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,5 -0s THE . PPEWkY LANGUA TO WBICH IS ADDED Ofsome of the most common Words. BY JOHN SmFIELD, - B C a ~ ~ r PRESS OF J. F. FAIRCHILD & SON.
Page 1: PPEWkY LANGUA - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../chippeway_sommerfield1834_o.pdf · ,5 -0s THE . PPEWkY LANGUA TO WBICH IS ADDED Ofsome of the most common Words. BY JOHN SmFIELD,

,5 - 0 s THE .

P P E W k Y L A N G U A


Ofsome of the most common Words.

BY JOHN S m F I E L D , -


Page 2: PPEWkY LANGUA - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../chippeway_sommerfield1834_o.pdf · ,5 -0s THE . PPEWkY LANGUA TO WBICH IS ADDED Ofsome of the most common Words. BY JOHN SmFIELD,


Z = . --- . - - The following pages were d t n as an exercise for my :: , . #&;*.:, %

: - j ~ ~ : k u r e hours, while attending the Oneida Conference Semi- w , d u r i n g the past winter. As it is the first attempt that,


-to my knowledge,- has ever been made to reduce the Chip -4 r

:$ cut pwaY language to any system, it cannot be expected to be % otherwise than imperfect, and perhaps may hereafter be i

i 33; found to be, in some respects, erroneous. It is, however, as - - : ? .

free from errors as my present means have enabled me to 3 I

$ make it, It has been printed at the request of my friends, 2 or

1. ,

.--: by a fellow student, at his own suggestion and expense. 6 '; Ak -

..I 8ek J. SUMMERFIELD. .- . . . .-

. ..

Cazeaovia, April SO, 1834. -

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3 . i

4 . -8 . . 4 :I

B anl ,$ r 7

Page 3: PPEWkY LANGUA - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../chippeway_sommerfield1834_o.pdf · ,5 -0s THE . PPEWkY LANGUA TO WBICH IS ADDED Ofsome of the most common Words. BY JOHN SmFIELD,

f ,\ - / rX, -'e:::

s rrr j SKETCH OF GRhMMdB, &. ; 1/ :, - -, i ;; n

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sed h the Chippeway A, a; Byb; C,c; D,

K, k; My rn; N, n; 0, ; W , W ; Y , Y ; 5 2 . -. .--- . ..

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. .

There are, 'in the Chip+wiy' Language, ten parts ' * of y

Speech, namely, the article, the noun, the primaun, the od- nY be, the verb, $he participle, the adverb, the prep~sit*++~ ::: _- -r ni- conjunction, and the intq"ection. / . Q . i

. -*24. - * !l ,- ' L . . .

OF THE ARTICLE.- . .. : 6

There is bu :*

P- -! culine and neu be - - - - . - -..-- . .-,: ,-- , . . _ . . - - - . ----..

\ 2

OF NOUNS. f - .. . ,

be A Noun is the nark of any person, place, or thing; as, i .> - .- ' d

as . Eneneh, 'man ; Kahdahnahqueeng, Kingston ; metig, tree.' .;' 7

Nouns are of two sorts, Common and Proper. - -

G Common Nouns stand for kinds contain' many sorts, '3 ' 9 3 or for sorts containing many individuals un er them; as, ' Ahwaseeh, animal ; eneneh, man ; kego;ownh, fish ; pena- 8 -; seh, bird.

- - . :: .. . _ Proper Nouns are the names appro riated to individuals, ,. as, Charles, Cazenovia, Gaqges. [%. B. Proper names, -- . -=,with . .. a few exceptions, are the same as in English..]

- f:. To Nouns belong gender, person, number, and ease 4: . ,

3.i GENDER. 9 ::. Gender is the distinction of nouns with regard to sex. 4 Nouns have three genders, the masculine, the feminine,

9- and the neuter. ,$ . The masculine gender denotcs males ; as, Eneneh, man. 4 9 T h e feminine gender is applied to animals, fishes, and

birds ; as, Nahbak, a she bear, kc. Tile neuter gender denotes things without sex ; as, We;_

wahquon, a hat. NUMBER. -

Number L the distinction of objects as one or more.

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i: Nouns are of two nunhbrs, the singular and the prural. C The s+ar number implies but one object ; as, Mahze- ,i nahegun, a book. : pos

. .I

< The plural number impks more! than one ; as MahzHe-- , h,

nahegahnm, b k s . . I' Fir. CASE*

Noune have three cases, the nominative, the possessiF-e, and the objective. The nominative case simply expresses tke name of a

thing, &c. .;. as,. Owh. quewesanceoobahkahmegezeh, the bo plays. .

&he possesskive- case expresses - the rela tion of property or pansession, and always ends with the letter o ; as, Noo- sa o we w m , my fatherpi house.

%he ogctive case expresses the object ofan actiolr or of rdation ; as John owejeahn Charles, John assists Charles-

* Nouns may be declined in the following manner : - Pa:

Singular. Plural. : NG Nm. case, Eheneh, man. Enenewug, men. .+ Ne

6 . b Pm. Ccue, Eneneho, d s . Enenewup, men%. :. p~eq

Obj. Case, Eneneh, Enenewug, men, ': Na

A Pronoun is a word'used instead o f a noun; to avoid 're- peating the same word; as, Pahpenritum eneneh, the man is happy; Pahpenaturn, he is happy.

PERSONAL PBONOUXS.. There are three personal pronouns, viz. Neen, I ; keen,

thou; yeen,. lie.;. with their plurals, Nenahwind, we ; ke- nahwah, ye or you ; wenahwah, they,

Personal, pronouns have person, number,gender and case. The persons. dprononns are three in each rrumber, I&-

Neen, I, is- the first person, Keen, thou, is the second person, 1 Singular. WE^, he, is the third person, Nenahwind, we, is the first person, Kenahwah, you, is the second person, PluraL Wenahwah,they,isthethirdperson, I

Nuder.-Pronouns- have two numbers, the singular and the plural, .

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-. -.- y. ' 4 'A. - ' : . -.

d x*. . . 5 :? ? i:

,e : Cuse.-Pronouns have three cases, the nominative, the re- .. ,: possessive, and the objective. . .

.e-- Pronouns cannot be declined. The cases of each person -: have the same form. j First person. . S i n p l a r . Plural, . - A h . Neen, I. Nenahwind, * we.

'e, ; Poss. Neen, mine, Nenahwind, ours. I ' r Obj. . Neen, me. Nenahwind, us, .


An Adjective is a kord added to a noun to express its ,La br '1 quality ; as, quahnoj eneneh, a good man ; menwawezheh m - - : eneneh, en industrious man.

. Adjectives are not varied to agree -with their nouns, nor . do they have any regular comparison. L . The following is a list of Numeral Adjectives :

Pazbick, 1 Neezhe, 2 Nesweh, 3 Newin, 4 Nahnun, 5

6 Ingoodwahsweh, Nesmahsweh, 7 Shahsweh, 8 Shonmmeh, 9 ~ e t a x s w e h , 10 Metahs~veh abshepazhick, 11 ----ahsheneezhe, 12 -ahshenesweh, - 13 -ahshenew in, 14 -ahshenahnun, 15 -ahsheingoodwahsweh, 16 -ahshenesrvahsweb, 17 -ahsheswahsmeh, 19 -ahsheshongsaeh, 19 Nestahnah, 20 Nestabnah ahshepachick, 21 -ahsbeneezhe, 22 -ahshenesweh, 23 -ahshenewin, 24 -ahshenabnun, 25

-ahsheingoodwabeweb, 26 -ahsheneswahsweh, 2 7 -a hsheshahsmeh, 28 -absheshonepweh, 29 Nesemetahnab, . 3 0 Nemedahnah, 40. L

50 Nahnemedahnah, C


Ingoodwahsemedahnah, 60 70 Neswahsemedahnah,

Swahsemedahnab, 80 - -. Shonggahswehmedahnali, 90 Ingoodwak, 100 Nezhwak, 200 Neswak, 300 C

Newak, 400 f ihnwak, 600 Ingoodwahswak, 600 8 Nezhahswak, 700 Shawhswak, SO0 Shon ahsmak, 900 Meda swak, lo00 % Keezhemedahswak, 2000 Medahswehdahswak, 10,000 Nestahnahdahswak, 20,000 .Nemedahnahdahswak, 40,000 .?


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A Verb is a word which 'sigaifies to be, to do,;ot to suG fer ; as, Nedahyah, I am; Nedebafrkoonewa, f rule; Ne- dchahkoonegoo, I am ruled.,

Verbs are of three kinds, active, passive; and neuter. A Verb. Active expresses an action, and necessarily im- . 1es an a p n t and an abject acted upon ; as, Nezhahgeah ?* ames. I love James. A verb PasGve expresses passion or a suffering or the re-

ceiving of an action, and implies anobjed acted upon, and an agent by which it is acted upon ; as, Chezhahwaneding, to be lovzd ; John oojezhahwanemah men, John is loved by me.

A Verb Neuter expresses neither action nor passion; but k i n g or a state of being ; as, Nenebah, I sleep ; Nenah- rnahdubj I sit.

Verbs have number, person, mood and tense. KUMBER AND PERSOA. \

Verbs haw two numbeis, the siwlar and the plural. . There are three persons in eacknumber ; as,

Pers. Sinpl-m. - Ptural. 1. Nezhahmanep, I Iwe. Nezhahwanegamin, me love. 2, Kezhallwanem,thou lovest. I<ezhahwanegaim, you love. 3. Zhawanega, Kc loves. Zhahnranepmg, they love.

MOOD- ! The moods are five, Endicative, Subjunctive, Imperative, *

Potential, and the Infinitive. The Indicative declares or affirms positively, OF it asks o

question ; as, Zhahwanega, he loves ; Zhahwaneganah ?. Does he love ?

The Subjunctive expresses action or passion in a doubt-. ful manner ; as, Kespin zhafiwanegaid, if he loves.

Tlie Imperative is used for commanding, exhorting, and: entreating; as, hlahjahn keen, depart thou ; Noodahmoo- yook, do thou listen.

The Potential implies liberty, wer, will ; as, Tawmewan kahmahbup, it may rain ; gegahmese- emin hya kahmenequarnin, we shall eat and drmk.

The infinitive simply expresses the sipification of the verb; as, Cheezechegng, to do ; Chegegedoong, to speak.

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uT- ; Verbs have six tenses, the present., the imperkct, the Jew ,perfect, the pluperfect, the first and second future tenses.

' The present tense represents a present action as takin 6 ,

'&lace at the time in which i t is mentioned ; as, Nebop, m- i h u q h ; Newob, I see ; Nedenadum, I think.

P :ah j The imperfect tense denotes past action or event how-

! ever distant, finished, but withdut definhg the exact time a- >of its completion ; as, Oodanongezahbahneeg ahpe naqua-

:akahwod, they were travelling to the town when he met 9, ithem.

. j The perfed tense refers not only to what is past but also :conveys an allusion to the present time ; as, Ahzheh nege-

~t i gezhetoon nemahzhenahepn, I have finished my letter. . . ,I- The pluperfect tense' represents a thing, not only as past, j but also as prior ta some other point of tune specified in the ': sentence ; as, Ahzehnegegezhetonahbun letter chebwabe-

\ . . ? dahveshing, I had finished my letter before he arrived. . - ?'he first future tense represents the action as yet to I come, either with or without respect b the precise time - when; as, Owl1 kezis tahbemookahum wahbung, the sun

, . will rise to-morrow. . The second future tense represents a future action that v w will be accomplished before another future action ; as, Ne-

gahwesenenahbun nahwahquaig, 1- shall have dined at ' , twelve o'clock. . .


. A Verb is- conjugated in the following manner : ) T O LOVE.-I~DICATEVE MOOD.

, Present r m e . Sing. I. Nezhahmanega, I love.

' 2. Kezhahwanega, Thou lovest. '

S. Zhahwanega, He loves. ', Plw. I. Nezhahwanegamin, We love.

2. Kezhahwanegaim, Ye or you love. 3. Zhahwanegawu3, They love.

I q e e e t . < Sing. 1. Negezhahwanega, I loved.

2. Kegezhahwanega, Thou lovedst. S. Kezhahwanega, He loved.

. ,

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PEi Pkw. I. N'ige~hahwane~arnin, We loved.

2. Kegezhahw anegaiin, Ye or you loved. 9. Kezhawanegawug, They loved.

P e e c t . Sing. 1. Ahzehnegzl~ahmanega, I have loved.

8. Ahzehkegezhahmanega, -Thou hast loved. ., i.

5. Ahzehkezzhahmanega, He has loved. .. . . i

P1ur. 1. Ahzehnegezhahwanegamin, We have loved. 2. Ah~eMregezhahwanegaim, Ye or you have loved. sin: 3. Ahzehkeihahwanepmg, They have loved.

Pluperfect. Psi.

Sing. 1. AhzehnegezhaEwaneganahbun, I had loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwane~anahbun, Thouhadstloved. 3. ~hzehkezhahwanci~%un, He had loved.

Plur. 1. Ahzehnegezhawanegaminahbun, We had loved. 2. Ahzehkegezhahwaneoamwahbun,You had loved. Sin, 3. ~ h z e & e z h a h m n e ~ g a h e e ~ , -They had loved.

First Future. -

Sing. 1. Negahzhahwanega, I shall or will love. 2. Kegahzhahwanega, Thou shalt or wilt love. 3. Tahzhahwanega, He shall or'wiU love.

Plur. 1. .Negahzhahwanegarnin, W e shall or will lovc. Sin, 2. Kegahzhahwanegaim, You shall or will love. 3. Tahzhahwanegamg, -They shall or will love.

Second Future. PEE- Sing. 1. Negahzhahwaneganahbun, I shall have loved. '

2. Reoahzhahwaneoanahbun, Thou wilt have loved. 3. ~aKzhahwane~agun, He will have loved.

Plur. 1. Negahzhahwanegaminahbun,We shall have loved. Sin, 2. Kegahzhahwaneoarnwahbun,You will have loved. 3. ~ahzhahrnane~axahnee~, They will have loved. -


Present Tense. Sing. 1. Tahga'tmeenegazhahwanega, Let me love.

2. Zhahmaneoam, or Love thou, or do gezhah~v~neganah, 3 thou love. .. 3,

3. Tahgahween tahzhahwanega, Let him love. a.

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Plur. 1. Tahgahnenahwind gahzhah- Let us love. , wanegamin, 2. Zhahwanegayook, or Love ye or you, of a

. Kezhahwanegaimnah, J

do you love. - 1

5. Tahgahwenahwah tahzhah- Let them w a n e p v g ,

i. .* . .i

POTENTIAL mm.. Presazt Tense;

Veda Bing. 1. Nedahzhahmanega, I may I=. 2. Kedahzhahwanega, - Thou mayest love. 3. Tahzhahwanega, He .may love.

Plur. 1. Nedahzhahwanegamin, W e may love. 2. Kedahzhahwanegah, You may love. -

sd. - 3. Tahzhahwanegawug. They may love.

Imperfect Tense. . Sing. 1. Nedakoezhahwanega, I might love.

?dm 2. Kedahgezhahwanega, Thou mightest lover 3. Tahgezhahwanega, He might love.

-P2ur. 1. Nedahgezhahwanegamin, W e 4 7 h t love. 2. Kedahgezhahwanegaim, You m~ght love.

.e. 3. Tahgezhahwanepwug, They &ght love.


P e e c t Tense. -e. Sing. 1. ~edah~ewezhahwanega, - I may haw loved.

.e . 2. Kedahgewezhahwanega, Thou mayst have loved 3. Tahrrewezhahmanega, He may have loved.

Plur. 1. ~eda%~emezhahwane~min, w e may have loved. 2. Kedahgewezhahwanegaim, You may have loved.

3. a 3. T a h g e m e z h a h w a n e They may have loved. ~ ~ u ~ e r - e e t ..' T B ~ .

Sing. 1. Nedahgewezhahwanegb I might have loved nahbun,

A* 2. Kedahgewezhahwanega- Thou mightest have nahbun, loved. .

- S. Tahgewezhahwaneebun, He might have loved. - : Plzcr. 1. Nedahgemezhahwanegami- w e -ht have loved

nahbun, 2. Kedahgewezhahwanegam- You mighthave loved.

3 : wahbh,

, 3. TahgewezhahwanePbahneeg,'I'he j might hare loved.

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Present Tmse. Sitrg. Kespin zhahwanegayaun, If I love.

Kespip zhahwanepyun, If thou lovest. &ng Kes~in zhahwahneeaid. If he loves. a '

PZur. geLPin zhahwanegayong, If we love. - Kespin zhahwanegayaig, If you love. Plur '

Kespin zhahwancgawod, If they loye.


Pres. Chezhahmnegang, To love. iSing P&J Chegezhahwanegang, To have loved. F a . Ahyegwahmezhahwanegang, To be about to love. .


Present, Zhahwaneding Loving. P e r f e c ~ , Zhahwancmind, Loved.


Present Tense. Sing. Nedahyah,

Keda hyah, Ahyah,

I am. Thou art Hg is,

PZur. Nda hjahmin, W e are. Kedahyaum, Ye or you are. Ahyahwug, They are. 1

Impe$eet Tmse. PZur Sing& Nedahyahnahbun, I was. .

Kedahyahnahbun, Thou wast, ~ h ~ a h b u n , He was.

Plur. Nedahyahmenahbun, We were. Kedahyahmwahbun, YOU were. Ahyahbahneeg, They were.

P e f e c t Tense. K o o r Sing. Negeahyahnahbun, I have been. .KOOK

Kegeahyahnahbun, - Thou hast been. .Koor, Keahyahban,. He has been.

PZur. Negeahyahmm, We have been. Koor

Page 11: PPEWkY LANGUA - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../chippeway_sommerfield1834_o.pdf · ,5 -0s THE . PPEWkY LANGUA TO WBICH IS ADDED Ofsome of the most common Words. BY JOHN SmFIELD,

Kegeahyaum, You have been, Keahyahwug - - They have been.

Plup e fe c t Ten sea &nga Nedahgeweahyahnahbun, I had been.

Kedahgeweahyahnahbun, Thou hadst been. Keweahyahbun, - He had been.

PZur; Nedahgeweahyahmin, Wk had been. Kedahgeweahyaum, You had been. Kea hyahbahneeg, They had been

First Future Tense. Sing- Negahahyah, I shall be.

Kegahahyah, Thou wilt be. .e. . Tahahvah, He will be.

PZur. ~ e g a h a h ~ a h m i n , , W e shall be. Kegahahyaum, You will be. Tahahyahmg, They will be.

Second Fzlt zwe Tense. Sing. Negahgeahyahnahbun, I shall have been.

Kegahgzahyahnahbun, Thou wilt have been. Tahgeahyahbun, He will have been.

PZwr. Negahgeahyahmenahbun, We shall have &en. Kegahgcahyahmwahbun, You will have been. Tahgeahyahbahneeg, They will have been.


6ing. Tahgahnenegallahyah, Let me be. Ahyaun kegeahyahun, Be thou or do thou be. ~ a h ~ a h w e e n d a h a h ~ a h , Let him be.

. Plur. Tahgahnenahwincinegahahmin, Let us be. Ahyahyook, Be ye or you or do you be. Tahgahdahahyahwug, Let them be.


Presenf Tense. Singular.

Xoonemah-nedahahyah, I may be. Koonemah-kedahahyah, Thou m,ayst be. goonemah-dahahyah, He may be.

Plurd -Koonemah-nedah&phmin, We may be.

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Roonemah-kedahah-yawn, You may be. goonemah-dahahyahwugy They may be. .

Inperfeet Tense. Sinplar.

Koonemah-nedahgeahyahy 1 might be. Koonemah-kehhgeahyah, Thou mightest be. Koonemah-tahgeahyah, He might be.

PIu~al. ~ o o d e m a h ~ n e d a h ~ e a h ~ ~ , We might be. Koonemah-kedahgeahyaum, You might be. a

Koonemah-taheahyahwug, They mght be. .

Pe$ect Tense. SinguZar.

Koonemah-nedahgeahyahnahbun, I may have been. Koonemah-kedahgeahyahnahbun, Thou mayst hav been. Koonemah-tahgeahyahbun, Hemay have b .

Plural. &

-nedahgeahyahrninnahbun, We may have been. -kedahgeahyahmwahbun, You may have been. -tahgeahyahbahneeg, They may have been.

Plupmfect Tense. Si&r.

-nedahgeweahyahnahbun, I might have be'en. -kedahgeweahyahnahbun, Thou mightest have been. -tahgeweahyahbun, He might have been..'

Plural. -nedahgeweahgahmenanbun, We might have been. -kedahgeweahyahmwahbun, You mipht have been. tahgeweahyahbahneeg, They might have been.


Present Tense. Sing. Kespin ahyahyaun, I f I be,

Kespin ahyallyun, If thou be. Kespin ahyaud, If he be.

PJur. Kespin ahyah-yong, If we be. . Kespin ahyahyaig, . If you be.

Kespin ahyahwaud, If they be. Imperfect Tense-

Sing. Kespin ahyahyahbaun, 3f I were. Neg

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Kespin ahyahyahbun, If thou wert. Kespin ahynhpun, If he were. -

Plur. Kespin ahyahyovongebun, If we were. . - Kespin ahyahyaigoobun, If you were.

Kespin ahyahwahpun, If they were. -!


Present. Cheahfong, T o be. Perfect. Chegeahyong, T o have been.


Pres. Allyong ~ e i n i . Perf. Ahyod, Been.



Present Tense. ,I. Singular .

,.,:Nezhahwanemegoo, I am loved. 'gezhahwanemegoo, Thou ai-t loved. ;Zhahwanemah, He is loved. -

,cam . Plu~*aZ. Nezhahmanemegoomin, ' We are loved. Kezhahwanemegoom, You a,re loved.

- Zhahwanemahwug, D They are loved.

I~npefect . Singular.

' Nezhahwanemegoonahhun, ,, 1 was loved. Kezhahwanemegoonahbun, Thou n-ast loved. Zhahwanemahbun, He nTas lovcd.

Plural. ' Nezhahwaneme~oomenahhun, We were loved.

Kezhahwanemegoommahbun, Yo11 were ioved. Zhahwanemahballneeg, They mere loved.

Pe~fect. 0- angtclar.

Negezhahwanemegoo, 1 1;zve been lotyecl. E

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3 ' 2 Kegez ha hmancmegoo, Thou hast been loved. . :i Kezhahwanernah, He has been loved.

Plural. - s Negezhatlwanemepomin, W e have been loved.


Kegezhahwanernep~m, You have been loved. ~i

Kezhahwanemahpc-ug. - - They have been loved. $a Pluperfect.

Si~~gular. Negezhahwanernegoonahbun, I had been loved. Kegezhahwanemegoonahbun, Thou hadst been loved. Kezhahmanemahbun, He had been loved.

Plu~at. Negezhahwanernegoomenahbun, W e had been loved. Ke~zhahwanemepomwahbun, You had been loved. Kezhahmanemahbahneeg, They had been loved.

Fillst Future.

SinpuZur. Negahzhahwanemegoo, I shall be loved. Kegahzhahwanernegoo, Thou wilt be loved. Tazhahwanemah, He will be loved.

PZural. Xephzhahwanemegoomin, We shall be loved. Keoahzhahwanemegoom, . You will be loved. ~a~zhahwanemahwu~, They will be loved.

Second Future.

Singula~ Negahgezhahwanemegoo, I shall have been loved. Kemhgezhahwanemepo, Thou wilt have been loved. ~abezhahwanema h, He will have been loved.

Plural. Negahgezhahwanemegoomin, We shall have-been loved. Ke hgezhahwanemegoom, You will have been loved.

oezhahwanemahwug, T~.E They will have been loved.


Be; t


3- $ingui!ar. : Tal-


Tahgahnenegah zhahwanemegoo, Let me be loved. . .,. . . -

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-Tahgahkegah zhahwanernegoo, Be thou loved or do ~ed, . :. thou be loved.

TahgahiFeen tahzhahwanemah, -k,

Let him be loved. < Plural,

I- .%a hgahnenahwind negahzhahwane- Let us be loved. 1. % megoomin, :ledm Yahgahkenahwah kahzhahwanerne- Be you loved or do

.:: goom, you be loved. jTahgahw-enahwah tahzhahmanernah- Let them be loved.


Presejtt Tense. .-r Singu.lar. ~edahkoonemahzhahwanemegoo, I may be loved Kedahkoonemahzhahwanemep, Thou mayest be loved.

::Tahkoonemahzhahwanemah, He may be loved., Plurd

.~~edahkoonemahzhahwankmegoomin, We may be loved. . . Xedahkoonemahzhahwanemegoom, You may be loved. .-,~Tahkoonernahzhahmanemah~vug, They may be loved.

Imperfect Tense. .

Singtll~r. hTedahgekoonemahzhahtc3 nemegoo, I might be loved. [ed. Kedah~ekoonemahzhahwanemegoo, Thou mightest be lov-

?~ah~eKoonerna hzhahwanemah, He might be loved. Plural.

:Nedahgekoonemahzhal~~aneme- We might b(? loved. . . goomin,

Kedahgekoonemahzhahm~anemegpom, You might be loved. -i Tahgekoonemahzhahwanemah~vug, They might be loved. ,?2% . .-

C . -- Pe~fecect Tenze.

Sin,wlnr. Nedah,oekoonem'~kezlia:lri~anenle- I may have been lov-

-'! ' . moo, ed.

. ,; ~ e d a h ~ e k o o n e r n a h l t e z ~ ~ ~ w a n e m e - Thou mavest have - &- goo, been lgved. [ed. Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemah, He may have been lor- , *

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., - % - . . - - * - . _ . . i

8 , !

16 1 Plural. ;

Nedahgek-emahkezhahwaneme- We may have beel &c eoornin, loved. w e

~edah~koonemahkezh"&~i~neme- You may have bee! ge a.

wm3 loved. 8 Tahgekoonemahkezhahwan6mah- They may have beel $

W U ~ Y loved. 8

Plupqfieet Tm. . . Singdav. i.

Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwaneme- I might have been lov :'i

aoonahbun9 ed. . ,"

.. Kedahgekoonemah ezhahwaneme- Thou rnightest ham ,,'

ooonahbun, been lo~ed. ~al~ekoonemahkebzhahwanemah- He might have beer .i

bun, loved; Piurd. .. i

Nedahgekoonemahkezhahwaneme- We might have been na: \ aoomenahbuny loved. , .

Kedahgekoonemah ezhahwaneme- You might have heen . gomwahbun, loved, -_we(

Tahgekoonemahkezhahwanemah- They might have been .:,,, bahneeg, loved. . ,.+ . r

;Tk -a

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. ,$a: Present Tense..

Singular. Kespin zhahwanemepoyaun, If I be loved. Kespin zhahwanemegooyun, If thou'be loved. Kespin zhahwanemind, If he be loved.

Plural. Kespin zhahwanemegooyong, If we be loved. Kespin zhahwanemepoyaig, If you be loved. Respin zhahwanemindwah, - If they be loved.

Imperfect Tense. nes bac

Sin ,gular. L

Kespin zhahwanemegooyahbaun, J f I were loved. .-'. Ion, Kespin zhahwanemegooyahbun- If thou wert loved. : wa Kespin zhahwanemindebun, If he were loved. . --; not

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.% Plu rat. 3 bee #Lespin zhahwanerne,po~onggebun, If we were loved.

Bespin zhahwaneme~ooyaiggoobuq If you were !oved. 2 bee!-gespin ff-. zhahwane&dwahbun, If they were 101-ed.

a! - . : beer ;G INFIXITIFE MOOD.

.; . . . : Present. Chezhahwanemegoong, T o be loved. .I i' Perfect. Chegezhahwanemepong, T o hare been loved.


Present. Zhahwanemegmng, Being love& ham :' Perfect. Zhahwanemind, Loved.


.. : A Participle is a 6-ord derived from a Verb, and has the been ;,nature of azverb and also of an adjective.

. Verbs have two participles, the present and the perfect. wen * ' - The present participle denotes action or being coontin-

:-axed, but not finished. It pnerally ends in ing, eng, or g ; 'een s Tebahkooneding, Rulm_o. kc.

.',.: *he perfect partgiple denudtes action or being, finished. .;This can also be distinguished bv its ending in ed or d; as d'ahpid, laughed ; shoshomequ&id, smiled.


An Adverb is a word used to modify the sense of a verb,. &c. ; as, Kagate quahnoj eneneh, a truly ,pod man.

List of Adverbs : o, once ; neshing, twice ; nesing, thrice. - : 2. rngoo% Netum, rst ; Esquachc, lastlv.

9. Omah, here ;. ahnedeh, where: negocijee, somewhere; .. - kahweenegoojee, nowhere ; ishpeming nahkayah, upward ;

nesahye-ee nahkayah, downward ; esquaycng nahkayah, backward ; negaun nahkayah, forward; kc.

4. Noogoom, now ; chekezherruk, to-day ; mawezhah, B ..: long ago-; pejenahgooh, yester ay ; nooma hyah, latelv ;

: wahbW, to-morrow ; bahmah, by and by ; kahmahshGh,, -?.. not yet ; kahyahsekah, instantly ; ~vaweeb, immediately.

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Pahgee, little ; ahneenmenik, how much. Koonemah, perhaps ; mekahmeh, perchance Kagate, verily ; aahe, yes, kc. Kah, no ; kahweengahnahga, not at all. Ahneen, how ; ahneeshnah, why ; ahnahpe, . Nah~vuj, more ; kagahkoo, most.


A J k

OF PREPOSITIONS. -:$ .i,. . .'w=

Prepositions serve to connect words with one another and ro shorn the relation between them ; as, Cazenove anr +a keojemahjahkczhod t York,. he went from Cazenovia tt 2s. York. - ,?% ....

List of Prepositions : - .% j: Pahzhejahye-ee, over ; ahmhmahye-ee, undeer; shepah-

~e-ee, through ; ishpeming, above ; nesahye-ee, below ; keoonjee, from; peoonjee, from; ahwashema, beyond: chegpl13-e-ee, near ; negaun, before ; Ishquayong, behind: .:

wahsa h, off; oogejallye-ee, on or upon ; magwaahye-ee! . : among ; ahzheh, after ; atrpahgahjeahye-ee, against ; ah- gahmahye-ee, across ; kewetahye-ee, around ; n'ahmahye- -: ee, amidst ; enahkayah, toward, kc .


-;IT A Conjunction is a word used to connect sentences, so AT.

asout of two to make one. Conjunctions are of two sorts, the Copulative and the

Disjunctive. O a?che The fillowing are some of the Conjunctions : &o:

gla i l~ " Cop. Kiya, and ; Kespin, if; Owh, that ; nahyanze, *, both ; dushn~een, then ; ahpe, since ; mesah, therefore ; . . ahnesli, wherefore. k e ,

&egr; D . - Atah, but ; ahzheh, as ; dush, than ;' koone, dgo.

though ; mahmesahwahwah, unless ; kespuge, except ; &lie pooch, yet.


bn Interjection is a mord used to express the sudden hn; emotions of the speaker ; as, Trhwah ! pemrhbzerin ne- q;:,


. 1.

.. , *

. ?

r -..,_ g ' .

Yc, .. #

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Lojegootorre ! Alas ! I fear for life ! 0 neboowin ! Ahnesh- :oikewes&gandahrnoon~ a= ? 0 death ! Where is thy sting ? .3 List of Interjections : :.hen. :; - :&zrnestness or Grief; 0 ! ah ! tahwah, alas !

; 1-ahhahne ! yahhahne ! &c. @?&r ; Mahmahkahdahkahmig, strange ! hahe, hah ! !&ersion ; Saih ! ahivas, away !

3ther ~pttention ; Nah, hark ! Nahbin, behold'! 'e '&urprise or Fear ; Ingee ! Tameyohne ! yohe ! "a *( $iLauphter ; Ha ! ha ! ha !

~Beqz~esti7zg silence; Easta, hist! pezshnahbin, silence! ding ; ahneene, halloo ! 'SaZlctation ; Mequaich, rrelcome ! ?pa h-

-e-ee, .; , ah-

A FABLE.-[Translated from the English.]


-~egahmeendahrnoo~in kache dahkooahyod ahdesoofraun, &heonesheshell dushweengooh. :.*

3, SO 'i~Yahgoosh ingooding keeGhahgoobun haberdasher0 dah- &wan-ecahmi~. Emah metahskahkahmi~ ahvahtane- e l n k&he fwahnahjervon- mask, keoonje ozhechegah-

oobun ahwegah cheahvoo&-narnahjenood ahpe herongh &e obahkahmegezhejin. Ewh mask egewh mawezhah, rrieowh ahpe omh ahdesookaun tebaindahgowk. ahmah-

bze, W u n g kakkenah elvh oste,pan dahgooK hel&ting, kiya -e . kah~vekall nlarnahjenood ezheoobahkahrnegezhese ayahse- ' 1 *egoon. Mahmahdah mechesam-enebun, owhdush ezhe-

d e g a n g kahrveendush kedahwahba1:dah zllenon ewh od- ze, aiigowh ow11 wabahkahmegezid, kiya koonemah anah- 3t ; rn l i ewene~va in nahchebahpid or mallwid, ewh mask ah-

pun el.+ nahsob azhenahgowk. ' 4 m h wahgoosh kahgezheyaindum, wahjapezeh. 0 g e

&&enon en-h mask nlenahwah k i p menahmah. Ooe hnahn-ahballdam emah ahpvahjeeye-ee, lciya gahnax- hbahdaun enlah peenjahye-ee.

ahgWahjeeye-ee keche shooshoo ahyahgoobun 1

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%- 1:. echegahdagoobun ! Ewh peenjahye-ee we bah

liiya eoobun. kegeihK agate onesheshin ooste,gwan ayauo omah, eke :: 1 5 doo owh wahgoosh ; kagate mejenahwa yakdrrhkahmiL, kahweriaindib ahyahsenoog ! U

Nahnind quahnoj quewesansug a h y a l m ~ g kiya equa sansug kemahzheh ekoogenedwah oowh eaamdahmoowot'.. kidhween kagoo ohbahbah mahndahsenahwah, emh atal, - oobeshegadahgoose-cvenewah, ahgoonwatahtesuwod ka a .,- chekekadahmoomod medush azhe quakeskahwod ena&a. 3 yah wahwazheowening. Koonemah eneneh odah ahtoor em11 onindj emah oste,gwahning onowh pazhik kiya tahe- 3 kedooh kahekedood owh wahgoosh kagate sahquahno, owh oostegwan omah ayog kagate sah mejenah wayahdal R kahmig ahyah senoog ewh wenaindib. . 7!%

=? - 'iL: 3%

Eneneh tahezhah ishpeming, ahy~linzig rnenoo bernahb f dezewin, ahyahnzig kechetwahwezewin, ahyahnzig oge- rnahwewin, ahyahnzig kekenooahmahdewin, ahyahwahsig .@ wejekewayun ; kah dushween tahezhahsee ewhety ishpe- : c ming ahyahwahsig Christ. %

A man may go to heaven without health, without wealth; without honor, without learning, without friends ; but he -;&: can never go to heaven without Christ. - --

. . %c .:.g; -

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21 ,p ,a;.


s difficult with us to speak the words themselves.- words odoon, onik, okod, orid,. okun, do not mean res-

ively, navuth, arm, leg, foot, bone; but 8is nmuth, his his leg, his foot, his bone. 13y leaving out the letter o ave the words mouth, ama, &k. themselves : thus, doon, kod, zid, kun.. The formeris the usual way of speak-

, the latter is correct.

the following illustration it will be better understood rds are formed :

mY thy or your his a hand, nenmdj, kenindj, onindj, an am, nenili, kenik, onik,

w o n , . a mouth, nedoon kedoon, odoon, @id, . a tooth, nebid, liebid,. owebid,

aih, u heart, nedaih, kedaih, odaih, :rnah& &wn, a liuel*, ne kown, keko mn, okown,

oge- s u n , a bone, nekun, kekun, okun, raksig @kunze, a nail, nes).;unze, keskunze, oskunze, shpe- fod, a leg, nekod, kekod, okod,

owm, a tltig?~, nebowm, kebowm, obowm, zalth @ a nncel, ned is, kedis, odis, I* h; ;. - n, a light, nepun, kepun, OPW -

--%id, a foot, nezid, kezid, ozid, Tos, JEesh, _ neyos, keyos, oweyos,

p w h , a body, ne y o~vh, keyowh, oweyowh, ose, father, noose, koose, osun,

%ah, motlrer, negah, k e e h , oseen, ;..&yahn, brothe~, nes~yahrl, kesiyahn, osiyayun, Shema, sister, neshem:~, keshema, oshemayun, ,$ahwug, an car, netahwug, ketahwug, otahwug. . LC

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A. i hahe, adv. yes

hhbenoojhee, n. a child - ? Ahbewin, n. a room

Bhnind, adj. some $. Ahpe, adv. then, when, 6 Ahkeh, n.. the earth

Ahkeeng; in the earth Ahzheh, adv. after

! Almeendeh, adv. where ? f :. Ahyahyun, v. art thou : Ahweyah, n. a certain one .<- ,4hnung, sinq. n. a star i Ahnungoog, $u.

Ahyah, v. he is, was hee en, adv. how?

- ~ h w o $ n. fog, dew, mist Ahsin, n. a stone Ahnewh, n. a bullet

Ahpequashemoon, n. pillom- Ahkookoobenahkun, ? n. a ~hwahjewahnaKpn, $ bas-

ket, the latter signifies a vessel - - to carry or gather with

Ahnahmeahwin, n. religion Aindahnahbid, v. sitteth Aindahvaun, n. mv house or Aiskum, adv. inore rhome ~ n w a h c h e ~ a i d , n. a Amequahn, n. a spoon

Ahsamahin. tobacco Ahnahmahkahmig, Ahnahmahkeeng,

earth or ground ~hgahmin& n. other tide Ahyahmook, v. receive it, o r

take* it ~ h n a h ~ u o d , n. a cloud Ahnookewin, n. a work Ahnerneke, n. thunder Ahkoozewin, n. sickness Ahpahbewin, n. a saddle, or

a thing to sit on Ahpwahgun, n. a pipe Ahnahpe, adv. when Ahgwahnahung, pt. covered Ahgwahjeeng, out doors

Allshum v. feed him, or give him something to eat -

Ahgahwahta, n. a shadow Ahmashema, prep. beyond Ahgwewin, n. a garment Ahgookayomh, n. a bait, or

something to allure animals to a snare

Ahgahjewin, n. bashfulness ,Ahquahnebesohn, n. rainbow

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A'nzoc Ahne~

ma Apah Ahah Ahwc Ahga Ahsh: hht? A h p

and Ahsk .4hga.

bre Ahda c h

Ahka Azhe; Ahne, Ausk A h g

i q Ahpa

Azhenekahdaig, n. name of Adahmin~ a thing. or

p!acc. 7: askinq a questlon 1t7c s3y what is the name of that ti l ing or place ?

A hgn-ahjeeye-ec, n. outside A n ~ i i n o o k e ~ v c n c ~ ~ ~ - a i n , Busi-

ness, or it mas his husincss Anxindahmon, n. thv will Azhcahyog,\-. as itwis Aziicgooh, v. as me Azllcnialimahjenoojin, part.

played or acted . ~h&onmat.ahdezoowod, v.

they r e f ~ s e Ahvahsenenesoon, when

h e r e is none or no Ainind, pt. called Ahm-as, adv. away Ahsub, n. a net Ahyog, is here Ahpugn, adv. ai-cs-nys, usual-

ly, thc same Ahmooh, n. n bcc Atlmilr, 11. a beaver Ahnim, n. a mean fellow Ahnit, n. a spear Ahnebeesh, n. a leaf Ahnmnbewin, n. a rest Ahnahmeawegahmig, n. a

churcll, meeting-house, - or prayinq-house

~hskekobmon, n. lead [hidc Ahskahtowhe, n. a skin or Asquach, adv. falsely, vain Ahdesooltaun, n. story, fable Ahnwahtin, not boisterous Ahwebah, n. or atlj. calm Ahkahkahzha, n. coal Ahyegagah, adv. soon, di-


Baka Bahr Bazh Baht:

;2t Baka Babr Baht

a gr

Bew Bern; Eeez Bemc

Ahnoodezeh, zdv. greedy . I Ahnowh, prep. though "

Ahtoon, put it down Allneenmenik, adv. howmuch Ahneendeh, adv. 6here A hneendehnahkaph, ndv.

which may Ahnahmahyc-ee, prcp. ucder Ahpahgahjeahyc-ee, prep. a-

a main~ t Ahvnl1~n1.5, v. there are ~h&alxnah-ye-ee, prcp. across Ahneeshnal~, adr. why Ahdiclq, n. a rein-deer Bhjedahmoo, n. a red squir-,

re1 Ahsal~nohgoo, n. a black '

squirrel Ahgmegoos, n. a chip-monk, Ahkuckoojeesll, n. a ground-

hog Ahtloomahkoornasheeh, n. .

a monkey, wllich signifies louse catcher or hunter

Al~nenloosli, 11. a dog Azsebr~n, 11. a raccoon Aayabrgoo, n. an ant ~ a v a n e c n. opossum ~hczhah~ \ -ahmai~ , n. a salmon Ahshcgun, n. rock-bass Ahpalldahsheh, n. sun-fish. Ahm-ahsesee, n. cat-fish Ahmahkahkee, n. a toad Ahgoonaqua, n. tree-toad Bhndaig, n. a raven Ahshahgeh, n. a crane Ahsegenak, n. 2 black-bird hhjegahdashib, n. water-hen Ahsenesekal~, n. gravel Ahkik, n. a kettle Ahbewh, n. a paddle

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A'nzod, n. poplar Ahneshenahbay, n. an Indian

man - Apahgeeshernoog, n. west Ahahwa. n. a s~ecies-of duck

~h~ahrnosk ; n. gypsum Ahshahwask. n. a sword hhgwesernod, n. a pumpkin Ahmgwejekinzhaegun, n. an

and-iron Ahskebug, n. a green leaf .Qhgahwahtaom, n. an um-


Bewahbik, h. iron Bedoon, v. bring it, or fetch it Benetoon, v. clean it Boodahwahgtkn, n. chimney,

fire-place Bewuyh, n. fur.

Chegabe-ee, prep. near Cheahnwabing, v. to rest Cheshahdahemn. n. broom. u ' 2

swee~inc instrument c hepa6pi@, pt. laughing Chebwah. DreD. before

J 1 A

Ahdahwaweneneh, n. a mer- n. a corpse, dead chant

Ahkalmok, n. a corn-cob Azheshahwask, n. a rifle Ahnejernin, n. pease Auskig, n. a seal Ahgookewahsegun, n. seal-

ing-wax Ahpahgedoon, v. throw it

B. Bakah, v. to stop Bahmah, adv. by and by, Bazhig, adj. one Bahtay, n. smoke Bahoaun, n. a nut ~ahgegwon, n. a bugle Bakahnuk, adj. the other

Chemaun, n. a boa$, a canoe Chemenewung, v. to yield

fruit Chese, n. a turnip Chahchaum, v. to sneeze

D m D u s ~ , conj. but Dushmeen, adv. then, there.

Weendush, and he ; owh- dush, and the ; medush, and then.; egemhdush, and they

Doombenon, v. io lift. Doon, n. a mouth

Bahnahjetoon; v. destroy it Dahdahwawegahnig, n. a , Bahtahzewin, n. sin / store or s h o ~

33e%egahegun, n. a -chip Bemahdezewin, n. life geezhahyaun, v. if I come Bemoosain, v. to wak

Danguyh, n. ;he face

E. Eneneh, n. a man EheneGwg, n. men Equz, n. a woman Equawug, n. women

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Kegaf Keteg Kahke

Equasance, n. a girl, or little woman

Emeh, adv. there (near,)- sometimes means, into, or in the

Ewhety, adv. there (distant,) Koose Koose Koone

Ishpemesai~goong, n. cham- ber

Ingood~vak, adj. one hundred Inggooding, adv. once Inggwahekaun, n. the grave Innoozoowahpn, n. a name-

Kahg Kahbc

Kahg Kahw

in that place Egewh, pro. them Enah! int. hark! see ! Enewh, pro. these Ezhah, v. to go Ewh, a. the Eskooday, 11. fire Esquache, adj. last Ezhahdah, v. let us go Esquahdaim, n. a door Enaindahmoowin, n. mind,

thought, 15611 Ekedoowin, n. a word Eebahdun, n. butter Enenahbik, n. a rock Enenahtrig, n. a maple-tree

- Ezhechegaid, n. means or manner

Ekedooh, v. to say, or he said Enaldcayah, prep. towards Ewedehnahkayah, aciv. that

W a y Enamdahming, pt. thinking Equah, n. a louse.

H. HOW, v. let us Hah ! int. the same as Ha ! in English.

1. Ishpeming, n. heaven, or a-

bove Inggoojhee, adv. somewhere Ingoodwah'sweh, adj. six

Kagc &.be

sake Ingee ! int. This word is u-

sed by children when they are afraid of something that .is large

Inggoodoogunze, n. a cluster of fruit.

K. Keshamunedoo, n. Mercifd

Spirit or Being Kechemunedoo, n. God, or

Great Good Spirit Kecheat~jechaugk, n. Great

Holy Spirit Kecheogemah, n. King, or

great Chief Kedemahganerneshin, have -

mercy on me Kegekainclaun, v. thou know-

est Kechegahrneh, n. a lake Kegezhaib, n. the morning Ketegahnans, n. a garden Kedahyah, v. thou art Kedahyaum, v. you are Ke-ne-nah ? Is it you ? Kahween, adv. no .sir, no, no Kah, adv. no Keen, pro. you, or thou KOOS~Y, 6. sing. your father Koone, n. snow Kezis, n. the sun Kiya, conj. and .* :

,Ke,gwis, n. your son

Keda Kezh Kezh Kah:

1vk Kege

the Ke-e Kede Kesk Koos Kesp Kese. Kagc Keck Keck Kete

ba. Kes, Kew Kekc K a y Koo: Mah. Kah.


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Aegah, n. your mother Ketegaun, n. a field Kahkenah, adj. all, whole Koosenon, n. our father Koosemah, n. pl. your -father Koonemah, v. may, &ht - Kahgequawin, n. law Kahbabeboon, all winter

'~a~ehahdezid , n. a fool Kenebood, pt. died Kategang, v. to sow or plant Keskahkezhegang, v. to reap Kahgeg adj. eternal Kazhe , adr. immediately

~ o o n w a t ~ ~ m , r. he de- gea$ nie

Kahbanebin, all summer Kahge*, adv. forever Kahwekah, adv. never Kagooshish, n. something Ke.bemoosay, v. he walked Kedaun, n. your daughter Kezheguk, n. day Kezhik, n. sky Kahweenegoojee, adv. no-

where 0

Kegedoon, v. to speak, (in the imperative mood,)

Keteaeh, adj. old #a Kekahe, Kegaung, n. a virgin W o w h , n. a fish Keskemon, n. a whet-stone Keskeboojegun, n. a saw Kechepezoon, n. a' girdle, a

sash, a belt Kebeshang, adj. deaf Kepahgah, adj. thick Kebesquang, adj. hoarse Kesahgehenah ? Do you love

~ahmahsheh, adv. not yet 'Kezebegahe-gahnahboo, n. Kahskahdin, v. to congeal, to

freeze Kaqooween, you shall not, or

Ke-ekedooh, v. he said

soapsuds Kahskahboonepn, n. corn-


me ?

thou shalt not ,Kahskahegi~n, n. a scraper

Kedenin, I tell you : Kenahweskewin, n. falsehood, Keskeezhik, n. your eye Kooskoozin, v. to awake Kespin, conj. if Kesenah, adj. cold Kagooh, -shall not Keche, adj. great Kechauze, n. your nose Ketegaweneneh, n. a hus-

bandman [coat Keskejewahyaun, n. a waist- Kewadenoong, n. north Kekewaown, n. a flag Kagate, adv. truly, verily Koondun, v. swallow it

Kashahweahyah, adj. loose Kondahegwahsowin, n. thim-

ble, an instrument used to push with in sewing

Kahyahtenewaid, n. a mid- wife

Kahezhewabuk, it was so Kekenahwahjechegun, n. a

sign or mark Kegedooweneneh, n. a spea-

ker or lawyer 'Kahgahgewinze, n. hemlock Kahgahgeh, no wind-pipe Kekindewin, n. a covenant

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Man? lor:

Mete Mosr Mahi Men( Mer Men1 Mahl

Koozhe, n. a beak Koonekahdin, n. frost, snow Kechemekun, n. a highway K w h , adv. mostly Kahweengaooo, n. nothing ~e~ahweenxahrnoon, I will

tell you Kahgequaweneneh, n. an ex-

horter, or preacher Kegowhyekaweneneh, n. a

fisherman Kekaindahrnoowad, v.

learn, to know Kahphnahga., do not Kemahzeh, adv. bad t Kegezhechegahdagoo un, pt

completed ,

bc Marr Mah, Mah Mak sk

Mak Mat Mak Mak

Mahzhenenee, n. an image Mahskemoodance, n. satchel Mahkahday, n. powder, or

black Megwon, n. a feather, qilill Mekun, n. a road Mejim, n. food Mezhusk, n. hay, weed, grass Menesis, n. hair, of the head . Mequom, n. ice Metig, n. a tree

~lo'Mesheh, n. fire-wood Metjomahkuk, n. a t ~ n k . Meowh, only, the one to :

whose Minjemeneshin, v. hold me Meti,mahkezin, n. shoe, or ;

Meg dl

bc Meg Mer Mat Mer &la1 Mat


Mat e s

bc or

Mor Mec Met Mal:



Kahgezheyaindum, adj. sa-/ wooden shoe gacious

Kagahgoo, adv. almost Kahyask, n. a Kahgawhshee, n. a crow Kookoosh, n. a hog Kookookoo-ooh, n. an owl Kenoozha, n. a pike Kewetahye-ee, prep around Kedahgahbezhew, n. a wild-

cat Kaugk, n. a porcupine Kahgebahdezewin, a. foo-

'Me-emhmenek, it is enough : Mahdwayahbegahewn, n. a ;

fiddle, or a sonorigc instru- : ment, whose strings are - cabable of vibrating

Megezeh, n. an eagle Moozhuk, adv. often Mookoomon, n. a knife Moozwahgun, n. scissors Menookahmeh, n. spring, a

season of the year Menahwatizeh, adj. cheei-ful '

ishness Mequaindun, v. remember it . Keskekeehegun, n. a par- Mezhenahwa, n. a disciple

tition Mahkundmaweneneh, n. a I robber M. i Mahmahweh, adv. together

Mahnedoo, n. s spirit Mezheshenonb v.' give us Mahjahn, v. march on Mahzhenahegun, n. a book,

paper, k c . Mahjemunedoo, n. an evil

Mesquagin, no purpk Mahkahdacneneh, n. a black

man Mahkahdaequa, n. a black :

spirit, or the devil I

, uToman 3


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Mawezhah, adv. anciently, long ago

Mete,mob, n. a bow Moskm, n. f~dl ~ a h d G a w a , n. a sound Menoodahchin, adv. enough Menekaun, n. seed , -

Menequang, v. to drink Mahskooseh, n. a marsh, a

bog, a fen Mamangwah, n. a butterfly Mahskeeg, n. a swamp Mahmahjenoowin, n. miracle M&.nahtaneseweneneh, n. a

shepherd Mahskahwezewin, strength Mahjetong, v. to be,& Mahkuk, n. a pail, or box Mahkahkoosug, n. a barrel Megahzoomeneneh, n. a sol-

dier, a man of war, or a fightingman

Mahmahkahdezing, I-. to boast

Me,ps, n. an awl Menis, n. an island Mahwewin, v. to cry Memenik, v. be quiet Mahskekeh, n. medicine ~ahnedoosh, n. an insect, a

worm Mahbah, this one ~esahkoodoonabgun, n.

beard, the hair that grows on the lips and chin

~ o n d a h m h , n. corn Mechekahnok, n. a fence Mete oominzhe, n. an oak

ahs ooda, n. plains, flats, M a or level ground

Mahgeahyah, adj. bir .A.


~ a ~ z h g e z i d , n. a strahger Menahwah, - adv. again, more

and morc Mamah jenoojin, v. he pla yecl Metahskahkahmig, n. the

ground, or on the grouncl Menoomenik, adj. sufficient Mamahjenood, n. an actor Mapaahye-ee, prep. among Mahnahtanis, n. a sheep Meshebezhee, n. a lion Mahengun, n. a wolf Mesahbooze, n. a goat Mahquah, 1:. a bear Moaze, n. a moose Mahskoodaysay, n. a quail Mahnoomenekashee, 11. a

mud-hen Mezhesay, n. a turkey Mesahmaie, n. a whale ~ahzhah&goos, n. trout , RIahnoomin, n. rice ~ e z h e h , ad;. every where Mamah, adv. while I ~ a E m o o ~ a h w a h ~ i n d a h m o o -

win, n. thankfulness , Meshejemin, n. a currant, (fruit)

Mahzahn, n. a thistle Mahjegooday, n. a petticoat iMenekahnekah, adv. seedy Mejenahwaynhdahkahmig, n.

pity , Mah~nahdah~vechepwene-

-bun, it was a strange cus- tom

RIenesenoo, n. a hero Mesquahsin, n. brick, which

signifies, red stone Wesaholvh, that i.3

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~ahskekeweneneh, n. a phy- sician. Nahbequon, . . n. a vesseI, a

Moosay, n. a worn1 /Nahdin, v. go and fetch it Moong, n. a loon Nezid, n. my foot Meene, n. a kind of fruit

~ e s w e h , aJj. three Newin, adj. four Nahnun, adj. five Newob, v. I see Noongoom, adv. now Nahgudge, adv. little Nedaih, n my heart Nekod, n. my leg Noodin, n. wind -

Nagowh, n. sand

Nm Nebah=-, n. a bed, a place

to sleep on Newewesin, I want to eat Nonggon, adj. light Neen3 [ pro. I, me, my Ne, Negah, n. my mother Neezhe, adi. two


shlp Nahbequahneshee, n. a sai-

lor, or a man that sails or attends ships

Nebewah, n. many Nahboob, n. soup Nemeahyahwah, I want him Nasawin, n. breath Nedezedaahe, vm I dare Nahzequaegun, - n. a curry-

comb Nekebee, covered with %-:I-

ter, or overflowed Nayob, back again Nahgowh, n. a sleeve Nedenaindum, v. I think Nahwahquay, nm the middle

of the day, noon ,Neskahdezewin, n. anger

Mahjekewis,. adj. the eldest Noodosh, adj. least Meskoodesernin, n. a bean INeenatah, but me, only me Mategwahkezinekaid, n. a l Nezhekaih, adj. alone

shoe-maker I~eturn, adj. first Menahwenahgowd, v. looktNepun, prep. before

pleasant l ~ a h ~ a h n a , nm flour Meneweyook, v. be fruitful Nahsahkoonun, open it -

Megskun, n. a hook '~ebahkahda, I am hungry '

Bias? pi Pr

Neo ~ e 6 Nev

glt Nah Nal- No01 Ned Neg Nez. Nes: Neg

W Nes- Nab Nal- Nak Xek Nal- Net Net:

Mezesok, n. a horse-fly Mahwahdooskahepn, n. a

rake Mookoojegun, n. a plane, or

drawing-knife Mahskemood, n. a hag Moone,mana, n. a meadow-

Oae ~ E j f Oor

Nahbahgesug,. n. a board Nahgahmoowm, n. a h-ymn,

or a song Nahme-edmo, pt. meeting aho on-ah&, n. a maid ~ a h w & ~ e - e e , n. diameter Ne~ekewa, n. a comrade

Om: OW^ Oot 00s J


00: ooc 001 0 0 r OPC Oor


lark (Nej~e, n. a friend; - 3 Meshawa, n. an elk 1 Nanahdahwe-ewaid: n. a

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Nesahye-ee, prep. below Nahwahye-ee, prep. amidst Nahmaik. n. a s tur~eon

Nasagwahbedaoonance, n. aioodanggon-il, n. his face,- pin, which s i , d e s to I [ fw au explanation o prick with and several of the foE .owing

Neoekaindaun, v. I know 1 zcmds, see page 0-1 1 $

~egwahkahwin, n. wisdom Oochauze, n. his nose

~ahmabih , n. rnu11Z Nekah, n. a wild goose Nahkayah, n. a way Nebeh, n. water Nebeeng, In the water

Newahwezhandum, v. I am glad

Nahmahdahbin, v. sit thou Nahmahdahbing, v. to sit - Noodah oozing, pt. raaring

0. Omernah, -. n. a chief' Oojechog, n. a soul Oondaus, v. to come Omah, adv. here Owh, a. the Oowh, pro. this Oogooh, pro. those, their Oogemekaun, he found it Oogeoozhetoon, he made it Oodahpenun, take it Oonekig, n. a parent Oopegapn, n. a rib Opequoj, n. an air-bladder Oonze,pn, n. a boiler, or a

ket tie

Oodoon, n. his mouth Oriowh, n. his cheek Ostegawn, n. his head Oskezhizk, n. his eye Omahmowh, n. eyebrow

lonoogun, n. hip ionindl, n. hand ~ je tud ; n. tendon Oquapn, n. neck Opequon, n. back 0 bowm, n. thigh Okahkepn, n. breast Ozhebeewyh, n. tear Omesud, n. paunch Odoosquahyob, n. vein Okun, n. bone Odaewaun, n. their heart Oskunze, n. nail of the finger

and the hoof of a horse, or all kinds of hoofs

Odaun, n. daughter Ootanon-h, n. town, city, vil-

lage, however we say ke- cheotanowll for great town or city, by adding nance, it means small town or vil- lage

Odataig, n. gills of a fish Onejegun, n. fin of a fish Ozhegown, n, tail of a fish

f Nedeke oowin, my word ' jOdanegooin, n. nostril Negetim, I am lazy ~Odaih, n. heart Neaheka, adv. apart Nesahye-ee, adv. clown Negaunnahkayah, adv. for-


Onik, n. arm Otahwug, n. ear Okod, n. leg Ozid. n. foot

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~&vahmkzin, be ye faithful Oogaah, n. pickerel Ogejebeeg, surface of the

water Ozhahwahnoong, n. south Okayahwis, n. herring Oojeeg, n. a fisher

- Ogah, n. mother Oose, n. father Opecheh, n. a robin Onesheshid, a clever one Ookoozhe, n. a beak Oskezegookahjegun, n. spec-


Okodahkik, n. a pot, a kettleiPewakoodahmahg~in, n. shad that has legs, or a leg-ket- vings tle iPahketaegun, n. a hammer

Pazhegwahnoong, one place Panggwon, adj. dry - -

Oozaum, adv. -too much Oogee, pro. he Opin, n. a potatoe Obewuyh, n. fur Omemee, n. a pigeon Onebgwepn, n. a wing Oskenahway, n. a youth, a

-young man Odahbaun. n. a sled

Yahquonge, n. a stump Pah5paun, n. a plum Pahpenadumoowin, n . hap-

piness Pahquazhepn, n. bread Pahskezegun, n. a gun Pahquazhegunush, n.- wheat Pahnezid, adj . holy Pazhegoogahzhee, n. a horse

or an animal not cloven- footed -.y

Pashebeegun, n. a rule

Pemenegun, n. a gimlet, - an

Pena aurr quahn, n. a comb Pezhekeence, n. a calf Pesahkahmegeboojegun, n. a

harrow Pequaheoun, n. a hill //--

~abahbaRgahne, n. a pan- cake

Pabahmahjemood, n. a mes- senger

Poonahkunjegun, n. anchol Pookedoonze, n. a pear Pahdahkemoojeskahjegun, n.

a spur

Onahgooshig, n. the evening Okahquon, n. shin Ogeeozheaun, he made them Ogeeozhetoon, he made it O ~ k ~ h e k a h j e g u n , n. a

horse-shoe Oombahquahegun, n. a lever

P. see it

Peshegai&dahgoozewin, s. b @lory

Pepoon, n. .winter Pezahneewnvin, n. peace Pahzegween, v. to arise Penasemug, n. fowls Pewahbum,' v. come and see

him Pewahbundun, v. come and

Pajeewe, adj. weak Pesahgeskebik, n. darkness Pesekcn, put it on Peenzekahwahgun, n. a coat

, or loose garment

i Pal- C

P t.

. Pat Pee

I: { Pee

Pac t

Pec :: POC ; POC

E ;. Pw j Pak j Pal

Pat a. S

Pay ; d f Par 2 Pal

Pat C

i Per Pez

f t Piq i Pw

- 1.

Pee Peg Per

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* Pah wahbekezepn, n. a stove or an iron box that is ca-

; pable of being warmed through

. ~ahzhe-Gahje-ee, prep. over Peendamn, n. a pocket or

pouch Peendig, n. inside ~ a ~ u a h r o o s t e ~ o ~ n ~ , block-

headed Peqna hquod, n. a ball or knot Poodahwain, make fire ~oodahjegun, n. a musical or

blowincr instrument ~ookedaFmin, n. a mandrake Pahmetahgun, n. a servant Pahbegwah. adj. rough - Pahquahskezhegun, n. a

scvthe ~ a ~ i h m e b a h e ~ o o d , n. a ri-

der, a name for a dragoon Pamahdezid, the living Pahsquagin, n.. leather. Pahbahgewahyaun, n. a shirt,

calico Pengwahshahgid, adj. naked

? T Pezindun, v. to hear, to lis tcr!

~ i n ~ g w e h , n. ashes 1.

i Pungee, adj. little, not . e - E nough

Peendegaye-ee, prep, within , - . - : Ye@, n. gum, was :e .

Pemeday, n. oil, grease ..

3 j Pequok, n. an arrow Pooch, v. must

, Pahkahahquay, n. a cock,- . --

2 this bird has derived its 7 p name from its crowiw ; so

V - a t iiearly all birds

Pahpahsay, n. a ~vood-peck- er ; this? from its pecking


Penaih, n. a partridge Pahkaumahkagah, adv. an-

other way

Q. Quatahmep~aindahgoozid, .

n. the Almighty Quewesance, n. a boy Quahnoj, adj. good Quakenun, turn it over Quesqueshin, n. a whistle Quahbahegun, n. a shovel Qualmahjewun, adj. hand-

some Quaich, adj. tenth Quiyuk, adv. straight, right, Quaichegooh, just as

- S . Shahpoda-a, n. a coward Shahwanemeshin, bless me Shewetahgun, n. salt Shahwornin, n. a g g p e Shemahgun, n. a shield Shooneyah, n. silver, money Si~enganedewin, n. hatred ?ahGhgud, adj; difficult Sahkahown, n, a cane Sanahbanh, n, silk, or ribin. . Sasahbob, n. a rope, thread S::9ngahswak, adj. nine hun-

dred Shewahbik, n. alum, or iron

. - of an acid taste

Shemon, adj. sour ShonggahswehFadj. nine Sebeeh, n. a river - w- -

Sebeeng in the river ,,

Shegah, n. a widow Shinggwok, n. a pine tree Shahgahnosh, a white man

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Shnggoos, n. a weasel Tarnay 1' n, n. a drum ; (see r

Shonggwasheh, n. a mink mah wayahbegahegun,) i Shepahye-ee, prep.- through Teoowh, n.. a wave Shegog, n. a skunk ~ e h . c , n. night Shesheeb, n. a duck . Tahgah, v. to let Sahgahquahegun, n. a nail Tahwah, int. alas ! She-manahbik, n. a grind-

stone . U. Shegwanahwis, n. fish-mom Undoom, call him Shesheeb-abkik, n. a tea-ket- Umba, come and let us go !

tle ; (see shesheeb arid ah-, kik,) W.

Sahgedoonabejegun, n, a brio Wah, pro, what d2e Wahwon, n. an egg

Sahgahegun, n. a screw We os, n.: flesh, meat i She ahphwinze, n. an onion W e id, n. a tooth - f


Sha boonegaunce, n. a nee- Ween, pro., him dle, i2 signifies to pull or Wewon, his wife push through Waquain, pro. whoever

Wewahquon, n. a hat h

Tahnahgwud, v. appear Tedebaxe, n: the shore Tebahegezeswon, n. a watch

or clock Tabanegaid, n. Lord Tabahkoonewaid, n. a judge

or ruler Tebahkoonega~vin, n. @dg-

ment Tabwayaindahmoowin, n. a

creed Takoonewaid, n. a constable Tabwawin, n. truth Tahbeskooch, v. to equal Tahweahyah, n. space Tabwatun, v.. believe thou T e b a v n , n. a measure ;

by a ding ce, we have, CUP

Toodooshahboo, n. rnilk

, Wahbegbn, n. clay ~Wahsavah, n. lkht

V .

1 Wagoonan, whgt is it ? h WeEah, long before

. F

Wahbemin, n. an apple (.

Weendun, tell it I

! Wanain, who is it? $

Weyowil, n. a body c:

Wahjewh, n. a mountain or hill I

Wahowh, pro. this Wenegun, n. marrow 4

W enesls, n. hair 3.

Wanankeen. who art thou ? 1 Wesah-m, adi. bitter 3. - Y

W a oiing, n, the son r Wa beda. v. to r i ~ e n Wenin, n: fat


Wahnekaun, n. a ditch Wahbezemin, n. paleness Weenzhoob, n. gall
