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Power King Band Saw Manual

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  • 5/13/2018 Power King Band Saw Manual




    All of the equipment furnished with the Power King BandSaw is wrapped in the papers Ihat support the saw inthe carton. Be sure everylhing has been removed beforecarton and papers are destroyed.MOUNTING SAW

    Mount the saw on a sturdy level bench thaI's high enoughso that top of s,aw table will be slightly lower than yourelbows. Check to make sure the base 'rests solidly onALL feet before bolting it down - use shims where neces-sary between base and bench top.The motor can be mounted either behind or below thesaw, whichever is most convenient.

    MOTOR R EQ UIR EM EN TSThe Power King Band Saw requires a 1/3 or, 1/'2 HP,1725 RPM motor, preferably a capacilor or repulsion-induction type. The 2-1/2", dia. 'motor pulley furnished'gives a, spindle speed of 640 RPM, and cutting speed of2050 FPM-the correct speed for smooth cutting.Motor pulley No. 510-62 is required for a motor with1/2-inch diameter shaft. '

    , S TA TIC E LECTRIC IT YSometimes a slight shock is experienced when touching thesaw. This may be caused by a slatic electrical charge set'up by frktion_ of the, moving ports and is not necessarily-"-'an'indfcation of faulty motor' windings or grounds. Tocorrec~, ground the saw to a water 'or heater pipe.

    CONTROLS1. The four-spoked knob on rear of saw controls the

    saw blade tension-see Fig. 2.

    Fig. 2 Fig. 3

    2. The double set of knobs on rear of saw conlrol thetilt of the upper wheel-see Fig, 2. Outside knob tiltswheel to properly track the blade-inside knob lockstilt setting.

    3. The sliding bar controls the vertical position of thesaw guide bracket. Ploce the guide [ust above thework when operating saw. To adjust, merely loosenthe lock knob, place guide in position and retighten.

    4, Knob beneath table controls table, tilt-see Fig. 3. Thetable can be tilted and locked securely at any anglebetween 0 and 45 degrees-angle is shown on gradu'ated scale.

    5. The, four knobs on front of saw hold the upper andlower wheel guards in position-see Fig. 1.6. The four knurled knobs on the saw guide brackets,

    two above and two below the table, control the thrustwheel and blade guide blocks. Always release theset screws before adjusting the thrust wheel or guideblocks.

    ADJUSTMENTS1. Two screws beneath table stop the table at the 0 and

    45 degree readings. To adjust, merely loosen nutand turn the screws. Always lighten the nut afterthe adjustment has been made.NOTE: The table may be tilted about 3 degrees toIhe left by lowering the left stop screw.

    2. To adjust the tilt gauge pointer, loosen the poinlerscrew.3. If the table slot does not line up wilh the saw blade,loosen the four screws tho! hold the table to thetrunnions and shift the table until it is properly

    aligned. Tighten the screws securely.MOUNTING SAW BLADES

    1.- Remove the upper and lower wheel guards.2. Turn the wheel tension knob until the tension is re-leased.3. Remove the set screw in table slot.4. Pass the blade through the table slot - into the leftblade guard - under the lower wheel - between the

    upper and lower blade guides - and then over thetop wheel.5. Turn the wheel tension knob until there's a slight ten-sion On the blade.

    (Continued on Page 4)

    ~ _______ -,--

  • 5/13/2018 Power King Band Saw Manual


    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS6. Replace the set screw in the saw table.TRACKING THE BLADE- Rotate upper wheel by hand ina clockwise direction viewed from front of saw. If bladeruns off the wheels, adjust as follows:I} Move both the upper and lower thrust wheelsand blade guide blocks away from the blade.I} Turn the lower wheel' by hand, adjusting upperwheel with tilt knob until blade tracks in thecenter of both wheels. .

    Ie ) Tighten tilt lock knob securely.BLADE TENSION - Correct blade tension is a matter offeel and can only be acquired by experience. The. bestgeneral rule is to keep blade just tight enough to pro-duc;e a 10'1 tone when struck.ADJUSTING BLADEGUIDE BLOCKS AND THRUSTWHEELSTwo pair of blade guide blocks, 'one above and one be-neath saw table, align the blade and prevent its twisting,To adjust, loosen set screws and position the blocks sothey just clear the sides of the blade, checking clearancewith a piece of paper. CAUTION: Rotate upper wheelby hand to make certain blade passes freely betweenblocks. After correct setting is obtained, tighten set screwssecurely. ; " ,Loosen the upper and lower guide block slide set screwsand position so that the front edge of the blocks are evenwith the bottom of the blade teeth. Retighten the screws.Loosen the set screws which lock the thrust wheels andposition so they just touch the saw blade - be sure totighten the set screws.


    . 2: Table Trunnions _: Oil at regular intervals.3. Upper Wheel Tilt and Tension Screws - Oil at regular intervals.A. Blade Guide Blocks - Oil occasionally.Keep saw table and blade guide bracket slide coveredwith a light film of oil when saw is not in use.

    Fig. 4

    SU GGESTIONS FO ROPERATIO N AND M AINTENAN CEhe selection of the proper blade for each job is of great.. importance. Always use the widest blade that will cutthe sharpest contours of your pattern. A 3/8" blade * . I,.I :, should ~ut a.circle 2 J !2"_jn~iamet!W a lLA:_blade, 0 , _ _ _ _ ~~ntain p~ope~_belt t~~sion. -:-. kee~!!__ IU~.~-:~~:::: -:2"clrCre;'-ClJ71o"'-OIaCle, a~r~'rt2"--ardrFor all sfrarght-~:~ -- h~ t erovDgh to pcevi't.fI rt~ shpPll'lg... "o-~

    , and general cutting, a 3/8" blade is recommended. * Use correct blade -. the larg'est one, with theNOTE: Before starting the saw, always lower blade guide coarsest teeth, that will cut your stock cleanlyuntil it's just above the work. Never feed the work and follow the sharpest curve in your' pattern.through the blade too rapidly. * Always lower the blade guide close to, the workCut through the waste stock when it is impossible to con- to insure accurate cutting~ and to prevent thetinue a cut - "back out" only as a last resort, drawing blade from twisting.the work very slowly away from the saw blade and mck-ing sure the blade follows the saw cut. Failure to do thismay force the blade off the wheels.If the pattern to-be cut has a number of sharp curves itis best to make a series of saw kerfs in the waste stock. opposite each curve before starting the cut.A mitre gauge attachment which slides in the table slotcan be used to hold the work when doing straight cut-ting. The work should be held firmly against the guide.Keep the blade sharp. If it seems hard to feed the workpast the blade, or if it becomes difficult to saw alon9_ amarked line, the blade should be sharpened.Generally: filing is all that's required to' sharpen the blade.However this becomes ineffective after several filings andit is then necessary to joint and reset the teeth - if you'reunfamiliar with the process, it is best to 'have your bladessharpened by someone who specializes in such work.LUBRICATION

    See Fig. 4KEEPYOUR SAW CLEAN- LUBRICATEREGULARLYWITH S.A.E: NO. 10 MACHINE OILJ. Upper and lower wheel bearings - Oil the bearingsevery month if the machine is used frequently, if usedinfrequently oiling every six months will be adequate.


    * Examine stock carefully before sawing to makesure it's free of nails. .* Feed wa'rk evenly and slowly so as nat to twistblade or crowd it beyond its. cutting ccpcclty..* Apply beeswax to the blade when cutting hard'. woad or wood with considerable pitch - it helpsthe blade cut freely.* Clean saw dust from table trunnions frequently.* Before operating saw check blade for proper ten-sion and that it is mounted properly - teethshould point down on the downward stroke'.* Always keep motor and spindle pulleys aligned.* Keep set screws in motor and pulleys tight to pre-vent scoring of motor shaft and spindle.* When saw is not in use, release the blade tension.* To prevent rust, keep saw table covered with filmof oil when saw is not in use.* Be sure wheels turn clockwise viewed from thefront of the saw - arrow on motor pulley indi-cates direction of rotation.

    -4-WARSAW, INDIANA, U. S. A.e.

    ----~-------------- --

  • 5/13/2018 Power King Band Saw Manual


    '12"-49WA SHER .10____ ~ "; ... ... .'_" \' __ SH ... ~_ ,4S _ ;'01

    ' I~UII/4' RD.HO. I12A.24MA CH . SCREW. 10 . .... .. < i l o iCREW 12 R'Od, 25 ...

    I12A-18 @~ ~v ..'-.o.';,."' ALLENGU,OE WHEEL 250 _~ S ET S CR EW ,10 ec .. " A _ 3 6 ~ \ .BEARING20~ ~ i'

    '/,. '.20Il/.," ALLEN --""Q r i OSET SCR. 12 R.od.' 10 .. , ~ (j

    . " A _ S . ~ ~ < tPGUIOE SLIDE. 7S . f ; J f?A_

    .'2A_37 ~ ~~ 1111IB EARING . 20 ~ 7

    1/4"-20. a " H E X -CAP SC: .. ~],::O ,d~ , .' :~~ HD .;/;

    S ET SCREW 10 ] /11," x v ." JiIf. ',20 HEX GROCV PIN f :1)JA~ NUT .10 (2 Re qd.J . ~ . ! '

    .'2A-5TRUNNION SEGMENT 2 .75

    112-15AKNOB (2 Reqd. ) .50 I ta.

    JI '~~'/u"18 HEX JAIIA /NUT (2 Reqd,) 10 . .

    '2A-51SLEEVE 12 Reqd.' .20 e e,

    5/","-IIIV .." H'DLESSSET SCRfW [2 R.qcl.I .10 ea.\,

    ( @M OT OR PU LL EY

    I12A-44S TU D { 2 R oq d. l



    IU2.15AKNOB (2 Reqd.j .50 ell.e STUO I : ' : ~ - : ;20 . ..'/,,".18 HE

  • 5/13/2018 Power King Band Saw Manual


    I1 \1 111 :: I I ~ : "I I I / 1,'"

    1 ,'I,

    ,51 112"38,d.) 2 0 ... GUARD 3. 75

    1112-27 ---~t.COIL SCREW .10 Il!1 ~

    " /~. , 2 3 . /WASHER ,10 . '.



    I12A.31TIRE 1 .50

    ~ _ 1'2A ..26_~ 'NSERT .~ O

    "2.-22HINGE PIN

    5/,,".18.1 '." HCAP scs. (2 Reqd. I'

    1 / .. '. 70 1 ; 1 12 " H EXCAP SCREW .10- J . ~~ft

    112-31 /W A SH ER .1 0

    .t2A.25L IGUARD 1l5~ l

    1M',." RD. fiD, ~\)'~'MACH SCR, 12 Roqd.) .10... ; : I I !. N o. 1 0 WA SH ER : 'I

    2 Reqd .. 10 lU. , I

    '&;,,~ I

    1024 - ' I . ' RO HD .MACH. SCR. 12 RI!ClCi.) .10 ee.


    ~ 112"G UA R2" I liz" SROOI!1 2 R. qo .) . 10 u

    1-12,1,-40KNOB (2 ".qd.) .25 ee.


    112A.4ARM 8.50

    10.24. V . . " R D, H OM ACH SCREW .t

    1/4".20. J/u," "LLENS ET S CR . 1 2 R eq d.' . 10

    InA_l9SAW BL....OE 1.90

    aUA.13S PACER ,1 5I@)~~/

    9-6"-OILER .2: ;

    I;'. ,i~

    if . " . : y . . " GROO\lPIN {2 R.qd.' .10 ee ,

    112A"3' ~BEAR ING ( 2 R .q d. ] ; 2' 0

    ' .2 0 10 / ," H E Xt I) Reqd.' . 10 ...


    112A12DWHEEL_WITH TIRE 8.50

    5020BEARING 2 .90

    KEY .10i'/~I~l-'t.;~:/ ~ 05020BEARING- 290 a12A.21 \ "'SPINDLE 315 5712PULLEYNo.1 WOODRUFFKEY .10112AJl.;TIRE 1.50G INFORMATIONJMBER a nd NAME. AI ! prices ore subject to change wi thouton a ny order. Prices do not include postoge or express' rs , e Ie., shown above wi thoul por i numbers should be purEL N UMBERS STAMPED ON PLATE. PLATE lOCATED ON


  • 5/13/2018 Power King Band Saw Manual


    12-inch BAND SAWNG No. 912112A~31TIRE 1 .50

    I12A_47WAS HER IS ,


    I12A GUIDE 2 .25


    l/l'" r ' 1z " GoROOVIIN 12R.qd., .10 ../ .........:: 5 / ''1 . r . . " H EX

    +" .~\ ~ 0 - r;;' CA' 'CR. 12 d. J , .. .., 1_ JS15-228.. 4. - o I ~ ~S .rC"REW(Wilh Knob) .85BRACKET I 3 0

    .~ 5231I ! ,KNOI_ ,.5 co., ,10-24 II: If.." RO HD .MACH. SCR f2 Read. I .10 ea.~~

    Y s" l OC1
