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PP Dec 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 PP Dec 2011



    Poverty Awareness

    Views From aStudent

    Service Stop

    Student GovernmentRepresentatives

    Health CareConnections

    Livonia CampusJeans Drive

    Midland Campus

    Sticky Note Event

    Sibs & Kids 2012

    Masquerade Ball

    Kzoo Food Drive














    December 2011 Volume 4, Issue 4

    [email protected]

    During the Homecoming hockey game on November11th, two student role models announced as PantherHomecoming Ambassadors for the 2011-2012 year.

    Upperclass students were invited to submit anapplication, including their resume and a faculty/staffreference. Finalists were interviewed by the selectioncommittee, in addition to a student vote.

    The top candidates were Jasmin Lasaro, anAccounting/Business Administration major at theLivonia/Warren campuses and Michael Anderson, a LegalStudies major at the Lettinga campus, shown on the right.

    Other finalists included Lakeshia Hood (Saginaw), MonaHijazi (Livonia), Nichole Kremer (Lettinga), and SarahGombar (Lettinga).

    Homecoming Ambassador candidates exhibit qualities suchas leadership, character, good citizenship, community serviceinvolvement and communication skills. They represent studentsfrom all campuses.

    Jasmin and Mike will both receive a $1,000 scholarship,courtesy of the DU Alumni Association.

    Homecoming Ambassadors Named

    Poverty AwarenessThe Volunteer Center held a number of

    activities to educate students, faculty, andstaff about poverty including educationaldisplays, a newsletter, and a HolidayReception for Sacred Beginnings.

    In addition, a clothing and toiletries

    drive was held and the DU community isinvited to participate with the annual adopt-a-family program. For more information,visit davenport.edu/volunteer.

    The following definitions were takenfrom the Volunteer Centers PovertyAwareness Month Newsletter.

    Povertythe state or condition ofhaving little or no money, goods, or meansof support; condition of being poor;indigence.

    Working Poora term used to describeindividuals and families who maintainregular employment but remain in relativepoverty due to low levels of pay anddependent expenses.

    Situational Povertya form of poverty

    that is caused by trigger events such aschange in employment status, householdcomposition, disability status or naturaldisaster.

    Generational Povertya form ofpoverty that persists for two or moregenerations. Without intervention, peopleborn into generational poverty will have ahigher chance of always living in poverty.

    Cont. on page 2

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    Are your study habitsmaking your collegeexperience more difficult?Many college students havestruggled to have goodstudy habits.

    With just a few changesthis can become easier.

    Its really just a matterof organization and timemanagement. Althoughmany of us are aware ofthese tips, it is always goodto be reminded from timeto time.

    Even applying one ofthese tips may make adifference. Tips are asfollows:


    Stay healthy byeating properly and gettingplenty of rest.

    2. Get rid of negativeattitudes and thoughts,which can distract fromlearning.

    3. Attend every class.Skipping out will onlymake it harder to keep up.

    4. Have a schedulewhere you have specific

    times set aside forstudying./Have a setschedule for studying.

    5. Find a quiet placethat is free of distractions.

    6. Do your moredifficult assignments attimes you are most alertand productive.

    7. Break-downassigned reading intosmaller chapters orsections. This will alsomake it easier for you toremember what you arereading, as well as preventprocrastination.

    8. Look-up words orterms you do not

    understand, to improveyour understanding.

    9. Take small breaksto give your mind a rest.

    10. Find a good studygroup that is serious aboutlearning.

    11. Try conceptmapping to understandconcepts and terms moreclearly.

    Views Froma Student

    by Tori Mills

    Effective Study Habits

    Wednesday, December 7that the Livonia Campus from 12-6 p.m.

    Help to create blankets on-campus to warm homelessyouth at Covenant House in Detroit.

    Contact Davenports AmeriCorps*VISTAApril Meyers at

    [email protected] for more info.

    Dec. 2011 Page 2Panther Press

    Service Stop ~ Warming Homeless Hearts

    Extreme Povertya state in which one lives on anannual income of less than half the poverty line. Thoseliving in extreme poverty are often in unsafe livingconditions and struggle to meet the most basic of theirneeds.

    Food Insecuritythe state of, or risk of, being unable toprovide food. (to oneself, nation, or community)

    According to the US Census Bureau: 43.9 million People in the U.S. live below the poverty

    line; one third of these Americans are children. There are currently 10,424,540 vacant housing units in

    the U.S.According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA):

    9 million Americans suffer from hunger. The government defined poverty for a family of four in

    2009 as an income of $21,954 or less. On federal minimum wage, would need to work 64

    hours per week to meet the poverty threshold for afamily of three.

    To meet Basic Family Budget at 40hrs/week, need toearn: $25.15 per hour.

    Poverty Awareness cont.

    Student Government AnnouncesGovernors and Representatives

    Student Government is excited to announce the regionalgovernors and student representatives for 2011-2012.


    Anas Alkatib, East

    Dan La Bruyere, NorthSabrina Hunsinger, West

    Representatives, West RegionBrandon Mikowski, Lettinga Becky Pitts, LettingaCharles Taylor, Battle Creek Daniel Hume, LettingaDavid Roelfzema, Lettinga David Williams, KzooEric Sisco, Kalamazoo Ross Nichols, LettingaNettie Curtice, Lettinga/Hall Advisory Team (HAT) Rita Smallcombe, Kalamazoo (Editor of Panther Press)

    Representatives, East RegionDon Smith, FlintHeather Ringrose , Livonia

    Jasmine Lazaro, Warren & LivoniaRepresentatives, North Region

    Adam Graddick, MidlandEllen Strickland, Midland/Student Leadership InitiativeHeather Cooper, Midland/Student Leadership Initiative

    Please visit the Student Government web page atwww.davenport.edu/student-life/student-government forcontact information or to find out more about getting in-volved in DUs Student Government. We would like repre-sentation from each campus/online and RSO.

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    Dec. 2011 Page 3Panther Press

    Donate Your Jeans to COTSat the Livonia Campus

    As finals weekapproaches, the moans andgroans of students arebecoming louder and louder.

    We, as students, can dothings to not only keep ourspirits up, but our bodies andframe of mind healthy aswell.

    The most important thing

    we can do is get enough restto help balance our studytime with our otherresponsibilities.

    When it comes tostudying, taking a ten minutebreak for every half hour of

    studying can be verybeneficial, especially when itcomes to reading or workingon difficult material.

    If you feel your thinkingis becoming erratic ordisconnected, take a stepback and relax until you canfocus again.

    There is nothing wrong

    with doing this. Stressing outto get an assignment done orstudying for a test isunproductive and only leadsto disaster.

    Second, studying in agroup can help. The

    diversity of a group can offerdifferent ways and methodsfor completing tasks.

    For example, one personmight have an easier way toremember material, or you

    could combine everyonesnotes into one piece of work.

    Third, keep healthysnacks close by, like peanutsor even Chex mix. Snackslow in salt and sugar, buthigh in protein are the best.

    Try not to overload oncaffeine, because although itmay offer the boost we allthink we need, it causes us tocrash suddenly leading to

    fatigue.These simple tips will

    help alleviate the stress ofstudying for finals.

    When it comes taking theactual test, take a deepbreath and focus before you

    begin; doing this will helpyou to remember what youlearned and what wasstudied.

    But, first and foremost,BEST OF LUCK,


    by Charles Taylor, MA

    The Livonia Library is onceagain requesting donations ofused jeans to be donated toCOTS (Coalition on TemporaryShelter) for the homeless in De-troit. Thirty-seven pairs of jeanshave been collected so far andDavenport would like to exceedlast years collection of 86 jeans. Jeans will be collect-ed through Dec. 15.

    Please help us collect jeans for kids and adults. One

    out of every three homeless people in the U.S. is underthe age of 18, help us help them with your generousdonations.

    Sticky Note Event HugeSuccess at Midland Campus

    The Sticky Note Eventlead by Student NursingAssociation at DavenportUniversity, Midland Cam- pus was a great success.Over 300 sticky noteswere filled with heartfeltmessages of hope, cour-age, and love.

    The handwritten mes-sages were collected and

    displayed in the main hall-way of Davenport Univer-sity.

    Each note emphasizes

    the importance of cancerresearch and programs inhelping individuals, fami-ly, and community.

    SNA would like tothank everyone for their

    support in this great cause.The winners for the

    Sticky Note Event Give

    Away sponsored by SNAand Student Life are asfollow: Janice Putt CafeZinc Gift Certificate,

    Kathy Gould $25 GiftCard, and Ben Arnold DU Gift Bag.

    We hope for everyonescontinued support in ourfuture endeavors.

    Panther Press StaffEditor in Chief- Rita Smallcombe (Kalamazoo)Photographer- Michael Croff (Grand Rapids Lettinga)Contributors - Charles Taylor (Battle Creek), Toya Mill (On-line)Staff Advisor- Natalie Wagner

    Student Contributors Wanted! Contact Rita at [email protected] for additional info or to submit a story or idea. All

    campuses welcome!


    Government and

    the Panther Press

    staff would like wish

    everyone the best of

    luck on exams. Have

    a safe and enjoyable

    break! We lookforward to starting

    a new semester

    January 9, 2012.

  • 8/3/2019 PP Dec 2011


    For two weeks in November the students,faculty, and staff ofDavenports Kalamazoocampus gathered donationsof non- perishable foods todonate to the KalamazooLoaves & Fishes as part oftheir homecomingcelebration.

    All total they collectedover 1,550 pounds of food!The goal was originally 500,which in itself was a hugestep up from the just over150 pounds donated lastyear.

    Several instructors gaveincentives to students forbringing in donations.

    During the fall blooddrive, held in the student

    lounge on Tuesday, November 15, many localcommunity residentsbrought in food donations.

    A big thank you to MattHalbeison, Dave Williams,Rita Smallcombe, Jeremiaand Justin Gipson, and KyleAlvarez for helping to pack all the food fortransport.

    And thank you toMatt, Rita & Dave fortaking the donations toLoaves & Fishes.

    Kalamazoo Campus Food

    Drive a HUGE Success

    Dec.. 2011 Page 4

    Sibs & Kids Weekend 2012

    The students, faculty, and staff reallycame through for us!

    It took over an hour to load all thefood into the vehicles.

    This was just thecanned goods!

    It took three vehicles to get all the foodthere. And then three loads to weigh it all!

    Dec. 2011 Page 4Panther Press

    Sibs & Kids Weekend will be January 27-29, 2012.Davenport University Student Life invites all siblings

    and children of DU students, faculty and staff to participatein this annual event.

    The weekend will include pizza and bowling, a movienight, DU Athletic events, a night in the Student Center,and other fun activities.

    Check the Student Life website for additional info.

    Student Government would like to invite the Daven-port Community to attend a Masquerade Ball at the Let-tinga campus at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 18,2012.

    Tickets for the event, which includes dinner, will be

    $10 for DU students and $15 for other guests. Tickets willbe available for purchase in January.Please contact Michael Anderson (dustugovpublic re-

    [email protected]) or Nicole Johnson (dustugov [email protected].) for more information.

