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Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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Teachers and students are invited to use these posters from the 1999 book by Gordon Dryden and Dr. Vos. The authors gave permission for readers to copy the left-hand pages and enlarge them to make posters. Here are some questions...Experts who were passionate about the new ways of learning created posters in 1998.What did they know back in 1998?What did they imagine about the future?What did they assume might happen?What parts of these posters make sense today?Visit www.TheLearningWeb.net to get the new 34-page ebook.Which of these posters do you want in your school?What can we learn from these posters?What questions do you have for the authors of the book (who created these posters)?Use what you know about the world.Now it’s your turn to make posters. What experts do you want to listen to?What words would you like to see on posters in your school?Send your ideas to [email protected] and I’ll forward them to TheLearningWeb.net
The Learning Revolution To change the way the world learns Gordon Dryden and Dr. Jeannette Vos ~ -- the learning web
Page 1: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The LearningRevolution

To changethe waythe world


Gordon Dryden andDr. Jeannette Vos



Page 2: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The Learning RevolutionTo change the way the world learns

Copyrlqht? 1999 by Gordon Dryden and Jeannette Vos

Earlier New Zealand edition published 1993.Earlier Swedish, British and American editions published 1994.Earlier Norwegian and Portuguese (Brazilian) editions published 1995.Earlier Finnish edition published 1996.First Chinese traditional-character edition published 1997.Second Chinese simplified-character edition published 1997.New fully revised New Zealand edition published 1997.Revised Chinese edition published 1998.Korean edition published 1999.This completely revised and updated international edition published 1999.

This book is copyright, and may not be sold either in full or in part in any form_____ "without permission of the publishers. You are, however, given permission to

~eproduce any of the material for per~onal use, or to share such matenal freeWith mends and students, except for quotaftons attributed to other authorswhich are subject to their copyright. You are also welcome to enlarge and

---3> reproduce left-hand pages of the book as posters for home, school or seminaruse, provided these are not for sale. We acknowledge with thanks permissionfor such publication, as granted by publishers or authors whose namesappear under each of the "poster" pages.

Published by:The Learning WebTorrance, CA, USA, and Auckland, New Zealandwww.thelearningweb.netemail: [email protected] U.S. and Canada: toll-free 1-800637-6893Address details on page 544.

ISBN: 1-929284-00-4

Page 3: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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PETER KLINEThe Everyday Genius*

* Published by Great Ocean Publishers Inc, 1823 North Lincoln Street,. Arlington, VA 22207.




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24 The Learning Revolution

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Page 5: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

26 The Learning Revolution


ROBERT C. SCHANKEngines For Leeminq:

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28 The Learning Revolution

The old schoolmodel is dead

30% in tradesand clerical work


500/0 manual laborers

Majority need to becomeself-acting, self-learning,

self-motivated self-managers

Smallminority inunskilled,part-time orseasonalwork

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30 The Learning Revolution

Multimedia modelfor tomorrow'slearning world

1.Take the

world's bestsubjectknowhow

6.Intranetsfor every

school andbusiness

2.Add best


3.Tie in withworld's bestmultimediaexperts

5.Providecoursesfree onlnternet'

4.Link with

world's bestsimplifyingtemplate

GORDON DRYDEN** Based on presentation to British Telecommunications'

Foresight Forum on "Building the Communications Society",London, England.

1. The model that launched the Netscape Navigator in 1995.Profits come from selling interrelated add-on products.

Page 8: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

32 The Learning Revolution

Your own model for anew learning world

YOU LEARN BYWhat you SEEWhat you HEARWhat you TASTEWhat you SMELLWhat you TOUCHWhat you DOWhat you IMAGINE

. What you INTUIT·What you FEEL

JEANNETTE vasFrom her Learning Revolution International workshops.

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34 The Learning Revolution

Prove it to yourselfin two minutes

How to learn to count inJapanese by seeing,speaking and doing

English ~anese Say Do

one ichi Itchy Scratch your

two . knee.1 knee.n.

three san Sun, Point to sky.

four shi she Point to girl.

five go go Walk.

six roku rock. Rock 'n' roll.

seven shichi shi-chi Double sneeze.

eight hachi hat-chi Put on hat,"

nine kyu coo Coo like a dove.

ten ju . Don Jewish cap,"JU

*Adapted from an accelerated-learning Japanese language-trainingcourse, demonstrated by Creative Learning Company,

, Auckland, New Zealand.

1. Say, "Itchy knee" and "Sun, she go rock," as sentenceswhile you mime the actions.

2. If you haven't a hat or cap, mime the action with your hands.

Page 10: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

i,i I


36 The Learning Revolution

The 16 key trends toshape your future

OJ The age of instant communications.

[]] A world without economic borders.

[]] Four steps to a one-world economy.

W Internet commerce and learning ..

[]] The new service society.

(]] The marriage of big and small.

[]] The new age of leisure.

[II The changing shape of work.

[[] Women in leadership.

lill Your amazing brain rediscovered.

[]] Cultural nationalism.

[ill .The growing underclass.

lill The active aging of the population.'

[ill The new do-it-yourself boom.

[ill Cooperative enterprise.

[ill The triumph of the individual.

Page 11: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

38 The Learning Revolution

History's landmarksThe worldLifeHumans'Modern' humansFarmingThe plowThe wheelSteam-powerComputersAnd now

4.5 billion years old3.5 billion years ago .2 million years ago'35,000 to 50,000 years ag018

12,000 years ago5,000 years ago5,000 years ago250 years ago40-50 years agoThe age of instantcommunications

CommunicationsFirst brainsSpeechWritingAlphabetPrintingTelephoneMoving picturesTelevisionTransistorFiber optics

500 million years agob

35,000 to 50,000 years agoc6,000 years ago4,000 years agod

1040 AD in China, 1451 AD in Europe18761894192619481988: 3,000 messages at once1996: 1.5 million2000: 10 million (prediction)

Main sources: Reader's Digest Book of Facts, The Inventions ThatChanged The World and The World Book Encyclopedia.a. Most anthropologists differentiate between homo habilis (handy man),

dating back 1.5 to 2 million years, homo sapiens (wise human beings).and homo sapiens sapiens, our own species, whose earliest discoveredremains have been dated to 35,000 years ago.

b. Early "brains," of course, were very simple nervous systems.

c. No one knows for certain when understandable speech developed.But the latest brain research has identified the parts of our brain thatdeal with speech, thought and reasoning: all are in our forebrainswhich are most fully developed in homo sapiens sapiens.

d. The earliest alphabet emerged about 1700 B.C., but the more modernGreek version was not introduced into Europe until around 1000 B.C .

.--- ------ ----

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40 TheLearningRevolution

If productssuch as cars


and cerealfollowed thesame trendas the PC,

a mid-size carwould cost $27and a box of

cereal a penny.BILL GATES

Business @ The Speed Of Thought*

*Published by Warner Books, New York.

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42 The Learning Revolution

You canexpect to haveon your wristtomorrow

what you haveon your desktoday, what


fi lied a roomyesterday-NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE

Being Digita/*

* Published by Vintage Books, New York.

_ Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 14: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

Models for the newinformation age

Your child's video gamehas 10,000 times the capacity of the world's first1947 ENIAC computer.

Today's greeting cardthat sings "Happy Birthday" contains more computerpower than existed on earth before 1950.

Most home video camerascontain a more powerful chip than the huge IBM system360 computer: the giant that filled hundreds of sq. ft. ofair-conditioned space in the 1960s.

Genesis offers a gamewith a computer more powerful than a multimiUion-doliar1976 Cray supercomputer.

Sony has a videogamewith a 200 MIPs (millions of instructions per second)processor that not so long ago would have cost about$3 million in mainframe form.

Internet 2

will soon connect more than 100 universities at 600million bits per second-enough to transmit a 30-volumeencyclopedia in less than 1 second.

DON TAPSCOTT** Condensed from The Digital Economy, .

and the book edited by him, Blueprint To The Digital Economy,both published by McGraw-Hili,

11 West 19th Street, New York, NY 1001, USA.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net


Page 15: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

Financial modelfor tomorrow'slearning world

1.Turn everyTV set intonetworkcomputer6.

Makeprofit bysellingadd-ons

2.Buy setup.

boxes to linkTV sets toInternet


digital TVlearningchannels

.3.Sell al$300

or $1.50 a weekon phone


Providefree interactivecourses onInternet


GORDON DRYDEN** Presentation to British Telecommunications' Think Tank on

"Building the Communications Society", London, England, September 1996.

Note: Since then, computer prices have dropped so the cheapestcan be bought for well under $1,000. In September 1998

co-author Dryden recommended to the New Zealand Governmentthat it should underwrite the cost of providing a computer to everychild in the country, to be paid for by a Charge on the phone bill.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

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· 48 The LearningRevolution

Heqular updates: www.thelearninoweb.net- ----

With interactivemultimediasystems,

management indevelopingcountriescan bypassthe industrialrevolution.

STAN SHIHChief Executive Officer, The Acer Group *

* The Taiwan-based international computer company, numberseven in the world, in author interview.

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50 The LearningRevolution

* Published by Viking-Penguin, New York.

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KEVIN KELLYNew Rules For The New Economy*

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net-~~--- -

Page 18: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

What's neededto match

Silicon Valley?1. Major research institution

Like Stanford, Cambridge, M.I.T.

2. One megasuccess storyLike Microsoft, Nokia, Lotus, Acer

3. High-tech talentAnd the ability to attract it

4. Venture capitalIsrael, Taiwan now showing the way

5. InfrastructureSingapore the Government model

6. The right attitudeRisk-taking confidence


Newsweek cover story, The Hot New Tech Cities(November 9, 1998).

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 19: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The singlemost


country in theworld today isthe People'sRepubUcof China.LAURENCE J. BRAHM

China As No. 1*

*Published by Butterworth-Heinemann Asia1 Temasek Avenue, Singapore 039192.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 20: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

China-led modelfor new centuryD China in 1999 had only threemillion homes on the Internet, but310 million homes with TV sets.D Now Hong Kong's richest familyand Intel are linking for a giant newtelevision/Internet venture.D This will turn millions of TV setsinto low-cost network computers.D Thus hundreds of millions ofAsians, even in poor homes, willhave access to email, the World WideWeb and distance learning.D The project will include voicemailfor the majority of Asians whocannot type because they writein ideograms or phonograms.

DOUGLAS C. McGILLWired magazine *

* Empire of the Son in May, 1999, issue, on "Richard U'sIntel deal that could crack the Great Firewall of China". McGillquotes Avram Miller, Intel's business-development chief, assaying: "The scale of this will be bigger than anything else

that exists in the world."

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

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58 The LearningRevolution


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Blueprint to the Digital Economy**Published by McGraw Hill,

11 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011.

Reqular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 22: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

.. -_ ...._----------------.r 60 The Learning Revolution

* Published by Hutchinson (Random House UK),20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1 2SA, England.


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CHARLES HANDYBeyond Cert.ainty*

Regular updates: www.thelearninqweb.net

Page 23: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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When Amwaybegins sellingon the Web onSept. 1, 1999,

two great20th-century

marketing forceswill collide:multilevel·

marketing ande-commerce.


* May, 1999.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 24: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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JOHN NAISBITTco-author of Megatrends 2000*

* In author interview.~.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 25: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The new age of leisure1930: life expectancy at birth60 years-525,000 hours

The year 2000:life expectancy at birth75 years-657,000 hours


Work:50,000 hours

* Calculations based on The Age of Unreason, by Charles Handy,published by Century Hutchinson, London, England.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 26: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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* Published by Vintage Books (Random House), New York.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

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70 The Learning Revolution

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JOHN NAISBITTMegatrends Asia *

* Published by Simon & Schuster, 1230 The Avenue of the Americas,New York, NY 10020.

Page 28: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

TONY BUZANauthor of Use Your Head



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* In author interview, Marlow, England.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 29: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The otheralternative: a rising

underclassThe telephone gapHalf the world's population has never placed a phonecall.

The computer gapOnly 3 percent of the world's population uses computers,and even in the rich United States half the populationcannot afford them.

The unemployment gapEven in affluent Western Europe, 19 million peoplecannot find jobs.

The poverty gapAt least 27 million Americans are now living in poverty,and 40 percent of the nation's poor are children.

The education gapMore than half of America's young people leave schoolwithout the foundation needed to hold a good job.

The violence trap270,000 American students carry guns to school.

The wealth gap200/0'of Americans now earn 80 percent of the country'sannual income.

The knowledge gapThe have-nots become the know-nots and do-nots.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 30: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

The new third ageLife expectancy at birthin the United States


















1860 1890 19501920Data compiled from U.S. National Center for Health Statistics,

updated from a graph which appears in Ken Dychtwald's book,Age Wave, published by Bantam Books, 666 Fifth Avenue,

New York, NY 10103.

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* Published by the Association for Supervision and CurriculumDevelopment, 1250 N. Pitt St., Alexandria, VA 22134-1403.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 32: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

There isanew


that willchange

theworldas neverbefore.DON TAPSCOTT

Growing Up Digita/*

*Published by McGraw Hill,11 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 33: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

Th irteen steps to a newlearning society

Rethink the role of electroniccommunications in education.

Learn computers and the Interr:-et.

A dramatic improvement in parenteducation, especially for new parents.

A major overhaul of early childhood healthservices to avoid learning difficulties.

Quality early childhood developmentprograms for all.

Catch-up programs at every school.

Define individual learning styles andintelligences, and cater to each one.

Learning how to learn, and how to think,should be on everyone's agenda.

Redefine what should be taught at school.

A four-part curriculum, with self-esteemand life-skills training as key components.

A three-fold purpose for most study.

[ill Redefine the best teaching venues-not. just at school.

fill Keep minds open, comrnunlcatllons clear.

Regular updates: www.thelearningweb.net

Page 34: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

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Page 35: Posters From 1999 Book Dryden Vos FREE for students and teachers

An Invitation to Students and TeachersExperts who were passionate about the new ways of learningcreated posters in 1998.

What did they know back in 1998?

What did they imagine about the future?

What did they assume might happen?

What parts of these posters make sensetoday?

Visit www.TheLearningWeb.net to get the new 34-pageebook.

Which of these posters do you want in your school?

What can we learn from these posters?

What questions do you have for the authors of the book(who created these posters)?

Use what you know about the world.

Now it's your turn to make posters.

What experts do you want to listento?What words would you like to see onposters in your school?Send your ideas [email protected] and I'llforward them to TheLearningWeb.net
