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· PDF filevut POUC$ prennnao. nsma, 4 ) Ar S.o Pena) SECRET CLASSIFICJMON SEP - TO Chief, WE...

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•■•■••••• vut POUC$ prennna*o. nsma, 4 ) Ar S.o Pena) SECRET CLASSIFICJMON SEP - TO Chief, WE DATE FROM INFO: COS, Frankfurt Attachments: 1. Spanish text of letter. 2. English translation of letter. 5. Memo to Consulate. 6 September 1966 Distributions 3 - w/2 eye. U. att. 1 - Fran v/1 Cl. att. - Files w/1 cy. ea. , 7 orir9 51-28A zorir CIASSZICATION f o,, 2. tt. GENERAL IntOiligine• SUB= [SWITIC - Tercels. . STET= ACTION REQUESTED: Bring attached letter to the attention of interested Desk,. 1. Attached hereto are copies in Spanish and English of a letter Aids subject wrote to the U.S. Ambassador in Madrid, requesting his assistance in gaining entrance to the U.S. Of possible interest to geedquartere is the agreemest which the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABM) concluded in October 1955 with the Anti-Commumiat League of Asian Nations, Nationalist China (APACLROC). 2. Also attached for Headquarters information is a copy of name Check on subject prepared by Research for the Consular Section. B. According to T. J. Duffield of the Political Section, subject brought up the question of obtaining • U.S. visa when he called on Ambassador Lodge in June (see O31(A-5285). At that time, subject vas advised that consular officials in Mnnich had jurisdiction for granting him a U.S. visa. Because he received a verbal reply, the Embassy does not plan to take any action on subject's letter. J OE CLASSIF I ED AND R ELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCES METHODS EXEMPT ION 382 B NAZI WAR CR IMES 01 S CLOSU RE ACT GATE 2007 L


vut POUC$

prennna*o. nsma, 4 )Ar S.o Pena)


SEP -TO Chief, WE


FROM INFO: COS, Frankfurt

Attachments:1. Spanish text of letter.2. English translation of letter.5. Memo to Consulate.

6 September 1966

Distributions3 - w/2 eye. U. att.1 - Fran v/1 Cl. att.

- Files w/1 cy. ea., 7

orir9 51-28A



o,, 2.tt.

GENERAL IntOiligine•SUB=

[SWITIC - Tercels .. STET=

ACTION REQUESTED: Bring attached letter to the attention ofinterested Desk,.

1. Attached hereto are copies in Spanish and English of a letterAids subject wrote to the U.S. Ambassador in Madrid, requesting hisassistance in gaining entrance to the U.S. Of possible interest togeedquartere is the agreemest which the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations(ABM) concluded in October 1955 with the Anti-Commumiat League of AsianNations, Nationalist China (APACLROC).

2. Also attached for Headquarters information is a copy of nameCheck on subject prepared by Research for the Consular Section.

B. According to T. J. Duffield of the Political Section, subjectbrought up the question of obtaining • U.S. visa when he called onAmbassador Lodge in June (see O31(A-5285). At that time, subject vasadvised that consular officials in Mnnich had jurisdiction for grantinghim a U.S. visa. Because he received a verbal reply, the Embassy doesnot plan to take any action on subject's letter.


382 B



August 13, 1966

!CU Commies' &action

lee earth

Terce1s:1r 311t7210 (Jaroatav SIMKO)

leferemos yoar recent request for a name Check an sebject individual,mar files contain the following information:

1. 5TST110 was barn La Tarnopol, Poland (Polish Ukraine) an19 Ammar, 1912: le oompleted grammar and high school in Tarmopol in1119, after ehisk be &ted at the Umiversities of Lwow sad Krakow.

Ti%ft Ms Imlwersity period he became a member of the GUI(Orgamisationeammisimm Mamismaliste) amd worked In its headquarters in Lose.

2. la the 1031-33 famine, STU= organised an antimeevist demommstratiem lm Lwow vhish eaded in the assassination of the Soviet CommaGemeral there. Ma 1934 he wee sentenced with Stefan BLIDERA, a violentesti-Soviet, t• five years' imprisonment for oonepiraay against thePolish Gammmemeni. le vas reLeseed by general moiety in 19$6.

3, Om 30 Jams 1941, after the war bops, rims°, acting withMielli, pawl/aimed ma iedepeedmet Garetniam State with himself asPrime Meister. le and 9ACIMA VOTO arrested by the Germane for theiractivities. They refused to waver:KU site the Germane and were kept

prises until 1946 :Awe they managed to escape with the aid of 001

4. STITT= became a leader in the CUI in 1946. When it split intotee tastier, Oliellalnyt and OUl/Banders, he followed the more radicalgrew headed by Oteram lANDIlk. la 1946, be became president of the

(Amtimeelebevik Moo of Nations) and brought this group soder thecontrol of the OGI/Lundere faction.

6. The A.B.N. claims to have boom orgaaised in the Ukraime in thefall of 1943 throegh the of torts of the Organisatian of UkrainiaaNatismalists. The basis ides of the 4.9.11. is the maiom politisally ofall the ses-Amesime peoples of Central and lastere Serape aid of /leisagminet kende, imperialism whatever its shape or lime. The ultimate

goal of the 4.3.1....

: the A.S.'. is the creation of • series of national sovereignupon the oemplets and unconditional dissolution of the SovietThe A.S.*. mow maintains ita headquarters in Mania, Oermae7.

jibes anti.Seviet propaganda and allegedly engages in mmdergroundAsa bite tree Ourtain areas.

• STETZ40 travels constantly in his work for the organisstioh.) he expressed a desire to hold an A.B.N. congress in this United• iltheegh he in completely anti-Communist, and his pregame. inited States could not be considered a security throat, he wasd a Via* to make this trip.

7. Sary 1964 the OUN in the Ukraine ordered theireorgemisatioasommteigeet operating outside the Ukraine, the ZOOM. The =DUNbe heitild 107 • triumvirate, including Stefan MEM. MUM

eith the reorganisation plan bringing about the split of the;311:::. 19611 and the ICHOUS/Sandera. STE= oontinued to

Distribution:Orig Consulate

2 - Wash2 - Files

AN1'I-to ,I .S111 .3 . 1k 111.o4: 01 \ TINSCENTRAL COSIMITTLI.,

111•266 Lowariar.11. 67. Tel 61644-702316 • OWE.. 444.666 AN' Tvi 410*•

Madrid, 11 do Jimmie di 1660


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Ezoolasora r

La critics ottuaciia •ri•t•ata hoy dfo dos-tro do la U.K.b.S. Dried& posibilidadae do dealstegracido clot eowsmista deed. dontro,crooked* •portsaidad pars las revoluciemos sati•-solos d* los pueblos •primidos por au.is, coa elff. do roconstituirso come Estadas aaeisaalso iadopondisatos, boortdoo in is moral roligtosa, amis Justicia social y *a is libortad del tadivida•.

Con o/ fin do coordiaar el frost* sundialcontra et casuals*. y *1 imperialism, ram p s y sojorar a* compenotraciis doled* todas lam *art.('on is saferi do las iatlsovelas •ossnisteis, elAlaW los firmed*, on Octobre dii posed' ago, amacoardo con la Lira Astleowasista do los Pueblosdo Asia, dopdblica do Chias (AMCLROC), ea Tai-pei, anys costa adjuats.** par. Is 'star...oliodo V.E.

Miembros do la . Llga Aaticoottaiata de las Psibias de Aeis (Al*CL) son; Com del Sur, Chlma Naclonal, Villpines, Vietnar, Tailandia.y atm.SPACL ee Is oontrapostelds a Is Coa(oreseia doBandung.

floats shore sir has oslobrado dos conferee -cis* eonstitave .A .s. Is primer. *a 1966, es Seoul;Is 'stand& on 1956 en ilaalla y is tarc•ra, *a Isquo tomArt tosiblin parte el kON • tes1rd Issas' isSaisi*en veer° de 1067,

1 - El AO tione is inteacide, coo objetsde ettoador el fruits coordinade de is lucba Pontra al Im p erialismo rue* y al commie..., do lin-trsr *a costarto y eolaborasida •Ss lo p cfreeilee•coialeficialae is particulars@ do los Estado' t'at-dos y potter organizer pars as later* pristine t

a) Efts conferoasia asticimunle t a ores -dial con .1 fin do elateorar concept** oda *fres-cos do is lucha contra el isperialieso rueo y co011SISMO, en coLtrerosicida • le ceezietor ... te y .

b) Empriar Is pebileaciis de un Organs antieossalsta susdisl •s Ise princtpalos Idles's •reidanti les y aelitifos, d ekblicasido quo •eri activists perIse mo•elens4so cfrculso sort•amp ricanos. ADM y

11 - Li quedarfa say agradoctd" oi V.I. so faci-'liars la ostrada on is Estado, Loads. y .1 enslac-to cos Ise arculos ssorleanoo quo tiones Is mamaposture qui, Y.. bacJa los probl•sso do It Europa

y eon 1.• ens/so is ipsdrfs "labors: is pls.de edolatboraciis pars llo y ar • is priottco. Iss proyeleis sonalosadoo sstorismonts.

Zi Cowit4 Control 11.1 ABM ts. stunts •bliged* as/to Is persons do V.I. worgos James .41 olvtds do smogtram 'melons, •prlutdos per •1 topsrlslisso y eons -Diode rsoss.

bugs • V.I. liaopto is •prosiks do of •stir -still •ls 'refunds.

(Yersolov StetSko)

Prosidosto 41s1 Comiti Nuaral 4■1



Lis mamma Rom IdUitiLIOL cormi (osio1aso) 0 r OL 'SLOWS

isSisoLcsovlsos Iwo ,448 (LB)" za Lcas coma

a. 00MtallINS 01412/ALVIND ISM..=.11•1=

MOMS yA/11 dieleAman spe 16 tboollIdbd soma pop ollasrptaxelldbrialtila del imporle romp me IAsOmbodeo

i do Imam boo pembies spolmidie amp ffortomoll obomptMao, dosoveboolasio del elommlamo es ed moods y moso posbOo do 16sobowello de lodes boo posalmo de Siewspo F /woo sorlioddeo pop ol mi—t i--o bopeo6611mmo mom,.

A t y 4110 dolma sololommo V Orod0O00 modmommobo so bo limbomomboo OS sommodomo • hopoodolismo mimeo dodo la emmoolad do toao■mos do amboo __Si.._.

Om sibs, miss porde, doeLamom om esesodo do mallow boo mod. -dos midolsoles moo el pc/6mm poop am bo memo eslwoosoallo

I -salmi WIMPS 111.41 LA Liormiali

4.61/101101C ayedood Ism Woo 1..mo4le• • se atoomos, al oomplido boa doom, do Loa mamas del all, de llbessamo y Anew

ome rotodoo osoksoolas todopoodiamtam Malmo do WO lierPeepleiga4Sdeo toostmoso •Mmespdti•ao. AIN, jre ow was, *mope • Is11•1•663 am 1.3 r•••agnia's Caasimmale clams, ea Is deolommetesdo too to-'..p tomb6dO a low donde pueblos do sdas em es Laoissomilos el eammodsmo • hortrialloms rum.

' 1) 4410/aMOO isperimmies que es la ludo wets, el essmalsmo• 1440viallem0 ruse isms espremtidoe pew moo de us posies, meram.Wool es Is oleo la s.ausa Lasw y simmittimo welds mama eaboo■dor el sodbo do Nelda AmL.a'game.

1) 11 moviodooto woods per 4160141011 o lmodoe 1110 emirs Weds LoIlbsolier mod ameba em iireca poe AMIN1 AMMAN propopood y me-vdtemod Is eller,* do la illoorbed del Allis me Aiddl.

14 Immo ARt Mlberiod yams IOW 116.1ammo • lAbortod s booladIvIdlee, some prepasode el oder ilesps mom immo imam.

4) Aides posies debes silliest team Lod eperemsidodsie sessealos$04 palIS IMPOOMMIMONFai lee o ptimises del LopertalIemo rims y del so.somdsme. (p. 0.$ irsholes torsodes, pereammaidl do I. ld, ommorel..diem, ele.).

1111/FACINIIII• NIL MsIONA& 11114111M1111. 8111111

a. C4111111:1111111 NON

1) Ass dm pada es semporness a letS•sublor ssams of loft elssamoled (Liass. Sollelso, llososoaftos) sand essimamm • laps■valiass vas y thompsaals daddessods.

II) Goa pais papa maws a la Nal Is solseads del softoisldo solosals slam vs Oar doroseardo. As pas que smomelp sossadas la dades.

81 lama ofIsdos, Taalms, assmaresdeass y apsolawas so IsWas owls, SI spoolisso y sti INporiallor sem mei essmissamssmilSo asks* parlor.

$1IX ONASIMACIWI IN IA 001111.1 Mi1eldinIC1

OM. PS LA 1111166111*

I) is Maass ,ChIss Mae amoosaft • loosadOist a soft-viol Assi111•11•ps• ai es pasaas asposial sa-lso iftsumeIs. sadism da SON y es Alm, pas Isola us stools pandama Is L l 4sIdo some

SI AM spodrof ss la saws yasslIgiss do la Shiss Ilhassogow soils do as rassams r do ass IMIA&WAIDdiS ame Si addi dosame madoslar sass Iss aldsso, sodas do Ss yospopods461011•1161•• • Maw masa.• SI Sass portIs sporOsada gallme Is paw00111 ss lartUvis amis.

RV sow Ls CaLs gebsClOW INTeg(INtL

Ashes parMe proassavds• pssards so ONNSWIS. VMS • Is Nrs,les milmmilimarbso setlasomitsts• y esSiessasoorisliefas y lospersosallaulse pstasipslas pass pasadler y 1la., la solassms.eldit mem Is. soolooso.

II) alas parlors pasorrodm p•Oorsolp Is soda do la pueblos dosods y is a Is looks metals essisains • laporiallsme rams,peso NOM' Is sorsa& do so trumsla suds letiormsterl saws Isism a Is selmissis do Is. aosiesss.

41) MMUS alasan•Iii IlswitslIelo• •••••••■•• sass para. dal*son se solmado sass loassaildo do mosessasstes ryes pasLs solo am Wm vigor Is leas ooposalids,



V • OTICS Ft0:2.711111

1) Woe peels@ dississam 06 sontem6466 6 4010 6•46 sommodo pro-& Ger 6066646 r ampaisda 66 .6.10.46. misou40 de 6.4.0 6666.46.

I) 9666 mossed, se sessylbe es Lms161, 610666 y 66666. Mb ~l-

imier 66.6 46 dids, dasido SI16640 es

6) left esmoods so por I.s repossesSostss de Nib&01,6110 OM 010 060,66666 y Whams) 61 weia466.6161, 46 o.-tom 111.96. XI eissods sod • Ws ass somposamIss pow Ls 4,06.061 nal, es imp ojempiesse ($0166446606). no,-redo 60 is 41664.1410 y 404 116660 istaressI66• de las 60‘60 morr6006646864640 .0656.6 ma v4ssr.

96 dr Oatuise 1991944.64, lams

1114.694lias 416 agar*tins660• &MSL.v ••••■•my 91 111114r.t1 ANTIC01111119111ft MiCiftwai (&m),

?Irmo Ma Clismemaame.Par is U nr(All *AC lAtill% It. :o bi • f11.1111114or =ma (anaemic).


TRANSLATIONAttachment No, 2


MadridJune 11, 1966

Tour Exoellenas

The critical situation which exists today in the USSR suggestsevidence of disintegration of the Communist eysten from within, creatingthe opportunity for national revolutions among the peoples oppreseed byRussia, with the end of constructing national independent states basedon religious morale, on social justice, and on individual liberty.

In order to coordinate the world front against Russian communien andimperialime and better its coadpined penetration within all parts of thesphere of communist influence, the AU signed in October of last year anagreement with the Anti-Communist League of Asian Peoples, the Republicof China (AFACLROC), in Taipei, a copy of which is attached for yourinformation.

The members of the Anti-Communist League of Asian Peoples (AFICL)are: South Ivrea, Nationalist China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailandand others. AFACL is the counteraction to the Bandung Conforenee.

Op until now two conferences have been held to start the foundationwork: the first in 1965 in Seoul; the m000nd in 1966 in Manila and athird one, in which the ABM will take part, will take place in Saigomin January, 1957.

1. The AU intends, with the purpose of extending the coordinatedfront in the struggle against Russian imperial:Lem and communism, tomake oontast and collaborate with semi-official circles or groups ofprivate individuals in the United States and to he able to organise forthe near future the following:

a. An anti-Communist world confereace to create more afioaoious°concepts of the struggle against Russian imperialism and communism,in opposition to emu:tetanal and for the independenoe of oppressedpeoples.

b. To begin the publication of an anti-Commas:let world organin the principal Western and Asiatic Languages, which will beedited by the above-mentioned American circles, AU, and MCI*

E. It would be greatly appreciated if you would make it possible

for me to...

„I •

• 1"...•••■•■1/4


for me to enter the United States and contact American circles thatmaintain the same position as you do toward the problems of EasternEurope, and which would be able to oat up a plan of oollaboration toput into effect the abevo-mentioned projects.

The Central Committee of the LBX feels obligatod to you becomeyou novor forgot our nations oppresoed by Russian impoldion andeammunimmi.

Please accept this WITTIS8100 of my great esteem for you.

/s/ Yarcolam StetakoPresident of the Central Committeeof the ABM

His Excellsagy Jam Davis LodgeAmbassador of the United States of America in SpainMadrid

• • •


t:::7:t Concerning the Collaboration of the °Anti-t League of Asian Nations, Nationalist China

(iPACINC) Ir and tg 4Gt7:Bashevik aloe of Nations (LBW is thi-gtrlg t ItuseM—C analmsanien d

APACLROC and ABM declare that the common end pursued by them isthe division of the Russian empire into independent national states of allthe oppressed peoples in their respective ethnographic limits, destructionof Communism in the world, and the establishment of the sovereignty of allthe peoples of Europe and Asia oppressed by Russian communism and import-

APACIACC and ON must mutually oollaborate and equally help oneanother in the struggle against Russian communism and imperialism sincethere exists a similarity of interest on the part of both organisations.

Toward this end both partiee declare that they agree to put intoeffect the following practices as the first step in the mutual oolla-borationt

I. Common Antics for the Idkeration

1) APACIROC will help in wary way pasaibla to fulfill thedesires of the member nations of ABM to free themselves and foundtheir independent national state* within their respective ethno-graphic boundaries. ON an its part will support NationalistChina in the reconquest of the Chinese mainland, in the destruc-tion of the communists, and also will aid the rest of the Asia*peoples is their struggle against Russian Communism' and imperialism.

2) Each party to this agreement in its respective area willtake on itself the important tasks which the other party undertakesto acoomplish in the struggle against Russian oommunism and imperialiam,with the end of extending the sphere of combined action.

E) The movement started by APACIROC, 'All roads leading toliberty', will be supported in Europe by ABN. APACIROC will spreadinformation and explain the 'Charter of Liberty of ABM" in Asia.The theme of ABN: 'Liberty for Nations - Liberty for Individual.",will be disseminated as the common theme at the same time.

4) Both parties must utilise every opportunity that preeentsitmelf to unmask the crimes of Russian imperialism and communism(for example, forced Labor, religious persecution, genocide, etc.).

II. Exchange of Information on Russian Communism and Imperialism

1) Both parties agree to exchange between themselves all

materiel (books,...


materiel (books, brochures, photographs) concerning RussianCommunlmm end imperialism and to use it to the best advantage.

2) Sash party has the right to request the other party tocollect study material an a certain theme. The Party which sorequests this will be respcnsible for the expenses involved.

3) Now methods, theorise, discoveries, experiences, etc.,gained in the struggle against Russian cameuniss and imperialismmill also be exchanged.

Collaboration in Psychological Warfare and in the Field ofProyma.da

1) Radio "Free China' agrees to transmit material provided byABM in a 'special program in the languages of the ABM cations andin Chinese to acoomplish a wider political effect behind the IronCurtain.

2) ABM will help in the psychological warfare of NationalistChina by means of ita connections and activities behind the IronCurtain, and in particular among the Chinese by seane of clandestinepropaganda and other ways.

3) Both parties to this agreement will attempt to make thebest if every opportunity to effect propaganda for the ammo& end.

IV. CODOIWRiAt Interuatiemal Collaboration

1) Both parties will try to offset mutual oontact of anti-Communist and anti-Russian-imoperialist organisations and ofimportant people to widen and deepen the collaboration amongnations.

t) Both parties will maks an effort to reinforce the unionof Asian and European peoples in the struggle against Russiancommunism and impertalimm to better create a common internationalfront based on the sovereignty of nations.

3) To strengthen the above-mentionsd agreements, both partiesdeclare that they agree to exchange certain representatives toawry through with more vigor the struggle undertaken.

V. Other Problems

1) Both parties agree that this agreement can be improvedand amplified at any mamma by mutual concurrence.

2) This agreement is endorsed in English, German, and


Chinese. In ease of doubt the 'English telt rill be need to maksa decision.

8) !him agreement is verified by the representatives of bothparties in two copies (German and Chinese), the 24th of Octoberin Taipei. The agreement mill be preeented to the appropriattorgans for a final decision, in three oopies (Printings). Afterths final decision and mutual exchange of nctes, it will be putinto effect

Signed: Jarcelew Stetskofor the Anti-Commndst Blocof Nations (ABN)

Risme& bChmag-rang,for the Anti-Commwmist Leagueof Nations of Asia, Republicof China (APACLROC)

OctOber 24, 1955Taipei, WM=Republic of China
