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Powerful morning habits that motivate you to success

Date post: 20-Feb-2017
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A person’s burning passion for accomplishing your life and career

goals begins with your body state upon waking up and the

activities you do next. A healthy start of the day often lasts until

evening. If habitually done, the positive things that you do the

first thing in the morning can lead you to a series of successes.

Unfortunately, most of us get up on the wrong side of the bed. We

often find ourselves short of reaching our goals because of failing

to form motivational routines at the start of our day that can

boost our energy and interest to accomplish our short-term and

long-term dreams.

Powerful Morning Habits That Motivate You To


First: Get quality sleep

Before discussing the early morning habits, we must first

make sure that we get quality sleep. A good night’s rest is

the best motivator for the next day. The fantastic feeling

that you experience by waking up refreshed and active.

Completing an entire sleep cycle makes your body alert

after receiving a full dose of growth hormones and body


Failing to get quality sleep on a daily basis can ruin your

chances for success. Sleep deprivation has an extensive list

of adverse effects on our mental, emotional, and physical

health. Among them are poor concentration, a tendency to

commit errors, and mental fogginess, activities that

demotivate you from achieving your goals.

Early morning habits for success

After securing satisfying sleep nightly, you need to

back it with the health habits below that will boost

your motivation for lasting success:

1. Jump out of bed at once

Procrastination is wrecking our productivity in many instances,

including waking up. The longer you get stuck in your bed, the

greater your chances to lose your motivation for the rest of the day.

To get a fantastic kick-start for the day rise from your bed

immediately once you are awake. Another thing, stop using the

snooze button as using it can wreck your momentum for the whole


2. Drink a large glass of water

After 7-9 hours of no hydration, our body naturally needs to

get nourished with water. Gulping a 16-ounce glass of water

straight after rising replenishes our body of the lost bodily

liquids during sleep and boosts our metabolism and brain

functions. Adding lemon juice to our drink is also a healthy

alternative. This drink can increase our digestion for better

absorption of nutrients as well as our immune system.

3. Do stretches and workouts

Doing physical activities after waking up is a good kick

off for the day. Doing some stretching and exercise jolts

your metabolism and releases the happy hormones

endorphin. A daily brief workout in the morning can

make you feel optimistic for the rest of the day.

4. Design your bedroom to make it inspirational

To be firmly imprinted in our minds ideas must be

repeated to us, just like advertisements. Fill your

room with inspirational posts such as posters of

famous quotes near your bed near your goals.

5. Remind yourself of your life mission

We often forget things, even those that matter most to us.

We often need means to remind us of our life goals and

biggest dreams. Write them on a big white board that can

easily be seen from your bed and glance them daily as you

wake up.

6. Set mini, measurable goals and make a plan to

realize them

Based on your primary life goals, write only three

things on your to-do list that you must finish within

the day. From these goals, plot out a plan for the day

and make it a point to realize your goals as fast as

possible. Also, have the discipline to ignore the

temptation to procrastinate.

7. Listen to upbeat or soothing music

Music is a powerful mood setter. Listening to an

upbeat and inspirational song or instrumental piece

early in the morning before work is an optimistic

kick start that may last for a whole day.

1 Article written by Bedding Stock, an online retailer of gel memory foam mattress based in Florida.
