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Pp promotion pyf

Date post: 21-Aug-2015
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  1. 1. 1st workshop Pomeranian Youth Found Promotion
  2. 2. Learning objective To learn how to communicate in an intelligent and coherent way your own project
  3. 3. If something is not percieved, IT DOES NOT EXIST! Promotional activity is part of the so-called product marketing, and its only one of a complex series of steps (from the creation of the product until its sale).
  4. 4. 4 questions of communication 1. What 2. Who 3. Why 4. How
  5. 5. Decisions In a communication strategy you must make a series of decisions: related to pre-defined objectives for different target with different media and creativity in fixed times
  6. 6. Objectives of communication, 1/2 Awareness: knowledge of the existence of the product or service Knowledge: knowledge of the characteristics (its attributes and benefits) of the product/service Communication gives informations Liking: favorable attitudes toward the product/service Preference: development of a preference in the product/servise rather than the other alternatives available Communication influences on attitudes and perceptions Convintion: intention to purchase Purchase: purchase Communication stimulates the desire to purchase
  7. 7. Objectives of communication, 2/2 When you fix the objectives of your communication campaign, they must be: Few and clear Easily identifiable and measurable Realistic, potentially achievable In a reasonable timeframe
  8. 8. Integrated communication Consists in using the available tools and media for your communication strategy in a coherent and synergistic way, to: use in the best possible way human and financial resources reach the target effectively achieve the goals (visibility, image ..)
  9. 9. 8 elements for the communication strategy: Integrated Communication COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Paper publicatio ns Naming Public Relationsh ip Direct Marketing Advertise- ment Sponsor- ship Events Web communi- cation
  10. 10. Paper publications 1/8 Brochure, Flyer, Posters...
  11. 11. Naming 2/8 Delicate tasks that are critical to success in an effective communication
  12. 12. Public Relationship 3/8 Aims to gain visibility and a positive environment around the project, through contacts with people of influence
  13. 13. Direct Marketing 4/8 Mail, e-mail, newsletter
  14. 14. Advertisement 5/8 Media campaigns, ads in newspapers, articles, billboards, posters, leaflets
  15. 15. Sponsorship 6/8 Serves to positively associate the project (its image, identity, brand, etc.) to an event, activity, organization or person who has visibility and positive image, coherent with the object of sponsorship
  16. 16. Events 7/8 Fairs, convention, seminars and conferences
  17. 17. Web communication 8/8 Website, blogs, electronic newsletter, social networks, content sharing sites, search engine indexing
  18. 18. WEB PRESENCE Paper publicatio ns Naming Public Relationsh ip Direct Marketing Advertise- ment Sponsor- ship Events Web communi- cation 8 elements for the communication strategy: Web Presence
  19. 19. STEP to set up a communication campaign 1/2 1. Define the object of the campaign 2. Define the purpose of the campaign 3. Identify the target to be reached 4. Choose the message 5. Determine the response that you want to get 6. Determine the characteristics of your project that is important to communicate 7. Choose the tools/medium *
  20. 20. *Tools/medium choice The choice on the tool/media must be made on the basis of: 1. Quantitative elements Investment and cost required Potential of the communication media 2. Qualitative elements Ability to acquire direct information from the market Control of demand Need to guard a particularly prestigious market Type of clients to be served
  21. 21. STEP to realize the communication campaign 2/2 1. Generation of ideas (internal sources, competitors, customers ...) 2. Analysis and selection of ideas 3. Development and testing of a concept (translate the idea into a concept, prototype) 4. Definition of marketing strategy (decision for the launch of the campaign: when, where, to what market) 5. Briefing, where you have to decide the overall strategy and organize the Human Resources: identification, organization and responsibilities, timing
  22. 22. Remember: be relevant! Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much!
  23. 23. Questions for Relevance 1. Who do you want to influence? 2. What are they really, really interested in? 3. How is what you want to say relevant to your target?
