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Powerful people the case for nuclear power. Electricity.

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Powerful people the case for nuclear power

Powerful people

the case for nuclear power


Powerful people

Back in Stoneage times

…over 200,000 years ago

early humans discovered how to make fire…

Why was fire so important to them?

Fire gave people power

• To cook food

• To keep warm

• To provide light at night

• To frighten away animals

• To fire pottery

• To smelt metal

Open fires still very popular...

Most people in the

world still use open fires

Every year, 1.6 million people die from cooking over open fires – that’s more than the number of deaths caused by malaria!


The Victorians In the UK most people

had open fires – originally burning wood until cheap coal became available in the Victorian age

The 1920’s Mains gas was being

provided into the homes of those who could afford it…

The railways and the power stations relied on coal to make them work…

The 1930’s …more electricity

power stations were coming on line…to provide street lighting and power to wealthy people…and not so wealthy…

Battersea Power Station

The iconic

Battersea Power Station (London)– which closed in the 1980’s is now a Listed Building…

Changing people’s lives

How would people have lit their homes prior to electric lamps?

What new appliances could they have in their homes?

Coal won’t last forever... The burning of coal

causes pollution…

Smog's in large towns

Acid Rain

Climate Change

There are other energy sources…


Natural Gas



How do power stations work?

Most power stations work by turning around a large turbine, which looks a bit like a wheel

It’s all about steam…

Coal, oil, biomass and nuclear

power stations use steam to turn the turbines around…

Source: Wikipedia

…into electricity

The turbines turn motors which then generate electricity…

Source: Wikipedia

Oil fired power station

A Nuclear Reactor

Nuclear Power

Nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gases linked to Climate Change

It is reliable in all weathers

It provides us with a ‘base load’ of electricity to run our hospitals, railways, schools, factories etc…

Nuclear Power

Nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gases linked to Climate Change

It is reliable in all weathers

It provides us with a ‘base load’ of electricity to run our hospitals, railways, schools, factories etc…

Insight Event 19 June 2012 © 24 November 2009 EDF Energy plc. All rights Reserved.24

The Policy Case for Nuclear

Helps combat climate change

Reduces reliance on imported gas

Benefits customers and UK competitiveness

Low Carbon


Security of Supply

Stability of Costs

Facts and figures…

Energy mix:

2009 figures - UK Energy in Brief 2010 – DECC

Fuel Type % of total supply

Coal 27.8

Oil 1.1

Gas 45.5

Nuclear 17.6

Hydro 1.1

Wind 2.6

Other Fuels 3.5

Net Imports 0.8


Over to you…

What kinds of power stations are there?

We can all do something to make energy go further and not be wasteful…any ideas?

Join the pod…www.jointhepod.org
