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Poster genre research

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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Poster Genre Research

Poster Genre Research

Poster Genre Research

Target Audience:The target audience seems to appear as both female and males. I know this because both males and females appear in the poster, therefore I can surmise that the soap opera appears to both genders.The audience as a whole would be mass between the ages of 15-60. I believe this because I can clearly see characters that would appeal to the mass audience, as the characters are all of different age ranges in order to attempt to attract a mass audience appeal.The use of the street sign that shows the words Same Ramsey St NEW HOME is to try and make the audience want to make this soap opera there new home by investing in it. The use of the sign is also to try and connote the idea of family and community.Genre: The genre is shown through the poster as I can easily deduce that this is a show that would be suitable for families to watch as there is a character there that would attract to each age group. This helps the soap in aiming to target a mass audience.Content:The poster uses a street to help show the idea of a family and community that the viewer would be investing themselves in if they decide to watch the soap opera. I can see how the poster tries to connote a family as all of the characters are somehow attached to each other in the photo, for example we can see that in the left hand corner the boy is holding the girl in front of him. The idea of everyone being connected links in to the idea of a community because in a community everyone knows everyone and that is exactly what this poster suggests.

The texts is very plain and simple which adds more emphasis onto the main image. This has been used as they want to make sure that the text does not overpower the main image therefore they make the text smaller so that it doesnt stand out too much on the poster. The use of the colour black as the prominent colour for text is effective as it is a dull colour so doesnt stand out too much on the poster. However the channel indent Five is in orange which means that it stands out a lot more then the other text on the screen, this has been used as they want to make sure that the audience know what channel that the soap opera is shown on as that is one of the most important things to be featured.


Target Audience:The genre of this soap opera poster seems to appear as more female then male orientated. I believe this because in the main image we can see that the storyline would appeal more to a female audience then that of a male audience. This is due to the fact that the poster features a pregnant woman and a man who seems unimpressed. I feel that personally the poster is aimed to appeal to women through the storyline that they are portraying.The age range that I would say that this poster is aimed at is women between the ages of 20-40. I think that as women in this age range would be or have been in the same situation that the characters have been in. Therefore it is a much more niche audience then that of Neighbours.Genre: The genre is shown through the poster as they have used a storyline which the audience would associate with soap operas. This helps the audience in recognizing that this is a soap opera.Content:In the main image there is a woman who appears to be heavily pregnant. The use of this image works with the tagline of You never know what's around the corner as I can suggest that the woman was not planning on being pregnant with this man and as a result of her being pregnant with him it is not a good situation for them both to be in. The fact that they are both sat at different ends of the sofas helps to support the idea that the fact that the baby may be his is not a good thing for either of them which is why they want to keep their distance from eachother. The main image takes place in a house which the audience would consider as a happy place as some people believe that home is the most secure and happy place. However this photo completely contradicts this idea as both of the characters in the photo seem to be on the edge about something and not happy even though having a baby should be a joyous occasion for both parties, however from this photo it doesnt look like that.The text is very minimal in this poster as I feel that the main emphasis of this photo is on the characters and their facial and body expressions. The use of the white texts in the left corner provides a tagline you never know whats around the corner this is very small in the corner. I feel that this has been done to once again make sure that the first thing that the audience notice is the main image and then they will look to see what soap opera this is for. This poster also features the channel indent for the channel that it is shown on in this case ITV 1. This is the only piece of text as such that has a bright colour this is done so that the audience know what channel the soap opera is on.

Target Audience:The target audience seems to appear as both female and male. I can assume this as in the poster they feature both male and female characters. However I feel that this soap opera would be leaning more to the female audience as they feature five females in the poster and only two males. Also I believe this as the two men are placed at the back of the photo which makes them seem less important, whereas a female is at the front and so she stands out a lot more.I would say that the target audiences age range would be between the ages of 16 and 24. I feel this as the characters who are shown in the poster are between the ages of 17 and 18 and I feel that they have done this as they want their target audience to be able to relate to the characters in the soap opera. Therefore I feel that this poster would aim to attract a niche audience.Content:In the main image there are seven characters placed in the poster. They are all standing in a triangle shape with each person being further to the right or left to the person in front of them. I feel that this has been done to fit in with the tagline which is seeking the truth, harder than it once seemed I feel that they have used the placement of the characters to add a hint of mystery to each character as it makes the audinece believe that potentially the characters standing behind the girl in the centre all have a secret that they are keeping.The characters facial expressions are all very similar in the poster, they all are ooking forward and staright to the camera which draws the audience into looking at their eyes and work out if the character has done something bad. They all have thier arms down by their side which makes them seem neutral however the guy on the right has his arms folded, this makes the audiece more drawn into him as they want to know why his body language is different ot al of the other characters in the poster.The text in the poster is very minimal much like the others however they have used three different colours in their poster. They have got the tagline seeking the truth, harder than it once seemed in a ight purple colour placed in the left hand bottom corner. They then have blue text for Afflecks Palac and then have used white text for when the soap opera is on. I feel that this is too contrasting as the use of many differnet colours is quite distracting. I feel that if they had used more neutral coloiurs to contrast the black background it would have been better because it would have hadded more mystery to the poster.Genre: The genre is shown through the poster as I can easily deduce that this is a show is aimed at teenagers due to the fact that they have used teenagers as the main focus of the poster. I can also deduce the idea that there could potentially be a murder mystery storyline that the audience would have to work out, due to the simplicity of the poster.

Target Audience:The target audience seems to appear as predominantly female oriented. I believe this as the poster features only one character who is shown multiple times. This has been done so that they can clearly show who they want to target their soap to which is a niche audience of females between the ages of 14-20. I believe this as the character who is shown on the poster is in between those two age groups and so the audience would be able to relate to her.Content:The main image of the poster is of a girl who is duplicated four times. Each image works in contrast to the other as the far left is in colour and then the next is in black and white then the next is colour and so on. This is a nice technique to use at it shows how important this one person is. Also the use of only showing her back to begin with has been used to create enigma for who is actually going to be coming back and then the last image is the girl who will e coming back.The text of the image has been used to make sure that the tagline stands out. The tagline she's back is the biggest text on the page and therefore stands out the most. The use of the colour red helps to show that this girl coming back may be a dangerous thing as she could cause some problems by coming back. The other text on the poster is all in black this could have been used to fit with the channel indents colour as the BBC logo is black, this may be why they chose to use black for all of the other text so that the emphasis is on the fact that this character is back.Genre:I can tell that this poster is for a soap opera due to the simplicity of it as from what I have seen most soap operas tend to have a simple poster with a bold tagline, which this one has.
