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Potscard - Issue3

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Newspaper of the 54th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, Potsdam 2007
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POTSCARD Issue 3 Sunday 25th March READ THE PAPER!
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POTSCARDIssue 3 Sunday 25th March


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We had no sleep.

Finally eMANcipation! After the wave of emancipation of women in the 60’s, which didn’t

go down well with the race of MEN- the race of women took over. This actually isn’t the worst

problem. The biggest problem is that MEN nowadays are in denial, a lot of them think they are still in control of their women. That is how much women have taken over! It’s sad, and we should be ashamed. Therefore I call upon an


By this I’m appointing myself as the leader. MEN, I swear to lead this revolution to the bitter end. I know this is a lot of responsibility and sacrifice, but I’m ready and willing. I was not able to come up with any better idea than to lead this revolution in my boxers and vest (which should be a bit too short in order to show off our beer bellies), holding my beer in one hand, and my newspaper in the other. These things will be our symbols in the future.

My friends, I’m glad to say that we, MEN, have already achieved our first victory. We grew, my

friends, today we’re having our first MEN’s page.VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!!


Dear MEN, To prove that the eMANcipation of the male gender does not necessarily mean that we hate women, from this day on, we will take a picture every

day, which shows us MEN spreading the love. And to emphasise that these relations are improving, there will be more women every day!The first ones to have this honour are our lovely editresses.

Our fair ladies and gents, we’re glad to represent to you the first of the daily HOT-list. This is not just a list of beautiful girls!!! The girls we pick out are not just chosen by their natural beauty but also for their general appearance and behaviour. In these articles we’ll discuss our favourite EYPer. The following hottie was spotted last night doing her thing. In our opinion she showed that the southern temperament is super hot! After only two days she already has a huge fan club of male EYPers. As you can see from the picture, this kitten isn’t afraid to use her claws. We bet all the boys are just dying to be scratched! Remember girls, KEEP IT HOT!

Your spotters,


54th International Session

Helya (Editress)

still has one shoe in the boat...Simon,

you stink!


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I miss you

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There is the leadership of Constance (NED), Emma (IRL), Lena (SWE) and Sarah (GER) with their bodyguard Sigbjorn (NOR) backing them up. Potential leaders for the future of Europe and the faith of its citizens. Then there is Judith (AUT), Chiara (ITA), Brecht (BEL) and Marco (POR). Their interest is focussed on the miracles that Mother Nature produces in order to improve every single aspect of Europe’s natural science landscape. Last but not least there is Sven (HRV), Daniel (FIN), Alexander (RUS), Filip (CZE), Gina-Grete (EST) and Maryna (UKR). They are closely weighing the pros and cons of every step up and discuss these steps carefully. Europe’s economic wealth will depend on their decisions. Am I exaggerating here? Well, I would deny it when the topic comes to AFCO, the committee of Europe’s best functioning

AFCO - Branch in the Faceteam. Nevertheless there were some difficulties to overcome on their way of success in the game of “night line”. Our natural scientists underwent a little detour through the woods or just hugged

the trees (it was a lovely picture Brecht!). Or take our economists being lost in their thoughts about the various goods the world has to offer, which led them to forget their actual mission from time to time. The politicians could not escape the difficulties of “night line” as well. Constance got a bit confused while she was trying to find a specific word, which until today has not yet been clarified.

So instead of asking for the word or trying to describe the word in other words, she randomly screamed “cat!” Anyway AFCO cannot be stopped on their way, you rock guys!

*you get the chance to eat a gherkin out of a can during coffee breaks*you get to see girls in tight skirts and boys in handsome suits

*you can pretend to be important*you can learn the “Funky Chicken” and use it as a tool to impress the boy/

girl that you fancy with your slick moves *you can talk to cool hot journos and get you whole life-story published in

the paper*you can enjoy the Deutsche cuisine

*you are woken up by organisers in the loveliest way possible*you can drink so much coffee that you and your committee will literally

bounce back to teambuilding *you can (hopefully) see your teacher dance during one of the parties

*you can meet Bernd, the lovely bartender*and Sabina, his girlfriend

*and his dog Charlie*you can hope that there is journo nudity in the next EYP-TV episode

*you can see a person pretending to be a frog in the “Frog song” and find out that he/she is the one who’s chairing you in committee work

54th International Session In Sweden there are people

who are allergic to electricity.


1� reasons why the Potsdam session rules:

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Viel mehr Gurken aus Potsdam!

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54th International SessionHaving once again spent a morning with the Committee on Foreign Affairs �, it has become clear to me that the best word to describe this committee’s efforts is enthusiasm. There’s no escape possible, enthusiasm is all over the place.

Having started the morning with Vogue, the committee dove straight into Spiders Web. Enthusiastic as they all are, I heard exciting shouts such as Beatriz’s (POR) „I love this game!“. Accompanied by James Bond-ish hums (remember the talent?), the combined forces of all team members led to an excellent execution of the game. In their search for solutions to the problems that Spiders Web faced the committee with, interesting suggestions such as „Cant we just like throw someone over the web“ were raised. Enthusiastic or what, huh? ;-)

AFET� - The Limit“I have done all of


Hedvig (NOR),AFET II


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Wish you were here.

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54th International Session Did you enjoy

the barbecue last night?


Volim te!* Every single one of you!Underslept and overwhelmed delegates of the LIBE 3 committee makes sure that Ashlee Simpson’s L.O.V.E would be and stay as the theme song of this session! They have so much love to give and here are some examples:Cecilia (FIN): ,,Wanna make a love explosion on me?‘‘ (after the name games)Aisling (IRE): ,,I love your nose!‘‘ Milena (MAC): ,,Really?‘‘ ,,You can have it!‘‘Aurelian (FRA): ,,I love your hair!‘‘ John (GER): ,, Nothing else???‘‘ Sabina (ROM): ,,Should we like..lie down for the kiss?‘‘ Aisling (IRE): ,, Maybe later.‘‘Sabina (ROM) to a partner: ,,I‘ll show you when we’ll sleep...‘‘Ayoub (NED): ,,If I could have any woman in the world, I would have Angela Merkel!‘‘ ,,He is such a strong woman!‘‘

* ,,I love you!‘‘ in Serbian

My cup of tea!

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Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll! Or maybe just the last one...

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The last bricks have been used, the team has been built… DROI builders do not look tired or exhausted, they enjoyed the process and are enthusiastic about their architectural masterpiece.Contagious smiles were present during the games all the time, and it was so hard not to burst into laughter while playing the love confession game. Karolina Jonsson (SWE) proved to be a passionate lover, using all kinds of sexy tricks, but Nicoletta Themistocleous (CYP) remained cold, she just threw a reserved reply: “I love you, honey, but I just cant smile!” Sandra Stojanovic (CER) was eager to start every game, she didn’t care whether she was to be a murder or a saviour, she was so enthusiastic about her personal contribution to the construction process. Daniel Hynes (!IRE!) was accidentally called a British guy, but since EYP is all about understanding, it was one more reason for a hilarious moment.Xavier Legarrec (FRA) scared his committee, telling them he will change chairing into French, whenever they are not being good, but that’s a hypothetical statement, because the committee has been doing a great job and will definitely continue to do so, there is only a RIGHT way for the Human Rights committee.

Human RIGHTS never goes WRONG!

Donald Duck’s three nephews

Italian : Qui Quo QuaGerman: Tick Trick TrackFinnish: Hupu Tupu LupuCzech: Kulik Bulik DulikSwedish: Knatte Fnatte TjatteDutch: Kwik Kwek KwakUkranian: Kriak Riuk KriokPersian: Piff-Kooo Chooo LoooSpanish: Jorgito Jaimito JulitoEstonian: Hupsu Dupsu LupsuFrench: Fifi Rifi LuluLatvian: Maks Baks DaksIrish: Stiophaneagal Kleoriagakal Ljiaopahiekgal



ternational Session

Want to stop the

greenhouse effect?

Stop farting!25-03-2007

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Sunny Beach DROI!


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Dear mum, Today Libe I woke up with confidence! It’s their second day teambuidling and things are easier. From the very begining it looked that this day was going to be hot(and i dont mean just the weather). The coin game was one of the highlights where people got closer! Apart from other things, it made everybody realise that Tania (FYR) has such funny and loud laughter! She just couldn’t stop laughing when people were stepping on each other to make sure

t h a t t h e c o i n wouldn’t fall on the floor. But that’s not eve ry th ing . The pass the ball game followed , and things got hotter. Giulia(ITA) and

Fourni(SPA), seemed to enjoy passing the ball (if you know what i mean!). But that’s not all as well! When p e o p l e were planning on how to form a m o n s t e r

with 10 l e g s ,

Kami l (POL) and Tina(HUN) were

sharing the last night’s party gossip..! Oh yes, it seems like they

know some really spicy things! Hmm, I guess that’ s all for now, I got to run to find out more about these guys!Big Hugs!

P.S: Ask Tania(FYR) to laugh, it’s a real experience to hear her laugh!

From Potsdam with Love 54th International Session


The opening of the teambuilding marked the first part of this session. After giving a short speech to the participants, the Member of the European Parliament, Norbert Glante, agreed to answering a couple of questions in our humble pressroom.Mr Glante started his political career around �0 years ago and he has been in the EP since 1���. Throughout our little interview he made clear that he appreciates and encourages young people to get involved in politics. In Germany discussions are going on concerning lowering the election age from 1� years down to 16 years. Mr Glante said he is quite curious about this idea. He added that politics is a lot about making compromises. Especially through organisations such as the EYP young people can improve their ability to find compromises and to be aware of the difficulties contentious issues can raise.Furthermore the journalist team wanted Mr Glante to comment on the session theme “migration” and how migration is reflected in his home city Potsdam. He pointed out that the situation is closely connected to the political history of the region. The issue of migration after the fall of the Berlin Wall was largely characterised by the former influence of the restricted migration possibilities within the GDR and the Soviet Union.

Ever since, the people of Potsdam and the state of Brandenburg as well as their elected representatives have undergone a gradual opening towards their migration policies. Mr Glante highlighted to us that today the status of migration in Potsdam is characterised by open-mindedness and tolerance.Mr Glante also emphasised the fact that young people should be encouraged to show an interest in political and social matters. This should mainly be done by simple efforts such as reading a newspaper or watching the TV news. In the end, we asked Mr Glante whether he wants his own children to become politicians or not. The answer was positive, but he has no intention in pushing them in that direction. They have to make their decisions by themselves. Nevertheless, he is happy to see that his children are becoming more and more interested in politics. In the name of EYP we would again like to thank Mr Glante for his support and his inspiration. We hope that this co-operation will continue and we wish him every luck and success for his future.

Interview with MEP

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Greetings from LIBE I


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Dear readers, I have something very special I would like to let be known. LIBE II rules! This is absolutely unbeliavable. I was aware of the fact that LIBE II is a really special committee, but on Sunday, they overcame all of my expectations. Not even they didn´t come on time in the morning and proved their originality and non-conformity, but they were more breathtaking than the day before. How did I find this out? Well the story started as follows. Dace´s committee on Economic and monetary affairs asked LIBE II to play a footbal match. But how is it usually with Dace – you never know what is going to happen. Dace and Carl Alexandr changed the rules and made it a bit harder for the players – they were supposed to play in couples, everywhere they went and everything they did, they had to do it in couples – (as Minnie (ESP) said –even better!!). The game started really promisingly and continued even better. LIBE II proved their team spirit and football skills and beated the Economic


One of my favourite EYP traditions is the native lan-guage singing. It is always sprung suddenly upon dele-gates, and received with looks of horror, devilment and bemusement. Such was the scene this morning on the crowded dining hall floor. The results were great fun for all there! A few delegations stood out in particular….

Belgium rocked! For such a relatively small country they sure came to Potsdam in force! These guys put on a particularly energetic and vocal show, and I’m sure the goats outside in their pens were feeling the ground shake underneath them.

Bulgaria I loved. It was a familiar tune for anyone will-ing to admit to knowing the “Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini” song. Everyone who wasn’t secretly singing along was certainly smiling.

Croatia, Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia did a joint performance, which proved very popular. It was something similar to the “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!” song, and they sure were enthusiastic. So enthusiastic we won-dered if they would ever sit down

The Czech delegation were obviously hoping no one would understand what they were singing about. You dirty ones- singing about male genitalia was not very appropriate! But the journos love you for it.

Above all we want to praise the Estonians, not only because they come from Estonia (we’re not biased at ALL), but for their beautiful song about a crippled guy who wants to buy fish. These talented singers even managed harmonies, we felt sorry for those who had to perform just after them!

Finland, when they finally got a turn, they took two. That’s not fair…

French guys rocked as usual. The land of Moulin Rouge and brie cheese never fails to impress us- So congrats guys!

The enchanting Icelandic duo scored maximum points with the journos. You were as cute as Easter Bunnies.

Ireland performed a rousing, patriotic song. Each del-egate seemed to do a slightly different version however, and finish at all different times… What a delegation!

Italy had us clapping along, and clapping…and clap-ping… Eventually they finished, which just meant that we clapped some more! In a good way though, and one can’t get enough of that beautiful language…

As for the Latvian delegation, you’re “Kickerikooooos” are certainly worthy of a mention. So for you, mention.

Russia undoubtedly reached the highest notes of the morning. Luckily the windows were able to handle it, even if some of the lads couldn’t quite!

Spain had everyone on their feet for one of the most fantastically random and un-coordinated “macarenas” EVER. Fifteen seconds of sheer madness and self-touch-ing, only in EYP… We could watch Sweden going “ku-wak-kak-kak” in circles for hours.

Let’s not forget the UK, because who can’t resist the Bea-tles?

….and then there was the delegation from the Ukraine, with undoubtedly THE dirtiest and best-delivered song of the session. These gave it everything. EVERYTHING! Watch out for this sexy delegation at the disco.

Last but not least, the Germans really put a nice strong dot on the “i”!

All in all, it was a fantastic morning, which showed us just how diverse and different the people here are. Well done to ALL involved, you all did your countries proud. Well, the journos proud at least!

54th International Session

Dawn ChorusBy the Red Bull in the Flying Storm

Flying a kite

can be dangerous.


and Monetary affairs �:1. The best player of the day was for sure Mazdak (NED) who scored all of the goals for LIBE II. And one more surprise at the end of this short story- It’s not only boys who are the talented ones on LIBE II who can play football in the penalties – Laura (FIN) surprised everyone by scoring one of the last goals.I am not sure if there

is still anything I can add to describe my committee in the best

light, maybe that all the guys are talented, determined

and amusing. If the committee

work goes as swimmingly as

the teambuliding games, you have

nothing to be afraid of, guys. Good luck!!!

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LIBE 2 at your service!

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I sat down, threw off my camera and let the breeze tickle my ears. . I had never seen such a

beautiful s e t t i n g f o r t h e legendary s p i d e r ’ s web, and as I stared past the lake it was easy to forgive my EMPLers for arriving a little late. Besides, they still had images of Eurovillage dancing in their eyes. And in their stomachs too: Liva (LAT), realising she would have to be lifted up, cried out “But I’m still full of food from last night!” Bless their hungry souls.The group was given half an hour to complete the web. They went at it with gusto, fresh as daisies. Seeing this energetic committee in action is quite

inspiring. Who cares about planning when you’re this good? They sailed over all the hurdles they encountered, squeezing Kajari (EST) through a ridiculously tiny hole and with Sasha (GBR) clambering through for the win with just a few seconds left on the clock. Congratulations,

guys! You have the dexterity of true banana spiders.As a treat for being such cool people, I hand them all an issue of the

wonderful newspaper, the lucky dogs. Sinem (TUR) is the EMPLette most desperate for a break. “I need coffee...” she moans. Aaah, the

EYP force is strong in this one!

Caught in the sticky web of EMPL1!

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is better then starting the day off with a nice big fat pony. There’s something about them that just can’t be explained. Something that keeps you motivated, awake and in love your fellow delegates, from the front, from the back and from the side. Especially early in the morning. OHHHH BABY! Doing things ECON-style means doing things planned, well organised and good. It means doing the number game at a top speed, it means absolute skill in soccer (Libe � we’ll get back to you!) and above all it means feeling comfortable with your committee members, enjoying the challenges, loving the time together and forming a really good team. With a killer goal from both Vincent (NED) and Sigrid (SWE) it turned out to be a good match. Loads of attacks from Damian (SWE) and Marinos (GRE) on the right flank and Conor (IRE) on the left flank things got really competitive. This team knows the very meaning of the concept of teambuilding. Keep it grand like this guys, keep on doing things ECON-style!

STILL doing things very much ECON-style


54th International Session

- Why did Tom fall out of

the swing?

- Because he had no legs.


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You are here

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Oh honey, honey, tell me that you love me! The classic game of looseness, licking and ice cold rejection (the morning was freezing!). So started the CULT committee outside of House 3 this morning, and whilst their journo may have been shivering, these guys were sizzling! Sweet Susie(POR) just couldn’t stop bursting into smiles, and as every knows desperate women are up for anything! Roll on sultry looks, grabbing at cleavage and some stroking… The hard lads were not about to crack however, and Sjur(NOR) ended up blind.

By the way, over two thirds of this c o m m i t t e e slept in this m o r n i n g . S h a m e , shame………..you party animals, rock on! But you didn’t hear it from me.

The POLIZEI came to our committee. They glared intensely, didn’t seem to find what they wanted, turned around and left. Who were looking for? Maybe Chris(AUS), who had suspiciously pulled his cap down a little further? Or perhaps bubbly Siobhán who DID look somewhat nervous…Confessions anyone? Your journo is all ears.

‘Shepherd and Sheep’ followed, down in the forest. Borna(GBR) took command of the planning, whilst Siobhán(IRE) asked aghast “Do we have to crawl on our hands and knees?” With Justus(GER) as Shepard, things got off to a ‘baaaaaaad’ start. As Willem was walking

The CULT of Sheep and Sleep

forward, Viktor was also responding. To make it worse he was going in the wrong direction - and Justus hadn’t noticed him. Before Danny’s (Chair, ITA) panicked intervention, this sheep was about to fall into the lake!

Skip forward and Alisa(SWE) was the third sheep home safe, with ‘help’ from Viktor(LAT). But with Suzie(POR), Sjur(NOR), Borna(GBR),

Willem(NED), Dimana(BEL), Andria(CYP), Kateryna(UKR), Konstantin(RUS),

Helen(EST), and Chris(AUS) all still standing around, there was a whole

lot of clapping and nobody moving! Cue

a quick coffee break, which I guess meant breakfast for most of this legendary crew…

Love is actually all around in ENVI II. We could see so in “honey, tell me that you love me” game were everybody loved each other although some of them just couldn’t smile. The northern ones, especially Sebastian Huovila ( F I N ) and Monika Nikitina (EE), seemed to be more able to b e

s e r i o u s despite of the effort

of some members of the committee, like the southern ones who seemed to be stuck in the middle of the circle. The main exception for that is Tommaso Acccinni (ITA) who just stepped into the circle ones despite being from the south and one of the sharpest in the group.In the second day, apart for having great fun with different games, the ENVI´s teambuilding turned serious for half an hour when this great team was asked to play the “colour blind” activity. With their eyes closed and two different shaped and colour pieces which had a replica piece in the group, they had to find out which two were missing. They started great by finding out really quickly which colours were missing. However it got more complicated to find out the missing shapes.

Stefan Vandenhende (BE) and Barr Even (GBR) were trying hard to describe the shapes they were having but it was not an easy task and sometimes it was difficult to keep all the people be really concentrated. During this task we could see also an instant translation to win some more time which was Claire Fitzgerald (CH) translating Jérome Van Den Avenne (FRA) French words, showing some team work. The game ended with Radu Neichfor´s (RO) e x p l a n a t i o n about how did the whole task worked, who explained that the game had a little lack of organisation but was quite good. The committee succeeded.

Professional Fun

54th International Session

-Why was it not Marywho pushed

Tom off swing?-Because she had no arms.


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Culture Shock!


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The best wine: Italian

red wine

The best table conversat ion: about Pieter

Brueghel paintings of farmers and their food (bread, cheese and mustard)

The best meat: Porchetta (Italy) but we are still upset about the fact that you did not bring pasta !!!

The weirdest fruit: Dunya - noone knows the translation. (Macedonia)

The biggest surprise: Estonian chocolate with blueberries

The best story: Trappist – beer from Belgium (beer made by monks)

The weirdest thing ever: Mikado( Ireland) we are not able to explain what it exactly is, but it looks as half of pink sock

Maybe y o u not iced that something strange happened during last night. Not only delegates went crazy after the eurovillage, also the clocks went mad. They decided to rid us of one hour of sleep. We can not clearly explain to you why, but we have some suggestions. It could have happened as follows…

The best food ever: Fondue (Switzerland) if you still have some cheese left – bring it to the pressroom it was delicious!!!

The best non alcoholic drinks: Kvas (Belarus), Kali (Estonia)

The most inedible thing: Czech FOODball game against Germans

The sweetest thing ever: Halva (Greece)

The sweetest homemade thing: Homemade honey from Austria


54th International Session


-Knock, knock.

-Who´s there?

- Not Mary.


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Dear noblemen, fair ladies and farmers,

Today the chosen knights got a pet! A snail… and called it… Timo. I must say, dear knights, I’m flattered! The resemblance is huge. While I’m typing this article, the heavenly theme song of Happy days is playing, which perfectly reflects the relationship between the group and Timo (a.k.a. The Snail, delegate, Potsdam). Timo, we wish that to be our song, by which we make the promise: “Sunday, Monday happy days, Tuesday, Wednesday happy days, Thursday, Friday happy days, SATURDAY what a day, teambuilding, debating, dancing and singing with you! These days are aaaaaaaall about loving you. These days are aaaaaaaall about loving you. Hello sunshine, Goodbye rain, you make me forget about pain, we’re your steady

54th International Session A baby has more bones

than an adult.


The New Pet

Today ‘the family’, travelled through time! They went back to the time where people had no concept of nuclear power or mobile phones… On their quest for building a perfect team, they suddenly were held back from completing that task. A polluted river in which only bacteria and microbes reigned, had to be crossed. But at that time, even bridges weren’t invented yet. They therefore had to come up with a solution to transport their goods to the hillbillies on the other side, on who they economically dependent. Because the last days the region had not seen one drop of rain, the ground was afflicted by dryness. The water level of the river therefore wasn’t really high, so the team was able to just reach there arms out to the hillbillies without any problems, and passed their goods like that. However one of ‘the family’ accidentally dropped goods in the river. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, the water level rose… They almost weren’t able anymore to pass their goods on to the other side. The gods were to blame. They prayed and prayed to them, but obviously these last ones didn’t favour them. It kept on rising and rising. Then they finally had the idea of putting their strength together, form a real team, and managed to defeat the gods.

Primitive economy.

and you’re our man. We’re going to love you all we can!” Anyways that is not the only thing our knights did today! Again, they too got further in their quest for making the perfect team! Not only did they made deep conversations in couples of two, but also told the entire group about the conversation

they had, what they had learned from the other knight and added a lie with that. And noblemen, fair ladies and farmers I’m sure there’s more to come, because they won’t leave it at that!

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Are you serious?


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If I had any doubts about this team’s ability to work as one, they have been purged from my infidel mind! Today, ITRE showed not only that they have put all their differences aside, but also that they have a remarkable knack for mathematical logics!

After 10 minutes of rational thinking and observing, Edvard (EST) recognised a pattern in the matrix. So from now on you may address him as Neo or ‘the One’. But unfortunately not even Mr. Anderson himself could prevent poor Audrey (CHE) from being blindfolded and absorbed by the Agents. In the meantime Marius (GER) and Romain (FRA), both experienced in karate, prepared for a big battle to come. Much to everyone’s disappointment the matrix was not conquered in time, due to the vastness of its mine field. But the committee’s spirits were still high, so I could enjoy Kamila’s (CZE) beautiful smile all day.

Sorin (ROM) and Tomasz (POL) who are more peace loving and relaxed had other problems on their mind: the struggle of evolution. Fortunately they evolved very quickly and became supermen in no time. Filip (CRO) and Matteo (ITA) were less lucky in this process and remained amoebas, very human-like amoebas nonetheless!

This whole committee’s evolution continues to amaze me every day, and today I am proud to scream from all the rooftops of this island: “I’m a journalist for ITRE!”

IT’s REally great to work together!

Early Saturday morning the city of Potsdam was attacked by a mysterious and highly dangerous Knot. The city would have been devastated and all its inhabitants would have been turned into gherkins if it had not been for the knotical team. After a few tries they defused the

monster.T h e team was called at �.��am and they started acting right away. But the knot was a real tricky one. To make the quest even more impossible the vulgar knot took away Bernhard’s (FIN), Chrysanti’s (GRE), Wojeciech’s (POL), Pauline’s (FRA), Andreas’s (BEL), Katrina’s (LAT), Jonas’s (CZE), Gabriele’s (ITA), Dan’s (ROM), Ylva’s (SWE), Maëlle’s (CHE), Yuliya’s (BUL), Sergei’s (BEL)

and Begum’s (TUR) ability to speak. Luckily the witty team still managed to produce mysterious whispers and hums. Chrysanti’s „Mmmmmmhmmmmhmm“ and „Mmmrmghhmmrghrrgh“ saved the day. Jonas, a member of the team, says that it took them so long because the tactics were not the best. „Over & under, over & under“ was a bit shaky so they changed it to „Over &

under & between“. Unfortunately they ran out of time and they only managed to weaken the smelly crippled Knot! Hopefully we’re not gonna see the bloody bastard

again for a long time and thank god for the knotical team!

The knotical team saves the day!

54th International Session

99 Luftballoons und das ist

gut so.

