHN D. SNYDER, immediately West of the Court House, Canton, Ohio. E. T. RICHARDSON, DEALER in English and Amcrinan Hardware, Saddle and trimmings, Iron, Kails, dec., In Allen's block, Ravenna, O. HALL S BOOK STORE, At which may be found a general assortment of School Books, Miscellaneous and Standard works, .Stationery, Faney Arti- cles, b In the Star O.Tice Building, Main struct, Kavenna, Ohio. B. LITTLE. BOOKSELLER, Stationer, and dealer In Fancy articles, Instruments, dVc, dec, north of the Prentiss House. A general assortment of School and Miscellaneous Books and Stationery, for sale at the lowest prices. Those Iwsliing to purchase, are respectfully Invited to cull and exam-n- e my assortment. May 3, 1852. 3C2 MOSES BEANS, MANUFACTURER of Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, two Court House, in the shop formerly oc- cupied by Andrew McBrido, Kavenna. LANE & FOSTER S Furniture and Chair Waic-Itoo- m. THE best assortment of Furniture and chairs ever offered in can be bad at the well known SHOP OF C. LANE, k CO. Tho subscribers have gone into the Furniture Business very extensively, and aro now prepared to furnish our customers with Furniture of the very be3t and latest styles. Wo have on hand a splendid assortment of E astern Work, such as Sofas, Lounges, Mahogany spring seat Parlor and Rocking chairs, Cone wood sjat chairs, Mahoirany and Marble-to- p Card and Center-table- We also muniiiitcturo Muhognny front Bureaus from $10 up to 830; French, cott.ijio and 'sofa bedsteads, of the latent stles ; lurgc exteiition dining tables, dining and tables; common and fancy wash stands, candle stands, dressing tables, &c. We. also, make to order, book cases, writing tables, and offlco furniture of all kinds. All those wishing to buy a good article of Furniture, will do well to give us a call and examine our work, before purchas- ing elsewhere. Bring along your best Judges, for our work will bear inspection. All work warranted. Turning, of all descriptions, done to order on short notice. Coflins, of all sizes, kept on baud. Ware-Roo- up Stairs, one door East of Clark's Carriage Shop. Ravenna, July lflth, 1P53. 42(ltf Line dr Fimtkr. Mew Firm. THE subscribers have this day entered into tue purpose of carrying on the Stove, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Brass Foundry business, at the old stand of fi. Rawson, and also the store formerly occupied by C. A. Pit- kin. Wo hope by keeping a good assortment of'wares, and close attention to business to merit a liberal share of pntron-- A.W. BECKLEY. Ravenna, Aug. 17,1853. 4251 S. BAWSOK. JTIEOICAL NOTICE. B. MORTON, M. D., Physo Pathic Physician and Surgeon, TVTOULD respectfully inform his friends and tho public J Y generally, that he has per nanently located hims Jlf in Kavenm. Ohio, where hs will be happy to attend to all tho calls in his profession. Dr. M. would s:iv to the nubile, that ha combine. il, r, Botanic Practice Willi Ihs Hydra Pathic or Water Cure in Ills treatmont of disease, and hitherto has been vcrvaiicci..ful. Office up stairs, on the same floor at the west of the Whig vmihto reaiuuncc on maui-st- . in uie uowcy nouso,.onu re eently occupied by Mr. Bnthvrland. Dr. M. has recently purchased and has for sale Uie Galvan- ic Abdominal Supporters, which is (aid to be a sovereign rem- edy for Prolapsus Utorl and Seminal Weakness; It has other .aairauie auvaniages over any oiner mat baa ever been intro- duced to the publie, bosidas Us galvanic current that is ly kept up while worn. Ravenna, September 88, 1853. NEW BOOKS AT LITTLE'S BOOK STORE. SECOND War wju, England, by T.J. Headley; Merooler 0. Judson, the Old rfoaso by tho River; Life of T- -r 1 "" lrcmen aapieton and Sen ator's son; PunJottings, by M. P. Willis; Grant and the mouaUiu SesWrians; the Human Body and Its connexion with man. novS9. 125 "o" tf 1 80'el,, bt ,u Uy receiv8d 't, Swivts. MAUfimiSK oil,, ianuerswi, Whale Oil, Lard Oil. Bur- - a aaanlv luat receival t w. teoa. Swirrs. ?SABiAG a- s- MRNtttlR VaRJUsH, warranted fllit v u u.jr, ror aaiw as Swirrs. Tt?t PE-ipoia4- HiU orlBt,a Oet.. ; . :,ul;r .,,;' ,,r arnomV ..'. .J aaWs- -1 s THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE ELCOD. NOT A PARTICLE OP MEXCUXT IN tf. " ) iNFALiiaLt Riainr for Scrofula, King's Evil', Khee. aialism, Obstinate Uataneons Eruptions, PirapleaW Pna-tul- on tbe face, Blotches, Bolls, Chronic Sor Eye, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of lha Bono and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, aad all Disease arising froai an Injudicious use " of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or lnumrl-t- y of Uie Blood. . ' ' Tlila valuable Mwllclna, which ha besom celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through It agency, has Induced the proprietors, at the urgent requestor their friend, to offer tt to Die public, which they do wit, the almost confidence In Its virtue aud wonderful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, aro however, stronger testimony thaa tho mere word of tbo pro. priotora; and are ail from gentlemoa well knows In Utslr lo- calities, and of the highest respectability, many of Ibera resid- ing in tho city of Richmond. Va. F. Hoyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel Richmond, known every w here, says he has seen the Medictde called Carter's Spanish Mixtcr administered in over a hundred cases. In nearly all the disease for which It ia recomvnded, with the moat astonishing good results. He says It la Hi most extraor- dinary medicine bo has ovor seen. Aei'a an Fever Great Cor.-- 1 hereby certify, that for three year I had Ague and Favor of tbe most violent do!crl -- Hon. 1 lr.ul voral Physicians, took large quantities of tttri. nine. Mercury, and I believe ull the Tonics advertised, hut all without any permanent relief. At last 1 tried Curter't Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which cffeclnallv cared me, and I am happy to any I have had neither Chills or Fever since. , i consider H Uie bostTobieln tli world, and tbe only medicine that ever reached my case. , John Lonooen. Beuver Dam. near Richmond, Va. - C B. Lot a, Esq., now iu tho city of Richmond, and for many years In tho Post Office, has such confidence In Uie as- tonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish' Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has never known it to fall when taken according to directions. ' Ur. Minok. a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, Vii the City of Richmond, says ho has wttuessed lu a number of Instances the effect of Carter' Spnuhk Mixture which were mo-i- t truly surprising. He says in a case of Con- sumption, dependant on the I.lver, the good effects were won- derful Imbed. , . Saucel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich-inon- d, was cured of Liver C.iir.plulnt ute years staiiding, by he use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. G'ieat Ctrk or Scrovi'la. The Editors of Uie Richmond Republican had n so. vant employed in their press room, cored of violent Scrorula, combined with Rheumatism, which en- tirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter' Spanish Ml. lure made a perfect cun of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, say they "cheerfully recommond It to all who are uftlictod w ith any disease of the blood." Stili. Anotiier Ccre or SrRorrt.A. 1 had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's S;anlsli Mixture. I consid- er it truly a valuable medicine. Jam. A, Taylor, Conduc- tor on the R FcV P R H Co., Richmond, Va. Salt Hiiecm or Twenty year Staxuino Cured. Mr. John Thompson, residing In the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles ofC'arter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Ubeuin, w hich he bad nearly twenty years, and which all the physi- cians of tho city could not cure. Mr. Thompson I a well know n merchant in tho city of Richmond, Va., and hi cur is mosircwRrKuoiu. . Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, bed a servant cured of Syphilitic, in tho worst form, by arter's Spanish Mixture. He says he chectfully recommends it. and considers It an In. valuable medicine. Ho iurd ia. VI est. of Richmond, was cared orScrofnla,and what Physicians called conllrmcu Consumntion. bv ibrea bot tles of Carter's Spauish Mixture. Edwin Bi'rton, commissioner of the revenue, say be has con the good effects of Carter's Snnnlsh Mixture turn numhar of Syphilitic coses, and say it Is a perfect cure for tbat hor-- rioie disease. Wm. G. Sherwood, ol Richmond, rnred of Old Sore and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a fi n bot tles of Carter's Spanish Mixture .and was enabled to walk with- out a crutch. In a short time permanently cured. rnncipai ircpoisni.w. nam, l. lose Sf h,3, aihldea Lane, New York. T. W. Dyolt A sons. No. 132, North 2d Street, Philadelphia. Bennett dt Boon, No. 125, Main Street, Richmond. Va. And for sale by I. Swift, Ravenna; O. L. Drake Freedom; J. W. Cone. Franklin Mills; C. A C. K. Harmon, Aurora; aud by Druggists and Dealer la Medicine everywhere. . Ravenna, Nov. 21, 1S53. lj. LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, JAUXDICIi CHKOXIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OP THE KIDNEYS, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LIVER OR STOMACH; Sl'CH ns Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness ofUlood to Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness of Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ofthe Stomach, Swimming or the Head, Hurried and Difficult Brenlhiiig, Fluttering at the Heart, posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dull PJ11 in the Head, Deficiency of Perpsiratlon, Yellow reis of ibe Skin and Eves, Pniu In tho Sido, Buck, Chest. Limbs, cVc. Sudden Fluslins of Heut. Burning in the Flosh, Constant imaginings of uvll, and Grout Depression of Spirits. Cm he rfcctualty cured hy Dr. HooJIand't Celebrated Oerme Bitter,, prepared ty Dr. C. M. Jeclion, ,V. I'M Arch et. Philadelpia. ... Their power over Iho above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation In tho United State, a Uie cure attest, In many case after skilful physician aad failed. These Bitters are worthy the att.-r.tI- of Invalids. Pos- sessing great virtues in the HectlHratlon of disease of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching power in weakness and affections of tho digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. riao and bi c onvinced. E. B. Perkins, Marietta, Ohio, Feb. Sty, 1851, said; "Your Bitters are highly prised by those who have used them. In cusa of a Liver Complutnt, of long standing, vhich had theekillofeeeeral Phyiiciaxi, waa entirely cured by the uso of Fiva Hottles." O. L. Drake, Freedom. Portage Co., O. April 23, 185J, anid: "The German Hi Iters you sent me last have not yet come to hai.d. I have been out of tho article forsoniotlmo to tlie great detriment of invalids. It is a medictuo much thought of aud sought aflor iu this community. Bl M. Hutchinson, M. D.. Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., 0. Au- gust 20, 1S52, said: "This Bitters you shipped 1110 in May last aro all one 1 think it is a good medicine, and I um re- commending it to my patients and friends (which I do fur no other patent medicine.) You will pler.33 forward a large sup- ply." 8. French. Wooetor, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1P52, said: "I have' used some three or Tour bottles of Hoofiund's German Bttter for Dyspepsia and have derived great benefit from their uss. I believe Uiem to be good for all disease for which they are recommended." W. M . Orr, Woostcr, Ohio, October 5d, 1832', said: "Yon asked me my opinion of the Germau Bitters, 1 have used them for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and take pleasure la stating that I think they aro the very best remedy extant for tho above complaints the) are decidedly in advance of alt the proprietary medicinee ef the day." 7 , Those Bitters are kntirily veortaile. They never proa ate the eyetem, but invigorate it. Sold by 1. Swift, Ravenna; O. I,. Drake, Freedom: J. W. , Cone, Franklin Mills; C.dtC.R. Harmon, Aurora; aud by Daolers in medicines everywhere. . STOVES, STOVES t : THE subscribers arc now recoivlngand are prepared te offer Uw publie tho largest assortment of Stoves evor brought to this market. Among them aro the following kinds: ' Cookino Stovis Empire State, 3 sixes; Western; Promt- - ' uins. Ei.rvatkd Ovin Cobb's; Cliuton Air TighU Califor, niu air light; True Americun air tight. PAftMVR Stovm Among the Parlor Storo I tho Grecian Parlor, for both wood or coal, Uiis Is a new psturn, the doors move upon a new principle and is altogether one ofthe peateal . and mosl convenient stoves In usi; It is Worth a Journey to the ' shop to look at it. Also, tho Waverly,"Box stoves, Coal, Cylinder, Franklin, and others wo have not room to ennrae- - ruto. All kinds of Sheet Iron Stoves on hand or mado to or- der. N. B All kinds of Jobbing, Eave Troughs, Spouting, ' ., ... ... u. w.n.iub.. nii.n. nviiw. Ravenna, Sept. 0, 1H53. BECKLEY & RAWS0N . HELVETIA AND LAFAYETTE GOLD MINING COMPANY. Thie Company ie heated at Graee Valley California.) It was Organized July 7, 1S59, ' ' AND I now In the full tldeof sucsessful operation Its vein opened, being worked, and highly productive it ' mill la of great power, complete in all respects, and new I working with tire most satisfactory results, and its prospect,, for future success, founded upon sotual exporlence, aro ofan unusual Battering nature. Thero was taken out previous to December 2Clh, 1S53, upwards of $109,000, and the yield ofthe mine is steadily increasing with each successive report: ' ' The Company own the most valuable mining property In Grass Valley, is entirely free from debt, and is netting a profll of thousands of dollar weekly. . Dividend payable ciuartorly In October, January, April, and July, at tho office of tho Company, In Grass Valley, ana at the. Agency offlco In New York. - .(! A few share, and copies of the Charter and s, wifli furUier particular, may bo obtained anon entail- -' cationto , ' JIANIEL ADEE, Agent, 7 . ; 8mS. 107 Fulton Street, New York. NW YORK. August IS, 1853. We are naranullr uinhU ' 1 with Mr. Daniel Adee, of 107 Fulton Street, and cheerfully . , . Mrfth lAtl.MIMl.k.M.lB...JUl 1... I J refer to us for the same. ' - H.RntaA Brottirrs. " CLOTBIXG FOR TOE FAIL' OF 1853. PURCHASERS of CLOTHING are Informed that we era the largest assortment of Clothing, (at ' WHOLCflALa oaLT.1 suitable for the Coant 1V u.awi h In tho States. We do business on the piV PRICE SYSTE:.:. Ordera promptly Ulled. An examlnatlon of onr'etook 1 tolicited, i. ;. , i i ,;i '.-- ', .(, .'j - r..,," TTT'WearalheUraaatmsnurbiitriraBinrnirniria-v- . VfO in tbe country. -r- r.T-r'w HUBUKxaLOTHura at Um leweAnarkctratee. a ttt : ? i XANFOaO av IBOTHIft, S ?';t tt Park Jtow,eppert tbe AMor&oa. STABLER'S ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT Is confidently recommended to invalids, as unsurpassed by anv known proimrution, for the cure of COUGH8,IIOjWSE-,Yt:ss.n,- d other form of common colds; BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. CROUP.COJfBOMPTIOtrintn early sHee.uiid for the Relief of the patient even in advanced stages of thuttu-la- l disease. It combines, In a scientific manner, remedies of long es- teemed value, with others of more recent discovery, and be- sides its sonthingand tonic qualities, arts through the skin gen- - tlvnd with ereat erlicacy for the cure of this class of disease es. Price Fit'tw Ctntt. Curtis Hutch, Agent, Ravenna, O. The best assortment of French and (OJiFliCTlOXKRY. to bo found In Ravenna, for sole by B. Littl. et HAIR OIL Lubin's extract and IiliRKU.MKKY Lyon's Rathairun, Brlgg's Cos metic, Furina's toilet Compound, Mill's hair tonic, Jules turners hair Restorative, macassar ana Dear s wit, ux Mar row, for sale by B. LITTLE. WORK. A large ussnrtiuent or run aim mill do BLANK meiiiorandnms and pocket Dairies for 1&3, In quantities Id suit purchasers, for sale by B. Litti.k. CAGEsV&cT A splendid assortment. Also, BIRD fountains, baskets, bathlug dishes and cuttle bone, snlu by itie. s PECTACI.ES, Watches and Jewelry, for saleat low figures tty O. I'lTLLK. INSTRUMENTS A new supply of Aecordeons, MUSICAL Violins. Flagclcls, and Fifes, of superior quality ust reecivwl mid for sale cheap, by B. Littlr. CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. rpllE inhabitants of Ravenna and Portngo county will please X take notice uiat 1 nave auaeu to my inrmer buick hi iruuu, the above articles. Please call and examine my assortment. Watches and Jewelry repaired promptly and in the neatest aud best manner. B. LITTLE WAVERLY HOUSE, rORMERI.V KIOWS XI TH GEO. A. K ELLEN KEKGEK, corner or Ontario sad Iyt Prospect streets. Cleveland, Ohio. Its location Is one of the most pleasant and healthy In Clevo-nn- and near tlio most central and business part of the City. It has boon conmletelv repaired and renovated, a"d the whole style and management of the house have been changed for the better, A large class of the trading and travelling public have long felt tho need of a good, comfortable, dollar per day House. Ibis want Is now supplied oy me waveny nouse, which gives as good uccominoautlons and entertainment as the one dollurund a hall Houses. Come, try and be convinced. Hacks and Stages, call at Uiis House every day for passen gers at tlupropcrlioura. GEO. A. KELLENBERGh.il. Cleveland, Junuury at, ieo. jao-- H Paper! Paicr!! lAP, Letter, Commercial, Bath, Paris, folio post, count- - KJ ing house, bill, tissue and dmwing Paper, Bristol board, Paste-boar- d and Monochromatic for sale by the quire or ream at low prices by B. Litth. For Sale. T HAVE two 2d land stoves for sale cheap, a cook stove anp J. parlor stove, sr.s.t.iinij, Mill Saws. JUST received at the Kew Hardware Store, a few of those Cast steel Muely Saws, of Warrall & Co.'s manufacture. Also, a supply of the common Sash Saws from 6t to 7 feet of the best quality, which are offered at prices that cannot ti ll to suit, tor ready pay. Ian 19 K. T. Rif brdsoh. LEAD PIPE AND CISTERN PUMPS fF the best quality and cheaper than have been heretofore sold in this i;ouniy, ny t. i . kichardsoii Carriage Manufactory. THE SUBSCRIBER would inform the public generally, that he has engaged In the above, bus iness, una Is prepared to manufacture Carriages, Wagons, uuggics, vvneeinurrows, etc., in me dosi style, ana aiuie lowest rates. All work entrusted in his care will meet with prompt attention, and will be executed in a neat and work manlike manner, at Ti'Ttut'a Oi.o Stsmu, at the Centre of Pnlmvra. Orderssolielted. GEORGE V. TUTTLE. Palmyra, Feb. 23, 1&53. 3jtfr-l- y Leal Notice. rATHROP A. G. GHAKT, Hlrain W. Pierce and Gideon take notice that John Aburnettv has died a petition against them in the Court of Common Pleas of Por- tage County, Ohio, which is still pending, the. object and prayer of which is to recover tbe sum oft 160, and interest from the 11th day of Oct. A. D. 1853. duo nlaintlff from da fondants for work, labor and money furnished by plaintiff to defendants, upon which said petition an order of attachment has been Issued and levied upon property of said defendants, found In said county. Said defendants are required to an- swer said petition, by the th of February, A. D. 442-t- n ann xt or i n lor, All) for riff. Administrator's Notice. IN pursuance of an order of sale made on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1853, in a cntiso pending in the court of rroDute in ana lor tue county oi roriuge, ana nuiie or Ohio, for the sale of real estate, wherein Horace S. Doty, Adminis- trator of Algernon S. Collins was petitioner, and Cornelia F, Collins, respondent. 1 shall offer for sale at public auction, on the premises, on Saturday, tho 4th day of Februarv, 1854, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A M, and 4 o'clock P'M, the following described real sta'e, via: "Situate in the township "of Ravenna, county of Portage, and State of Ohio, and ia "known by being the south half of lot number forty-tw- o in "tho village of Ravenna, reference being Imd to tho town-"shi- p plat of said villngc as recorded in Portage county Book A, pngo3H," appraised at 8300. HORACE S. DOTY, Adm'r, 4!3-5- Algernon S. Collins, dccM. Julim J. Swajste's Ibstatc. O3 tho 30th day of Dcccmbor, A. D. IR53, the Probate ourt of Portage county, declared tho estate John J. Swnysee, deceased, to be probably, Insolvent; creditors are uiereiorc, required to present tneir Claims against Uie estate, to the undersigned for allowance, within six months from the time above mentioned, or they will not be entitled to payment. Kavenna, Dec. 30th, 1853. Henry H. Stevens, Adm'r 4H-4- of John J. RwsYsr.E dre'd. Road Notice. r Georgn Wolf, Charles M. Russell & Co., Goorgo Hoyls, Joshua Atwater, Amusa Perkins and David Butler, or the uoira or frrnuiees oi any oi uieni nou are ncrooy notified that tho viewers and Surveyor uDDointed bv tho commission ers of Portage county on tho road prayed to laid out in At- - wntur; commencing on me norm anil somn center road ut tho south-eu- st corner of lot No 71 running from tlienco wot along the south line of lots numbers' "1 and 93 until it inter- sects the north and south milo and a quarter road at the south- west corner ofsrild lot No U2, will viow and survey said road on the 1st day of February 1854, or within five days thereafter, our tKtii ciuimn must tiiuii ue pruscnieu. Atwater, Dec. 28th, 1853. C. M. RUSSELL, 444-4- ami others Petitioners. D. M. S0MERVILLE. DANIEL REDFIELD. Notice. I HAVE taken into with mo in the Merchant Tailoring and Clothirg business, Mr. D. Kcdlleld. an old iperienced tailor, from Hartford, Ct. The firm pledges itself to be No. 1 In ull the branches of the business. At tho old stind of D. M. Somervllle, neurly opposite tho Bank, Ravenna. Ohio. September 0, ia3. 431 Cm CI AN be found asplcddid assortment of Plain and Fancy ' Ca.iir.eres,at Sombrvillk Kedfikmi'i.. PEACH TREES. FEW hundred Peach Trees, of tho best varieties, war-- 2 V ranted true to name, for sale by the subscriber. J . UOXiLDSOX. Ravenna, October S5th, 1853. 431 A DOZEN more of those largo size white cotton hose the 1 V best article for ono shilling pair, ever offcrei d in this ....... ... .. ...... ..... ... f, 11, JUII I H I. Day's Second and Latest Arrival! fTiHE subscribers aro now receiving thoir second stock of Winter and Fall Goods, they would merely say in regard to them, that they were purchased with tho "matoriul aid" and will be sold at figures that will make it for tho interest of those in want of Goods to call and soo them before purchasing elsewhere. C. & J. C. Prmtiss. Jiov. M,1853. STATES, another big lot of Shawlsjiu received, States and Brochas Cashmeres, &c. Call bnoT"hb c.&j.c.r.. HATS AND CAPS, a line assortinentjust recuivudund sell low at nov88 P.T1... r uoKING OLASSES.alargo assortment and aTvTSy low XJ prices con now be found at novas ParxTim' LADIES WINTER DRESS GOODS, the largest and best in town, consisting of pi iln and s; "'n,"!rM '"nioMas, Theber cloth, mirlnoes dtc, nov8, Prentim'. Just Received this Day by Express. A ?h CE L0Tf BoyClothmg, which will beioldcnoap- - you can possibly make them np, at somerville's. 424 Noarly opposite the Bank. NEW GOODS I1Y THE SQUARE! " HI. D AY is now receiving his stock of Fall and White all In. Ravenna, Fopt. 13. SHRlW.LHS,h re?1 ehlDlti" !wta, Bay State do.Empiro tal ;?'lM o.m -- l Broeb., Jujt rac'd, DAy-i- . i. . .. hi n-- u?,aer 8lTa. new patents HsndkereMefsand eHart, flna Maortmantjoit " rwiady .,H.l.aT v. oiusnKFIBLDER- - ae-4- asm ivma.
Page 1: Portage sentinel (Ravenna, Ohio : 1845). (Ravenna, OH ... · American Mnrnal lnnrc Coipy MOS PERT of Wslnit, Cherry aftd "Walts wood nabs ; CAHTER sVNISH Tcym p A"ont-W-h Utwidow

MOS PERT of Wslnit, Cherry aftd "Walts wood nabs ; CAHTER sVNISHAmerican Mnrnal lnnrc Coipy fv.BUSINESS CARDS.Tcym p A"ont-W- h Ut widow Ami S t es u:--

i aM l r,., :




TTPSole Arenu for tba celebrated STODAttT PlAJiOTRPIANO FORTES. y oa band a targe atock of

aew scale 6, Si, 6 and 7 ortare Ptaao Fertea, all of whichwill be aold at Factory Price.

GUITARS. Beat American made GaHare, eonatantl onnhand elao, Irs ported Guitar, of the beat Spaa tab aad Frauchpatterns, together with lowpriced Germaa Guiura.

KULKD MUSIC PAPER. Muaie Paper of , U, 16 lino,etc., constantly on hand and mnnufactured to order.

VIOLINS AND VIOLONCELLOS, im ty vabiittl!n7ilr Violin, Violoncello, Teaor V.ol, Double BeatGuitar and Banjo.

VIOLINS AND VIOLIN BOWS, Violin Caaea, Bow Hair,Bridges, Pegs, Tall Pieces, Finger Boarda, Mule, Rosin, etc.

REEDS, Drums, Piano Forte Stools, Tuning Forks, TanlngHainmera, Tuning Pipes.

7177 Dealers and Heads of Seminaries supplied at tho low-e-

wholesale prices, wiUi erery article in theMuaica.Cleveland, April 13, 1S53.

rv W ati2d that W her of u Pul Jooet

frixt ony wonld b ptM her open' pmeotlagtanwlf 4t thw Danmcr Bank, b debate In her

wa minJ ogn tb aVbat waa Mver reported

: whether ah abouM go kartell", or fire a power

f attorney to tern out else to receive the eleven

i ' Jollart end eixtr-tw- o eenU which waa her ahare.

. I thla atrait the called oa Mr. Partiafton, who

" had anthorlzed pereoa to aettle tbe Beaorille ea-ta- te

for her whea the Beanrille Bailroad bid;:" driven her bom .the bomeatead. "Go yourself,

dear," aaid the old lady, brinjrtng the poker down

. emphatically upon tbe bail of the tea-kettl- at, "aha waa clearing out the ashea fnm the atove,

' ,dout trust nobody but yourself, for (raising the

poker,) if you give anybody power of eternity, de--'

pend apon it you wont never see the end of it."

The "Blue Hen's Chicken,'' of Wilmington,Delaware, laya the following before hia re ad-er- a;


; "There ia living, in Tatnell street, a colored

man aged aixty-eigb- t, who ia the father of fifty-on- e

children, thirty of them now living. He bad

t three wives, the first of whom ia tbe mother of- fifteen children, two of whom were twins. Tbe

. second was the mother of fifteen, having twins

three times; the litter, who is still alive, has

twenty-on- e children having had twins five times.

We venture that there is scarcely tuch another' ease on record.

The cedars of Lebanon have diminiabetl from aforest to a sacred grove, guarded by a priest andprotected by superstition. The prophecy of Isaiahhas long aince been fulfilled, and "Lebanon i

tamed into a fruitful field," the rest of the trees ofhia are ao few that a child may write them. The

- cedars of Lebanon scarcely occupy a space equal1 ta two acret'of ground! JBut Lebanon is a fruit-

ful field; the mulberry tree yields its lusciousfruit, and its more useful leaves with graceful lux-

uriance; and iniu valleys the harvests wave spon-

taneously in autumn. New Quarterly Review forOctober.

' Rapper's Surprised. A lady at Columbus,in Ohio, recently inquired of the spirit-rappe- rs


bow many children she had

"Four," rapped the apiriLThe husband, started at the reply, stepped up

and enquired;"How many children have I!""Two!" answered the rapping medium.

"The husband and wife looked each other,with an odd smile in their facea, for a moment,and then remained There hasbeen a mistake made somewhere."

A Conductor's Joke. A great improvementbaa been made upon the Camden and Am boyRailroad line, by Petticoating all round the cars,which prevents the dust from arising and annoy-

ing the passengers.! You may now travel in thesecars in your best SundayA Frenchman travelling in the other line, by way

'of Brunswick, which is Uncle Sam's line, askedthe conductor: "What for you no 'ave the petti-

coat on zia line!""Can't sir,' answered he, "this is a mail line."

Harry was sitting in the parlor with Lucy, notknowing that he was overheard by her little broth

erUob. What Bob heard may be imagined from

the following dialogue between him and bis fath-

er: Bob "Father, send me after the doctor."Father --"Why, my son?" Bob "Cause youaee that man in the parlor is going to die; he said

be would if Lucy would not marry him, and LacyMid the wouldn't!"

IftFLUEiicE of Trade. The operations oftrade may sharpen the intellect, but they are aptte cloud the moral sense. It ia hard work toread the moral lrw straight through the doublelens of twelve per cent, interest; and a man willfind aome way to hitch his conscience to the trainof a profitable transaction, and keep it runninginto the groove of a profitable business. Rev.E. H. Chapik.

CO Miss Susan Nipper says that the Russianshave an awful responsibility resting on them forkilling the Turks for every Turk that is killedleaves a dozen widows.' We understand that Miss Nipper is a neice ofMrs. Partington.

Breathes there a man with soul so dead whonever to himself hath said I will my county pa-

per take both for my own and family'a sake?If such there be, let him repent and have thepaper to him sent snd if he'd pass a happy winter be in advance should pay the printer.

The Boston Post says "There are thirteenthousand marriageable girls now in tho factoriesof Lowell. It is pleasant to know, in this worldof misery, that there are thirteen thousand menyet to be made happy."

An absurdity produced by the transposition ofwords, is related of an actor, who thus deliveredthe well-know- n lines oi King Lear:

"How sharper than a serpent's Ibsnks It IsTo bare a toothless child."

Better that we should err in action, than whollyrefuse to perform. The storm is much better thanthe calm, as it declares the presence of a livingprinciple. Stagnation is worse than death. It iscorruption.

r.i'- -

k1Punch says that the reason why editors are soapt to have their manners spoiled, is because theyreceive from' one correspondent and another such

vast number of evil communications.

The Herald of Boston says "It is a mistake tosuppose that milk can be afforded as cheap in win-ter, when the streams are frozen, as in summer."

OCT Never attempt to mend1 a joko after it is"cracked." ' -

Franklin Smith's Estate.OHOi.nttday of January, 1854, the Probata Court of

declared the estate of Franklin Smith dee'd.w r prooaory insolvent; creditors are therefore requested topreeeM their claims against tbe estate. U ti J t fmalio ance within six months from the Urn abova mentioned,or they will not be entitled to payment.

Hiram Jan. 17, 1854. Wn.uaat W. Rriviirs, Admr448-S- w oi r aanasia dhitv, iiee'd.

' ; Bad Notice.fdfICE la hereby gtvea tbat a aedUoa m be presented to

i.V tba Hon. Board of Commissioners of Portage ooo.nty.aretg. oast secular aesaioo ia praying that a road be laid out

ao4 aaUbUahad Jaa lollawat said road to commence at theaootA aass roar oiLas o. M la Jtoatatown, thence east on

, a Township line to tba sonic-ea- st eorner of (aid Rootstc n

waaied axokanctior rarniisre.: . fbaaasa l,UHSrsa. . a , . tt

ABA1TB to wor eft aO kta of CsMadl WoM j mliwlH be paid. Apply a . . al - Pbaffca.

i llatcb. Olaln Street,HAS fcoatved bla atrlar (apply af madloinaa, palata, Mli,

dya atufla, aad la bow preparadtoaonply para drylead, lead ground In'oll.splritt tarpentlie, llaseed oil,raahe,

., so paintersaad bulldacs ea tbe rtxnt kind ef terars. Tbasick and amlctod eaa Snd at bla store al the ebolea kbuts af

ledlelnea asoatly called for. Doctor supplied aa asaal atsry low ratestor cash, that beta the asouo. UV

FORK Dry WtuU Lead; also beat duality Zinc Paint, fairSO aale at . Ssnrr's

OSGOOD'S Cbolagogue, McKenaiel Febrifuge, Bill s FeAgue Remedy, Cbobtgogue Tonic, Wynkoop!Fevjr and Ague Exterminator, Vegetable Specifle, Davis' pain

killer, Hibbard's Wild cherry Bitters, Hooflanda DyspepsiaBitter's, Hutchlng's Dyspepsia Bitten, Trask'a Ointment,Sloano's ointineut, McAltster's ointment, German ointmeot,Ac. For silo by I. SWIFT.

IIcrring'M Patent Fire Proof Safe withHull's Patent Powder Proor Lock.

HAVING received tho Prise Medmlt at the WtrU'i fair,olTored by tho subscriber to the nubile aa the

iViia Saf of tho Worli. Tested and approved aa they havebeen everywhere, this crowning victory waa reserved to beawarded by the Juries of the World's Fair. The subscriberalso continues to manufacture and ritrnisb WiMtr'i PtltntSalammmdir Soft, (being the first in the United States to whomtho natent was assicned) which has been favorably and wl.laWknown and acknowledged as the test toft, until thediseovcryof Herring's Fire and Hurglar proof safe, which aro now of-fered as Uie Ciumpio Sara.

The scbscribur would offer tbe following recent tostltnonyla favor of Herring's fire proof safes.

bithsct from a lcttc ditesK&vckna. O.. Jnlv 8. 18.

RlLii C. Htusrso: Sir Your letter of inquiry respectingUa burning of our store and futo of safe duly cametclutud.The Ore was discovered In our three story briek store about So'clock In tho morning. The safe was on the first floor, in thestore room, over some casks of Unseed and lamp oil In thebasement, and an attempt to rescue the safe after our arrivalat tin fire was unsuccessful, as the wind was bigb and live Areburnt with great rapidity, suon causing the floor with the safeto fall into the basement under the burning timber and com.bustible materials of the upper stories, it remained in thissituation until the Are subsided, so that It could bo reachedwith cliains, and was then dragged out nearly ornalte red (,the outside plates wurped, and part of the wheels melted off.Tho safe contained bunk bills, books, notes aud papers to alarge antwunt, which would havo been irretrievably lost to ushad uiey been destroyed;

Wo supposed when the safe wss removed from the Are andintense heat to which it had been so longcxposed, that Its ts

must be destroyed; but upon opening it, to our surpriseand siitisfaction, we found the contemn i is a perfect statu ofpreservation, except the binding of some of tbe books beingslittle discolored. .

Rosnectfullyyours, S. A. & R. A.Gili.ett.N. B. A lurg'c assortment of Herring's and WIdor's patent

tiro proof safes "on baud ut the D.'pot, Kos. 135, 137 and 129,Waler-s- t, Sew York. 8.C. HER R1SG,

Spiritual ManifrM-ii- ou troiii hlm1'HE undersigned hiving boon informed (not by spirits of

upper world, but by reliable, spirits of this earth) Unitthey havo Ilia best article of I'obm Jlijuon and Btutk Tta at51) cents $ ft,, tlut waseveror that can now be offered In Por-tngo couuty. They therefore take this opportunity of inform-ing all lovers of the article, of His above fact, and requestthem to call and try for themselves.

Hnvunna, September 5, 1853. H. W. Smith 4 Co.Flaxseed"

delivered at our store as soon as possible, for which wewill pay tho highest market price.

Kavenna, September 5th, lftJ3. H. W. Smith Az Co.

Vrniin Destroyed.WITHOUT FAIL IN ANY INSTANCE! ! Levi's

promises a complete riddance of Rats,Mice, Kcdbnps and ull other Vermin. Tho articles Includedin this composition are in thomselvos very innocent, contain-ing not n particle of poison, but v.licii combined, create a'gas wliiih explodes tho stomach and cons:i uently destroys lifeill a short time. As soon as it has aflecteu tho atomiich, theurtlelo becomes neutralized and will affect nothing thereafterso that there cun be no diutj-- r III its uso under uuv .circum-stances. For sale by I. SWIFT, Kavoima.

Price 25 cents per box. dec 35

WIIITK-WoO- UJM HEW. aiort- -100,000 ed dimensionIS. lit III V Stenm Mill. 7 iiilluaKoi.Lhor Ravenna, on tho Cleveland & Pittsburgh Huilrond.

Woodbind, April 20, 185'.!. Win. P. I1AZF.N.

Dr. Valentine Molt,Tkt viilel) celebrated Profcttor of Surgtry ia I A Mtdic

College, Jferr Yorlt City, oaye'"It gives mo pleasure to certify tha value and ofllcacy o

"Ayer't Cherry Pectoral," which 1 consider peculiarly adap-ted to cure diseases of the throut and lungs."

Cures of severe diseases upon tho Lungs have been effectedby Clioiry Pectoral In such extreme cases as warrant the be-lief that a remedy has at length been found that can be depend-ed on to euro the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which cur-ry from our midst thousands every year.- It Is tndoed a med-icine to which tbe nffficto.l can look with confidence for relief,aud should not fail to avail themselves oflt.

PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES C. AYER,Practical Chemist, Lowkli, Mars.

For sale by ISAAC SWIFT, Ravenna: Dr. Isaac Coles. Pal.myr.i; Day & Mann, Deerfleld; J. H. Sprngtie. Garrettsvllle;J. W Cone, Franklin Mills; J. Campbell, Newton Falls; andoy it oKio.gencraiiy.

NEW BOOKS.FERN LEAVES, from Fanny's portfolio;

sunny side; last loaf from sunnv side: shadvaide; one year of wedlock; Cromwell's lettersand HOCOCUOS: . Parisian irhta mid FrmiMi nrln

clples; Babylon and Kinorah; Nnpoloon in exile; restorationof monarchy In Franco; book of 1CC0 anecdotes: Dractlcalniutut; Barker's assistant! Willis' sacred poems; Cook's'".'6i imvenoi inungo rarK ; nutsoirs apology for theDime in repiy io rallie s age or reason! for sale by

June 27, 1853. B. Little's.rpHE DAYS OF BRUCE, "by Grace AgullaF7Tieisin

auiuii.,, iiiiuci, unii inina; leuow piusn I'd per, by.awjB iium inr iioiiuoii nines; nyuropaimcbv Dr. Thrall: Huli

cock; Buckeye Abroad; Spark's Life or Washington; Arthur'sLibrary for the Household; Wulks ami Talks of an AmericanFarmer in England; World hero and there, by Dicnins; Hoodsoo, iioiiiunim rniiosopiiy; nooilwortli'a Fireside Mu- -

avuui, liivcim me .urs. juusons, aic, ror suiu by"! ' j

'fUfWARE, EAVE-TROUGH- S, &C.John Ciute.

VSTOTJLP inform the citizens of Ravenna and vicinity, thatI.I. --

'ID ku-l- ,s on hand and manufacture to ordor ull articlesor 1 in-- aro. Particular attention paid to niaimfiicturiuz andputting up s, and he will be hnppy to attend to all...v...., ma im.-- , oiiojiuireciiy oouin oi Kieiiardion's llurdwure Store.R'tvenna, March 3?,d, 1R53. 4t3-l-f.

Charter Oak 1A(e Insurance Co.JF IIA11TFORD, CONN.

Li.irn.iu 5snu,w!u securely invested under the sanctionof theStalo Comptroller: one of tho safest...... mo, jiomiuir Louipaniesin the united St::tas.

ALVIN BELD1NG,M. D.. Examining Physic!ar.E. SPALDING, Ag't'for Portage Co.

Kavenna. Aug. 2. 1H52. tfAssjcnincnt !

Tiik subscribers, having been appointed Assignees for theof Messrs Brown dc Hurlbul, Boot, Shoo andr indlngbusiiiesj, for the benefit of their crcditors,nre anxiousto close up tho matter as soon as possible, and will offer for s di-

nt wholesale or retail, at their Provision Storo, a large assort-i- nout of

Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Buskins, Misses Shoes andHoots, and a large variety of Childeii's

Cacks, and a lot of Findings.All of which must bo soldut some price, as we aro determinedto sell and closo up the concern ut once. Call and give ns anoffer.,10 All persons knowing themselves Indebtod to thorn, will

please call and settle and save costs. Notes and accounts wewill be prepared to settleat any Umo, fora short period, afterwhich they will be put into tho hands of a Justice fnrcolloctlON.

nnveiina, iicc. l, IBM. II W SMITH If CO

Wall Paier.ryHF. best and cheapest assortment of wall and curtainru per in naveniiu, in B. Little's

A Sjtiotidid Lot of Clothing.joeepn jttcorn, in Swift'e Building.oppoetie the Court o

IS receiving Uie largest and best selected assortment ofClothing over offered fn thU ntiiiiiv.,nn.;.i;.u,nrv..i.Pants, Vests, and Gents Furnishing Goods, of every stylo untiquality, which he is determined to sell at price which canuoi

Ravenna, April 11, 1S53. ' ' 403

KA. BAIRD tenders his sincere aud grateful thanks to theof Ravenna, and adjoining towns, for Uielr lib-

eral patronage for tho past year, at tho same time assuringthem that no pains will bo spared to merit a continuance of thesame, by aclioice selection of goods at the lowest possible rates.

Silver Ware. Watches and JTewelrvANEW assortmontrecoivedevery two weeks, direct from

of Importers aud Manufacturers, purchased iaquantities and at pricos to supply Uio trade, cdnsoqueutly the...o,-i.i,i,..u- j, rccuiveu iii ono time ana tor sate at theowost rates. Pedlars supplied with any of the above turned.......... ...... ,,r,.v, jmsuiirgn or iincinail.

Ucady for Operation.rpHE NEW bTEAM GRIST MILL, in Ravenna, is now.1 ready for operation. Farmers and others, will plcaso call

aim uxiiiuinc vuo most conveniently arranged Mill in this part"'"-"- "' rAKCL ct SONS.uveiiifu, napin z, 10.x:. 3741f

New Arrival. ,111 RS. E-- RICHARDSON bus lust rocelvnd ,u,. .,,...1,..VI ofuiaiiierboiinets,chil(lroii'sflats,anow stylo ofcmnebonneta, ready made viseltes, fan, long mitt, black loco vol a.......... . ...cilu.. Mn.l.,i!.i'.n. , a ...1....-- .. .,.,,, vun--r nuoos 100 numerous tomention, to which she invi tea the attention of tho Ladies

She has Jut received, direct from New York, tho latest stylofor snmnior dresses, and will be bapny to wait upon all whomay favor her with a call, at her residence on Main street.Kavenna, June7, 1853. ,

fi . mI . 2 ? hJ"ruM fcolved tbo largest snd moat. - .onn. ..J iv u, ran anaWiuter Good ever brought to this section of country, whichfor style finish and durab illty cannot be surpassed. My stockof Over Coau consists of the following kind: , Pilot, Beaver.Mohair, Nigorhead, Petersham, Blanket, Felt, Broad Cloth!

and SaUnet. Also, an endless varloty of Frock, Droas, Back,and Box coata. Panto, VesU and boy clothing of kindquality and color. .. . . ' f."i""' F"rBlhlu? Good, frora th finest white linen to tbe cheap-est hickory shirts, wrapper, drawer, aock, gloves, auvata,oek, neck ties, eujpendors, bandkerchier, shirt pollars.trunk, vallsea, oar pet bag, ambrellar, India RabDareoai.leggins, etc., etc. , ,.s - , ,i 'i

Come ens, com all, and iv a call. .'rmlJia-wlUfri- aUTeaa.-- ' ' "ic-- m sn.

OF AMSTERDAM, NEW YORK.rTWa aabaattbar haring bean appointed Agent for tba abortJ. eoaipaay, la prepared to take risk against demagaa brinc., ataa low raies aaanyourar rasponauiis lompauj.

Try Loasas aanma raorri.tijRaTena,lo. 1. 1S3 R W 9M1TB- -

TER WANTED,THB Su bar will pay tba algeest price In Cash, for allX good Butlar detlv area at im wasa Bouse oa tbe Cnaal.

Kavenna, Hepu vs, vsa. ALBERT AUSTIN.

U LBS.POWDEKkl) GUM ARABIC, received by"1U August 1853. 1.8

HARDWIRE,FRAZER ia receiving his fall stock of Hxrfwaro.conWM. House trimniing, band and edge Tools, labia

and pocket Cntlery, Saddlery, die. Particulars soon.RaeanaLOet. S7, J8SS.


LA.NTERNS-Braa- a and Japaned candle sticksCLASS and enuSera, at FRAZERti.

.FRAMING CHISELS Firmer chisela, and draw shaves,rAAUS'B.

tOW CHAINS. A new and desirable article, also. Log andV7 Dog chains, at AZER'S.

GATES Mutalie and wood faasets, atMOLASSES FRAZKR'B.

COUNTER SCALES Steel yards, and springFRAZER'8.

balances, a

AUGURS. Cast steel, double and single twlHOLLOW bitts, gimblets, and braces, at FHAREK'S.

f)KUSHES, A general assortmcntcan be found1 June lto;i. Swirr's

DRUGS. lOSS. DRUGSA LARGE and fresh assortment of Drugs, faints, uits,

Ix. Dyes, Groceries, Brushes, csec.

AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR.Ravenna. Junu 1853. 1. SWIFT,600 a, s sal soda; 100 ft s putty In bladders: 25 ft kegs line.

paint In oil; polishing putty ror marble; 1 ft bottles chloridelime: bronze, gold leaf. die.

SroNQS. a great variety; i wine, linen ami cotton; nottiewax; corkscrews; corns or every description.

Rlirterlnff tissual beidlili s uowdors.EiTK&cT of cammoiuiie. aconite, nuassia, rhubarb, bops.

and valenalr; syrup Iodine Iron; phosphate lime; pure codliver oil; ehlorid line; mortars, wenguwoou anu procciain,imti,: avrimrcs. srlass and nioluU thermometers.

Flsvoriko Extricts, Mace, nutmegs, mustard; powderedcinnamon, cloves, allspice and pepper.

50 ct. tea, coffee, black tea, cocoa, chocolate, rice, farina,corn starch, raisins, crushed and grained sugar.

Host Fink, pans green, enrome green,, prussian oiue, ngique, ultra marino, emery, smaiis, sanu paper.

Hiru seeus, usn uonu, wu.Kinnii-rson'- hair retorative: Kathairon; Plmlons Invlgo

traor; TricophcroH; hnlr tonic, hair dyes, oils, perfumery,ancy soaps, cce.

AULEYS Heavo Hemedy, a fresh supply, atD June 1P53. Swivt'jsuperior nuuoaro iioui, lur e

3J SVIFTP.SB ZINC PAIMTM lt.w ill go further than while leaU.aud Is now as cheap, nt Swift's,

Baking Powder, Lorn Starch, extract t oircoDURKEE'S Just received by I. SWIFT.ARRLSOK'S Hair oil, Hair Dye, Philocome Hair Beautl- -

H Her. Cologne, etc. for sale at SWIFT'S.iNERAL PA1ST OHvo, Drab and Chocolate colorstlujj can bo mixed with other paints so as to give a vaty rs. Ang '33. 1. Swift, agent.

tOFFEE DRINKERS can dnd Extract and Essence of colfoAugust 1853. at Swift's.

Head tV Clarltsoai'sCommercial College,

S. E. Cor. Main and 4th Sis., Cincinnati, Ohio.Full course of instructions, .... $30,00.EMnasi'iNO, Business Penmanship; Doublo Entry Book

Keeping, ns appllod to all kinds of Mercniitllu, Mechanical,and Professional Business; Commercial Calculations; Lec-

tures on Mercantile Transactions; Political Economy, &eWry Pupils can enter at any time aud complete the coursenrom eight to twelve weeks. ly421

G. HUMMEL'SPremium Essence ef Coirco

FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Coffee in the Grain.IS Eight Premiums have already boon awarded to this Es-

sence for Its Sne and delicate flavor, and its clarifying andhealth giving qualities.

Cit-Tio-s As there are many Imitations, and oven such asbear the name of Hummel, wo would caution dealers and thepublic in general to be careful In making their purchases, asthis is the genuine articio, to which two medals and a uuiuborof diplomas have already been awarded.


For the Sprinur Trade.orociries and raovisioNs at wnoLisat-i- and ritail.

1MIE Subscribers respectfully Invite tho attention ofthroughout the county of Portage, and tho trade

generally, to their stock of GROCERIES kept constantly onhand, and to which additions aro daily made. Our stock com-prises every thing usually kept In Grocery and Provision Es-

tablishments, which we are prepared to sell as low as anyhouse in tho county. Being working men ourselves wo defycompetition ..

Fueling grateful to our frionds for thoir liberal patronageextended to us, we assure thorn that wo can offer them greaterinducements this season, than before.

The following comprises a portion of our stock ;

COFFEE.Klo and Lnguara, Cuba, and Old Government Java.SUGAR, MOLASSES AND SYRUP.N. O. and P. R. Sugar; Granuhited do; Powdered do;

Crushed do; B. and C. Coffeo do; Doublo refined Loaf sugar,New Orlcaus Molusses; Cardenas do; Green & Stuarts syrup;

SPICES.Cloves; Nutmegs; Ginger; Mncc; Box Mustard; Can do;

Pepper Sauce; Cassia; Ground Pepper, Spice and cinnamon.FRUITS.

Boxes M R Raisins; Layer do; Cluster do; Seedloss do;Boxes and Drums Figs; Almonds; Brazil Nuts; Filberts;English Walnuts; Pea Nuts; Cocoa Nuts, Liquorice; OliveOil; Lemons and Oranges.

TEAS.Young Hyson; Gunpowder; Imperial; Old Hyson; Black;

FISH.Codfish; Mncnerel; Whitettsb; Trout; Pickerel; No. land

Scaled Herring.TOBACCOES.

Kentucky Six Twist; Sweet Cavendish; Baltimore spun;a general assortment of lino cut chewing; Tin foil, lino cuti and i lb papers smoking; Warnick & Bryan's can; Spanish,half spauish and common Cigars; Snuff, ic.

SOAP AND CANDLES.Fancy Shaving Soap; Bar do. do; Harwell's chem. wash.

do, No. 1 Washing do; Adamantine do; White bar do: St:irCandles; Sperm do; bteanne do; tallow do.

OIL.Linseed; Sperm: Lard: Sweet.

SUNDRIES.Tied cords; Painted Pails; Tubs; British Lustre; Copperas;

Alum; Chalk; Rosin; Tar; Madder; Candlduick; 'Wrappingtwine; Cordage; Indigo; Pickles; Sardines; Tapioca;

Rice flour; Buikets; Whip Lashes; Cream Tartar;Sup. Carb. Soda; Sal Soda; Tartaric Acid; Whiting; Pultv;Flour Sulphur; Ottar; Saltpetre; Butting; Spruce Gum;Blacking; Glassware; Stoneware; Paper; Ink; Brooms; Lime;Matches; Powder; Candies; Suleralus; Starch; English siditPea; Osage Orange Seed, for Hedges; Toys; Wallets; Snuffnoxes; nieei ran,; iieau renelis, iates; blato fencils; MopHandles; Faucets, die.

PROVISIONS.Flour; Buckwheat do; Corn Meal; Potatoes; Vlnegnr;

Beans; Driid Beef; Lard; Hams; Shoulders; Pork; Fish;Butter; Turnips; Poas; Corned Beef; Cheese; Rice; Crackers;Pickles; Onions; Beets; Tongues; Maple Molasses; do. Su-gar: Honey, drc.

Wo shall keep our assortmont fresh and full throughout theseason, and solicit an examination from any one '.isposed topurchase.

N. B. Cash pnld for nil kinds of country Produce, or tak t un exchange for Good, at rates which will be sntisfiictorv.

H W. SMITH & CO.Ravenna, April 13th, 1833


VESTINfiS, AND FURNISHING GOODS,DM. SOMERVILLE is now receiving from Now York, a

assortment of Ready Made Clothing, that can't bobeat (in any way you havo a mind to take It, ) 'by any estab-lishment in those parts, which ho offors to tiio good people ofPortage, at very small profits for cash or ready pay. 1 canwarrant my clothing.

Also a good assortment of cloths, cassimercs. andvostingsof plain and tip-to- p fancy patterns, which ho will sell or mukoto order, in every style to suit the various tastes of customers,and at rotes that can't fall to suit thair pockets. Tho bestworkmen only will bo employed.

Also every artlelo of Furnishing Goods In our lino, such asshirts, collars, half hose, under shirts, drawers, cravats, neckties, handkerchiefs, ckc, &c, All kinds produce tuken, butit must bo paid down, I can sell to bettor advantage, nod youcan hay cheaper to deal ao. All klndsof custom work attendedto and got up in A. No. 1, stylo. Cuttingdoneou shortnotico.

A good articio of Tailor's Trimmings, kept on hand, GuttnPcrcha (it prime article) Jeans, Linen Tape and common inchmeasures.

Ho will bo found 3 doors west of Little's Block, nearly onto-sit- etho Bank, in Prnntiss' new Block.

Ravanna, April auth, 1853. 307tf

JUNIATA HORSE SHOE IRON.now be found at the new Hardware Store, and tliat oh

thobestquallty. Also It 4 land 1 inch round iron, whicllwill bo sold stllio lowest market price, Also on hand a smassquantity of English refined Are iron, which will bo sold nt loryrates than the same enn now bo bought for ofut th3 mnnufiicto

Ravenna. March 28, 1853. E. T. RICH VKDSO .

GUTTA PERCHA vs. INDIA RUBBER.bouktihno entirely niw.The North Aniericrn Gutta PerchaCo.,Aro offering at Wholesale

A GREAT VARIETY OF CLOTHING, tfC., 'Made from limit's Patent Vulcanized Gutta Percha,

OF NEW STYLES AND BEAUTIFUL FINISH..THESE Goods are Wafc froe from unpleasantsraell,

and elastic like r, not Injured by fattysubstance, and war. not DKroaposi and cohc stickyThey are very different in characterfrora any other goods here-tofore mado of Gutta Percha. either in this country or Europe,and are JfARRAJfTED TO STAND ALL CLIMATES.A mong the variety may be found coats, cloaks, eapes, poucnos,reefing Jackota, overall, leggings, caps, campblankets, horse covers, shower matts, syringes, breast pomps,balls, pencil and Ink erasers, gat bags, sportsmen's drinkingeups, steam packing, machine belting, carriage cloths, dec.&c, with a very


Mtode expressly to meet the new twaseneer law at r.i,m.All of a finish and quality superior to any other water-pro-

goods now before the public. For sale at the ....warenouse, su cedar St., New York.Dealers In water-pro-of foods are In vlted to examine thesegoods, believing that they will find them cbkatu aid raanaroa to anything tbeylara ever seen befora. ,. . ,Orders to any silent aieeotedat sbbrf ooHea. ' 1

. . !. ,. WILLIAM ELDER, iWtW. A. p. C,. . Bit, I. B.Liaat, Treasurer and ftaa'sy. ' - n-4t-f.

DARIUS LYMAN,At weyatLsw, Ravoona, Porta C a ty, Ohio. OfflMla

A Ilea's Block. .J. I. RAISST. I. . TATLOR

RANNEY & TAYLOR,Attn vs tmi CoasMilnra Uf and Solicitor la Chancery

OOce mjtbmmis's Block, ap stain.

i. t. imci.) t. a.fKrrBiEs.

BIERCE Si JEFFRIES,AUoraleat Law. OBW oa tb Kat ahU tb pabllc squaa

Honk flhBaean Hoaa.tAM'L. STSAWDEE. p. P. BROWN

8TRAWDER Si BROWN,Attorneys at Law, Ravenna, Ohio. Otic at tbe Grand Jury

Room, In tho Court Housj.

MICHAEL STUART,Atto .v at Uf. an.l Notary Public. OrBco la tba Court

HniiH, Bvonn, Ohio. 421


Attorney at Law. Offlco over CmpbH' Jewelry FloreKavenna, Ohio.

LESTER L. BOND,Attorney at Law. and Real folate Agent, at F. W. Tanpan'

Oflteo, In Hitchcock's building, tip tir. Kavenna, Ohio.


ATTORNEYS AT LAW,Business Instructed to ihem will receive prompt attention.

Franklin Mills, Portage County. Ohio.

A. H. TIDBALL,Pavstrust and Scaoao office at thestsnd forincrlynccopled

by lhr. Webb. Freedom, Portage Co., Ohio. Jul) tith, 1H43

w7T"caTne7i. D.Homvpathie Physician; Office over the Post Office, Ravenna


HTPRATT, m. d.,Physician and Snrgenn. Offlco In F. W. Scymour'i bulMIng

oa Uia public square, nearlv opposite tbo Court House,Ka-venn- a,


Dr. J. D. WELLMAN,PUysiclun and Surgeon, Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio.

DOCTOR W. CLARK,Has removed to Frnnklin Mills. Residence on Ue cottier,

a few doors South of tho Episcopal Church.March 18, 13.

J. SMITH, M. D.,Physician andSujgqnjjiliiiyra, Portage County, Ohio.

ISAAC COWLES. M. D..Phyaiclau and Surgeon, Palmyra, Portage couuty, 0. Office

at his Drug Store.

M. RICE, M. D.l " J- - R'CE

M. & N. J. RICE,Eclectic Physlclana and Surgeons, Palmyra, Portngo Co., 0

. Dr. B. T. SPELMAN,Dentist, Ravenna, O. Offlca in Seymour's Block, ovor the

Post Office.

Dr. J. G. WILLIS,AN D SURGEON, has permanently located In

PHYSICIAN Portage county, Ohio, and will hold himselfIn readlnoss, at all times, to wail upon those who may desirehia services In either branch of the profession. He will alsoperform such operations In Dentistry, us inay be required ofhim, in as uuat and durablo a manner as can be done by anyDentist in the country.

Slreetanor'o, April H, lea.E. P. BRAINERD,

ln rVir '.in. and Protection Fire Insurance, and the Hart'iiia- - i . .. r u.. .i r. i . ., u............. . nIOru luwrann fihiijbii, iw .n.m,

J. PARMELE,Clock and Watch Maker, Silver Smith and Jewler, In B.

Littlo'sBook Store, Kavenna, unto, wuete win neiouna agood assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and FancyGoods.

HTLTDAY,Dealer In Btaplo and Fancy Dry Goods, on the Public Square,

Ravenna, Ohio.

ROWELL. WITTER & CO,,dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware,

Boots and Shoes, etc., at the old stand of.S. Day, Ravenna,0.

C. &. J. C. PRENTISS,Dealers In Staple aad Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware,

dte. wosisiae oi sne rvi.'.ic square, navenna, iww.

F. W. SEYMOUR,Dealer In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing

Hardware, ore., norm siue oi ruoiic square, nnvennn, u.H. W. SMITH Si CO.,

Wholesale and Retail dealers In Groceries and Provisions, inCollins House biock. Kuvcnna, unio.

A. V. HORR,Dealer In Staple and Fancy Dry Good, Crockery, Hardware,

die, Bhalersvmo, roruge county umo.

CURTIS HATCH,Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, together with Flour, Salt, etc.,

in Beymonr's wiock, Kavenna, mno.

ISAAC SWIFT,Dealer In Drugs and Medicines, north side of Public Square,

Ravenna, Ohio.

WILLIAM FRAZER.Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Saddlery, &c.

F ruler's Block opposite the Bank, Main St., Ravenna, O.


By WILLIAM M. FOLGER, Ravenna, Portage County, O

Franklin House,By JOHN D. SNYDER, immediately West of the Court House,

Canton, Ohio.

E. T. RICHARDSON,DEALER in English and Amcrinan Hardware, Saddle and

trimmings, Iron, Kails, dec., In Allen's block,Ravenna, O.

HALL S BOOK STORE,At which may be found a general assortment of School Books,

Miscellaneous and Standard works, .Stationery, Faney Arti-cles, b In the Star O.Tice Building, Main struct, Kavenna,Ohio.

B. LITTLE.BOOKSELLER, Stationer, and dealer In Fancy articles,

Instruments, dVc, dec, north of the PrentissHouse. A general assortment of School and MiscellaneousBooks and Stationery, for sale at the lowest prices. ThoseIwsliing to purchase, are respectfully Invited to cull and exam-n- e

my assortment.May 3, 1852. 3C2

MOSES BEANS,MANUFACTURER of Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, two

Court House, in the shop formerly oc-cupied by Andrew McBrido, Kavenna.

LANE & FOSTER SFurniture and Chair Waic-Itoo- m.

THE best assortment of Furniture and chairs ever offered incan be bad at the well known

SHOP OF C. LANE, k CO.Tho subscribers have gone into the Furniture Business veryextensively, and aro now prepared to furnish our customerswith Furniture of the very be3t and latest styles. Wo haveon hand a splendid assortment of E astern Work, such asSofas, Lounges, Mahogany spring seat Parlor and Rockingchairs, Cone wood sjat chairs, Mahoirany and Marble-to- p

Card and Center-table- We also muniiiitcturo Muhognnyfront Bureaus from $10 up to 830; French, cott.ijio and 'sofabedsteads, of the latent stles ; lurgc exteiition dining tables,dining and tables; common and fancy wash stands, candlestands, dressing tables, &c. We. also, make to order, bookcases, writing tables, and offlco furniture of all kinds.

All those wishing to buy a good article of Furniture, will dowell to give us a call and examine our work, before purchas-ing elsewhere. Bring along your best Judges, for our workwill bear inspection. All work warranted.

Turning, of all descriptions, done to order on short notice.Coflins, of all sizes, kept on baud.

Ware-Roo- up Stairs, one door East of Clark'sCarriage Shop.

Ravenna, July lflth, 1P53. 42(ltf Line dr Fimtkr.

Mew Firm.THE subscribers have this day entered into

tue purpose of carrying on the Stove, Copper, Tin,Sheet Iron, and Brass Foundry business, at the old stand offi. Rawson, and also the store formerly occupied by C. A. Pit-kin. Wo hope by keeping a good assortment of'wares, andclose attention to business to merit a liberal share of pntron--

A.W. BECKLEY.Ravenna, Aug. 17,1853. 4251 S. BAWSOK.

JTIEOICAL NOTICE.B. MORTON, M. D., Physo Pathic Physician

and Surgeon,TVTOULD respectfully inform his friends and tho publicJ Y generally, that he has per nanently located hims Jlf inKavenm. Ohio, where hs will be happy to attend to all thocalls in his profession.

Dr. M. would s:iv to the nubile, that ha combine. il, r,Botanic Practice Willi Ihs Hydra Pathic or Water Cure in Illstreatmont of disease, and hitherto has been vcrvaiicci..ful.

Office up stairs, on the same floor at the west of the Whigvmihto reaiuuncc on maui-st- . in uie uowcy nouso,.onu reeently occupied by Mr. Bnthvrland.

Dr. M. has recently purchased and has for sale Uie Galvan-ic Abdominal Supporters, which is (aid to be a sovereign rem-edy for Prolapsus Utorl and Seminal Weakness; It has other.aairauie auvaniages over any oiner mat baa ever been intro-duced to the publie, bosidas Us galvanic current that is ly

kept up while worn.Ravenna, September 88, 1853.

NEW BOOKS AT LITTLE'S BOOK STORE.SECOND War wju, England, by T.J. Headley; Merooler0. Judson, the Old rfoaso by tho River; Life of

T--r 1 "" lrcmen aapieton and Senator's son; PunJottings, by M. P. Willis; Grant and themouaUiu SesWrians; the Human Body and Its connexionwith man. novS9.

125 "o" tf 180'el,, bt ,u Uy receiv8d 't,Swivts.

MAUfimiSK oil,, ianuerswi, Whale Oil, Lard Oil. Bur--a aaanlv luat receival t

w. teoa. Swirrs.?SABiAG a-s- MRNtttlR VaRJUsH, warranted fllitv u u.jr, ror aaiw as Swirrs.Tt?t PE-ipoia4- HiU orlBt,aOet.. ; . :,ul;r .,,;' ,,r arnomV



aaWs--1 s


iNFALiiaLt Riainr for Scrofula, King's Evil', Khee.aialism, Obstinate Uataneons Eruptions, PirapleaW Pna-tul-

on tbe face, Blotches, Bolls, Chronic Sor Eye, RingWorm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of lhaBono and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders,Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, aad all Disease arising froaian Injudicious use

"of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or lnumrl-t- y

of Uie Blood. . ' '

Tlila valuable Mwllclna, which ha besom celebrated forthe number of extraordinary cures effected through It agency,has Induced the proprietors, at the urgent requestor theirfriend, to offer tt to Die public, which they do wit, the almostconfidence In Its virtue aud wonderful curative properties.The following certificates, selected from a large number, arohowever, stronger testimony thaa tho mere word of tbo pro.priotora; and are ail from gentlemoa well knows In Utslr lo-calities, and of the highest respectability, many of Ibera resid-ing in tho city of Richmond. Va.

F. Hoyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel Richmond, knownevery w here, says he has seen the Medictde called Carter'sSpanish Mixtcr administered in over a hundred cases. Innearly all the disease for which It ia recomvnded, with themoat astonishing good results. He says It la Hi most extraor-dinary medicine bo has ovor seen.

Aei'a an Fever Great Cor.-- 1 hereby certify, that forthree year I had Ague and Favor of tbe most violent do!crl --

Hon. 1 lr.ul voral Physicians, took large quantities of tttri.nine. Mercury, and I believe ull the Tonics advertised, hutall without any permanent relief. At last 1 tried Curter'tSpanish Mixture, two bottles of which cffeclnallv cared me,and I am happy to any I have had neither Chills or Feversince. , i consider H Uie bostTobieln tli world, and tbe onlymedicine that ever reached my case. , John Lonooen.

Beuver Dam. near Richmond, Va. -C B. Lot a, Esq., now iu tho city of Richmond, and for

many years In tho Post Office, has such confidence In Uie as-tonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish' Mixture, that he hasbought upwards of50 bottles, which he has never known it tofall when taken according to directions. '

Ur. Minok. a practising Physician, and formerly of theCity Hotel, Vii the City of Richmond, says ho has wttuessed lua number of Instances the effect of Carter' Spnuhk Mixturewhich were mo-i- t truly surprising. He says in a case of Con-sumption, dependant on the I.lver, the good effects were won-derful Imbed. , .

Saucel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich-inon- d,

was cured of Liver C.iir.plulnt ute years staiiding, byhe use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture.

G'ieat Ctrk or Scrovi'la. The Editors of Uie RichmondRepublican had n so. vant employed in their press room, coredof violent Scrorula, combined with Rheumatism, which en-tirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter'Spanish Ml. lure made a perfect cun of him, and the Editors,in a public notice, say they "cheerfully recommond It to allwho are uftlictod w ith any disease of the blood."

Stili. Anotiier Ccre or SrRorrt.A. 1 had a very valuableboy cured of Scrofula by Carter's S;anlsli Mixture. I consid-er it truly a valuable medicine. Jam. A, Taylor, Conduc-tor on the R FcV P R H Co., Richmond, Va.

Salt Hiiecm or Twenty year Staxuino Cured. Mr.John Thompson, residing In the city of Richmond, was curedby three bottles ofC'arter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Ubeuin,w hich he bad nearly twenty years, and which all the physi-cians of tho city could not cure. Mr. Thompson I a wellknow n merchant in tho city of Richmond, Va., and hi curis mosircwRrKuoiu. .

Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, bed a servant cured ofSyphilitic, in tho worst form, by arter's Spanish Mixture.He says he chectfully recommends it. and considers It an In.valuable medicine.

Ho iurd ia. VI est. of Richmond, was cared orScrofnla,andwhat Physicians called conllrmcu Consumntion. bv ibrea bottles of Carter's Spauish Mixture.

Edwin Bi'rton, commissioner of the revenue, say be hascon the good effects of Carter's Snnnlsh Mixture turn numhar

of Syphilitic coses, and say it Is a perfect cure for tbat hor--rioie disease.

Wm. G. Sherwood, ol Richmond, rnred of Old Sore andUlcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a fi n bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture .and was enabled to walk with-out a crutch. In a short time permanently cured.

rnncipai ircpoisni.w. nam, l. lose Sf h,3, aihldeaLane, New York. T. W. Dyolt A sons. No. 132, North 2dStreet, Philadelphia. Bennett dt Boon, No. 125, Main Street,Richmond. Va.

And for sale by I. Swift, Ravenna; O. L. Drake Freedom;J. W. Cone. Franklin Mills; C. A C. K. Harmon, Aurora;aud by Druggists and Dealer la Medicine everywhere. .

Ravenna, Nov. 21, 1S53. lj.LIVER COMPLAINT.



LIVER OR STOMACH;Sl'CH ns Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness ofUlood to

Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,Disgust for Food, Fullness of Weight in the Stomach, SourEructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ofthe Stomach,Swimming or the Head, Hurried and Difficult Brenlhiiig,Fluttering at the Heart, posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots orWebs before the sight, Fever and Dull PJ11 in the Head,Deficiency of Perpsiratlon, Yellow reis of ibe Skin and Eves,Pniu In tho Sido, Buck, Chest. Limbs, cVc. Sudden Fluslinsof Heut. Burning in the Flosh, Constant imaginings of uvll,and Grout Depression of Spirits.Cm he rfcctualty cured hy Dr. HooJIand't Celebrated Oerme

Bitter,, prepared ty Dr. C. M. Jeclion, ,V. I'M Arch et.Philadelpia. ...Their power over Iho above diseases is not excelled, if

equalled, by any other preparation In tho United State, aUie cure attest, In many case after skilful physician aadfailed.

These Bitters are worthy the att.-r.tI- of Invalids. Pos-sessing great virtues in the HectlHratlon of disease of theLiver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powerin weakness and affections of tho digestive organs, they are,withal, safe, certain and pleasant.

riao and bi c onvinced.E. B. Perkins, Marietta, Ohio, Feb. Sty, 1851, said; "Your

Bitters are highly prised by those who have used them. Incusa of a Liver Complutnt, of long standing, vhich had

theekillofeeeeral Phyiiciaxi, waa entirely cured bythe uso of Fiva Hottles."

O. L. Drake, Freedom. Portage Co., O. April 23, 185J, anid:"The German Hi Iters you sent me last have not yet come tohai.d. I have been out of tho article forsoniotlmo to tlie greatdetriment of invalids. It is a medictuo much thought of audsought aflor iu this community.

Bl M. Hutchinson, M. D.. Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., 0. Au-gust 20, 1S52, said: "This Bitters you shipped 1110 in May lastaro all one 1 think it is a good medicine, and I um re-commending it to my patients and friends (which I do fur noother patent medicine.) You will pler.33 forward a large sup-ply."

8. French. Wooetor, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1P52, said: "I have'used some three or Tour bottles of Hoofiund's German Bttterfor Dyspepsia and have derived great benefit from their uss.I believe Uiem to be good for all disease for which they arerecommended."

W. M . Orr, Woostcr, Ohio, October 5d, 1832', said: "Yonasked me my opinion of the Germau Bitters, 1 have usedthem for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and take pleasure lastating that I think they aro the very best remedy extant fortho above complaints the) are decidedly in advance of alt theproprietary medicinee ef the day." 7 ,

Those Bitters are kntirily veortaile. They never proaate the eyetem, but invigorate it.Sold by 1. Swift, Ravenna; O. I,. Drake, Freedom: J. W. ,

Cone, Franklin Mills; C.dtC.R. Harmon, Aurora; aud byDaolers in medicines everywhere.


THE subscribers arc now recoivlngand are prepared te offerUw publie tho largest assortment of Stoves evor brought

to this market. Among them aro the following kinds:'

Cookino Stovis Empire State, 3 sixes; Western; Promt- - 'uins. Ei.rvatkd Ovin Cobb's; Cliuton Air TighU Califor,niu air light; True Americun air tight.

PAftMVR Stovm Among the Parlor Storo I tho GrecianParlor, for both wood or coal, Uiis Is a new psturn, the doorsmove upon a new principle and is altogether one ofthe peateal .

and mosl convenient stoves In usi; It is Worth a Journey to the 'shop to look at it. Also, tho Waverly,"Box stoves, Coal,Cylinder, Franklin, and others wo have not room to ennrae- -ruto. All kinds of Sheet Iron Stoves on hand or mado to or-der. N. B All kinds of Jobbing, Eave Troughs, Spouting, '

., ... ...u. w.n.iub.. nii.n. nviiw.Ravenna, Sept. 0, 1H53. BECKLEY & RAWS0N .


Thie Company ie heated at Graee Valley California.)It was Organized July 7, 1S59, ' '

AND I now In the full tldeof sucsessful operation Its veinopened, being worked, and highly productive it '

mill la of great power, complete in all respects, and new Iworking with tire most satisfactory results, and its prospect,,for future success, founded upon sotual exporlence, aro ofanunusual Battering nature. Thero was taken out previous toDecember 2Clh, 1S53, upwards of $109,000, and the yield ofthemine is steadily increasing with each successive report: ' '

The Company own the most valuable mining property InGrass Valley, is entirely free from debt, and is netting a profllof thousands of dollar weekly. .

Dividend payable ciuartorly In October, January, April,and July, at tho office of tho Company, In Grass Valley, anaat the.Agency offlco In New York. - .(!A few share, and copies of the Charter and s,

wifli furUier particular, may bo obtained anon entail- -'cationto , '

JIANIEL ADEE, Agent, 7 .

; 8mS. 107 Fulton Street, New York.NW YORK. August IS, 1853. We are naranullr uinhU ' 1

with Mr. Daniel Adee, of 107 Fulton Street, and cheerfully. , .Mrfth lAtl.MIMl.k.M.lB...JUl 1... I J

refer to us for the same. ' - H.RntaA Brottirrs. "


PURCHASERS of CLOTHING are Informed that we erathe largest assortment of Clothing, (at '

WHOLCflALa oaLT.1 suitable for the Coant 1V u.awi hIn tho States. We do business on the

piV PRICE SYSTE:.:.Ordera promptly Ulled. An examlnatlon of onr'etook 1

tolicited, i. ;. , i i ,;i '.-- ', .(, .'j - r..,,"TTT'WearalheUraaatmsnurbiitriraBinrnirniria-v- .

VfO in tbe country. -r-r.T-r'w

HUBUKxaLOTHura at Um leweAnarkctratee. a ttt:

? i XANFOaO av IBOTHIft, S ?';ttt Park Jtow,eppert tbe AMor&oa.


ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANTIs confidently recommended to invalids, as unsurpassed by

anv known proimrution, for the cure of COUGH8,IIOjWSE-,Yt:ss.n,- d

other form of common colds; BRONCHITIS,ASTHMA. CROUP.COJfBOMPTIOtrintn early sHee.uiidfor the Relief of the patient even in advanced stages of thuttu-la- l

disease.It combines, In a scientific manner, remedies of long es-

teemed value, with others of more recent discovery, and be-

sides its sonthingand tonic qualities, arts through the skin gen- -

tlvnd with ereat erlicacy for the cure of this class of diseasees. Price Fit'tw Ctntt. Curtis Hutch, Agent, Ravenna, O.

The best assortment of French and(OJiFliCTlOXKRY. to bo found In Ravenna, forsole by B. Littl.

et HAIR OIL Lubin's extract andIiliRKU.MKKY Lyon's Rathairun, Brlgg's Cosmetic, Furina's toilet Compound, Mill's hair tonic, Julesturners hair Restorative, macassar ana Dear s wit, ux Marrow, for sale by B. LITTLE.

WORK. A large ussnrtiuent or run aim mill doBLANK meiiiorandnms and pocket Dairies for 1&3, Inquantities Id suit purchasers, for sale by B. Litti.k.

CAGEsV&cT A splendid assortment. Also,BIRD fountains, baskets, bathlug dishes and cuttle bone,snlu by itie.

sPECTACI.ES, Watches and Jewelry, for saleat low figurestty O. I'lTLLK.

INSTRUMENTS A new supply of Aecordeons,MUSICAL Violins. Flagclcls, and Fifes, of superior qualityust reecivwl mid for sale cheap, by B. Littlr.

CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY.rpllE inhabitants of Ravenna and Portngo county will pleaseX take notice uiat 1 nave auaeu to my inrmer buick hi iruuu,

the above articles. Please call and examine my assortment.Watches and Jewelry repaired promptly and in the neatestaud best manner. B. LITTLE


GEO. A. K ELLEN KEKGEK, corner or Ontario sadIyt Prospect streets. Cleveland, Ohio.Its location Is one of the most pleasant and healthy In Clevo-nn-

and near tlio most central and business part of the City.It has boon conmletelv repaired and renovated, a"d the wholestyle and management of the house have been changed for thebetter,

A large class of the trading and travelling public have longfelt tho need of a good, comfortable, dollar per day House.

Ibis want Is now supplied oy me waveny nouse, whichgives as good uccominoautlons and entertainment as the onedollurund a hall Houses. Come, try and be convinced.

Hacks and Stages, call at Uiis House every day for passengers at tlupropcrlioura. GEO. A. KELLENBERGh.il.

Cleveland, Junuury at, ieo. jao-- H

Paper! Paicr!!lAP, Letter, Commercial, Bath, Paris, folio post, count- -

KJ ing house, bill, tissue and dmwing Paper, Bristol board,Paste-boar- d and Monochromatic for sale by the quire or reamat low prices by B. Litth.

For Sale.T HAVE two 2d land stoves for sale cheap, a cook stove anpJ. parlor stove, sr.s.t.iinij,

Mill Saws.JUST received at the Kew Hardware Store, a few of those

Cast steel Muely Saws, of Warrall & Co.'smanufacture. Also, a supply of the common Sash Saws from6t to 7 feet of the best quality, which are offered at prices thatcannot ti ll to suit, tor ready pay.


fF the best quality and cheaper than have been heretoforesold in this i;ouniy, ny t. i . kichardsoii

Carriage Manufactory.THE SUBSCRIBER would inform the publicgenerally, that he has engaged In the above, bus

iness, una Is prepared to manufacture Carriages, Wagons,uuggics, vvneeinurrows, etc., in me dosi style, ana aiuielowest rates. All work entrusted in his care will meet withprompt attention, and will be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner, at Ti'Ttut'a Oi.o Stsmu, at the Centre ofPnlmvra. Orderssolielted. GEORGE V. TUTTLE.

Palmyra, Feb. 23, 1&53. 3jtfr-l- y

Leal Notice.rATHROP A. G. GHAKT, Hlrain W. Pierce and Gideon

take notice that John Aburnettv has died apetition against them in the Court of Common Pleas of Por-tage County, Ohio, which is still pending, the. object andprayer of which is to recover tbe sum oft 160, and interestfrom the 11th day of Oct. A. D. 1853. duo nlaintlff from dafondants for work, labor and money furnished by plaintiff todefendants, upon which said petition an order of attachmenthas been Issued and levied upon property of said defendants,found In said county. Said defendants are required to an-swer said petition, by the th of February, A. D.

442-t- n a n n xt or i n lor, All) for riff.

Administrator's Notice.IN pursuance of an order of sale made on the 10th day of

November, A. D. 1853, in a cntiso pending in the court ofrroDute in ana lor tue county oi roriuge, ana nuiie or Ohio,for the sale of real estate, wherein Horace S. Doty, Adminis-trator of Algernon S. Collins was petitioner, and Cornelia F,Collins, respondent. 1 shall offer for sale at public auction,on the premises, on Saturday, tho 4th day of Februarv, 1854,between tho hours of 10 o'clock A M, and 4 o'clock P'M, thefollowing described real sta'e, via: "Situate in the township"of Ravenna, county of Portage, and State of Ohio, and ia"known by being the south half of lot number forty-tw- o in"tho village of Ravenna, reference being Imd to tho town-"shi- p

plat of said villngc as recorded in Portage countyBook A, pngo3H," appraised at 8300.

HORACE S. DOTY, Adm'r,4!3-5- Algernon S. Collins, dccM.

Julim J. Swajste's Ibstatc.O3 tho 30th day of Dcccmbor, A. D. IR53, the Probate

ourt of Portage county, declared tho estate John J.Swnysee, deceased, to be probably, Insolvent; creditors areuiereiorc, required to present tneir Claims against Uie estate,to the undersigned for allowance, within six months from thetime above mentioned, or they will not be entitled to payment.

Kavenna, Dec. 30th, 1853. Henry H. Stevens, Adm'r4H-4- of John J. RwsYsr.E dre'd.

Road Notice.r Georgn Wolf, Charles M. Russell & Co., Goorgo Hoyls,Joshua Atwater, Amusa Perkins and David Butler, or the

uoira or frrnuiees oi any oi uieni nou are ncrooy notifiedthat tho viewers and Surveyor uDDointed bv tho commissioners of Portage county on tho road prayed to laid out in At- -wntur; commencing on me norm anil somn center road uttho south-eu- st corner of lot No 71 running from tlienco wotalong the south line of lots numbers' "1 and 93 until it inter-sects the north and south milo and a quarter road at the south-west corner ofsrild lot No U2, will viow and survey said roadon the 1st day of February 1854, or within five days thereafter,

our tKtii ciuimn must tiiuii ue pruscnieu.Atwater, Dec. 28th, 1853. C. M. RUSSELL,

444-4- ami others Petitioners.


I HAVE taken into with mo in the MerchantTailoring and Clothirg business, Mr. D. Kcdlleld. an old

iperienced tailor, from Hartford, Ct. The firm pledges itselfto be No. 1 In ull the branches of the business.

At tho old stind of D. M. Somervllle, neurly opposite thoBank, Ravenna. Ohio.

September 0, ia3. 431 Cm

CI AN be found asplcddid assortment of Plain and Fancy' Ca.iir.eres,at Sombrvillk Kedfikmi'i..

PEACH TREES.FEW hundred Peach Trees, of tho best varieties, war-- 2

V ranted true to name, for sale by the subscriber.J . UOXiLDSOX.

Ravenna, October S5th, 1853. 431

A DOZEN more of those largo size white cotton hose the1 V best article for ono shilling pair, ever offcrei d in this....... ... .. ...... ..... ...f, 11, JUII I H I. Day's

Second and Latest Arrival!fTiHE subscribers aro now receiving thoir second stock of

Winter and Fall Goods, they would merely say in regardto them, that they were purchased with tho "matoriul aid" andwill be sold at figures that will make it for tho interest ofthose in want of Goods to call and soo them before purchasingelsewhere. C. & J. C. Prmtiss.Jiov. M,1853.

STATES, another big lot of Shawlsjiu received,States and Brochas Cashmeres, &c. Call

bnoT"hb c.&j.c.r..HATS AND CAPS, a line assortinentjust recuivudund selllow at nov88 P.T1...r uoKING OLASSES.alargo assortment and aTvTSy lowXJ prices con now be found at novas ParxTim'

LADIES WINTER DRESS GOODS, the largest and bestin town, consisting of pi iln and s;

"'n,"!rM '"nioMas, Theber cloth, mirlnoes dtc,nov8, Prentim'.Just Received this Day by Express.

A ?h

CE L0Tf BoyClothmg, which will beioldcnoap- -you can possibly make them np, at

somerville's.424 Noarly opposite the Bank.


HI. D AY is now receiving his stock of Fall and Whiteall In. Ravenna, Fopt. 13.

SHRlW.LHS,h re?1 ehlDlti" !wta, Bay State do.Empirotal ;?'lM o.m --l Broeb., Jujt rac'd,DAy-i- .

i. . ..hi n-- u?,aer 8lTa. new patents

HsndkereMefsand eHart, flna Maortmantjoit" rwiady .,H.l.aTv. oiusnKFIBLDER- - ae-4- asm ivma.
