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Hannah Archer Semester 1 Portfolio

Hannah Archer Semester 1 Portfolio


The second varsity eight throws Ol-ivia Clark into the river after winning their race. They beat their biggest competetion, Winter Park, by half a boat length. Laney Bussinah: “This was my first race with Hannah as my pair and winning with her made all of the hard practices worth it”

Plant High Womens Rowing celebrate their win at Nathan Bender-son Park in Sarasota.

During the last minute of the race, Plant High Women’s second varsity (2V) eight explodes with power and walks through their opponent to win the first race of Spring season. The horn sounds to end the race and the nine girls collapse from exhaustion mixed with the disbelief that they beat the mighty Winter Park Crew. Coxswain Olivia Clark commented “I looked to my right when we entered the last 250 meters and saw that we were up and I went crazy. My girls stepped up to the challenge and their hard work paid off.” Along with Clark the 2V consists of Audrey Velanovich, Laney Bussinah, Rachel Lescano, Rebecca Stapp, Alexis Farmen, Ayden Collins, Hannah Archer, and Genevra Magillico. Stapp said “I’ll never forget the

race against Winter Park because we finally showed them that Plant is someone they need to look out for.” All nine girls were thrilled to throw Clark into the river after their win and hoped for many more. A year earlier, Archer lost to Park in States by less than a second. She used that .22 seconds as fuel for her training over the next year and inspired her team to strive for the same goal. “I’m so happy I got the opportunity to get closer to Hannah this year.” Farmen comments “Her positive attitude has inspired us all, and I’ll never forget her throwing jellyfish at me during practices.” This group of girls went their separate ways once the season ended but can’t wait to see what next season brings them.

1.Bayshore Boulevard is the longest continuous sidewalk in the country. Tampa’s Gasparilla is held here every year. Peyton Maddox: “Gasparilla is my favorite holiday to spend with Hannah because we’ve gone together since we were three.” 2.This inspirational phrase is located outside Daily Eats Diner. You can find people of all ages eating here throughout the week. Alexis Garcia: “The Daily Eats burger sauce is heaven.” 3.Plant High School Panthers during a rival game vs Robinson. This was one of the most anticipated games of the year. Jacema Andino: “Painting up for football games is the best part about being a senior!”

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“I stayed at home with Hannah when she was 2 and she would always fall asleep watching Law and Order.”

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“I love Hannah because she’s funny and she doesn’t judge me when I’m being weird”

“When Hannah was 4, she threw a tantrum in the middle of the mall because I wouldn’t give her M&M’s.”


~ Rachael Beadle

Friends and Family are everything.

~ Nancy Archer~ Ed Archer

This spread was my first time working with InDesign which proved to be a lot more complicated than I expected it to be. However, because of this assignment I was able to gain skills that now allow me to help my editors in creating spreads.

With holiday season right around the corner, chorus students anticipated the 20th annual Madrigal dinner. Students spent a month preparing for their performance of “The Snow Queen” along with an all day dress rehearsal the day before. Chris Harris (12) said “I would run the lines in my head during class, I’d even act out entire scenes in the car; but the hardest part by far was learning how to actually do it when the spotlight came on.” Snowflakes lined the walls and wassail filled the cups during the three performances on Saturday Dec. 6 and 7. “The Snow Queen” told the tale of two sisters, one being a worried girl trying to find love, and another who had the power to freeze the entire town of Arendelle. Whilst songs were sang about “letting it go” and a snowman wanting summer, the traditional Boars Head was served followed by the medie-val dessert of flaming pudding. The entertainment ended with a concert performance, and an interactive performance in which the guests joined the choir in singing the famous carol “Silent Night.” Olivia Robb (9) said “My favorite part was seeing the reaction of the audience- it made our handwork worth it.” With three consecutive standing ovations after every show, the students were thankful towards all of their handwork towards the show.

After attending the Winter Chorus Concert, writing this copy proved to be a challenge when it came time to gather quotes. Many members of the chorus were shy about opening up about their roles and experiences. This assignment taught me that not all interviews are the same and sometimes you have to change your approach in order to get the solid quotes you need.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Mike Brady took time on Thursday November 20 to educate stu-dents on the exciting life as an FBI agent. Students watched with captivated eyes as Brady explained what it took to be an agent. Anna Dudley (9) “I want to be an FBI agent because it would be fun to have a job not just at a desk.” Students gasped in excitement as Brady described a car chase where he popped a hub cap off his car. “It was pretty cool hearing that things that happen in movies actually happen!” Brooke Mikus (9) exclaimed after the presentation. Brady also gave students insight on controversial current events includ-ing phone tapping and the presence of social media. Samuel Celne (9) said “Now I know to be a lot more careful about what information I put on the internet.” At the end of the day, when the question ‘who wants to be an FBI agent?’ was asked, dozens of excited hands shot in the air with new found curiosity, respect, and knowledge of life as an FBI agent.

I wrote this mini-copy for a apread about the Great American Teach In. This copy was difficult because our editors instructed us to make sure we weren’t repeating each other while writing our two seperate mini-copies.

These pictures were my first official assignment of the year. After taking pictures of the AP Calculus pancake project, we decided it would be a good idea to take pictures of the finished projects. How-ever we ran into a road block when the teachers had already hung the posters on the walls which made it much more difficult to take good pictures of the posters.

This headshot was extremely difficult to take because this student was difficult to track down. Because we have Yearbook 8th period, we normally pull people out of class in 8th period if we need them for quotes, pictures, etc. His 8th period teacher refuses to let students out of class when needed for yearbook so we had to find him at another point of the school day. The stress level increased because our deadline was the next day.

Kelsey DiMisa (12) and Emalee Herrera (12) go from taking the SAT in the morning to Homecoming later that night. Taking their test was worth while enabling them to relax at homecoming. “I was stressed during the test because I kept thinking of my homecoming plans, but I was glad I had a stress free night,” DiMisa said.

John Stevenson (11) arrives at school bright and early ready to take the SAT on Homecom-ing morning. It was his first time taking the test so he was anxious to do well. “Halfway through I was stressing because I realized I forgot to get a corsage for my date,” Stevenson said.

With eyes glued to the front of the room, students are interested to hear about the exciting life of an FBI agent. Before the presentation started, the room was filled with chatter about their ideas of what an FBI agent’s life is like. Marc Weinstein said “It was surprising to learn that they have to live a life with danger around every corner.”

FBI agent Mike Brady shocks students with an opportunity to hold real FBI credentials. Students imagined what it would take to become an agent and get those sacred credentials. Nicholas Azpeitia said “It was cool learning that really anyone can become an FBI agent. All it takes is hard work and dedication.”

Getting useable quotes for the first two captions were difficult because the answers we recieved were not what we expected to hear. Because of this, we had to rework our initial idea to make the quotes we recieved work with the spread.

The women’s second varsity eight stretches by the water before launching out to practice on the course Friday afternoon. All the girls had multiple races that weekend but were bubbling with excitement to race as a 2V. Alexis Farmen (11) said, “Because this was our priority boat, we became a family and really bonded before Hooch.” Rowers mentally prepared for the long race in a single by studying the course beforehand in order to help with their steering. Rowing alone proved to be a challenge for some athletes due to conditions. Hill Awmiller (12) said, “Rowing in a single was hard because the wind was strong and I ran into a buoy.” Soon after finishing a race, Audrey Velanovich (12) celebrates by loading the trailer and getting hot chocolate to warm up. She was entered into her category last minute due to a drop out for injury. Velanovich said, “Although the weekend didnt turn out now we expected, I’m so grateful I was able to compete for Plant my senior year.” The sculling races began Sunday afternoon after the conclusion of sweep events. Most Rowers prefer one type of rowing to the other. Mary Lippincott (12) said, “I like sculling more than sweeping because it builds more mental toughness since you’re alone.” Fleet A switches with fleet B during a regatta at Davis Island. This was a difficult ma-neuver due to the amount of boats present at the race. Lizzie Mayes (12) said, “My boom broke during a race so I couldn’t sail back to the dock.” Seniors pose at the end of Davis Island Yacht Club duringa regatta. Sailors practiced at the yacht club four times a week to prepare for this event. Elizabeth Porter (12) said, “I enjoy sailing because it is relaxing after a long day of school and the view is always pretty on the water.”

These captions were difficult to write because they were written for a section that I am not on. The editors of the sections asked me to write them within the class period while i still had dead-lines for the section that I am on. However it taught me time management and efficiency.
