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Posititude May 14

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A magazine which will change your attitude towards life. After reading this issue you will love to work, Live and change your attitude towards your family, colleagues and friends. You will be able to learn to keep your body Fit. Learn to keep your peace of mind and protect you and your family from Heat Stroke in this summer.Wish you a Happy Reading.....
posititude May 14 (Issue 4) For Private Circulation only A positive attitude Change your life Health Peace Listening Success Energy 1
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posititude May 14 (Issue 4)







n o


A positive attitude Change your life

Health Peace Listening Success Energy


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Rajinder Singh Mann 1st May 14 Bahadurgarh

Every one of us are busy in our day-today activities and forget to take care of our body, mind and spirit. For this ignorance we pay heavily in our life by way of loosing on health, mental peace, failures in performing in personal and professional life. This issue, describe the various keys which will help in maintaining physical, mental and spiritual health. Various types of exercises are described which will take care of your Heart, Bones, muscles and body flexibility. Keys to Success and failure will help you prosper in your life and help you avoid failures. Keys to energy booster and energy sappers is very interesting topic can help you know and avoid energy sappers to retain your energy. Key to listen will help you to become a good listener and receptor. More you listen more you will be understand the situation and take decisions adequately. Summer is underway and heat waves and stroke will effect us. Topic on how to prevent yourself from Heat stroke is also included for readers benefit. Hope, you are enjoying POSITITUDE. Our main motive is to make every person a person of POSITITUDE, i.e., Positive Attitude. With Best Wishes….

Website – www.posititude.com

Emails – [email protected] [email protected]


Page 3: Posititude May 14

Contents May 14

Key to Mental Peace 4 to 9

Peace of mind helps in taking better


Key to Energy Boosters 10 to 13 Save your energy drain outs

Key to effective listening 14 to 18 Helps in Understanding others

Key to Physical Health 16 to 22

A Must for all

Key to Avoid Failures 23 to 25

Success is your Birth right

Key to Protect from Heat Stroke 26 to 31

Helps to protect from Sun Strokes

A Motivational Poem In Hindi 37 to 37

References 38 to 38

About June 14 Issue…………………………40…….


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Key to

Mental Peace


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जो नियमित आहार लेता है और नियमित निर-आहार रहता है, नियमित ही किम करता है, नियमित ही सोता और जागता है, उसके मलये यह योगा दखुों का अन्त कर देिे वाली हो जाती है।

The proverb “In a Healthy Body Resides a

Healthy Mind”, but other side is also true

that “A Healthy Mind can only make a

Healthy Body”.

A Healthy mind triggers healthy enzymes in

the body which strengthen body’s immunity system, energizes

the body to function in proper manner and invokes Vital Energy in

us. To be owner of a Healthy Mind, we should take care of our

Mind. Mind should be always in peace. Without peace and

stability mind can’t function properly. All our decisions are taken

by our mind and if we ignore it’s peace and health then all our

thoughts and decisions will also be away from what we intend to

do. Basically mind is the owner/ driver of our body.

The are 10 vital keys which can lead to peace of mind.

1) Don’t Indulge without being asked –

Sometimes out of decency, many times we extend our help

to known or unknown, which may land us in a fix. The other

may not require our help, but we impose our help on them

and devoid them to do their work by themselves. This actually

decrease / eliminate our proactive help or initiation. If you

give your help and the work further deteriorate, the total

blame will come to you and you will lose you peace of mind.

And some time the person may also think that you are

showing off you knowledge and capabilities and he may


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think that you are demeaning their skills and

capabilities. So don’t indulge unless and until asked for.

2) Forgive and Forget – It is a Golden Rule to keep our peace

of mind intact. Many times in our daily life at home and at

office some one hurt our feelings knowingly or knowingly.

We don’t keep our calm and we start reacting and out of

patience, we loose our cool and shows our anger and start

fighting with the person. “Anger is like keeping burning

coal in hand before throwing on the other person”. It will

destroy the peace of mind and all decisions will be wrong

and boomerang us back. Therefore, we should not leave

our peace of mind and think the reason why the person

has reacted in this way. Don’t react,

forgive him, say “He has lost his cool,

therefore he has reacted in this way.

He is a good person otherwise and

he didn’t think bad of me.” This

feeling will prevent us to react and

motivate us to forgive him and once

we forgive the person, we normally forget the incident

also. Therefore it is good for us to Forgive others and

Forget the incident.

3) Craving for Making Self Image – To showoff, always

keeps our self away from the reality. We normally try

to show off ourselves, which we may not be. This create

a false image of ourselves in our own eyes and don’t

improve ourselves in the areas in which we are lagging

behind from others. This is a biggest hindrance in self

progress and mental peace.


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4) Jealous / Hatred – Hatred and Jealousy are the by product

of EGO. EGO is the biggest enemy of peace of mind. And it

gives birth to Jealous and Hatred. Therefore both of these

are also peace killers. Hate/Jealous

comes when others have more than

us or have achieved something we

are unable to achieve. Therefore

instead of hating others learn

from their success and we should

evaluate our reasons of failures and think positive and focus

on our own work / goals and achieve them.

5) Accept only what we can be do – In life many time out of

enthusiasm, we accept to do everything which is given or

offered to us. This lands us in fix and over burdened us and

are always short of time to complete all the tasks. Therefore

we should accept to do more, only if we have time, what we

can do efficiently and effectively, otherwise we will be

destroying our peace of mind only.

6) Meditate every day – Meditation is the best tool to

control our thoughts and calm

our mind. Turbulent mind doesn’t

allow us to take appropriate

decisions. Best time is early

morning in open space, one can

sit in Padmasna and focus in the

middle of the forehead in-between eye with focus on

respiration. This can be repeated at least 10 minutes thrice a

day, In details on mediation keep reading ‘posititude”.

Meditation will 7

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prevent generation of garbage thoughts in our mind and

will attain peace of mind. Unnecessary thoughts destroy

our peace of mind. Therefore avoid garbage thoughts.

7) Change according to situation – Change is inevitable, if

we don’t change ourselves according to the situation, then

situation will change us, which will be more pain full than

to change by ourselves. Therefore we should always

understand the situation and align our objectives and

work accordingly. When our objectives are aligned with the

situations, we are high in enthusiasm and ultimately attain

peace of mind. Peace of mind guide us on the right path.

8) Procrastination – It is one of the key reason of destroying

peace of mind. When we keep on saying “we will do it after

an hour or tomorrow or next month….”, we initiate the

process of delaying our decisions and execution of jobs in

hand. By lingering on we only pileup all our jobs and a day

will come when many of the dead-lines would have passed

and many of the important task would have reached the

status of “Urgent”. In that situation we are in fix and unable

to understand which task should be

done first and which to be done latter.

All the job become Urgent. Our mind is

now congested with confusing and

indecisive thoughts and saps away our

peace of mind and ultimately disturb our

body’s metabolism. Therefore to have our

peace of mind intact we should not delay the jobs and takes

action promptly and proactively. Our to- do list should be short.


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9) One task at one time – We should never work in confusion.

Take one task at a time, so that our full concentration and

focus is on one job and we can complete the job in less time.

By keeping ourselves busy doing one task at one time, we

control our mind to get detracted and keep it busy doing

working. If we are taking more tasks at a time, then our focus

will be distributed and many time confused and tired. Many

task at time also disturbs peace of mind.

10) Keep yourself BUSY – “Empty mind is devil’s workshop” is a

well known proverb and speaks the subject. Devil’s mind

can’t have peace any time. Therefore if we want to keep

peace of mind, we should always keep ourselves busy in one

task or other. If we don’t have any tasks at hand we should

read books on personality and skill development, which will

increase our acumen in our field and makes us a good


Tips on Peace of Mind

• Keep Yourself Busy

• Don’t delay actions – Maintain TODO list

• Meditate thrice a day

• No Hatred/Jealous

• Change yourself when situation demands

• Forgive and Forget.

• Don’t indulge without being asked


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Key To

Energy Booster


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जो नियमित आहार लेता है और नियमित निर-आहार रहता है, नियमित ही किम करता है, नियमित ही सोता और जागता है, उसके मलये यह योगा दखुों का अन्त कर देिे वाली हो जाती है।

In our day today life we play with emotions (good or bad) and are

played by emotions by others. We are social animals and have

emotions in us which are shown through our actions. Many times

our emotions and situations induce high energy levels in us and

execute the tasks with ease and we do wonders. Whereas some

times some incidents or situations sap away our energy level and

we are so low on energy meter that we are unable to do even a

small task. It has became a routine that our energy level

fluctuate daily due to uncertainty of the environmental factors.

To have peace, success and joy in life we need to have a

minimum level of energy. First of we should know what are the

situations or factors which effect our energy levels positively and

negatively. Positive energy levels keeps us cool and calm and on

high enthusiasm. We are in a position to create an ambient

environment for innovation and creativity. Whereas negative

energy level sucks all our positive thoughts, actions and stop us

to think in a creative and enthusiastic manner.

We have been taught to believe that

being emotional is always an

interference, something to get rid of,

but actually having some feeling gives

us our zest for life. Negative emotions

are the kind that cloud our judgment

and drain us of any sense of energy

and personal power.


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जो नियमित आहार लेता है और नियमित निर-आहार रहता है, नियमित ही किम करता है, नियमित ही सोता और जागता है, उसके मलये यह योगा दखुों का अन्त कर देिे वाली हो जाती है।

The following Energy boosters empower us to succeed and Energy

Sappers drain our power and will be derailed -

Energy Boosters Energy Sappers

Powerful Hopeless

Hopeful Hopeless

Competent Ineffective

Engaged Detached

Gifted Burdened

Dynamic Indecisive

Enthusiastic Controlled

Resilient Worried

Energetic Stamina Used

Courageous Hopeless

Serene Anxious

Creative Spirit Fearful

Motivated by Values Critical and Criticized

Goal/priority Focus Fatigued

Energy sappers can, not only limit positive, creative

actions, they can be so draining that they literally cause

adverse physically and emotional symptoms to appear. 12

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Physical Side effects of energy sappers are that we will have

difficulty in sleeping , bad digestion, heart problems,

experience sweating and chronic fatigue.

Emotionally we become numb, we can have crying episodes

and aggression. These are the Alarms which remind us of

energy Sappers. Therefore we should recognize these alarms

and switch negative sappers to energy boosters. For example,

anger is a signal that tells us our needs to wants are not being

met or that someone or something has be

violated us, or that our Values and beliefs

are being threatened. By resolving the

issue at hand, we can eliminate the energy

sappers, putting ourselves back to where

we want to remain, which is the of the

energy booster.

Tips on Energy boosters

• Be Cool

• Listen more Talk less

• Exercise for 30 Minutes Thrice a Week

• Smile a While

• Avoid meeting negative people

• Read good literature at least 30 Minute daily

before going to bed.


Be Positive

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Key To

Effective Listening


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According to Justice Oliver Wendell Homes – “To be able to listen to others in a sympathetic and understanding manner is perhaps the most effective mechanism in the world for getting along with people and trying up their friendship for good. Too few people practice the “White magic” of being good listeners”.

Human is a social animal and lives in society along with

parents, relatives, friends, colleagues in office, neighbors, etc.

Every day we come across many people, with some we have to

deal with and with some we may not have to deal. All these

people surrounding us effect us mentally, physically and

socially. Therefore it is very much important and necessary to

know the people around us so the we can live peacefully and


We recognize a person by the following factors –

1) Physical appearance

2) Social Relations

3) Behavior

4) Attitude

5) Social Status

6) And Communication

By the above we can understand only 10% of a person, 90% is

still undiscovered, as it is just like iceberg.


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Nobody in this world can define or recognize what is going on

inside a person. How and when a person will react to any

situation? 10% of the body language tells us about a person’s

mental setup. His thoughts will appear on his body and body

depicts the thoughts. But rest 90% is undiscovered. Out of

90% persona, 50% can be analyzed by the words he/she

speaks. But to understand others one should have patience to

listen carefully and control over his/her tongue.

Body Language










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To be successful in life, we should know about the persons

around us. We should know what they want, what they like and

what they dislike, what is their behavior and attitude in different

situations. This will help us dealing them in a better way. “Life is

all about handling people around you, because they are biggest

influencer of life”.

To understand a person we should be a good listener. Everybody

wants that others listen to him and praise him and his Ideas.

Listening is an art. We should practice listening the people

around us and understand them and act accordingly.

Practice the following to practice good listening –

a) Focus on Person to whom you are talking – We should

understand that if a person is talking, he assume that others

should listen to him and understand what he want and what

he want to say. Therefore we should always look at the person

to whom we are talking and concentrate on the message he

wants to give.

b) Always show deep interest

If we show our deep interest in

listening, half the work is done. Give a

smile and nod in acceptance of his

Idea. He will be happy and gratified.

c) Show Closeness – When is talking,

lean towards him. This shows and

indicate that your are taking interest

and listening carefully.


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d) Ask Questions – Ask questions in between the task. This

create confidence in the person to whom we are talking and

will he will try to talk more sense and clearly to put his point.

e) Ask him to elaborate things, where you need to know

more clarification – Until they are not through, we

should not interrupt the narrator, which nobody wants

to do. Nobody wants that people should listen first than

only give his/her views.

f) Don’t Change the Subject –

Don’t derail the person’s subject,

which may terminate him describing

his issues. Have patience, and wait

till he/she completes.

g) Use the speaker’s terminology – We

should neither change the subject, not change the

terminology. We should discuss on the same subject and in

same terminology.

Tips on Listening

• Focus on Speaker

• Show Interest

• Ask Questions on the same topic

• Ask the speaker to elaborate

• Never try to derail the subject

• Give suggestions after the speaker finishes

• Appreciate his concern and thoughts


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Key To

Physical Health


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As we grow up older, active and healthy life style is most

important. Regular exercise and healthy diet plan improve our

body’s power, improve self confidence , give strength to fight

against pain and disease. After the age of 50 years, healthy life

style reduce the effect of ageing. Our remembering strength,

our mood also boost up due to healthy life style. There are

many ways to Keep ourselves busy and active, improve our

confidence and physical fitness. It doesn’t matter how old we

are, if we do regular exercise and proper diet we can boost our

physical and mental health. We get benefits the day we start

doing this. The only thing we have to do is to adopt small-small

workings and changes in our daily life style.

After we cross 50 years, we should do the following four types

of exercises.





Cardio Exercises

Heart is the most important part of our life. Therefore it is our

foremost duty to take care of our Heart and its system. By

doing workouts, pumping system is boosted and open blockade

if any blockade in veins or arteries.


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The major Cardio exercises are –

1) Working -

2) Climbing on Stair case is also good for cardio muscular

system. It increase the blood circulation and strengthen the

system. 21

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3) Swimming

4) Cycling

5) Rowing

6) Playing Tennis

7) Dancing

8) Brisk Walking

These exercise increase patience, relieve exertion , release

mental tension , regulates blood pressure .


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3) Strength Training - Use less strength while doing strength

training. In this weights are used to lift regularly. Strength

training will strengthen our Muscular System. These

should be done under trained trainer Only.

Benefits –

• It build Muscles

• Keep our body straight

• Give strength to the body to do daily work with ease

• Release stress


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3) Flexibility Exercises - with the increase of age, flexibility

of our muscles and joints diminishes. To improve the

flexibility of joints we should do stationery stretches and

exercises. Yoga Asans are the best workouts to improve

the flexibility of Joints. Therefore on daily basis we should

do 30 minutes of Yoga Asans.

Benefits –

• Body become active.

• Boost energy levels.

• Ease in doing all the jobs which require our body mending,

moving, twisting, etc.,

• Release stress


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4) Body and mental Balancing – These exercises induce

better coordination between brain and body. We bring

balance in our body according to our brain waves. This is

very critical and important part of our health. Some of the

Yoga Asans are meant for this purpose only.

Benefits –

• Boost Self Confidence

• Body become active and balanced

• Boost energy levels.

• Release stress

• Improve our focus, eye sides and concentration of mind

• Improve quality of our work


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Key To



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Like success there are factors which helps in failure of a person.

In our life we do all our efforts to success, but we fail to achieve.

Why it happens? What makes us a failure is a matter of


There are many factors which contribute to our failures. In this

issue, we will discuss 10 major points which are practiced by the

successful people and are not followed by failures.

1. Not Taking Risk – It has been accepted by the successful

people and leaders in their life that they have taken risk in

thinking big and targeting the tough goals. On the other hand

we hear people saying if we have taken risk in their life, then

by this time they would have possessed “x” property or

“Position”. But due to not taking risk they have not achieved

what they want to achieve. Therefore it is matter of taking and

accepting risk, that one get success and failures in life.

2. Not Strong and Brave – Once we have taken risk, then we

should be bold enough to face both the side of situation. If

we think that they are ready to accept what ever the result of

the activity, definitely result would be

good. By thinking positive, we will

always get positive results and if the

beginning thoughts are discouraging

and negative, then result

would also be same. So be brave and

strong to take risks and face the results.


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3. Estimating and Analyzing every time – Pessimist have a

long list of excuses. They keep on thinking what others are

doing. They are afraid of doing anything new and always keep

on thinking that “If I do this, what other people will think?”,

“Mr. X has done the same, what is the result? He has failed, so

why I should do it?”. They always keep on thinking negative

and negative thoughts lead nowhere other than failures. So

start thinking positively, success is yours. No need of

estimating and analyzing too much, just take actions.

4. Always dependent on others – For success we have to work

hard and should have trust on our own self. Success doesn’t

get in gift, it has to be achieved our self. We have to believe in

ourselves, we will definitely get success. Stop depending on


5. Don’t try to set and achieve the Goals – Failure don’t know

what they want to do in their life. They don’t have any goal in

life. That is why they are always failure. Therefore if you want

to be successful in your life, set goals for every

day, every month, every year and in life and try level

best to achieve it. Success comes to those who

think they can. And if you think, you can.”

4. Expect result in short time – Many people wants the results as

soon as they finishes the task. If the result doesn’t come

immediately they start cursing other, time and their self also.

If they get less than what they have expected, then next time

they will not do that task. For success, you need to have

patience and try-try again to do the best and achieve the best.


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7. Withdrawal when opportunity comes - If you don’t have

perseverance towards your work and goal, it shows your

week mental setup. Whenever you get some opportunity, go

with full strength and enthusiasm, then only success will

come. Withdrawal will take you no where. Be open to taking

new tasks.

8. Procrastination – It is one of the biggest cause of failures.

Linger on things on tomorrow, next time, etc., take you

towards failures, negativity and converting IMPORTANT TASKS

INTO URGENT. Make a time table for daily and stick to that. At

closing down of the day, look at the table what you have done

and what you are unable to do. Remove those activities which

you have done and add incomplete or not done activities in

nest day’s to-do table.

9. Afraid of doing Practice – Negative thoughts create a negative

personality. If you want to be Strong and successful person

start thinking Positive today itself and never be afraid of doing

practice positive things. Positive tasks and activities seems to

be tough, but once you start doing, they become handy and

easy to achieve.

10. Low in Mental Skills – God has gifted all the human beings

with discipline, confidence, trust, concentration, focus,

persistence, etc., All of us have these, but we become

lethargic and wants easy going. For Success these skills are

MUST. Be TOUGH and DISCIPLINED, all other qualities will

automatically immerse in you and you will be able to

complete all the tasks in hand and will accept and welcome

new opportunities in your life. 30

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Tips for Success

Be Strong

Take Risk

Develop Mental Skills

Practice More Don’t Withdraw

Do it Now

Perseverance Don’t Analyse More

Don’t depend on others

Have Patience


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Key To

Prevent Heat Stroke


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Summer has just knocked the

doors. On 30.04.14, the

temperature roused upto 41-42 o

C in Delhi. It was a sudden

increase in temperature. Body

can’t accept sudden increase and

decrease of environment

temperature. Many Adults and

Children fall ill due to this.

This condition of body when it doesn’t withstand environment

temperature more than 40.5 o C and body temperature also raise

more that 40 o C , is “Heat Stroke”. It effect all the living beings

irrespective of age and class.

Sign and Symptoms – The major sighs and symptoms are as

under –

• Mental Confusion

• Delirium

• Dizziness

• Loss of consciousness in worse cases

• Convulsions or coma

• A body temperature of 105 degree F or higher

• Hot, dry skin that may be red, mottled or bluish

• A Strong Fast Pulse.


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Causes of Heat Stroke

• Heavy exercise in summer, which may loose lot of water

from the body.

• Dehydrated due to over sweating.

• Direct exporter to Sun Light Heat the our skin of the body

and effect it adversely.

• In Humid climate also due to low pressure, even moderate

heat wave may effect the body.

Preventions In summer, we should prevent loss of water in the

body and keep the surface of the body cool. Otherwise there are

chances of Heat Stock. To prevent ourselves from the heat

stock we should –

a) Drink plenty of water

b) Avoid body’s moisture sappers, like Team, coffee, soda and


c) Avoid going outside in day time, when there is more heat.

Better do all works before 12 Noon and after 4 Pm.

d) Wear Cotton, white/light colored garments. It would much

better if white cotton garments are worn.


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First of all attend the affected person with love and affections

and take the following actions immediately –

a) Take the person inside the room and advice him to

laydown straight on his back on the bed. If no house is

nearby then advice him to laydown in a shady spot. Keep

his/her legs elevated.

b) If the person is in conscious, then give him cold water to


c) Loosen the cloths. It would be even better if cloths are

removed and sponge the body with cool water. Keep him

under fan or AC.

d) Apply ice packs to the armpits, wrists, ankle and groin.


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मेरे नदीम मेरे हमसफ़र उदास न हो कठिन सही तेरी मन्जिल मगर उदास न हो कदम कदम पे चट्टानें खड ी़ रहें लेककन िो चल ननकले हैं दररया तो किर नहीीं रुकते हवाएँ ककतना भ टकराएँ आँधियाँ बनकर मगर घटाओीं के परछम कभ नहीीं झुकते मेरे नदीम मेरे हमसफ़र... हर एक तलाश के रास्ते में मुन्ककलें हैं मगर हर एक तलाश मुरादों के रींग लात है हिारों चाँद ससतारों का खून होता है तब एक सुबह कफ़िाओीं पे मुस्कुरात है मेरे नदीम मेरे हमसफ़र... िो अपने खून को पान बना नहीीं सकते वो न्िींदग में नया रींग ला नहीीं सकते िो रास्ते के अँिेरों से हार िाते हैं वो मींन्िलों के उिाले को पा नहीीं सकते मेरे नदीम मेरे हमसफ़र...

साहहर लधुियािवी



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1. Http://Wikipaidia 2. http://ods.od.nih.gov/ 3. http://www.rightdiagnosis.com 4. http://www.dictionary.com 5. Medical Encyclopedia (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) 6. News Papers – HT, TOI, Dainik Bhaskar 7. www.Kavita kosh.com 8. www.Medicinenet.cim


Page 39: Posititude May 14

Fear and its Consequences Gratitude Goal Setting Team Work Family Health Job Management And Many Other Topics……

39 **** For Private Circulation only

Topics in Next Issue
