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Power point shooting stars final

Date post: 12-Jan-2015
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Shooting Stars Melissa Hackett- Project Manager & Audio/Video Alanna Novosel- Program Author Tiffany Comitalo- Instructional Designer Kristina Lapsker- Graphic Artist EDUC 525 Summer 2013
  • 1. Shooting Stars Melissa Hackett- Project Manager & Audio/Video Alanna Novosel- Program Author Tiffany Comitalo- Instructional Designer Kristina Lapsker- Graphic Artist EDUC 525 Summer 2013

2. Decide Phase 3. Earth Structure, Processes & Cycles 4. DDD-E Model Flowchart Design Storyboard Animation Audio Graphics Video Project Goal Brainstorm Research Evaluation is done throughout and changes should be made as necessary Evaluation Decide DesignDevelop 5. 3rd Grade Science Lesson Objectives Students will be able to describe physical characteristics of meteorites. Students will be able to create a list of descriptions of the meteorites. Students will be able to use some vocabulary terms describing meteorite characteristics as they write a short, fictional story of their own about a meteorite. 6. Pennsylvania State Standards PA Standard Content Area 3.1.4.C.1.-Identify and make observations about patterns that regularly occur and reoccur in nature 3.2.4.A.2. Provide clear explanations that account for observations and results 3.2.4.A.2. Provide clear explanations that account for observations and results. 3.2.4.B.2. Use observations to develop a descriptive vocabulary 7. Multimedia & Technology Standards CC.1.2.3.B-Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to support responses. CC.1.1.3.ERead with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.1.4.3.AWrite informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. CC.1.4.3.C Develop the topic with facts, definitions, details, and illustrations, as appropriate. 15.4.5.K: Use digital media to enhance a content-specific work product. 8. NET-S Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration Research & Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making 9. Lesson Goal Enduring Understanding Children Learn and understand about our solar system and the phenomena of meteorites 10. Design Phase 11. Design 12. Day 1 Outline Students will listen to the story of Noblesville Fall. Students will be asked to make predictions about the stone as the first passage is read. Students will be asked to make predictions about what they think they boys will do next. Students will watch the slideshow of meteorites. 13. Day 2 Students will work in teams of 2 and use their laptops to explore http://epswww.unm.edu/iom/ident/ 14. Day 2 Outline Students will take notes on certain descriptions, characteristics and vocabulary terms used on the website Students will spend 10 minutes outside in the playground of the school exploring rocks, pebbles and other stones found outside With their partner, students will document their findings on paper, listing the characteristics they have notices in the rocks they found. 15. Day 3 Outline Students will then come back into the classroom and write a fictional, short story about a meteorite using the vocabulary characteristic terms learned in this lesson. They will draw a picture to accompany their writing All writing will be shared with the class via PowerPoint or online Storyboard 16. Take Home Students will keep a blog at kidblog.org on what they notice in the sky and on the ground around their home Students will record what they discover http://www.space-simulator.com 17. Develop Phase 18. Develop Animation Audio Video Graphics 19. Opening Activity 20. Meteorite Slideshow 21. Animation Video http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11831878/ 22. Evaluation 23. Assessment Brainstorming activity after the story is read. Checking their blog to make sure they are using proper vocabulary to describe what they may have seen and during their note taking time. The final assessment will be the story regarding the meteorites that they submit. PowerPoint presentation based on their story 24. Rubric 25. Rubric
