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PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16

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  • 8/19/2019 PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16


    Interview Preparation1

    UNIT B:


    CHAPTER 16


  • 8/19/2019 PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16


    Interview Preparation2


    After studyingthischapter youshouldbeableto:

    Need to deploy psychometric and other tests for recruitment

    Verbal reasoning tests

    Numerical reasoning tests

    In tray exercises

    Group exercises– Problem solving


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

  • 8/19/2019 PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16


    16.01 Introduction3

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Recruitment is no longer an art; it is a full grown science. If ywant to land inyour cherished job, you will needtoknow all abo

    the latest recruitment techniques or scientific methods employbyrecruitersto ensurecorrect selectionof candidates. Thetrend

    for you to bemailed a letter invitingyou to cometo theemployepremises (or an external test center hired by the organization). Tletter will say something like,   ‘There will be a few tests,

    interview and a presentation. Please arrive at 9.00 in the mornandexpect toallowthreehours.’

    This is signal that you are in for something more than straigforwardface-to-face interview wetalkedabout so far. Youwill ha

    to appear for some psychometric tests designed to distinguamongtheapplicantsandensurebetterselection.

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    16.02 Why are scientif ic methods used?4

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    The answer is quite simple. Employers have woken up to the fathat recruiting the wrong people costs a great deal of mon

    Further recruitment advertising is expensive, the per centimetrates for  ‘Situation Vacant’ or   ‘Wanted’ advertisements is usua

    higher than any other type of advertising. Speaking to candidaton the telephone, siftingthrough applications, and interviewingtake up a great deal of timeand someone has to be paid to do t


    Finally, takingsomeone on only to discover that the person canndo the job, and/or hates the job and leaves it, isnot an option a

    longer. It isvitallyimportant toget it right thefirst time.

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    16.02 Why are scientif ic methods used?5

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    That is the reason whymoreand moreorganizationsare turningso-called ‘scientificallyproven’methodstoselect their staff.

    You are more likely to come up against psychometric testing aother ‘hightech’methodsif youapplytoalargeorganization.

    Small to mediumsized enterprise (SMEs) still rely to a great exte

    on the traditional interview for their recruitment decisioalthough this is undergoing a change towards use of scient


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    16.03 Psychometric tests6

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Psychometrics is the science of psychological assessment. It wrecognized that a few measures taken over a short period of tim

    were able to predict future behaviour. Psychometric tests can divided into two broad categories: knowledge based and pers

    based. Tests of ability, aptitude, attainment, competence, aachievement areexamplesof theformer, while testsof personaliclinical symptoms, mood, integrity, interests, and attitude typ


    A major difference between the two is that knowledge-based tehave right and wrong answers, while person-based te

    differentiatedifferent typesof individual.

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    16.03 Psychometric tests7

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Within knowledge-based testing, tests of general intelligence halargelygivenwayto testsof specificabilities.

    For example, occupational psychologists use tests of cleri

    aptitude, computingskills, and numerical and verbal reasoning, of which assess particular abilities that have relevance to differetypesof work.

    Therearefour basicscientificprinciplesthat underpinpsychomet

    testing and psychometric test development. These are reliabilivalidity, standardization, and bias. Reliability is the extent to wh

    anassessment is freefromerror.

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    16.03 Psychometric tests8

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    The reliability of a rating scale, for example, can be assessed looking at the correlation between the ratings given by tw

    independent raters, or the same test maybe given to the same sof individuals on two separate occasions and their sco

    correlated. Reliable tests should generally have a correlation about 0.70orhigher.

    Validity is the degree to which an assessment is able to achievepurpose. Thus, if the purpose of a test is to select high-perform

    computer programmers for an IT company, we would need somindependent verification that those individuals who achieve hi

    scores on the test actually do demonstrate superior programmskillsoncetheyareemployed.

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    16.03 Psychometric tests9

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Standardization provides the benchmark against which individual may be assessed and can be either criterion or no

    based. Identification and reduction of bias in assessmeparticularly in terms of gender, race, and disability, are a le

    requirement withinanequal opportunitiessociety.

    Thereductionof suchbiasisan important part of psychometrictedevelopment, although it is often found that differences betwe

    groupsin test scores, whentheyoccur, arearesult of inequalitiessocietyrather thanof biasin theteststhemselves.

    Today, psychometrictesting isarguablythe area of psychology thhasthewidest application.

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    16.03 Psychometric tests10

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific

    methods used in selection

    Over 70 per cent of human resource

    departments in leading companiesuse psychometric testing for

    recruitment/promotions and most of us can expect to be tested at least

    onceinour workinglives.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning11

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Despitethe name, verbal reasoningpapersarewritten tests, whare conducted in exam-like conditions. Verbal reasoning

    understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in wordsaims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than

    simple fluencyor vocabularyrecognition.

    Large graduate training schemes are increasingly using verb

    reasoning tests (verbals) to distinguish between applicants. Ttypes of verbals candidates face in these assessments are typica

    looking to assess understanding and comprehension skills. As applicant you will be presented with a short passage of text a

    will need to answer a True, False or Cannot Say response to eastatement.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning12

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Most employers who use psychometric tests in recruitmeselection will include a verbal reasoningtest. This is because the

    are very few graduate careers which do not require the abilityunderstand, analyze and interpret written information, often o

    complexor specializednature.

    This test includes a number of short passages of text followed

    statements based on the information given in the passage. You aasked to indicate whether the statements are true or false,

    whether it is not possible to say so either way. In answering thequestions, useonlytheinformationgiven in thepassageanddo ntry and answer them in the light of any more detailed knowled


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    16.04 Verbal reasoning13

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Below you will find an examplequestion to try. It isaselection opassage of text which will be followed by X statement. Read t

    passage carefully and then, usingonly the information given in tpassage, foreachstatement choosewhether [A] it isdefinitely tru

    [B] definitely untrue, or [C] you cannot say asyou have insufficieinformationtoanswer.

    In Japan, companiesgenerallyexpect their employeesto put in lohours of overtime. But it is difficult for women, who also ha

    household chores to do and children to takecareof, to workat tsame pace as men, who are not burdened with su

    responsibilities. Many women inevitably opt for part-time jowhichenablethemtocombineworkanddomesticduties

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning14

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    At present, 23%of all female salaried workers are part-timers atheratio hasbeenontherise inrecent years. Part-timeworkplac

    women at a disadvantage. The wages of part-time workers aconsiderably lower than those of full-time employees, and pa

    timeworktendsto involvemenial labour. Moreover, becausesalaandpromotionin Japanesecompaniesareoftenbasedonseniorit is extremely difficult for women either re-entering the labo

    force or switching from part-time to full-time work to climb tladder.

    Statement X is: A quarter of all part-time workers in Japan are


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    16.04 Verbal reasoning15

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Use only the information given in the passage to choose wheththe statement is definitely true, definitely untrue, or you ha

    insufficient information to answer. Do NOT try to answer tquestion in the light of any knowledge which you personally m

    have. We must first take just the text in the passage whspecifically relates to the above statement. At present, 23%of female salaried workers are part-timers and the ratio has been

    the rise in recent years. These two statements say very differethings.

    Statement Xsays: onequarter of part-timeworkersarefemale.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning16

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    The passage says: about one quarter of female workers are pa


    We have no information on the size of the total pool of part-timworkers, nor any informationof howmanywomenwork in relati

    to men. The23%of all femalesalaried workersthat arepart-timecould makeup1%or 100%of the (genderless) part-timeworkersJapan.

    Asthesetwostatementsmeandifferent things, thestatement is

    CANNOTSAY: youhaveinsufficient information to answer usingjutheinformation in thepassage.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning17

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassVerbal Reasoningtests?

    ♨   Verbal reasoning papers are marked very quickly, often placing a specially designed grid over the paper. This means y

    have to be careful about markingyour answers clearly. Make suyoufollowanyinstructionsforcorrectingwronganswersoryouwlosemarks.

    ♨ Help yourself assimilate written information by reading boo

    and newspapers regularly. Crossword puzzles are useful practicingverbal critical reasoning.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning18

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassVerbal Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Use Google or other network to get some practice papers. Yoanswers will be processed online and you will obtain your sco


    ♨ Keepingup to datewith current affairs isalso a good ideasinthere could be questions relatingto items in the news and gene


    ♨ Verbal reasoning tests come in varying levels of difficulty. T

    higher the level of job you are applying for, the harder tquestions.

    ♨ Before the test begins, if there is anything you do nunderstandfully, ASK.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning19

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassVerbal Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Remember, you will have very little time to answer eaquestion. Trynot to panic. Workthrough thequestionsonebyon

    if youcomeup against oneyou simplycannot answer, leave it untheend. Go back if you are left with sometime. If you finish all tquestions before the end of the time allotted for the test, go ba

    andre-checkyour answers. Never sit andstareintospace.

    ♨ Do not worry too much if you failed to complete the test oyou think you got some of the answerswrong. Most people tak

    the test will be feeling this way. You will not need to have scortopmarkstocontinuefurther into theprocess.

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    16.04 Verbal reasoning20

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassVerbal Reasoningtests?

    ♨ If you really think you messedup, say so. Provide a good

    reason and be honest and you

    could get the opportunity to

    appear for the test again.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   21

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Numerical reasoning tests are designed to identify an individualevel of abilityto reasonwith informationprovided in tables, cha

    andfigures, inorder toobtainacorrect answer.

    A test taker is advised to look at each chart or tables provided

    each question, and use the information in these to work out tcorrect answer. The questions are provided in a multiple cho

    format with about five response options to choose from. Only ooption isthecorrect answer.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   22

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Contrary to the belief that these tests measure your mathemati

    skill, numerical reasoning tests do not assess this knowledgAlthough a basic understanding of mathematics is required as

    pre-requisite for a graduate, managerial or professional test, itthe reasoning aspect of the information provided that is beassessed.

    In other words numerical reasoning papers are similar to verb

    reasoningpapersin that theyarewritten tests, to betaken in exalike environment within limited time. This strict timing isaimed

    putting you under pressure to test your ability to work undpressure.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   23

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    You will find the questionsare all of the same type, i.e. all numb

    sequences. Number problems can be presented in a variety ways; theycouldbe




      Plain figurework.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   24

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨  Numerical reasoning papers are marked very quickly, often placingaspeciallydesignedgrid over thepaper.

    This means you have to be careful about marking your answe

    clearly. Make sureyou follow any instructions for correctingwroanswersoryouwill losemarks.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   25

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Firstly, ensure you are familiar with basic mathematics such arithmetic, percentages, ratiosand fractions. The next stepswillto get as much practice in as possible and familiarize yourself wwhat thedaywill belike.

    Thiswayyouwill be relaxed when takingtheassessment and mo

    likely to focus on doing a good job. Number puzzles are useful practicingnumerical reasoning. UseGoogleor other network to g

    some practice papers. Your answers will be processed online ayouwill obtainyour scorestoo.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   26

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨  Whilst it is argued that practicing may not actually improone's aptitude or ability, it is however an accepted fact th

    unfamiliaritywith tests can hinder your optimal performance inassessment. Practicing helps to remove errors due to lack familiarity, and test takers who have practiced have a much bet

    chance of demonstrating their fullest potential, than those whavenotpracticed.

    ♨  Numerical reasoning tests come in varying levels of difficuThe higher the level of job you are applying for, the harder tquestions.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   27

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨   Before the test begins, if there is anything you do nunderstandfully, ASK.

    ♨   Remember, you will have very little time to answer eaquestion. Trynot to panic. Workthrough thequestionsonebyonif youcomeup against oneyou simplycannot answer, leave it un

    theend. Go back if you are left with sometime. If you finish all tquestions before the end of the test, go back and re-check yo

    answers. Never sit andstareintospace.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   28

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Do not worry too much if you failed to complete the test oyou think you got some of the answerswrong. Most people tak

    the test will be feeling this way. You will not need to have scortopmarkstocontinuefurther into theprocess.

    ♨ If you really think youmessed up, sayso. Provideagoodreasand be honest and you could get the opportunityto appear for t

    test again

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   29

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Example16.01

    Test:05 12 ? 26

    Answer A B C D13 19 21 23

    If youselect anyother thanB, youlosemarks.

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    16.05 Numerical reasoning   30

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 HowtopassNumerical Reasoningtests?

    ♨ Example16. 02

    Test: 03 ? 27 81

    Answer A B C D

    23 17 09 06

    If youselect anyother thanC, youlosemarks.

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    16.06 Personality questionnaires   31

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Personality questionnaire is used to know thecharacter or attitu

    of a person. Questions related to different modes and angles aincluded in this questionnaire in order to assess mindset of


    These can be related to the amount of tolerance and patienceindividual has, about an issue, thecapacity to manage the stress

    life, influence othersby their personality and others. These factocanbemeasuredbyputtingsimpleandrealisticquestionsto them

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    16.06 Personality questionnaires   32

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Personalityquestionnairesareusedto test your

    o Motivationandthinkingstyle.

    o Emotional responsestogivensituations

    o Abilitytoget onwithpeople.

    o Occupational preferences, e.g. whether you are

    good matchfor thejobonoffer.

    o Honesty

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    16.06 Personality questionnaires   33

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    A simple question like: whether you would like to work in team

    wish to be alone can check whether the person is introvert extrovert.

    Questions like: Will you criticize or encourage when work

    pending, will tell how things will be handled by that particuperson. Asking about the likes and dislikes of an individu

    whether he/she likes emotional music or romantic movies can tabout thepersoningeneral.

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    16.06 Personality questionnaires   34

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Questions like: What is your overall strategy can tell the ambitio

    of aperson in lifeandhisprogressincareer.Some open questions like: How will you tackle the problem wh

    you have not finished a job in time, will say whether the personableto managenegativestress.

    Questions like: Will you workwitha person even if you dislike thperson shows whether the person works towards the proje

    completionregardlessof egoclashes.Thus different types of questions in a personality questionna

    helptodeterminevariouspersonalitytraitsof anindividual.

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  • 8/19/2019 PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16


    16.06 Personality questionnaires   36

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Personality Questionnaire Form

    Q3: W h at  d o  yo u  w he n  angry?    Ge t  Loud


    th ings 

    a r o u n d   Become  qu ie t  an d  

    keep  t o  yoursel f

    Q4: W h at  d o  yo u  prefer  m or e?     Staying i ndoors

      Staying o u t d o o r s


    Ho w 

    w ou ld 

    yo u 

    ra te 

    yoursel f 


    sociabi l i ty?     Very  sociable


    on ly 

    w he n 


      Prefer  be ing alone

    Example 16.03 Making Choices

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    16.06 Personality questionnaires   37

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Example 16.04 Rating Statements

    I enjoy meeting new people   ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

    I like helping people   ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

    I sometimes commit mistakes   ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

    I like to take risks   ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

    I enjoy working alone   ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

  • 8/19/2019 PowerPoint Presentation - Chapter 16


    16.06 Personality questionnaires  38

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    In addition to verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning a

    personality questionnaires, there are several other psychomettests available to recruiters. But these three are most common

    used. Other tests measure logic, accuracy, technical skiperceptual ability, spatial abilityetc.

    If you areadvised to undertakeanyoneof them, get thedatafroGoogle or other network, as describing them here is not possib


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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    If you are required to attend an assessment centre as part of a j

    application process, you arevery likely to facesome formof in-texercise. This is because in-tray exercises enable assessors a

    employers to test a wide range of your skills and aptitudes situations that closely resemble those you might face in a reworkplace: as a result, how you behave during an in-tray exerc

    offersamoreaccurateandreliable indicationof your characteristand behaviours than do more abstract methods of measuremeincludinginterviewsandevenpsychometrictests.

    This is why they are so popular with recruiters. They are also ve

    good at seeing how you will cope with the real-world stressesdiarymanagementandprioritization.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Their popularity with recruitersmakes it crucial that you are awaof how in-tray exercisesworkand what they test. Additionally, it

    important to practice themto maximize your chances of achiev

    your truepotential.

    Most in-tray exercises are designed to test a particular set of kcompetencies which the employer deems to be important. F

    example they might focus on your delegation skills, your readineto shareproblemswith others, your independence, or your affin

    or aversiontoprocedures. It is important that youthinkabout wh

    competencieseachemployer is lookingfor, andto emphasize thetraits when answering their in-tray exercise. Each differe

    employer may be looking for different attributes in their nerecruits.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Ingeneral terms, in-trayexercisestest your abilityto

    (a) Demonstrate the level of knowledge appropriate to the job


    (b)Displaytheskillsnecessaryfor thejob; and

    (c) Show that your attitudes are a good fit for those specified


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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    The exercises are, therefore, designed to assess what are known

    the recruitment industry as KSAs – that is, your Knowledge, Ski

    and Attitudes. This shorthand term is often used by recruiters clearly identify prerequisites for a job, and so to indicate whthey’re testingfor in therecruitment process.

    Whatever thekeycompetenciesspecified for theparticular job yareapplyingfor, remember that in-trayexercisesof all typesalwa

    test your ability to use the time you have available for the exercaseffectivelyandproductivelyaspossible.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 Howdo in-trayexerciseswork?

    The basic idea of in-tray exercises is to place you in a realis

    although simulated work situation, and to assess your workplabehaviour and attitudes in that context. So when you aregivenin-tray exercise, it isusual to beasked to treat it asa role-play. Ywil probably be asked to imagine that you are an employee o

    fictitious company, and to work through the contents of your trayinthat role.

    Youmight, for instance, betoldto imaginethat it isyour first dayyour job asa stock controller, and be handed a stack of documen


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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    01 Howdo in-trayexerciseswork?

    You might be given this role even if you are applyingfor a job th

    has nothingto do with stock control; similarly, youmight be askto imagine yourself as a teacher or a lawyer, even if you aapplyingfor aquitedifferent job.

    Another common scenario is that you have just returned froannual leave to find a pile of correspondence in your fictional

    tray. Thepoint is that theskillsandattitudesbeingassessed willrelevant to the job  you’re applying for; the types of issues aproblemsyou’re asked to consider will be similar to those involv

    inthat role.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    02 In-TrayFAQs

    Howmanyin-tray itemswill therebe?

    It isusual to be given between ten and thirty in-tray items to woon, in addition to a description of your role and responsibilitiesthe fictional organization. You will also normally be giv

    information about the fictional organization’s aims, objectives aproblems, as well as its structure; a list of key fellow employeeand information about key third party organizations a

    relationships, as well as a calendar of future events. The bcandidates will keep all of these things in their mind wh

    responding to the in-tray items. So there is a lot to get throughthehour or sousuallyallottedtoyou.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    03 Howwill myin-trayexercisebeassessed?

    The two most common ways in which your response to the in-t

    itemswill beassessedarevia

    (a)Your responsetoquestionsinamultiplechoiceformat, or(b) Your performance in an interview with an assessor in which y

    need to explain and justify your actions and decisions. Sometimyouwill beassessedviaacombinationof thesemethods.

    Before you start, you should be sure to check how you will assessed, and whether or not you areallowed to writeon your


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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    03 Howwill myin-trayexercisebeassessed?

    If you know you will not have the opportunity to talk through yoanswers with an assessor at the end, make sure you write dow

    everything you have thought of otherwise you will not get tmarksfor it.

    Make a note of diary clashes, time commitments, resouconstraints, appointments, interactivitybetweenpeople

    ...anythingyou think is important to consider in yo


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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    03 Howwill myin-trayexercisebeassessed?

    Onlineor computer-based in-tray exercises are referred to as antrayor inboxexercise.

    The same principles apply but they are becoming more commbecause in the real world most of the information employees de

    witharrivesbyemail so this isarealisticsimulationof thedemanof therole.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    04 What isthebest waytoapproachanin-trayexercise?

    Remember that it is crucial that you identify the key issues aris

    fromthein-trayitems: whileyoushouldaimtocompleteeverytain the limited time allotted, do not lose sight of prioritizing moimportant tasks.

    You will be assessed, after all, not simply on your ability to gthingsdonequickly, but onyour ability to spot whether sometas

    are more urgent than others, and on the balance you strbetweenworkingquicklyandworkingeffectively.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    04 What isthebest waytoapproachanin-trayexercise?

    The best approach is to quickly read through every iteminyour

    tray before answering any questions. But do make notes on yothoughtsasyoureadthrougheach item.

    It is best to wait until you have read everythingbefore respondbecause an itemwhich comes up might affect how you react to

    earlier item, or even contradict it. The assessor will not lofavourablyonyoujust ploughingin to thequestions..

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    05 What will myin-trayexercisebeassessingmeon?

    Whatever the topics covered, and whatever the nature of yo

    fictional job, all in-trayexercisesassessyour ability to sort througtake in and analyze complex information efficiently even undpressureof time; your abilityto exploreand identifykey issuesaprioritize your work accordingly; and your ability to communica

    effectively about the decisions you have made and to identify aspecial problems or issues that arise from the set of tasks a


    You will also be assessed on how clearly and effectively you c

    explainyour decisionsandactions.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    05 What will myin-trayexercisebeassessingmeon?

    So although you will be asked to imagine that you are at wo

    when carrying out the exercise, it is crucial not to underestima

    the importance of communicating your thought processes to yoassessors. As mentioned earlier, you need to show what you knoin order to be given credit for your responses  – so, you must clear about thereasonsbehindyour actionsanddecisions.

    Remember that your attitudes are beingassessed, too: because

    this, pay attention to how you present yourself duringthe exerc– includinghow you organize your desk area, how neat your not

    are, andwhether youdisplayafranticor rather calmer approachdealingwiththein-trayitems!

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    05 What will myin-trayexercisebeassessingmeon?

    Be aware that many in-tray exercises have a central  “theme”

     themthat youareexpectedto identify: thismight bethefact thamerger or takeover of your fictional organization is imminent, perhapsthat amajor re-structuringisonthecards.

    It is important to identifyanythinglike thisbecause it will enhan

    your understanding of your fictional role, and affect the way

    which you evaluate and prioritize tasks and information, as well influenceyour decisions.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    06 Tipsfor performingwell inyour in-trayexercise

    Aswell askeepingin mind what typeof job you arebeingassess

    for, and so which particular competency you should display, itimportant towork inasorganizedandlogical manner asyoucan.

    Try to approach the exercise in an orderly manner, ensuring thyou neither miss out anythingnor spend too longon any one ta

    Onegreat strategy is to scan through every in-tray itemright at t

    start of the exercise, and to sort them into an order than maksense (whether it is chronological, or perhaps topic-based)

    keepinganeyeout for itemsthat affect eachother.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?


    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    06 Tipsfor performingwell inyour in-trayexercise

    You should be especially alert to items that have perhaps alreabeen dealt with (so you no longer have to worry about them), aalso to itemsthat areinneedof particularlyurgent attention.

    Despite the pressure of time, you need to play close attention

    details  – including the names of key personnel, the date of ea

    document, and actions that have already been taken that migaffect your decisions.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?56

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    06 Tipsfor performingwell inyour in-trayexercise

    Also remember to show what youknow, rather than assumingthan assessor will credit you with characteristics that you do nactually display during the exercise. So, for instance, be sure

    make notes of reasons for your decisions, and to explain yothought processes either during the role-play, or in the test

    interviewfollowingit.Keep calm as you go through the in-tray items, and be

    methodical in your approach to handlingthem. Makingbrief not

    in relation to each decision you make is important, too – especiaif an assessor asksyou to explain one of your decisions, but also

    ensure you do not lose track of what you are doingas well as hoandwhyyouareprioritizingthetasksyouneedtodo.

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?57

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    06 Tipsfor performingwell inyour in-trayexercise

    One final word of advice for your in-tray exercise: be sure to tainto account the personality and style of the fictional organizatiyou are asked to imagine working for. Then ensure that yo

    actions, decisions and any   “work”   you produce reflect yoawareness.

    It might be that your role-play requires you to be hig

    independent, or, alternatively, to beverymuch ateamplayer – b

    ineither case, besureanddo your best toshow your abilityto“fwith the organization for which you are pretendingto work. This

    important to employers, and is something you should consideranyrecruitment situation

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?58

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Eight important tipto score in in-tray exerci

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    16.07 In-tray tests. How to prepare for your in-tray exercise?59

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Eight important tipto score in in-tray exerci

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks60

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Many employers choose to set up Group Exercises (GE) or gro

    tasksasapreliminaryroundbeforePersonal Interviews. Applicanareassessedon

    ⊙ their leadership skills, communicationskills,

    ⊙ tactfulness, problem-solvingabilities, and

    ⊙   ability to stay focused and get the task done in t


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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks61

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    o In a group exercise, you do not always have to play tleader. It doesnot pay to dominatethegroup. Beassertive, n

    aggressive.o If you make good and sensible suggestions in a confide

    and clear manner and contribute well, it is enough. The ideatoaccomplishthetaskwhileavoidingconflicts.

    o You can help the group by seeking the views of quiemembers and encouraging them, being the ice-breaker whthe group is havinga dull or quitemoment or beingdiploma

    whiledealingwithabully. Useyour opportunitieswell.o Stay focused and keep an eye on the watch. Summaris

    everyone’s views in the end might help in accomplishing ttaskbetteranddrawingaconsensus.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks62

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

     There are simply two types ofpeople in a group– ones whotake things forward and ones

    who stall things. Employers arelooking for positive people with

    passion to do big things in life.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks63

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

     Youcanattempt thesepositiverolesthat youcanplayinagroup

    Leader: Keep things on-track, coordinate resources apeople well, and take initiatives. Recognize the skills of othe

    and put themto good use. However, be careful that you do nturnout tobedomineering.

    Motivator: Be enthusiastic or use light, funny commentsbreaktensions.

     Team-builder: Draw out shy people, ask their views a

    make them feel comfortable. Create a congenial environmeandlearntocompromise.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks64

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

     Youcanattempt thesepositiverolesthat youcanplayinagroup

    Visionary: Come up with creative and innovative ideas solve a problem. You can be original and radical, if not alwa


    Summarizer: If you are calmand cool, and a good observyou can help in clearing out group objectives, work as

    mediator, andtie-up looseends.

    Rationalizer: Logical, analytical and objective, a rationalispoints out the practical points in implementation of a soluti

    or idea. Youcan playquitean important role in crucial decisiomakingstage.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks65

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Negativerolesyoumust not assumeinagroupexerciseare:

    Do not be a Hitler. Do not expect that everyone will bo

    downtoyour ideas.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks66

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Do not show off or interrupt others. Giveothersachance

    statetheir viewsandopinions.

    Do not switch topics too quickly or before things have bediscussedproperly.

    Do not make negative comments. Remember, everyonethegroup isyour peer andsuccessfullycracked theentran


    Do not be shy or choose to show no involvement in t

    grouptask. Findawaytocontribute.

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    16.08 Group Exercises (GE) or group tasks67

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Donot losefocusanddo not distract othersfromthetopic

    If you do suggest anegativesideof an idea or argument,

    readywith thealternatives.

    Do not shout. Keep your tone in check. Speak clearly a


    Do not play the victim. Here isa group competingwithyo

    It isnot theretonurseyour self-confidenceorego issues.In the end, if you are preparing for agroup exercise round, be prepared to

    back up your arguments with logic anddefend your actions with logic during

    the personal interview round.Best of Luck!

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises68

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Everybody can benefit from having good problem solving skills

    weall encounter problemsonadailybasis; someof theseprobleareobviouslymoresevereorcomplexthanothers.

    It would be wonderful to have the ability to solve all problem

    efficiently and in a timely fashion without difficulty, unfortunatthereisno onewayinwhichall problemscanbesolved.

    You will discover that the subject of problem solving is compl

    However well prepared we are for problemsolvingthere is alwaanelement of theunknown.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises69

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Although planning and structuring will help make the proble

    solving process more likely to be successful, good judgement anan element of good luck will ultimately determine wheth


    What isaProblem? TheConciseOxfordDictionary(1995) definesproblemas:

    “Adoubtful ordifficult matter requiringasolution”and

    “Something hard to understand or accomplish or dewith.”

    All problemshavetwofeaturesincommon:goalsandbarriers.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises70

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Goals: Problems involve setting out to achieve some objective

    desired state of affairs and can include avoiding a situation

    event. Goals can be anything that you wish to achieve, where y

    want to be. If you are hungry then your goal is probably to esomething, if you are a head of an organization (CEO) then yo

    main goal may be to maximize profits. In the example of the Cthe main goal may need to be split into numerous sub-goals

    order to fulfill theultimategoal of increasingprofits.

    Barriers: If there were no barriers in the way of achievinga go

    then there would be no problem. Problem solving involvovercoming the barriers or obstacles that prevent the immediaachievement of goals.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises71

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Following examples above, if you feel hungry then your goal iseat.

    Abarrier to thismaybethat youhaveno foodavailable- youtaktrip to McDonalds and buy some food, removing the barrier a

    thussolvingtheproblem. Of coursefor theCEOwantingto increaprofits theremay be many more barriers preventing the goal fro

    being reached. The CEO needs to attempt to recognize thebarriers and remove them or find other ways to achieve the go

    of theorganization.

    Effective problem solving usually involves working through

    number of stepsor stages, suchasthoseoutlinednext.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises72

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Problem Identification: This stage involves: detecting arecognizingthat there isaproblem; identifyingthenatureof t

    problem; defining the problem. The first phase of problesolvingmaysound obviousbut often requiresmore thought a

    analysis. Identifyinga problemcan be a difficult task in itselfthere a problem at all? What is the nature of the problem, athere in fact numerousproblems? How can the problembe be

    defined? - by spendingsome time definingthe problemyou w

    not only understand it more clearly yourself but be able communicate its nature to others, this leads to the secophase.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises73

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Structuring the Problem: This stage involves: a period observation, careful inspection, fact-finding and developing

    clear picture of the problem. Following on from probleidentification, structuring the problem is all about gainingmo

    information about the problem and increasing understandin Thisphase isall about fact findingand analysis, buildinga mocomprehensive picture of both the goal(s) and the barrier(

     Thisstage may not be necessary for verysimpleproblemsbut

    essential forproblemsofamorecomplexnature.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises74

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Looking for Possible Solutions: During this stage you wgenerate a range of possible courses of action, but with lit

    attempt to evaluate them at this stage. From the informatigathered in the first two phases of the problem solv

    framework it is now time to start thinking about possibsolutions to the identified problem. In a group situation tstage is often carried out as a brain-storming session, letti

    each person in the group express their views on possib

    solutions (or part solutions). In organizations different peopwill have different expertise in different areas and it is useftherefore, tohear theviewsof eachconcernedparty.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises75

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    MakingaDecision: Thisstageinvolvescareful analysisof tdifferent possible courses of action and then selecting the be

    solution for implementation. This is perhaps the most comppart of the problem solving process. Following on from t

    previous step it is now time to look at each potential solutiandcarefullyanalyzeit. Somesolutionsmaynot bepossible, dto other problems, like time constraints or budgets. It

    important at this stage to also consider what might happen

    nothing was done to solve the problem - sometimes tryingsolve a problem that leads to many more problems requisomeverycreativethinkingandinnovative ideas.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises76

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Finally, make a decision on which course of action to takdecision making is an important skill in itself and w

    recommendthat youseeour pagesondecisionmaking.

    Implementation: This stage involves accepting and carry

    out the chosen course of action. Implementation means action the chosen solution. During implementation more proble

    mayariseespecially if identificationor structuringof theoriginproblemwasnot carriedout fully.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises77

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Monitoring/Seeking Feedback: The last stage is abo

    reviewing the outcomes of problem solving over a period time, including seeking feedback as to the success of t

    outcomes of the chosen solution. The final stage of problesolving is concerned with checking that the process wsuccessful. This can be achieved by monitoring and gain

    feedback frompeople affected by any changes that occurred

    isgoodpractice to keeparecordof outcomesandanyadditionproblemsthat occurred.

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    16.09 Problem solving exercises78

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    In the exercise that you will have to participate eacandidateisprovidedwithcertainpieceof information. Youhave

    sit in a group collect all the data (remember some of it may irrelevant, but provided to mislead you) and follow all the steabove to arrive at a solution. The assessors observing the exerc

    areableto judgewhether

    a. Youpulledthedataintelligently.b. Used it creatively.

    c. Workedateam.d. Respectedother candidates’ ideas.e. Helpedothers.

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    16.10 Presentations79

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    If your CV has been shortlisted, these days, you can get call

    make apresentation at the interview you are invited to attend inweek’s time. If you are lucky you may get an opportunity to seleyour topic. It is quite likely that your potential employer m

    provideyouthesubject for presentation – which could becommforall candidatesor , luckily, onepickedfrominterestsyouinclud

    inyour CV.

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    16.10 Presentations80

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and pubspeakingskillsare important in business, salesandselling, trainin

    teaching, lecturing, and generally feelingcomfortablespeakingtogroup of people. Developingthe confidence and capability to g

    good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience aspeak well, are also extremely helpful competencies for sedevelopmentandsocial situations.

    Presentation skills and public speaking abilities are not limited certain special people - anyone can give a good presentation, performpublic speakingto aprofessional and impressivestanda

    Likemost specialisms, this requirespreparationandpractice.

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    16.10 Presentations81

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    The formats and purposes of presentations can be very differe

    for example:

    i. oral (spoken),

    ii. multimedia(usingvariousmedia- visuals, audio,etc.),iii. PowerPointpresentations,

    iv. short impromptupresentations,v. longplannedpresentations,

    vi. educational or trainingsessions,vii. lectures, andviii. simply giving a talk on a subject to a group on a volunta

    basis for pleasure

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    16.10 Presentations82

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Fear of publicspeakingandpresentations.

    You are not alone if the thought of speaking in public scares yoOn the contrary, everyone feels fearful of presenting and pub

    speaking to one degree or another. Giving a presentation is veworrying for many people. Presenting or speaking to an audien

    regularly tops the list in surveys of people's top fears - more thheights, flying or dying. The key to managing and controllanythingis first to understand it, especially itscauses. The cause

    fear is (a feeling of) insecurity and/or an unfamiliar

    uncontrollable threat. In the context of presentations and pubspeaking this is usually due to: lack of confidence, and/or lackcontrol (or a feeling of not having control) - over the situatio

    other people(theaudience) andour ownreactionsandfeelings

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    16.10 Presentations83

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Preparation and rehearsal are usually very manageable elemethat allow you to build confidence and take control in your han

    It is a matter of making the effort to prepare and rehearse befothe task is upon us. Presentations which do not work well usua

    do so because they have not been properly prepared arehearsed. Experience can be gained simply by seek

    opportunities for public speaking and presenting to people agroups, wherever youfeel most comfortable.

    So experience, is actually just another manageable element befothe task, although more time and imagination is required than

    preparingandrehearsingaparticular presentation.

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    16.10 Presentations84

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Tipsfor effectivepresentations

    1. Preparation and knowledge (of subject and the presentati

    itself) arethepre-requisitesforasuccessful presentation, whimportantly produce confidence and control, in turn importafor relaxingthepresenter, andtheaudience.

    2. Good presenting is about entertaining as well as convey

    information. As well, people retain more if they are enjoythemselves and feeling relaxed. So whatever your subject a

    audience, try to find ways to make the content and deliveenjoyable - eventhemost seriousof occasions, andthedriestsubjects, can be lifted to an enjoyable or even an amusinglev

    one way or another with a little research, imagination, ahumour/humor.

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    16.10 Presentations85

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Tipsfor effectivepresentations

    3. Research and studies generally indicate that in presentatio

    you have between 4 - 7 seconds in which to make a positiimpact and good openingimpression. So make sureyou havegood, strong, solid introduction, and rehearse it until it 'second nature' to you and an action of 'unconscio

    competence'.4. Smiling helps a lot. It will relax you and the audience.

    addition to giving you a relaxed calm appearance, smilactually releases helpful 'happy' chemicals into your nervosystem, and makes you feel good. So does taking a few de

    slow breaths make you feel relaxed - low down fromthe pityourstomach- beforeyoutaketo thestage.

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    16.10 Presentations86

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Tipsfor effectivepresentations

    5. Research and collect as much data as possible on the subje Thensummarizeit into timeslot allotted to you. Incaseno suslot isprovided, pleaseaskfor it.

    6. Try your presentation out. Stand up and practice it beforeyo

    friendsorfamilyandseekfeedback. Act onit.

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    16.10 Presentations87

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    7. If youareusingoverheadprojectors:

    a. Be familiar with theoperation of the projector. Theuseo

    projectorprovidesprofessional feel toyour presentation.b. With enough time and good graphics software, you c

    prepareall sortsof prettypictures, graphs, piecharts, diagrametc. andimpresstheaudience.

    c. In absence of software, you can write plain text on acetaand use the slides. Be certain you do not crowd the text on

    singleslide.d. Place the slides correctly, the right side up. Do not standfront of theprojector anddo not hidebehindit.

    e. Talkto theaudienceandnot tothescreen.

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    16.10 Presentations88

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    8. If youareusingflipcharts:

    a. Becomfortable; youdonothavetoworryabout technolog

    b. It is quick and simple. Write your text on the paper withthickfelt pen.

    c. Make certain your writing is large and can be seen by aUsetwo or threecolours.d. Place the slides correctly, the right side up. Do not stand

    front of theprojector anddo not hidebehindit.

    e. Talkto theaudienceandnot tothescreen.f. If you aregoingto write asyou speak, ensureyou write istraight line.

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    16.11 Summary89

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    Recruitment has now become a science and employers depscientific methods like verbal reasoning, numerical reasoninpersonality questionnaires, in-tray exercises, group exercis

    presentations etc. for selection of a right candidate. Substantefforts and costs are incurred by employers in selection a

    recruitment, hence they want to exercise enough care in selectiprocess. These scientific methods enhance the quality of selecti

    process. If you are looking for an opening at a higher level, itabsolutelynecessarytobewell acquaintedwith thesemethodsa


    You can now be rest assured that you are fully prepared

    successfullyfacethelongawaitedinterview foryour dreamjob!

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    16.12 Self-Assessment Questions90

    Chapter 16 Get ready for scientific methods used in selection

    1. Why do employers resort to psychometric test for selecti

    of candidatesfor thevacant jobs?

    2. Describe numerical reasoning test and provide twexamplesof testscandidateshavetosolve.

    3. What is a personality questionnaire? Why do recruitersu

    it prior to interviews?

    4. What qualitiesof the candidatesareassessed duringin-t


    5. Enumerate precautions you will undertake if you are ask

    byarecruiter toarrangeforapresentationonagivensubject

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    & that is the end of our session o

    Good Luck!
