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A how to Guideon

Collect ing, Edit ing & Manifest ing Energy(for your home and other private spaces)

by Jacquelyn Tierney

All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means is forbidden without the express permission of the author.

The content of this book is for informational purposes only. Please use discretion where advised.

© 2013 Jacquelyn Tierney

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Objects carry a past, just as we do, a past imprinted with the energetic ex-

periences of all who have come into contact with them.  Dealers, handlers, owners, creators and environments all contribute to the energetic DNA of

an object whether that object was handled once by someone or lived front

and center on a family’s mantle for 50 years.  

As owners of objects, we too imprint our own energy on the inanimate, es-

pecially those objects given sentimental value as they can serve as both

memory capsules and channels for our loved ones in spirit.

Therefore, it is important to assess the energy of the objects in your collec-

tion or potential objects for your collection and decide whether or not these objects feed your spirit, soul and the energy of your sacred space or

whether they take away from your healthy living environment and per-

sonal energy centers.

What does it mean when an object feeds your soul?

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Objects that feed the energy of your soul inspire you. They excite you. They

serve your dreams and desires. And, they often come from a source that is

somehow aligned with you.

Objects that take away from your energy serve no purpose to you. They

make you feel uneasy, drained and claustrophobic. They take up valuable space that could instead be filled with something that turns you on.

In this ebook you will learn how to assess the energetic impact of the ob-jects around you, including those objects you are thinking about bringing

into your home. You will also be provided with several one-step methods

to clear the energy of both your space and your objects in order to open the

energetic flow of your environment and create room for abundance to move toward you.

Lastly, you will learn how to edit and work with your current collection in order to manifest environments that support your dreams and provide in-

spiration to you on a daily basis.

Are you ready to get started?

Good. Let’s Begin.

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There are three things you need to consider when collecting objects for your home and sacred space.

1. Decide if the object is an energetic fit. An energetic fit implies that the

object serves your highest good, your soul, your energetic source. Objects

that serve us are the ones we enjoy using all the time and that bring us in-

spiration and pleasure.

Here are some questions to consider when deciding if an object is an ener-

getic fit:

-Do you admire the object or do you cringe every time you see it?

-Does the object feel ‘out of place’ amongst your other possessions?

-Do you have a secret aversion to it?

-When you stand near the object or simply take a moment to look at it does it give

you the willies? Does it make you say “meh”? Or, do you smile every time you see


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-Do you work with or use the object on a regular basis or does it sit around collect-

ing dust?

-Before coming across an object that was once lost and now found, did you even know it still existed?

2. Determine what the object is made of (this goes for furniture, natural and synthetic objects, man-made and machine-made) and how it is con-


Here are some questions to get you started:

-Are the object’s materials natural, synthetic or a combination of both?

-Is it a soft or hard material? with sharp angles or curves?

-Does the object align with your morals, ethics and values?

I find this question an especially important one to ask the self if factors like

environmental health, religious history and/or fair trade, just to name a

few, are important to you. Examples of objects that you may want to give extra consideration to are plastics, conflict diamonds, beeswax vs. petro-

leum candles, clothing and religious artifacts that have been pilfered.

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You may also want to research whether the piece is repurposed, recycled or

compostable if you wish to bring things into your life that are compatible

with a healthy home and environment.

-Is it an antique (100+ years old) or vintage item?

3. Symbolism.

What does the object symbolize to you? Is it a matter of form over function or function over form? Does the piece come from a relative, ancestor, friend

or foe? Does it remind you of a past life or your favorite place on Earth?

What memories does this object conjure within you and are these memories

upsetting or nostalgic and beautiful?

Let’s say you want to invite a new romantic partner into your life. It would

be best to remove items and pictures of, with or from your ex-lover from your home, bedroom and any other area where you want to entertain a

new romantic partner. By keeping mementos or stuff from a relationship

gone wrong sends out the message to the Universe that you are not yet ready to move on. I’m not saying that you have to get rid of everything that

was gifted to you or collected during an old relationship, certainly not, but

be scrupulous in your editing process. Keep what you really love and toss,

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donate or sell what is not serving you or your desire to bring a new rela-

tionship into your life.

TIP: Use these assessment questions when on the hunt for new items to display in

your home or other sacred spaces and when working with what you already own. Go a step further by researching the provenance of your objects. What does the ob-

ject’s history reveal and are there any uncanny ties to your own history?

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After an assessment of your objects or potential objects, consider ener-

getically clearing all objects in the space and the space itself.

Begin with a good clutter-clearing of your space.

Having too much stuff can drain your energy as you are forced to focus on navigating around it.  Too much stuff doesn’t leave room for you, your

loved ones or your pets to breathe easily in a healthy and vibrant environ-


Go through your kitchen drawers, desk drawers, under-the-stairs closets,

old boxes, the attic, basement, garage, under the bed, under the sink cabi-

nets, etc. Basically, go through it all space by space, room by room so as not to be completely overwhelmed during the clearing process -- because it can

become physically and emotionally overwhelming, especially when you

happen upon objects that are from your past or from a passed loved one.

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Decide which objects you want to keep and which objects you want to part

with. Use your answers from the assessment questions in the previous

chapter to help guide you in the decision making process.

Second, clean, clean, clean away. Wash away dirt, dust and grime. Wax

wood. Wash the floors (try using a Sacred Wash for its magical properties). Clean all glass and open the windows.

Next, try re-arranging objects in the space. This will provide you with a fresh perspective on the flow of energy in the space as well as how your ob-

jects can function and vibrate in a new way. This step will also give you

more time to see what is working for you in your space and what is ulti-

mately not.

The last step of the clearing process is energetically clear the object itself

and the air within the space. Move stale and stagnant energy in a room by clapping your hands around the room, ringing a bell in all four directions

or corners, spraying essential oils, opening windows for a cross breeze,

smudging and/or visualizing divine light, love and energy filtering out any toxic, residual energy in the space.

There are several options available to you if you decide smudge. Sweet

braids, white sage, cedar, palo santo and esfand seed are just some of those

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options. Look to your heritage and culture for more ideas on space clear-


You can also use these dried, wrapped plants and seeds when clearing ob-

jects. I use my intuition to guide me in knowing when the energy of the ob-

ject has been penetrated and cleared.  

TIP: If you find you need to fill in space or add more life to the room, add plants. Not only has research1 shown that being in nature lowers depression, but several

species of plants are proven to be natural air purifiers as well.

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1 Berman, M.G., et al., Interacting with nature improves cognition and affect for individuals with depression, J. Affect. Disord. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.jad.2012.03.012

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You are now ready to manifest your desires and dreams by working with

the objects and energy in your space.

After a thorough inventory, assessment and clearing of both objects and

space, take time to develop a clear intention. Perhaps you already have one or you have a vague idea as to what you want to accomplish in the

space. Wherever you are at in developing your vision, understand that it is

critical that you have a crystal clear intention, why or purpose behind the action. This big WHY, your dream point visible on the horizon, will help

guide you when making decisions on how to go about your manifesting


I want to encourage you to hold onto and nurture your vision until it mate-

rializes. When I first started consciously working with the power of my

own energy and that of the Universe a few years ago I didn’t realize that some visions would take at least a year, if not more, to come to fruition.

Hold onto your dreams and don’t let them go. You can make this happen. All you need is elbow grease, perseverance, and a little bit of magic.

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Decide which objects best represent your intention and why.

Questions to consider:

-What does the object symbolize?

-What color(s) is the object?

-Does the object and the object’s history align with your morals, values and ethics?

-What are the memories associated with the object and would you like to be re-

minded of that stage of your life or are you ready to move forward from those expe-riences?

-Is there plenty of space for the object to be displayed or would it feel cramped and

hidden amongst other things?

-Does the object remind you of your vision? When you look at it are you excited and inspired to keep moving toward your goals?

Act "as if".  Live your life as if the changes you desire have already oc-

curred and the dreams you envision have actualized. Doing so sends out a

message to the Universe that you are ready to co-create your dreams.

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However, I want you to use some discretion when acting “as-if”. Let’s say

your dream is to live in a 20,000 sq ft mansion with crystal and gilt chande-

liers but you currently live on a strict budget in a shared apartment.  I would not advise you max out your credit cards shopping for gilded fau-

cets and custom cabinetry to install in your apartment. I would suggest

that you think about spray painting or faux gilding your current light fix-tures to give them the sense of being refined, place fresh flowers in each

room to lighten and brighten the energy, and/or begin a crystal collection

via bargain finds at garage sales and vintage shops. So often, amazing gems that have been tucked away in the home are priced for pennies at garage

sales! Do your research beforehand and go on an adventure.

Design your space to reflect your intention. Add colors that vibrate at the frequency level you yourself want to connect with or that your clients want

to connect with if you are creating a sacred working space. Include a dedi-

cation altar with symbols, objects, deities and sayings that resonate with your soul and reflect your dreams. Arrange your room and flat surfaces ac-

cording to the Bagua. Group objects that are symbolic of the places you

want to go and the life you want to lead.

TIP: Remember to have fun when designing your space. Pay attention to those ob-

jects that light up your eyes. Why do they feel so special to you? What is the un-derlying message coming from your soul?

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Throughout this entire process listen closely to the answers, feelings and

intuitive knowings coming from your gut and soul. Only YOU know what

feels whole, right and aligned with your mind, body and soul and only

YOU know what absolutely does not.

If you find yourself challenged by the clutter clearing process, simply get

quiet and grounded. Assess each object one at a time and notice what sparks inspiration and excitement within you and what drags you down

and brings about a crummy feeling.

When taking the first step toward change, or any step in the growth proc-

ess, know that your step does not have to be a big one. One small and sub-

tle shift can alter the entire energy of your space and your life.

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Jacquelyn Tierney is an Artist, Traveler, Psychic-medium, Interior Alignment® Practitioner, Destiny Reader, Folk-magic Practitioner in-training and Old Soul. Her background is in both the fine arts with a special concentration in printmaking and wallpaper and the history of decorative arts and design, with a focus on German 18th Century Pala-tial Interior Architecture, the latter which she studied at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, National Design Museum of the Smithsonian Institu-tion in New York City.

Within her Feng Shui and Space Clearing practice, Jacquelyn specializes in working with antique and vintage objects and historical properties. By combining her love of art, furniture and object history with her psy-chic and mediumship abilities, Jacquelyn is able to assist clients in both

the decision making process of purchasing an item based on the item’s energetic history and the most auspicious placement of the object within it's new environment.

Jacquelyn bases her practice out of Long Island, New York but spends half of the year traveling to magical places with her kitties and her cards. Have you seen her? She does international house calls.



