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Poster of 2nd International Conference on Human Rights Concerns of Indian Diaspora

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  • 8/3/2019 Poster of 2nd International Conference on Human Rights Concerns of Indian Diaspora


    HU M A N R IGHTS DEFENSE (IND I A )2nd I n ternational Conf er ence


    Inauguration b y:

    His Holi ness "Shri Shri R a v ishank ar J i""Art of Living"

    In augural Sess ion:Fe br uar y 24 th, 20 12 ( Fr ida y ) 3 - 9 p m

    at H indi Bha w an , I.P.E state, Ne w Delhi 1100 0 1.

    Tec hnical Session:Fe bruar y 25th , 2012 ( Sa turda y ) 10 a m - 6 p m

    at In dian La w In stitute,Opp. S upr eme Court o f In dia, Ne w Delh i- 110001

    "Jo in u s t o suppo rt our br other s and s isters

    in Di stress"

    For r egist ration a nd p ape r r eadi ng k ind ly con tact: Ra jesh Gogna , Secreta r y Gene ral, Hu ma n R ight s

    Def ense ( INDI A )8, Tode rmal L an e , Be ngal i Mar k et, Ne w De lh i-11001. E- ma il@gogna. co.in

  • 8/3/2019 Poster of 2nd International Conference on Human Rights Concerns of Indian Diaspora


    Da y one:

    Ina ugural Ses sion:

    Fe br uar y 24th, 2012 ( Fr ida y ) 15 :00 2 1 :00 h rs

    Hin di Bha w an, I.P.E state, Ne w Delhi-110001

    15.00 : R egistration

    15.20 : The p articipants, d elegates and g uests t ak e t he ir s ea ts in t he H all

    15 :30 : A rri v al of t he G uest of H ono ur Hi s Ho liness S ri Sri R a v ishank ar

    15.30 -15.45 : We lcom e address es, a nd F loral /or al cerem onies

    15.45 - 1 5.50 : A bout HR DI

    15.50 - 16.0 0 : I n trod uction o f su b ject

    16 :00 :-16:20 : Ho nouring o f Hum an R ights Def ende rs b y His H oliness Shr iShr i R a v isha nk ar J i

    16 :2 0-16 :5 0 :K e y no te A ddr ess b y His H oline ss Shr i Shr i R a v isha nk ar J i

    16.50 17.00 : S peech b y Tec hnical Exper t- I17.0 0- 17.10 : S peech b y Technic al Exper t-I I

    17.10-17.30 : Tea B reak

    17.30 -18.00 : S peech b y Techni cal Exper t II I

    18.00 -18.3 0 : S pe ech b y Te chni cal Exper t- I V

    18.30 -19.30 : O pen S ession19.3 0- 21.0 0 : D inner

  • 8/3/2019 Poster of 2nd International Conference on Human Rights Concerns of Indian Diaspora


    Da y Tw o:

    Te chnic al Sess ion :

    Fe brua r y 25 th, 2012(Satur da y ) 10 :0 0 18 :00hr s

    Session I

    10.00 - 10.30 : B reak f ast

    10.30 - 12 .30 : Pa ne l Discussion/R ou nd Ta ble on Sr i Lan k a

    12.30 - 13.0 0 : S umming u p b y the Pa nel/R ound T a ble Co-or dina tor

    13.00 - 1 4.00 : L unc h

    Sess ion I I

    14.00 - 1 5.00 : P ane l Discussion/ R ou nd Ta ble Countr y case (Mala y sia)

    15.00 - 1 6.00 : P ane l Discussion/ R ou nd Ta ble Countr y case (Pa k istan & A f gha ni stan)

    16.00 - 16.3 0 : Te a Br eak

    16.3 0- 17.30 : Pa nel Discus sion /R oun d Ta ble Countr y case ( Nepa l & Bhutan)17 :30 -19 :0 0 : R esolution S ession

  • 8/3/2019 Poster of 2nd International Conference on Human Rights Concerns of Indian Diaspora



    1. Sh. Gopal Aggarwal, Chairman , [email protected] 9810019753

    2. Sh. Gauri Shankar Gupta, Chief Co-Ordinator [email protected] 9811716073

    3. Sh. Naresh Shandilya, Creative Head [email protected] 9868303565

    4. Sh. Inder Mohan Kapahy, Academic Head E- [email protected] 9810037679

    5. Sh. Amarjiv Lochan, Research Co-Ordinator [email protected] 9811798499

    6. Sh. Mukesh Aggarwal, Programme Co-Ordinator [email protected]

    7. Vaibhav Anand, Human Rights Defender [email protected] 9953869922

    8. Kanika Kapoor, Human Rights Defender [email protected] 98736264734
