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Post Implementation Review Workbook October 2013

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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Post Implementation Review
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Post Implementation Gate Review Workbook Gate Six

Post Implementation Gate Review Workbook Gate Six FURTHER INFORMTION N! SSISTN"E Contact NSW Treasury Email:[email protected] Web:https://www.procurepoint.nsw.gov.au Post mplementation !ate "eview Wor#boo# $ ssue No. % $ &ctober '()* Postmplementati on "evi ew Wor#boo#Page * T#$E OF "ONTENTS !ateway "eview System .......................................................................... + Procurement Process an, !ateway ............................................. 6 !ateway -ramewor# ..................................................................... 7 Post mplementation !ate Purpose ........................................................ % .ocumentation ............................................................................. 9 Post mplementation "eview n,icators ................................................ )( ).Service .elivery ................................................................... 10 './00or,ability an, 1alue 0or money ..................................... 11 *.Sustainability ........................................................................ 12 +.!overnance ........................................................................ 13 2."is# 3anagement ................................................................ 14 4.Sta#ehol,er 3anagement .................................................. 15 5.Change 3anagement ........................................................ 16 !ateway "eview "eport Template ............................................. 17 Postmplementati on "evi ew Wor#boo#Page + GTEW% RE&IEW S%STEM The NSW !overnment applies !ateway "eviews to the procurement o0 in0rastructure6 in0ormation technology6 property6 an, goo,s an, services.Through this6 it aims to improve procurement ,iscipline an, outcomes by encouraging better per0ormance in pro7ect planning6 ,evelopment an, e8ecution. !ateway "eviews are essentially 9peer reviews: that assess whether the processes use, in ,eveloping an, implementing a pro7ect is soun,. "eviews can consi,er an in,ivi,ual pro7ect or a program containing several pro7ects. Pro7ects have a ,e0ine, beginning an, ob7ectives that i,enti0y completion. Programs consist o0 a group o0 pro7ects that are consi,ere, together because they have 0actors in common or interrelate, ,evelopments6 operations or service ,eliveries. /s programs ,evelop6 subse;uent "eviews may 0ocus on in,ivi,ual pro7ects or continue to be reviewe, as a program.t is important that in,ivi,ual pro7ects contribute to overall program goals. Pro7ects coul, be groupe, because o0: their similar or supporting service ,eliveries similar governance re;uirements common sta#ehol,er or change management or similar ris# pro0iles similar planning6 procurement or implementation timelines Note that use o0 the term project in this wor#boo# also covers a grouping o0 pro7ects into a program. n practice6 !ateway is the application o0 high level6 structure, reviews at critical points
