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Power Poin Ujian Amin

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Nafisatul Lutfi (04211141031)
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Nafisatul Lutfi(04211141031)

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- America land of dream draws migrants from all over the world including Arabs (migrants).

The challenge with the New World:o D

ifferent cultureo Hostility and discriminationo Mimicry changed self

The challenge with the Old World:o the lost pre colonial pasto the demand of family linkage

rejected by both the Old and the New Worlddisplacement

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� The challenge for first generation of Arabmigrants:G row up in between both culturesKnow less about both cultures

Adapt easier and have bigger eagerness tomingleStill being rejected by both polarities (for their difference)

displacement: where do they belong to?

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� To analyze how the Ramoud family in Abu-Jaber¶s Arabian Jazz represent the Arab American¶s condition in the liminalspace.

� To analyze how the Ramoud family in Abu-Jaber¶s Arabian Jazz negotiate their

condition in the liminal space from thepostcolonial analysis point of view.

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� Hybriditya mixture.


century part of colonialistdiscourse of racism.commonly refers to the creation of trans-cultural forms within the contact zone asthe result of the negotiation andinteraction [Arab ± America]

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o Ambivalence

A Simultaneous attraction and repulsionfrom an object, a person, or action. [Young,1995].The root of the existence of hybridity.

Both colonizers and the colonized need tocivilize each other inseparable

o C olonial past and present movesforward (recalling the past)

o D isplacement the loosing of home

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� L iminal = in between, beyond borders� L iminal space ideational or actual

space in between two polarities/space� L iminal borders separate both spaces

[ideational and actual]� L iminal negotiation moving back and

forth of the liminal being in the liminalspace (negotiation of culture)

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Soc ial B a ckgrou nd

o Arab American in 1990¶spreserving Arabs values and conducts:

traditions, family and community dynamics.D iscrimination and stereotype toward Arab

American and their acculturation

o JazzThe music of freedom

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� Research Approach : content analysis� D ata Type: fixed materials� D ata Source: text of Abu-Jaber¶s Arabian

Jazz � D ata C ollection: reading and note taking� Research Instrument: researcher, cards,

table, etc� D ata Trustworthiness: credibility &

confirmability� D ata Analysis: descriptive qualitative

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Arab Ame rican Liminal Sp a ce

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Arab Polarity

Arab Traditions andC ustoms: C uisine,Language, G reetings andOther Popular Expressions

Arab Family andC ommunity D ynamics:Kinship and Family,C ourtship and Weddings,The Roles of Women,Education, Individual andG roup C ontribution

³«yeats of stuffed drape leaves, squash,

tabouli, rice, roast lamb, and loaves of Arabicbread. There were bottles of arak, which themen called for over and over.´ (Abu-Jaber,1993: 59 ± 60)

³Melvina thought the Arabic as the tongue of the hearth, of irrational, un-American passions,of pinching and kisses covering both cheeks.Tongues could climb Arabic syllable over syllable like fingers ascending piano keys,enabling great crescendos of screaming. Arabicrepresented to Melvina the purest state of emotional energy.´ (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 304)

³This Old C ountry types, why don¶t they leaveus alone? Always reaching, reaching out, likehands from the grave. Nag, nag, nag! Thenwhen they got what they want, they spit in your face, so supe ri o r Arab s .´ (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 43)

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American Polarity� Stereotype = A stereotype is

an oversimplifiedgeneralization or assumptionabout a person or groupwithout regard for individualdifferences.

� D iscrimination = the practiceof differential and unequaltreatment of others usuallyalong racial, religious or ethnic lines

Acculturation and Assimilation(naturally happen in Jem &Melvie¶s case)


an, he couldn¶t speak a word of our language, didn¶t have a real job. And Norawas so ± like a flower, a real flower, I¶mtelling you. «I know for a fact her poor mother had to ask for a picture of the manfor her parish priest to show around toprove he wasn¶t a Negro. Though he mightas well have been, really, who could tell thedifference, the one lives about the same asthe other«.´ (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 293 ± 294)

³She remembered the sensation of their hands on her body as they teased her, arippling hatred running over her arms, legs,trough her hair...searched for her

weakness, the chink that would let her intoher strangeness.´ (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 92)

³Well, well, well, who we has here?´ hesaid, sweeping one hand over hair so thickwith tonic that it gleamed like a chrome.³Omar Sharif? Or is it Valentino?´ he pulled

on his western shirt and his arrowhead bolotie´ (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 45)

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Th e R am ou ds· Liminal N e go tiati on

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J em or a h R am ou d·s Liminal N e go tiati on

Jemorah¶sD isplacementNora¶s death

American Border C

rossing American idealism

Arab Border C rossingmarrying Nassir

Jemorah¶s Homeher family in America

She thought she¶d contractedhomesickness from her father that it waspassed on like a gene to a child of animmigrant. Any place might look like home:suburban neighborhoods, apartmentbuildings, far-flung country houses; thedesire quick in her veins. «She was lost.(Abu-Jaber, 1993: 299)

In the Old World, Jemorah thought, familymust be as abundant and invisible as air, -

just as precious ± just as easy to exploit it.In America, maintaining a family at allsometimes seemed like a miracle. (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 302)

³So then it shouldn¶t matter if I choose America or Jordan,: Jemorah said, ³It¶s thesame either way.´ ³It shouldn¶t, but beforeyou do, allow me to inform you there arecertain things about this other potentialthat may not be quite your Westernizedtaste, dear friend²³ (Abu-Jaber, 1993:331)

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Matussem Ramoud¶s L iminal NegotiationMatussem¶s D isplacement

lost of Jordan and NoraMatussem¶s American Border C rossing

adopting culture

Matussem¶s Arab Border C rossing

trip back to Jordan

Matussem¶s HomeJazz

o Melvina Ramoud¶s L iminalNegotiationearly acceptance of liminalstate

Euclid, my misplaced past, he thought when hewalked the gravel roads «Nora had been his historyonce; now only the land was left. (Abu-Jaber, 1993:260)

Every May since their move to the country, their father went trough fits of exuberance, driving to the localhardware store and bringing home lawn decorations of deer, flamingos, and D isney characters the way somepeople bring home stray animals, the front lawn waslittered with cartoon figures and exotic birds«, muchto the delight of Peachy across the street. (Abu-Jaber,1993: 100)

Matussem held sway over it all like a shamantransforming, wings unfolding from his back, liftingstraight into the sky, overlooking towns and counties,neighborhoods, and private lives trough the roofs. Hecould see it all when he was playing. He was home, atlast truly home. (Abu-Jaber, 1993: 352)

Whenever she¶d called, the girls¶ grandmother hadclosed the conversation by saying, ³Tell your father totell you the truth´. Melvina when she was six,answered her, ³I already know the truth.´ (Abu-Jaber,1993: 84)

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the family represents the Arab Americancondition in the liminal space. Arab traditions and customs: cuisine,traditional costumes, language, greetings andother popular expressions.

Arab family and community dynamics whichinclude: kinship and family, courtship andweddings, role of women, education, andindividual as well as group contributions.

Assimilation, discrimination and stereotype of

the Arab Americans in the novel.o pattern: displacement, border crossing and

liminal identity acceptance.

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K a m s aha m nida « ^^
