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Postcolonialism- Pulkit

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    What is Colonialism?

    Political Domination of Another People Their leaders cannot make decisions that arent agreed upon by

    British The Establishment of a Government

    Often figure head rulers are set up to placate the masses, butpower remains with British Large-Scale Religious Conversion

    Christianity becomes the only acceptable, civilized religion Forced Economic Dependence

    Trade happens, but usually raw materials taken for a cheapprice from colony and more refined items sold back to colonyfrom Britain at a much higher price

    The Building of an Infrastructure (roads, railroads, hospitals,schools, etc.)

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    Justifications for Colonialism Economic

    Colonialism provided a huge natural resource base for smallEuropean powers

    Colonies provided ready markets for finished products

    Religious: The need to spread Christianity

    Cultural: The White Mans Burden

    Because British felt they were more civilized and had the onlycorrect religion, they felt it was imperative that they go outand get everyone else to conform for the sake of their souls.

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    What Is Post-Colonialism?

    Post-colonialism has multiple points of origination in Africa, Asia,Australia, Latin America and the New World. These regions underwentdifferent forms of control and economics at the time of conquest.

    Colonial history explains the diversities of post- colonial amount ofsociety, science and knowledge as well as their embrace of modernideologies, of say liberalism, Marxism , postmodernism, and Feminism.

    Post-colonialism is an intellectual direction or era that exists since

    around the middle of the 20th

    century It developed from and mainly refers to the time after colonialism

    The postcolonial is a dialect concept that marks the broad historicalfacts of decolonization and the determined achievement of sovereignty

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    The term post-coloniality puts the emphasis on the economic,material and cultural conditions that determine the globalsystem in which the postcolonial state is required to

    Post colonialism names a theoretical and political position whichembodies an active concept of interventions within suchoppressive circumstances

    Today Postcolonial struggles for autonomy, real independenceand self-determination have to contend with a complexadversary whose power is dispersed through a wide range ofglobalized institutions and practices

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    Nowadays, aspects of post-colonialism can be found not only insciences concerning history, literature and politics, but also inapproach to culture and identity of both the countries that werecolonized and the former colonial powers.

    Post-colonialism highlights the relationship between freedom andpolitics, particular in the setting of production of knowledge and policymaking.

    Postcolonial theory attempts to focus on the oppression of those whowere ruled under colonization.

    Factors include: Political oppression Economic Social/Cultural oppression Psychological oppression

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    The British Empire in 1914

  • 7/30/2019 Postcolonialism- Pulkit


    Colonial Africa Post Colonial Africa

