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Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia ...

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University of Southern Denmark Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia oceanica soil profile Pineiro-Juncal, Nerea; Angel Mateo, Miguel; Holmer, Marianne; Martinez-Cortizas, Antonio Published in: Aquatic Microbial Ecology DOI: 10.3354/ame01872 Publication date: 2018 Document version: Accepted manuscript Citation for pulished version (APA): Pineiro-Juncal, N., Angel Mateo, M., Holmer, M., & Martinez-Cortizas, A. (2018). Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia oceanica soil profile. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 81(2), 189-200. https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01872 Go to publication entry in University of Southern Denmark's Research Portal Terms of use This work is brought to you by the University of Southern Denmark. Unless otherwise specified it has been shared according to the terms for self-archiving. If no other license is stated, these terms apply: • You may download this work for personal use only. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying this open access version If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details and we will investigate your claim. Please direct all enquiries to [email protected] Download date: 08. Jan. 2022
Page 1: Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia ...

University of Southern Denmark

Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia oceanica soil profile

Pineiro-Juncal, Nerea; Angel Mateo, Miguel; Holmer, Marianne; Martinez-Cortizas, Antonio

Published in:Aquatic Microbial Ecology


Publication date:2018

Document version:Accepted manuscript

Citation for pulished version (APA):Pineiro-Juncal, N., Angel Mateo, M., Holmer, M., & Martinez-Cortizas, A. (2018). Potential microbial functionalactivity along a Posidonia oceanica soil profile. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 81(2), 189-200.https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01872

Go to publication entry in University of Southern Denmark's Research Portal

Terms of useThis work is brought to you by the University of Southern Denmark.Unless otherwise specified it has been shared according to the terms for self-archiving.If no other license is stated, these terms apply:

• You may download this work for personal use only. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying this open access versionIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details and we will investigate your claim.Please direct all enquiries to [email protected]

Download date: 08. Jan. 2022

Page 2: Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia ...


Title: Potential microbial functional activity along a Posidonia oceanica (L) Delile soil 1

profile. 2


Running title: Posidonia soil microbial functional activity 4


Authors: Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal 1,2,*, Miguel Ángel Mateo 2, Marianne Holmer 3 and 6

Antonio Martínez-Cortizas 1. 7


1 Departamento de Edafoloxía e Química Agrícola, Facultade de Bioloxía, Campus Vida 9

s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 10

2 Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CEAB), c/ Accés a la Cala St. Francesc, 14, 11

17300 – Blanes, Girona, Spain 12

3 Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, 13

Denmark 14


Abstract: 16


Among the ecosystem services provided by the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, its 18

role as a carbon sink has received growing attention during the last decade. The 19

sequestration and stabilization of the carbon in the soils are tightly linked to the 20

activity of its microbial community. Ecoplates (Biolog) is a semi-quantitative tool for 21

the assessment of the microbial functional activity that generates profiles of microbial 22

carbon sources utilization. In this study the aerobic and anaerobic carbon consumption 23

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

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in a healthy P. oceanica meadow was compared along the soil depth down to 130 cm. 24

After eleven days average well color development (AWCD), Shannon-Weaver diversity 25

index (H’), and kinetics of carbon consumption were assessed. Both the aerobic and 26

anaerobic metabolisms showed carbon consumption at all depths. Color observations 27

indicated that three carbon guilds were mainly consumed while three other presented 28

low or no consumption at all. Carbon consumption kinetics was similar for both 29

metabolisms. The results suggest a pronounced stratification of the microbial 30

community controlled by oxygen availability. Furthermore, the degradation of 31

carboxylic acids and amines was low. Despite of the higher aerobic metabolism in the 32

top 40 cm, the anaerobic metabolism was dominant, supporting high sequestration of 33

carbon in P. oceanica meadows. 34


Key words: Biolog® EcoPlatesTM, microbial activity, aerobic and anaerobic 36

metabolism, long term carbon sink, Posidonia oceanica. 37



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1. Introduction: 41


Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is an aquatic macrophyte, endemic of the 43

Mediterranean Sea, forming extensive meadows down to 40 m depth (Ballesta et al. 44

2000), covering from 25.000 to 50.000 km2 (Pasqualini et al. 1998). The meadows grow 45

in height by accretion due to the sedimentation of particles, enhanced by the 46

macrophyte canopy (Gacia & Duarte 2001; Marbá et al. 2006). P. oceanica, as other 47

seagrasses, increases the carbon content of the substrate (Mateo & Romero 1997) and 48

its bacterial diversity (García-Martínez et al. 2009; Lopez et al. 1995). They have been 49

recognized as key coastal ecosystems (Campagne et al. 2014), acting as filter and sink 50

of natural particulates and pollutants (Richir et al. 2013; Serrano et al. 2013). Their 51

efficiency as filter of pollutants is much higher than for the average macrophytes 52

(Vassallo et al. 2013), and due to this capacity, P. oceanica is widely used as 53

bioindicator (Pergent-Martini et al. 2005) of water quality (Foden & Brazier 2007; 54

Gobert et al. 2009) and of human impact in coastal ecosystems (Balata et al. 2008; Luy 55

et al. 2012; Richir & Gobert 2014). 56

The different species of the Posidonia genus, distributed along the Mediterranean 57

and the Australian coasts, stimulate the deposition of sediments chronologically, 58

forming deep soils (or mats) with a high potential as environmental archives of the 59

Holocene (Ancora et al. 2004; Serrano et al. 2013; Tovar-Sánchez et al. 2010; Tranchina 60

et al. 2005; Serrano et al. 2016). The organic matter can be trapped on the soil over 61

millennia due to the anoxic conditions that prevent its fast remineralization (Canfield 62

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1994), becoming the meadow a significant global carbon sink (De Falco et al. 2011; 63

Mateo et al. 2006). 64

Microorganisms play a major role in carbon stabilization and degradation, 65

determining how and how much carbon accumulates. Carbon degradation rates in 66

marine sediments are usually associated to redox conditions, i.e. the availability of 67

electron acceptors coupled with its correspondent microbial metabolism (Thamdrup et 68

al. 2000; Fenchel et al. 1998; Llobet-Brossa et al. 2002). Microbial metabolism is much 69

faster in aerobic than in anaerobic conditions (Kristensen & Holmer 2001), and leads to 70

a more complete mineralization of a wide range of carbon sources. Anaerobic 71

microorganisms usually need a more complex bacterial food web working stepwise 72

(Fenchel et al. 1998). Furthermore, they are inefficient in mineralizing structural 73

molecules such as lignin, being those molecules usually preserved in anoxic 74

environments (Kristensen et al. 1995). Bacterial activity in seagrass meadows has been 75

studied before, finding a positive correlation with seagrass production (Lopez et al. 76

1995; Danovaro et al. 1994; Glazebrook et al. 1996; Smith et al. 2004) that can shift to 77

a negative correlation when nutrients availability is low (Danovaro et al. 1994; Holmer 78

et al. 2003; López et al. 1998; Smith et al. 2004). Another study focusing in the 79

decomposition of the organic matter in a P. oceanica mat found overall low 80

remineralization rates and a decrease in nutrients (i.e. nitrogen) with depth in the mat 81

(Pedersen et al. 2011). 82

Genetic tools allow to study uncultivated microorganisms, but generate a large 83

amount of information, difficult to process, and not necessarily related with the carbon 84

consumption or the metabolism of the microbial community (Rodríguez-Valera 2004; 85

Sørensen et al. 2007). Biolog® EcoPlatesTM is a semi-quantitative method developed to 86

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characterize the microbial functional activity by measuring the respiration of different 87

carbon sources divided in six guilds: carbohydrates, polymers, carboxylic acids, amino 88

acids, amines and miscellaneous compounds. Respiration of the microbial community 89

is revealed by the reduction of a tetrazolium dye that is included with the carbon 90

source. Ecoplates have been used to characterize microbial activity in Posidonia spp. 91

mats, in the water column above them (Richir et al. 2012) and in the soil (Säwström et 92

al. 2016), but only under aerobic conditions. As the mat is a highly reduced 93

environment, experiments comparing both aerobic and anaerobic activity may provide 94

important information on the role of the two metabolisms. 95

Ecoplates have also been used to measure aerobic activity in rivers, lakes and soils, 96

comparing differences in potential carbon consumption seasonally and geographically 97

(Pérez Rodríguez & Martínez Cortizas 2014; Freixa et al. 2015; Christian & Lind 2007; 98

Lyons & Dobbs 2012). Christian and Lind (2007), working in a seasonally stratified lake, 99

found a correlation between the consumed carbon sources, seasonal variations and 100

temperature, O2 diffusion, and redox potential. The same authors, successfully used 101

Ecoplates to measure anaerobic activity in water samples, being the anaerobic 102

communities also affected by seasonal variations (Christian & Lind 2006). 103

In the present study we used Ecoplates to assess the patterns of distribution of 104

bacterial activity within the mat. To this end we incubated mat samples, obtained 105

along a 1.30 m mat core of P. oceanica, under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The 106

implications of this microbial patterns over carbon degradation and preservation in the 107

soil are discused. 108



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2. Materials and Methods: 111


a. Sampling site and field works: 113


A core of P. oceanica soil was taken in Portlligat Bay, Girona, Spain (42o 17.454’ N, 115

3º 17.513’ E). Around 69% of the bay is covered by well-preserved P. oceanica 116

meadows growing in medium to coarse sand (Lo Iocano et al. 2008). The bay connects 117

to the sea by a 213 m wide opening to the North East. 118

Sampling was done by SCUBA diving by manually hammering and rotating a PVC 119

corer (160 cm long, i.d. 7.5 cm) into the soil. A core catcher was fitted at the bottom of 120

the corer to avoid the loss of material during the extraction. The corer penetrated 146 121

cm in the soil but the length of core retrieved was 91 cm. Assuming the core catcher 122

worked efficiently and that no material was left behind during retrieval, this yields a 123

core compression of 38%, a usual value for this coring method (Glew et al. 2001). 124

The core was sealed with stoppers, taped at both ends and transported to the 125

laboratory under cold conditions within the 2 hours after collection. In the laboratory 126

the core was cut longitudinally into two halves using a ceramic knife for the inner core 127

to avoid metal contamination. Both halves (referred to as hemi-cores) were then 128

sealed and stored at 5 oC in darkness for 2 days until processing. 129


b. Analysis of microbial functional activity: 131


The eight bottom centimeters were discarded resulting in a remaining core length 133

of 83 cm. Core-shortening (compression) was corrected applying a logarithmic function 134

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to the length measured in the laboratory to approximate it to the field length, as in 135

Serrano et al. (2012), resulting in a 131 cm soil profile. The labels of the samples in this 136

study refer to the decompressed depth. 137


i. Ecoplates aerobic incubations: 139


In essence, the protocol performed for aerobic and anaerobic incubations of the 141

samples is a modification of the method applied by Pérez-Rodríguez and Martínez-142

Cortizas (2014) used for peat under aerobic conditions and adapted to marine 143

sediment samples and anaerobic conditions by the use of a nitrogen chamber and 144

artificial sea water. 145

Each hemi-core was cut into 2 cm sections, subsampled for microbial analysis in 15 146

layers (see Fig. 2 for sample distribution). Because Ca concentrations greater than 100 147

ppm can induce false positives in Ecoplates (Pierce et al. 2014), 1 sample was taken 148

from each half core to determine the content in Ca (see below). 149

All materials used were sterilized at 120oC for 1h, to avoid contamination between 150

samples. From each section a 4 cm3 sample was taken using a sterile polycarbonate 151

cylinder, and stored in 50 ml falcon tubes with 30 ml of sterilized artificial seawater. 152

The tubes were vigorously shaken at room temperature for 3 days to suspend and 153

activate the microorganisms after the cold storage period. The suspensions were then 154

filtered through 15-20 µm filters (Albet140) and used to inoculate the Ecoplates. Each 155

well was inoculated with 100 µl suspension using a multichannel micropipette and 156

read right away to get the blank (T0). The plates were then incubated at 26 oC for 11 157

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days. The plates were read twice a day during the first 5 days and once a day after that 158

(T1 to T15). 159

Every plate has 96 wells containing 31 different carbon sources (2 amines, 3 160

miscellaneous compounds, 4 polymers, 7 carbohydrates, 9 carboxylic acids and 6 161

amino acids; see Fig. 1) in triplicate and a blank. Each well contains a minimum growth 162

medium and a tetrazolium dye that develops color when the microorganisms reduce 163

the substrate. The absorbance was read at 590 nm in a spectrophotometer (Model 164

680, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA). 165

Figure 1 166

The Ca concentration was analyzed after filtration of the two samples by atomic 167

absorption, and showed concentrations lower than the limit value (< 100 ppm Ca; data 168

not shown). 169


ii. Ecoplate anaerobic incubations: 171


Subsampling and replication was the same in the anaerobic and aerobic 173

incubations, except that the extraction, filtration and inoculation were performed in a 174

nitrogen atmosphere (chamber Cole Parmer MO: SL 34790-00). The artificial sea water 175

was bubbled with nitrogen before being used for the experiment within the chamber 176

(Christian & Lind 2006). The tubes and inoculated plates were sealed with parafilm 177

before removing them from the chamber. The incubation and the readings were as for 178

the aerobic incubations, keeping the anaerobic samples sealed with parafilm to avoid 179

the diffusion of oxygen into them. 180


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c. Numerical procedures: 182


The data from the Ecoplates was processed using the software R to obtain the 184

mean of each source in each plate at each time, eliminating values that resulted in 185

coefficients of variation larger than 30. To all mean values, the respective mean 186

absorbance at T0 was subtracted, to obtain the variation due only to the consumption 187

of the carbon source, not to the initial color of the inoculum. After that, the average 188

well color development (AWCD) was calculated for each sample at T15 using the 189

following equation (Garland & Mills 1991): 190

AWCD=Σ(Ri-C)/N 191


where Ri is the color of each well at a given time (after blank correction), C is the 193

color development in the blank (A1) and N is the number of carbon sources (31). The 194

AWCD quantifies the metabolism in the aerobic and anaerobic incubations. 195

Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’) was also calculated (Stefanowicz et al. 2010): 196

H’=-Σpi(lnpi) 197


where pi is the average corrected-color of each well divided by the sum of all the 199

wells in the plate. 200

To compare the metabolisms a ratio (AN/AE, anaerobic/aerobic) was calculated 201

with the absorbance values at T15 for each carbon guild. Values <10% of the maximum 202

absorbance value of the guild were excluded an considered as not consumed to avoid 203

extreme ratio values. 204

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The change in AWCD with time showed two distinct phases characterized by a fast 205

(typically T1 to T4-7) and a slower color development (until T15). The slopes of each 206

phase were calculated to express the rate of microbial activity in the wells. 207


3. Results: 209


The core utilized in this study had a high content of macroscopic plant debris 211

(rhizomes, roots and leaf sheaths) in the upper part (25 cm) whereas limited debris 212

were present in the deeper part (visual observation). 213


d. Stratification: 215


The microbial metabolism, expressed as AWCD varied between microplates 217

incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (Fig 2). There was consumption of 218

microbial substrates at all depths, but it was higher in the upper part of the mat (upper 219

34 cm) for the aerobic compared to the anaerobic incubation (Student test: P<0.001, 220

mean AWCD: aerobic 0.81±0.16; anaerobic 0.71±0.11). In the deeper samples (below 221

34 cm) anaerobic metabolism was higher than aerobic (Student test: P<0.001, mean 222

AWCD: aerobic 0.55±0.12; anaerobic 0.87±0.20). For the whole core anaerobic 223

metabolism was higher than the aerobic one (Student test: P<0.001, mean AWCD: 224

aerobic, 0.66±0.19; anaerobic, 0.80±0.18). 225


Figure 2 227


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The development in AWCD showed two distinct phases in all incubations with a 229

fast rate in the beginning (until T4 or T7 in aerobic incubations and T4 to T12 in 230

anaerobic conditions) followed by a slower rate for the remaining part of the 231

incubation period. The aerobic bacteria responded faster in the upper parts of the 232

core, whereas the rates were similar for aerobic and anaerobic incubations in the 233

deeper parts. The rates of the second phase were similar for both metabolisms and 234

showed little variation with the depth of the core (Fig 3). 235


Figure 3 237


The H’ diversity index was very similar for both conditions and all the samples, 239

averaging 3.1±0.1. 240


e. Compounds consumption: 242


The carbon utilization was similar for aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms but there 244

were major differences between the substrates. A higher consumption (the average 245

color development of the carbon source in the whole core>1) was recorded in aerobic 246

conditions for B4, C1, C4, D2, D4, E1, E2, F1, G1 and H1 (3 amino acids, 4 247

carbohydrates, 2 polymers and 1 carboxylic acid; Fig. 1), and in anaerobic conditions 248

for B1, B4, C1, C4, D1, D2, E1, E2, E4, F1, F2, F4, G1 and H1 (1 miscellaneous 249

compound, 4 polymers, 2 amino acids, 4 carbohydrates and 1 carboxylic acid; Fig. 1). 250

There was no consumption (average color development <0.3) of compounds A2, C3, 251

D3, E3, G2, G3 and H2 (1 carbohydrate, 4 carboxylic acids and 2 miscellaneous; Fig. 1) 252

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in the aerobic incubation. Similarly, in the anaerobic incubation compounds C3, D3, E3, 253

F3, G3 and H2 (5 carboxylic acids and 1 miscellaneous; Fig. 1) were not consumed. The 254

remaining compounds showed intermediate levels of consumption (aerobic: A3, A4, 255

B1, B2, B3, C2, D1, E4, F2, F3, F4, G1, G4, H3 and H4; anaerobic: A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, C2, 256

D4, G2, G4 H3 and H4). The carbon guilds with highest consumption, were polymers 257

(aerobic average: 1.32±0.54; anaerobic average: 1.23±0.34), carbohydrates (aerobic 258

average: 0.96±0.58; anaerobic average: 1.03±0.56) and amino acids (aerobic average: 259

0.79±0.58; anaerobic average: 1.17±0.42). Conversely, the carbon guilds with the 260

lowest consumption were carboxylic acids (aerobic average: 0.32±0.30; anaerobic 261

average: 0.39±0.42), amines (aerobic average: 0.45±0.26; anaerobic average: 0.55±0.5) 262

and miscellaneous compounds (aerobic average: 0.37±0.45; anaerobic average: 263

0.51±0.5). 264

The aerobic consumption of polymers was higher than the anaerobic in the first 40 265

cm (AN/AE < 1) whereas the opposite was the case below (AN/AE > 1; Fig. 4). The 266

carbohydrates consumption by both metabolisms followed a similar pattern than the 267

polymers, with most of the AN/AE ratios lower than 1 in the top 40 cm and most of 268

them above 1 below 40 cm, and higher heterogeneity among the compounds. Amino 269

acids were consumed at all depths, except for A4, E4 and F4 that showed no 270

consumption under aerobic conditions in several samples (Fig. 4). The distribution with 271

depth of the AN/AE ratio is more homogeneous in the first 40 cm (except for the top 272

sample) and more heterogeneous and higher below. The carboxylic acids showed a 273

low consumption for both metabolisms. The depth distribution of the AN/AE ratios is 274

homogeneous with lower data available below 60 cm due to the lack of consumption 275

of one of the metabolisms or both. The amines ratio showed a very heterogeneous 276

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distribution with no clear depth pattern. The miscellaneous compounds G2 and H2 277

were almost not consumed under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The miscellaneous 278

B1 was consumed by both metabolisms at all depths showing a homogeneous rate 279

distribution around 1. 280


Figure 4 282

f. AWCD Kinetics: 283


The AWCD value of each sample was calculated to the 15th time measurements 285

obtaining its change over time. The resulting curve fitted a logarithmic model where 286

two phases could be differentiated, a first fast consumption phase and a second slower 287

phase, varying the time of change between the two phases among samples. 288

The slope of the first phase was almost always higher than that of the slow 289

consumption phase (Fig. 3). Average slope for the faster aerobic phase is 4.9 10-3 2.6 290

10-3 and for the slow phase 1.5 10-3 0.4 10-3. Under anaerobic conditions the average 291

slopes are 4.5 10-3 2.3 10-3 and 1.0 10-3 0.4 10-3, respectively. On average, for the 292

first phase aerobic consumption rate (i.e. slope) is 3.3 times higher and the anaerobic 293

one is 4.5 times higher than the corresponding ones of the second phase. In the first 294

phase average rates are quite similar for both metabolisms, while the aerobic 295

metabolism is 1.5 higher than the anaerobic for the second phase. 296

The depth distribution of consumption rates is similar for the aerobic metabolism 297

(r= 0.67, p<0.01), with low values in the uppermost sample, the largest values in the 298

next two/three samples and a decreasing trend below. No trend was found for the 299

consumption rates of the two phases under anaerobic conditions. 300

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4. Discussion: 302


Microbial functional activity was found for both aerobic and anaerobic 304

metabolisms along the P. oceanica 1.3 m soil core studied. The microbial consumption 305

of the substrates was higher under anaerobic conditions and showed large differences 306

between the carbon sources. Polymers, carbohydrates and amino acids were more 307

readily used than carboxylic acids, amines or miscellaneous compounds. 308


g. Stratification: 310


Substrates consumption evidences the presence of microorganisms able to 312

metabolize carbon sources with and without oxygen, facultative or strict, in all samples 313

studied. The degradation efficiency or the microbial density in the initial inoculum of 314

aerobic microorganisms was probably higher in the top most half of the core, where 315

the degradation of the carbon sources was higher (Fig. 2). Conversely, in the bottom 316

half of the core the efficiency/density of aerobic microorganisms was probably lower 317

than efficiency/density of anaerobic microorganism, as average AWCD values for the 318

whole core were 1.2 times higher for the anaerobic than for the aerobic experiment 319

(0.80 vs. 0.66), despite anaerobic metabolism being less efficient in carbon 320

degradation (Fenchel et al. 1998). This suggested that the cell number of anaerobic 321

microorganism must have been larger to account for the higher activity. P. oceanica 322

has adapted to the anoxic conditions of its soils by releasing oxygen through the roots 323

to the sediment to maintain an oxic rhizosphere and avoid the formation and uptake of 324

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sulphides into the plant (Borum et al. 2006; Holmer et al. 2003). The average length of 325

Posidonia ssp. roots is ca. 43 cm (Duarte et al. 1998), justifying the occurrence of 326

aerobic activity in this part of the sediments. Bioturbation is also a common process 327

taking place in the upper layers of seagrass sediments resulting in an increased 328

oxygenation of the sediments (Kristensen 2000). Outside the influence of the 329

rhizosphere or the bioturbated areas, the carbon consumption in the soil occurs 330

through anaerobic metabolism. It seems then plausible to hypothesize that the main 331

process of degradation of organic matter in the mat is the anaerobic metabolism, 332

limiting the degradation of organic matter and thereby preserving plant remains 333

resulting in high accumulation of organic C, as previously observed (e.g., Serrano et al. 334

2012). 335

The H’ index was high and similar for both metabolisms along the depth of the core 336

suggesting a divers microbial community similar to previous findings in P. oceanica 337

meadows (García-Martínez et al. 2009; Säwström et al. 2016) and over terrestrial soils 338

(Liao et al. 2016; Thomas et al. 2016; Nurulita et al. 2016). 339


h. Substrate consumption: 341


The main difference between the two incubations related to consumption of 343

carbon sources is a larger number of compounds with high consumption (average 344

absorbance value through the whole core >1, Fig. 2) in the anaerobic incubations. Five 345

compounds were metabolized to a higher extent in the anaerobic compared to the 346

aerobic incubations suggesting a wider spectrum of potential carbon sources to the 347

anaerobic metabolism. 348

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The polymers were metabolized easily by both metabolisms throughout the core. 349

In the first 40 cm the ratio between anaerobic and aerobic metabolism remains below 350

1, meaning a higher aerobic potential activity on polymers. Below this depth only F1 351

(Glycogen) stays < 1, whereas other compounds, e.g. C1 and D1 (Tween 40 and 80), 352

showed higher consumption under anaerobic conditions. 353

As the polymers, the carbohydrates show faster aerobic consumption in the first 40 354

cm, and shift to higher anaerobic consumption below. Some of the carbohydrates 355

differ from this behavior: A2 (β-Methyl-D-Glucoside) had limited aerobic consumption 356

in almost all depths but it was moderate consumed under anaerobic conditions (Fig. 2 357

and 4); C3 (2-Hydroxy Benzoic Acid) had low consumption under both conditions and 358

did not present any clear trend; B1 showed high aerobic consumption in the first 40 cm 359

and low in the remaining samples, but almost no anaerobic consumption. 360

All the amino acids were highly consumed under anaerobic conditions while under 361

aerobic conditions they were only consumed in the first 40 cm, with particular low 362

consumption of A4, E4 and F4 (L-Arginine, L-Treonine and Glycyl-L-Glutamic Acid). This 363

seems to point towards an adapted anaerobic community with a wider spectrum of 364

amino acids as substrates. The aerobic community in the upper sections would rely on 365

leached organic matter from the roots, while the anaerobic community, growing away 366

from the influence of the rhizosphere may have access to more aged organic matter, 367

developing metabolic pathways to degrade less labile carbon sources. 368

The carboxylic acids showed a very low consumption for both metabolisms all 369

along the core. The exception is F2 (D-Glucosaminic acid) that showed only low 370

consumption in the aerobic metabolism, while its consumption was one of the fastest 371

under anaerobic conditions. D-Glucosaminic acid is degraded by the Glucosaminic acid 372

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dehydrase, which is produced by microorganisms highly adapted to this carbon source 373

(Balazs & Jeanloz 1966). According with our data, microorganisms with potential to 374

degrade glucosamine acids are primarily found under anaerobic conditions, with only 375

moderate potential activity in the most superficial aerobic samples. 376

Amines and miscellaneous compounds showed low consumption in both 377

metabolisms, except for B1 (Pyrubic Acid Methyl Ester) with high consumption under 378

both anaerobic and aerobic conditions, maintaining AN/AE values around 1 in all the 379

core. 380

The different behavior found for highly consumed carbon guilds (polymers, 381

carbohydrates and amino acids) between the first 40 cm and the rest of the core 382

seems to agree with the hypothesis of the rhizosphere influencing the microbial 383

community by changing oxygen availability around it, as mentioned above. The fact 384

that those differences are not shown for the remaining three guilds can be due to its 385

general lower potential consumption. As most of the dissolved organic matter, fresh 386

plant remains and seston organic matter would be deposited on the first layers of the 387

soil or on the rhizosphere, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that the resident 388

anaerobic community had developed the capacity to feed on a wider spectrum of 389

carbon sources (more amino acids, glucosaminic acids…) to compensate for the lack of 390

easy degradable ones. This hypothesis would be in agreement with the wider range of 391

carbon sources highly utilized by the anaerobic metabolism (15 vs 10). 392

Only a few compounds were not consumed in any of the two experiments (C3, D3, 393

E3, G3 and H2, 4 carboxylic acids and 1 miscellaneous compound). Furthermore, there 394

was no consumption of A2 and G2 (carbohydrate and miscellaneous) under aerobic 395

conditions and F3 (carboxylic acid) under anaerobic conditions. C3 and D3 (2 and 4-396

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Hydroxy Benzoic Acid) are abundant in P. oceanica detritus, associated with roots and 397

sheaths, which are plant debris increasing down core (Kaal et al. 2016). The lack of 398

consumption of these carbon sources in our experiment supports the interpretation of 399

Kaal et al. (2016) that this compounds are part of a recalcitrant bigger compound. The 400

stability of this compound would prevent the microbial degradation associated with 401

the humified materials in the fine fraction of the sediment (Gadel & Bruchet 1987), 402

avoiding the development of a microbial consumer community. Compounds without a 403

community of consumers are good candidates to become blue carbon, even if the 404

mechanisms of stabilization are not yet clear. 405

In a similar work on a peat core, under aerobic conditions, Pérez-Rodríguez and 406

Martínez-Cortizas (2014) found that one of the carboxylic acids (E3, γ-Hydroxybutiric 407

Acid) was not consumed, and that a miscellaneous compound (H2, D,L-α-Glycerol 408

Phosphate) showed very low consumption. They did not test consumption under 409

anaerobic conditions. Also under aerobic conditions, Säwström et al. (2016) found that 410

amines, carboxylic acids and phenolic compounds (C3 and D3, here as carboxylic acids) 411

were the less consumed groups in seagrass sediment cores of estuarine and coastal 412

environments. Furthermore, in a work performed on larger sample sets (704 from the 413

Nederland Soil Monitoring Network, and 73 from a European-wide transect), Rutgers 414

et al. (2015) found a very low consumption of G3 and C3 (both carboxylic acids), and, 415

again, no consumption of E3, suggesting limited consumption of this carbon sources in 416

soils. 417


i. Kinetics: 419


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Overall, the AWCD development with incubation time fitted an asymptotic curve. 421

Pérez-Rodríguez and Martínez-Cortizas (2014) obtained similar patterns, interpreting 422

them as sigmoidal, as usually found in the literature on the topic. In our study the lag 423

phase leading to that sigmoidal pattern was not evident, as we did not record data for 424

the first two days. The slope of the phases recorded, a fast growing phase and a slow 425

phase reaching the asymptote, was used as a proxy of carbon consumption rate. The 426

point of change between the two phases varies among the samples but was always 427

between 40-80 h under aerobic conditions and between 40 and 220 h under anaerobic 428

conditions (Fig. 3). This wider range for anaerobic incubations can be related to a 429

slower growth rate of the community (Fenchel et al. 1998; Kristensen & Holmer 2001). 430

The second phase rate is quite similar for both metabolisms with no major 431

variation along the depth of the core (Fig. 3). The first phase is more heterogeneous 432

without a particular trend for anaerobic metabolisms. Conversely, the aerobic 433

metabolism shows a maximum at the top most 40 cm (specially 6-9 and 12-15), with 434

lower values below. The higher rate can be related to a more efficient community or, 435

more likely, to a higher initial cell number. 436


5. Conclusions: 438


To our knowledge, Ecoplates have been used only once to test anaerobic 440

consumption in water samples (Christian and Lind (2006, 2007), but never in soil or 441

sediment samples. 442

Applying the same protocol under aerobic and anaerobic conditions allows to make 443

direct comparisons of the results. It must be taken into account that the information 444

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about carbon sources consumption provided by the Ecoplates has to be regarded as 445

potential, because the conditions of the incubation are far from those in the field. 446

Furthermore, growing microorganisms in the laboratory can affect the community 447

structure promoting those more suited to growth in culture medium. Also, as 448

Ecoplates are intended to analyze aerobic metabolism, the final electron acceptor of 449

the respiration chain is O2, but when incubated under anaerobic conditions the 450

electron acceptors available to the microorganisms must come from the initial 451

inoculum. This can affect the results in two ways: the anaerobic acceptor may not be in 452

excess, as assumed, and the initial inoculum may not have one of the possible electron 453

acceptors (Mn+4 for example) present in the soil. This will result in a lower microbial 454

activity. Despite these methodological problems, we think that the following 455

conclusions can be inferred from this study: 456

- Carboxylic acids and amines do not seem to be easily degraded by the P. oceanica 457

soil community. Further research is needed to determine if these compounds are 458

preferentially preserved as recalcitrant forms. The anaerobic community seems to be 459

able to metabolize a wider spectrum of carbon sources than their aerobic 460

counterparts, and has adapted to feed on more recalcitrant compounds. 461

- Microbes showed a clear depth stratification, most likely resulting from oxygen 462

gradients associated to both the distance to the soil surface and to the roots of the 463

seagrass. Two zones were identified: one near the living plant, where the fresh plant 464

exudates and plant debris are actively decomposed, and a slow degradation zone, 465

where the buried carbon decays slowly. Further experiments will be necessary to know 466

if there is also a stratification within the anaerobic metabolism due to the other 467

electron acceptors. 468

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- Overall, our results point to a clear dominance of the anaerobic metabolism in the 469

seagrass soil samples studied. Consumption stratification and kinetic patterns strongly 470

suggest that the community of anaerobes is larger (cell number) and more active 471

(higher potential activity) in P. oceanica soils than that of their aerobic counterparts. 472

This outcome adds knowledge to explain the low Corg turnover reported for P. oceanica 473

soils. 474


Acknowledgements: 476

The authors would like to thanks Marta Pérez Rodriguez and Dr. Xose Luis Otero 477

Perez for their valuable laboratory assistance and to Carmen Leiva Dueñas and Anna 478

Thoran for the samples collection. This work was funded by the projects SUMILEN 479

(CTM2013- 47728-R, MINECO) and PALEOPARK (1104/2014). This is a paper of the 480

Group of Benthic Ecology 2014 SGR 120. 481


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Figures: 689


Figure 1: Ecoplates carbon sources. Pol, polymers; Cbh, carbohydrates; Cb A, carboxylic 691

acids; Misc, miscellaneous compounds; Am A, amino acids and Amin, amines. Modified 692

from the technical document of Boilog®. 693


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Figure 2: Top: consumption at day eleventh (T15) of each compound with depth in 696

aerobic conditions, average values and H’ and AWCD index. Bottom: consumption at 697

day eleventh (T15) of each compound with depth in anaerobic conditions, average 698

values and H’ and AWCD index. Color scale: white, without significant consumption 699

(lower than 0.5); yellow, low consumption (between 0.5 and 1); light red, high 700

consumption (between 1 and 1.5); dark red, very high consumption (upper 1.5); 701

purple, highly consumed compound at all depths (average higher than 1); green, 702

compound that did not show consumption (average lower than 0.3); A1: blank. 703


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Figure 3: Left: examples of AWCD change with time (logarithmic Y axis) at three depths 706

(6-9, 18-22 and 50-53 cm). Black dot, phase change; grey line, logarithmic fitting curve; 707

dots line, moving average. Right: distribution of the slope (carbon consumption rates) 708

with depth (cm). 709

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Figure 4: distribution of the ratio AN/AE of each Ecoplate carbon guild with depth at 711

T15. The values that appear on the “Y” axis mean there was no significant anaerobic 712

consumption; those on the “X” axis mean that no significant aerobic consumption was 713

recorded. The blue line indicates identity for anaerobic and anaerobic AWCD values. 714

