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Poteet ISD Technology Plan for the Future

Date post: 06-Dec-2014
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Poteet ISD Technology Plan 2011-2014 Jennifer Lopez Ed. Tech. 8033 EDLD 5362
  • 1. Jennifer LopezEd. Tech. 8033 EDLD 5362
  • 2. Poteet ISD has developed a long-range plan for technology to provide a common vision for technology in the district. The overall goal of this plan is to address the use of technology in the classroom by students and teachers. Poteet ISD recognizes the importance instructional technology has in achieving levels of academic excellence for our students. In order to achieve this level of excellence we will first need to provide our students with a technology-rich environment in which to learn. We will also need to provide teachers with a technology-rich environment that enhances teacher productivity and instruction. This plan will serve as a guide for District staff to provide the services needed to successfully address the use of technology in our classrooms.
  • 3. A needs assessment utilizing teacher surveys, inventories and the Texas Campus STaR Chart was conducted to analyze the current status of technology in the district and determine future needs. Items analyzed included: infrastructure, hardware, software, programs, courses, student achievement, technology resources, staff development, and technical support.
  • 4. Direct connection to the Internet via 1 GB fiber line. Six 100Meg network drops in every classroom. Each classroom is wired with a 1GB fiber line from the MDF. Networked computer class with certified teacher for High School computer credit instruction. Networked computer class with certified teacher for High School computer credit instruction. Networked online card catalog and automated checkout in the library. Each classroom has one computer with selected classrooms having up to 5 computers.
  • 5. Direct connection to the Internet via 2GB fiber line. Twenty-four 100MB network drops in every classroom. Each classroom is wired with a 1GB copper line from the MDF. Three computer carts with computer and projectors for checkout. Networked computer lab for classroom teacher use. Networked computer lab with certified teacher for Computer literacy instruction. One mobile carts with 15 computers each for wireless classroom use. Networked online card catalog and automated checkout in the library. Average of four computers per classroom.
  • 6. Direct connection to the Internet via 2 GB fiber line. Each classroom is wired with a 1GB copper line from the MDF. Computer cart with computer, projectors and scanner for each grade level to checkout. Network computer lab with full-time teaching assistant for student use. Networked computer lab. One mobile carts with 15 computers each for wireless classroom use. Networked online card catalog and automated checkout in the library. Average of four computers per classroom.
  • 7. Direct connection to the Internet via 2 GB fiber line. Each classroom is wired with a 1GB fiber line from the MDF. Twenty four 100Meg network drops in every classroom. Four computer cart with computer, projectors and scanner for every grade level to checkout. Networked computer lab for 1st grade classes Networked computer lab for 2nd grade classes. Networked computer lab for 3rd grade classes. Networked online card catalog and automated checkout in the library. Average of three computers per classroom.
  • 8. According to the plan the staff has expressed the need for more support to integrate technology into their classrooms. Information from teachers and administrators shows that district personnel have varying levels of skills in relation to the SBEC standards for Technology Applications. The District will be working toward providing teachers with the skills necessary to obtain the level of technology proficiency required by all beginning educators under SBEC standards. Teachers have also indicated they have different levels of proficiency in managing technology in classrooms and other learning environments such as labs. Many teachers would like to increase their knowledge of integrating technology tools into lessons for students. This would range from using LCD projectors and smart boards connected to a computer for presentation tools to having students use computers in the classroom for research and designing presentations. Teachers have also stressed the need for non-campus instructional technologist to be available to support the integration of technology.
  • 9. Based of what I have seen each campus is in line to what the vision of the Technology Plan had in mind pertaining to internet connection and computer access. The part of the technology plan the district now needs to work on is the technology integration in each classroom and into the lessons that are being taught.
  • 10. To address the needs to the teachers, I suggest we hire a district-wide Instructional Technologist to help the teachers integrate technology into their curriculum. This person would be responsible for supporting the teachers with any help they may need including but not limited to: One-on-one time with each teacher in their classroom to help them model technology use. Staff training on a variety of technology topics as needed. Weekly site visits to each campus to address any concerns or questions the staff or administrators may have.
  • 11. In terms of software and hardware I believe there is enough in place that we can now focus on how to use the technology effectively in the classroom. Through a variety of grants some of the schools have been able to purchase additional technology items. Some of these include: iPads iPods Netbooks Laptops Adobe CS5 Microsoft Office 2011
  • 12. Depending on what technology is available each classroom, I have come up with an ideal classroom model for our district. This model includes: Teacher & student access to the internet. A projector for multimedia presentations. A smart board to engage students at the front of the classroom. Personal devices for each of the students and teachers to access the internet if needed.
  • 13. Additional devices that would be ideal to be purchase are: More iPads (if apps are preloaded, then in the case of the internet/network being down work could still be done). Student response systems for instant feedback (Mimio Votes, eInstruction voters or something like these)
  • 14. Ideally this is what the Model Classroom would look like with occasional tweaks depending on grade level and subject. Image courtesy of: http://www.pr2live.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/image-02- model-of-21st-century-classroom1.jpg
  • 15. Through our shared vision and a teamwork I believe our district can reach our goal. The main focus now needs to be on getting our teachers and students up to par on the actually technology use going on in the classroom through providing them with sufficient access to technology and adequate training.
  • 16. Nagel, D. (2010, November 9). National Ed Tech Plan Puts Technology at the Heart of Education Reform. Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/articles/2010/11/09/national-ed-tech- plan-puts-technology-at-the-heart-of-education-reform.aspx Shimabukuro, J. (2010, November 10). A Glimpse at the 2010 National Education Technology Plan. Retrieved from http://etcjournal.com/2010/11/10/glimpse-transforming- american-education-learning-powered-by-technology/ Media in Education. (2007, September 12). Classroom Of The Future HD: Whats New in Educational Tech. Retrieved May 12, 2012 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcXEznPXj8k&feature=PlayLi st&p=4DAA0739CBF70FBC&index=11&playnext=2&playnext_fro m=PL Poteet ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate. Not available online, received Word document directly from District Technology Director.
